#Frigga tries her best as long as she doesn't anger her husband and I think Loki deserves better than this
mischiefprincess · 25 days
I've been thinking a lot about Loki and Frigga these days, I don't think she's an evil, manipulative monster like some people but I do think she's a very flawed mother, from what we see in the movies she's very quick to justify and sugarcoat Odin's actions, Yes there's a deleted scene where she confronts him about Thor's banishment but it was deleted for a reason, in the movie itself we see her telling Loki that "there's always a purpose to everything your father does", she's always defending him, never her sons and that tells us a lot about the kind of mother she is, idk if it's bc she puts her position as queen above her position as a mother but she always stand by Odin's side no matter what.
Ofc we know she asks Odin not to kill Loki in tdw but that's just the bare minimum she could do, she always does everything thinking about pleasing Odin above all, she goes visiting Loki as a illusion, in secret to not anger her husband, when Loki is going through the trauma of finding out the truth about his adoption she never acknowledges any responsability for what she and Odin did, she justifies his lies agian by saying he lied to protect Loki
She doesn't acknowledge Loki's pain or his right to be angry at them, she tells him he's their son as if that's enough to heal his wounds, she doesn't ask for forgiveness and doesn't offer Loki any comfort bc her husband was taking a nap and she had to stay by his side at all seconds, it doesn't matter that her son had his whole sense of identity stripped away from him, holding Odin's hand was way more important than giving Loki a hug or anything else
I think at some moment Loki realized that she cared more about being Odin's queen than being their mother bc she'd never stand up for her sons and defend them from the abuses Odin put them through, she just kept justifying it bc she wouldn't dare going against her king, it must've hurt for Loki, realizing that he was truly all by himself in Asgard, he couldn't count on his own mother to publicly defend him from the humiliations he undoubtedly suffered, she would just sneak into his chambers and whisper some words of encouragement privately but when in public he was entirely on his own and he knew it
That's why I care more about Loki reuniting with his friends/found family than him going to New Asgard or to Asgard in the past, I have no doubts that he loves his family with his whole heart and he wants to see them again but I love the new family he built for himself in the show, he has Mobius who will defend him with everything he has and will be his emotional support, validating his feelings and genuinely listening to him, he NEVER felt like he belonged in Asgard but in the show he finally found his place, he found the people he belonged to (as stated by the crew) and he fought to save them for hundreds of years so there's no way I'd want him to leave his new home for him to go back to the place where he was mistreated, belittled and mocked just for being who he was, I want him to stay in the place where feels free to be his true self thank you very much
(Ofc that doesn't mean I don't want him and Thor to reunite again, I just think it's best for him to stay with the people he chose to be his family)
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Hit me Baby, One more Time (Wrestler Loki x Female Reader)
Read chapter 32 here
Chapter 33
Summary : Love never hurts, only the person you love have the power to do so.
Warning : Mentions of Domestic abuse, child abuse, emotionally abusive relationship, Self Harm, (nothing explicit but Please tread carefully)
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"I found a place for us to live" you looked at him as he said that and smiled
 "When?" You asked him curiously, you cleared the round just yesterday and he was with you all day.
"When you told me that you wanted to move in with me when you clear the second round, I went looking for it the next day" 
"How did you know I would clear it like 100 percent" 
"Because you're a talented Little thing" you chuckled as you thought about the place.
Truth is he didn't know if you'd clear it or not, he believed in you but these competitions can get ugly and fake sometimes. But he wanted to convince you to stay irregardless of the fact .
"So it's an apartment?" 
"A house"
"How would we split rent?" 
"What rent? I'm not taking your money birdy" 
"You bought a whole ass house?"
You put your head up to look at him, it must have cost a fortune "You're rich" 
"So when do we move in?" You never lived with Jack, he'd stay at your place and vice versa but you two never had a place together. Now when you think about it, it's probably because he wanted to cheat on you freely and not have to worry about you finding it
"I have to be in NY tomorrow, we can move in once I get back" 
He wanted to ask you to come with him but he didn't know whether you'd want to miss a day of rehearsals.
"I'll miss you" you mumbled softly. He pulled you closer so he could kiss you
"I would be thrilled if I could have you there" 
"Mmmm then take me" you smirked at him before you kissed him again and then got up. You missed the rehearsals today so Mack asked you to do it right now, he asked Nina and she didn't have any class this time.
"What about your practice sessions?" He asked you as you fixed your hair in the mirror "Well Mack wanted to take two days off, we have ten days until the next round, we will be fine" he smiled as he heard you.
He dropped you to the studio and told you that he had something important to do. After you went inside, he called Heimdall and asked him to meet him at his hotel. He needed to clarify.
"Boss" Heimdall walked towards him in the lobby, Loki was sitting on the couch, he didn't stand up or look up from his phone "Boss? Am I your boss or you work for Odinson now" Loki asked him so heimdall sat down next to him 
"I have been watching you since you couldn't even walk loki"
"That doesn't answer my question?" Loki raised his brow and looked at him "You know I set my loyalty towards Odin and frigga when we came here, I would always be their servant. Maybe not Odin's after what he did, but Frigga? I would always want the best for her" 
"And I didn't?" 
"I'm not saying that, that's your problem Loki, you think you know everything"
"Because I am never told things until it's too late, were you spying on me all this time?" Loki's eyes burned with tears and anger as he asked. He treated Heimdall like an older brother for as long as he could remember. Yes he would snap out sometimes but he was also keeping the food on his plate and made sure he and his family lived a lavish lifestyle.
"I would never do that to you Loki"
"Yeah? Then why would you not tell me about thor and mama" 
"Because she asked me to not"
"And that's fair?"
"Don't talk about fairness Loki. You wanted her to not see her son ever again? Even after you knew how much she loves you both? After she lost her husband? She lost everything Loki, you two are her last hope to live, she wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you two and you wanted her to give up one of the things she's living for?" 
Loki looked at him dumbfounded as heimdall tried to set him straight. A mixture of confusion, regret and betrayal evident on his face
"I only did it to protect her" Loki choked on his tears as he spoke so Heimdall put his arm around his shoulder in a comforting manner "I know that, she does too. That's why she went along with it, you remember how scared she was the night you almost di-" 
"I remember it very well. No need to remind me" 
"She blames herself for it, for everything, Odin made her life a living hel, he made it hel for all of you" 
"Not for his favorite son" 
"Maybe, but he had to pay for it too in other ways" 
"I don't care" 
"You don't have to, I just want you to know that I'm still here for you and I still work for you. And I'll be here as long as you want"
"I can't trust you anymore" 
"Do you trust your mother?" 
"Then you can trust me Loki, I had never disclosed your whereabouts with him if that's what you're worried about, I wasn't working for him, you have my loyalty" 
Loki got up as he didn't have anything to add to that conversation and heimdall sighed,
"Book two tickets for New york, three if you want to hold your job" 
He heard Loki's voice and smiled a little "So she's coming? Y/n?" 
"Yes" and then he took the elevator straight to his room, not wanting Heimdall to see his face turning red at the mention of your name. When he reached his room, he called Frigga after contemplating it for minutes.
"Little mischief. You remember me?" He teared up as soon as he heard her voice 
"Yes I'm not you, mother" .
"Since when do you call me that, I took an offense" 
He teared up more as she said that.
"How's birdy?" 
"You tell me, she went to see you today" 
"She's beautiful like always, I would be very disappointed if she didn't go see you after that" she smiled as she said that, for some reason she had faith in you.
"Why mama? You could have told me"
He sobbed a little as he asked her about Thor. His broken voice always reminded her of the Loki that took Odin's abuse and never said a word to her. But would always cry in her lap if Odin even raised his voice at her.
"Ask yourself that same question and be honest Loki, would you have been okay with it if I would have told you?" She asked him and he closed his eyes. He wouldn't have been okay, he would have been as distraught as he was now, he would be self destructive, the only difference was that he had you to calm him and hold him that night when you told him about them.
"Why is he stalking Birdy like a loser? " He changed the topic and she sighed. 
"Did she say something?" 
"Yeah she hates it, she came here to fulfill her dreams, ask him to keep her out of this" 
"As she should, she's a great girl Loki. You know that right?" Frigga asked him, wanting to hear more about her from Loki himself. You're the best girl he has ever met, unfortunately he won't give his mother that satisfaction. He was still upset with her.
"She's fine mama. I'm going to new york for a fight, I'll see you when I'm back, enjoy the time with your other son" 
"Lokiiii" her voice sounded so sad and it pulled him out of his mind for a second.
"I love you mama, I'll always love you" 
"I love you my mischief" 
He hung up right after that as he couldn't talk anymore, he sobbed to his heart's content until he couldn't. He felt so lonely all of a sudden, so empty inside and he needed your touch, he needed you to hold him, he needed to kiss you. But he didn't want to disturb you right now. So he drove towards the studio but stayed outside waiting for you to finish. To kill the time he scrolled through Instagram, ever since the pictures of you two spread like a wildfire people couldn't stop talking about it.
Even though he got the original ones taken down, people already saved it and shared it on several social media platforms. He read comments that infuriated him, people calling you his whore, his sugarbaby or his flavor of the day pissed him off greatly. He only hoped you were not reading all this. He wanted to put a stop to all the speculations so he did something he has never done before.
You were taking a break from the rehearsals, you and Mack decided to do a freestyle hip-hop routine for the next round. You couldn't stop thinking about Loki, the way he opened up to you today, and the way he fucked you while he did. Just thinking about it made you want to see him right now.
You had a notification from Instagram so you checked it, Loki tagged you in a post? Your heart started beating so fast but you couldn't stop smiling as you saw the post. It was a picture you took in his car two days ago as he drove you to the studio, Whatever doubt you had in your mind regarding him vanished along with it 
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You stared at the picture fir good 5 minutes before you got curious to read the comments and some of them didn't make you feel good, but you realized you had to get used to it. 
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He's accepting you publicly? He's claiming you right? You couldn't believe that someone like him could ever do that but he never fails to surprise you with his actions. Once you were done with rehearsals you walked outside the studio and there he was waiting for you, he had his head down on his seat, he was probably taking a nap so you tapped on his door. He quickly opened his eyes and pulled the window down so you leaned forward to kiss him.
"Thank you"
"Why?" He smiled as he slipped his tongue inside your mouth. You were worried that it was asking for another scandal but you didn't care. You're his, he said it himself.
"You know" you pulled away from him and sat down in the passenger seat.
"I'm famished" he chuckled as he heard you "We will go eat then birdy" you hummed in content.
  "I'm taking you to NY, booked us a red eye, is that okay? I'll have to rest a little after we get there" 
"It's perfectly fine, thank you for taking me with you, I didn't want to miss you all day tomorrow" you smiled as you caressed his cheeks, rubbing your fingers against his bruises and he looked at you. You wanted to ask him about it but decided to do it in the privacy of your room. His room. Your room. Whatever.
He took you to a restaurant to eat and he noticed your hands fidgeting as you read the menu. Your hesitation to not be willing to order in restaurants made him curious. He noticed that before as well and he couldn't help but wonder why you did that "Birdy?" You smiled as you looked up from the menu
"Is there a reason you have anxiety  over this?" You thought about it as he asked 
"It's a little embarrassing" you chuckled nervously so he looked at you "More embarassing than me confessing to a murder?" He asked you. He bared his soul open to you so decided to open up too, 
"I was on a date with Jack, one year into the relationship, he took me out to a fancy high end exclusive restaurant, it was a double date sort of thing with his potential new client. The couple seemed rich and fancy, he was trying to woo them into giving him their business or whatever. When the waiter came to take the order, i ordered a dish but they didn't have it available, so i looked at the menu again, quickly wanting to order something else, but it made me extremely anxious and i ended up ordering something I didn't even want to eat, something I couldn't eat. It had tuna in it and I am not allergic but It always makes my stomach upset for some reason"
You told him nervously, your fingers rubbed against each other. A nervous tick Loki noticed before. 
"Did you tell him that you couldn't eat it? He must have known about this after a year?" He did, but at that time you chalked it up to the stress he had about his clients, now you could tell that he didn't care at all.
" I was about to say something but he sort of glared at me and signaled me to shut up, then he texted me and asked me to not embarrass him anymore. It didn't help that the woman made fun of me and asked me if i had never been to a fancy restaurant before."
You chuckled but he didn't find it funny. No wonder it was so easy for him to break you like that, he never really cared about you. How did he even hurt a woman like you? You're everything one could want in a girlfriend. Or a wife.
"Did you eat that dish you ordered?" He asked you and you nodded "I was hungry, ever since then I am just anxious in restaurants" 
He clenched his fist under the table and you watched him clenching his jaw as he heard you, if Jack was here right now he'd be six feet under right next to Odin.
Loki got up and picked up his chair and placed it next to you, so you put your head down on his shoulder, he kissed the top of your head and you looked at the menu "Let's order something okay? Wouldn't want to keep you starving" he smiled a little and when the waiter approached you looked at him "It's okay birdy, you can do it, I'm here okay?" He whispered softly and you looked at the waiter.
"Uhh can I get a pan seared chicken with a side of Caesar salad please?" 
"Sure mam, would you like to add the dressing?"  The waiter asked you and you nodded. Then Loki ordered his food, lots of boiled chicken with lemon dressing and veggies. He was on a strict diet as you suspected.
When the waiter left he kissed you softly "You did well ..Such a good girl" he whispered and you concealed the urge to moan. That praise always gets you. He kept your hand in his, his thumb rubbed against yours in a comforting manner.
After dinner you went to your hotel to pack a little something for tomorrow and then he took you back to his hotel, as soon as you got there, you showered and brushed your teeth, he did the same. You'd have to leave around ten thirty to reach the airport on time. You had a call from your mom so you called her back. She complained about Rory showing her Loki's post on Instagram. You had the sudden urge to smack Rory upside down.
When you both got in the bed, he kissed you lovingly and passionately, you wrapped your arms and legs around him like a baby monkey clinging to a palm tree.
"Did you get hurt on purpose?" You asked him as you rubbed your fingers over his cheeks and he sighed. He didn't want to lie to you but he didn't know how you'd react to it either. "It's okay I heal fast you know that" you cupped his cheeks and kissed the tip of his nose
 "Why did you hurt yourself, baby?"
You asked him and he sighed as he placed his head down on your chest for a second.
"It helps in taking my mind off from distractions" he shrugged and then put his head up to kiss you "By distractions, you mean feelings? And emotions?" he looked at you again and he got off you to sit up on the bed, so you crawled into his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. You leaned forward and pushed his hair out to the back and peppered soft kisses on his neck. He held your waist tightly as he felt your soft touch. Then you placed your arms on the bed and lowered him down slowly.
You ran your hands over his chest and he held the back of your neck. You sat right over his cock and he knew you both would get no rest at all if you kept being like this.
"That's not a healthy way to deal with pain loki, promise me you won't hurt yourself again intentionally"  You mumbled softly so he held your hips and pulled you on top of him.
"Okay I promise" 
"Promise me that you'll come talk to me" you said to him and he moaned as you moved your hips slightly
"I promise darling"
"Good boy" his eyes widened as you said that, he felt his pulse quickening so he flipped you over and you giggled "Don't rile me up kitten, you want to nap right?" He asked you sternly and you smiled mischievously. Just few days and he have changed you from a shy timid sexually repressed woman to a confident sexual one. And you loved being confident like that, he loved it more. He loved how comfortable you felt around him.
"Yess Daddy" 
He kissed your cheeks and smiled as he laid next to you and wrapped you in his arms. He set the alarm so you both could get up on time. 
Peace, he has never felt such peace in his life, when he was a kid he slept afraid because sometimes Odin would wake him up and beat him first thing in the morning or would dump a bucket of water over him, Sometimes cold as ice, sometimes hot as fire. He was always looking over his shoulders as he slept. He never slept full nights in prison, he couldn't, the nightmares kept him up. Worries of his mama kept him up.
When he came out, he killed Odin and then he did something that kept him up for a while, sure he'd have random sex and then he had subs, he tried to find comfort in Sex because feelings? He couldn't feel anything other than Pain, Self loathing and hatred but now that you snuggled him so tightly, he closed his eyes and fell asleep quickly. He didn't need any pills to do so ever since he started sleeping with you..
"I love you baby" you mumbled softly in his ears as he fell asleep, your eyes tearing up as you looked at him. He looked so calm, so peaceful, he snored so softly you almost couldn't hear it. You have never felt so strongly for anyone, you never wanted to leave his side. You had to go to the bathroom though so you reluctantly pulled away from him but he noticed you shifting and his grip tightened around you.
"Mmmm Nooo nooo don't ..birdy don't leave please" he mumbled in his sleep so you stayed there and waited for him to fall deep in sleep. However what he said next made you forget even your own name for a second
"I love you birdy.. never ever leave..never let me go" 
Taglist : @colifower   @karuna11   @vbecker10   @the-wounded-healer05   @hayden429   @lokismfbitch   @limiworld   @12-pm-510   @daddylokisqueen   @lokislovingvalkyrie   @3ddiebrock   @chaotics17   @rat-p1ss   @wheredafandomat   @notmesimpingforanothabritishlad   @lokislittlemoon   @sluttybitchs-world   @dren-whalen   @catalina712   @bouffantofdoom @lokistoejam @multifandom-world8   @loving-barnes   @apine7   @midgardianminx   @rainybananaturtletaco @marions-wither88 @phantombaby   @snigdha-14   @disneyismyworldforever   @xpixiedevilx   @christineblood   @sarcastically-defensive17   @itshemlock   @howdidurhammergrowchris   @julian0800 @vllowe
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