afrenchie36 · 8 years
Hello everyone! This is the second time I am writing this post since I have started it this week, forgot to save it and my laptop died :DDDD
It has been a while, I know, but I am back to give you some updates on my life in college. First, I need to tell you about my classes. This semester I am taking Neurobio, molecular bio honors, first semester physics, second semester inorganic chemistry, and I am a TA for a course named “Introduction to Research in Science”. So far, I have had exams in every single on of my classes and I don’t think I did too well on them. I neuro, I got a 87.5 on the first exam, however it is an A thanks to the curve, but it’s only going to get harder. In molecular bio, I made a low grade which doesn’t penalize me that much since it counts as a very low percentage of my grade but still, it’s not good. In chem, I got a 92 by cramming the week-end before the exam, and finally I took my physics exam this past week for which I unfortunately crammed too. I have not been doing well lately due to procrastination and fatigue (I have been sick for a while). Therefore, now is the time to get back on track and study like a boss again, I will not let my GPA go down, it ain’t happening. 
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On the other hand, my research work has been going pretty well. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have changed lab, I am now working in the biomedical engineering department and it’s actually fascinating. I am currently learning under the mentorship of a graduate student by working on nerve regeneration using vitamin B9, a project in collaboration with my lab back in Hershey, a good opportunity some later time. Talking about Hershey, I have been procrastinating a lot concerning the review paper I am working on and I will have to get back to it, I need to step up my game. Finally, I have submitted my abstract from my work in Hershey to the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students and it got accepted! Therefore I will be presenting my research to a major conference in November riiiiiiiight here: 
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I guess I will be talking about my extra curricular activities for a bit. As you know, I am a Schreyer medical career development coordinator and the work has been pretty fun so far, mostly consisting of organizing the Schreyer treks to Weil Cornell Medical School in NYC and the Hershey Primary Care Day at the Penn State College of Medicine. I also recently became the secretary for Penn State Global Brigades Public Health. Although most premed kids at Penn State do the Medical Chapter of Global Brigades, I felt like doing Public Health would introduce me to something new by going to trips in Central America to ameliorate the health of families in rural communities by providing them access to clean water for example, learn more by going to the Global Brigades website https://www.globalbrigades.org/ . I should also mention that I have submitted my application to do EMT training next semester since I was supposed to do it this fall however a conflict with physics prevented me from taking the class. 
Finally, here a pic from Kanye West’s concert last night at Penn State (IT WAS FREAKING AMAZING)
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