#Odin is a trash bag
mischiefprincess · 1 month
I've been thinking a lot about Loki and Frigga these days, I don't think she's an evil, manipulative monster like some people but I do think she's a very flawed mother, from what we see in the movies she's very quick to justify and sugarcoat Odin's actions, Yes there's a deleted scene where she confronts him about Thor's banishment but it was deleted for a reason, in the movie itself we see her telling Loki that "there's always a purpose to everything your father does", she's always defending him, never her sons and that tells us a lot about the kind of mother she is, idk if it's bc she puts her position as queen above her position as a mother but she always stand by Odin's side no matter what.
Ofc we know she asks Odin not to kill Loki in tdw but that's just the bare minimum she could do, she always does everything thinking about pleasing Odin above all, she goes visiting Loki as a illusion, in secret to not anger her husband, when Loki is going through the trauma of finding out the truth about his adoption she never acknowledges any responsability for what she and Odin did, she justifies his lies agian by saying he lied to protect Loki
She doesn't acknowledge Loki's pain or his right to be angry at them, she tells him he's their son as if that's enough to heal his wounds, she doesn't ask for forgiveness and doesn't offer Loki any comfort bc her husband was taking a nap and she had to stay by his side at all seconds, it doesn't matter that her son had his whole sense of identity stripped away from him, holding Odin's hand was way more important than giving Loki a hug or anything else
I think at some moment Loki realized that she cared more about being Odin's queen than being their mother bc she'd never stand up for her sons and defend them from the abuses Odin put them through, she just kept justifying it bc she wouldn't dare going against her king, it must've hurt for Loki, realizing that he was truly all by himself in Asgard, he couldn't count on his own mother to publicly defend him from the humiliations he undoubtedly suffered, she would just sneak into his chambers and whisper some words of encouragement privately but when in public he was entirely on his own and he knew it
That's why I care more about Loki reuniting with his friends/found family than him going to New Asgard or to Asgard in the past, I have no doubts that he loves his family with his whole heart and he wants to see them again but I love the new family he built for himself in the show, he has Mobius who will defend him with everything he has and will be his emotional support, validating his feelings and genuinely listening to him, he NEVER felt like he belonged in Asgard but in the show he finally found his place, he found the people he belonged to (as stated by the crew) and he fought to save them for hundreds of years so there's no way I'd want him to leave his new home for him to go back to the place where he was mistreated, belittled and mocked just for being who he was, I want him to stay in the place where feels free to be his true self thank you very much
(Ofc that doesn't mean I don't want him and Thor to reunite again, I just think it's best for him to stay with the people he chose to be his family)
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simplyholl · 9 months
Out of My System Pt 7
Summary: Loki doesn't understand Thor's attraction to Midgardians. Until he meets you.
Pairing: Avenger Loki x F. Reader
Warnings: Angst. Pregnancy.
W/C: 846
A/N: Sorry this is so short! I’ve been crazy busy with the Whore-O-Ween stuff.
Out of My System Masterlist
You were shaking with excitement. Odin had agreed to let you visit Asgard on Loki and Thor’s next trip. You didn’t know what you were most excited about, meeting his mother or seeing the place where he grew up.
There was also another reason you were excited. You were hiding a pretty big secret. You had found out earlier in the week that you’re pregnant. You weren’t exactly keeping the news from Loki, you just wanted to find the right time to tell him. You thought that the opportunity would present itself on your trip.
Frigga was everything you imagined and so much more. She welcomed you with open arms. You loved her already. As soon as she saw you, she gave you a knowing smile. A mother always knows. Loki left the two of you alone to talk, and she asked if he knew the second he walked out.
She was almost more excited than you. The next day, she gifted you with Asgardian baby gowns in Loki’s colors. You hid them in your bag so Loki wouldn’t find them. You walked around the palace after you ate looking for Loki.
You stumble upon Sif and another lady. “Have you seen Loki?” “He was seen in the garden with Rose earlier.” She smirked and you thanked her, making your way to the garden. “Poor dear, Loki brought her all the way from Midgard and he’s already seeing someone behind her back. He and Rose used to be an item centuries ago. You know what they say, old flames die hard.”
You couldn’t believe what she was saying. You were only a few steps away, surely they meant for you to hear it. But you knew Loki, and he wouldn’t cheat on you. You hurried outside, spotting Loki sitting on a bench with Rose. You could hear her obnoxious giggle as she climbed into his lap.
Shocked, you got on your hands and knees crawling to a nearby bush. You hid behind it so you could spy on them. There had to be a logical explanation for why she was in his lap. Maybe she got hurt and he was helping her.
“A Midgardian, Loki? I thought even you had standards. She’s not even that pretty. You could have your choice of any Asgardian woman. Why don’t we go back to my cottage? It will be just like old times. I’ll do that thing you like.” She purred.
You shake with anger. How dare she? You peak through the bush waiting for Loki’s response. This should be good. He wouldn’t let anyone say anything bad about you. Loki takes her loose curl between his fingers placing it behind her ear. “That’s quite a tempting offer-“
Rage consumes you. You stand, giving away your hiding spot. You stomp over to them, not caring how crazy you looked. If looks could kill, they would both be dead. “Darling, what are you -“ You don’t give Loki the chance to finish. “Get your ass up!” You shout at her. She looks from you to Loki. This must be how Bruce feels when he turns into the Hulk. Damn these pregnancy hormones. You grab Rose’s arm and sling her to the ground.
“Oh!” She shouts as her body lands hard with a thud. “Loki, please help me, she’s assaulted me!” She whines. Loki takes one step toward her, but stops when he sees how angry you are. “You’re lucky that’s all I did!” She gets up with a huff, running in the opposite direction.
“Darling, I can explain. It’s not what it looked like.” Your hand meets his cheek before you can think. He brings his hand to it, shocked. “What’s the matter with you?” He questions. “Me? What about you? I heard her trashing me and you didn’t defend me once! She propositioned you, Loki. An offer I heard you accept.” He places his hand on yours, and you jerk away from his touch.
“I was so foolish to think this could work, that I’d ever be enough for you. You didn’t even like Earth women, Loki. I don’t know why I thought I was any different.” You fight back tears, refusing to let him see you cry. “You better go after her.”
You sob the entire way back to Loki’s chamber. Hand on your non-existent baby bump, you think of all that could’ve been, all that he had ruined. “It’s just you and me from now on. I’m sorry your dad’s such an asshole. I’ve always had horrible taste in men. I just thought he was different.” You cried harder remembering that you slapped him. “I’m going to give birth in Asgardian jail because I assaulted Prince Jackass!” You wailed.
Loki gave you some time to calm down. He knew he couldn’t talk to you when you were so angry. He was about to refuse Rose’s advances and defend you when you popped out of the bushes like a mad woman.
“Mother, have you seen her? I’ve been looking everywhere.” Frigga frowned at him. “She went back to Midgard, Loki. Thor accompanied her per my request.” Loki runs a hand through his hair looking frustrated. “Why would you send Thor? Why wouldn’t you send for me?” He shouted. Frigga placed a dainty hand on her son’s shoulder. “You’ve done enough today. What were you thinking? You should have known what it would look like.”
When he reached his chambers, he noticed you left your bag. He missed you and he wasn’t sure if he could fix this. You were so angry with him, and you had every right to be. He decided to go through your bag, hoping to find something that smelled like you.
He picked out a hoodie, bringing it to his nose for comfort. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his colors. He knew you didn’t have anything like that, so his curiosity got the best of him. He lifted the small items out of your bag. Realizing what they were, he was shocked.
He thought back, remembering how you had gotten sick smelling your favorite food. You were sick quite often lately, but you told him it was a stomach flu. Why hadn’t you told him? Perhaps you didn’t want a child with him. You hadn’t been dating for very long. A child would change your relationship. One thing was for certain, he had to get back to you.
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@lokisgoodgirl @fictive-sl0th @lokidbadguy @ozymdias @cindylynn @cakesandtom @eleniblue @muddyorbsblr @marygoddessofmischief @mochie85 @goblingirlsarah @lokisninerealms @wheredafandomat @peaches1958 @freegardenbanananeck @chantsdemarins @lokidokieokie @anukulee @sheris532 @lokixryss @multifandom-worlds @javagirl328 @assemblingavenger @lilibet261 @lemonadygirl @joyofbebbanburg @bellajg21 @ladymischief11 @kats72 @evelyn-rathmore @innebulae @alexakeyloveloki @princess-ofthe-pages @xorpsbane @itssomeonereading @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @navs-bhat @fire-in-her-veinz @crimson25 @darkserenity24 @mischief2sarawr @nikkig496-blog @buttercupcookies-blog
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 6 months
Hello! I finally figured out how to request from you! I live in Australia so it was hard to find the correct times and days. I literally stayed up all night just so that I can request something *crying for the need to sleep*.
Anyway, can I request either Odin, Thor and Loki with a female Hiccup Reader from 'How to Train your Dragon' and having children.
Or Poseidon breeding NSFW with a female human reader who loves the ocean and sea life (bonus with their first meeting where he sees reader chasing some delinquents away with a baseball bat).
Anyway, I'm going to crash and sleep any minute now, so... Love your work!
This wasn’t going to be this long, but I couldn’t stop once I got started :3
Minors DNI
-It was very rarely that a human caught Poseidon’s attention. Kojiro had been one of the first, after he managed to defeat the lord of the seas, and when he came back, he was ‘nicer’ to Kojiro, compared to other humans, as he had earned Poseidon’s respect.
-As all those who fell in Ragnarok were given their lives back, wished back by a selfless human, Poseidon did have to admit, only to himself, that not all humans were bad.
-So, when you caught his eye when he was walking along one of his beaches in his realm, chasing some teenagers with a baseball bat, “You bastards!! Pick up your mess! You’re gonna kill more wildlife with your trash!!”
-Hearing you defending the sea and its wildlife so much did surprise him, before he saw a pile of garbage, left by the teenagers who were running, laughing at they didn’t care.
-You huffed, giving up the chase and Poseidon watched as you went back to the trash and pulled out a bag, cleaning up the mess yourself, muttering under your breath.
-Poseidon sought out the teenagers first, who were laughing, thinking it was funny that you got so mad. As he appeared behind them, his voice low and dangerous, “What are you doing to my domain?” they were not expecting to see Poseidon himself there, glaring down at him.
-They were quickly screaming, hugging onto each other as Poseidon put the fear of… well him into them, teaching them a lesson they soon wouldn’t forget before kicking them out of his domain.
-When he returned to you, the mess was all cleaned up, deposed of properly and you had washed your hands, returning to your own bag on the beach, and you were sketching in a notebook, sitting in the sand with your feet buried, your baseball bat sitting beside you.
-He approached you and you turned, hearing the footsteps and you were surprised to see Poseidon himself there before he spoke, “Thank you human- for cleaning up the mess of those scum. They won’t be bothering my domain again.”
-You questioned, for like a half a second, if he had killed them, as you knew that Poseidon was known for being brutal when he wanted to be before you smiled up at him, stunning him with the warmth behind it, “It’s no problem- I can’t stand it when others make a mess of nature!”
-He knew of humans who did try to help, but those who didn’t care far outweighed those who did, but to actually meet one, to see your determination to at least try, it made a very soft smile appear on his lips.
-He kneeled beside you in the sand, looking at your sketchbook, seeing various pictures of wildlife from seagulls to turtles and a few shells as well as some doodles, but his attention quickly went back to you.
-There was something about you- something new. He couldn’t tell you what exactly, but there was a pull, as he reached out with both hands, after putting his trident down, cupping your cheeks, making them warm and color, “I should reward such an honorable human~”
-You’re not sure what was happening, but you welcomed his advances, feeling the same odd pull he was, and he leaned in, kissing you deeply.
-Your sketchbook and pencil fell to the sand as he leaned over you, forcing you to tilt your head up as you whined softly as he stole your breath away, kissing you so deeply.
-Your soft sounds were clouding his mind, he felt like he was drowning in you, but he wanted to- he wanted more!
-He quickly stood, pulling you with him, easily pulling you into his arms, your legs going around his waist which made him shivering lightly as you kissed him back, tongues dancing together as your breaths both turned ragged.
-With a flick of his wrist, you, him, his trident, and your belongings were all suddenly in a room, his private bed chambers. He wanted you there and now, but he wasn’t willing to do it on the sand- he was not going to deal with sand in places they shouldn’t be!
-Once your back met the mattress he grinded his hips against your own, feeling his throbbing cock against your own core and your back arched, breaking the kiss with a whine as you bit your bottom lip.
-Clothes were quickly shed, exposing your body to Poseidon- he could see scars adorning your body, but instead of being disgusted, he found them beautiful, his lips trailing across them, seeing them as badges that you earned, no matter how you got them.
-Your hands met his hair, finding it soft as your nails scratched against his scalp, pulling a deep groan from his own lips which made your back arch, you had never heard such an alluring sound before.
-This was something passionate, you had never met this man before, but you couldn’t stop, you didn’t want to stop, and neither did he- he wanted this- he wanted you, all of you! Neither of you could explain the heat or these strange feelings between the two of you, but it didn’t matter- it felt too good.
-Poseidon was definitely the dominate one in bed, holding your hair in his hand as he forced you to swallow his cock over and over, feeling your hands on his thighs as you huffed through your nose. You gazed up at him through teary eyes which made him buck up, sending him deeper. You choked only for a moment before swallowing him again, sucking and massaging him with your lips which made him throw his head back, “Gods human- you- umfph!” he couldn’t speak as you hollowed your cheeks again, making him moan so pretty for you again.
-He hadn’t known such an attentive lover before, someone who was willing to pleasure him willing, not just because he told you to.
-Your tongue swirled around his tip as he felt his head go back, feeling his release coming, huffing down at you, you smirked up at him, surprising him, “Cum for me, my King~” your words, your teasing- he quickly grabbed your face, a hand on either side and forced you down on him as he came, forcing you to swallow it.
-You pulled back, licking at your lips and he couldn’t help but smirk, “Minx!” you grinned up at him, feeling so bold as you managed to capture the tip in your mouth again, making him buck before he grabbed you, pulling you back, holding your hair again, glaring down at you. He hadn’t known humans to be so promiscuous!
-His fingers felt so good against your own opening, joining his tongue as he tried to drown himself on you, pleasuring you with his tongue.
-You were gripping the sheets, your back arched as your eyes were crossing, it felt so good, “Poseidon- please- I’m so- ngh! So-so close!” he stroked that special place, so deep inside of you, pulling back, licking his lips like a hungry beast, “Oh~ so close already? Very well- let’s see what you look like when you cum.”
-His words made your veins feel like fire as he went harder, stroking deep inside of you and you felt your vision going white as you cried out- at least you felt like you cried out, as you spasmed around him.
-He smirked down at you, seeing you coming undone- you looked so good like that, he wanted to make you do it again and again and again, licking his lips.
-When he first entered you, holding your head down to the sheets as he entered you from behind, holding your hips up with one hand, your elongated moan swelled his ego, even more than it had been, he was just so big!
-You were so tight around him, sucking him in perfectly as you gripped the sheets, his hands gripping at your hips as he pounded deeply into you, driving cries from your lips with each thrust.
-He watched your ass bounce with his movements, watching the flesh dance below it as he gripped it, spreading your cheeks, making you whine as he stared at where the two of you were joined.
-The sight was so alluring, seeing your slick coating his cock, a milky ring covering his cock which made him go harder and harder, making your cries grow in volume as you threw your head back, “Poseidon ohh~~” he slapped your ass, once then twice, so both your cheeks were turning colors, “That’s not my name at the moment Y/N!”
-You whined, the slight pain feeling so good as you stretched out your hands, “My King!” you were rewarded for your correct answer by him moving hips even faster. You could feel your orgasm quickly coming, he was hitting every spot inside of you that was making you feel stars.
-He hissed through his teeth, brushing his hair back out of his eyes, feeling you tighten around him as he gripped your hips, not caring if they were going to leave bruises as something new swelled inside of him.
-You felt so perfect around him, so tight and warm- he never wanted to leave you. You weren’t going to leave him. You were perfect- you were going to stare here forever with him!
-He thrusts became brutal until he felt you clench hard around him, your body going limp as he tried to enter as deep as possible, emptying himself inside of you.
-You felt his head on your back, his soft hair tickling you slightly as you both gasped for air. You had never felt this way before- it felt amazing!
-He pulled out slowly, listening to you whining from overstimulation and he watched his love gush out of you as you whimpered softly- you felt so full, but you felt so delicious at the same time.
-He pressed a kiss to your back, trailing up as your body relaxed, laying down on the bed before he brushed your hair from your face, kissing your cheek softly, “You get five minutes- I’m going to keep filling you until I properly breed you and you carry my child.”
-You clenched around nothing at his words, your eyes wide as he moved to stand, pulling on a robe to get you both some water to drink.
-It didn’t matter to him if you could get pregnant or not, he was going to continue breeding you, over and over if he had to. You couldn’t help but smile, looking forward to it.
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firstinline · 1 year
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 --- @stingslikeabee​ queried: "I can't believe this," Melissa's voice was sincerely distraught and her movements slow, careful. The way she acted was not dissimilar of a mother experiencing severe, unexpected grief at the loss of a child or something equally tragic, despite the fact that there was nothing so dire happening in reality. All she was doing was removing the pot where a plant had been from one of Priest's tables, carrying it over to him with a profoundly accusatory glance in her honey-colored eyes. Melissa then raised it to his eye level (he was taller than she was, particularly without heels) as if to emphasize her frustration, and then unceremoniously dropped the thing into the trash bag near them on the floor, the pot joining many other items which had not been salvaged from the deep cleaning of Priest's apartment. At least he was present this time instead of being surprised with his childhood friend sorting his stuff and abusing her spare key powers. "You killed a cactus. That's a new low even for you, Shy," the madame aggressively pointed towards the bag, now hiding the corpse of the cactus victimized by Priest's terrible plant-keeping skills as if she was somehow its representative in Midgar, "You should say some words for the poor plant. I thought at least a cactus would survive here but looks like I cannot trust you with anything that is not plastic."
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      ------ADMITTEDLY THE TIME he spent at home was significantly less than any one person probably should. he’d learned a long time ago that purchasing perishables had not been an ideal move, and his refrigerator stayed mostly empty (save for a jug of filtered water & some steaks that had been vacuum sealed and frozen in the low freezer) in an attempt to save money. if anyone knew the state of his home ... and how abandoned it mostly was ---it was melissa. boxes from his move still remained pushed in the corners of the living room and bed room, and the only alternating things were his shampoo, conditioner, and body soaps on the shower shelves. he took better care of his rotating stock of suits than he did himself, really.
      the cactus, admittedly forgotten entirely, was promptly brought to his attention. if he wasn’t careful he’d get a needle to the face - but the turk only blinked slowly at the withered, dried up thing before it was dumped away into trash bags he had no memory of placing. (and for good reason, melissa was far more diligent in her efforts to tidy than he was, though his apartment resembled something more of a well-windowed cathedral for how empty it was).
     “ i haven’t been home in two weeks. ” it was a weak argument, but his voice didn’t waver at the accusation. it was the truth, too. he’d fallen asleep on the couch in director tseng’s office more than a few times, upright with some paperwork in his lap. eyes followed the line down to the bag that her finger provided, and when he moved to step over the bag it was rather unceremonious, “ may odin keep you. i have steaks in the freezer, if you’re interested. ” he bee-lined for the kitchen, ducking beneath the low frame and peering at melissa through the open half-wall. “ what do you want me to say, lil? they taught me how to kill things, not care for them. i put it by the window and watered it before i left. you said cacti were low maintenance. ”
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penig · 1 year
Oh Frabjous day! Calloo! Callay! Once again I chortle in my joy. The plumber just left and we have water again!
(Stupid autocorrect. What kind of useless dictionary doesn’t have frabjous, calloo, and callay in it?)
I don’t get to wash my hair yet because I told my husband he got first shot at the shower (he deserves it) and he’s desperate to run the dishwasher first. My shower will be a bit of a production anyway since I’m not supposed to get the splint wet. The only dodge I can think of for that is to use surgical tape to wrap it up in a trash bag and if that doesn’t work I’ll have to do inconvenient things with sinks that will probably require assistance. But things are looking up and I can’t see the holes in the walls.
Damon is afraid Odin may have already gone exploring in the holes while the plumber was out fetching something. They always disappear when workmen are in the house and we haven’t seen him in awhile. But he doesn’t really like outside the previous times he got out and we haven’t heard any blundering around in the walls so I’m going to trust he’s just asleep in one of his hidey holes until I have reasons to think otherwise.
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mannaheim-if · 2 years
I was at work the other day loading up trash on a cart outside, and while I was inside grabbing another bag a raven flew down and opened up one of the trash bags to eat out of it. When I came out I said "piss off huginn!" and he flew off. They like to follow the cart around and sometimes make funny noises as they're hanging around. I wonder why Odin is so interested in the trash 🤔
Hmm, I’m not sure. One man’s trash is a Norse god’s treasure?
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"At first it had been a younger sibling admiring the older, fostered by their Father through the years, which then changed into more of a means to survive after ODIN and during the war. It was also the thing that damned them, because both had been taken, rather than just one. They lost more than they gained in the end. 
Following David just wasn't the right system to follow anymore. With the way things had changed, it wasn't going to work. And he understood that neither of them would get the chance to grow properly if they didn’t separate. 
Two plants in one pot that became too small for them. They were going to choke each other out if something didn’t change.
“What do you plan on doing?” Keegan asked. 
“Leave. Wing it from there. I have a lot of skills. And Ghost wouldn't lose their informant. David knows as much as me.” He reassured. “David would have the team,and Riley, but I've never been on my own before. I’m… scared.” 
Had that been why he asked Keegan to talk then? “You want someone to go with you? You want me to go with you?” 
He was surprised to see the blonde flush slightly. He was oddly touched that Logan would choose him, but at the same time. WHY. Keegan is not a model human. He may have put up a put-together front, but he was a bag of trash with a smiley face on it at best."
Chapter 12.
Keegan "I'm such a fucking mess." Russ
"And don't worry about finding more fics. I'm writing another one already. This time it's: What if Elias fell instead of Rorke? ;)"
End of chapter notes.
Crazy. I may have started writing because Skyrim, but I only started posting because of Ghosts. And Two Birds is where it all started.
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lost in outer space
summary: When Odins‘ death opened up the gates to hell, Thor, Loki and you ended up stranded on a strange planet with no way home. With Hela claiming the throne of Asgard and the prophesied Ragnarok, you and your brothers were left to fight for your survival on Sakaar while trying to come up with a plan to save everything you’ve ever known. But when Thor suddenly went missing, you couldn’t take the impending doom anymore and turn to Loki for comfort.
characters: Loki, fem!reader (siblings)
warnings/synopsis: during Thor Ragnarok (spoilers), slight mentions of death/loss and trauma, slight angst, one or two swear words, it gets fluffy though. This is you being comforted by your favourite brother. Requested by the wonderful @superwhoflarrow123 Thank you again for being so understanding why this took a little longer! I really hope you like it! (roughly 1.7k words)
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The walls of your room were an ugly bright booger green. A futuristic bed with sort of retro patterned orange sheets was placed next to a floor to ceiling window overlooking the landscape of Sakaar. In the distance, trash was stacked up high enough to touch the clouds, and to your feet container like looking buildings were littering the planets‘ surface like thrown out cardboard boxes. The sky was a hazy storm grey, only a handful of brightly coloured air crafts and weirdly shaped skyscrapers breaking up the murky and metallic smelling air. This definitely was one of the less pretty planets you had ever been on. Granted you weren’t here because Sakaar had been your dream destination – up until your stranding here you had never even heard o fit – but because your secret evil sister took over your home planet. Your father having a secret fourth child probably was the most normal thing that had happened to your family so far though, that he locked her up in hell less so. Now that both of your parents were gone, you didn’t intend to make amends and play happy little family with Hela. She did try to kill you and your brothers after all and you felt like that didn’t really qualify for a second chance.
You didn’t know how long you had been tumbling through space like a plastic bag, only that when you landed face down in a pile of space waste, you were alone. You didn’t know where your brothers were or frankly where you happened to be, but after wandering through the sea of garbage for a while, you learned fast that you weren’t as welcome as you had hoped. You were electro-shocked, thrown into a funky looking aircraft and shipped off into imprisonment. At least that was what you were expecting. Instead, you were met with a weird guy in gold sparkly tunics and piercing eyes and only because he decided to keep you around as leverage, you were given a room and the chance to wash up.
It could have been between a couple of days and a week, you really had no clue, time felt weird here when you were attending one of the Grandmasters‘ lavish parties and news arrived that someone else had arrived. You were equally relieved and frustrated as you watched Loki walking into the room, head held high and about a dozen armed guards trailing behind him. At least he didn’t end up on the other side of the galaxy or even worse, dead and even though you were relieved that you wouldn’t be alone in this freak show anymore you could see it on his face, that he didn’t exactly come to your rescue. You had quickly realized what the Grandmaster did with most prisoners and then had to watch him circle your brother like a hunter its prey, already expecting to have to either fight or plea for Lokis life. But only for him to smirk at Loki and then turn around to the woman next to him saying, “He’s pretty, let’s keep him.”
Thor arrived two weeks later but didn’t seem to have the same luck as Loki and you did. He was put into a cell under the gladiator arena while you two needed to keep up appearances. It was almost impossible to get a chance to speak with him. Not only because you were physically not allowed to even go near his cell, but also because when Loki used his magic to visit him he didn’t seem very cooperative.  And so the two of you had no choice but to leave him to fight his way out – as usual – while you started to forge a plan.
Everything seemed to go well all things considered. Loki weaselled his way into the Grandmasters‘ trusted circle, trying to find out more about how to leave the planet, while you mentally connected with Heimdall back home. Hela was wracking havoc raising an undead army and threatening to kill everyone who got in her way and you knew you were running out of time. Knowing that at least you weren’t alone, that at least for once in many years you and your brother all were in one place was your only solace.
“What do you mean with: he’s gone?” “Lost. Vanished. Vaporized into thin air. Nowhere to be seen.” Mouth slightly agape with shock you couldn’t believe what Loki had just told you. “But we had a plan!” Your brother only shrugged and you could already feel a headache forming. Cursing under your breath you massaged your temples with your pointer fingers, trying to make sense of the situation. “So our dear brother got lost on a planet where all the lost things end up?” you had your eyes closed, fingers still rubbing circles into your skin and trying not to freak out. “It seems as if someone would be able to do that, it’s Thor,” Loki said. Your eyes shot upon and you let your hands fall to your sides. “Are you joking?” you snapped, stunned at how little concerned he seemed. “I worked out a deal with the Grandmaster to find him, but he also put that little Valkyrie on it. We have to find him first or I’m afraid he will end up somewhere far worse than the cells,” he explained. “I can’t believe this.” Shaking your head you let yourself plop down onto the edge of your bed. “It’s not like he’s dead,” Loki tried to console you but it did little to calm your nerves. In fact, it only added to the anger that had been building up ever since you landed on this damn planet. “No, Loki. I’m sure he’s not.” You stood up again and raiseed your head to meet him at eye-level. “But you know what? Him going missing is just the cherry on top of what I needed.” Loki was eyeing you warily, his almost bored gaze suddenly beginning to warm up a little. “Are you okay?” he suddenly asked with a gentle voice that almost brought you to tears. “No! I’m not fucking okay! Our father just died, granted he wasn’t my favourite parent and he could be an asshole at times, but he was our father! And as if that wasn’t enough we find out we have a secret diabolic demon sister who is head bend on getting her revenge on someone who's already dead!” you were screaming out the last part, the absurdity of the whole situation just kicking in. Loki looked like he wanted to say something, but you weren’t finished. “But wait, there’s more! We’re stranded on a planet we’ve never even heard of in over a thousand years of being alive and we neither have a space ship to escape nor our brother apparently, who, if I have to remind you, is the fucking heir to the fucking throne!”
You knew you were being unfair, Thor may have put the blame on Loki, but you knew, that all of you and especially your father were equally to blame. But in the end that wouldn’t help the situation so you didn’t try to start a discussion about whose fault this really was. Your chest was heaving and you felt like a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders just getting all of this out, but you started to regret your harsh tone as soon you saw Lokis‘ face fall. “I know,” he said and suddenly wrapped his arms around you. Loki wasn’t a big hugger so this was very new but not unwelcome. “All of this is pure shit and I’m sorry you have to go through all of this. I’ll make it right, I promise, darling,” he said as he carefully rested his chin on top of your head. Great, now you really felt bad. “I didn’t mean it like that,” you mumbled and hid your face in the cold leather spanned over the expanse of his chest. Your voice was slightly muffled as you continued, enclosing your arms behind his back. “It’s not your fault. It’s just too much. Thor has gone off without us, we have no real way out of here and whether it’s Hela or Ragnarok, we’re gonna lose our home. I mean, why even try at this point?” “Don’t say that,” Loki argued, loosened the hug and held you at arm's length to look at your face, fingers slightly digging into the flesh of your upper arms. He could see the tears threatening to spill and put on a firm, but gentle face. “We can’t give up. That’s your home Hela is invading. We can fight her. We can win.” “How can you be so sure?” you croaked out, a salty tear finally rolling down your heated cheek. Loki smiled faintly, thumb brushing away another tear and his blue eyes full of determination. “We always win.” You tried to believe him, you really did but realistically, what were your chances against a whole army? “What would you do, if you were to give up? Stay here?” Loki tried a different approach and looked around the room in disgust. Just the thought alone of staying on this garbage dump made you shiver with revulsion. A small smile tugged at his lips. “We’re gonna find Thor, I promise. And then we’ll make right what has gone wrong and you never have to think about this place or Hela ever again, okay?” You took a deep breath, running the back of your hand over your cheeks to dry the wet skin. “Okay,” you then said, voice a little shaky but you were finally calming down again. Loki always had this effect on you. Even when you were kids, he would always comfort you when you were feeling angry or upset and you were glad that after everything that had happened in the last years, at least that hadn’t changed. “Okay,” he repeated and tugged you against his chest again. Your fingers curled into the leather, just to make sure, he wouldn’t disappear too. “Thank you, Loki,” you mumbled and closed your eyes, breathing in his familiar scent. Lokis hands were splayed out over your back when he leaned back a little and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.   “I love you, my darling sister.” And you knew, everything would be okay again. You would find Thor and then your little family would finally return home. Together.
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qwanderer · 3 years
Loki in the Hall of Mirrors
This story is complicated. Not, like, as a plot, not particularly, but philosophically and thematically. It's got that great play of hero against villain that I love about the Loki story in general and that makes it all so divisive and messy. And I love it even more than I did on first watch.
The first time I watched the desert landing scene, I was like, "Wait? What happened to Allspeak?" because the people who live there don't seem to understand him. But on the second watch, I realized it could be a lack of context, rather than a break in translation. These people probably have an even chance of knowing nothing about Norse myth. Like, what if an alien came up to you and said "I am Boogle of Bofgar, I carry a burden"? You would still have questions like "What the hell is a boogle and why are you carrying your shit here?" So the basic dynamic of Allspeak is probably still functioning, and Loki probably understood their questions, but he was still trying to figure out how to answer when he got distracted by the TVA people.
It could even be an innate psychic ability rather than a magical one, as he seems to understand everyone in the TVA, including the man who can't be fluent in all languages like the field agents because he has never heard of a fish and the seemingly nonverbal robot. (Which of course makes me want Loki talking with Dum-E and the other shop bots! But I digress.)
Okay. I want to start talking about the next-level manipulation shit the TVA are pulling on Loki here. Time, as they say, moves differently in the TVA, and one might even assume that they can avoid having to deal with more variants at once than they can handle. And yet we see them dealing with exactly two other troublemakers during Loki's onboarding.
The first, I'm going to call little echo man.
Little echo man is incredibly annoying to Loki, because he does and says everything Loki might find himself inclined to do and say if he wanted to be difficult. Little echo man does these things in little annoying undignified ways, making them look silly and petulant. Little echo man protests and questions and pushes back, in his business suit and his long dark hair and pale skin, and clearly thinks everyone should treat him as important even though every indication is that he is an annoyance and an afterthought.
Perhaps he's a plant, and perhaps he's just a variant of an annoying but predictable regular they see who they lined up at the same time on purpose. But he is on purpose. Everything he does screams directly at Loki, "Don't do this."
We'll get to the second convenient intersection later.
The most obvious layer of manipulation is simply the beraucracy. They put him up against a series of obstacles which he needs to deal with to get anywhere else, and nothing he does can get him past those obstacles except compliance. All of these obstacles have personality, but they are not personable. They treat Loki like a bag of trash they have been tasked with taking to the curb. Annoying, distasteful, but ultimately routine. His silver tongue isn't going to get him anywhere because these people simply don't care.
I think a lot of these he just goes along with to see where it gets him, since at this point he still believes he has his magic in reserve. But the fact that he steps through the robot fryer even though he thinks he might be a robot without knowing (as others have pointed out, he spent thousands of years as a frost giant without knowing it, and he's recently spent time in the control of the being who shaped Nebula) is a testament to how deep they've already got their hooks in him.
They treat the robot fryer like it's routine, but come the next obstacle, they kill little echo man like it's routine, too. Because he didn't comply.
Loki is slowly being ironed flat to thread into their compliance mill.
And then - I love this, because it reminds me of one of my favorites among the multiplicity of Lokis, GoS!Loki - they put this line in as punctuation between the impersonal, compliance, don't phase of their manipulation and everything that comes after it.
When he's set before the judge, someone actually paying some attention to him, this is his chance to use his silver tongue on someone who will listen. But, although the judge listens, she treats him the same as all the other obstacles have - like listening is a distasteful chore she would like to be done with.
So it seems like the perfect moment for a dramatic escape. Except his magic is gone.
"It's not your story," the judge says. "It never was."
That hammers in all the worst things Loki has ever believed about himself - that he stands in the shadows of others, that he will never have the central place he was raised to desire, that he is, and always will be, a villain to be vanquished rather than a person with choices and agency.
Enter Mobius.
Mobius is a big echo.
He draws all the attention in a room. He is everything that Loki wishes to be - he is powerful, informed, prepared, in control. Capable of charming the judge. And most importantly, he is actively interested in Loki.
At this point in Loki's journey - both in the show and in his life - that has to be irresistible.
So Mobius is in a perfect position to wrap Loki right around his pinky finger.
He listens to Loki without shutting him down, the way all the obstacles have. When Loki tells Mobius he's going to burn down the TVA, Mobius suggests a couple of places he might want to start. One concrete, small, mischievous. One an indication that he's open to Loki doing larger, more significant things here in the future.
He shows Loki his own past and future - but carefully edited, to paint a particular picture.
So many echoes, so many reflections - Loki is in a house of mirrors. Lost, disoriented. Distorted one way, then the other. Magnified and examined.
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Loki snarks, and Mobius comments, "Makes you sound smart." Affirms Loki for that little mischievous bit of personality.
Mobius shows Loki some of the most terrible things he's done, and questions them. Pushes Loki away from them. Then changes direction before he can get too heavy-handed, to basically fangirl over the DB Cooper adventure. That's mischief. That's good. I like that.
Punishes him for a small infraction, just to remind him who is in control and that even looking threatening could be seen as a problem.
I think it was at about this point that I got hard reminded of the dynamics of the show White Collar. It's a buddy cop show on a basic level and sometimes the relationship can be very sweet, but sometimes Peter spends one too many times reminding Neal that he can send him back to prison any time he wants and the power dynamic shows its messed up edges.
Mobius is part of the machine, and the machine is doing terrible things to Loki, but I have at least a sliver of hope that the relationship could gain more balance - more genuine balance, not based on the faux freedom that Loki has gained by the end of the episode. There's something to be said for making changes to a system from within that system, but for that to be meaningful change, Mobius would have to change as a person.
Anyway, this current nastily powerful Mobius pushes Loki as hard as he can, and then is conveniently interrupted by the actions of another variant, leaving Loki alone with his remote.
It could easily have been on purpose. The only thing Loki learns by escaping that room is that the TVA is more powerful than any force in the universe, in his experience.
Let's talk about the other Loki variant for a minute. It took me until the second viewing to realize the symbolism of leaving a small child the only survivor in a place of worship, then giving her something to turn her blue.
Odin said he found Loki in a temple, in the aftermath of a battle.
It's actually frighteningly easy to imagine how a distraught Loki could get to a place where he feels the need to genuinely burn down the TVA, and kill every agent in it. Because the TVA put certain clips in his little future show, focusing on the death of his mother, the way his own actions affected it, and the futility and brutality of his own death at the hands of Thanos.
They don't show him the destruction of Asgard, his own role in helping save the evacuees, and the way Thanos decimated the population of that transport before it could even reach Earth. They don't show him the devastation of his home or his capacity to do good.
A Loki who knows that the power of the TVA exists and that he has the capacity to be Asgard's heroic savior would do anything to get that power and save his people.
But we haven't met that Loki yet. I'm sure we will, and it's going to be exhilarating.
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This Loki is being taught the importance of control over little things, and so when he gets his collar off and onto that guard, he toys with her, just to see that he can. They have been toying with him and it's oh so satisfying to turn the tables. But it's still compliance in its own way, the petty little mischief that Mobius has been steering him towards.
Loki has been given just enough freedom, just enough choices, that it seems like his own choice to watch the rest of the slide show and come to the obvious conclusion - there's no "out" to go to. His life has gone on without him, and ended. And there's really no point in his trying to fix it. No putting things back the way they were.
So he admits to Mobius - the person who has listened hardest, probably, besides his mother - he admits that he is small and scared and lashing out. That he doesn't know what to do.
Of course, this is when Mobius introduces the task the TVA has for Loki - to take down his other self.
Oh, I can't wait for the next episode! I want to know where this is going.
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(I've popped in some panels from Loki: Agent of Asgard because it's my favorite and the show is giving me feelings about it.)
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kaz11283 · 3 years
Loki Masterlist
Chapter 2
That’s weird. You though to yourself as you glanced across the courtyard and seen a man, someone who didn’t belong in the college scene, staring at you.  You continued you eat you meal in peace as you glanced over the history notes Mav had made for you exam today.  The next time you looked up the stranger was gone, shrugging it off you got up to throw your trash in the garbage and walk to your next class.
As you took a turn you happened to glance behind you and seen the same man following you, ok this is fine. You’ve taken self-defense classes. Don’t let him see you panicking.
Another glance and he was gone.  Deep breath, it was just a misunderstanding.  Turning another corner you plowed into said man that had been following you.
“Lady Y/n.”
"I... I'm sorry. Who are you?" The formality of it had caught you off guard, but there was this gut feeling that you didn't need to be scared or you didn't need to run from this man. His face held nothing but a shocked and suprised look, like he had been half way thinking that you would eother run from him or disappear.
"I am Thor, Prince of Asguard, son of Odin, God of Thunder. I have come here to ask for your help in fighting an evil being."
You laughed, you had to hold onto your stomach from laughing so hard. What was this guy on, there was absolutely no way that you could fight an evil being, you could hardly pass your history exam. "Oh! Your serious?" You noticed the way his brows frrowed.
"This is nothing to joke about Lady y/n, we must get you back to the jet so that we can get back to the compound as soon as we can."
"I'm sorry but I still have classes to attend and people to meet. Plus, no offense, but I don't know you. I'm not about to follow you t-" yoyr phone started ringing and without even looking at it you answered.
"Hey, Y/n, Tony Stark here. Look I know this is the most random thing you've ever heard but we need your ass on the quinjet and back here pretty fast. You'll have logging, food, training, the whole nine. Theres a few things we still have to discuss when you get here though also. The sooner you get your thing, clothing, necessities, bla bla bla the better."
"But what about-"
"School? Yeah got it covered. Online classes, transfers, books already ordered. Your all set. Go get packed and we'll see you ASAP. Tony out." With that he hung up leaving you standing there looking at Thor with your mouth open.
"You get use to it." He shrugged.
"Do you though?" He shook his head laughing. "Come on, I guess since everything is already done might as well go pack my stuff." You turned heading back to your dorm.
You and Thor walked into the tiny dorm room that had held your life for the moment, he seemed to look ten times bigger in here than inside.
"Ok... So yeah... I'm gonna get my stuff pack." This was weird. This was really weird. Right? This stuff didnt normally happen, did it? You turned to your closet and pulled out a bag and started throwing your favorite pullovers and t shirts in. Next was the blue jeans and sweats, glancing behind you, you made sure that Thor wasnt looking as you opened your underwear drawer and started pilling bras underwear and socks in. "I'm done. We can leave when your ready."
"Ok, come with me. We are taking the quinjet back to the tower. But Lady y/n, I must let you know that there is another person on board." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Awww, god of thunder didn't think he could handle a mear mortal girl?" You laughed next to him. He gave an uncomfortable smile.
"He was more like if you didn't want to come with me he could have helped presuade you." The ramp to the back opened and you stepped up, Thor taking your bag to put up. There sitting in the pilots seat facing away from you was a slender man with raven hair and broad shoulders, dressed in a black jacket and dark jeans. "Loki, Lady y/n is here." Thor said clearing his throat.
The man turned around and you was faced with emerald eyes and a face that you had seen many times in your dreams. His eyes widened as he took a step toward you, he looked as if he wanted to raise his hand to your face but stopped short.
"Y/n. I thought I had lost you."
Chapter 3
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mareebird · 3 years
Santa’s Little Helper
It’s my Christmas fic, y’all.
Not relic universe.
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TITLE: Santa’s Little Helper
Summary: Loki wrangles Thor into playing Santa at the mall.  Family feels are had.  It’s sacherine and fluffy.
Wordcount: 2400 (because it’s Dec. 24...)
In retrospect, it had been the enormous cinnamon roll’s fault.
Loki was half-way through his snack, and half-way to regret over purchasing it in the first place, when he saw the long queue of children waiting to meet the mall Santa.
He was determined to finish the roll, of course, as sickeningly sweet as it was—much like Christmas in general, but Loki rather surprisingly enjoyed that part.  Thor had promised to split the dessert with him, but his promise had been empty.  One bite and he was satisfied.  He had never shared Loki’s love of sweets.
And, well, Thor had put on a lot of sympathy weight since Loki’s last visit.
But part of the problem was that Thor was laden with bags upon bags of Christmas presents.  He was responsible for all of the shopping this year.  Jane was in no condition to help and Thor was taking his duties very seriously, as he always did.  He refused to let Loki vanish anything away, even for the sake of freeing his arms.
So in order for him to share the roll, Loki would have to feed him by hand.  And that was not going to happen.
Oh well.  More Cinnabon for me, thought Loki.  That was before the nausea set in.
But the line of children had spilled out of Santa’s Workshop and was now circling around a fountain and trailing all the way toward the entrance of Bloomingdales.  Loki frowned and tilted his head.  Thor must have thought he was actually looking at Bloomingdales, because he gestured and mentioned something about buying yet another gift for Jane.
“That line is far too long,” said Loki.  “It’s deplorable.”
“Children should not be made to wait that long to see the Santa.”
“The Santa?”
Loki began tapping his foot on the floor.  He tapped his fork against the side of the roll, as well, before stuffing another mouthful of what was mostly icing between his teeth.  It tasted like pure childhood.  The amount of sugar was beginning to make him vibrate.
“That line must be hours long.  The children look as though they are being tortured.  Visiting the Santa should be fun.  It should be a happy memory.”
“First of all, it’s just Santa.  Not The Santa.”
Loki did not care for the correction.  It failed to embarrass him, but Thor had been in a very agitated mood as of late, and it was grating on everyone else.  Jane had all but begged Loki to take him off her hands for a few hours.  He was constantly overwhelmed, constantly worried, and though he had every reason, even Loki thought he might be overdoing it a bit, and that said something.
Then again, the pressure was not on Loki.  He was only going to be an Uncle.   Jane was due with his nephew any day now.
“They wait in lines like that every year," Thor went on.  "You’ve never been to the mall at Christmas before.  How do you even know what meeting Santa is?”
Loki shrugged.  Context clues.  Never mind the fact that the modern-day Midgardian Santa was heavily influenced by Woden, a Germanic interpretation of Odin…
Loki liked Santa far better.  A jolly old man who adored children of every race and creed?  It was a vast improvement, in his personal opinion.
He sighed.
But Thor was right, Loki had never been to the mall at Christmas.  He did spend a good amount of time on Earth these days, paying visits to his brother and Jane that probably out-stretched his welcome, but this was his first visit to encompass a major Midgardian holiday.  Loki had quickly decided that Christmas was a good thing and all his favorite parts were the ones that celebrated the happiness of children.
Surprise surprise.
Children made to wait for hours?  Loki did not care for that.  “I think something’s gone wrong.”
Loki pointed with his fork.  “See those gnomes?  They appear to be discussing grave matters.”
“Gnomes?  You mean, elves?”
Elves?  Hm.  Loki had a very different concept of what elven peoples looked like.
One of the elves was on the telephone.  The others were milling about with furrowed brows, wringing their hands.  They looked like lunatics, and sounded like them, too, with jiggling bells sewn into their clothes, but it still plucked a minor chord in Loki’s heartstrings.  Perhaps his sugar rush was already crashing.
“I don’t know what to tell you, Brother,” sighed Thor.  “The line is long because everyone wants to meet Santa.  He’s very popular—Loki, where are you going?”
Loki was going to find out what had gone wrong, that was where he was going.  If this holiday was about bringing children joy then, by the Norns, he was going to see to it that it did not bring them tears instead.
He stuffed the remainder of his cinnamon roll into his mouth and discarded the evidence in a trash can.
“Excuse me, is something the matter?” he addressed one of the fretful employees, a teenage girl who looked as though she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.  From behind, he could hear Thor running to catch up.
“I'm sorry.  Santa’s been...detained,” she said, maintaining meager poise in her polite reply.  “We’re gonna close the workshop.  Can you come back tomorrow…? Oh my god, you’re Loki.”
“What do you mean detained?”  Loki ignored the girl’s shock at seeing him.  It was a typical reaction, even if he was on better footing with the humans these days.  PR was everything.  Having an Avenger for a brother helped.  But that wasn't important right now.  Loki distinctly remembered seeing Santa when he and Thor first arrived, seated upon his Christmas throne, taking photographs with the children.  So where was he now?
"He left for lunch and we haven't heard from him…  Oh my god, you’re Loki.  And Thor!” gasped the second elf.  The bells on her pointed hat rung with her surprise.
“Yes, yes...” Loki sighed.  Thor laughed with Santa-like jocularity.  In the spirit of Christmas, Loki refrained from jabbing him in the ribs.
The third elf had been on the telephone this whole time: an ancient, tan device with a curly cord—how it was able to contact anyone was beyond Loki.  Abruptly, she hung up.  “I got a hold of him.”
“Where is he?” the other elves asked at once.
“The hospital."
"His son was in a car accident…  Oh my god, it’s Loki and Thor.”
Of course, Loki had always known the man dressed as Santa was an actor, but hearing about something so grizzly was jarring.  The trio of elves flew into a flurry over the news.  The son was hurt, but not seriously.  His father needed to mind the grandchildren until someone else could step in.  Everything would be fine.  The only tragedy was that he could not return to the mall until later that night.
They needed to shut down the Workshop for the rest of the afternoon.
“Would you like the two of us to step in?” asked Loki.
The elves might as well have been smacked upside the head, the way they suddenly lost their balance.
Thor made a sound as though he had choked.  “What?”  Suddenly, his hand was around Loki's elbow.  "That enormous Cinnabon went straight to your head.  Are you crazy?"
"That's irrelevant."
"Jane is expecting me home."
"No, she's not," protested Loki.  "She kicked you out so you would stop driving her mad with your incessant fawning—"
Thor winced.  Loki shut up.  He felt a bit bad about pointing out just how annoyingly intense Thor's caregiving had been as of late, but it was the damned truth, although he could hardly blame Thor.
"These gnomes need our help," Loki pressed on.  The sugar would power him through.  "Are you not sworn to protect this realm?"
Thor rolled his eyes.  Loki scowled.  How could Thor not understand?  It was of the utmost importance that they not send these children away.
Thor blinked at him.  Slowly.  “You really want to play Santa, Loki?”
Loki haughed.  "Oh no.  Don’t be silly.  You’ll have to play Santa.  I'm just your agent.”
Thor looked down at himself, frowning, half-dazed.  “I admit, I’m not in the best shape of my life, but playing Santa—”
Loki waved a hand.  They did not have time for Thor to be ridiculous.  “I’ll have to disguise you.  Obviously.”
“Wait a minute.  You’re the one who actually wants to…”  Thor stopped himself, looked around, and lowered his voice.  “You’re the one who came up with this idea.  You be Santa.”
“Do you want to go back and forth on this?  I could never play a believable Santa, even in costume.  It’s not my type.  It’s laughable.  Are you going to do this for the children or not?”
Loki knew he was manipulating his brother, but only the slightest bit, because he also knew that even if Thor began to walk away, he would only turn around and march straight back.  He was Thor to a fault.
Slowly, Thor placed his bags on the floor.  Loki vanished them away before he could even begin to change his mind.
"I'm not… as good with children as you are…"  Thor muttered.  He met Loki's eye.
"You'll be fine.  I promise."
"Will I, though?"
Loki's breath caught, as he realized Thor might not be asking about the children in the queue.
One of the elves jumped up and down and clapped, unaware of the silent exchange.  “Oh my god, I can’t believe this is happening.”
Loki’s heart broke just the slightest bit for his brother, but there was no time to have a family chat now.  Loki cast a spell over Thor.  With a sound like the wind, his clothing filled out and became bright red, a far more brilliant hue than the standard mall costume.  Loki much preferred the older depictions of Santa he had seen on Christmas cards, as far as fashion went.  He finished off with a long red coat and buttons trimmed to look like cookie icing, and the hat was a proper nisse cap.
“I’m going to sweat to death in this,” said Thor.  Loki had kept his face the same beneath it all, but one could hardly tell beneath the long, white beard that extended all the way to his lap.
“You’ll be fine.  Think of it as losing your sympathy weight.”
Thor shot him a tiny glare.  “And what are you going to wear?”
Loki hardly had to think before changing into a sharply tailored, velvet, forest green suit, complete with a silk waistcoat.
“You look like a butler,” said Thor, wrinkling his nose.
“This is proper attire for one of Santa's handlers.  No offence.”  Loki glanced at the elves and, with a shrug, gave himself a pair of pointed ears.  Thor rolled his eyes, but Loki did not pay him any mind.  He was too busy pushing Thor toward his throne in the Workshop—although why a workshop needed a throne was beyond him.  “All you need to do is make this a magical and perfect experience for each child.”
“Piece of cake,” Thor said dryly, or at least, he sounded as though he had said something like that.  It was possible that parts of Loki's cinnamon roll had lodged themselves in his brain, never to leave.
A roar of clapping and cheers erupted from the exhausted crowd in the queue.  "Your Santa is here!" Loki shouted above it all, and the cheering only grew louder.
Thor waved.  Then, he slowly began to grin.  Loki had do doubt that his brother would do an excellent job, with his help.  This would be a learning experience.  Thor was right, Loki was better with children, probably because at heart, he still was one—even if his heart was a bit crusty around the edges.  Christmas was an excuse to shed all of that.
A little girl was at the front of the line.  Loki could hardly fathom how long she'd been waiting.  He met her at the gate and took her by the hand.
"I'm ever so sorry for the wait. I'm...Charles...the North Pole butler.  What's your name?" He asked, while one of the mall elves guided her parents to the side of the Workshop.
"Violet," she said, in a sweet, chipmunk-like voice.  She was wearing a dress the color of plums.  She could not have been more than four years old.
"Oh, that's right!  I remember now.  Hello, Violet.  Are you having a nice day?"
She nodded.
"Excellent!  Santa will be so happy to hear that."  Loki guided her to Thor, who still looked more nervous than Loki had hoped.  He really did need more practice with children before his own arrived.  "Mr. Claus, this is Violet.  Remember her?  She wore such a lovely dress."
"Yes.  And...the color matches her name!"  Thor's face lit up, no doubt pleased with himself for making the connection.
The three of them chatted for a minute or so—not for too long, because there were dozens and dozens of children to see. Violet asked for a playhouse for her yard.  Photos were taken.  Candy canes were passed out.  Loki was satisfied.  No, not merely satisfied, but genuinely contented, which was a Christmas miracle of its own.
He moved to meet the next child at the gate.  Thor pulled him back by the hem of his sleeve.  "How are you so good at this?"
Loki thought for a moment.  A few memories stirred in his heart, some of them happy, some of them sad; feelings he did not know how to explain.  In the end, he shrugged.  "I'm not entirely sure.  I just make it up as I go."
"That's how you do everything," said Thor.  Loki laughed.  Thor's eyelids fluttered and his eyes glistened behind them, pleading for something a bit more meaningful than a joke.  For reassurance, perhaps.  It stirred Loki's heart.  
Loki cleared his throat.  "All you have to do," he said, "is make sure they know they are special to you."
Before they both needed to wipe away a tear, Loki turned away.  He dove both fists into the basket of candy canes.
"And if ever they need a little cheering up—"  He tossed the sweets into the crowd.  The whooped and giggled and waved their eager hands.   "I heartily suggest lots of sugar!"
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Treasure Hunting
Context: I agreed to write a few "explores" for an art game I play on DeviantArt, Fields of Valhalla. Doe is an intrepid treasure-hunting deer who has recently figured out how to break into dragons' homes and rob them blind go looking for treasure in dragons' lairs. There wound up being several thousand words of this, and three separate stories. As well as an art piece!
Listed here are three stories in one series.
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Doe delicately stepped into the cave and ducked her head to avoid banging it on the ceiling. This close she could already tell that there was a dragon in here. Or, something, at the very least- but she figured it was most likely a dragon. She’d never seen a troll leave deep scratches in the wall and carve a fireplace out in the same space, at the very least, and trolls usually at least bothered with doors. And didn’t live in caves. No, this was definitely a dragon lair.
She’d come to see if she could steal away with an egg. It’d make for a spectacular prize, for sure; and to be honest she mostly just wanted to see if she could find one. What bragging rights that would make for; how fitting it would be. After all, if anyone were to return triumphant with a dragon egg from a trip, it should be her.
She made her quiet way into the darkness of the recessed cave and marveled at how neatly laid out it was. She hadn’t been in terribly many dragon caves before, but enough to know that most of their hidey-holes were kind of a… mess, really. Muddy or dirty, full of dust, for sure. Treasures scattered about on the ground, ripe for the taking, as though they were just haphazardly dropped trash and not spectacular jewels or pieces of gold. They were kind of sloppy. Doe always thought that it seemed kind of like a shame, that they kept their lairs in such disrepair, but it really wasn’t her problem at the end of the day. And the mess made it easier to slip a handful of precious treasures into her sack and be on her way, even if she found a dud hole and there weren’t any eggs in it.
She tiptoed deeper, the cave getting darker and darker as she went. There were little side passages clotted with stalactites, wet and dripping, but it looked like the main body of the cave had been cleared away. The floor was smooth and easy to walk on, and the ceiling was free of any dripping spikes though she could see that water was still running down the sides in little rivulets in places. It must have been an awfully uncomfortable, damp place to live. She still saw no treasures, but far off in the distance, dancing upon the walls, she could see firelight.
Well that was bad news.
Doe crept closer to the chamber that the firelight was coming from and then nearly flattened herself into the wall, getting dust and cave water all smudged into the pretty white fur along the ridge of her back and her sides. It was a massive central area. Smelled like someone was cooking something, spicy, almost like human foods. Maybe she was in the wrong place after all. And above the crackling of whatever massive cooking fire had been in there someone was humming.
Carefully, very nervously, Doe stuck her head around the corner to look into the chamber.
Hunched over what looked like a pot of stew, back to her, was a massive dragon. Its lizardlike body was perched upon a long stool, and it was standing up on its back legs, stirring a pot nearly twice Doe’s size and sprinkling leaves into it from what looked like the largest salt shaker Doe had ever seen in her life. The dragon itself was dark blue, with lighter blue feet; but where the firelight touched it it shone a brilliant red, almost brighter than the fire itself.
Tucked away into the corner, behind it, sitting in their own cheerily burning fire, was a large clutch of what looked to be nearly fifteen eggs. Each one was leathery, almost soft-looking, with a strange moving shape visibly shining through from the fire underneath. As she watched, one of them twitched and shook as the—what must have been the baby dragon inside rolled around in the egg, stretching out softly like a sleeping creature.
Doe took a step forward, to get a better look— and there. At this angle she could see the treasure hoard of the dragon as well, a neatly organized shelf filled with trinkets and pieces of gold and jewels taking up nearly a third of the room. Doe had never seen a neatly organized dragons’ hoard before, but it was neat. Still, with the dragon awake and active, she didn’t think it would be wise to sneak in there and try to grab anything—
Sitting on the shelf was what looked like nearly twenty Odin’s Eye tokens. With that many— she could have riches she never dreamed of. Gifts and items she could never have even heard of. That would be a prize worth having, for absolute sure.
She took another step into the room, as quietly as she could, and attempted to tiptoe her way across to the shelf; but she stepped on a discarded bone halfway over to the shelf and the dragon abruptly stopped humming to turn around. Up close, its face was scaly and reptilian, and its luminous eyes struck terror into her heart as they fixed directly onto her. The dragon roared, and Doe panicked.
She grabbed whatever was in reach and hightailed it the hell out of the cave, sprinting as fast as she could as the dragon came hot on her heels, scurrying across the ceiling and bellowing in fury the entire time. She got the fur on her back singed when it spat fire and fury at her, but her luck was great, and she made it out without dying. Once outside, she hid in a copse of trees, struggling not to shake, and the dragon looked around for her fruitlessly, squinting its big eyes against the burning sun, before eventually giving up and shaking its head and walking back into its lair.
That was terrifying.
Doe glanced into her heavy bag, laden with treasures. Well. She was probably never coming back here again, but the trip hadn’t been a total bust. Not by a long shot.
Story 2: Close Encounters of the Reptilian Kind
Doe tightened up her sack and headed out to the newest dragons’ den she’d scouted out. She was still on the hunt for an egg, of course; but this one was settled on the shores of one of the deepest, fastest rivers, and it was rumored that gold could be found there like common stones. Doe hoped this meant she could find jewelry, or pieces of precious metals, in the dragons’ lair. They were known for keeping large, messy hoards of gold and treasures, after all; and what greater treasure could there be than delicate pieces of jewelry? And what would suit her better, of course, than elegantly crafted, sparkling jewelry?
As such, Doe packed a nice, big, sturdy bag, something she could take heavy items without much difficulty in. She was hoping to walk out with it laden so full she could hardly even walk. That would be only fair, after all the work she’d put in to get the location of the lair.
The dragon that lived in this lair was a water creature, long and lanky. In the hopes of avoiding the same situation she’d run into last time, she’d sat herself outside and waited for the long black dragon to carefully emerge from its lair, straighten up, and then take a breath and dive into the river for a good swim. It should be out all day; or at least she would hope it would be. The creature was ugly and sharp-scaled, narrow in the face and the body, serpentine aside from the wickedly curved long legs that ended in talons almost like that of a hawk. It was a thoroughly alarming monster. She’d rarely seen a dragon that looked nearly as… predatory, as designed to hurt and cause harm. But it looked like an eel that had been turned into a dragon; and Doe was not a fan of eels either. So perhaps she was just biased. Maybe it just looked like a perfectly normal sea creature with jagged, jutting teeth and massive jaws and tiny, beady eyes that never blinked.
No, Doe had not wanted to find herself stuck in the half-collapsed structure with that thing inside it. She waited for it to leave. And once it had left, she slipped inside.
This lair was some half-sunken ruin, the remnant of some building that the ancient humans who had lived in this area had once made. It was, in its prime at least, a castle, white stone reaching up into the sky. Now the spiralling towers had collapsed, and weather had worn the once-bright stones, nearly the same color and sheen as Doe’s fur, down to a dull gray-green and brown. There was water all coating the uneven stone brick floor, and her hooves splashed and echoed loudly down the hall. Plants were growing through the broken windows, and vines hung lowly from the damaged ceiling. In places, Doe could still see faded paintings on the walls; but in others the paint had flaked off, or been peeled off. Here there was a mural of a knight, sitting astride a massive rukaan; the knight was battling with a massive creature. It was too faded and damaged for Doe to really make out the details, but the face of the knight had clearly been intentionally scratched off and defaced.
Doe figured that if she were a horrible gross monster, and she were living alongside a painting of some human killing a horrible gross monster like her, she might try and deface that painting, too. That was kind of sad, actually. She took an experimental swing at the painting with one hoof, and a big sheet of the paint fractured and fell to the ground, splashing into the muddy water.
Oh, okay. That was going to be noticed. Uh, hm. That wasn’t smart.
Doe decided to hurry up and go get her treasure instead of standing around looking at the scenery, after that. Everywhere there was the clear, crystal evidence of this being a dragon’s lair, of course. There were scratches on anything tall enough and sturdy enough to serve as a scratching post, and discarded scales sat in the shallow water. Finally she made it into what must’ve been the primary cavern of the dragon’s lair, a once-resplendent banquet hall that had clearly fallen into disrepair. Rotting wooden tables were stacked along one wall, and looked to have been made into a sort of rough bed, fur pelts and straw and fallen leaves stacked atop the cracked top of the highest one. Piled in one corner was a massive, shimmering hoard of old coins and precious stones, and perched on the very top of the pile was a spectacular set of golden armor, and a crown fit for a king. The armor was a bit big for her, but clearly made for a rukaan; the crown was far too small and probably meant for a human. Doe shoved it into her bag regardless, struggling to pull the armor onto her back; it was fortunately tied together in a bundle but unfortunately rotten and nearly falling apart at the seams regardless of the fact that the metal wasn’t even tarnished. It might have been ceremonial. Gold didn’t make great armor, did it? But she would look good in it, and everyone else would be jealous. And that was good enough for her, really.
Doe filled her bag with riches and went looking around for a nest or clutch of eggs, just in case, but she found none; and then she made her way out. While she was walking back through the watery halls she heard a loud, echoing splash, and then what sounded like massive footsteps; and in a panic Doe flattened herself into an alcove. There was no place to go, after all, and her hoofsteps were loud and obviously wrong. She found herself frozen, rooted to the spot, after realizing that. Oh, no, oh, no, she was doomed.
She realized abruptly she was right across from the mural she’d kicked, too. Even better. Oh no. It was going to know she was in there.
Before long the lanky creature pulled itself into the room, half swimming, half crawling on its belly. It didn’t see her, or at least it didn’t seem to; it came to pull itself up to its full height, looking at the mural quizzically. Doe held her breath in true, real panic. She could feel her body starting to shake. It was so close, and so big, its talons hooked and nearly as long as her head, and its teeth were even more jagged and dangerous up close, and it clearly could snap her up in one bite—
The dragon turned around to fix Doe with a clear, surprisingly intelligent look. She made terrified eye contact with it.
It nodded once, and went on its way.
Minutes after it left Doe finally relaxed enough to let out the breath she’d been holding and stumbled her way back out to freedom. She— she’d clearly taken some of its treasure. Did it just not care? Did it not notice? It definitely saw her. What did any of this mean?
Doe decided to leave that part out when she told this story. Because really. What on earth.
Story 3: Cooperation
This latest lair was an abandoned building again, once the cavernous hall of a giant and now the half-collapsed hidey-hole of a small dragon. Doe wasn’t sure if it was just young or if it was only about the size of a large ruk, but either way was cool by her. Maybe its hoard would be small, but she was confident that it had giants’ treasures in that building of its.
Besides, she’d seen it a few times, and it was a pretty thing, bright blue spangled with gold and silver like the sky. It reminded her of a kingfisher, really, the few times she’d seen it, skittish and delicate with broad wings and a narrow, delicate body. It was currently sitting perched atop the intact part of the roof, staring off into the sky as though it could see something more interesting than she could, something more than just the full moon and the stars sparkling brightly. Its eyes were fixed straight up. It had been doing this for nearly three hours. Doe had expected it to take off, but it hadn’t.
She waited a few more long moments, and then abruptly out of nowhere the sparkling creature sat bolt upright, glancing around nervously. It let out a loud caw, almost like that of a crow, and then a high pitched roar that sounded like it were mimicking the calls of larger dragons. Then it spread its wings, shuffled about a bit, and took off into the air. It made a loop in the sky, around the moon; and then it was gone, blending into the night sky as though its shimmering scales were made for this. It probably was, Doe realized after a second, watching what she thought were its wings flap into the distance. It sure looked like just a cluster of shooting stars.
Nonetheless, with the beautiful creature gone, she was free and clear to go break into its home and steal from it. Er. Explore. Explore its home. And steal from it.
Doe stood up, shaking herself, and went to walk through the long stretch of dark, craggy forest to make it to the dragon’s lair. She kept an eye turned to the skies to make sure it wasn’t coming back, and fortunately it didn’t, and she made her way up to the half-collapsed building with little issue. Up close it stank of mildew and rust, strong and disgusting, and it was cold and icy atop the peaks like it was. The wind blew so much more strongly it was unreasonable. Doe ducked inside the uncovered doorway and into the building, and then quickly realized she’d made a mistake as she looked at the blocked path in front of her. There was a little hollow arch, something she could maybe get through, but it was nearly flat to the ground. Evidently the dragon used that on the regular, but Doe’s legs weren’t designed to bend that way, and she didn’t see a way through. She stuck her head through it, struggling to push herself through, but eventually had to admit defeat after nearly getting herself stuck and hearing the whole of the partially-collapsed roof, leaning on the ground and above her, creak and groan as she struggled to free herself. If that came down, she would be dead, her spine broken. It wasn’t worth it.
She went back outside and let herself in from one of the broken windows instead, neatly making it in without having to worry about the broken segment. It wasn’t great, and she scraped herself up on the sides on the broken glass- evidently there was a reason that the dragon didn’t use that method of entry- but they weren’t serious wounds, and she would be just fine. Finally she made it to the central hall, freezing and shaking from cold, dripping little droplets of blood onto the stained and half-frozen floor. Not so triumphant. But surely the treasures would warm her heart, even if they wouldn’t warm her poor frozen ears or her poor freezing hooves.
But when she made it to the central room, fire cheerily burning in the cracked hearth, there was no treasure. The room was almost totally bare. There was clearly a little nest in the corner, built up with sticks and twigs and what looked like scraps of fur it had collected from somewhere, and there was a dead wolf lying in front of the fire. There was maybe twelve kroner lying in the center of the room on the floor. Probably the beginnings of this dragon’s hoard. It really must have been very young after all.
Doe sighed, and went to dig around in the halls. Maybe she could find some treasures the dragon had failed to turn up.
It turned out she was right. After nearly hours of searching, occasionally returning to the center room to warm herself up a bit more, she finally stumbled across what must have been a weapons cache that hadn’t been cleared underneath a rotten section of collapsed ceiling. She could see the glimmering red-gold and steel, still bright after all the exposure to the weather; but the debris was heavy and hard for her to get a grip on. She couldn’t free it, and she was starting to get seriously concerned about really hurting herself if she tried. Every time she shoved a piece of the rotting wood or collapsed brick over, the entire structure groaned and twisted, and the more she moved, the more unstable it seemed.
Then, horrifyingly, while she was tugging at a board with her teeth, she heard flapping overhead; and looked up at the gaps in the ceiling to see the eyes of the sparkling sky-dragon looking down at her curiously.
“Oh no,” Doe mumbled.
The dragon glanced at her, and then looked at the room she was digging at, and then fluttered down to the ground alongside her and struggled to grab the other end of the board Doe was pulling at. Doe registered that after a second and renewed her efforts.
Between the two of them, they were able to much more easily clear the path, though there was a scary moment when half the bricks behind them came down. Fortunately, they didn’t block the hall; but Doe jumped and pranced nervously, and the dragon took off and fluttered back to the ground after a couple seconds. It made a quiet coo at Doe after it landed, and she ducked her head and snorted reassuringly. On that note they went back to work, by mutual agreement.
The giant weapons, once they were cleared out, were far too big for Doe to even try to carry them out. There were flails and axes, heavy swords and massive knives, and even the smallest of them was too big to fit into Doe’s pack. The dragon watched in mild consternation while she struggled to take them, before eventually lifting one of the massive heavy tools and dragging it back to the central room without much of a care. Doe went to help with that, because even if she wasn’t walking out with the treasure the dragon sure seemed to want her help with getting it; and there, lo and behold, on the ground below the sword she’d picked up, was one small heap of gold coins sitting in the rotted remains of what had probably been a massive money-pouch. Doe scooped it into her bag, hoping the dragon wouldn’t notice, and then went back to dragging the weapons in to sit near the hearth.
When they had all been dragged in, the dragon chirped happily, sounding for all the world like a bird. Then it ducked its head to its chest, and carefully plucked one of the golden shimmering scales from its breast with both hands. It held it out to Doe shakily in what was clearly a demonstration of thanks.
Doe took it carefully and set it in its pouch, and she could’ve sworn the dragon smiled at her before curling up atop its new pile of weapons.
When she got home and could see it in better light, the dragon’s scale wasn’t gold at all. It glimmered, iridescent, in the light, and sparkled as though it held the entirety of the night sky in it. It looked gold on first impression, or maybe silver, but if she looked closer, she could see spots of pure black shining through, and bright gold and white and blue, and if she looked any closer than that she started getting dizzy, as though she were going to fall into it. Truly, she’d never seen anything like it.
And this is a model of the dragon's scale, made in Blender!
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lisinfleur · 4 years
T&T - Chapter 1: Castle of Glass
Author’s Notes | Hey guys! Welcome to this new series! This is an old idea inspired by THIS drabble that comes from one of my first celebrations here on Tumblr. Special thanks to @honestsycrets​, who helped me to develop this OC. I hope you guys enjoy this work with me! Info | Viking Age AU, fully out of the storyline of the series! Words | 3002 ⁑ Warnings: Mentions of violence and murderous intents, curse, mentions of sex.
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"Take me down to the river-bend Take me down to the fighting end Wash the poison from off my skin Show me how to be whole again"
Castle of Glass (Linkin Park, 2012)
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"Who's Freydis? You can call me Katya... Queen... Katya!"
The sounds of her scandalous laughs were still echoing into his brain as he was dragging his dirty and crippled body on the mud of the ground once again.
The same mud he fought so hard to get rid of. The same body he broke so many times to see standing... Walking...
"What? I told you, Oleg... He was the weaker. A half-dozen of promises and he was eating in my hands..."
From all his brothers, she chose the one whose heart was more easily deceivable. It would have been Sigurd if he didn't have cut his brother's heart in two not far from that day, but it was his. His need... His craving for dreams that now he felt could never be his.
"Mighty God, Ivar! Of course, it is not your child! How dumb do you need to be to believe you could make me a child when you weren't a man not even to fuck me? Even more to seed my womb..."
Now, like a shattered castle made of thin glass, everything he ever conquered was gone, along with the braces her bastard of a husband ripped from his legs and the crutch he ensured to break in front of Ivar's eyes. Destroyed like his pride... And his heart, broken by the moans of pleasure of the woman he once thought loved him; her naked breasts bouncing with Oleg's hips hitting in the middle of her legs, careless of the swollen belly he so many times worshiped, full of another's child he once thought was his own.
A fool. That's what he was. He was no god. And unlike he believed, maybe Björn wasn't the only brother the gods had abandoned. Maybe his gods were indeed fallen as Oleg screamed at his face when they stood at the iron doors of Kattegat, throwing him like a bag of trash with nothing but his clothes to survive the winter outside, dumped from his homeland like an outcast where he once was the king...
Maybe Ragnar's blood was curse inside his veins and like Sigurd, all of them were cursed. All sons of Ragnar would somehow face terrible destinies to maybe pay for his father's greed in leaving his simple farm to become a king.
Or maybe it was his own curse. Maybe it was the curse he attracted to himself by sacrificing that woman instead of Lagertha at the fire. The curse he attracted upon himself with the rage of the gods for he believed Freydis... No... Not Freydis. Katya's words... About his blood being divine. About him being more than just a man.
"For me, you're a god..."
His fingers clenched and his fist hit the ground once again, furious. Maybe the fury was what was keeping him alive and warm enough since the road was muddy around him and he had no proper clothes to cover himself. His own were dirty and he could feel they were wet. Soon the wounds in his legs would be infected. Oleg was right after all.
"I won't get my blade dirt with the rotten blood of Ragnar Lothbrok in your veins. I don't need to... Go. Drag your lame butt out of my kingdom, you rag of a man! I won't lose my time with you anymore."
He could swear he saw a smile on Katya's face and listened to her saying ironically that he wouldn't survive the winter before the doors of Kattegat were closed in his face.
Ivar couldn't really measure how long he had crawled without a destiny. Nor the many tears of pure rage he had already cried away from any eyes that could see his fury. First, he swore with clenched fists and teeth that he would come back and rip Oleg's heart from his chest! And sacrifice their child to the gods as a gift for his victory. And fuck Katya until she was ripped beyond healing just to expose her naked and ragged for everyone who wanted to see how much of a man he could be.
Now he was starting to believe he wouldn't really survive the cold unless he was able to find some warm place to settle down for a good night of rest and something more than raw roots to eat. With his eyes stupidly blue and his legs aching enough to make his movements harder than never in his life, Ivar was really thinking the gods' hands were against his chest, pushing him back, forcing him to give up and die that insignificant and unmemorable way.
The great, great Ivar the Boneless, frozen to death in some stupid road in the middle of nowhere. What a horrid fate! Even Sigurd among his brothers found his way to Valhalla, and there he was, sitting on the road, pulling his legs painfully to rest them against a stone and check on their wounds, trying to keep them dryer than his wet trousers could permit.
And as if his pain wasn't enough, before he could yell and warn, a woman came running out of nowhere, stumbling in his legs, breaking one of them before falling in the mud with a surprised squeal.
If he didn't have broken bones as a routine in his life, his scream of pain would have been heard from Kattegat for Oleg and Katya's pleasure. But all Ivar did was growling, infuriated, like a wounded animal that someone decided to kick for an unknown reason.
He thought about yelling at the woman and missed his daggers to sink one of them in her leg and give her a small fraction of the pain she increased in his body a thousand times. However, the curiosity was bigger than his anger when he saw the woman rolling at the mud with her cloak that was once so clean, covering her whole body with that dirty thing and sitting beside him as fast as she could, shrinking by his side, holding one of his arms.
Why the fuck was that woman doing this?
"Please... I beg your forgiveness and I promise on the gods and their sacred halls, I'll care for any wounds I have caused you, but please... Do not deliver me to them!" she mumbled, causing Ivar's expression to twist even more, utterly taken aback by her words.
"Who are you talking about, woman? What is..." he didn't have time to ask.
She shrunk under the hood and against his body and soon two men passed running in the same direction she was going before. They ran a little forward and not finding a trace of their prey, they came back. One of them roughly pushing Ivar's shoulder, speaking in a harsh tone as if he was somehow obligated to answer whatever they wanted to know.
"You... Crippled!" the man said, attracting the fierce blues of Ivar towards their face.
Oh, how he wanted to have his daggers now...
"Did you see a woman... Gorgeous silhouette, rounded breasts, curly black hair... Did she pass through here?"
Ivar kept looking at them for a moment. He could demand some gold from those bastards for the woman. He could get gold or silver enough to pay for a ride in a chariot and it would save his life for one more day.
But he could also sell her and receive nothing, for they were two enemies and he was only one, unarmed, one leg painfully broken, and his weakened body. They could just kill him and take her without paying him anything... She promised to care for her mistakes...
"Beyond crippled are you mute as well?" the man spat, grumpy. "These parents nowadays are too much a bunch of cunts... Too loose to get rid of a child even in this pitiful state, look at this bastard? Your father should have left you to the wolves, son!"
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"I'm not your son," Ivar answered, angrily.
His voice sounded hoarse.
"And I saw no woman if that's what you wanna know. The only woman around is my sister beside me, who's sick with a contagious disease I wouldn't come too close and risk to take from us. Now get the hell out of our way... We have already enough burdens to deal with someone else's tasks!"
The two hunters stepped back, taking some distance from them both.
"Odin..." one of them mumbled. "May Eir have mercy and Hella take your lives soon. Why the fuck did they let you live? Fuck..."
"Let's go, Mir. We cannot lose time. The bitch must be going to Kattegat. It is not so far from here and we can get her there, let's go!" the other warned before they left, following the road Ivar had dragged himself through for the last three days and a half.
He still waited for a little more until the two bastards couldn't be seen anymore at the end of the road and then, Ivar turned himself to the woman by his side.
"I saved you. Now you owe me. What is happening and who are you, woman?" he asked, harshly, as she pulled the hood from her head, looking around to be sure the two hunters weren't after her anymore.
"Well... I'm Iliana," she mumbled, getting rid of the muddy cloak and looking at him. "I'm a whore and I stole their gold," she lied.
Of course, she lied. Ivar sighed, looking at her.
After Katya, he could smell the scent of a lie kilometers away from him...
"Now tell me if I h..." her voice was cut when his heavy hand held her wrist in a tight grip.
"I might be a cripple, but I'm not an idiot. Don't treat me as if you didn't owe me your life... Why were those hunters running after you, Iliana?"
His eyes were fierce and for the first time since she left her master's house, she felt fear.
Iliana had passed through several hands to know that glare in Ivar's eyes wasn't something you could play with...
"They're slave hunters... And my master wants me back. But I won't go back to his hands unless one of them decides the payment is not enough for the work of getting me alive and wants to take my corpse for him to use!" she grunted, pulling her hand from Ivar's grip, massaging the wrist his strong fingers almost broke.
Ivar straightened the gloves he managed to keep from his leather armor that was taken from him by Oleg and his men, looking at her with the same fierceness in his eyes he was throwing towards those men.
So, she was a fugitive... It could be interesting to him. Maybe someone more was searching for her and he could indeed find a way to sell her in order to get enough money for his needs. Something that he would think until they were in the next city. For now, she could be useful.
"You didn't tell me your name," she said, not calling him the same awful way everyone was calling him since Oleg undressed him from his titles.
A cripple...
"I'm Ivar," he answered, not denying her the truth.
But instead of what he thought, she didn't make any questions.
Her eyes were too focused on the awful and inhuman angle of his leg to really hear the name he spoke so naturally.
"My lady Eir... Aren't you feeling this?" she kneeled beside him, looking at the broken leg.
It wasn't an exposed fracture, but surely his bone was terribly broken. Any man or woman or human being would be screaming in terrible pain with that wound and yet, he was there, calm and doing nothing but clench his teeth while moving to get himself sitting straight.
"I can't properly feel my legs," he explained. "And after all, ... I broke them all the time, every day... It's something I'm used to."
Used to...
Iliana sighed.
She couldn't understand how a man was completely still with a horribly broken bone, but she could understand his words about pain: after all these years being whipped, abused, cut, raped... All those pains were not something harsh for her anymore.
She leaned herself to touch his leg and so, Ivar flinched, looking at her and holding her hand once again in a quick movement that made Iliana ponder if he was just a simple cripple.
"Do not touch me," he sentenced, demanding.
But Iliana kept her position looking at him.
"If I can't touch you, then I can't help with your wound. And you may be used to this pain, but you don't seem to have any frostbite I can see. You may not deal with the pain, but sooner or later this wound will make you slower and then, my friend, you'll discover pain can always find a way to make you suffer again."
Ivar looked at her.
Somehow, that woman wasn't a common slave. She was wise... Her words weren't random, but he could feel the experience of someone who was speaking with the property of lived moments; experienced pain... She knew what she was talking about and so, he released her hand, observing as she slowly placed his leg in the correct position, gathering straight twigs from the dry and frozen trees around until she had enough to create a strong structure around his leg, ripping a piece of her skirt in strands she used to tie the wood to his leg creating something similar to his braces.
When she finished, his leg was properly immobilized and the wound wasn't aching that much anymore.
Maybe selling her would be a mistake after all: the woman knew good techniques that could probably help him to survive.
"Where are you going now?" Ivar asked, looking at her.
"I was indeed going to Kattegat, hoping I could sneak into some boat and leave this continent. But now... Now I have to think," she stopped, looking around. "Maybe Vestfold..."
Ivar scoffed and she looked at him, surprised by his reaction, but his words prevented Iliana from giving his scoff an angry answer.
"You'll find nothing but death in Vestfold now. They're under observation and soon will be under attack. The same bastards that did this to me now have their eyes turned towards their lands. Oleg won't stop until he has the whole Scandinavia under his feet and Harald might be whatever he wants, but that old drunken bastard won't be able to defend Vestfold all by himself."
Iliana didn't let pass his words.
"The same bastards who did this to you?" she looked at him.
A cripple, around his twenties, calling King Harald by names no peasant would dare to speak.
"What did you say was your name again?" she asked.
But Ivar just straightened his chest and back, looking at her with those imposing and fierce blues that weren't supposed to be in the face of a ragged man like him.
"I'm Ivar, son of Ragnar Lothbrok, woman," he spoke, imposing. "I'm Ivar the Boneless!"
Her body shivered on its base. Ivar the Boneless. The feared king of Kattegat... What was he doing muddy and dragging himself like a homeless man around his own town?
However, she didn't have to ask. Ivar's imposing position didn't last too much and he sighed, letting go of that ruthlessness and looking at her with defeat in his blues.
"I was betrayed by the woman I once called my queen. And overthrown by my enemies who threw me away from my homelands as if I was nothing but an outcast. Maybe we can help each other, Iliana, the slave," he said, looking right into her eyes. "You seem to know very well how to heal my wounds and you're a very beautiful woman, if I may say. I'm sure you can get us some good money..."
"I won't sell myself for your needs, Ivar, the fallen king!" she said, mocking him with the words as if he had mocked her with the title of slave.
But he scoffed again looking at her.
"Don't be stupid, woman," he said, sighing. "You don't need to lay with them for a few coins when I can kill them to have the whole bags they carry."
Ivar's words shocked Iliana not only by how naturally he was speaking of taking lives but also because somehow... They were making sense... If he was really the Boneless as he said, that would be a thought she would understand coming from his mind.
"You stop the next chariot for a ride and while the coachman is busy with his eyes inside your cleavage, I can get us a free horse and a warm chariot for you to travel. Since the hunters are looking for a woman alone and walking, they will have no reason to receive information about a lady in a chariot driven by a cripple..."
How many times did she think she could do it? Seduce a man, kill him for the gold in his pockets... She even tried it once and ended up being fucked for hours by a man who didn't pay her a dime for the amazing night of sex she offered him because of her inability to sink the dagger through his neck...
Ivar didn't seem like a man who would hesitate as she did...
"I don't have a single dime with me. Also, no weapon. And you don't seem to have anything with you as well..." she pointed.
But Ivar just touched her skirt, pulling the rest of the piece she tore to tie his leg, creating a new strand he wrapped around both of his hands, pulling it from both sides to test the tension of the cloth.
"It will serve..." he said, and Iliana's blood ran cold imagining his plans with that thing.
She would have to hear a man struggling for his oxygen that day.
But both of them would have a warm place to sleep that night...
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loki-hargreeves · 5 years
Loki x Reader - You’re a Monster! [PART 2]
Author’s Note: This was supposed to be a one-shot but it turned into a series. Woops! Also, I’m sorry if there are typos! Warnings: vulgar language, mentions of death, angst, mentions of sex Word Count: 3,1K Summary: Loki broke his heart to save you from himself after he was prisoned for life. You believe he never loved you and he believes you’ve moved on. Five years later, you meet at Sakaar again and his fate is in your hands. Somehow, you’re supposed to work together in order to save Asgard, which is easier said than done. You left things messy and you know exactly how to push each other’s buttons.
[PART 1] 
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Third POV
It was the second time within a few years that the Asgardians thought Loki, the often forgotten about son of Odin, God of Mischief, was believed to be dead. The truth was, he was posing as Odin. Frankly, Odin had been a mess after Frigga’s passing and Thor was out of the picture. Loki saw that as his chance to rule Asgard, make the people thrive for once. But he also used the position for good, diving deep into things Odin or Thor never could.
Little did anyone know he had a plan. During his time as Asgard’s king, Loki attempted to find out as much as possible about Thanos and his evil plans. He knew the location of three infinity stones, and he wanted to keep them away from the mad titan. Now that Loki was ‘dead’, he could live a little easier. No one was after him. There was only one thing that bothered him, tearing his mind to shreds. And no, it wasn’t the prophecy of Ragnarok he had been hearing about, had nightmares about too.
It was Y/N.
Just the memory of her made his heart ache. No matter how many times he told himself he did the right thing, he knew he was lying to himself. He had somehow hoped that he could see her again. Maybe not as himself but just to spot her. He wanted to see the woman, know that she was well, at least healthy. But that didn’t happen. Months passed and no one had seen her after their breakup. Loki had found out that Y/N had left her engagement ring in their old chambers. She had taken a bag worth of personal belongings, attended Frigga’s funeral, stolen weapons and then disappeared. He never found the book she had made for him. She was gone and it broke Loki’s heart because he knew it was his fault.
Posing as Odin, Loki had tried to question Heimdall about her whereabouts but of course he saw threw the magic. Tragic, really. Loki understood that Heimdall was a threat to his plans – but he was also wise, so after some very messy mutual disagreement and mild agreement, Heimdall ‘disappeared’.
It was just Loki alone for the next few years, wondering if Y/N was even alive. Deep in his heart, he could almost feel that hers was beating somewhere out there.
                     Unbeknownst to anyone, Y/N was putting her nose deep in the same waters as Loki. She hadn’t believed that Loki never loved her. No, it just didn’t make sense in her head, so she had decided to search for answers. After thinking about old conversations with Loki, reading books, contacting creatures from beyond the nine realms, she got on the right path. She learned about Thanos and the so-called infinity stones. Even Thor knew about them, which was great. Somehow, she managed to make Thor keep it a secret that she was travelling with him.
A few years passed and Thor left, following a hunch that had something to do with Sultur. Y/N didn’t go, because she had more important things to do. Besides, she knew Thor would be returning to Asgard and she had sworn not to return ever again. It hurt too much.
Once she was alone, flying through space in a ship she ‘borrowed’, she found herself thinking about Loki. That asshole, she thought but couldn’t find the truth behind those words. After everything she had learned, she was sure he had loved her to some extent. It didn’t mean that what had happened before he died didn’t put her in agony. Their last conversation broke her heart and it would haunt her forever. Thanks to the massive pain that had followed and the torturous truth of what had happened to Loki before, Y/N put up a hard and cold exterior. She had changed, to say at least.
Shamelessly, Y/N had gone as far as sleeping with strangers to lure secrets out of their lips. Some dumb Kree had told Y/N about the elders of the universe, a tale as old as time. Apparently, they were the original bearers of the stones and one of them, the Grandmaster, just happened to have an address, a dumpster realm known as Sakaar. That’s where Y/N went, not really knowing what to expect -except answers.
She landed in the middle of trash, literally, and some funky looking creatures tried to capture her. Y/N had killed them all before they could really bat an eye. She left behind a pile of their bodies but before she could leave, someone else wanted to have a word with her. Y/N had watched as a beautiful woman walked out of her ship with a bottle in her hands. Beautiful leather outfit, black hair which Y/N liked. She was hot, but Y/N knew she could be dangerous.
“You’re coming with me, ‘right?” The woman asked but it sounded like she also answered for her.
Y/N already thought of some magic tricks that were nifty for self-defence, just in case it got to that point. “Are you trying to eat me as well?” Y/N wondered, glancing at the scavengers she had killed. The woman looked at the pile and raised her eyebrows.
“I’m impressed, but no, I won’t eat you. I’m looking for…a fighter, you seem eligible.”
Y/N was honoured but it didn’t mean she’d volunteer as a puppet for whatever fight they needed a fighter for. “Can I thank you no? I’m here to meet someone called the Grandmaster.”
“Ah! I could take you to him.” The woman suggested almost casually.
Y/N still didn’t trust her. So, she walked closer to her, noticing the white paint on her skin, creating a beautiful contrast. “You lead the way; I can follow you with my ship.”
Before Y/N could hardly finish her sentence, she noticed that the woman grabbed something small, probably a weapon. Y/N was quick to grab her dagger and point it at the woman. “Look, you’re pretty and I don’t want to fight-“
“You think I’m pretty?” She smirked, almost cockily, although Y/N had a dagger pointed at her. “Isn’t that sweet of you!”. Although Y/N felt like she should be annoyed, she found herself liking this woman. There was something about her.
“Lead the way, okay? I’m busy and I don’t want to play your stupid game.”
The woman rolled her eyes and put the little weapon back into her purse. “Fine. If you wish to go to him voluntarily, I won’t stop you. Let’s go!”
And just like that, Y/N was led to the Grandmaster by the woman who she learned went by the name Scrapper 142. Y/N decided that she liked her, although she was probably dangerous and plotting a trap for her. Good luck, Y/N thought, she had been with Loki long enough to avoid basic traps. The effort was cute. But then the memory of the Trickster god stabbed her heart and she remembered what she was here for, the infinity stones.
“Oh, you found a pretty one! You never cease to impress me!” The old man smiled happily once he laid his dark eyes on Y/N. He had a blue stripe on his lip and a very sparkly, golden robe. He definitely stood out, even on this planet where no one seemed to know of dark clothes.
Y/N ignored his low-key compliment and she tried to get straight to the point. “Are you the Grandmaster I’ve heard so much about?” Y/N put on a fake but very sweet smile, attempting to flatter the man who seemed to enjoy it. She learned quickly that this Grandmaster was like a powerful dog that had to be fed with compliments – that way they could become friends. Manipulating him shouldn’t be too hard, right?
Well she was both right and wrong. She didn’t end up being a fighter, instead, she got into his inner circle with her charming act and she picked up clues piece by piece. Y/N had to admit the parties could get extreme and waking up in stranger’s beds wasn’t ideal, but she genuinely had fun for once. Perhaps blowing off some steam by partying and mingling couldn’t hurt too much. After all, Y/N had spent the last five years in her shell, surrounded by hate, anger and misery.
Weeks passed by quickly, very quickly on Scrapper 142’s couch. Her actual name was Brunnhilde, she was a Valkyrie. Y/N and Brunnhilde were wasted one night and Y/N saw her tattoo. Sure, there wasn’t much they could hide when they were both naked. Against all odds, they became friends and it was very beneficial to Y/N who never forgot about her plan.
All was well until someone else from Asgard ended up on Sakaar.
Y/N had picked up Brunnhilde’s ways of Scrapping to earn some credits while staying on Sakaar. It was a usual day when she saw something entering Sakaar’s atmosphere and fast. It’s like a bolt of green lightning struck the trash land. Y/N had to check it out.
Her ship landed on the ground only minutes after she saw the green object, or person, she had no idea. No one else had arrived yet which was perfect, she could take her time. Y/N grabbed a weapon that shot out obedience disks. She only needed that and her magic as she walked outside. As usual, there was a horrible stank outside. Space junk and bodies were rotting all around them. Y/N saw a body on the ground, back faced towards her. Once she saw long, black locks and an emerald green cape, she almost turned away and left. That’s when she took a deep breath and reminded herself that Loki was dead. It couldn’t possibly be him, right?
But the closer she got, the more she saw. And sure as hell, it was him. She could recognize his face from thousands of miles away. Seeing him on the ground, completely helpless, covered in small cuts and fresh bruises was almost too much for her. For a moment, she could only stare at him in utter disbelief and shock. The heartache from half a decade ago was returning and it hurt just as much, but she’d be damned to show it.
Whatever the story was behind it, she had to know. But he was unconscious and other Scrappers would love to find him. Biting her teeth together and swallowing her tears, she dragged his weak body into her ship. His scent emerged into her nostrils and reminded her of so many shared nights.
“Get yourself together!” Y/N growled at herself and dumped Loki’s body on the floor of the ship. Perhaps it was a bit harsh, but she didn’t want to hold onto him longer than needed. She didn’t want to soften up for him after what he did.
She locked the entrance to the ship and sat down, resting her head against her hands as she attempted to think. She had no idea how he was alive, what she would do to him or if he was going to hurt her even more. After pondering for a while and feeling how her shock just increased, she had to get answers. Y/N stood up and walked to Loki who was still on the ground. He looked terrified even though he was passed out. It’s like shock was imprinted on his resting face. Y/N wondered what he saw before ending up on Sakaar. Could it be Thanos?
Y/N groaned and pushed those thoughts away. The only right answers would come from him. So, Y/N gently shook him by his shoulder with her foot until he opened his eyes. Loki looked right at her and it was dead quiet around them for a moment. Y/N’s heart yearned for him, she wanted to wrap him into her arms, but she refused to do that. Instead, she put on a stern mask and grabbed the weapon, having no intentions to use it though. She wanted him to know that she was not the woman she used to be.
“Am I dead?”
“Newsflash, Loki! You’re not, but you sure let everyone think so.”
Loki sat up, never taking his eyes off Y/N. He seemed dazed. Flashes of what had happened only a few minutes earlier were fresh on his mind. He remembered Odin’s death, Thor’s rage, Hela. But once he saw her after believing he never would see her again; his mouth went dry. She stood there, looking at him with anger burning in her E/C eyes. Loki could hardly believe his eyes. He didn’t even know what to do. Now, several years later, there was no use in pretending to be the monster he made out of himself, but he didn’t know if he could let go of his regret and beg for forgiveness. Could he put her through that?
He looked away from her judging gaze and he saw the small, odd weapon that was in her hand. It felt like a punch in his gut, she was furious! He had to be careful but at the same time, he almost wanted her to be mad at him.
It became obvious that Loki wasn’t going to break the silence and Y/N was impatient.
“How are you alive?”
Loki remembered the exact moment he almost died. No one would ever know but he actually sacrificed himself to Thor. He could’ve died when Thor left his body on Svartalfheim but something miraculous kept him alive. What it was, Loki wasn’t sure, but he told himself it was his mother from Valhalla. How could he possibly explain the past five years to her? From the moment he broke her heart by telling her that everything they had together, all the good and the bad, were lies. He told her she was amusement for him. Now he felt rotten just thinking back.
“Answer me!” Y/N demanded harshly, taking a step closer to Loki. She put the little disk shooter underneath Loki’s jaw so she could tilt his head up, forcing him to look at her. It was astonishing how he hadn’t gotten up yet to mock her and drag her down. Something terrible must’ve happened before he arrived.
It didn’t matter. She wasn’t going to let herself care about that. What they had in the past should remain there.
Loki didn’t flinch when Y/N put the cold metal object against his neck. He didn’t know what it did, and he didn’t want to find it. Although he knew she probably hated his gut, he doubted she’d hurt him. “It’s a long story, Y/N.”
His voice made Y/N’s stomach twist. She hated herself for missing it. She hated that his voice still affected her but the was proud she had learnt to hide her feelings. To him, he looked like a whole new person. Loki looked her up and down and noticed how different she was, even her attire had changed. Y/N was wearing a skin-tight, white bodysuit that hugged her curves just right, long red boots and a dark red cape, much less elegant than Asgardian capes. It was short and rigged. Y/N’s arms were bare, and she wore golden jewellery that spiralled from her wrist all the way to her upper arm. He even saw scars that weren’t there before. They weren’t neat so he figured they came from battles. She had changed.
The biggest difference was her cold and harsh exterior. He looked at her and her face didn’t soften up like before. He knew that he had burnt her innocence and sweetness to ashes. It hurt, more than he wanted to admit.
“You’re not in a hurry, are you? Start talking.” Y/N was getting angry again. The silence was messing with her head. If he didn’t care, why couldn’t he speak? It bothered her that Loki looked at her so carefully. She felt vulnerable.
Loki looked at her neck. He knew they weren’t together anymore but nevertheless, seeing a dark purple, almost red hickey decorating her skin hurt. Seeing that someone else had gotten the pleasure of touching her was like a stab to the heart. She had moved on, hadn’t she? Loki’s throat felt tight. So much was going on and it was too much – even for him. Asgard was in danger but here he was, in Y/N’s ship, his fate in her hands. “Where shall I begin?” He put on a fake smile, putting up the act from five years ago. He was not going to hurt her any further by explaining how he lied. She had gone through enough because of him. Lying furthermore should be smooth, he was the god of lies after all.
“How about you explain how you’re alive and where you’ve been. Maybe, just maybe I won’t throw you in the lion’s den.” By that, Y/N meant the arena. She knew damn well the Grandmaster would pay her a huge sum for Loki, but she also knew Loki could have answers that she desperately needed. “You’re so great with words, aren’t you? You better use them.”
“Someone still cares,” Loki taunted her, putting his best effort into acting like the fool he was before. He was aware it was terrible, but he had no choice. He decided to push her buttons a little bit more, just to study her reaction. “I see you took some Asgardian goods with you.”
“You know I could electrocute you, right?” Y/N pressed the lips of the disc shooter against his neck, only to threaten him of course. Sure, he probably deserved it, but she didn’t actually want to hurt him. Only a few years ago she was the one who stitched up his wounds and washed off his blood. “Besides, Thor gave them to me. Turns out being in good terms with him is quite handy,” Y/N pushed Loki’s buttons as well, knowing damn well how Loki hated that.
Loki pulled his lips into a thin line. The hickey was almost right in front of his eyes now and he believed Y/N did it on purpose, to shove it in his face that she didn’t care at all. Did Thor make it? Loki wished it was anyone else but his brother. Was she over him? Loki believed it – at least to some extent. How could she still care, after everything he put her through? He didn’t just break her heart, he absolutely destroyed it!
But she would never know he did it for her. She was better off without him. Loki told that to himself to make himself feel better. He had to get away from her and fast but it wouldn’t be easy.
“I’ve been on Asgard. Thor broke me out of my cell, begging for my help. It was a perfect opportunity for me to slither out of that little cell. Then I had to get Odin out of the picture…”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Y/N almost yelled. Sure, Odin was a terrible person but she couldn’t imagine Loki killing him. He hadn’t gone that far, right?
Loki rolled his eyes. “I sent him away. He was on Midgard until Thor and I returned to him. He told us about our sister, Hela, who is currently set to destroy Asgard. Then he died-“
“Slow down!” Y/N stopped him. She put the disc shooter away and took a deep breath. She attempted to forget about her personal issues with Loki and tried to focus on Asgard. Were the people in danger? Who was this Hela? Their sister? She had never even heard of her. ”Odin’s dead?”
“I told you, it’s a long story, Y/N.”
[PART 3]
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Author’s Note: I feel like this chapter is just building the plot but the next part will be a bit more fun (I hope). What are your thoughts? :) It’s kind of funny how this turned into a series.
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Challenge (Loki x Reader)
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Request: A Loki x reader? About him meeting this really badass avenger and falling for her instantly?
Request by: @linadenbrough
Summary: Babysitting Loki is an interesting job as it is.  Taking up the challenge of fighting him was a different story.
This was too much fun to write.  No, seriously, don’t let me do this again because I have too much fun writing about Loki while binge-watching Markiplier’s Prop Hunt videos. 
Words: 1547
Instead of going back up to Asgard to serve time for the rest of his life for his crimes, Nick Fury and Odin settled on an agreement where Loki would stay at the Avengers Tower.  He'd have to train under the Avengers and stay under probation until further notice.  That means that Fury had to call in one of his best agents to become an Avenger considering the rest of the members had other jobs to do.  That's where you come in.  
You, Y/N L/N, worked next to Fury for many years.  Along with Maria Hill, you worked undercover, worked in missions, and never failed to stand your own ground against HYDRA.  You were intelligent and could even compete against the Black Widow if you needed to.  You were honored when Fury asked you to join the Avengers Initiative.  
Your first job was to meet Loki in the training room when Steve escorted him there.  Loki wasn't going to be trusted for a while.  He absolutely hated it, but considering what he did while he was brainwashed, he understood.  He didn't fight it and refused to admit what happened to himself.  He thought of it as weak.  
Loki arrived in the training room just as you kicked a punching bag over.  It was sent flying a few inches away, and you went to grab a water bottle.  Your breathing was heavy and you probably looked like a mess, but you didn't care.  Loki was impressed by your strength, and knew you could've been a formidable foe should you have fought in the battle.  
Steve greeted you politely before leaving the god in your hands.  "So, you're the guy that tried to take over the world?" You asked him nonchalantly.  You grabbed a rag and started drying yourself off.  
"I'm a god," He said, disgusted by your words, "And I will not allow you to call me a guy."
"Right, well, welcome to the Avengers Tower.  I'm Y/N," You held your hand out, looking at him expectantly.  He hesitated before taking your hand in his, shaking it carefully.
"Charmed, I'm sure, Lady Y/N.  May I ask why you are fighting right now?  Considering you are with S.H.I.E.L.D, I assumed you would finally want a break from it."
"I've never minded it.  That's why I took up the job.  I get to live out my dream of being able to beat up people that piss me off."  You smiled sweetly.  
Loki was humored by your explanation.  "Perhaps you can beat up simple mortals, but would you like to try to fight someone who poses a little more of a challenge?" He asked.
"Are you challenging me to a fight with you?"
"Are you saying no?"
You contemplated for only a single moment before smirking.  "It's on, god of mischief.  I have one condition though."
"And that is?"
"No magic.  It has to be based purely on physical and mental strength."
"Mental strength?"
"Of course.  Trash talk is always allowed."  
"Then let the challenge begin."
The two of you stood at opposite ends of the room.  You stood there, waiting for him to be ready.  Loki had to change out of his Asgardian outfit and into a more flexible suit.  He raised an eyebrow, waiting for you to begin.  "Are you going to start or wh-" He was cut off when you jumped at him.
You ran across before he could notice you and pulled his arm behind his back.  He let out a startled gasp.  "Since when do you wait for others to start?  You could've gone first if you realized there aren't any rules to fighting," You grinned.
He took the advantage to kick your legs and cause you to lose balance for a slight moment.  He pulled his arm free and turned around to look at you.  "Now you're back to square one."
"Not for long."  You moved quickly, faking a punch to his torso before side-swiping him.  He stumbled, allowing you to throw a punch at his head.  He took the blow but quickly recovered.  
He swiftly moved to your side which made you lose track of where he was for a moment.  He pulled you by the shoulder, but before he could make another move, you threw another punch this time at his neck.  It wasn’t hard enough to cause any harm, but it was enough to knock the breath out of him. 
You took this time to fall to the ground in a planned motion to swipe his feet from underneath him.  You stood back up, curious to see what he’d do next.  Loki laid still for a moment, pausing to take a deep breath.  You didn’t realize that he was about to grab your ankle from below.  
With a firm grip, Loki pulled you down to the ground with him.  You felt the back of your head hit the ground, flinching as pain raced into your skull.  You were definitely going to feel that later, but for now, you had more important issues.  He had his chance to pin you down, and while you were a trained spy, he was still much larger than you with a lot more physical strength.  
Right as he was about to straddle you and pin you down, you rolled over giving yourself another second to react.  You stood back up as he did, and watched him.  He was planning his next move just as you were.  By now, you had to start giving random maneuvers to throw him off.  Fighting in the same style will sooner or later make him realize that you have a pattern.  
You decided that the best plan of attack would be to not have a plan of attack at this point.  You ran up quickly to him, throwing a punch that you thought he wouldn’t notice in time.  Instead, he grabbed your fist in his hand.  Loki pulled you close to him by your fist, causing you to stumble and fall into his chest.  You looked up at him, making him smirk.
"Falling for me this quickly?" He flirted.  You rolled your eyes at his remark.
"Not yet, loverboy."  You tripped him over by pushing him over, pinning him to the ground.  He was shocked by the amount of force you had.  You smiled at him. "Are you sure it's not the other way around?"  
If he wanted to tell the truth at the time, he would've responded with a yes.  However, there was no time to answer as you stood up, no longer on top of him.  You held your hand out to help him up and asked, "Stalemate?"
Loki nodded slightly before taking your hand.  He stood up and responded, "Stalemate.  I'm impressed though."
"Impressed by what?  Impressed by me and how I could stand my own against you or that a Midgardian isn't as weak as you expected?" You asked him, an amused glint in your eyes.
"A little bit of both, I will admit."  He gratefully accepted your offer of a water bottle.  He was a bit tired from the fight, though he would never tell you that much.  
"Well, now that we've wasted about half an hour on getting you some training clothes and a few minutes in a fight, someone may be coming over to get you off my hands for some time."  You went to check your messenger.  Tony figured it'd be useful enough for you to have one with you on the team.  
"Had enough of me already?" He grinned.
"Nope.  I just need to shower.  Thor says he's coming up now."  You placed the messenger down and you could see Loki's shoulders tense up slightly at the idea of his brother.  "Relax, he's your brother, not the Queen."
"He's an oaf of a brother.  He's loud and obnoxious."
"If it means anything, I'll see you at dinner tonight and I'll probably take you over to the library for a while.  I know no one has shown you it yet and I know you're gonna love it."  
He was shocked by your kindness, especially after your display just a few minutes ago.  Loki expected you to be one or the other, but you could stand a fighting chance against him and be nice to him only a minute after.  Agent Romanoff was not the same way, as he found that one out very quickly.  In fact, most of the Avengers weren't.  
"I would like that very much, thank you," He quietly said.  You smiled, finding it cute.
"Of course, Loki."
Just as you were about to walk away, knowing that Thor was in the elevator, Loki tried one last thing.  He tried throwing a punch at you to see if he could catch you off guard.  Instead, you caught his fist midair.  He had no chance, but you let him try anyway.  
"Quick note though," You looked at him, "I was trained by S.H.I.E.L.D's finest, including Natasha.  You won't be getting any of that past me.  I've been a spy for too long to miss any of that."  You released his fist and walked to the elevator, greeting Thor as you pressed the button to your floor, leaving Loki with his brother.
"Brother!" Thor walked over to Loki.  "What do you think of Lady Y/N?"
Loki stood there still in shock.  He looked up at Thor after a moment.  He broke out a small grin before replying, "I like her."  
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thebluelemontree · 5 years
Make Christmas pagan again, let's all celebrate Yule, worship goats and drink to Odin.
Sounds like a blast.  You have my blessing.  Full pagan is just a little too rowdy for me these days.  This is my busiest time of year.  All I want to do in my time off is vegetate and eat sweet potato pie until I’m a trash bag full of sweet potato pie.    
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