#Fuck mark's camera flash. All my homies hate Mark's camera flash
108garys · 11 months
Here is what can only presume is the first Du'mark fic, based off the idea of Mark ending up in the blackout room instead and because @unhingedlesbear's Du'mark propaganda gave me the idea. This is the first time I've written for Mark and I'd love to hear how I did, also there's a little Markate in there too
I basically did this in one sitting at whatever o'clock in the morning so I can only hope that it flows well and all that(I may be a Du'lie/Heclie enjoyer but this rare pair demanded at least the one fic lol)
@kassiekolchek22 @delurkr @tatjana-fantasy @qusok @blubary @ctrvpani @kindheartedgummybears @mybrainrotforreal @ivycross I know it's not the weirdest thing I've ever written but I'm almost here like "sorry for inflicting this on you"
And before I forget "Du'met" is Morello and "the stranger" is Du'met because Mark doesn't know any better at this point and consider this a hate letter to Mark's light source
He went through the images he'd captured before dinner as the faint scent of decay stalked him. The floorboards creaked under foot as he walked the hall, echos of past arguments playing over in his mind…
Mark stopped. A door shut down the hallway, further down than their rooms… He turns to investigate and… Crying?
He picked up his pace, a woman? Mr Du'met said his wife had died, a child? Jamie said they left but maybe…
Suddenly the lights go out. He stumbles, putting his hand against the wall, steading himself as his eyes adjust. He breathes slowly, focusing, looking around trying to find the source of the crying. He clutches his camera with a trembling hand, the dim red light reflecting eerily off the paintings and giving him a few feet of visibility. The texture of the wallpaper grounding beneath his finger tips as he takes step after cautious step down the ominous hallway and still… Decay creeps at the edge of his senses. Hounding him, waiting for him to lose his way and-
Another door slams shut back the way he came. He hears the sound of an argument but can't make out who or where… He feels eyes on him. Things moving in the darkness. On impulse he raises his camera and snaps a picture. The flash lighting up the hall, showing him the way and disorienting him in the process. He leans against the wall. Breathe. Breathe… Breathe. Every breath decay enters his lungs, the taste of death on his tongue. A ghost of something long gone invading his senses. What is that?
The sobbing continues. He pushes himself away from the wall willing himself to continue, it was this place that had him on edge, he reminded himself, the dark isn't unnatural and it was just a big old house. He figured if he was smart he could make his way with decent visibility but he couldn't help but envy Jamie and Erin for having flashlights.
After a few more minutes of tense wondering he turned a corner and saw a row of windows letting in moonlight and an open door at the end of the hall. Light emanating from inside…
It was the only place the crying could be coming from. Mark entered the room, it was small and empty. The source of the crying came from a cheap recording device attached to the wall. He stared at it as the crying played over… He couldn't make sense of it, who would do this? Why would someone do this? He was unnerved as he as he reached to deactivate the recording but then-
"Fuck!" that was the third time he'd been scared by one of those fucking HH Holmes mannequins. He stumbled back, falling on his ass in the process, his head snaps to the direction of the only door as it shuts tight behind him and he is again in complete darkness. Breathe. He tries to calm down as he scrambles back against the wall, camera forgotten on the dusty floor in his panic. He keeps his eyes shut, as he slowly stands up, the cool wall pressed against his back, strange noises in the distance. He opened his eyes, letting them adjust what little they could and... And he was not alone. He felt the movement in the dark, the presence of… Someone. He can't quite make out. A small light blinking on his camera just barely illuminates a stranger's hand, gloved and clinical. Offering the return of what was his…
He reaches tentatively for his camera. Trying to make out the man's face but as his fingers brush the edge of the lens the camera dropped. The hand grabbing his wrist. The flash goes off, lighting up the space. Lighting up the stranger's face. Tall, masked and dressed to fit with the rest of this awful place but Mark could only see those eyes. Intense, blazing with unnatural determination. With certainty.
Then darkness consumed him. Blind after the light fades. Pressed against the wall, pain in his wrist, chest to chest… Heart beating rapidly. He stares out unseeing, feeling those eyes, ingrained in his mind. The sharp edge of a blade whispers against his jaw. Warm breath against his lips. The afterimage of decay, the ghost of a long dead devil. Everything screamed at him to fight but cold metal kept him in check.
His hand numb as the vice grip tightens around his wrist, the knife's edge drawn slowly under his chin. Tilting it slightly. His mouth part as he takes slow nervous breaths. Thinking of what to do. If this was the end. Of his family. Of Kate and a life in Brooklyn. Of those eyes staring through him, etched into his psyche and blotting out all else like spilt ink across everything that he is and values. This man had made himself the centre of the universe and he held Mark's breath as the blade jerked, cutting a thin line under his chin. 'I could have killed you, it would have been easy' Mark felt it in every fibre of his being, he knew it was true. He leaned his head back as the stranger got closer-
A knock at the door caught what little of his attention he could spare. "Mark?" he heard Kate's voice as she knocked again. "Are you in there? I heard you and-"
"I-I'm fine, I just-!" he panicked, as he felt the stranger's tongue slide against the small cut. He could explain… How could he explain!? The man let out a soft sigh as if he enjoyed the taste of Mark's warm blood. Was he going to kiss him or kill him or… Or worse. "The door shut behind me and I," he tried to turn his head, to not think about the eyes full of certainty that the man's will would be enforced, he can barely feel his fingers. He didn't want her to freak out. "I… I think it locked behind me."
"O-okay we'll find away to get you out." Kate sighed with relief, Mark heard her call out. Heard Charlie respond and footsteps running down the hall. The stranger leans in as if to kiss or to bite. Mark's nose press against the painted noes of the mask. He could almost see it. That image burnt into his minds eye. He feels the lightest touch of soft lips against his own, seemingly inadvertently. Mark holds his breath as the stranger pauses, as if debating his next move…
He pulls away at the sound of banging at the door. Mark puts an arm and feels… Nothing? Where did he go? How did he get in? What the hell just happened!? His head was spinning and he could barely make sense of what the others were saying. He slid down the wall, even now he felt those eyes on his skin. The uneasiness of not knowing, the ghost of an almost kiss that may have spared his life, of what would follow… What would follow?
His universe was small containing only the banging at the door, the beating of his heart and eyes like black holes drawing him in with certainty. The crushing palpable sense that he had been marked by decay, no longer outside of him… He reached for where his camera had fallen. It's familiar weight comforting in his hands.
He snaps out of it as the door bursts open. The light blinding him momentarily as Kate rushes towards him to see if he's okay. He blinks, disorientated as her face comes into view. Her eyes, full of warmth and uncertainty and life… She helps him to his feet, the scent of decay replaced by her perfume as he steps into the light. Mark pulls her into a tight hug, burying his head in her shoulder as he calms himself.
He loves her. Soon he would have to explain what happened… At least what he thinks happened. Soon the eyes would return and death would stalk the halls again but for now he just held tightly to her.
His love... his life.
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paniccord-ff · 7 years
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Chris has been so quiet with me since coming back from what he did, I don’t know what he did but he hasn’t said anything. The only thing he said to me was we going to New Jersey, I want to know but I don’t want to bug him about it because he seems really tired. I hope he hasn’t done something stupid, he has posted the picture but I don’t understand why he won’t tell me, he seems in a rush “did daddy do the hair?” I asked Royalty, she came running into the living area with a floppy bun. She touched her head “daddy do it” she is so cute “you want me to fix the mess?” she paused thinking “it is pretty baby, you don’t have to have it fixed” she shook her head “I see doggy and play” she pointed outside “no, leave them ugly things. Don’t go outside” I honestly just want to know what he has done but he won’t speak on it “Royalty come on. Rylee you got your things together?” looking behind me at Chris “yeah, I just packed a few things. Chris I know you’re tired but can you like tell me what the hell happened?” getting up from the couch “I will talk once we get on the jet, I just want to drop Royalty off to the bitch” he must be annoyed at her, I haven’t done anything “ok” I don’t know if to ask him if he has taken his medication because I know he didn’t yesterday “Chris, did you take your medication? If you haven’t then I have packed them” Chris shook his head holding Royalty’ hand, Chris is not in a good mood at all.
I am so quiet but I don’t want to annoy him, I don’t want him to snap on me like he did earlier “are you dropping Royalty off yourself?” I asked breaking the silence “yeah, the bitch wants her back. The jet will be waiting for us then we can go to New Jersey, I will stay for a few days. I will be doing some interviews in New York but I will stay at your parents’ home, I will then be coming back to LA. You can stay in New Jersey if you like” looking over at Chris “no, I am coming with you. You said you wanted me to support you so I am, why are you leaving me in New Jersey?” I don’t know why he is feeling sensitive “I don’t want to force you to do something, you can stay with your mom I don’t mind” Chris confuses my life but luckily I understand he has bipolar so his moods can be everywhere but it doesn’t help with stress. Maybe he is stressing “ok” I will keep quiet and wait until we actually get on the jet so we can talk like he wants, I don’t like him like this at all.
Looking out of the car window, so is this where she lives. Nia lives in an apartment “will you be ok? Don’t argue, just give Royalty and leave Chris” I am worried he will snap on her, Chris closed the passenger car door walking around the car with Royalty. The last thing he needs to do is argue with her “I know what she is about to say, she is going to tell me I can’t see Roro for a like a month because I had her for a week. This is what is pissing me off” I get why he is sad “I want to see my daughter, I loved having her. You know how good I was, she said I was bad because I didn’t take her to the party but she was in New York with me, Nia said I purposely did this” he must have argued with her beforehand, reaching my hand out of the car “you don’t argue with her please, be a better person. She wants that from you, I know you have become so close to Roro and same with me. I will miss seeing her face in the morning” I don’t know what to do for him, holding onto Chris’ hand “say to her that you want the weekend still, that is your time” I hate seeing his sad face “I will come with you then, I will just be behind you for support” opening the car door, I don’t think Nia will be happy anyways.
Watching Chris pressing kisses to Royalty’ cheek, he has really become so close to her and I love seeing this with him. From a guy that was saying he didn’t know how to love Royalty he sure does love her so much, it’s so nice to see. The door opened, leaning on the side of the wall crossing my arms. She is so old and ugly, my god. Chris is so stupid. It really grinds my gears to know he fucked that when he is so beautiful “mommy!!” Royalty got her arms open, Nia took her from Chris “I missed you so much my little blessing” how annoying of her “you had a good time? You going to say bye now” Nia looked up at Chris and then clocked me but I moved my head “I want to see her this weekend” Chris said, he needs to stand his ground “it’s a little too much, you had her for a week” I swear I want to say something but I won’t “she is my daughter too, I want Royalty with me for the weekend” Chris got agitated at her attitude, pushing myself off of the wall and walking to the side of Chris “ignore Nia, she has no choice. Legally you can see her or if she likes she can go to court, he will be here on Saturday morning. Legally it says Chris has her for the weekend so there is that” I pointed out, I didn’t want to be involved but she thinks she is funny, just because she allowed him to have a week “come Chris, Bye Roro” waving at her, she tried though “you have nothing to do with this” Nia spat “oh I do, just sticking by my husband and my step daughter. How about you be grown about this and go inside” pulling at Chris’ hand to go.
I don’t think I will get over going on a private jet, I was so used to going on a normal economy flight, this is just amazing. I am wondering why there is no Joe or Carlos, where are they. This flight will be extra quiet then, I know Chris is about to fall asleep but I want to speak to him. Looking over at Chris as he sat across me “just getting the flight attendant to get the bed out, I am tired” I didn’t say anything and just remained silent “now, why are you quiet with me?” Chris questioned “because something is upsetting you and then you are not telling me about what happened? Are we running away from something? What is it?” Chris scratched his forehead sighing out “I don’t want to upset you at all baby, I am just not in my mindset right now. Just you know, I be in my own thoughts at times. I get annoyed at shitty situations like with Nia and then Lo, and the whole fact some nigga watched us have sex. I have people dropping off, so many niggas wanting me to fail. I am angry at myself because I hung with these niggas, they were with me and I thought we were homies. I told them so much, I was actually failing. I was the fool, I was being used. It took me being in love to see this, to see I was being used. I just realised that nobody really loved me or cared to tell me this, I am just reflecting on life babe. I am not angry with you, I am mad at myself. I just need to sleep it off and I will be good” I knew something was wrong with him “it’s fine, it’s not your fault. God put you in that path, if you didn’t have Lo then we wouldn’t have known each other, thank about that” Chris flashed me a smile.
Looking out of the window, we are taking off finally “so, I got the person. I mean not me exactly but it was Lo” my face softened “no?” I said in disbelief “don’t tell me that, do not lie to me. You telling me he saw me naked? He saw us? He posted the pictures?” Chris nodded his head “your so-called brother was watching us, I didn’t know but when he opened the door I knew it was him instantly, I remembered back to when he showed me a trick to open that. So I called Blake” Chris paused looking at my reaction “Blake!?” I spat in shock “my brother Blake!?” Chris nodded his head “I text your dad saying I needed him for something, Blake came over. We went to Lo, he had Bailey there. Something about she is pregnant” frowning at Chris “Bailey is supposed to be in Miami? What the fuck? So Bailey was in on this? You telling me Bailey has seen this? Chris I don’t trust her” is he crazy “listen to me, it’s fine. I got the camera and pictures but Blake shot Lo’ kneecap because he wouldn’t get on his knees, he threatened to punch the baby in Bailey’ stomach” resting my head back sighing out “it’s sorted baby now, Blake threatened them. Lo wouldn’t do it. Blake said it’s sorted, he told me to go. I don’t know but your brother is scary” bringing my head forward to look at Chris “you say you been hanging with fakes but so have I, we only got each other. I want to be with you for your interviews like I said, I love you Chris” placing my hands over his.
I am so shocked, my brother would do that shit but Bailey has been in LA all that time. This sounds like something she would do, honestly it does. Chris’ phone started ringing “it’s Mark” I said to him looking at his phone screen, Chris picked the phone up “my man” Chris said down the phone, I just want to curl up next to my mom. This has been hell for me, so much shit has happened and it’s because of jealousy. How can people be so jealous, jealous of what Chris has given me. Why won’t they let us live, I fucking hate life “oh shit, really? You worked so quick on that” Chris chuckled “listen I am happy. I am on the jet right now but thank you, speak soon” Chris disconnected the call “so the restraining order has gone through, you safe now baby. We both safe now” I sighed out “oh my god, really? Thank you, god. You know how blessed I am to hear this? Oh my god, Chris. I always felt so scared, I thought he was always around me” this is a blessing I have been waiting for “I feel so emotional, like I know he is around but I feel a little safer. Oh god, thank you. Thank you for protecting me too” Chris chuckled “I am glad to know he is away, we can live our life. I was thinking on moving but I don’t know, I will leave that on you” Chris said, pointing at myself. Chris got up from his seat “yeah, if you want to move out. Let me know” he leaned down kissing the top of my head “just going to have a nap” why is he leaving that on me.
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I love coming to Rylee’ parents’ home, it is so peaceful and I can be me. I like to be just me, I also get to escape LA and the bullshit. I feel a little worse after that nap, I should have just stayed awake. The only reason why I came out here with Rylee is because Harvey wanted us to come and also I said to Rylee I would, she needs a break from the shit. I have work coming up too, I have some shit to do in New York so I can just work and spend time with the family. Closing the SUV door behind me, walking around the SUV meeting Rylee. She held onto my hand “I feel so much more happier, I feel at peace being back here” the driver placed Rylee’ case at the side of me “I packed some things for you before you say it’s so heavy” picking the case up, she knows me well because I was about to say “you need to go sleep early tonight baby” Rylee wiped my cheek “you look so tired, and you need to take your medication. Sleep and medication” Rylee is treating me like a baby “I need a bath too, you going to do that” walking with Rylee towards the front door “you want me to wash your balls? I will” laughing at Rylee, she actually would “I want you to use your mouth though” Rylee side eyed me looking away from me.
From the time I saw Rose to now, she has aged a little more. I do hope the treatment is working “my favourite people are here, come here Chris” she got her arms open to me “came to see the main woman, this was all on me” leaning down to hug Rose “it’s so good to see you both honestly, I heard from Harvey that you both are staying” moving back from the hug “yes ma’am, come to see you” turning around to sit down on the couch “Harvey, Kyrie and Nathan have gone to the store. They will be back, he left the door unlocked because he knew you was both close by” Rylee always has to cry “that girl of mine is just like her father, always crying. I tell her be strong and she cries” Rylee came from the dining room with a tissue in hand “I just see you and I feel bad, I should be with you” Rylee sat next to me “no, your life is with Chris now. I am just so happy, I have done nothing but tell the family about it. Grandma saw it, she cannot wait to meet you Chris. She has a crush on him, she is saying that Chris looks like grandad” looking at Rylee as she pulled a face “have you seen grandad? He looks nothing like Chris, she blind” Rose chuckled “you say that to her she will cuss you out, she thinks she can pull Chris from you” Rylee grandma seems like a G.
Seeing my manager’ number calling me at the most awkward time “I need to answer this” getting up from the couch, they were going to talk about something important there “what do you want now?” walking to the dining room “last minute thing but I know you can do this, you’re in New York anyways. Hot 97 performance coming up in three days” my eyebrows knitted together “are y’all real? Like what? My name was not even mentioned and now they want to mention my name?” the fuck do they think this is “I understand this but someone cancelled and they are asking for you, Chris you can do this. It’s money and it’s you, they barely sold tickets but with your name they will. They are begging for you, I will sort everything out, yes?” they only didn’t want me because I haven’t put out any new material “fine but you deal with it, I am not chasing anyone for this last minute shit. For now, don’t call me. Just text me” disconnecting the call, now they want me.
Sitting back down next to Rylee, Harvey was so happy to see me which was sweet to feel that kind of love from him “is everything ok?” Rose asked “yeah just work calls, but I am sorry. You were saying?” I feel like I interrupted the whole conversation “it’s ok, just wanted to speak to Rylee and you about my treatment. This is why I was so happy to know she is coming” I hope it is good news “the doctor feels like my treatment is not working, before you start crying please don’t. The next option is surgery to have my womb removed” my mouth hung open “I am going to take it because that is my option, I have had my babies but I am not upset so Rylee please” looking to the side of me, placing my arm around Rylee “please stop, life is so precious. This is why I don’t want you to wait for a baby, you don’t know what can happen in life. I know what you said to me Rylee but look at me, I am losing my womb and I know deep down you want to be a mother and I want to see you hold your child. That is my dream, I want all my kids happy. I will do anything to stay around longer but you just never know” putting my head down, I knew it would be something because Harvey really wanted us to come.
Shit is not nice to hear “when are you both getting married?” Harvey said breaking the silence, looking up from the floor “now, I want to do it quick but I am not sure on what Rylee wants. I would marry her now, she needs to choose where she wants the thing” Rylee got up from the couch “you are trying to rush it for the fact you think mom is going to die, I don’t want that. I don’t want to rush things but I also need my mom here for me, now it sounds selfish but I need you to help me, I need you to be there for me when I give birth, how do I look after my child. I need you mom” Rylee said “you think you need me baby but you don’t, you know what you need to do and you have a man that loves you and will look after you” Rose pointed at her, maybe she is showing tough love “you’re saying that but you’re the one I call about everything” Rylee walked off, she has not taken it well.
I left it for five minutes before I got up from the couch “she will be in her room” Rose said smiling “be hard on her, she is spoilt with love that girl. I just want her to be strong and live life, she is always worrying about someone else but herself, I had to tell her that your job is not going to give you happiness. She shouldn’t have even considered her job, you should be number one and she hates hearing the truth. She worries about me but look at me, I am going to lose my womb. I want her to think about her future and herself, she needs to stop thinking of others and do her. Give her tough love” smiling at Rose “I will try” she is saying it like that is easy to do “you are too head over heels with my daughter” Rose said as I walked away “I can be hard on her when I need to be” I need to remember which is her bedroom because I have forgotten.
Closing the bedroom door behind me “why did you run away? Your mom thinks I spoil you” sitting down on the edge of the bed at the side of Rylee, she is laid out on her bed “my mom is acting like I don’t need her” Rylee mumbled “she doesn’t think that, she is showing you tough love Rylee, she doesn’t want you to relay on her. She knows you do need her” I do understand why she is doing it “you think it would be too quick if we got married straight away?” shaking my head “are you considering it? It is up to you” I shrugged saying “Chris would you hate me if I said I want to stay here to look after my mom?” staring at Rylee not really wanting to hear that “I can’t be here, I have Royalty but I wouldn’t hate you” I don’t agree with this but I will not say this to her face, she ain’t thinking of me “your face says something different” I don’t know what she expects me to react like, I don’t want to seem selfish but I don’t want her to stay here “permanently?” I questioned “for a while yes, I am just thinking on this” she can think of something else because I don’t approve, looking away from Rylee in annoyance “I will see come to see you on weekends?” shaking my head “just like my daughter does, I don’t approve of it” I needed to say it but I feel bad
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paniccord-ff · 7 years
25. Part 4
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I am going out of my mind right now, who the fuck was at my home. Staring at the picture speechless “Chris!?” Rylee shouted my name, looking up from the picture. Looking around us again “let’s go” folding the paper up, I don’t want to say anything to her now “but what are you staring at? What is it?” unlocking my car door “just get in the car” stuffing the paper in my pocket, pulling my car door up. I am so angry, someone actually watched Rylee and I have sex, how did this happen and who was it. I always have the place on lock down, I know I do. Getting inside my car “what is wrong?” Rylee questioned sitting in the car, pulling my car door down “we will talk when we get back, just let’s get back home” a nigga don’t feel safe anymore, someone was at my window. What do they want, I have my daughter in that home and my fiancé. I don’t care at all but I don’t want my girl’ body being exposed, I will kill someone “you look so angry Chris, what is it? Is it Daniel? Let’s just move on from it please” starting my car engine “just hold tight babe” I don’t even know what to do, I don’t want nobody to see her like that.
I feel so paranoid right now, what if someone is in my home “what are you doing?” Rylee questioned as I walked so slowly, I am just looking for clues in case someone is here. Unlocking my home door “we did put the alarm on didn’t we? You know when we left?” I asked Rylee before pushing the door open “yes we did” pushing the door open even more, another folded white paper flew across the floor in the lobby. Someone slid that under the door, I am not sure if to go inside now “Chris, come on!” Rylee pushed me inside a little “shut up for one second” slowly walking inside, reaching down picking the paper up. Opening the folded paper, another picture of us but this time Rylee is on her knees. This looks good actually, needs to be framed “what is that?” folding the paper back over, I need to just make sure that this home is safe. The home alarm starting sounding and I jumped “fuck!” I shouted, I didn’t shut it off and I took too long. Jogging over the pad and tapping in the code, it shut off instantly luckily.
My phone is not blowing up with messages so it hasn’t leaked, nothing has leaked to the public and I checked the whole house “are you going to speak to me now? And please get the dog’s out of this place, I don’t like it” she really hates my babies “they can do what they like, stop it. Sit down” Rylee pulled a face “have you seen the dog’s balls? They are bigger than yours” side eyeing Rylee “you won’t be laughing soon Rylee, trust me” sitting down on the couch “I really just want to spend time with you Chris, I am sick of drama. I have missed you so much, this is a new chapter for us. I don’t know why but I feel so happy, crying it out and then speaking to Maria. I just see a better future and then you’re home” Rylee sat next to me, I feel so bad but I don’t know how this happened. I need to look through the cameras, shuffling off the couch a little turning to Rylee “I don’t know how this has happened and I am panicking right now, not for me but for you. I personally don’t care but I know you’re going to be devastated” how do I say this to her.
Pulling both of the papers out “someone has posted this” holding the folded papers out to her, Rylee stared at the papers and then at my face “look at them” Rylee reluctantly took the papers from me “is it scary?” Rylee questioned “I mean it’s a pretty sight for me, I love it. The recent one I want framed but that is besides the point, just look” Rylee placed one of the paper’s on her lap “stop staring at me like that, I am actually nervous” I can’t even help it, I just want to know her reaction. She opened the paper, staring at the first picture of me eating her out on the kitchen counter “oh my god!! What!?” Rylee looked up at me “no, this is wrong. Oh my god, no” her eyes started to tear up “this can’t be right, Chris. Someone took this!?” she spat, nodding my head “somebody saw me naked!?” Rylee placed her hand over her mouth, looking down at the picture “no!” I didn’t want Rylee to cry but she is “who did this Chris? I am so scared, now you know why I was scared. Someone saw us!? Someone watched us have sex, oh my god! Why are you not freaking out” taking the papers from Rylee.
Rubbing my face, I am not even sure what to do “I don’t know, if I go to my lawyer? If I go to the police they will see this and I don’t want that either, we will go to a hotel for a while” Rylee sobbed out “oh my god! People will see this. My body, my ugly body. I don’t like it” I don’t want her to degrade herself “the hell you mean!? Your body is straight fire, I love you. I don’t care what you saying right now, you are so perfect” Rylee placed her hands over her face “oh my god, Chris. My family will see this” rubbing her back, I don’t even know what to do. I think I will call Mark but I will not show any picture “please stop crying” she is making me so sad “I don’t get why someone would want to do that to me, I am just me. I don’t do anything to people” Rylee looked up at me “baby, stop this” wiping her cheek with the back of my hand “this is so degrading Chris, someone watched us. Someone saw me naked, I am not a hoe” shaking my head “you’re not Rylee, I will see what I can do. I will do anything for this not to leak out for you. Just do me a favour, pack a few things. I need to call Mark, I need to sort this out” Rylee nodded her head.
I don’t really care about myself but I care so much about my girls, they are in danger and I don’t like this at all “come on, pick up” I said at the phone, I just want to speak to Mark and I refuse to show the pictures to anyone right now. Waiting for the security cameras data to download, I need to see every camera “Chris, I want to go” Rylee said behind me, she won’t stop crying now “Chris, my boy” Mark finally picked up, opening my arm to Rylee “Mark, homie. I need you to help me so much, what is happening with the restraining order?” Rylee held on to my body, placing my arm around Rylee “I am still waiting for the judge to give it, Jordan is saying he is not but clearly he is. I am on it Chris” I feel like Mark is being lazy “Right, I got another issue. Someone has been at my home Mark, I was having sex with Rylee and someone has taken pictures of us! I don’t know who it is and I don’t know what to do” I am so stuck, Mark fell silent “someone blackmailing you or what? What is happening?” Mark spat, sighing out.
“So on my car window screen I see a piece of paper and then I open it and I see a picture of us having a sex, they left no note and then I come home to another one. It was slipped under my door, Mark I don’t know what to do. I am looking through the security footage now but I feel like my family are in danger, the fuck?” I am stressing so much right now “you need to look through it, we will both look through them. Are you home now?” Mark asked “yes but I ain’t showing you the pictures, my girl is heartbroken. You need to sort this out, he should be locked away. Sort this out before I kill him, I will do it Mark” he playing with the love of my life “we need to get the police involved” I snorted laughing “they do nothing!! Rylee told them and they don’t listen, fuck them Mark. I am taking my girl to a hotel and I will be back home, we will look through it together” disconnecting the call, Mark be annoying my life sometimes “come, let’s get Royalty. You know if this comes out then Nia will use this against me and I don’t need that” pressing a kiss to Rylee’ head, I love this girl too much.
Rylee won’t stay in the car, so I bought her inside Mijo’ home “are you uncle Chris’ wife?” Mylen asked Rylee “erm, yes I am. You look just like your father” Rylee said to Mylen “I look better” Mylen is so cheeky at times “where my daughter at, go and get her” I just feel so uptight, I don’t like to know someone is out there aiming for us, they out to upset us. I am trying to think who would do this, I am trying to think back to that night. I know for a fact my dogs didn’t bark, it was quiet and everything was locked and the security cameras were on “nigga” Mijo hit my arm, looking up from the floor “you daydreaming, you good? Roro was just about to fall asleep” Royalty grinned at me “my little monkey, you can sleep after” taking Royalty from Mijo “was she good?” I questioned Mijo “fine” I would say it to Mijo but I can’t trust anyone, I just want to put my family in a hotel and then I can rest a little easier.
I need to go back home, I need to go through those cameras “Royalty, why you not sleep?” she is being a brat, she ignored me and continued to watch the cartons on Rylee’ phone “shall daddy lay down too? Shall I go sleep too?” placing my phone on the side “daddy sleep too” moving the phone away from Royalty’ face , holding it out to Rylee to take “no, baby. You go sleep now” Royalty whined out, she is not happy at all. Laying down at the side of Royalty “come, let’s go sleep” Royalty shuffled over to me and laid her head on my stomach “you want to sleep here?” I questioned, she nodded her head smiling at me “my beautiful baby, you sleep here. Close eyes then” stroking her cheek “my family will hate me Chris, this can’t happen to me. I am sorry, I bought this trouble to you and your daughter” Rylee said laying on the other side of the bed “stop it, we will get this fixed. I just need you to be strong for me, you have been the biggest blessing so stop” Royalty is in a playful mood, she ain’t about to fall asleep at all.
I have been laying here for a while and Royalty is jumping on the bed “I can’t wait for us to have a baby of our own, a child with your eyes” I said, Rylee flashed her eyes at me before looking down at her hands “I want the baby to have your ears, just like Royalty” Rylee smiled “I love you Rylee, no matter what I will always protect the both of you. I just need to go back to the crib and see the cameras, I am not sure who would do this but from what I remember that night the dogs didn’t bark, they would have if they saw some intruder. I am just so confused, it has to be someone that doesn’t know about the cameras or doesn’t care to be caught. I was thinking though, what a way to die if that person was to kill us, my head between your legs” that thought came to mind, Rylee giggled “stop it, oh god” laughing to myself “look babe, if this get released then do not be ashamed. Your body is so beautiful, you are so lucky. I promise you, you have the prettiest pussy and the perkiest boobs ever. You sucked dick like a queen, people will be jealous. I just right now want you to be safe” holding my hand out to Rylee “I love you too much Chris, I feel like people really hate us” nodding my head “they want to be us” I grinned saying.
I think I know Rylee’ little game, she is trying to make me stay back for longer. She don’t want me to go but won’t say it “you know what Rylee, I didn’t think you had issues about your body, like when you just be fucking me and sucking my dick like a pro, I just didn’t think? I mean at first you were shy I guess but you are so beautiful and it amazes me that you are like this” Rylee wrapped her robe around her body “I have never been loved, guys say I am pretty but I never felt it and I was scared because after everything. My ex actually said he hated my body but Bailey said, when we used to talk. He just didn’t want other men to love you, I just hate myself because I ruin things and I have only opened up to you. When we have sex Chris you make me feel sexy, you stare at me and make me feel so sexy. The look you give me just turns me on so much, thank you for making me feel sexy” waving Rylee off “stop it, I love you for you. Just be strong for me, I will fix this ok?” hugging Rylee close to me.
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