#Frost Bakery Memphis
ellie-24 · 1 year
USS Randall Ramblers Part 3
Okay, this is the 2 in 1 deal everyone's been looking forward to not!
Writing prompts:
"Are you always this shy?"
"You're staring."
Tagging my partners in crime. @vintageshanny @from-memphis-with-love @thatbanditqueen @whositmcwhatsit @missmaywemeetagain @powerofelvis @be-my-ally thank you for the support, the debates, the inspiration and the horniness.
Summary: Phone calls aren't enough. These two just can't stay apart for too long.
Word count: ~ 5.5 k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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Frankfurt am Main, Germany
"Talk to me, honey, whatcha do today?"
His smooth, velvety voice instantly made Mary shiver and she had to supress a childish giggle. She tightly gripped the phone and caught her reflection in the full length mirror on the other side of the bedroom, seeing herself blushing furiously and smiling. With a sigh she sank further into the matress and slowly twirled the cord in her slightly trembling fingers.
"Actually, I should be asleep already." She grinned teasingly, even though he couldn't see it.
"Aww, Come on, tell me something nice. Please. You know I can't go to bed without talking to you." He mumbled with a pleading tone. Mary could almost picture the famous pout he was probably sporting right now.
She raised her eyebrow. It's been almost four weeks since her visit to Bad Nauheim. It was then that he told her that he would be stationed at Grafenwöhr for the next six weeks, putting him even further out of her reach. But he'd call her every day. That's at least what he promised upon seeing the distressed look on her face. And he actually kept his promise.
For 4 days.
After that, his calls became less frequent. Mary didn't want to admit it to herself, but hearing his voice three or four times a week instead of every day didn't feel enough. It scared her a bit. She was falling way too fast for him and the mere thought of his calls possibly ceasing completely one day made her heart ache terribly.
That's why she sat by the phone on her nightstand every evening, waiting for him to call and ease some of the anxiety she felt. She'd stare at her phone for hours, eyes burning and heavy, stifling yawn after yawn. On some occasions Mary felt kind of pathetic, especially when she'd pass out from exhaustion while sitting up against the headboard, drool already gathering at the corner of her mouth. Oftentimes he'd call her when she was already fast asleep anyway, usually around midnight. The sharp ringing would pull her out of her dreams, which mostly revolved around him anyway, causing her to be wide awake in an instant.
If it was up to him, they'd probably talk to each other throughout the whole night. Sometimes he'd ramble on and on for hours as if he had no one else to talk to and sometimes he just wanted to listen to her talking about her day, family drama or the latest gossip at work. She found that gossiping was rather fun with him because he actually paid attention, unlike other men she's talked to.
"Well alright, you know it's Barbara's birthday on friday." She reminded him.
"Didn't you want to organize a little party at the office?"
"Yeah, scratch that, probably not gonna be a real party, but I really want to get a cake. I asked the other girls if we want to split the cost for a really fancy cake. You know with layers and frosting and decoration and the whole shebang. Now, guess who had a problem with that."
"If you ask like that, sweetheart, it's gotta be Kate." He chuckled.
Mary threw her hands up in frustration. "Of course it was her! Anyway I met up with Helga in my lunch break and her uncle owns this cute, little bakery and he'd probably do it for half the price... Hopefully Kate will be on board with that."
"Honey, just tell me, I'll pay for the damn cake."
"You don't even know Barbara!" She laughed.
"I-I know, but it means something to you." He clarified in a soft voice.
Mary pressed her lips together to stop the embarassing squeal that threatened to espace her and tightly held the phone against her chest. After taking a deep breath she put it back against her ear. "You're so sweet."
"I'm just trying to help my little girl."
Her cheeks started to hurt from smiling so much. "And I appreciate it... I'll let you know what Kate says."
"Alright, sweetheart. What else did ya do today? Wanna know everything."
"Not much I'm afraid. After work I just went straight home. It's so cold, being outside really isn't fun."
"Yeah, you tell me. This damn cold here is driving me crazy."
"And then it also started raining when I walked home from the bus station. I was soaking wet when I arrived. Fingers numb and everything." Mary continued and flexed her hand as if proving to herself that, yes, she could really move it again.
She heard him click his tongue. "Aw, my poor yittle baby. You all bundled up in your blankets now? All warm and cozy?"
Mary pulled the soft fabric up to her chin. "I am."
"And you're wearing your fuzzy little socks? Don't want your sooties to be freezing."
"Yes, Elvis. I'm all warm again, don't worry." She chuckled and watched the raindrops race down the glass window next to her.
When he spoke up again, his voice sounded clearer, as if he put the phone closer to his face. "I-I wish I was there with you sweetheart, sharing a blanket, just like on that ship. Remember? With you running your fingers through my hair." It sounded like he was smiling.
She smiled as well and bit her lip, the memory still very clear in her mind. If she closed her eyes she could still feel his soft hair on her skin. "And your cold hands nearly giving me a heart attack. But yeah I'd really like that. You're a lot comfier than my pillow."
He cooed. "You're such a cute thing. The bunk beds they have here can give ya a mighty back pain, I'll tell ya. Getting some real sleep is a damn hassle."
She sighed and her face scrunched up. "Oh, I know, I shouldn't complain. They make you sleep in these horrible beds and then they want you to walk miles and miles through that mud and I don't know what. Without getting some proper rest!"
He hummed. "And it snowed the other day. You won't believe it. We were knee deep in the snow. The vehicles nearly got stuck, and there were these stupid photographers everywhere, trying to get a glimpse. I looked like a damn idiot."
"Elvis don't say that. What are you supposed to do? And I think it's very brave of you to carry on and do your job, despite everything. And damn these photographers, I'd like to see them do what you gotta do, first."
"Language, yittle. Doesn't suit ya."
"Elvis, don't, you're starting to sound like my mother." She laughed.
He sighed. "One of us has to be the responsible adult."
"A responsible adult? Where? I can't see one."
"Very funny, sweetheart."
She shrugged. "I know. One of us has to be the funny one."
"I'll tell ya if there weren't hundreds of miles seperating us, I'd put ya over my knee now, little girl."
Mary's eyes went wide and she nearly pulled her blanket over her head, as if hiding would improve her situation. "Elvis!" She finally gasped.
"Where's that smart mouth now?" He teased.
She tucked a few locks that had fallen over eyes behind her ear. "I'm just trying to cheer you up with that smart mouth."
He snorted. "Getting on my last nerve sometimes, that's what you do, sweetheart."
She knew he was pulling her leg but she couldn't stop the words that followed. It was just too easy to mess with him sometimes. "Well, then I suppose you should just stop calling me."
There was a pause. "Now, you know damn well I could never do that."
She hummed.
He took a deep breath. "Talking to you is what gets me through all this." His voice got lower, almost like a whisper, which made it hard for her to understand him. "Honey, I'm already dreading tomorrow, ya can't imagine."
Mary squeezed her eyes shut as if actually feeling his sudden anguish just through his voice. She didn't even want to imagine the look on his face right now. Whenever reality would set in, it overwhelmed him in an instant. She never really knew how to respond to his complex and seemingly all-encompassing emotional turmoil. "Oh Elvis, I wish I could help you somehow." She mumbled helplessly.
His voice trembled. "...Cherry, I-I gotta see you. I-It's so horrible here, please I have to see you."
Mary still wasn't sure what to make out of the fact that Elvis sometimes nicknamed her after his dog of all things, but she tried to believe that this was just his very unique, strange way of showing affection.
"Elvis... you know I'd love to visit you. But I can't ask my mum to come with me again."
"I-I know, sweetheart. But they won't let me leave. I can't come over." He paused for a second. "I just... I miss you."
She took a shuddering breath. "I miss you too. Terribly."
He groaned and there was a low thud, which made her jump slightly. It sounded like he hit the phone against a wall or something. When he spoke up again his voice sounded strained. "Let me talk to your father, yittle. I need to see you. Y-You can stay at this inn, my father stayed there as well when he visited. The owner, she's a sweet older lady, she'll take care of ya."
Mary pursed her lips. "Well, I guess you can try. I'll also make sure to use my pout on him. Do you think it'll work out?"
"Trust me. I'll make it happen... Love you."
There it was again. He started saying it a few days ago, their phone call now always ending with the same sentiment. Mary wasn't too sure what to make of it. She always told her friends that she loved them. Was this the same thing? It certainly didn't feel the same, the butterflies in her stomach and the lightheadedness she would feel whenever he'd utter those three special words were proof of that. But what exactly did he mean by it? Mary didn't know if she would call it real love yet. Of course she deeply cared for him, but love seemed to be something for grown-ups. Something that she still felt too young for.
"Love you too." She'd still always reply, both out of a weird sense of obligation but also because it did reflect her feelings towards him and she wanted him to know.
He'd always let out a pleased hum before hanging up.
Grafenwöhr, Oberpfalz. One week later.
Mary looked around tentitavely. Everything here seemed to be made out of wood. She tried not too make much noise while walking around, the floorboards creaking with every step she took. The chairs and tables looked carefully crafted, albeit a bit used and discoloured in places. Mary raised an eyebrow when she looked over at the counter at the other side of the room, with various kinds of liquors stacked onto the shelves behind it. All in all this place seemed to be a bar rather than an inn but she quickly decided that she didn't care. Right now she seemed to be the only one here, except for a few faint voices that could be heard from behind the heavy, wooden door next to the counter. Mary pondered what she should do while carefully inspecting the crochet tablecloth in front of her. She even briefly wondered if she was at the right address.
"There she is! My sweet girl." His voice suddenly boomed behind her. With a jump she quickly turned and saw Elvis beaming at her as he approached, determination in his stride. In an instant she felt his arms around her, a feeling that seemed to be almost familiar by now. She leaned against him and hugged him back, her arms around his neck in a tight grip. She pulled him even closer, happy that she could actually feel him again, and he laughed.
When they parted again he smiled down at her, his eyes wandering towards her lips. Mary felt her heartbeat picking up rapidly when he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers in another short, yet incredibly sweet, kiss. She looked at up him, eyes wide open, her cheeks red.
He softly caressed her waist. "Little Cherry came here all alone just to see me. She's best. Been on my mind the whole day now."
She reached up and rubbed her hands over his hard chest with a smile. "It's so good to see you again."
Suddenly the door behind them opened and a kind looking, middle aged woman wearing an apron appeared. She threw a towel over shoulder, her gaze flickering towards Elvis, then her.
Upon seeing the curious look on her face he stepped forward and cleared his throat. "Ma'am, this is Mary. She's my guest."
Her face lit up. "Oh, you're Mary. I am Frau Feiner. It's lovely to have you here. I hope you'll like it, if you need anything just ask me."
"Thank you, that's very kind." Mary nodded with a smile and looked back at Elvis. He guided her towards a nearby table and promptly plopped down onto the wooden chair. Without warning he pulled her onto his lap and gently patted her stomach with a grin. "Come on, sweetheart, ya gotta eat something. Mrs. Feiner here makes the best Schnitzel. Ain't that right?" He hollered over to Mrs. Feiner who was still busy wiping the counter.
"That's true." She replied with a wink and disappeared through the same door she'd come from before.
"That sounds great, now we only need some Schlager music to round it off." Mary joked, eyeing the old jukebox in the corner of the room.
He snorted. "Ya really listen to that?"
"Helga sometimes makes me. It's not that bad actually. But I still prefer that other guy. That rock 'n' roll singer. You know the one we talked about before?"
"The one who's been on TV and everything?"
"Yeah, that's the one!"
"Mhm. You talk a whole lot about him, honey, makes me wonder if I should feel jealous."
His strong arms pulled her closer to him, so that she was now fully leaning against him. He winced a bit at his own action and squeezed his eyes shut with a shake of his head. Mary furrowed her brows and reached out to gently stroke his hair, just how he liked it. "What is it? You're not feeling well?"
He closed his eyes and leaned into her soft touch. "Just a bit tired, honey. And a bit of a headache. Spend the whole day at the Czech border, patrolling."
Her frown deepened. "Oh no, I hope they didn't give too much of a hard time."
"Honey, the thing is I constantly feel like I-I gotta prove my worth or something. Everyone in the Army still thinks I'm a damn joke."
She shook her head. "I only hear good things about you, Elvis. Part of the reason why my father allowed me to come here on my own is because he trusts you to take care of me. Word gets around you're doing a great job serving your country."
"Definitely don't feel like it."
"My father told me he heard that you're always the first one to volunteer if there's a difficult task ahead. Always doing way more than what's asked of you."
He threw up his hands. "That's because I'm trying to do everything in my power to show them that I'm worth my salt. Gotta work ten times harder than any other G.I.!"
She carefully patted his chest, playing with the breast pocket of his jacket. "I know, it's not fair. But it's paying off, believe me. You should be proud of yourself."
He looked down at her fingers, avoiding her gaze. "Don't know."
Mary reached up to cup his chin, forcing him to look at her. "I'll get you there. I'm certainly proud of you."
He furrowed his brows and his eyes briefly welled up before he managed to catch himself again. It seemed like he wanted to say something, his mouth opened and closed multiple time before he swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. He watched her intently for a moment before a half smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "S' good that you're here now. It's balm for the soul I'll tell ya. I already feel so much better. It's like magic." He mumbled and pressed his cheek against hers.
She giggled. "I'm no wizard, Elvis."
"Are you sure?"
She gave herself a once-over. "Last time I checked I wasn't, no."
"Maybe a little fairy then. Far more fitting. Look-wise, I mean. Although-"
"Careful, Presley." She warned jokingly and jabbed a finger against his chest, making him chuckle.
Ms. Feiner then approached them, two plates in her hands and swiftly set them down on the table with a sweet "Enjoy!" before making her way back again. Mary gave him another look and quickly kissed his cheek before sliding out of his lap onto the chair next to him. He playfully narrowed his eyes at her and pulled her chair towards him, making sure their legs were touching under the table. With a giggle she quickly started eating, feeling rather hungry because her nerves had made her skip lunch that day.
"You wanna go to the movie theatre at the base later? I'll invite some friends so I can show you off and then we'll have a nice evening, what do you think?" He asked and gently nudged her with his shoulder.
She slowly blinked at him. Actually she'd hoped to spend the evening alone with him, but the prospect of being 'shown off' sounded intriguing as well. "Uh, sure why not? Sounds fun."
He smiled at her, his mouth full and swalllwed. "Okay sweetheart, then you'll get all fixed up and I'll have someone pick you up in an hour alright? Mrs. Feiner will show you the guest room upstairs and she'll take care of ya, okay?" He lifted his fork to his mouth. "Damn, that's good." He mumbled to himself as if he hasn't eaten in years. After they both finished their plates, when Elvis finished his third portion anyway, he briefly pecked her lips again before heading off to the base again.
Mrs. Feiner took her updtairs and she quickly settled into the small guest room. She decided to call her parents to let them know that everything went well, or she'd never hear the end of it. After that she tried to calm her sudden nerves again. How would Elvis introduce her to of his friends? Who even were they? Fellow soldiers? She just hoped they'd be nice as she combed her hair, her gaze transfixed on the thin layer of snow still covering the window sill.
When she arrived at the training area about an hour later she spotted Elvis standing at the entrance of the movie theatre, along with another man and a small, brunette woman. The enthusiastic smile on Mary's face quickly died when she saw Elvis reaching out to stroke the strange girl's cheek and leaned over to softly kiss her cheek. Mary halted in her tracks, nearly stumbling over her own feet. She couldn't stop the burning feeling of jealousy coursing through her veins at the sight of him being affectionate with another woman. He had a reputation of always being very loving and warm in his interactions with the women in his life, his fans, that's at least what she knew from magazines and his many apperances on TV. But this... seemed more intimate. She didn't like it.
"Come here, Mary!" Elvis shouted and gestured around wildly. The deep breath she took formed a small, misty cloud around her face and she slowly walked towards them, careful not to slip on the frozen cobblestone ground. She tried to ignore the knot in her stomach as her eyes flickered between Elvis and the woman next to him. When she was within reach Elvis grasped her hand and turned back towards his friends. "That's her. Isn't she the cutest thing y'all ever saw?"
"Hello, I'm Elisabeth, it's so nice to meet you!" The brunette spoke up with a polite smile and a light German accent.
Mary tried to force a sweet smile as she shook her hand.
"Mary." She curtly introduced herself. The girl seemed to be nice, at least she made an effort, but Mary just couldn't bring herself to like her, no matter how hard she tried to ignore her personal feelings. She wondered if she was acting childish and tried to control the creeping feeling that maybe she did take her and Elvis' relationship more seriously that he did. Even though this was only their third time meeting each other she knew that no one ever made her feel the way he did and she was certain that no one else ever would. Her thoughts started to spiral for a horrible, incredibly long second before the other man spoke up and held out his hand as well.
"Rex, pleased to meet you."
Mary didn't look at him, her gaze fixated on the stoneground beneath her as she tried to control the chaos in her head. Elvis put his arm around her shoulders with a smile, his body pressing into hers. The feeling of his solid strength so close to her made her feel both grounded and erratic at the same time.
"Are you always this shy, Mary?" Rex inquired with a gentle smile after a few seconds of her refusing to look at him. She then absentmindedly shook his hand before it would get even more awkward.
Elvis let out a little chuckle, his body vibrating against hers. The feeling finally pulled her out of her wicked thoughts. She cleared her throat and tentitavely hugged Elvis as well, her hand gliding over his back. "Well, it's not often that you go out with a world famous celebrity, is it?" She offered and tried to look flustered instead of hurt and confused. With a flick of her wrist she carefully squeezed his side, making him jump slightly.
Elisabeth briefly touched her arm. "Don't be nervous, Mary. He's a nice man. And I should know, we're here together almost every evening." She replied with a genuine, kind smile that was probably meant to calm her.
"Is that so?" she asked and looked up at Elvis, whose face betrayed nothing, a stiff mask displaying nothing but utter neutrality. "Well then there is nothing to worry about I suppose." Mary quipped and leaned further into him.
The four of them made their way inside with Elisabeth and Rex happily chattering and leading the way. Mary barely managed to pay attention to the conversation, but politely nodded along every now and then as Elisabeth kindly linked her arms with hers and pulled her aside a bit, telling her about her stepfather being a sergeant in the Army and how he and her German mother met and got married. Elisabeth then proceeded to share the story of how she and Elvis met at this very movie theatre only a few days ago. Mary kept looking over to him, now apparently deep in a conversation with Rex. When he caught her eye he winked at her and she quickly averted her gaze again.
The auditorium was small and practical, nothing fancy, with seats that didn't look too comfortable and bare, grey walls. "I wanna sit in the back." Elvis announced and leaned in closer to Mary. "What about you, Cherry?" He whispered into her ear about a second later.
"I don't care." She replied, her expression indifferent.
He briefly frowned at her in confusion.
Elisabeth then gestured towards the seats next to her. "What about here?"
Rex nodded and Mary looked at Elvis.
"Come on then, honey." Elvis chimed in and pulled her along with him, towards the back. She turned her head and saw Elisabeth and Rex shrugging at each other as they went to sit down. Well at least she would be alone with him now, she thought as she eyes the last row where no one had sat down yet. Shortly after her and Elvis sat down, she felt him watching her intently, trying to figure out her why she's been acting so strange ever since entering the movie theatre. He was interrupted by a small group of soldiers approaching them, seemingly wanting to sit down next to them.
"Go on, get your own row, damnit!" Elvis shouted over to them, making them look at each other and shuffle away quickly.
He then let out a content sigh and put one arm around her, his hand resting at her neck. He gently smiled down at her and briefly kissed her temple. His soft, tender touches almost made her forget his earlier interaction with the German girl he apparently saw almost every evening. She still felt his gaze burning into her profile and shifted in her seat. He didn't even try to make it subtle, facing her shamlessly instead of the screen. Mary focused on keeping her breathing even and tried to act as normal as possible but despite her best efforts her head eventually turned towards him on it's own. Instead of feeling caught and looking away his eyes lit up and leaned in closer to gently bump his nose against hers.
"You're staring." She whispered.
"What, I'm not allowed to look at the prettiest girl in here?" He grinned.
She hummed, not quite believing what he said.
"What? I'm just saying how it is."
She leaned back and looked straight ahead again.
He cleared his throat. "You know, I can't help but feel like you're, uh, angry with me, honey."
"It's nothing."
His hand around her neck reached out to play with a strand of her hair, gently twirling it between his fingers. "Come on, sweetheart. You think I'm gonna fall for that? I already told ya I know everything there is to know about women."
"Really, it's nothing."
He clicked his tongue in frustration. "Stop being so stubborn. As much as I'd like to read your mind and see what's going on in that pretty little head of yours, I can't. Ya gotta help me a bit. Please, talk to me."
Mary bit her lip and looked away from him, thinking about how she should phrase what exactly bothered her. If she should tell him at all. His fingers now drew comforting circles on her arm and he was uncharacteristically patient while waiting for her to sort out her emotions. "...Alright, uh, I guess... First-" She held up a finger. "-you promised me that you'd call. Every day."
He opened his mouth.
She held up another finger, silencing him. "Second. You said 'no other girls'."
"There are no other girls, just you." He replied without hesitation.
Mary raised an eyebrow at him, her gaze flickering towards the brunette a few rows in front of them and then back to him. He lowered his face and looked at her through his lashes. "Now, don't gimme that look. Elisabeth... she's just a friend. A-And she happens to speak German, which is useful, I reckon. That's all, Cherry. Now, don't spoil the fun and be good, okay?"
She huffed. "I'm not trying to ruin the mood. And I don't want to tell you what you can and can't do. I'm not like that. Just..." She let out an exasperated sigh. "Don't make promises you can't keep."
He turned his body back towards her and gently cupped her cheek. "...A-Alright, I can see why you're mad at me. I-I get it now, trust me... I've neglected you too much. I'll make sure to take care of you more."
"Elvis, that's not-"
He lowered his head and moved to nuzzle his nose against her neck. "Mhm, that's what my widdle baby needs and what she deserves." He whispered, his hot breath ghosting over her exposed skin. It tickled her and she tightly gripped her skirt, the heavy fabric now bunched up in her fists.
He rested his chin on her shoulder. "Cherry, you're my best girl, I want you to know that."
Mary sighed and tried not to let her cheek sink into his soft hair. She failed. "...Is that true?"
He hummed and moved closer to her neck again. "S' the gospel truth, honey." With that she felt the feather light brush of his soft lips against her pulse point. She let out a small yelp when he continued peppering soft kisses along her now heated skin. He put one arm around her waist to pull her closer towards him. She could feel him grinning against her when she lifted her chin and angled her head away from him to give him easier access. While he licked, suckled and mouthed at her neck she quickly looked around the dimly lit room, relieved that no one seemed to pay attention to them. Mary had to press her legs together when his hand moved over her jaw, along her neck until it rested just below her clavicle. He could probably feel her heart beating wildly in her ribcage.
"Elvis." She whispered.
He let out a low grunt in response.
"Kiss me."
"I am." He murmured, his voice muffled.
With a playful click of her tongue she promptly moved away from him and his touch, making him whine as he tried to chase after her. She let out a small giggle at his confused face and leaned over to press her lips against his, her fingers brushing over his jaw. He laughed into the kiss before eagerly moving his mouth against hers. His hand grazed over her upper body, back to her clavicle before moving down further. Mary couldn't suppress a small groan when he attempted to slip his tongue inside her mouth and briefly squeezed her breast at the same time.
"You!" She gasped with a grin and gently tugged at his earlobe. He chuckled, his teeth clanking against hers, and boldly squeezed her breast once again. It sent shockwaves of pleasure directly into her lower belly and their lips quickly met again in an open mouthed, heated kiss. He put a hand on her knee and Mary shivered when he moved it higher and higher, fingers digging into her the supple flesh of her thigh. A small sound escaped from the back of his throat, adding to the throbbing sensation she felt. He was now dangerously close her core and just when she thought he'd touch her there and ease some of the ache, he pulled his lips away from her. When they parted they just looked at each other for a moment, both breathing heavily. His hand still soothingly rubbed over her thigh and she swallowed hard.
"All good again?" He asked with a grin, still a bit breathless.
She exhaled shakily. "Sorry, Elvis, it's just, uh, I don't know."
"Tell me, honey."
She shrugged and leaned forward to press her forehead against his. "I guess I don't know why you would want to spend time with me... I'm nothing special." She cringed at herself while saying it out loud, being openly vulnerable with others wasn't something she was particulary fond of. It's not that she didn't trust Elvis, she just preferred to deal with her emotions on her own.
He urgently hugged her closer to him. "Honey, no no no, don't say that. I don't wanna hear any of this nonsense. You have no idea how special you are to me. I-I can always talk to you a-and you never judge me. You're there when I need someone to take care of me."
"I guess." She mumbled, her eyes burning.
"You always cheer me up, honey. Lemme do the same for you now. I don't like seeing you sad. Wanna see that smile again."
She hummed and shrugged, not trusting her voice right now.
He gave her another kiss. This one was slow and sweet, his pillowy lips barely brushing against hers as he held her cheeks in his big, strong hands. Then he went on to pepper her whole face with small kisses until she couldn't stop the grin tugging at her lips. He stopped and gently ran his fingers through her hair and cupped the back of her head.
"There's that pretty smile I love so much." He mumbled.
She let out a watery laugh. "You really know how to make a girl feel good."
He bit his lip with a smile, his eyes twinkling. "Oh, my sweet Cherry, you have no idea."
Also tagging a few people who seemed to enjoy the first two parts. Please let me know if you don't want to be tagged! @godlypresley @18lkpeters @lookingforrainbows @richardslady121 @kingdomforapony @c-rosenn
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
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Work at all of the Kellogg Company's U.S. cereal plants came to a halt Tuesday as roughly 1,400 workers went on strike, but it wasn't immediately clear how much the supply of Frosted Flakes or any of the company's other iconic brands would be disrupted.
The strike includes plants in Omaha, Nebraska Battle Creek, Michigan; Lancaster, Pennsylvania; and Memphis, Tennessee.
The union and the Battle Creek-based company have been at an impasse at the bargaining table for more than a year, said Daniel Osborn, president of the local union in Omaha. The dispute involves an assortment of pay and benefit issues such as the loss premium health care, holiday and vacation pay and reduced retirement benefits
“The company continues to threaten to send additional jobs to Mexico if workers do not accept outrageous proposals that take away protections that workers have had for decades," said Anthony Shelton, president of the Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union.
The threat to move work to Mexico doesn't sit well with Osborn.
“A lot of Americans probably don't have too much issue with the Nike or Under Armor hats being made elsewhere or even our vehicles, but when they start manufacturing our food down where they are out of the FDA control and OSHA control, I have a huge problem with that,” Osborn said.
The company insists that its offer is fair and would increase wages and benefits for its employees that it said made an average of $120,000 a year last year.
"We are disappointed by the union’s decision to strike. Kellogg provides compensation and benefits for our U.S. ready to eat cereal employees that are among the industry’s best," Kellogg spokesperson Kris Bahner said in a statement.
Osborn said he expects the company to try to bring non-union workers into the plants at some point this week to try to resume operations and maintain the supply of its products.
The company acknowledged that it is "implementing contingency plans" to limit supply disruptions for consumers.
The plants have all continued to operate throughout the coronavirus pandemic, but Osborn said that for much of that time workers were putting in 12-hour shifts, seven days a week to keep up production while so many people were out because of the virus.
“The level we were working at is unsustainable,” Osborn said.
Kellogg’s workers aren’t the first food workers to strike during the pandemic.
Earlier this summer, more than 600 workers at a Frito-Lay plant in Topeka, Kansas, walked off the job to protest working conditions during the pandemic, including forced overtime. That strike ended in July when workers ratified a new contract.
Workers at Nabisco plants in five states went on strike in August to protest plans by Nabisco’s parent, Mondelez International, to move some work to Mexico, among other issues, according to the Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union, which also represents the Kellogg's workers. That strike ended last month when workers ratified a new contract.
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wehnersanerdra · 7 years
Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2laJNJ0 - Buy QIBOX Adjustable Cake Scraper Smoother, Fondant Wedding Festival Mousse DIY Cake Cream Mold Baking Decorating Polisher Tools with Silicone Spatula -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 13 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Ps2lf6Rsnyz8a60hUGfXw?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 Buy QIBOX Adjustable Cake Scraper Smoother, Fondant Wedding Festival Mousse DIY Cake Cream Mold Baking Decorating Polisher Tools with Silicone Spatula Purchased this for a gift. Looks interesting. ... Reviewer : Chuck-n-Memphis I love baking and always have hard time frosting round cakes. Im glad I found this. This saved all the trouble for me. It’s easy to use and adjust. The number indicator is really helpful. The extra free spatula is a great gift with this. ... Reviewer : Tin Moseley Click http://ift.tt/2laJNJ0 to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. WIDE APPLICATION - Adjustable Cake Scraper Smoother is ideal for home or professional bakery cake and even works on square cakes, fondant, mousse baking decorating helper especially needed for Christmas, Thanksgiving Feast, Party, Home, and Holiday. SUPRIOR QUALITY - Adjustable Cake Scraper Smoother is made of food grade material, safe, non-toxic, sanitary and durable. EASY TO INSTALL AND CLEAN - Adjustable Cake Scraper Smoother is very easy to install and clean, just follow the guidance picture and carefully clasp it into the fixed position. In addition to being exceptionally durable and heat resistant, this great baking scraper is also very easy to clean and maintain. FREE GIFT - If you buy this Cake Scraper Smoother, you will get a 100% food-grade silicone spatula, you can pick whichever you like, avoid cross flavors of cream, cheese or anything you use for with this non-stick friendly spatulas just as free gift. My wife started experimenting with baking. The first few cakes she baked was a little lopsided on the top and the sides were not perfectly cylindrical. This little gadget fixed her cake baking issues in a flash. It was easy to use as you just rotate around the cake with this cake scrapper and it will carve out a perfect traditional cake design without any hassle. Also, since this is adjustable, it can be used on virtually any cake size. Thank you for a neat gadget! ... Reviewer : P Click http://ift.tt/2laJNJ0 to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Ps2lf6Rsnyz8a60hUGfXw See other products on http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Ps2lf6Rsnyz8a60hUGfXw?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #QIBOX, #QIBOX Adjustable Cake Scraper Smoother, Fondant Wedding Festival Mousse DIY Cake Cream Mold Baking Decorating Polisher Tools with Silicone Spatula This is a review video for : B075WRL6FV Manufacture : QIBOX Thanks for watching! http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Related Videos in Channel
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michelleryanblog · 7 years
Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2laJNJ0 - Discount QIBOX Adjustable Cake Scraper Smoother, Fondant Wedding Festival Mousse DIY Cake Cream Mold Baking Decorating Polisher Tools with Silicone Spatula -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 13 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEoV876Nh5yd47NBM4XFDXg?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 Discount QIBOX Adjustable Cake Scraper Smoother, Fondant Wedding Festival Mousse DIY Cake Cream Mold Baking Decorating Polisher Tools with Silicone Spatula Purchased this for a gift. Looks interesting. ... Reviewer : Chuck-n-Memphis I love baking and always have hard time frosting round cakes. Im glad I found this. This saved all the trouble for me. It’s easy to use and adjust. The number indicator is really helpful. The extra free spatula is a great gift with this. ... Reviewer : Tin Moseley Click http://ift.tt/2laJNJ0 to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. WIDE APPLICATION - Adjustable Cake Scraper Smoother is ideal for home or professional bakery cake and even works on square cakes, fondant, mousse baking decorating helper especially needed for Christmas, Thanksgiving Feast, Party, Home, and Holiday. SUPRIOR QUALITY - Adjustable Cake Scraper Smoother is made of food grade material, safe, non-toxic, sanitary and durable. EASY TO INSTALL AND CLEAN - Adjustable Cake Scraper Smoother is very easy to install and clean, just follow the guidance picture and carefully clasp it into the fixed position. In addition to being exceptionally durable and heat resistant, this great baking scraper is also very easy to clean and maintain. FREE GIFT - If you buy this Cake Scraper Smoother, you will get a 100% food-grade silicone spatula, you can pick whichever you like, avoid cross flavors of cream, cheese or anything you use for with this non-stick friendly spatulas just as free gift. My wife started experimenting with baking. The first few cakes she baked was a little lopsided on the top and the sides were not perfectly cylindrical. This little gadget fixed her cake baking issues in a flash. It was easy to use as you just rotate around the cake with this cake scrapper and it will carve out a perfect traditional cake design without any hassle. Also, since this is adjustable, it can be used on virtually any cake size. Thank you for a neat gadget! ... Reviewer : P Click http://ift.tt/2laJNJ0 to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEoV876Nh5yd47NBM4XFDXg See other products on http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEoV876Nh5yd47NBM4XFDXg?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #QIBOX, #QIBOX Adjustable Cake Scraper Smoother, Fondant Wedding Festival Mousse DIY Cake Cream Mold Baking Decorating Polisher Tools with Silicone Spatula This is a review video for : B075WRL6FV Manufacture : QIBOX Thanks for watching! http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Related Videos in Channel
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junker-town · 7 years
The USF vs. UCF live blog: Knights outlast archrivals in the best game of 2017 so far
The War on I-4 delivered.
Fourth quarter
UCF 49, USF 42, :39. While the Bulls were driving, Mitchell Wilcox caught a pass and turned to run, but Richie Grant punched it loose, and Shaquem Griffin pounced on it. That’ll be your final score. Knights win the AAC East and will host Memphis next weekend, with a spot in a New Year’s Six bowl on the line. USF piled up 653 yards to UCF’s 543, with Quinton Flowers a school-record 605 total yards, but the Knights took better advantage of their opportunities overall. This was the best game of the year so far, and I’ll add a full highlight video as soon as one’s available.
UCF 49, USF 42, 1:28. Lmao UCF’s Mike Hughes just ran back the kickoff.
UCF 42, USF 42, 1:41. An 83-yard TD from Quinton Flowers to a WIDE-OPEN Darnell Salomon put the Bulls in position to tie, and Flowers found an equally wide-open D’Ernest Johnson for the two-pointer. So yeah! UCF running in that TD on the previous drive was a bad idea!
UCF 42, USF 34, 2:21. A screen to Otis Anderson turned into a winding, 23-yard touchdown, and this is still just a one-score game. UCF probably should’ve kneeled after the first down line and killed more clock, but points are fun to score!
UCF 35, USF 34, 4:03. Nine-play USF drive ends with a punt. Knights can just about ice the division.
UCF 35, USF 34, 7:13. And just like that, McKenzie Milton completes two big passes, one a streaking 45-yarder to Dredrick Snelson to retake the lead.
USF 34, UCF 28, 7:50. A game that was once totally frantic has stalled out for a while. Prepare for a silly finish.
USF 34, UCF 28, 14:02. Couple punts! We’re taking another break from offense for a little bit.
Third quarter
USF 34, UCF 28, 3:41. One UCF play, one INT by USF. Guess which Bull ran in the TD via juke right after that? Quinton Flowers is now up to 459 total yards and four total TDs.
UCF 28, USF 27, 4:42. The Quinton Flowers and Darius Tice show on that 11-play drive. Flowers is up to 429 total yards, and ...
Defensive linemen have to despise Quinton Flowers, this is so much running by fat dudes to just catch one guy
— BUM CHILLUPS (@edsbs) November 24, 2017
UCF 28, USF 20, 8:30. The Knights are back in business. McKenzie Milton found Tre'Quan Smith to capitalize on great field position, all set up by Shaquem Griffin bottling up Quinton Flowers on a pass rush.
Shaquem Griffin is one of college football's most amazing players everhttps://t.co/IlzHOXJ3YI
— SB Nation CFB (@SBNationCFB) November 24, 2017
UCF 21, USF 20, 11:33. That’s five straight stops by the Bulls. A fourth-and-1 throw from USF’s 28 hits the ground.
Second quarter
UCF 21, USF 20, halftime. Quinton Flowers had the Bulls moving toward a last-second field goal, but an INT by Mike Hughes made it four failed scoring chances for the Bulls. Red zone troubles and a missed XP have cost the Bulls a lot. They’re outgaining UCF, 396 to 247.
UCF 21, USF 20, :55. FOUR STRAIGHT PUNTS BY UCF. They’ve had four or fewer punts in seven full games so far.
UCF 21, USF 20, 2:09. Quinton Flowers ran or threw on six of seven plays in this TD drive, including the 21-yard toss to Mitchell Wilcox. Flowers is up to 365 total yards in the first half lol.
UCF 21, USF 13, 5:08. Look at these defenses! UCF three-and-out!
UCF 21, USF 13, 7:04. These offenses are still pulling off alley oops all over the place, but the defenses have finally caught up. Punt into the end zone by USF after a couple silly gains by Quinton Flowers.
Tyre McCants breaks the USF single-game receiving record... IN THE FIRST HALF!! He's at 201 yards receiving with 8 minutes remaining in the first half.
— Collin Sherwin (@USFCollin) November 24, 2017
UCF 21, USF 13, 10:13.
The Bulls snuff out the screen and C. will punt again. Back-to-back stops for the defense is huge.
— The Daily Stampede (@StampedeSBN) November 24, 2017
UCF 21, USF 13, 11:46. The Bulls stay alive with a 20-yard Quinton Flowers lob to a leaping Temi Alaka. USF missed the extra point, a USF specialty, and two different USF touchdowns on this drive were brought back by penalties, also a USF specialty.
UCF 21, USF 7, 13:49. USF got a stop! Now starting inside their own 10.
First quarter
UCF 21, USF 7, :48. USF punt. Bulls in major trouble. Knights looking ridiculous.
UCF 21, USF 7, 2:23. OK, McKenzie Milton is balling out. The Knights QB ran a really slick option, faking the pitch and keeping before dropping off the delayed pitch to Adrian Killins Jr. for the score.
I love a perfectly timed pitch. So pretty. Bonus being 5 yards past the line of scrimmage http://pic.twitter.com/IEg2IZZzR4
— Big Cat (@BarstoolBigCat) November 24, 2017
UCF 14, USF 7, 4:30. A USF field goal sails wide right, and that’s two scoring chances missed. That ain’t gonna cut it against UCF.
UCF 14, USF 7, 5:41. A scrambling McKenzie Milton made a nice throw over the top to Dredrick Snelson in the back of the end zone, completing a 10-play drive.
USF 7, UCF 7, 8:41. A stop! The Bulls came up short on fourth-and-1 in the red zone. Still probably the right call to go for it, since it’s hard to picture three-pointers winning this game.
USF 7, UCF 7, 11:16. The Knight strike right back with an eight-play drive, ending with QB McKenzie Milton keeping on a bootleg. Why yes, these are two of the country’s best offenses, why do you ask?
USF 7, UCF 0, 13:52. USF fans wanted some screen passes. They got ‘em, and a 47-yard Tyre McCants TD on the first drive of the game.
Wheeeeeeeee! http://pic.twitter.com/H2UJXaVWrE
— SB Nation (@SBNation) November 24, 2017
UCF’s looking clean, with each player getting a custom helmet decal of himself:
Awesome idea by @UCF_Football https://t.co/lUo8cAQthl
— SB Nation CFB (@SBNationCFB) November 24, 2017
Miami may have the best college football team in Florida — though it’s up for debate. The battle for the No. 2 slot wages Friday, and it doesn’t feature the Gators or Seminoles. The No. 15 UCF Knights will welcome the South Florida Bulls to Orlando for an AAC showdown that could determine the Group of 5’s New Year’s bowl invitee. The two teams meet at 3:30 p.m. ET Friday; the game will be broadcast live on ABC (live stream).
The 10-0 Knights have torn through their competition this fall, but the 9-1 Bulls represent the toughest matchup on their schedule — and possibly their last chance to make an impression on the College Football Playoff selection committee. This final-week showdown isn’t just a resume-booster; it will also determine who wins the AAC East. South Florida is the only team left that can knock UCF from its perch atop the division. A title game showdown with Memphis awaits the winner.
Time, TV channel, and streaming info:
Time: 3:30 p.m. ET
Location: Spectrum Stadium, Orlando
Streaming: Watch ESPN
Odds: UCF is favored by 10 points.
USF vs. UCF news:
UCF celebrated a field goal last week by shotgunning imaginary beers and, oh God, just put them in the Playoff already.
South Florida may have gotten caught looking ahead to today’s game in a too-close-for-comfort win over 2-9 Tulsa last week.
“It was a tale of two halves,” head coach Charlie Strong said. “First half, we moved the ball up and down the field, they couldn’t stop us. We come back in the second half and we couldn’t move the ball at all.”
The secret to Scott Frost’s success? Opening up the UCF playbook.
Despite ranking No. 6 in total yardage, no individual Knight is averaging more than 73 yards either rushing or receiving.
Sixteen players have caught passes, more than Washington State or any of the country’s other eight most passing-friendly offenses. And 13 Knights have carries, a longer list than even Georgia Tech’s.
In 692 plays over eight games, Syracuse has used 17 different ball-carriers. In 406 plays, the Knights have used 23.
Despite a lackluster resume, pollsters can’t ignore a one-loss USF team.
The Bulls inched up a spot to #19 in the latest Amway Coaches Poll and did the same in moving up to #22 in the latest Associated Press Poll.
They were once again joined in both set of rankings by conference foes UCF and Memphis. The Knights checked in at #12 and #13 in the Coaches and AP, respectively, while the Tigers were slotted at #16 and #17.
Will Friday’s game be the departure point for either team’s head coach?
Frost’s turnaround at UCF has been remarkable. In fewer than two years, he’s turned an 0-12 program into an undefeated juggernaut. That’s made him a popular candidate for some high-profile coaching vacancies, and he’s been linked to schools like Florida and Nebraska before his regular season could even end. Strong doesn’t quite have the same buzz at USF, but a big finish to 2017 — and a one-loss season — could make him a candidate to rejoin the Power 5.
USF vs. UCF prediction:
The Bulls may be 9-1, but their 2017 schedule lined up more cupcakes than a bakery. USF’s best win this fall is over either Temple or Tulane — and UCF is a major step up from those two programs. Expect the Knights to finish out their perfect regular season.
0 notes
thecuriouscoconut · 7 years
Tumblr media
Listen up #Memphis: @thepinkbakerydm is a new #Top8Free bakery that you MUST try!! This is her chocolate chip cupcake with peppermint frosting. She's also got brownies and lemon glazed sugar cookies. But she uses just the right amount of sweet so it's not overpowering. Everything is #GlutenFree #DairyFree #EggFree #NutFree and #Vegan. Not #Paleo (sorghum flour) but ohhh so delicious and I tolerate sorghum just fine. What a great resource for the #FoodAllergy community here 🙏 Find these treats at the #OvertonPark farmers market Thursdays or #CooperYoung on Saturdays. #choose901 #MemphisEats #901eats #MemphisFoodie #GlutenFreeMemphis #CYCFM #CooperYoung #MemphisTN (at East Memphis, Memphis)
0 notes
Attention, dessert lovers: Frost Bake Shop is a must-try in Memphis and Collierville. Frost Bake Shop in Laurelwood, which opened in 2013, was the first retail location for All American Sweets, aka, the bakery that provides cakes to restaurants around town. In 2016, they opened a Collierville location. One wall of the bakery’s long, narrow space in Laurelwood is lined with tables and chairs. The other side has a store-length bakery case stuffed with cakes (available whole or by the slice), cookies, cupcakes and pies. I went home with a gooey butter cookie that I inhaled before I could take an adequate picture of it, it was so delicious. Imagine a scenario in which eating a stick of butter was an acceptable thing to do, and that’s what this cookie tastes like – it’s creamy and melty and just the slightest bit salty.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Frost Bake Shop (@frostbakeshop) on Sep 7, 2018 at 8:41am PDT I managed to make it home with my entire slice of Memphis Cream cake intact. It’s moist banana cake (think banana bread, but softer) layered with peanut butter cream and topped with a thin layer of chocolate ganache. Frost also offers incredible decorated cakes for birthdays, weddings, grooms’ cakes, and more. They can really turn a big pastry into a work of art, like what you’d see on one of the many shows dedicated to cake on the Food Network. Frost provided scrumptious mini cupcakes for the I Love Memphis Blog’s 5th birthday party as well as the big awesome Memphis cake on display that day. Go there: Frost Bake Shop 394 South Grove Park Road (Laurelwood Shopping Center) Memphis 1016 W. Poplar Ave. Collierville 901-682-4545 Originally published 2013. Updated 2019. Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout https://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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December will be here before we know it! What better way to ring in the final month of 2019 than stuffing your face with delicious desserts from local bakeries and shops? The inaugural Delectable Festival is Sunday, December 1, 2019 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Beale Street Landing and your $45 ticket includes access to about 30 dessert samples, paired cocktails, and a coffee and milk bar. Enjoy the views of the river, live music, and shopping, too. Here are a few of the local dessert shops and bakeries you can expect to sample from at Delectable Fest: Lucy J’s Bakery Maciel’s (yes, they do amazing desserts, too!) Frost Bake Shop Makeda’s Butter Cookies Pop’s Kernal Gourmet Popcorn Guilt Free Pastries Crave Sweets Lucy J’s Bakery Dipsticle Chef Martavious McGee Moore Truffles Rizzo’s by Chef Michael Patrick The Middle Rack Bakery Phillip Ashley Chocolates Cousins Maine Lobster If you want some savory food, Cousins Maine Lobster food truck will be on hand for you to purchase separately. The event benefits Friends For Life. Top image: Dipsticle treats. Go There:  Delectable Festival Beale Street Landing Sunday, Dec. 1 2019 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. $45+ fees delectablefest.com Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout https://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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junker-town · 7 years
The USF vs. UCF live blog: Score updates, highlights, and more from the biggest War on I-4 ever
The rivalry winner takes the AAC East and has a shot at the New Year’s Six. TV: on ABC (live stream)
Miami may have the best college football team in Florida — though it’s up for debate. The battle for the No. 2 slot wages Friday, and it doesn’t feature the Gators or Seminoles. The No. 15 UCF Knights will welcome the South Florida Bulls to Orlando for an AAC showdown that could determine the Group of 5’s New Year’s bowl invitee. The two teams meet at 3:30 p.m. ET Friday; the game will be broadcast live on ABC (live stream).
The 10-0 Knights have torn through their competition this fall, but the 9-1 Bulls represent the toughest matchup on their schedule — and possibly their last chance to make an impression on the College Football Playoff selection committee. This final-week showdown isn’t just a resume-booster; it will also determine who wins the AAC East. South Florida is the only team left that can knock UCF from its perch atop the division. A title game showdown with Memphis awaits the winner.
Time, TV channel, and streaming info:
Time: 3:30 p.m. ET
Location: Spectrum Stadium, Orlando
Streaming: Watch ESPN
Odds: UCF is favored by 10 points.
USF vs. UCF news:
UCF celebrated a field goal last week by shotgunning imaginary beers and, oh God, just put them in the Playoff already.
South Florida may have gotten caught looking ahead to today’s game in a too-close-for-comfort win over 2-9 Tulsa last week.
“It was a tale of two halves,” head coach Charlie Strong said. “First half, we moved the ball up and down the field, they couldn’t stop us. We come back in the second half and we couldn’t move the ball at all.”
The secret to Scott Frost’s success? Opening up the UCF playbook.
Despite ranking No. 6 in total yardage, no individual Knight is averaging more than 73 yards either rushing or receiving.
Sixteen players have caught passes, more than Washington State or any of the country’s other eight most passing-friendly offenses. And 13 Knights have carries, a longer list than even Georgia Tech’s.
In 692 plays over eight games, Syracuse has used 17 different ball-carriers. In 406 plays, the Knights have used 23.
Despite a lackluster resume, pollsters can’t ignore a one-loss USF team.
The Bulls inched up a spot to #19 in the latest Amway Coaches Poll and did the same in moving up to #22 in the latest Associated Press Poll.
They were once again joined in both set of rankings by conference foes UCF and Memphis. The Knights checked in at #12 and #13 in the Coaches and AP, respectively, while the Tigers were slotted at #16 and #17.
Will Friday’s game be the departure point for either team’s head coach?
Frost’s turnaround at UCF has been remarkable. In fewer than two years, he’s turned an 0-12 program into an undefeated juggernaut. That’s made him a popular candidate for some high-profile coaching vacancies, and he’s been linked to schools like Florida and Nebraska before his regular season could even end. Strong doesn’t quite have the same buzz at USF, but a big finish to 2017 — and a one-loss season — could make him a candidate to rejoin the Power 5.
USF vs. UCF prediction:
The Bulls may be 9-1, but their 2017 schedule lined up more cupcakes than a bakery. USF’s best win this fall is over either Temple or Tulane — and UCF is a major step up from those two programs. Expect the Knights to finish out their perfect regular season.
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
USF vs. UCF live stream: Start time, how to watch online
Central Florida faces its toughest test in a so-far undefeated season.
Miami may have the best college football team in Florida — though it’s up for debate. The battle for the No. 2 slot wages Friday, and it doesn’t feature the Gators or Seminoles. The No. 15 UCF Knights will welcome the South Florida Bulls to Orlando for an AAC showdown that could determine the Group of 5’s New Year’s bowl invitee. The two teams meet at 3:30 p.m. ET Friday; the game will be broadcast live on ABC (live stream).
The 10-0 Knights have torn through their competition this fall, but the 9-1 Bulls represent the toughest matchup on their schedule — and possibly their last chance to make an impression on the College Football Playoff selection committee. This final-week showdown isn’t just a resume-booster; it will also determine who wins the AAC East. South Florida is the only team left who can knock UCF from its perch atop the division. A title game showdown with Memphis awaits the winner.
Time, TV channel, and streaming info:
Time: 3:30 p.m. ET
Location: Spectrum Stadium, Orlando
Streaming: Watch ESPN
Odds: UCF is favored by 10 points.
USF vs. UCF news:
UCF celebrated a field goal last week by shotgunning imaginary beers and, oh God, just put them in the Playoff already.
South Florida may have gotten caught looking ahead to today’s game in a too-close-for-comfort win over 2-9 Tulsa last week.
“It was a tale of two halves,” head coach Charlie Strong said. “First half, we moved the ball up and down the field, they couldn’t stop us. We come back in the second half and we couldn’t move the ball at all.”
The secret to Scott Frost’s success? Opening up the UCF playbook.
Despite ranking No. 6 in total yardage, no individual Knight is averaging more than 73 yards either rushing or receiving.
Sixteen players have caught passes, more than Washington State or any of the country’s other eight most passing-friendly offenses. And 13 Knights have carries, a longer list than even Georgia Tech���s.
In 692 plays over eight games, Syracuse has used 17 different ball-carriers. In 406 plays, the Knights have used 23.
Despite a lackluster resume, pollsters can’t ignore a one-loss USF team.
The Bulls inched up a spot to #19 in the latest Amway Coaches Poll and did the same in moving up to #22 in the latest Associated Press Poll.
They were once again joined in both set of rankings by conference foes UCF and Memphis. The Knights checked in at #12 and #13 in the Coaches and AP, respectively, while the Tigers were slotted at #16 and #17.
Will Friday’s game be the departure point for either team’s head coach?
Frost’s turnaround at UCF has been remarkable. In fewer than two years, he’s turned an 0-12 program into an undefeated juggernaut. That’s made him a popular candidate for some high-profile coaching vacancies, and he’s been linked to schools like Florida and Nebraska before his regular season could even end. Strong doesn’t quite have the same buzz at USF, but a big finish to 2017 — and a one-loss season — could make him a candidate to rejoin the Power 5.
USF vs. UCF prediction:
The Bulls may be 9-1, but their 2017 schedule lined up more cupcakes than a bakery. USF’s best win this fall is over either Temple or Tulane — and UCF is a major step up from those two programs. Expect the Knights to finish out their perfect regular season.
0 notes
Ed. Note: Contributor Michael Butler attended the Two Girls and A Whip cakery soft opening this past weekend, and he has all the info on this new cake shop downtown. By the way, a “whip” is just another word for whisk.  Have you heard Memphis has a new “cakery”? Yes, cakery, which I learned is a bakery that specializes in cupcakes and cakes. Yes, we love both of those! Memphis’ newest cakery is called Two Girls and a Whip. Isn’t that such a catchy name? They are located at 363 South Front Street and officially open on Tuesday Oct 3, 2017. Two Girls and a Whip is the brainchild of Caroline Dean, Mary Katherine Dunston, and Courtney Lollar. They specialize in traditional cupcakes – like the Amazing Strawberry – and cupcakes that are a bit more creative, like the Chocolate Chipotle and Turtle. Cupcakes are $2.50 each and feature Swiss Meringue buttercream frosting. I’m not a fan of frosting, but these were awesome. If you’re into interior design, you’ll love the cupcake pan backdrop and aqua accents throughout. Also check out the chandelier. Hours of operation are Tuesday  through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Friday from 9 a.m.  to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Custom cakes are by appointment only and you can call 901-472-CAKE to speak with someone. Two Girls and a Whip are currently perfecting their vegan and gluten free options and those will be available soon. Go there:  Two Girls And A Whip Cakery 363 South Front Street Memphis, Tennessee 38103 http://ift.tt/2fKBRj8 About The Author Michael Butler, Jr. is a native Memphian, blogger, photographer, and United States Navy veteran. He loves the food, people, and scenery of Memphis and wants to showcase all the city’s great things. Michael loves to spend free time with his daughter, hanging with friends on local patios, or playing a game of cornhole. He’s an urban explorer who believes that life is for living. Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or his blog.   Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout http://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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