#inglorious basterds fanfic
Everything at Once
Dieter Hellstrom × Original Fem Character
Heyyyy. So this is my first ever fanfic, I know it's not good. Please be nice!!! I hope y'all like it! There will be multiple parts to it, I didnt leave you on a cliffhanger for fun haha!
Warnings: cursing, N*zis, angst, discrimination, Dieter is kind of a dick, soon to be smut (still in the works you horndogs) violence maybe in the future. Still working out the kinks 😉😘 I do not support N*zis in any shape or form WWII should not be glamorized into thinking what N*zis did was okay. This is just for fun, for the Inglourious Basterds fandom, especially Hans Landa, Dieter Hellstrom and Landstrom ship.
Also, English is not my first language and writing in English is a little difficult so there will be some grammatical errors. I'm sorryyy Anything not in English will be translated! Please enjoy and let me know if you like it and if I should continue and if you wanna be tagged for the future.
(not my gif)
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It was a cold, gloomy morning in Nazi occupied Paris. The idea of a Nazi occupied Parisian life, sounded ideal to the Germans who'd forcefully make themselves comfortable. Croissants, berets, beautiful women, free-spirited music and lifestyle but of course, obligatory anti-semitic men in uniform terrorizing anyone they wanted.
A man in uniform is a well sought after type for women, just not these men.
It was around 8 o'clock on a Monday, the start of the work day. Cafe doors were unlocked, pastries were set out, and fresh coffee was slowly brewing. Camille wiped her hands on her apron and sighed.
"Hopefully more customers today..." she thought aloud.
Her father owned the bakery and since he was taken away by those horrible foreigners for "questioning", Camille was the sole inhabitant of the cafe.
She wiped a bead of sweat off her brow and looked out the window. It was still cold and cloudy but there was something different...
She heard birds sing. The birds havent sung in years! Will the sun shine? Will the clouds roll away?
The cafe door chimes ring violently as two men walked in the cafe. A tall, lanky, pale man all in black besides a red cuff and a shorter older man with his jacket littered with medals and emblems, clearly SS.
Camille, startled awake from her daydream greeted them.
"Bonjour messieurs, qu'avez-vous envie de manger" (Hello sirs, what would you like to eat?)
The tall, pale man stared at her. Little moles scattered his face like constellations, his undereyes dark and slightly pink. Looks like he hasn't slept in days. His black hair slicked back, he wore a neutral expression.
The older and superior man nudged his stonewall-faced friend out of his stupor and cleared his throat, "Ah, mademoiselle, deux cafés et deux strudels, s'il vous plaît." he replied, holding up his fingers when saying the number two. His little smug smile and Eagle-like eyes seemed like he was analyzing everything all at once.
(Ah, miss, two coffees and two strudels, please)
The taller man looked down at the other. Clearly more annoyed. "Hans...I dont want strudel. I don't eat that sweet shit." he said in German behind gritted teeth.
Hans, the other man hummed, amused in the annoyance. His smuggy smile grew.
"Oui, s'il vous plaît, asseyez-vous où vous voulez. Tout devrait bientôt sortir." Camille replied, blushing slightly as the tall man continued his gaze upon her. Why is he staring at me like that...?(Yes, please sit where you like. Everything will be out soon.)
The men sat near one of the window, close to the door. On the table was a white lace table cloth with small little pink flowers embroidered in and a vase full of different colored flowers. The pale man secretly watched Camille as she scurried around the kitchen, trying his absolute hardest not to look at her waist and not to be caught.
Hans took notice. "You're not much of a sly fox as you think you are, Dieter old boy." He whispered. The pale man scoffed and rolled his eyes. His fingers toying with the lace of the tablecloth.
As Camille grabbed the strudels off the warm rack and set them respectfully on the dishes, she caught a glimpse of the pale man. He got caught staring again. A slight rosey tint blushed on his cheeks, he found himself getting very annoyed.
Camille took short notice of the red cuff on his arm. Must be gestapo or some sort of high security. The Gestapo were never friendly. Clearly the Hans man was SS, high ranking. But, he seemed friendly? But, does it matter? Should she be afraid? They just want food. Right...?
Camille walked over to the men and set the strudels and coffee cups down for each of them. She poured the hot coffee into both cups from the kettle. The pale man visibly tensed as the women came closer to him.
Hans chuckled to himself quietly observing his nervous friend.
"Rien d'autre?" Camille asked, putting his hands behind her back. (Anything else?)
"Silence?" The pale man dismissed her with a wave and started to drink the coffee. Creme and sugar were already placed but he drank it black. Oof. Rough morning?
"Dieter! Must you!?" Hans scolded the man. 'Dieter' choked mid-sip of his coffee, nearly spraying the hot liquid everywhere as his superior chastised him in German, something about being rude or inconsiderate and also something about not keeping the coffee not in his trap or in the cup.
"D'accord. Je t'apporterai le chèque!" Camille said fast, trying to diffuse the situation. Her face beet red in embarrassment. (Its okay! I'll bring the check!) She quickly ran behind the counter to grab the check and few napkins and set them on their table and disappeared back behind the counter.
Great start. Two Nazis come in, one is a jerk with a staring problem and spilled coffee everywhere as his suspicious higher up is currently yelling at him about "arschloch" this and "dummkopf" that.
Camille busied herself in rearranging the pastries on the rack, trying not to over hear the little German she can understand.
To be continued 😘😘😘
@whore4waltz @rurivu @xoxocillian @fridaycanbesadsometimes @racheljo47 @whitechoc135 @officerh4t @blueberrypancakesworld @hanslandasstrudel
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💌🤍AverageWriter-InTheDark Masterlists Directory🤍💌
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Updated 12 June 24
Top Gun Maverick
Harry Potter
Doctor Who & Broadchurch
Game of Thrones
Teen Wolf
Inglorious Basterds
Outer Range
Other Fandoms (ones that only less than 3 works posted for)
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struggling-bee · 2 years
Fine - Hugo Stiglitz x Reader
@redrosewritingsstuff tagging you like you asked >:)
Gunshots rang through your ears, and your eyes widened. It wasn’t just one shot either, it was many, lasting too long. You and The Basterds all looked at each other during the following silence. No one was saying anything. Nothing else could be heard from the basement, no more yelling, no shattering…
You bolted for the door but two sets of arms held you back as you struggled
“Let me go Aldo! Donny! Let me go!” Donny’s grip on your arm stayed the same, but Aldo’s only tightened.
“Give ‘em a damn minute!”
You stopped struggling, but quietly counted 60 seconds in your head. Aldo thought you’d calmed down so he let you go and went to talk to Donny, hoping to act quickly.
You knew you needed to be cautious and patient, but when sixty came, you burst out the door with your superiors calling after you. 
Later on, it would come to mind that there were to be serious consequences, but right now all you could think about was Hugo. You whispered his name over and over, trying not to trip down the stairs to the bar.
Once you came to the doorway, you were shot at. Luckily you had fallen (miraculously, actually) and dodged the first bullet. One of your strengths was reaction time, so in only a matter of seconds you had knocked out the kraut who had tried to shoot. With him laying on the bar, unconscious and bleeding, you surveyed the room. You couldn’t hear well as you were still pumping with adrenaline, but your eyesight was fine. You didn’t see any movement at all, besides some smoke still blowing.
“Hugo?” you said, now walking around and looking at bodies “Wicki? Archie?” no answer.
Her name rolled off your tongue with distaste, and you were glad you didn’t hear a response from her. You didn’t know her and you didn’t trust her, and she was the reason this happened, she was the reason Hugo might be d-
You heard a groan from across the room.
“My god, Wicki?” you dashed towards him, not without trampling some corpses. Wicki was standing up, swaying and groaning. You were by his side, holding him up as best as you could.
“Wicki, what in the hell happened? Where’s Hugo?”
It was hard, not yelling, but Wicki didn’t need to be shouted at right now.
He cleared his throat and tried to talk, but couldn’t. You helped him into a chair and turned to the direction he nodded towards.
Hugo was on the ground, eyes closed, bleeding.
Breathing? Not breathing?
Breathing. Barely.
“My god, no. Hugo.”
He didn’t die, nor did Wicki or Hammersmark. Archie didn’t die either but he was out of sight out of mind for you. They were all being treated (as best as a vet could) and lying in cots. You weren’t allowed in the room.
Once Aldo and the others had made it down, they were immediately helping Wicki stand up himself and figuring out how to move Hugo safely. It wasn’t until later that you noticed Hammersmark was there, and alive, but as soon as you did you couldn't stop yelling at her. You knew many languages, and she had been cursed at in all of them. Aldo had to detain you for the second time that day.
So you weren’t allowed in the room with them, with Hugo. You felt you were being treated like a child in time-out. In the very back of your head, you understood, but you were not in the mood to be understanding.
Hugo was your best friend. Aldo had sent your best friend into a basement because a German stranger said to. You respected Aldo, but this...you wouldn’t be able to forgive him if it had gone any worse.
Stewing in your thoughts, you didn’t notice footsteps coming towards you. You didn’t even notice anyone else was in the room until you were making eye contact with Aldo, your knife in your hand and ready, gripping his shoulder and keeping him a distance away. Reflexes, he must have tapped you on the shoulder.
He stared at you unblinkingly. You pulled away.
He sighed.
“You can go in now, but you and me,” he stopped you for a second “We’re gon’ have a talk later.”
You kept walking, trying not to run.
“No we’re not going to talk, you’re just going to yell at me.”
He’d laugh about that later to himself.
When you walked in, you saw Wicki laying and staring at the ceiling, Archie, asleep, and Hugo was sitting up. Of course he was sharpening his knife too…That thing was his baby. Nothing could keep him away from it.
“Hey Hugo.” You said softly, walking towards the chair next to his bed.
He looked up at you for a second, then his eyes dropped back down to his work.
You dragged a chair over to his bed and sat down. “How’re you feeling?”
You rolled your eyes and looked behind you.
“How about you Wicki? In a lot of pain?”
“You don’t need to pretend you’re here to see both of us.”
You turned back around, your frontside facing the back of your chair, chin resting on your crossed arms.
Hugo opened up best if you mentioned one of his interests…and you wanted him to open up.
“Can you sharpen my knife later, Hugo?”
He looked up at you, his face slightly relaxed.
You smiled and muttered thanks, but kept watching him.
He glanced up at you, briefly.
“I’m going to be fine.”
You smiled a little, but…
“Hugo, I don’t trust anyone. That guys just a vet, how am I supposed to believe him? And don’t get me started on Hammersmark”
“You trust me.” Hugo said curtly. His eye contact was a bit intense.
You actually smiled this time.
“Yeah, I trust you.” You sighed a little, resigned. “If you say you’ll be fine, you’ll be fine…”
Hugo nodded. “Yeah.”
It only lasted a second, but you saw him smile at you.
He’d be fine.
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inferno-sys · 1 year
Wrote a little LandaRaine fic because I got into the fandom and have watched the movie almost 3 times now.
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rurivu · 2 years
Last spring day
Donny Donowitz&Fem!reader
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A sunny day in the city of Boston, a field outside the city, where after school you always ran a race to the big oak.You've been Donny Donowitz's best friend since elementary school, and he's yours.It was exactly the same weather when he said on the first day of your meeting, "I bet I can get to this oak tree faster?" and he took off like a horse, and you, too, were taken aback as soon as possible, but of course the boy overtook and rejoiced in his victory for a long time.But you weren't offended or even upset, even then you were happy to see him happy, so you stood and watched.And so year after year, you ran and he always ran first.
Everything has been restless lately, the young Jew is very worried and often annoyed, he talks about revenge and injustice all the time, but next to you he is distracted from gloomy thoughts and can fool around again, making you laugh.
Now you and he are 16 years old.This year the guy was especially depressed, your presence calmed him down, but it didn't help.You were really worried about him.But here is the end of spring, Donny informs you that he wants to go to war...And here he is running away from you on the green grass on the last day of school, you see his black nape, a crumpled school shirt in the process, a briefcase shaking in all directions...And you realize that you see him for the last time, that he will never come again, will not tell you about baseball for the hundredth time, will no longer hang upside down on the branches of trees, will not sit next to this tree...He's literally running away from you.This thought brings tears to your eyes, you don't want to let him go, you want to run away from all this, catch up with him...
The wind blows like mad, tearing tears from your cheeks, you have never run so fast in your life.Before you know it, you're already standing by the oak tree, and Donny...from behind..For the first time in so many years, you were the first, but for some reason you were not at all happy...
"It can't be," Donowitz shouted, throwing his hands behind his head as he walked into the wreckage.- Have you been pretending for 9 years that you don't know how to run just to give me a head start?!It's actually not fair!
You smiled:
- If I really could have overtaken even then, 9 years ago!- you shouted back.Having grinned loudly for a long time, the guy reached you and, throwing the briefcase into the grass, lay down under a tree, giving his hands a familiar pose behind his head.After a little hesitation, you lay down next to him, putting your head on his shoulder, and your hand on his chest.You were silent and looked into the distance, which was very strange for you in normal circumstances.But no, both understand, this is the last time you see each other.
"Don't you want to start telling me how stupid I am or something?"Donny asked seriously, he was really interested in this question.Oh Donny, Donny, always speaks directly.
- Of course not, I know that you are doing the right thing, and you, Donowitz, know this very well, too, - you answered in a calm measured tone.- so it's not me who's going to dissuade you, anyway.- you drummed the last words with your thin fingers on his chest.The guy smiled tenderly, but there was an almost imperceptible sadness and tenderness in his smile, which only you saw.He liked it so much that he was understood, which made it so painful to leave you.
- You are a brave man, Donny Donowitz, fighting for justice and it is worthy...- you continued a little more quietly while he, as if by chance, wound one of your two braids on his finger.
- Worthy of it...to fall...- you repeated, not knowing yourself whether you want to continue the thought or finish it.Why this farce, these fake conversations, they will not lead to anything and will not change anything, but only add fuel to the fire!No.Today, right now, something special is going to happen, it just has to.Donny owes you.What can the last Donowitz do for you, and you for him, to put an end to exactly?You caught a glimpse of his pants... My God, what are you thinking!Quickly looking away, even more nuzzling the guy's chest, you thought.
- Do you think I'm going to die?Donny asked suddenly.For a moment, a terrible picture appeared in your thoughts...Holding back tears , you squeezed out:
- I do not know, I do not want to talk about it.- you shrank even more, burrowed into his body, so that he wouldn't see you like this.
- And what do you want, Y/N?!- with a hit-and-run, the hot guy said and turned right at you with a frown.You looked up and your eyes met.He read the endless bitterness that you so wanted to hide from your friend.The bottomless eyes spoke for themselves, so Donowitz obediently returned to his previous position.He was hurt by how you suffer, and most importantly, how you hide it from him with all your might, if only he didn't feel bad.
Donny was silent and looked at the landscape of the city dear to him, the sun shone on his tense, from that truly masculine, face.The grass pricked your sides.You both needed a distraction.
- Hey, Donny.- you whispered, turning around.
-M? -he did the same, now your faces are almost close together so that the tips of your noses touch each other.Without saying anything, you timidly, uncertainly began to approach.The guy hesitated a little, instinctively leaning back, from which you stopped.But just a second later, he took the initiative and reached out to you.An unexpected and unusual feeling hit you both, a quick touch of the lips was enough to make goosebumps run all over your body.Pulling away, you looked into each other's eyes as passionately as ever and kissed again...and once again, each time penetrating deeper and deeper.It was like jumping into icy water, when the body thinks it's dying, but after holding out a little longer, it gets used to it and it gets warmer, it was exactly the same, but all these sensations were reduced to a couple of seconds.
Having reached the peak of your happiness, you decided that it was time to move to a new level.You didn't have to say anything, one look was enough, and, having received the same silent consent, you saddled your prince.It turned out that your shrine was located directly above his genital organ so that only Donowitz's pants separated you, it felt like being on a living mountain.
Donny undid all the remaining buttons on his shirt with one hand and stared at you intently, waiting for the next action.You, too, without taking your eyes off him, began to unbutton your shirt.Slowly, button by button, and he was staring at your hands with all his eyes, tense and at the same time very eager to see what he could only see in clothes up to the moment.Mom, how at that moment his penis persistently rested against you!
Having completely bared your top, you couldn't help but smile when you saw Donowitz's round eyes.So sweet and confused.
You stretched out the entire length of the Jew's torso, having previously held your hands from his stomach to his chest and neck, clasping the latter with both palms.He felt warm, dense breasts on him, which made him sweat all over (in every sense). Pulling up to his face, you hung over him a little.Lowering your hands, you returned them to the guy's chest and pressed your lips to the powerful neck, from which Donny let out a soft moan.Finding his hand, you lightly put it on your hip, it perfectly encircled him.You both sighed heavily because you knew what was going to happen now..
You started moving your pelvis, literally rolling your bend on Donowitz's penis, because of that, the boy threw his head back with a muffled exhalation.The hot air was coming out of you and heating the guy's neck, while you were already soaking wet.He couldn't stand the tightness in his pants first and, putting his hand under your dress, quickly unbuttoned them blindly.At the same moment, a hot and wet organ rested against your slit.He was more than ready to enter, your excited bodies were just burning with desire for each other.The guy helped him with his hand and oh my God, it really took time for him to fully enter.You haven't uttered a single loud sound all the time, but now you were literally torn apart.The simplest finding such an aggregate inside you made you moan and bend in all directions.Gritting his teeth and squeezing your thigh with his fingertips, Donny began to move, penetrating again and again.You reflexively shrank, and he hissed with pleasure, accelerating.
Even Donowitz himself was scared of such a heart-rending and erotic scream, and even more so you.You were making a sound in time with every thrust body on body, while the guy desperately tried to get air.With your insides, you feel his penis throbbing, and he himself is straining.Catching your eye, you look at him, after which you straighten up and he slips out of you, the guy did not have time to come to his senses as right there you quickly grabbed the organ under the skirt with your hand, in which he fit perfectly, and rapidly drive up and down.The world seemed to freeze and disappear, only the two of you and your voices remained.Voices full of young passionate love.Unintelligible sounds, endless muttering of each other's names, this pleading in the eyes of those looking at you.He stretches out to to kiss you, you are attracted in response.Another second and here ....
Your hand is covered with a warm thick liquid, spreading between the sticks and flowing down to the grass.Donny Donowitz leaves his last breath in you and blissfully falls to the ground.
After brushing yourself a little, you could only throw on a shirt and plop down to him.The sun is blinding you both, the birds are chirping over you, and the grass is also swaying silently in the wind.Everyone around you now is a true paradise just for the two of you...
"If you have a choice between life and death," you suddenly suddenly spoke, shaking the idyll of silence with your whisper."please choose to come back to me, Donny....
Exhausted, he smiled tenderly, it's a pity you could have seen it then.But he promises, taking you firmly by the tender hand, promises that before the choice he will choose you and only you...
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cripskis · 2 years
stucky inglorious basterds AU when?
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acealpaca · 9 months
New fanfic! Once Upon A Time in Hollywood meets Inglorious Basterds character Aldo Raine, who is Cliff Dalton's uncle.
Link here
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elterremotochileno · 2 years
Inglorious Rookies
This came to me in a fever dream. It's the crossover one asked for but I needed and so here I proudly present: Naruto x Inglorious Basterds.
AU! Alternative Universe / Cannon Divergence - where Konoha decides to invade the Village of the Sound after Orochimaru's attack and murder of the Third Hokage. The new Hokage assigns Shikamaru Nara a vital mission: gather the rookies of his generation, infiltrate de Country of Rice and kill every soundling they can get their hands on.
Words: 1.272
It's my first time posting a fic and I'm not a native English speaker, so I'm sorry in advance if some typos eluded me jajaj
It came to me in a flash of shitposting inspiration. If there is interest - or if I'm once again hit with inspiration - I could continue this project.
After the attack on Honoha and the murder of the Third Hokage, a war council was summoned with the heads of Konohagakure’s Clans. They argued for a while before deciding that the best course of action was to unleash a massive shinobi attack on the Hidden Village of the Sound in a combined strike with the forces of the Hidden Village among the Sands - their clan heads were also pissed off by the former’s Kazekage's Souplantation. The objective was to destroy Orochimaru’s labs and headquarters when the former Sannin was still weak from his fight with the Third.
The Jonin forces received orders to begin the preparations for the incoming invasion but, after Konoha’s attack, the village was in need of ninja soldiers. A war - unfortunately - needs soldiers to fight it.
The newly elected Hokage had that in mind when she charged Shikamaru Nara, the only chunin of his generation, with a very delicate mission.
The “Rookie 11”, as one day they will be remembered, gathered a couple of minutes before the break of dawn. Team 10 was the first to arrive, followed closely by Team Guy. Team 8 came almost last, followed by Sakura - the only other member of Team 8 remaining. Kiba and Akamaru were yawning, seemingly having stepped out of his bed not very long ago. Others, meanwhile, looked like they hadn’t slept at all.
They line up in front of Shikamaru, whose flashy new chunin’s flak jacket is only overshadowed by his thousand yards stare. Behind him was the “No. 1 Unpredictable Ninja” himself, Naruto Uzumaki, who appeared weirdly cheered up.
ー I can’t believe I’m actually doing this ー Shikamaru confesses to his unofficial second-in-command.
ー Come on! It’s going to be great. Believe it!
Naruto’s confident smile somehow made Shikamaru feel worst. He knew that the orange ninja wasn’t excited about the message of his speech, but they needed to give it nonetheless. There were tough times ahead.
ー If it makes you feel better… ー Shikamaru sighed before marching towards the line.
He cleared his throat and the little murmur in the crow died. All eyes were on him.
ー My name is Chūnin Nara Shikamaru and I'm putting together a special team ー he began to say loudly. ー And I need me ten shinobi.
» Ten - Hot-Blooded - Leaf - Shinobi!
Among the young genin, Kiba couldn’t hold a laugh.
ー We all know who you are, Shikamaru. You don’t have to…
ー Now y'all might of heard rumors about the attack happening soon ー Nara continued once there was silence once again. ー Well, we'll be leaving a little earlier. We're gonna infiltrate the Country of Rice, dressed as civilians. And once we're in enemy territory, as a bushwacking, shinobi army, we’re gonna be doing one thing, and thing only…
A slight jab in his ribs by Shino got his attention. The shinobi of Clan Aburame slowly lift up his finger to his mouth, telling him to shut up. Annoyed at first, he soon looked around an noticed that all his former classmates were dead quiet. Even Naruto, the class clown, couldn’t hide his fear behind his smile.
» Killing Soundlings.
The word made echoes through the formation. ‘Soundlings’ was how the village had begun to call the ninjas of the sound after the battle. A deep hatred had invaded Konoha’s heart, a hatred that filled the war cries.
ー The Village Hidden in the Sound orchestrated an attack on our village and convinced one of our own to leave through murder, torture, intimidation, and terror ー Sakura couldn’t keep his eyes up as Shikamaru’s mentioned Sasuke. He abandoned the village just two days before this gathering and the chances of getting him back were really slim. Shikamaru felt her sadness and caught her gaze. ー And that's exactly why our job is to pay them in kind.
They couldn’t be surprised. This was what they were trained to do after all: fight as ninjas against the enemies of the Village.
ー Now, I don't know about y'all… But I sure as hell didn't survive the goddamn Chunin Exam, cross five thousand miles of deadly forest, fight my way through half the Land of Fire, and then infiltrate the snake’s den to teach the soundlings lessons in humanity.
» Soundlings ain't got no humanity! They’re the foot soldiers of a snake-faced, mass-murdering maniac, and they need to be destroyed.
The way he said it, so matter of fact, startled the genin. But at the same time, he was speaking out loud the feelings most of them kept in their heart.
ー That's why any and every son-of-a-bitch we find wearing a sound headband, they're gonna die. ー The headbands on their foreheads grew heavy. Wearing them was an oath: you became a shinobi of the Leaf; your priorities were placed first in the village, then your Clan, and finally in your friends.
» Now, I’m a member of Clan Nara. It means I have an affinity with shadows. And our battle plan will be that of an unseen shinobi.
Shikamaru’s voice dropped lower, his tone darker.
ー We will be cruel to the Soundlings, and through our cruelty, they will know who we are. They will find the evidence of our cruelty, in the disembowed, dismembered, and disfigured bodies of their brothers we leave behind us. And the Soundlings will not be able to help themselves from imagining the cruelty their brothers endured at our hands, and our boot heels, and the edge of our knives.
» And the Soundlings will be sickened by us.
» And the Soundlings will talk about us.
» And the Soundlings will fear us.
» And when the Soundlings close their eyes at night, and their subconscious tortures them for the evil they’ve done, it will be with thoughts of us, that it tortures them with.
Shikamaru stopped pacing and looked at everybody. The time of truth came.
ー Sound good?
There was only a brief moment of doubt before the place was filled with a roaring reply;
The truth was, they had reasons to be angry. Most of them lost people in the invasion or had encounters with them themselves. They saw the destruction, the cruelty of Orochimaru, and the corruption of their friend. It was too much even for a gentle heart.
ー That's what I like to hear ー Nara began to pace again, a small smile curled on his lipsー But I got a word of warning to all would-be shinobi. When you join my command, you take on debit. A debt you owe me, personally.
» Each and every man and woman under my command owes me one hundred soundlings headbands. And I want my headbands. And all y'all will get me one hundred soundlings headbands taken from the heads of one hundred dead soundlings…
Shikamaru stopped and briefly scanned the look of determination on their faces before finally adding;
» Or you will die trying.
Shikamaru finally understood his Sensei’s desire to smoke. It was a real bother to lead. But he was the only one that could. He understood his companions’ anger, maybe better than anyone else. Beyond their specific Team mission, most of them were inexperienced and untested on the battlefield. If they were going to war, they couldn’t view the enemy as a human being, but as less than.
It’s the only way to make sure most of them survive.
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irregularcollapse · 5 months
🥳✍️🎬 for the fic writers asks :)
Ruby Ruby Ruby ily 🖤🖤🖤
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
I don't think I remember!! I didn't write fic when I was younger, though I did read it lmao I was a late bloomer. I'm trying to recall whether it was CA:TWS or TRC which spawned the urge to write fic hehehe but okay! The thing was that I had been having a quite shit time creatively, and I thought that fic would be a way to overcome my creative drought! And it totally worked <3 and then the next creative drought I hit (thx lymphoma, you're a real one) was also beaten by fic writing! Incroyable!
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
I like to have a playlist going of mostly instrumental songs which fit the tone/genre/vibe of what I'm working on. I like to light a candle, and definitely try to pick something which fits the setting of what I'm working on (I can't remember what I had for EIAT, but for white wine I had/have some summery scents like the ocean, mint, and citrus. For ASTTE I've been burning a lot of woody, spicy candles). I'll have a cup of tea that fits the vibe as well! Throughout EIAT I drank soooo much thyme tea. It all sounds a bit much, but it's about triggering sense memory for the writing headspace! Creating a zone that my brain recognises as the writing zone.
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
Oughghghhh I have weird pretentious opinions about adaptations and the way it seems v popular amongst writers to want their work to be adapted and to have that as a goal, because I'm like. You wrote a book you didn't write a movie they are different things. But that's not the game, is it?? That's me being a killjoy, isn't it???
I would probably watch my current WIPs as films. White wine with those summery Greek island holiday vibes! ASTTE with opulent haunted Château sets and vaguely Victorian clothing! I always try to write very visually, but I think (and I've been told by my beta reader) that ASTTE is more specific with its imagery and does read as a bit cinematic.
Fancasts hmmm. Idk! I don't think I've seen anyone who truly fits what Damen and Laurent are like in my head. It's not just Damen's physicality for me, I have a very distinct idea of his features as being decidedly Mediterranean and Classical and I really don't see it in many fancasts.
I've latched onto Christina Hendricks as Joan Holloway as my Jokaste touchstone now:
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...which is pretty wholly a body-type thing.
I also watched Inglorious Basterds with my beta reader recently, and from Christoph Waltz's very first scene, we were both like "Comte behaviour." He doesn't have a beard, but his flat, colourless eyes; his dangerous smile; the easy slip between affable and belittling and aggressive. Based on that performance alone, he is now in my head as the Comte/Regent.
Thank you my dear, I love these questions!! I'm maybe getting closer to being in a writing mood now hahahaha
(Questions from this Fanfic Writer Ask Game <3)
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couch-raccoon · 2 years
Why do so many fanfic or head canon writers for Inglorious Basterds forget that Donny is a barber from Boston.
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Everything at Once part 3
Dieter Hellstrom x Original Fem Character
(I apologize if this fanfic is dumb, I've wanted to make one for a while but never gotten around to it. Again, English is not my first language, so I apologize for the grammatical errors and the some parts that make no sense. Also thank you for the support! ♡♡)
Warnings: cursing, N*zis, discrimination, dieter is smittennnn, flirting, smut in the future, violence and angst in the future. I do not support N*zis in any shape or form!
I'm sick of translating so everything is in English now. 😘
(not my gif)
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A week later, Dieter found himself thinking of the French baker. He can still taste her coffee on his tounge and feel her fingers accidentally touching his. He wondered how those fingers would feel on other parts of his skin. The thought sent shivers down his spine.
He felt absolutely horrible about snapping at her for no reason. Her startled expression made his heart sink more and more.
His alarm clock buzzed. 5 o'clock.
"Shut up" he grumbled trying to turn off the damn thing.
He fumbled it in his hands for a minutes, eventually throwing across the room, hitting the wall. It broke.
"Shit." Dieter mumbled.
He looked over at the calendar. Sunday. Rest day... finally.
After getting ready for the day, he decided the walk around the city.
There was no one out, due to church goers and the ungodly hour.
There was something peaceful about walking the streets of Paris alone, but also strange
Isnt Paris the City of Love? Where is his love?
He made it to Camille's bakery and stopped the entrance. The door was blue and the windows blue floral drapes were closed.
He looked up at the apartment above the establishment and saw the window was open and the white lace drapes were softly blowing in the wind. Suddenly, a young woman appeared in a cream colored nightdress and leaned over the black metal balcony.
Dieter panicked slightly, and hid in the small alleyway around the corner; he could still see the woman.
It was the waitress.
The stupid waitress....
He watched her for a moment, basking in her beauty and she smoked her cigarette on the balcony.
The sight was almost too perfect.
Her golden curls were loose around her shoulders and her nightdress had the perfect sheerness that he could almost see her silhouette.
Dieter realized he was watching her for too long when that beautiful face saw his...
Camille gasped so hard she nearly choked on the cigarette smoke. She ran back inside clutching her chest, hoping he didnt see anything. Oh, but he did and he will never forget.
Dieter mentally kicked himself for being a peeping tom.
"Now my reputation is even worse now." He thought to himself as he trudged back to his flat.
When back home, he poured himself a glass of whiskey and sat on the sofa.
He drank his sorrows and embarrassment that night never not thinking of that stupid waitress.
The next evening, Camille was cleaning up the cafe, wiping down the counter, cleaning the dishes, and now he least favourite...mopping the floor.
Some idiot German officer's wife let her child throw a God awful fit and tossed a perfectly made hot chocolate to the ground.
Camille groaned and cringed when realizing the floor has been stained.
Small tears prickled in the corners of her eyes. That morning, she got a letter from the landowner stating if she doesnt make anymore money in the following week, her cafe will be shut down.
Out of a fit of rage and exhaustion, she threw her favourite vase full of flowers to the ground.
I'll never make as much as they want....I'll never make the bare minimum anyways...
Without notice, a pair of black leather boots came into view as she looked up from her fit on the ground.
Her eyes traveled upwards the black clad legs, to a long thick leather jacket and a swastika on a red cuff.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, sir. What would you like?" Camille panicked, not meeting the eyes of the officer.
"Nothing miss..." the voice spoke. She looked up and saw the face of the pale man...
She opened her mouth to speak but he beat her to it.
"Your flowers are on the ground." Dieter said plainly.
Camille giggled softly.
He cracked a small smile. "Need new ones?"
She looked up at him again in confusion. Then, he moved his hands behind his back and presented the bouquet. It was multicolored with different roses, lilacs, and baby's breath. It was beautiful.
She smiled and took the bouquet from him.
"I dont know your favourite colour, so I got all of them." He said proudly. Camille laughed and took a smell of the flowers.
"Merci... but why did you get me flowers?"
Dieter's face went red as a tomato.
"I felt sorry for bring rude the other day and spying on you. Trust me, it was not my intention. "
Camille rolled her eyes playfully and looked directly into his eyes. "Isnt that your job, to spy?"
He chuckled softly and shrugged his shoulders.
They shared this peaceful beautiful moment together a little longer. He plucked a small flower from the bouquet and but it behind Camilles ear.
"Would you like some help with cleaning?" He asked without taking his eyes off of her.
She felt droopy, relaxed finally.
"Oh...the mess..." she replied quietly looking up at him. His features more visable to her. She felt herself closer to him and slowly close her eyes.
Dieter panicked.
"Mademoiselle... the mess."
Camille immediately snapped out of her love bitten stupor and got right back to cleaning.
Dieter helped out on what he could with picking up the broken glass. As he leaned to pick the glass up, Camille was already on her knees trying to scrub the stain off the floor. They were inches part. Dieters heart raced.
She looked over at him and smiled.
He got up quickly before anything tempting would happen.
What is wrong with me...
As he threw out the glass he saw the small peice of paper containing the for closure of the bakery. His throat felt dry and his hands got clammy.
No...dont leave me just yet...
"I think I got most of it." Camille admitted as she got up from the floor.
Dieter looked her in the eyes.. she cant leave me yet...
"What is your name, Mademoiselle?" He asked her.
"Camille Robichaux." she answered. "Yours?"
"Major Dieter Hellstrom."
She giggled playfully and took his hat off his head and put it on hers. He laughed and tried to take it back, but she was too quick and ran away from him. He followed her, lagging behind on purpose. He watched her legs as they ran away from him. I wonder how those legs feel around my...
She turned a sharp corner and up a flight of steep stone stairs. The stairs to her flat. Should I? Dieter thought.
He heard her giggling and her feat running upstairs.
Fuck it. He ran after her, following her laughter.
@whore4waltz @rurivu @xoxocillian @fridaycanbesadsometimes @racheljo47 @whitechoc135 @officerh4t @blueberrypancakesworld @hanslandasstrudel
To be continued...😘😘
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Not a request, but I had to tell someone about this. I was looking up Ralph Fiennes stuff on here just for the heck of it, and, no joke, I came across a few pieces of fanfic and a video that "shipped" Amon Goeth and Helen Hirsch (his Jewish maid) from Schindler's List. Like...seriously, what the fuck? I mean, I admit Ralph was good-looking in that movie, but...the dude he played was a literal monster. What is wrong with people?
Yeah, I think there's a very definitive line that's crossed there. Like not only are you writing a Nazi/Jewish person romance fanfic but you're actually using a work that involves real life people and their stories. Like I understand Ralph Fiennes is attractive and that people love their enemies to lovers/tortured man who's in love stories but there's a thousand other things you can find and read/write about that don't involve historic figures and their victims.
Like, I'm indecisive about writing for characters in biopics because they're based on real life people: and those characters are perfectly normal and law abiding citizens. It's baffling to me how someone could confidently make content for Amon Goth (and Helen). Zoller and Shoshanna from Inglorious Basterds are bad enough and they're entirely fictional.
It's something that I can only hope has to do with age, ya know? Like they're too young to really think about it and realize how messed up it is.
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I can’t figure out who the man in your blurb could be but Tarantino…you write Quentin Tarantino fanfic?
Only for his films, not the man himself (I'm uncomfortable with Real People Fanfiction these days). The films I usually write for are Inglorious Basterds and Django Unchained.
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mlmxreader · 2 years
I love inglorious basterds...but the fanfiction sometimes men are...are scaring.
Like sure I have your stuff that's absolutely exceptional but then I go on ao3 and see mf not knowing what consent or lube is GOD DAMNIT
low-key makes me glad I don't read any fanfic all that much ngl dhfksjfoaj
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userpeggycarter · 2 years
Hi! This is your Steggy Secret Santa! I have a few questions for you 👀 What do you think Steve and Peggy’s favourite holiday activities to do together are? What are your three favourite Steggy fanfics? And are there any book/movie/TV show type AUs you’d love to see?
oooooooh, interesting first question. i don't know! probably snowball fighting? going to Christmas markets together... decorating the house, lounging by the fireplace, wrapping gifts for friends together. i was going to say bake gingerbread cookies, but i think Steve would do all of the work and Peggy would just eat raw cookie dough and watch him bake. 😆
and i like to think they would help the poor? maybe pretend to be Santa and Mrs. Claus and give gifts to little kids! 🥺
about the fanfic question... how dare you. 😆 i mean, i don't know! i'm terrible at picking favorites. i'm gonna say three out of the top of my head: Under the Covers by @capandcarter1918, like the way you burn by @formerlyir and pretty much all of @roboticonography's work.
AUs: good question! i would love a The Americans AU, in which Buckynat are soviet spies pretending to be a normal couple in Cold War's America and they end up living next to SHIELD's Director and her husband Captain America. 👀 maybe a James Bond AU? with our favorite British spy, of course! and an Inglorious Basterds AU! can you tell that i like the historical aspect of the ship? 🙈
you can use these ideas, but Santa, you can also use neither! either way, i'm going to enjoy my gif. 🥺❤️
thank you for making it, in advance!
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rurivu · 2 years
Last spring day[part 2]
Donny Donowitz &Fem!Reader
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Donny Donowitz is back after 10 years.He occasionally wrote, but you have long accepted his death, so his appearance greatly affects you and you avoid him
You left the family feast earlier than usual and went to your room.Without even bothering to turn on the light, you walked through the dark room and stopped at a large open window.The spring nights were warm and extremely bright, and your dark blue dress in the moonlight resembled the color of the sea.You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, but before you could exhale, a voice was heard from behind:
- Aren't you bored by yourself?Donowitz was standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame.His appearance made you smile a little.You turned your head in his direction and saw that infernal grin.
- It's been worse.- you said and returned to the usual position.Heavy footsteps headed in your direction.The body, several times larger than yours, leans in from behind and gently hugs so that the sinewy ones cover your chest and puts their head on your shoulder, in turn, you understandingly stroke it with your palms on uncovered hands, selflessly tracing the dents and scars with his fingertips.Donny has become much bigger in all this time, you thought when you noticed how insignificant your hands were compared to his claws, it was literally hard to hold him on yourself.It's not the same Donowitz anymore, you don't remember him like that.Now he is bold, ruthless and hot, not the same boy under the oak tree at all.
- How do you like me?- as if reading your thoughts, Donny said softly.
"You've changed a lot, my dear.- you answered dryly, incessantly looking into the distance of the night.
- Huh, do you know what they called me?The sergeant asked more fervently.
- How?- playing up to his mood, you became interested, turning your head to him.
- The bear Jew.he stretched out the last word with a kind of threat, and then he laughed hollowly.You smiled too, the similarity of Donowitz with a bear seemed very accurate, he is big, intimidating and....warm, although the Nazis hardly think so.
"Aren't you glad to see me?" Donny spoke up.The light conversation ended as unexpectedly as it had begun.This phrase was the first blow.Turning your whole body with force, you looked into the man's dark eyes, sparkling in the starlight, he was extremely serious.A lump rose in your throat, all you could do now was look closely.
- Do I disgust you?!- another blow.Swallowing, without betraying a tone of excitement, you answered:
"That's not how I would put it.The languid voice that minted every word contrasted sharply with the impetuous syllable of the Jew.You're not lying, but his arguments are not meaningless either.Donowitz has clearly noticed how you've been avoiding him these past few days.- We've drifted apart and I don't recognize you.
- Of course, 10 years have passed, and I really have changed a lot.
- Don't think about it, me too.I'm completely different.
- I don't think so.the man smiled
You stood silently in a dark room, not daring to move.Your head is down.
"It's very hard for me to believe, Donny.To believe that you, exactly you are here in front of me...
"You don't believe it's me?"- quickly realizing what you're driving at, Donny despairingly interrupts you.In response, he receives a bashful nod of his head.
- You want to...check it out?- you were about to speak, when suddenly he continued.- I don't know about you, but I want more than I ever wanted.
Lifting your head, you swallowed when you saw a pair of dark eyes burning through you.
To prove his words, Donny promptly and at the same time kissed you very deeply on the open part of the neck.The touch lasted literally a moment, but it made you start up like a little bird.He pulled back and looked at you with those very young and eager eyes of a boy under an oak tree.Your breath caught in your throat.
- I want you too, Donny Donowitz. -it comes out of you by itself and, as if enchanted, you also quickly kiss his soft lips at the same moment breaking away, but not for long.A mute agreement in your eyes, you lean your lip against your lip again, it lasts longer.Once again, quickly moving away, in order to fully verify the reciprocity of what is happening, your views meet.Unable to stand another moment, you cling to each other, fiercely in love and hungry for intimacy.The man's big hands wrap around and lift you off the ground while you hug his neck, tangling thin fingers in black hair.Donowitz's warm tongue invaded so deeply and passionately, as if it was his last kiss in his life.You felt when, at the peak of penetration, he squeezed your hips a little harder, from which you pressed into each other.
When you both calmed down a little, it was time to move on to that very part.Donny was hot, but you wanted him to burn with desire.Breaking away from the sweet lips of the Jew, you whispered.
- Will you look at me without a dress?...- panting, you suggested.
- This is my cherished dream, Princess.- reluctantly releasing you from the clutches, he answered, giving you a slight smile.The darkness partially hid your red face and awkward smile.God, where did this boy learn such words???
You stood with your backs to each other, you skillfully untied all the threads on your clothes, from which the dress magically fell off you, exposing your body.There was a clink of belt buckles and other obviously removed clothes from behind.Your heart started beating faster.After a bit of hesitation, you are still left without underwear.Carefully turning around, you saw Donny naked, with sparkling eyes like a child staring at you, and his mouth slightly open.Such a lustful jerk now!Without losing the remnants of self-control, you slowly, without taking your eyes off, you approach him.Standing close to the male body , there was a bitter smell of sweat and shortness of breath forcing his chest .
- You're beautiful...- from the verdict of the sergeant, you breathed out in a muffled and embarrassed way, smiling slightly.His right hand was already reaching out to you, longing for a touch, but you gently put your palm to it, intertwining your and the man's fingers.
You looked significantly at Donowitz, he regarded it as a request to delay and was right, so he grinned covetously.Without interrupting eye contact, Donny, as if not straining at all (and you were far from slender), lifted you off the ground in the same way as before, from which you at first even screamed, but at the same moment it turned into a quiet laugh.
When you reached the bed, you both fell silent.The man put you down incredibly carefully and, like an obedient puppy, knelt down, resting his head on one of your laps.There was sincere adoration in his eyes, he just smiled and enjoyed watching you from this angle.You couldn't help but do the same at this moment, so you automatically ran your fingers into Donowitz's dark curls, from which he blissfully closed his eyes.I wish this moment would last forever....
The guy's lips touch your thigh, spreading a warm and unexpected wave all over your body.You're holding your breath.He does it again, but more wetly, moving up.Then the sergeant gives kisses to your stomach, getting to the chest.Every touch felt like a projectile, you don't know where and when it will fall, but the shock wave from it burns everything in the neighborhood and leaves it burning after.And now the man is already lying over you, face to face.Greasy hands dangerously conduct a winding path from the calf of the legs to the torso, which makes you shiver.Sighing, you eagerly move your pelvis, when suddenly an absolutely unexpected moan breaks from your lips.Donny's fingertips lightly pressed on your nipples, starting to massage your breasts.He continued to crumple them, clearly pleased with your large size acquired in his absence.
- Wow...The sergeant whistled, rolling his head back.
- Yes, I've gained a lot of weight...You said sarcastically.
"Oh, yes, baby, you're perfect...So good...-not so much jokingly Donowitz with undisguised, slightly perverted pleasure continuing to paw your chest.He just adored your body.
Instinctively leaning your groin between his legs, you feel a huge pulsating organ with your wet crotch.
- Wow!- here you could not restrain yourself, really amazed by the caliber of the man.- I see you've also gained in size!...- you continued in your slightly trembling voice.
Donny showed his animal grin, clearly flattered.
- Yes?...- defiantly, he removed his hands from your chest and, slightly squeezing, circled the contour of your waist.- Maybe you like him more inside?
With these words, the sergeant pulled your hips to his bottom.Now the hot flesh of his penis felt even more clearly, something inside you rumbled, anticipating. Donovitz skillfully arranged you more comfortably so that he could enter more easily and now you already feel how the warm head stretches your folds, intentionally not going deeper.You both gasped from the somewhat pleasant was this little penetration.
Donny deftly took you by the waist with one hand, the other rested on the bed, not taking his eyes off you.His heavy, muffled breathing gave his massive appearance an even greater resemblance to a beast.Incredibly exciting.
Donny Donowitz literally snatches you out of your thoughts by quickly going inside.Gasping, trying to scream, you arch your back, but the guy's hand quickly picks you up, giving you time to realize and get used to it.Hot...big...wide...and he's only half in you.You clung to the bed with your toes, and with your hands you blindly stroked Donovitz's overgrown torso and face, also simultaneously bending under a powerful body, while his lips gently kissed your freckled face trying to calm his princess.Finally, having overcome the pain threshold, you nodded to him to move on.
The man is completely "here" and "your shrine" accepts him, obediently adjusting to the specific size of the man.The sergeant bends down to look at you, his relieved smile is like a balm to the soul.
- How I love you, my dear...Donowitz whispered enthusiastically, although nothing really happened.Well, forgive him, he's too happy with you every damn second and he needs to make sure that his baby is as good as he is.
- Ooh, Donny, honey...I can't wait any longer!...- you also murmured blissfully, passionately embracing your lover...
Movement has begun inside you . Donowitz slowly entered and exited in all his long length, forcing you to make soft moans.He accelerated from time to time because he liked the way you sounded and he wanted to hear you louder, these were moments of ecstasy of finding him in you.
- Well, how do you like me, doll?Donny said affectionately and playfully.The bear was waiting for praise and he will get it.
- Great, you...- unable to speak, you squeezed out of yourself. - ...just incredible...- these unrelated fragments of speech were really a real gift for the sergeant.
- Get ready, honey, it's going to be even better now...-growling in your ear, Donowitz sucked you into the neck, slightly biting, he leaves a wet trail on the graceful curve, casually smacking you there.
The man began to play big and rapidly began to accelerate the pace with each thrust.Your walls squeezed his flesh, and the juices of both mixed into a homogeneous mixture.To say how sweet and seemingly deafening sounds came from you is to say nothing.For Donny, it sounded better than any symphony, it was a true work of love and lust, from which he blissfully clenched his teeth and closed his eyes, once again invading your vagina.
The heady pressure and contraction of the uterus, the wet sounds of a dark room, only moonlight as a consecration.The whole world seems to have disappeared, there are only two of you left.Donowitz's turn came, the climax was very close.You thought that his reproductive organ simply could not be bigger, but it throbbed and throbbed, increasing, pushing you to madness.His moans came from inside and were like an animal growl.The claws dug into your tender skin, from which you screamed and for a second the man's tense body arched forward, ending in you...
Like a seething wave, fiery and thick sperm enveloped your walls.It was as if you were paralyzed and only your insides continued to convulse.By inertia, Donny also made a couple of slow but deep thrusts, marking his end.Having adequately held out and left you alone, the sergeant will lie down next to you in parts, wrapping your body in an embrace better than any blanket.Your heart was still pounding like crazy, but inside you there was only calmness and joy, really.... something was missing....
Finding the strength, Sergeant Donny Donowitz gently and gently, as if by chance, puts a heavy hand on your wet clitoris.When he started circling on it, your head started spinning with excitement again.After doing this movement for a while, the man achieved his goal and you finished, covering your hard palm with the juice that came out.Now everyone is cool and calm.Lazily, he removed his palm, and you forcefully turned over and climbed on top of Donowitz, gently stroking your hair, hollows and all possible scars with your fingertips, of which there were a lot.He just smiled gently.
- Do you remember the last time we were under the oak tree?you asked timidly.
- Do I remember the first time you fucked me on horseback!? Of course, this is my favorite memory!...- the sergeant answered hoarsely and at the same time sarcastically.You just blurted out "vulgar" in embarrassment, trying in vain to hide a smile.
"What was it then, Donny?"After all, you left, and I was just wondering this question...- you were already whispering more uncertainly, such moments of frankness were rare for you.Without knowing why, you were worried about what Donowitz was thinking.But after a while he suddenly gave out:
- Then I was just in love with you, but now...- the guy squeezed out of himself, even managing to laugh in a familiar manner. -... I just adore you.- he was absolutely serious and told the truth.You're blushing.You were on the verge of crying because you also loved him to tears-Donny Donowitz.Whether he was a boy under an oak tree or a Jew bear killing Nazis, you loved him with all your soul and finally admitted it to yourself.
The last day of spring, the cold air from the window cools your tired boiling bodies tied up in an embrace.You whisper, "Stay with me forever.", he whispers back, "I want to stay with you much longer than forever, my princess."His black curls climb into your face, the stubble slightly pricks your chin when you kiss him deeply, feeling his smile.Your eyelids gradually close and you fall asleep.....
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