#Frequency Publica
trippinglynet · 5 years
Dispatch from Media Scum Camp | Art, Fantasy Ignite Burning Man | Burning Man 1997 | MSNBC
Journalists descend on Burning Man
By Sharon McKenna
HUALAPAI PLAYA, Nev. — MSNBC has set up camp at the Burning Man festival. Get your daily desert dispatch from the “Media Scum” camp, located deep in Black Rock.
A deal with the devil and authority Art, fantasy ignite Burning Man Larry Harvey: The light behind Burning Man’s fire Burning Man: Underground fete catches fire Burning Man checklist for travelers
The separate groups share an intense energy, and a sense of something to come.
DESCENDING UPON THE BURNING Man site earlier than most is like being placed squarely in the center of another planet, one that is being newly colonized: groups of immigrants arrive from all directions to a barren and seemingly inhospitable place, bearing their unique cultural imprint.
They stake out a claim, greet their new neighbors and begin to build things: shelters, artwork, towers, roads, shrines. They are focused on their individual tasks and at the same time, these separate groups share an intense energy and a sense of something to come.
One thing’s for sure, what’s coming is not the media, because they are already here in droves. An event that was all but ignored two years ago is now the sweetheart of sound bites, and the skepticism amongst the settlers grows with each passing video cam.
Representatives from the most mainstream media have come to wander among the masses and, in between eating plenty of desert dust and swigging bottled water, try to figure it all out.
Our crew of digital journalists, photographers, paramotorists, igloo builders and Burning Man veterans and virgins alike have, in an appropriate act of self-deprecation, decided to name our site Media Scum Camp. You simply can’t experience Burning Man and not indulge in a little irreverence, even if you choose to make a parody of yourself.
Still, despite the legions of press, the move to a new site, bigger crowds, a new “security force” and legions of walkie-talkied, rule-spouting Burning Man workers, this event exudes a uniquely relaxed air, one that truly invites you to do or be (just about) anything you like.
On an afternoon stroll around the still sparsely populated site I spotted a tattooed man in fishnet stockings, young women carefully molding a mud statue of a very well-endowed male fertility icon, a Burning Man ranger discussing the upcoming lecture series on the history of the Black Rock region, a field strewn with large animal bones, and an elaborate series of linked doors leading into one another, located, appropriately, at the Mystery Spot.
Further on, drumbeats pulled people like magnets toward the Man, where he stood alone on the Playa, watching us all. A swirling crowd of drummers, dancers and onlookers moved as one while a large shimmering metal circle was ceremoniously paraded from the Man to the center of the festival site. The drums beat louder and faster as a costumed man held a paper torch near the circle, actually a concave reflective dish, which captured the sun, centered it on the paper torch and set it aflame, to frenzied cheers, and perhaps, a frown or two of confusion.
But it didn’t take long to understand that the ceremony officially ignited the Burning Man festival. That same fire will be stoked and fueled until Sunday night, when it will be used to light the Man. In the meantime, the story of this celebration will continue to unfold, not as a media event, but as an exercise in instant community, albeit one that is currently in a very big spotlight.
Art, Fantasy Ignite Burning Man
How to unleash your alter ego (without getting arrested)
By Sharon McKenna
For those attending Burning Man, home is where the art is. And the art this year will include a giant Etch-A-Sketch, a walk-through womb and, as always, the art you make yourself.
Theme camps serve as both a temporary residence for those at the event as well as a medium for creative expression.
YOU HAVE YOUR CHANCE this weekend, in the barren expanse of the northern Nevada desert, to bring your wildest fantasy to life. At Burning Man, art doesn’t imitate life so much as dictate it.
The fervent community spirit of the event has spawned villages, theme camps and art salons … it literally pulses with music, various performances and plenty of other stuff that denies categorization.
Theme camps serve as both a temporary residence for those at the event as well as a medium for creative expression. While the Man itself is a prearranged constant of the event, theme camps have evolved organically. And while many of these camps have evolved into well-organized “small neighborhoods” within “cities” (Burning Man villages) some of the most inventive creations are spontaneously produced. Which brings us to you and your fantasy.
If you are heading to the festival and want to build a theme camp, consider these tips: Theme camps should feel inclusive. Create an environment where everyone feels welcome; Burning Man team members suggest you and your group become another animal, vegetable, mineral, character, period, or concept. The overall event theme this year is fertility, so many theme camps will in some way or other reflect that, but nothing is mandatory.
A sampling of this year’s theme camps include: the Lawn Games Camp, sponsored by The Harpo Marx Memorial Croquet Society; Frequency Publica, an interactive radio station where participants can “beam their poetry, spoken word or music into the receptive ears of the Burning Man masses,” Sketch City, home of the world’s largest Etch-A-Sketch; and Womb with a View, where you can discover the stages of fetal development as you walk though a 74-foot long replica of a pregnant female. In short, when it comes to theme camps, anything goes.
From the Laughing Scorpion puppet theater to a scrap-metal sculpture entitled “The Agony of Man,” Burning Man is hopping with art, music, performances and plenty of other stuff that denies categorization. This year promises more art installations than ever before, perhaps even too much to see over the weekend. Check out the Burning Man Web site for highlights of what’s in the works and learn how to register your art, performance or event with Burning Man. Burning Man is an event that, above all else, values community. Becoming part of a village offers an opportunity for more interaction with others outside your own theme camp, with an emphasis on community and sharing. Villages may sponsor their own social events, build a communal kitchen and participate as a group in the Burning Pageant on Sunday night.
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acousticladyland · 4 years
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Tenía muchas ganas de hablar de Feeder. Un grupo de post britpop galés que me encanta y que pienso que están realmente infravalorados. Hacen música por lo general muy fácil de disfrutar, variada dentro de su estilo y que siempre apetece escuchar. Si vamos un poco más allá, resulta que en la banda de la que es fácil identificar varias etapas, lo cual despierta mucho el interés.
Feeder comenzaron a mediados de los noventa sonando con una llamativa influencia del rock americano, muy especialmente de los Smashing Pumpkins. Esto, teniendo en cuenta los referentes patrios, no era tan común dentro de las islas del Reino Unido. Alcanzaron su cénit con la publicación de su tercer disco, el ya legendario “Echo Park”, publicado en 2001. Un disco en el cual asientan su estilo, meten alguna canción con sonidos menos convencionales y se sacan de la manga un puñado de trabajos que entran a la primera.
El éxito comercial de “Echo Park “llevó a Feeder a convertirse en una de esas bandas que se utilizaba como reclamo para festivales del nivel del “T in The Park” o el “Reading”. Se convertían por tanto en una de las bandas emergentes más importantes de esos años en el Reino Unido. Eran los tiempos de canciones imprescindibles dentro de la banda, como “Buck Rugers”, “Just a Day” o “High”.
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Portada del álbum recopilatorio “The Singles”
Sin embargo, el arrollador éxito de Echo Park tuvo un altísimo precio a pagar. El 7 de enero de 2002, John Lee, batería del grupo, aparecería ahorcado en una habitación de hotel en el Estado de Florida. En la mesilla se encontró una nota de suicidio. No se conoce el contenido integro de esa nota, pero tanto la familia del músico como el grupo han ido filtrando información con el paso de los años. Todo indica que John se quitó la vida al ser incapaz de gestionar el repentino éxito y fama que había adquirido Feeder durante los últimos meses. Se deprimió y la muerte fue su lamentable salida.
Sorprendentemente, la banda pareció recomponerse muy rápido de este terrible suceso, publicando ese mismo año “Confort in Sound”. Un disco que, al igual que su predecesor, arrasó en ventas. Aquí se percibe un estilo musical mucho más melódico y emocional, obviamente influenciado por el dolor por la muerte de John. A pesar de todo, con este disco tengo sensaciones encontradas. Aunque tiene algunas de mis canciones favoritas de toda la carrera del grupo, siempre he visto este disco algo menos inspirado de lo que se dice, con momentos musicales algo irregulares. Quizás buscaron sacar el álbum lo antes posible, huyendo del estancamiento que podría causar en el grupo el triste suceso que habían sufrido. Creo que esas prisas no debieron ayudar a redondear algunas canciones tanto como hubiera sido necesario. Con “Confort in Sound” nos encontramos con un diamante por pulir. Pero las cosas no tardarían en cambiar y arreglarse…
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Grant Nicholas
Tras tres años, en 2005 el grupo publica “Pushing the Senses”. Ya había pasado un tiempo. La muerte de John no estaba tan presente en las cabezas de los miembros, y eso se nota mucho en su música. El disco que nos ocupa definitivamente evoluciona con respecto a su trabajo anterior. Las canciones que transmiten tristeza y dolor del “Confort in Sound” se reemplazan con otras de sensaciones más mixtas, como son la melancolía y la nostalgia. El espacio entre lo discos también ayudó a que hubiera una producción muy cuidada, patente en el impecable sonido a lo largo del CD. Sonoramente lo encuentro definitivamente bastante por encima de su predecesor.
Algunas de las canciones que mejor representan el espíritu de este trabajo son “Frequency”, “Morning Life”, “Tender” o las maravillosas “Feeling the Moment” y “Pushing the Senses”, que da nombre al disco. Digo éstas, pero casi cualquiera ofrece una calidad muy alta. De hecho, hablamos de quizás el último gran disco de Feeder o, por lo menos, un disco que cierra una etapa importantísima en la banda.
Tras este “Pushing the Senses”, el grupo se tomó un descanso por el desgaste en las cuerdas vocales de su líder, Grant Nicholas. Además, la banda va a pasar por una etapa menor, con un par de discos bastantes discretos que bajaron considerablemente el caché de la banda. Pasaron de casi llenar estadios a tocar en salas pequeñas. Con todo, su sofisticado “All Bright Electric (2016)” y el reciente “Tallulah (2019)” han contribuido notablemente a dejar la sensación de que la banda está de vuelta, con una popularidad bastante renovada a tenor de sus notables ventas.
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El grupo vuelve poco a poco a ser lo que una vez fue
La razón de la elección de “Pushing the Senses” para esta entrada del blog está en lo que transmite su escucha si conocemos el contexto. Si entendemos como un binomio este disco y el anterior, podemos percibir como el tiempo es capaz de enfriar los sentimientos. Cuando nos enfrentamos a “Confort in Sound” lo hacemos a un disco crudo, un punto precipitado y con una tristeza bastante visceral, que conducen a un trabajo algo menos cohesionado de lo deseable. Sin embargo, “Pushing the Senses” nos presenta unos sentimientos más sostenidos y reposados, que incluso dejan un pequeño espacio para temas más positivos y esperanzadores. La música en este caso se beneficia de esta estabilidad.
Este disco es una prueba de que en la vida y, por supuesto, en la música, no es mala idea dejar que el tiempo suavice las cosas. Y a partir de ahí se ve todo de otra manera.
Intensidades aparte, a poco que te atraiga el pop/rock fácil y sin complicaciones, escucha a Feeder. Tienen mucho, variado, con alma y muy bueno. Todo unido a una historia trágica a su alrededor. ¿Hace falta algo más? Yo creo que no…
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dreddymd · 6 years
The Real Danger Behind MRIs
Magnetic resonance imaging is a common preventative and diagnostic method used in medicine, and at times this technology can be invaluable. Of course there are some health questions associated with the practice, in particular — what’s the effect of the powerful magnetic fields? But, now, not only are the magnetic frequencies something to consider, new concerns over the drugs used to produce clearer images have surfaced as research has shown them to leave toxic residue in the brain. These findings have shown the importance of more stringent health monitoring prior to MRI application.
The Real Danger Behind MRIs
MRIs are typically safer than a CT scan, as they emit little to no radiation during the procedure. The real concern surrounding MRIs, in fact, has nothing to do with the technology at all. Patients are often given injectable drugs that improve the visibility of certain areas in the brain, which can be very useful for discovering health issues that could possibly be missed. [1] The issue is that these drugs may accumulate gadolinium–a toxic metal–in brain tissue.
The medications, known as contrasting agents, sharpens the resulting images; however, it may also be contributing to deleterious effects, many of which have yet to surface in any research. Toxic metals that build up in brain tissue are commonly associated with age-related brain declines, such as those attributed to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. [2] Some research even shows that these drugs could be linked to kidney problems, prompting FDA to issue a “black box” warning on the drugs.
What You Should Know about MRIs
There are currently nine gadolinium-based agents in the United States, and two of the most concerning are made by GE Healthcare and Bayer HealthCare. Omniscan is perhaps the most commonly-used contrast agents used during MRIs, as is Magnevist, Gadavist, and Dotarem. If you take into consideration the compounds we are exposed to almost every day that are already contributing to brain degeneration (i.e., aluminum), you can see why you must be constantly aware of what is being offered to you by medical professionals. Ask questions and research any drugs that you are being given, especially if you are having an MRI, and work with your doctor to find safer methods for obtaining your health goals.
by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM
Source: The Real Danger Behind MRIs
References (2)
Jeff Gerth. Left in the Brain: Potentially Toxic Residue from MRI Drugs. Pro Publica. Journalism in the Public Interest.
Squitti R. Metals in Alzheimer’s disease: a systemic perspective. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2012 Jan 1;17:451-72.
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Boost Your Brain Power With Brainwave Technology
Today, what we will be taking a gander at is the manner by which you will help your intellectual competence with parts of innovation like brainwave entrainment. Presently, brainwave entrainment is an innovation that has been around for quite a while. It really came to fruition 30 years back when specialists started to get minute flags and heartbeats going along the highest point of the skull. One thing that you have to know is that obviously improvement rolled in from that point, with more headway being made into its exploration, shy of attractive acceptance, a framework was found utilizing the energy of binaural beats to really incite the psyche into specific states. These are the states that really enable you to be considerably more inventive, more intense and even learn better and substantially less demanding.
One undertaking that you would have the capacity to find roughly understanding entrainment is that it has created a Newsklic terrific tidal thrive of improvements over souls everywhere throughout the universe. First and foremost conceptualize entrainment is the capacity of appropriate, planned measures that have been set up in the examination lab for the activity to amend the res publica of the astuteness.
Normally, this has been built from the exact issue that the mind enacts nerve cells in particular total frequencies at exceptional circumstances of the sun based day. What emerges is that the nerve cells in the cerebrum truly cooperative with some others through the whole origination of electromagnetic driving forces, which appear as relative recurrence versions on confined hardware.
Something that you need to do is to really understand that the head really exists in certain extraordinary tells that you can truly bring about inferred that when utilizing of the brainwave building science. It is in truth getting the chance to note that an ever increasings  AFL Sports news  number of masses are winning way to deal with this assortment of sound stifling designing from the web. Their open handiness on the net makes it one of the prototype shopper physical advancement designing's that you can use.
Knowledge entrainment is something that has in truth assumed control, using super outright recurrence sound-related impressions that have been planted into one of a kind encouraging sounds that can be answered to by the cortical of the head. At the point when in truth discussing how you will enhance your life, cortical potential entrainment is your key to achievement, and from that point you would be capable improve and quicker in life.
This is the genuine terms and conditions when contemplating how you are going to really utilize innovation of brainwave entrainment to help the mental ability. Truth be told, there are a large number of individuals everywhere throughout the world that are profiting from this sort of innovation, and you can be one of them also. What you could likewise utilize is for any perspective in your life, and you can pick up the edge in any circumstance. On the off chance that you will delimit yourself, innovation like brainwave entrainment is your key to achievement and past.
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trippinglynet · 5 years
Theme Camps at Burning Man 1997 (Partial listing) | Burning Man 1997
More on camps here.
Aiceum Camp
“But I don’t want to go among mad people ” Alice remarked. “Oh you can’t help that ” said the Cat “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.” “How do you know I’m mad” said Alice. “You must be” said the Cat “or you wouldn’t have come here.” Risk your head with flaming croquet.
Alien Abduction Camp
Take a number and get in line for your Alien Probe. View the alien autopsy on the way to your probing. Give birth to your alien “love child”. All memory of this episode will be wiped from your mind.
Alien Chess Camp
Come play a friendly game of chess in an alien atmosphere — featuring a large-scale(roughly 20 square feet) chess board with hand-crafted 2 ft. high metal alien chesspieces under a large shade dome continual atmosphere music and lighting effects at night! A tournament is planned.
Anti-Burning Man Camp
All naysaying obsessive-compulsive nostalgic perfectionists should consider this theme camp. Come here to cry bitch moan and be passive and bitter about Burning Man. Old School Burning Man people will wage rhetorical war with New School Burning Man people. You may never want to leave.
Artist's Republic of Fremont
An Independent Country within Black Rock City. Become a citizen and have your passport stamped. National holidays are being planned. Major export: lanterns. ARF will offer informal workshops on building simple lanterns for use on Saturday and Sunday night.
Band Camp
Calling all wind acoustic string and percussion instruments. Band Camp will organize itself into a Burning Band and help lead the procession to the Man on Sunday evening. Be prepared to start spontaneous parades and performances.
Barbie's Chill-Out Lizard Dome
Mistress Barbie and her reptilian cohorts will be chillin’ with consummate style in this fully-carpeted desert-optimized geodesic structure. Soak up the sounds of their primal tribal trance ambiance while you beat the heat and wait for the mirage to kick in. Hosted by Mistress Barbie and the Lizard Man.
Blue Light District
Beneath the shade of blue mushrooms you will find: SPACE COWGIRLS CAMP — fashion sheriffs of the desert; MONA MANGOOSE SAILOR PARLOR — Mona entertains sailors; LAZY CAMP — improve your inner laziness; ABSINTHE DEN — the preferred drink of Van Gogh; THE TEMPLE OF IDLE WORSHIP — it doesn’t matter if your prayers aren’t answered, no one is listening; CAMP CAMPUS — study small nibbly cheese sandwiches, join the Frat-Boy Hunt; PLAYAVISION– a shining wall of billowing silhouettes, music by Here Are The Facts You Requested; LOW-TECH ARCADE — daily bingo games and tasteless prizes; LAKE LAHONTAN YACHT CLUB — native girls in grass skirts, margaritas on the pier at sunset; OASIS CAMP — tropical mist, savage rituals; CIVILIZED EXPLORER — bicycles freely available; POSTMAN OF THE PLAYA — find the postman, your letter will be sent, maybe; SUESSVILLE — Green Eggs and Haminator; BARBIE VILLAGE — realm of the Plastic Princess; ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER CAMP — the green clouds you see emanating from the Big White Dome are nothing to worry about; CHILL DOME — a 7 foot geodesic dome made of recycled refrigerator boxes; MYSTERY DOME — view this at night; CHEZ NEWT’S SLOW TOXIC AMPHIBIAN LOUNGE — sip drinks with shady characters; COUNTRY CLUB CAMP — Bermudas, ascots, sparkling white shirts and leisure sports. Look for daily events on the BLUE LIGHT DISTRICT community bulletin board!
Camp Camp Village & Barbershop Boutique
A safe-ish space for queers, queens and their family, friends and secret admirers. Sparkling and dangerous, CAMP INDULGENCE is brought to you by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Bring your indulgence to the convent — Goddess blessings will come your way! Participants in GRRRLIE GIRLLL CAMP must be accompanied by a woman when having their hearts opened (bring towels and toys). S&MERALD CITY is (ahem) interactive. Witness Liberace’s handcuffs, and PSYCHO LESBO NYMPHO CAMP where the security force is angry (really angry) and they have sharp pointy sticks (and they know how to use them)! When not busting heads, they’re breakin’ hearts. Gifts of chocolate & candles are welcome. 
Camp Sunscreen
Come to Camp Sunscreen for a soothing sunscreen massage! Expect shade a, relaxing atmosphere and plenty of masseuses to baste Black Rock citizens. Bring your preferred sunscreen if you wish — there will be gobs on hand to share. Volunteer masseuses welcome. This camp will also feature a volleyball court trampoline a beacon tower and several large art installations.
Esoteric Order of the Yumi Yoni
By day stroll through the Reflecting Twat Squat. Discover the archetypal secrets of your Yoni and sculpt your own using local earth. Get a henna birthmark while sipping Turkish coffee in a Bedouin encampment. There will be nightly initiations into the order (as featured an Burning Man’s Mysteria show). This is journey through death into rebirth. Come prepared to leave something of yourself that is preventing you from being you. Interact with several aspects of the Goddess! Initiations by appointment. Sign up during the day.
Fat Frat Boy Camp
Only males weighing 190 lb. or more will be allowed entrance. “Dates” are also welcome. Practice locker room banter. Chant “Show Us Your Tits!” Why go all the way to Ft. Lauderdale when you can come here? Your Dominatrix Hostess Mistress Gaia will swat you ’til your butt is spanky purple! Reserve your space now!
Frequency Publica
Frequency Publica will provide an interactive radio station where participants can beam their poetry spoken word or music into the receptive ears of the Burning Man masses. Create your own show! The camp will provide a large lounge area with shade and futons.
High Voltage Camp
See a 1,000 000 volt Tesla Coil come to life! Eat from the 15,000 volt hot dog cooker! [Warning: tofu dogs will explode.]
Hualapai Playa Zendo
A Zendo-Zazen sitting area in a reserved “sacred space”. A 80 ft. diameter Tao will be drawn upon the playa floor. A 1-2 hour meditation will be held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at sundown and on Sunday at sunrise. Bring something that represents your “true self” or something you wish to annihilate from within yourself. “If you meet Buddha on the Road Kill him. If you meet him on the Playa Burn him.”
Kamp Satyrs
The Mystik Krewe of Satyrs presents Fire Fantasies of Neptune. Interactive elements include theme-oriented crazy croquet Rites of Neptune in the Shrine of the Mermaid (as presented at Burning Man’s Mysteria show) and rides on a 20 ft. spouting whale.
Lawn Games Camp
The Harpo Marx Memorial Croquet Society once again invites you to sample a wide array of backyard entertainment. This year they are proud to present the Hysterical Harp Oracle and Carnal Croquet (talk about a sticky wicket!).
Lightning Camp
A giant lightning rod will beckon the potential wrath of Nature from the Heavens. This well-supervised attraction will prevent rampaging electrons from seeking you out.
Witness two monoliths one an authentic and active volcano the other a verdant oasis of life and diversity. Scattered between these two opposing growing and eroding peaks will be the culture of Oceania. Here will be found the mixing of fire and water stone and sea life and reruns. Pose for snapshots next to the shrunken heads. Every footprint sip of water every tacky little trinket will forever change Oceania and being here will forever change every visitor. Some will be robbed; some will be eaten; and some will find a home.
Piss Clear World Headquarters
These are the main offices and production facilities of Piss Clear Black Rock City’s OTHER daily publication. This is the “alternative” press competing with the bloated (and Republican-dominated) Black Rock Gazette. Look here for fast-breaking stories that The Establishment is afraid to report.
Remote Vision Camp
The Roving Eye a radio-controlled robot will transmit images of the festival back to a comfortable viewing area in Remote Vision Camp allowing participants to virtually rove the Black Rock City during hot daylight hours.
Ross' Romper Room for Hot Tots
A safe fun play area for children age 3 to 12. Toys games books musical instruments and some planned activities and projects. Parents are needed and invited to contribute activities toys books etc. [NOTE: This is not a daycare facility.] Parents are responsible for their children and all should join in the fun. Also home of BURNING MAN 3-D and the Altar to the Goddess Karla.
Sketch City
The World’s Largest Etch-A-Sketch! This piece will be composed of 100 – 200 individual Etch-A-Sketches. Participants are invited to contribute to a community drawing. Who can resist the lure of a beloved childhood toy? [WARNING: Members of this camp have become fond of donning polyester and singing BeeGee’s songs at the loudest decibel.]
Solaria presents “The Planets On The Playa” an accurate scale model of the solar system stretching 0.6 miles from Sun to Neptune. Visit Mistress Gaia in her spacious home and meet the neighbors! Thrill to celestial sounds emanating from our 0.00025 megawatt sound system while browsing the fine selection of astronomy books in our cozy shaded reading room. Guided tours will help you find your true place in the universe; or just wander aimlessly lost in the vastness of interplanetary space. The choice is yours!
Sticky Fingers Shop
A very tacky junk store complete with tacky junk and a security guard lounging in the corner. All items are for sale but at wildly inflated prices. It is hoped that this will encourage visitors to shoplift without being caught by the guard. Those who are successful will leave with a wonderfully tacky trinket; those who are caught will be emblazoned with a large scarlet “S” somewhere on their body so that the rest us at Burning Man will know that they are lousy shoplifters.
Temporary Autonomous Bike Shop
Bring your bikes and bike parts to TABS. They will fabricate 50 customized art bikes each marked with a Burning Man logo complete with trailers for transporting your belongings. These pernicious perambulators will be yours only when you’re riding one! Please donate tires, inner tubes, derailers, and frames for this community resource. TABS Do-It-Yourself tune-up & service center will be located in Central Camp. Some help will occasionally show up but all of the tools will be there!
Vicious Circle Camp
This camp will feature large flat hoops which when lifted on edge form human-scale free-rolling hamster wheels. Feel your life is going nowhere? Take a ride across the playa!
Windy City
Ogle large-scale wind-driven kinetic sculptures — windmills sparking generators giant whirligigs.
Womb With a View
Discover the stages of fetal development as you walk though a 74 foot longpregnant female body complete with orifice entrance torso and breasts.
Yukon Leroy's (Ant)Arctic Oasis
Based on the cold-weather explorer-philosopher LeRoy Baziwani legends recount that in the midst of a class-four blizzard he was overcome with ennui when he couldn’t find a non-culturally-contextualized distinction between North and South Poles. He vanished in the mist but his legacy lives on at the (Ant)Arctic Oasis. Weary desert wanderers can stop, rest, contemplate the deconstruction of post-structuralist theory, and soak their feet in ice water.
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mferna · 6 years
Which eHealth interventions are most effective for smoking cessation?
See on Scoop.it - Salud Publica
The Purpose of this study was to synthesize evidence of the effects and potential effect modifiers of different electronic health (eHealth) interventions to help people quit smoking.
  Four databases (MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Embase, and The Cochrane Library) were searched in March 2017 using terms that included “smoking cessation”, “eHealth/mHealth” and “electronic technology” to find relevant studies. Meta-analysis and meta-regression analyses were performed.
Results: The review included 108 studies and 110,372 participants. Compared to nonactive control groups (eg, usual care), smoking cessation interventions using web-based and mobile health (mHealth) platform resulted in significantly greater smoking abstinence.
Similarly, smoking cessation trials using tailored text messages  and web-based information and conjunctive nicotine replacement therapy  may also increase cessation.
  In contrast, little or no benefit for smoking abstinence was found for computer-assisted interventions. The magnitude of effect sizes from mHealth smoking cessation interventions was likely to be greater if the trial was conducted in the USA or Europe and when the intervention included individually tailored text messages. In contrast, high frequency of texts (daily) was less effective than weekly texts.
There was consistent evidence that web-based and mHealth smoking cessation interventions may increase abstinence moderately. Methodologic quality of trials and the intervention characteristics (tailored vs untailored) are critical effect modifiers among eHealth smoking cessation interventions, especially for web-based and text messaging trials. Future smoking cessation intervention should take advantages of web-based and mHealth engagement to improve prolonged abstinence. 
  access the study report at https://www.dovepress.com/which-ehealth-interventions-are-most-effective-for-smoking-cessation-a-peer-reviewed-article-PPA
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mferna · 7 years
Developments in the Frequency of Ratings and Evaluation Tendencies: A Review of German Physician Rating Websites
See on Scoop.it - Salud Publica
Journal of Medical Internet Research - International Scientific Journal for Medical Research, Information and Communication on the Internet
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