#Friendship ended with mobile pixel art apps
jellazticious · 2 years
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I love using Tast for tests
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westernclock · 1 year
The Poetry of Online Coding: A Journey of Pixels and Passion
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In the realm of perpetual technological evolution, where the mesmerizing symphony of ones and zeros orchestrates the enchantment we know as software, a captivating pathway unfurls for the inquisitive spirits - the path of online coding learning. This digital odyssey transcends the mere mastery of programming languages; it's a voyage that unlocks the enigma of creation, the sonnets of logic, and the elegance of innovation. Are you poised to embark on this voyage of pixels and passion?
Introduction: Painting the Digital Canvas of Possibilities
In a world imbued with innovation, online coding learning emerges as the canvas where the tapestry of your dreams takes form. It's more than just scripting lines of code; it's akin to crafting a masterpiece with the strokes of boundless creativity.
The Harmony of Syntax: Embracing the Language of Computers
Dive deep into the lyrical beauty of programming languages. Each line of code is a melodious note; every program is an opus - a conversation with machines that breathes vitality into each pixel of existence.
Architecting Brilliance: Decoding Algorithms and Data Structures
Much like a poem adheres to its structure, so does code. Algorithms and data structures serve as the poetic constituents that sculpt efficient and graceful solutions, choreographing an intricate dance of logic.
The Artistry of Rectification: Debugging and the Odyssey of Problem-Solving
Within the realm of coding, errors are akin to verses in a complex sonnet. Debugging crafts the ideal rhyme, while problem-solving sustains the rhythm, ensuring a seamless flow within the code's symphony.
Weaving Dreams Line by Line: The Elegance of Software Development
Software development mirrors the act of transcribing one's dreams. With each line of code, concepts metamorphose into reality, birthing programs with the potential to deeply touch lives.
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Online Coding Learning
The Marvels of the Web: Delving into Front-end and Back-end Development
The web stands as a stage for boundless innovation. Front-end development gleams as the spotlight that captivates users, while back-end development, a behind-the-scenes enchantment, weaves the magic that binds.
Realms of Applications: Crafting Mobile Apps
Within the palms of billions, mobile apps unravel as verses of convenience. Each app narrates a tale, and you, the wordsmith, inscribe the chapters of ingenuity through code.
Unleashing Tomorrow: The Realm of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
As technology stirs, so awakens intelligence. AI and machine learning embody the metaphors of our aspirations, where computers master the art of dancing with data.
Safeguarding the Digital Odyssey: The Role of Cybersecurity
Within this digital sonnet, where data streams like a river, cybersecurity takes on the mantle of guardian, ensuring the symphony's harmony and safeguarding its sanctity.
Cloud Collaborations: Version Control and the Ballet of Git
Shared poetry reverberates with amplified beauty. Version control and Git stand as collaborative stanzas, empowering coders to compose in unison across the boundless expanse of the cloud.
From Novice to Virtuoso: Navigating the Voyage of Learning
Every virtuoso commences as a novice. The expedition from the humble "Hello, World!" to intricate programs encapsulates a narrative of growth, adorned with curiosity and a touch of unwavering resilience.
The Soul of Coding: A Tale of Passion, Patience, and Perseverance
Coding transpires as a love story between the human intellect and the realm of the digital. Passion instigates the inception, patience refines it, and perseverance transmutes it into a grand saga.
13. Coding Communities: Nurturing Bonds and Facilitating Growth
Amidst the digital solitude, coding communities burgeon as gardens of camaraderie. They nurture not only aptitude but also friendships that transcend the confines of screens.
Striking the Balance: Coding as a Livelihood and a Confidant
Coding doesn't solely denote a career; it's a companion that accompanies the journey of life. It's the eternal learner within, adapting, evolving, and guiding you through the labyrinth of innovation.
Conclusion: The Unending Tale of Discovery
As our digital fable gradually concludes, remember: online coding learning isn't a terminus but an eternal expedition. With every line you inscribe, you rekindle and reimagine the narrative of technology. FAQs Q1: Is coding exclusive to those pursuing a career in technology? Q2: Can one embark on the coding journey without any prior programming experience? Q3: Which programming languages are ideal for beginners? Q4: How do the realms of coding and creativity intersect? Q5: Are coding bootcamps a judicious investment?   Read the full article
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kellykperez · 6 years
Gamification: here comes a new challenger
Over the past few years, marketing segmentation has come on leaps and bounds, whether it’s building separate social audience clusters or sites adapting user journeys based on behavior. But, despite these ongoing improvements to content personalization, there’s still so often something missing… a hook or perhaps a different perspective altogether.
In this article, we’ll look at what gamification means for you and your business as well as delving into some of the best examples around and why they work so well.
What is gamification?
Gamification simply means using game mechanics, designs, and architecture techniques to engage with a range of users. Progression is heavily featured to ensure users are consistently motivated to achieve goals that ultimately benefit both the user and the provider.
Gamification doesn’t necessarily mean playing games. Simply put, it’s a guided ‘points system’ that encourages you towards certain behaviors that are mutually beneficial. It’s important that the system isn’t so complicated that it only caters to the super techy, as such broad appeal is often a must.
Traditional gamers are often an elitist bunch, we thrive on challenges so much that they can define us (or our avatars). Games have easily outstripped Hollywood in terms of revenue-grabbing entertainment, as the toggle graph below clearly shows.
 Why is it so effective?
In a nutshell, it works by adding an additional layer of cumulative bonus to the common process of purchases or actions that would have otherwise been undertaken regardless of any additional reward. Gamification also speaks to the very human desires of competition, status, achievement and social interaction.
The Octalysis model
You may have seen this model floating around since 2003 from Yu-kai Chou (http://yukaichou.com/) but it’s so important in understanding why gamification works that it deserves a read-through. I’ve done my best to summarize it for you. Firstly, if you find people claiming to be experts, or licensed members of Octalysis. Bear in mind that models should always be open to interpretation and that as a business, you should strive to be the experts on your customers, their behavior and how to change it.
The model starts with eight core components:
Elitism: being part of something unique to you or a collective that you want to belong to.
Beginners luck: the ease at which rewards can be obtained immediately on starting.
Free lunch: everyone can see meaning in free stuff.
Progression: whether it’s your career, black box score or swimming badge; admit it, you love to progress.
Samaritan: if your decisions or purchases help real people (outside of the game/process), the feel-good factor can be immense and provides justification for time spent/increased cost.
Eco warrior: helping the world is ‘on trend’ and has never been more important. If your points can correlate with trees planted or plastic recycled, you’ll be more inclined to continue.
Social influence
Friending: finding and developing friendships with like-minded individuals (potentially behind the digital safety of your device) can be easy and rewarding.
Social gifting: that feel-good factor where you’ve been able to provide your friends or kin with something of value.
Group progress: helping movements progress as a collective can be extremely rewarding, especially if it has an impact outside of your social circle.
Brag factor: getting one over on your colleagues or friends gives a good chance to brag.
Digital water cooler: not all businesses have a water cooler. Social networks allow people to lower their guards and have a good natter.
Conformity: while there are plenty of us who like to break moulds, conformity offers a sense of belonging and community.
Tutelage: teaching others is a great avenue for ‘feel-good’ vibes.
Random rewards: Most people are natural gamblers and if you could win a prize of £50 or a random prize of £10, £30 or £100, rest assured most people would select the latter.
Sudden (unexpected) rewards: everyone loves surprises.
Seasonal bonuses: without overdoing it, latch onto trending events that are relevant to your audience or your product.
Rightful heritage: giving a user something (for free) making them feel like it’s theirs and threatening to take it away unless a desired action is performed.
Evanescent opportunities: requests for immediate action to win exclusive rewards or unlock a special power.
Status quo sloth: coercing users into changing actions into habits. Habitual behavior is difficult to break and requires effort, encouraging it can help drive brand/app loyalty.
FOMO: fear of missing out, making users think that by not performing an action they are minimizing their experience v the vast majority of other users.
Sunk cost prison: After investing time in a game, your decision to quit will confirm that niggling suspicion that it’s been a big waste of time.
Lack of abundance: avoid providing users with everything they need, we’ll chase what’s out of reach but get quickly fed up of what’s easily to hand.
Appointment dynamics: use time to coerce users into certain behaviors at certain times, seasonal events and prizes can be a great way to achieve this.
Torture breaks: cooldowns and diminishing returns can prevent users from abusing and/or getting obsessed with your service, it also prevents them getting ‘burnt out’.
Oren Klaff’s ‘Pitch Anything’ references scarcity and prizing in an interesting way:
We chase that which moves away from us
We want what we cannot have
We only place value on things that are difficult to obtain.
Stuff: acquisition of physical or digital assets or products.
Potential avatar: ownership of a digital avatar and their wellbeing.
Personalized experience: something that is owned and cherished if it provides value.
Interaction: if your gamification provides users with the opportunity to interact with their treasured belongings (such as phones) it can strengthen the gamification experience.
Unlocks: allow users to unlock new things and levels of progression.
Real-time influence: show users that their actions are having an actual impact on the elements of life or the digital world you said that they would.
Instant feedback: giving users a review feature helps them to feel listened to and valued.
Time locked boosts: providing double points for certain periods of time can help users to feel ‘super powered’ for a short period of time.
Status: because we all know being level 10 makes you way cooler than those level 6 scrubs.
Leaderboard: seeing how you stack up against other… competitors.
High fives: getting congratulations outside of the expected rewards is often encouraging.
‘Boss’ fights or large milestones: pushes to achieve harder tasks in fixed time frames can act as focus points.
  You may find that you’re already using a gamification process within your current customer journey. According to Bitcatcha, which does website speed tests, over 50% of startups integrated gaming elements into their future plans, and over 70% of major businesses used gamification to encourage participation in 2016.
Some key examples of gamification are:
Nike Fuel and Nike Running Club
One the most popular exercise apps out there, NRC pits you against your friends and yourself. Constantly feeding you with your success as the App’s key reward system.
Monopoly: McDonalds
Nothing says western culture more than the two core pillars of our society, gluttony and wealth. McDonalds have teamed up with Hasbro to entice and incentivize the consumption of fries and burgers.
Nissan Carwings
The Nissan Leaf comes with this neat quirk where you can connect your mobile via an app and not only work to improve the vehicle’s efficiency but also rank yourself against other Leaf owners.
Code Combat
Here is a great example of knowing your audience. There is a gross crossover in the two fields of traditional RPG gaming and ‘coding nerds’: this educational platform is one of the best.
TOM’s Shoes (humanity hero)
Progression and free stuff is all well and good but imagine if you could see the impact your purchase had on another culture, one far less fortunate: Toms is a great example of this with their one for one campaign https://www.toms.co.uk/improving:lives
Operational improvements
Gamification can be used to help managers who are looking to introduce a more fun and motivating system that promotes not just the completion of tasks (some likely mundane) but also an eagerness and competitive drive to increase your employees desire to ‘get stuff done’.
Bluewolf : A business approach to gamification.
Chorewars : Rank up your character by completing household chores.
Habitica : Similar to the above, but with pixel art .
Theemailgame : Earn points by keeping your inbox clean and tidy.
If you want to use gamification (or elements of) within your business, be it internally or externally simply make sure you consider as many points within the octalysis model as possible with a focus on free stuff, wider impact and social elements for end users; or for managers, proof of achievement, competition and end rewards.
     source https://searchenginewatch.com/2018/07/11/gamification-here-comes-a-new-challenger/ from Rising Phoenix SEO http://risingphoenixseo.blogspot.com/2018/07/gamification-here-comes-new-challenger.html
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alanajacksontx · 6 years
Gamification: here comes a new challenger
Over the past few years, marketing segmentation has come on leaps and bounds, whether it’s building separate social audience clusters or sites adapting user journeys based on behavior. But, despite these ongoing improvements to content personalization, there’s still so often something missing… a hook or perhaps a different perspective altogether.
In this article, we’ll look at what gamification means for you and your business as well as delving into some of the best examples around and why they work so well.
What is gamification?
Gamification simply means using game mechanics, designs, and architecture techniques to engage with a range of users. Progression is heavily featured to ensure users are consistently motivated to achieve goals that ultimately benefit both the user and the provider.
Gamification doesn’t necessarily mean playing games. Simply put, it’s a guided ‘points system’ that encourages you towards certain behaviors that are mutually beneficial. It’s important that the system isn’t so complicated that it only caters to the super techy, as such broad appeal is often a must.
Traditional gamers are often an elitist bunch, we thrive on challenges so much that they can define us (or our avatars). Games have easily outstripped Hollywood in terms of revenue-grabbing entertainment, as the toggle graph below clearly shows.
Why is it so effective?
In a nutshell, it works by adding an additional layer of cumulative bonus to the common process of purchases or actions that would have otherwise been undertaken regardless of any additional reward. Gamification also speaks to the very human desires of competition, status, achievement and social interaction.
The Octalysis model
You may have seen this model floating around since 2003 from Yu-kai Chou (http://yukaichou.com/) but it’s so important in understanding why gamification works that it deserves a read-through. I’ve done my best to summarize it for you. Firstly, if you find people claiming to be experts, or licensed members of Octalysis. Bear in mind that models should always be open to interpretation and that as a business, you should strive to be the experts on your customers, their behavior and how to change it.
The model starts with eight core components:
Elitism: being part of something unique to you or a collective that you want to belong to.
Beginners luck: the ease at which rewards can be obtained immediately on starting.
Free lunch: everyone can see meaning in free stuff.
Progression: whether it’s your career, black box score or swimming badge; admit it, you love to progress.
Samaritan: if your decisions or purchases help real people (outside of the game/process), the feel-good factor can be immense and provides justification for time spent/increased cost.
Eco warrior: helping the world is ‘on trend’ and has never been more important. If your points can correlate with trees planted or plastic recycled, you’ll be more inclined to continue.
Social influence
Friending: finding and developing friendships with like-minded individuals (potentially behind the digital safety of your device) can be easy and rewarding.
Social gifting: that feel-good factor where you’ve been able to provide your friends or kin with something of value.
Group progress: helping movements progress as a collective can be extremely rewarding, especially if it has an impact outside of your social circle.
Brag factor: getting one over on your colleagues or friends gives a good chance to brag.
Digital water cooler: not all businesses have a water cooler. Social networks allow people to lower their guards and have a good natter.
Conformity: while there are plenty of us who like to break moulds, conformity offers a sense of belonging and community.
Tutelage: teaching others is a great avenue for ‘feel-good’ vibes.
Random rewards: Most people are natural gamblers and if you could win a prize of £50 or a random prize of £10, £30 or £100, rest assured most people would select the latter.
Sudden (unexpected) rewards: everyone loves surprises.
Seasonal bonuses: without overdoing it, latch onto trending events that are relevant to your audience or your product.
Rightful heritage: giving a user something (for free) making them feel like it’s theirs and threatening to take it away unless a desired action is performed.
Evanescent opportunities: requests for immediate action to win exclusive rewards or unlock a special power.
Status quo sloth: coercing users into changing actions into habits. Habitual behavior is difficult to break and requires effort, encouraging it can help drive brand/app loyalty.
FOMO: fear of missing out, making users think that by not performing an action they are minimizing their experience v the vast majority of other users.
Sunk cost prison: After investing time in a game, your decision to quit will confirm that niggling suspicion that it’s been a big waste of time.
Lack of abundance: avoid providing users with everything they need, we’ll chase what’s out of reach but get quickly fed up of what’s easily to hand.
Appointment dynamics: use time to coerce users into certain behaviors at certain times, seasonal events and prizes can be a great way to achieve this.
Torture breaks: cooldowns and diminishing returns can prevent users from abusing and/or getting obsessed with your service, it also prevents them getting ‘burnt out’.
Oren Klaff’s ‘Pitch Anything’ references scarcity and prizing in an interesting way:
We chase that which moves away from us
We want what we cannot have
We only place value on things that are difficult to obtain.
Stuff: acquisition of physical or digital assets or products.
Potential avatar: ownership of a digital avatar and their wellbeing.
Personalized experience: something that is owned and cherished if it provides value.
Interaction: if your gamification provides users with the opportunity to interact with their treasured belongings (such as phones) it can strengthen the gamification experience.
Unlocks: allow users to unlock new things and levels of progression.
Real-time influence: show users that their actions are having an actual impact on the elements of life or the digital world you said that they would.
Instant feedback: giving users a review feature helps them to feel listened to and valued.
Time locked boosts: providing double points for certain periods of time can help users to feel ‘super powered’ for a short period of time.
Status: because we all know being level 10 makes you way cooler than those level 6 scrubs.
Leaderboard: seeing how you stack up against other… competitors.
High fives: getting congratulations outside of the expected rewards is often encouraging.
‘Boss’ fights or large milestones: pushes to achieve harder tasks in fixed time frames can act as focus points.
You may find that you’re already using a gamification process within your current customer journey. According to Bitcatcha, which does website speed tests, over 50% of startups integrated gaming elements into their future plans, and over 70% of major businesses used gamification to encourage participation in 2016.
Some key examples of gamification are:
Nike Fuel and Nike Running Club
One the most popular exercise apps out there, NRC pits you against your friends and yourself. Constantly feeding you with your success as the App’s key reward system.
Monopoly: McDonalds
Nothing says western culture more than the two core pillars of our society, gluttony and wealth. McDonalds have teamed up with Hasbro to entice and incentivize the consumption of fries and burgers.
Nissan Carwings
The Nissan Leaf comes with this neat quirk where you can connect your mobile via an app and not only work to improve the vehicle’s efficiency but also rank yourself against other Leaf owners.
Code Combat
Here is a great example of knowing your audience. There is a gross crossover in the two fields of traditional RPG gaming and ‘coding nerds’: this educational platform is one of the best.
TOM’s Shoes (humanity hero)
Progression and free stuff is all well and good but imagine if you could see the impact your purchase had on another culture, one far less fortunate: Toms is a great example of this with their one for one campaign https://www.toms.co.uk/improving:lives
Operational improvements
Gamification can be used to help managers who are looking to introduce a more fun and motivating system that promotes not just the completion of tasks (some likely mundane) but also an eagerness and competitive drive to increase your employees desire to ‘get stuff done’.
Bluewolf : A business approach to gamification.
Chorewars : Rank up your character by completing household chores.
Habitica : Similar to the above, but with pixel art .
Theemailgame : Earn points by keeping your inbox clean and tidy.
If you want to use gamification (or elements of) within your business, be it internally or externally simply make sure you consider as many points within the octalysis model as possible with a focus on free stuff, wider impact and social elements for end users; or for managers, proof of achievement, competition and end rewards.
    from IM Tips And Tricks https://searchenginewatch.com/2018/07/11/gamification-here-comes-a-new-challenger/ from Rising Phoenix SEO https://risingphxseo.tumblr.com/post/175779545670
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oscarkruegerus · 6 years
Gamification: here comes a new challenger
Over the past few years, marketing segmentation has come on leaps and bounds, whether it’s building separate social audience clusters or sites adapting user journeys based on behavior. But, despite these ongoing improvements to content personalization, there’s still so often something missing… a hook or perhaps a different perspective altogether.
In this article, we’ll look at what gamification means for you and your business as well as delving into some of the best examples around and why they work so well.
What is gamification?
Gamification simply means using game mechanics, designs, and architecture techniques to engage with a range of users. Progression is heavily featured to ensure users are consistently motivated to achieve goals that ultimately benefit both the user and the provider.
Gamification doesn’t necessarily mean playing games. Simply put, it’s a guided ‘points system’ that encourages you towards certain behaviors that are mutually beneficial. It’s important that the system isn’t so complicated that it only caters to the super techy, as such broad appeal is often a must.
Traditional gamers are often an elitist bunch, we thrive on challenges so much that they can define us (or our avatars). Games have easily outstripped Hollywood in terms of revenue-grabbing entertainment, as the toggle graph below clearly shows.
  Why is it so effective?
In a nutshell, it works by adding an additional layer of cumulative bonus to the common process of purchases or actions that would have otherwise been undertaken regardless of any additional reward. Gamification also speaks to the very human desires of competition, status, achievement and social interaction.
The Octalysis model
You may have seen this model floating around since 2003 from Yu-kai Chou (http://yukaichou.com/) but it’s so important in understanding why gamification works that it deserves a read-through. I’ve done my best to summarize it for you. Firstly, if you find people claiming to be experts, or licensed members of Octalysis. Bear in mind that models should always be open to interpretation and that as a business, you should strive to be the experts on your customers, their behavior and how to change it.
The model starts with eight core components:
Elitism: being part of something unique to you or a collective that you want to belong to.
Beginners luck: the ease at which rewards can be obtained immediately on starting.
Free lunch: everyone can see meaning in free stuff.
Progression: whether it’s your career, black box score or swimming badge; admit it, you love to progress.
Samaritan: if your decisions or purchases help real people (outside of the game/process), the feel-good factor can be immense and provides justification for time spent/increased cost.
Eco warrior: helping the world is ‘on trend’ and has never been more important. If your points can correlate with trees planted or plastic recycled, you’ll be more inclined to continue.
Social influence
Friending: finding and developing friendships with like-minded individuals (potentially behind the digital safety of your device) can be easy and rewarding.
Social gifting: that feel-good factor where you’ve been able to provide your friends or kin with something of value.
Group progress: helping movements progress as a collective can be extremely rewarding, especially if it has an impact outside of your social circle.
Brag factor: getting one over on your colleagues or friends gives a good chance to brag.
Digital water cooler: not all businesses have a water cooler. Social networks allow people to lower their guards and have a good natter.
Conformity: while there are plenty of us who like to break moulds, conformity offers a sense of belonging and community.
Tutelage: teaching others is a great avenue for ‘feel-good’ vibes.
Random rewards: Most people are natural gamblers and if you could win a prize of £50 or a random prize of £10, £30 or £100, rest assured most people would select the latter.
Sudden (unexpected) rewards: everyone loves surprises.
Seasonal bonuses: without overdoing it, latch onto trending events that are relevant to your audience or your product.
Rightful heritage: giving a user something (for free) making them feel like it’s theirs and threatening to take it away unless a desired action is performed.
Evanescent opportunities: requests for immediate action to win exclusive rewards or unlock a special power.
Status quo sloth: coercing users into changing actions into habits. Habitual behavior is difficult to break and requires effort, encouraging it can help drive brand/app loyalty.
FOMO: fear of missing out, making users think that by not performing an action they are minimizing their experience v the vast majority of other users.
Sunk cost prison: After investing time in a game, your decision to quit will confirm that niggling suspicion that it’s been a big waste of time.
Lack of abundance: avoid providing users with everything they need, we’ll chase what’s out of reach but get quickly fed up of what’s easily to hand.
Appointment dynamics: use time to coerce users into certain behaviors at certain times, seasonal events and prizes can be a great way to achieve this.
Torture breaks: cooldowns and diminishing returns can prevent users from abusing and/or getting obsessed with your service, it also prevents them getting ‘burnt out’.
Oren Klaff’s ‘Pitch Anything’ references scarcity and prizing in an interesting way:
We chase that which moves away from us
We want what we cannot have
We only place value on things that are difficult to obtain.
Stuff: acquisition of physical or digital assets or products.
Potential avatar: ownership of a digital avatar and their wellbeing.
Personalized experience: something that is owned and cherished if it provides value.
Interaction: if your gamification provides users with the opportunity to interact with their treasured belongings (such as phones) it can strengthen the gamification experience.
Unlocks: allow users to unlock new things and levels of progression.
Real-time influence: show users that their actions are having an actual impact on the elements of life or the digital world you said that they would.
Instant feedback: giving users a review feature helps them to feel listened to and valued.
Time locked boosts: providing double points for certain periods of time can help users to feel ‘super powered’ for a short period of time.
Status: because we all know being level 10 makes you way cooler than those level 6 scrubs.
Leaderboard: seeing how you stack up against other… competitors.
High fives: getting congratulations outside of the expected rewards is often encouraging.
‘Boss’ fights or large milestones: pushes to achieve harder tasks in fixed time frames can act as focus points.
    You may find that you’re already using a gamification process within your current customer journey. According to Bitcatcha, which does website speed tests, over 50% of startups integrated gaming elements into their future plans, and over 70% of major businesses used gamification to encourage participation in 2016.
Some key examples of gamification are:
Nike Fuel and Nike Running Club
One the most popular exercise apps out there, NRC pits you against your friends and yourself. Constantly feeding you with your success as the App’s key reward system.
Monopoly: McDonalds
Nothing says western culture more than the two core pillars of our society, gluttony and wealth. McDonalds have teamed up with Hasbro to entice and incentivize the consumption of fries and burgers.
Nissan Carwings
The Nissan Leaf comes with this neat quirk where you can connect your mobile via an app and not only work to improve the vehicle’s efficiency but also rank yourself against other Leaf owners.
Code Combat
Here is a great example of knowing your audience. There is a gross crossover in the two fields of traditional RPG gaming and ‘coding nerds’: this educational platform is one of the best.
TOM’s Shoes (humanity hero)
Progression and free stuff is all well and good but imagine if you could see the impact your purchase had on another culture, one far less fortunate: Toms is a great example of this with their one for one campaign https://www.toms.co.uk/improving:lives
Operational improvements
Gamification can be used to help managers who are looking to introduce a more fun and motivating system that promotes not just the completion of tasks (some likely mundane) but also an eagerness and competitive drive to increase your employees desire to ‘get stuff done’.
Bluewolf : A business approach to gamification.
Chorewars : Rank up your character by completing household chores.
Habitica : Similar to the above, but with pixel art .
Theemailgame : Earn points by keeping your inbox clean and tidy.
If you want to use gamification (or elements of) within your business, be it internally or externally simply make sure you consider as many points within the octalysis model as possible with a focus on free stuff, wider impact and social elements for end users; or for managers, proof of achievement, competition and end rewards.
        from Digtal Marketing News https://searchenginewatch.com/2018/07/11/gamification-here-comes-a-new-challenger/
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