kalbenli · 3 months
Bir tabak güneş istiyoruz garson
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reliquiicis-a · 4 months
( @frestoniia - continued. )
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━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  Astarion smiled, nodding. "Well, no one can tell you what to do at parties. You can do whatever you want,, but if you need help figuring out what to do with your hands, I have ideas." A smirk forming on his lips.
While the other watched the events unfold, Astarion was watching him. When Craig turned back to him, he let out a soft chuckle. "Well, they might be clamoring for my attention, but frankly, there's only one person's attention I want." A pause. "But to answer your question, I don't necessarily need something as much as I want something. A little bit of your time, if you don't mind."
He set the book down now that he had stopped reading when the other had approached him, eyes glancing at his neck, but only for a brief moment. "There's something I want to show you."
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xamassed · 2 months
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⟬ @frestoniia ⟭
"Rabbit soup on Easter? Really?" Craig gives Sanji a Look(tm). "Don't you think that might be in somewhat... Poor taste?" || ignore how horrifically late this is pls
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"It's not like I wanted to, but we need it to sell." He glanced down at the bubbling pot and gave it a small wince of regret. "I know it doesn't feel right, but someone out there is gonna think it's funny or something."
He glanced towards Craig, but now there was the hint of a wobbling smirk on the corner of his lips. "You don't think I'm gonna get a visit from the Easter Bunny mob, do you?"
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rcbberhose · 5 months
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Their boiler churns from EMBARRASSMENT. ❝ ... Excuse me? Have ya seen a truck around here? I uhm, lost one. ❞ During their morning delivery, one came uncoupled. Ever since they have been searching for it ... with little success.
@frestoniia ❤️'d
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bonescribes · 7 months
@frestoniia // sc.
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as soon as the kitchen is clean , he's home free . it's not unusual for sanji to stick around after hours , working on dishes for the menu ( that will inevitably be fed to his ever - hungry friends ) . tonight , though , he has no such plans . he's been in the kitchen since prep started , and hardly left but for the two or three smoke breaks he managed to sneak when their customers thinned .
a sound from the front of house catches sanji's ear -- come to think of it , other than the old man , the only other person left in the restaurant must be ...
" hey , craig ! " sanji pokes his head out of the kitchen as he shouts for the waiter . " the hell are you still doing here ?! quit cleaning and go home , i'll take care of it ! "
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islandiis · 5 months
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
"I would still love you even if the sun didn't rise tomorrow and you had somehow caused it. Because you're you, and you're my best friend."
But then he drags his head up and flashes him a grin, over the lump of fur currently sitting on top of his chest. "But, if you were a worm — I would carry soil around in my pockets so you always had somewhere to hang out. And not IceIandic soil, either — good soil."
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celesticlnstcrs-aa · 2 years
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“ Well I came here to find Maa-kun, but you can work too~. He’s probably busy anyways. ”
@frestoniia​ liked for a oneliner.
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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     » » @frestoniia , Craig is getting a rare chance to meet Aamon;
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     ›› This exchange student was fascinating, to say the least. There was a desire to meet the boy in the flesh, to talk with him, gauge what he knew about the world he was studying, and to see where he could supplement any gaps in knowledge. After all, to speak with a demon who's seen it all would certainly bridge the gaps better than any book would. So he awaited the other patiently at a café the demon himself preferred, cup of coffee rested in his hands idly until he caught sight of his guest.
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    ❝ There you are. Craig, correct? ❞ ›› He wanted to make sure he had the name right before anything else, because the foundation of a positive relationship was built upon being willing to learn about the other, he knew. It was a concept shared between every culture, every species, and he hoped it would help him in befriending Craig as well.
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weavewilled · 9 months
Craig's pet ferret is now trying to drag one of Gale's spellbooks away and stash it somewhere. It's very heavy, so progress is slow. But the little guy is nothing if not determined.
↳ unprompted ! / @frestoniia
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THE BOOK'S HEAVY. He doesn't have many of these out here — it's not like he wants to pack around the weight of it, and he doesn't need them as much these days — but he's found a few on their travels he's never read or hasn't read in some time, and so has kept them in their camp.
This one, of course, is one of the thickest, complete with lovely stamped patterns on the leather cover and silver filigree on the corners. And it's sort of hard to miss the slow yoinking across the ground is hard to miss; it's the little scratch-scratch scrapes that catch his attention at first.
And thus: he stands over it, looking bemused, arms crossed. ❝ —— and just where are you taking that? ❞ It's a rhetorical question; he doesn't have the ability to actually understand critters. He sighs, bending to take it —— a little gingerly, because, well. He knows exactly nothing about ferrets, and he doesn't want to accidentally hurt it or get nipped. ❝ Come on, now, you can't even read that. What are you going to do with it? ❞
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radiomayak · 1 year
Send me a "♦" for the first word my muse thinks of when your muse is mentioned
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"How do you say it... just a little guy? Yeah."
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octocoin · 1 year
@frestoniia | date starter!
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"Hey. You, with the blonde hair. ...yes, you. Come to the romance festival with me this weekend. I...know you don't have a partner yet, and neither do I. You wanna go, right?"
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reliquiicis-a · 4 months
( @frestoniia - continued. )
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━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  Astarion let out a sigh of relief, not that he was all that worried considering the other was so small, he could have probably taken him easily, but if he was there to kill him, that would mean there would be more on their way if he didn't succeed. "Well, I suppose that is good news." Frankly, he wasn't up for much of a fight either.
However, when the other seemed to recognize him, he tilted his head. "What do you mean?" He asked, "I have never met you before in my life." But it was a rather long life... so maybe they had bumped into each other once or twice. Maybe he knew he was a vampire spawn, but that wouldn't make sense. If he knew about that, then surely he'd be there to kill him right? Even if it wasn't for him, a lot of people were terrified of vampires and their spawns and would rather kill them rather than trusting them to not slip up.
Then he mentioned the ship and it clicked. "If you know that, then are you working for them... creatures?" He asked, not even sure what to call them. "You helped those things kidnap me and put that... tadpole in my brain?"
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xamassed · 10 months
⟬ @frestoniia / starter call ⟭
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"Are you really sure you wanna do this?" It wasn't a huge ask, but shopping for new kitchen tools wasn't most peoples definition of fun. For someone that found their passion in cooking, it was, but Sanji didn't want Craig to feel obligated to come along just because he was invited. "I might take a while."
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rcbberhose · 6 months
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❝ Ignore him. He's just being a bossy boiler. ❞ Thomas has long since learned to ignore the remarks Gordon makes.
@frestoniia ♥️'d
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bonescribes · 4 months
@frestoniia ( sc. ) //
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he should really just learn to keep his mouth shut , but , well ... this is -- what , the third time he's seen this kid's face ? a part of him is sorely tempted to leave the stranger to his own devices , but chilchuck rarely listens to that part , for better or for worse .
" hey ! " he calls out . " are you lost ? "
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toyfulbox · 1 year
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"Tell me all the things that you know about! Don't wanna look it up, wanna hear from you."
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