#Fushimi getting to ride on Yata's back as Yata saves him
ridiasfangirlings · 3 months
Kamafushi AU where Kamamoto is a mermaid (actually half manatee, but you get the drill) and Saruhiko is half Anaconda snake. Saruhiko wraps around Kamamoto for snuggles :3
Imagining Fushimi doesn’t want to get his human half wet so he just rides along on Kamamoto’s back a lot with his tail wrapped around Kamamoto and no one is entirely sure if Fushimi is pleased or trying to strangle and eat his boyfriend XD Imagine Fushimi a surly gloomy naga who just so happens to live by the sea. That’s where he initially befriends merman Yata and all the mermen of Homra, Yata wants Fushimi to be one of them but Fushimi always feels out of place because even though he can swim he’s not the same as a mer-person. Kamamoto is a half-manatee merman and generally very pleasant but he can be formidable if his friends are in danger and he counts Fushimi among those, even though Fushimi probably doesn’t think so. At some point though the two of them end up getting close, like maybe Fushimi gets caught by some hunter of mythical beasts and Kamamoto overturns a boat to save him. Afterward Fushimi is like riding on Kamamoto’s back all shaken and annoyed, clicking his tongue and not quite able to bring himself to say ‘thanks.’ Kamamoto just sighs and is like let’s get you to shore.
Since Kamamoto is the only one big enough for Fushimi to ride on top of he starts using Kamamoto as something of a taxi service, Kamamoto is generally willing to bear it as long as Fushimi doesn’t act like too much of a brat (then he gets dumped in the water). Fushimi didn’t really expect to like this guy that he’s always looked down on as a stupid fatty but somehow he finds himself feeling safer when Kamamoto is around. He tells himself well it’s because Kamamoto is an idiot who accepts everyone but in truth it does actually mean something that Kamamoto is kind to him. Imagine the first time they end up taking a nap together in the shallows, Fushimi has his tail wrapped around Kamamoto because it’s nice and warm this way. Everything is fine until the rest of Homra stumbles upon them and get worried that Fushimi has strangled and is going to eat Kamamoto. Luckily Kamamoto lets out a big snore right at that moment and Fushimi grumbles under his breath, curling up more to cuddle, and everyone decides it’s probably best to leave them be for now.
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hibisha · 7 years
Wishes I Made Are Too Vicious To Tell
Chapters: 4/5
Fandom: K (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: Fushimi Saruhiko/Yata Misaki
Characters: Fushimi Saruhiko, Yata Misaki
Additional Tags: Strain AU, Romance, a bit of humor, Angst, Character Death
Misaki remembers what both forgot.
Chapter 04 - Desperate
Misaki stared at his friend with wide eyes and a slackened jaw only for Kamamoto to nod in the direction of a nearby cafe.
"Let's go and sit there." he suggested, walking towards it. Misaki only nodded and followed silently behind him, his mind a whirlpool of jumbled thoughts and unasked questions. Saruhiko...odd as it seemed, had sacrificed himself for Kamamoto. Putting aside the fact that this definitely topped the ‘What the fuck’ charts of this reality, Misaki was confounded when it had happened. And how. When he was back to his rightful timeline, Misaki wasn't going to lose an opportunity like this to tease the younger into oblivion.
Not when, his mind traitorously whispered, If. If you go back.
His heart squeezed painfully but he pushed the feeling back, trying to focus on the matter at hand.
When they were both settled, a waiter came to take their order and since it would look really rude, they each ordered a glass of juice. A quick glance around showed that the café didn’t have much of a clientele, just an odds customer here and there. Misaki fidgeted in his seat and faced Kamamoto squarely only to have him sigh and slouch into his seat.
"Mi-Yata-san," a wave of relief and familiarity washed over him as he stared back at the taller man in front of him, listening intently "Do you remember the time...back in elementary school, when I was in the second grade - do you remember when we went all the way over to that rich ass neighborhood?" Misaki frowned, trying to comb through his jumbled mess of memories, sorting them out until his eyes brightened.
That day.
"Oh yeah!" he called out excitedly, "It's that day with the bus incident right?" Kamamoto gave him a small wry smile before his eyes focused on the glass of juice that had been set in front of him, all traces of that smile wiped from his face.
"Yeah," he said, slouching even lower, "It's the day you told me to go get a bus ride home because you were just gonna call your mom so she could pick you up along with your bike."
Misaki stared at Kamamoto, puzzled.
"No, that's not what happened." he said slowly, trying to not sound accusing, "I did get onto that bus with you remember?" It was Kamamoto's turn to look baffled.
"No, you didn't." the other insisted, eyes narrowing slightly as he frowned, "I remember because-" the rest of his words trailed off as his eyes became a bit unfocused and his mouth curved downwards. "I will always remember..." Kamamoto said, whispering now - it's a good thing Misaki inherited his hearing powers from his mother. Misaki waited but the older boy said nothing more, his eyes staring at nothing at all.
Misaki was confused.
So he hadn't ever gotten on that bus with Kamamoto? Why? It wasn't anything special - nothing to do with this messed up world.
"The reason I joined HOMRA was so I could be as strong as Yata-san back then. You were so cool standing up to that gunman."
Right. So that's why Kamamoto wasn't a part of HOMRA. And Misaki had always thought Kamamoto was lying just to make him happy.  Of course, that didn't explain why Kamamoto had brought up the incident in the first place.
And why hadn't Misaki been on the bus? He should have been. His mother was right; he had been missing something. Something in his gut told him that he was close to the answer he was looking for - he just needed to probe in the right direction.
"Oh yeah, I forgot..." he lied, rubbing the back of his head, laughing nervously, eyes trained on the silent hunched figure before him, "So what happened then?" Kamamoto's gaze snapped back at his face and Misaki had to make a conscious effort not to reel back in shock.
Kamamoto's eyes were shining with unshed tears.
"I never told you...because I thought you'd feel guilty or something because of your stupid hero-complex," Kamamoto said, hands gripping the glass so tightly, Misaki feared it would break, "But that bus - that bus was hijacked."
No shit. Misaki thought, forcing himself not to roll his eyes. Externally, he widened his hazel orbs, pretending to be shocked.
"What, no way!" And if he sounded anything less than surprised than he was sort of glad Kamamoto was in no state to notice. The older man nodded.
"Yeah, sorry I never told you." Misaki waved his hand impatiently. 
"Irrelevant. Get back to what happened next." He urged, wanting to know what happened.
"Yeah, so when I got onto the bus, this guy, he randomly grabbed me and this one silent brooding kid from the back. You know, to hold us hostage." Kamamoto's hands were shaking very badly now, his entire body sitting stiff, "He took us to the b-back of the bus."
In his mind, Misaki could still see that day clearly. The way that bastard had grabbed Kamamoto, when he had hauled him at the back, with a gun pressed against his temple. He remembered feeling cold and scared and angry at his helplessness.
"And then-then the other kid pulled out some fireworks from his bag and handed them to me."
That brave smart kid. Misaki didn't remember his face all that well, just that he had dark hair and wore spectacles.
"He barely managed to pass me the lighter when the gunman caught us."
Misaki remembered forgetting his fear and being consumed in a state of desperateness when he saw the man pick up the kid by his collar, pointing the gun at him. At that moment, nothing had mattered except getting him away from danger.
"And then-" Kamamoto's voice cracked, before he took a giant gulp of air, trying to steady himself. A single tear ran down his face. "Then he told me to light them up and throw them at the bastard."
And Kamamoto never got to do it. Because at that moment, Misaki had come barreling in, tackling the bad guy, freeing that kid so he could throw the fireworks himself.
Misaki had come...
But Misaki hadn't been on the bus.
Something began to coil up inside the redhead, dark and cold.
Misaki hadn't been on the bus.
He missed what Kamamoto said next, not entirely sure why his body was trembling.
Misaki hadn't saved that boy.
Black hair.
Remember Misaki....
Black hair that swept across messily against his forehead.
Blue eyes and a small hesitant smile.
"Saruhiko." the words sounded foreign in his mouth. Kamamoto was saying something but Misaki didn't care - didn't care because he remembered.
Misaki must be missing something important.
Tears filled his eyes and Misaki had to blink fervently to keep them from falling down his cheeks. No, he couldn't cry in front of Kamamoto. He had to stay strong. He had to.
"And that's how I found out his name was Fushimi Saruhiko." Kamamoto finished, looking pale and distraught, "I just wish- I just wish I had been strong enough to do something you know." He gulped and shot Misaki and teary grin, "I bet if Misaki had been there, he'd have been so cool and would have been able to save everyone. Even Saruhiko. And then we would have all been friends." No. This time, it was Misaki's body that shook with emotions. They wouldn't have been. Because they would both walk away, not knowing, not remembering.
A bitter taste had settled in his mouth.
He needed to get away.
"I need to go." he said thickly, getting to his feet, swaying a bit. Ignoring Kamamoto’s worried calls, he swiftly made his way out of the café, gritting his teeth tightly, hoping he wouldn’t cry. He didn’t even have a destination in mind but kept walking, not knowing how to handle the load of information that had been dumped on him.
Saruhiko was dead.
He was dead because Misaki hadn’t been there to save him.
He was dead because Misaki made a stupid wish.
Coming to halt, he stared at the building in front of him.
Broken, run down.
Definitely not where two middle schoolers should have been squatting. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he fiddled with the handle a bit and entered the tiny place he had rented with Saruhiko all those years ago. Crossing the threshold, he looked around, suddenly lost in the thought that this place had never seen any of his and Saruhiko’s memories. These walls had never been covered in posters. The loft above had never been occupied by a sulky teen who shared his dreams of taking down the world. Tears pooled in his eyes once more as he collapsed to his knees, just staring at the place which held everything and nothing at the same time.
Sorry – I am so sorry.
Saruhiko – despite constantly believing that they didn’t exit – had died a hero. He had done what he himself had refused to believe in and helped someone while being genuinely concerned for someone else’s well-being.
The irony of it wanted to make Misaki laugh but the tears wouldn’t stop and the pain wouldn’t go away. Dragging himself to and upright position against the wall, he stared ahead blankly.
So what now.
He had the answers. Now what was he supposed to do with them?
Where are you Saruhiko, you bastard! I need your help!
Except, he knew exactly where Saruhiko was.
Buried six feet under the ground.
You should visit him.
He didn’t know who whispered that in his ear – or who’s voice it was he heard. But it made him slowly get to his feet and make his way to the outside world again. Casting one last look at his old – their old home, he closed the door firmly behind him.
For the second time in his life, their small world held inside shattered into a million pieces behind that closed door.
“I need to know where he’s buried.”
Standing before the Blue King, awkwardly shifting from one foot to another, he stared resolutely at the bespectacled man, who was watching him with unblinking eyes. Munakata Reisi tilted his head.
“You wish for me to disclose an information you shouldn’t be privy to?” Misaki gulped. He had known this was coming. For one he should have considered himself very lucky that the blue king had even granted him an audience – what was he, if not the HOMRA vanguard or Saruhiko’s best friend.
You are worth so much more Misaki.
And he believed that. He had a high school diploma. He had a stable job, was working to save up for a college. His family loved him, he had friends.
Mikoto san and Totsuka san were alive.
But –
“You…you probably have heard the story from Kusanagi san.” Misaki said, looking at the other man in the eyes, not balking under the scrutinizing gaze. Munakata nodded.
“I have indeed been in contact with the HOMRA bar tender. Though it confuses me why your story seems to have affected the outcome of a certain Red King.” Misaki looked away.
“I have a theory about that…”
“Oya?” Misaki blinked at the realization that the Blue King looked intrigued. “Do share.”
“Well, Totsuka san died because Kusanagi san wasn’t there to protect him. And that’s really because Kusanagi san believed no one would harm him because HOMRA had grown so much. But-“ he gulped, continuing on, trying to not show how his hands were shaking. “But with Kamamoto – without some of the founding members – without shit even me or Saruhiko, Kusanagi san would have never let down his defenses like that. He’d be on the constant look out. That’s – that’s what I believe.” Violet eyes studied him for a long while before sharply turning to look at the puzzle that was spread out before him.
“That is quite the deduction Yata Misaki kun.” He said finally, after what seemed like the longest pause recorded inhuman history. “Personally I believe that there might be some involvement from the Green clan as well, but we may never know.” Misaki nodded, not sure where the conversation was going. Mentally deciding to go to Fushimi’s old house and search for clues, he began to say good bye to the Blue King.
“Farewell Yata Misaki kun. And it might interest you to know, I cannot give out a private detail of someone else’s life.” Misaki nodded once more as the other continued on. “One of my subordinates almost died when I became the Blue King. I always thought that if he had, I would have buried him in the cemetery near the south side of the city.”
“What are you-“ All the pieces fell into place as he bowed low before rushing out of the doors, almost running into the blonde woman coming inside, startling her greatly.
“I won’t forget this you shitty four eyed bastard!”
“Fufufu~ Awashima kun, I think I like that boy.”
“Captain, please don’t say such absurd things.”
 Fushimi, Saruhiko.
Misaki blinked at the empty grave stone. No words of how he was a loved son. Nothing. The grave was unkempt and uncared for. The area around it was overgrown with weeds and it had been hard for him to locate the grave in the first place. Moments before giving up and angrily cursing the blue king in his head, Misaki had nearly walked off but a small hint of gray had caught his eye and he had followed it to the most miserable excuse for a grave ever.
If not for a single dead rose on it, Misaki would have assumed no one had visited for over a decade.
Rage Misaki hadn’t felt in ages against his best friend’s parents surfaced once more and he clenched his teeth together, tears once more blinding his vision, falling like rain over his cheeks.
Those bastards.
How dare they.
How dare they leave the greatest person on this planet leave as if he wasn’t loved.
Goddamit, Saru was loved!
Maybe not by his parents. But Saruhiko had proved a very long time ago he did not need the people who created him – he was quite capable of surviving – well not on his own, but without the, at the very least. And he had so many other people in his life now.
He had his clan and King! And Anna and Kusanagi san! And him!
Saruhiko always, always had him.
“I love you Saruhiko.”
The words slipped out of his lips with such ease that he started. Love. He didn’t really love Saruhiko did he? A small feeling began to grow in his chest as he stared at the grave stone in front of him, a heavy blush staining his cheeks. Before he could even try to talk himself out of it, the realization hit him with a force of a thousand ton of bricks. Oh God – this was just –
Tell the truth.
Is this what the strain was talking about? Was he supposed to confess? Getting redder and redder at the thought, he coughed. Here goes nothing…
“Saruhiko!” he said out loud, facing the gravestone, “I love you!”
“Who on earth are you?” Whirling around, his eyes widened at the figure standing there, eyebrow raised at him.
Aya Oogai frowned at him, holding up a bouquet of roses.
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
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Cute wolf ear Yata yes please *^* So imagine Fushimi is like this traveling merchant making his own way in life, he ran away from his village as soon as he was old enough to be on his own and he's been traveling by himself ever since. His mother is this really skilled trader who briefly quit her profession when she married her genius husband Niki, only to leave both her husband and son once she realized what a shitweasel Niki was. Everyone in the town hated Niki, who was a genius but refused to use his intellect for anything besides pranks and teasing his young son. Even once Niki died Fushimi could tell that he wasn't welcome in town, a few townspeople tried to act like they would watch over him but Fushimi knew they were only doing so because it made them look good and really no one cared about him. Once he had enough money saved he bought a cart and a horse and set off on his own, traveling from town to town and never stopping anywhere for long.
One night he's sleeping in his cart on the outskirts of the village, even though it's cold out and Fushimi dislikes how uncomfortable the cart is he still never sleeps in actual villages. He's curled up on himself shivering when he suddenly feels this warmth around him, it makes him sleepy and he actually manages to get a decent night's sleep. He wakes up the next morning to find a cute wolf boy wrapped around him, Fushimi's immediately up with a knife in his hand demanding to know who this stranger is and why they're in his cart. Yata yawns as he sits up, he's totally naked and his ears and tail are obvious. Yata wonders why Fushimi's pointing a knife at him, like you know without me you probably woulda frozen to death. Fushimi snorts and says some shrimpy wolf isn't enough to keep someone from freezing to death, Yata's like don't call me shrimpy even as he stands up and proudly proclaims himself this great red wolf who protects the village. Fushimi snorts and says Yata's some stray idiot who stayed here too long then, like obviously this town isn't the type now to need to ask any kind of guardian deity to watch their crops so Yata's likely been useless here for ages. Yata tries to deny it but eventually he ends up having to grudgingly admit that Fushimi's right, he came here a long time ago and now he wants to go home. Fushimi doesn't see what that has to do with him and Yata grins as he's like because I'm letting you be the guy who takes me back.
Fushimi's immediately like no thanks get out of my cart, Yata's all come on I'm a great wise wolf offering to help you you should be thankful asshole. Fushimi says Yata's just a stowaway and Yata kinda has to scramble to convince Fushimi not to kick him out, like I swear I can help, a skinny guy like you probably needs protection right I can do that. Fushimi shows off all his hidden knives and says he doesn't need protection, especially from a shrimpy wolf, and Yata's like maybe I should just eat you okay how about that. Fushimi eventually agrees to at least take Yata to the next town, tossing a cloak at him and telling him to get dressed and keep quiet or else Fushimi really will push him out of the moving cart.
So at first their relationship is super antagonistic, Fushimi doesn't have any interest in Yata and Yata's starting to think maybe he should find another cart. But then they get to town and maybe Yata gets to see Fushimi's merchant skills, like despite his bad personality Fushimi's a really amazing merchant. At one point though his bad attitude starts to get him in trouble and Yata steps in, like Yata's outspoken honest personality helps smooth things over and get some potential clients to agree to trade with Fushimi because they take Yata to be trustworthy. Fushimi grudgingly admits that Yata was helpful and Yata's like see we could be a great team, you're an amazing guy and I could help you be even more amazing. No one's ever called Fushimi amazing before and he finds himself agreeing to take Yata a little farther at least.
Soon they're basically traveling everywhere together, Yata trying to get info about his hometown Homra in between work. Fushimi finds himself getting more and more on edge though the closer they seem to be getting to Homra, like he's starting to get used to having Yata there and he doesn't want Yata to leave him. Yata's starting to have his own misgivings too, like he really wants to go home but he also feels like Fushimi is someone he can't leave alone, without Yata there to make sure he eats and sleeps and doesn't do anything stupid because he thinks he's smarter than everyone then who knows what kind of trouble Fushimi could get in (also imagine at some point Fushimi pisses off the wrong guy and gets kidnapped, Yata goes after him and Fushimi gets to see Yata's real form as this huge red wolf that starts attacking all Fushimi's assailants in order to save him).
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Reading your Sword-tan AU asks, I think you hit on another reason Fushimi left Homra: His knives saw the other Scepter 4 blades and wanted to be "home" with them, too! I imagine they see Tenrou for the first time and think he's pretty awe-inspiring? Then when Fushimi joins S4, the knives are all excited to have older brother Subaru, and doting uncle Tenrou and aunt Kikyo. Kotetsu totally cooks for them and Grand Slasher X tells them all of S4's adventures. And so forth with the other swords!
Aw imagine all Fushimi's little feral knives being so impressed with the fancy Scepter 4 swords. Maybe in this AU the living weapon thing is like a side effect of King power, not specifically Blue power (wait does this mean Yata's baseball bat can transform also). Fushimi's knives are bad-tempered and prone to biting so Fushimi tries to keep them in knife form as much as possible, Kusanagi probably scolded him at least once because his knives were like chewing on the plants or something. The knives are always very interested in Scepter 4 though, imagine that scene in LSW where Fushimi has to give up his knives and instead of being hidden they're all in human form crowding around him (so imagine Fushimi with a bunch of small angry chibi-Fushimis huddled around his legs), which is when Munakata shows up with Tenrou walking serenely behind him. The knives immediately go quiet, staring up at Tenrou with wide-eyed interest, and Fushimi's even able to get them all to go back into weapon form so he can hand them over.
When Fushimi officially joins S4 the knives start to get more friendly now that they're surrounded by better role models, like say when Munakata gives him Subaru the sword doesn't manifest in a human form until it's given a name and that's part of why Fushimi doesn't name it at first, claiming the knives won't like it. Munakata just smiles knowingly and grants the sword the name 'Subaru' anyway, Fushimi isn't very happy when the sword then manifests in a form similar to his middle school self but all quiet and shy. The knives though immediately become interested in him and will actually listen to him even more than they do to Fushimi. The rest of S4's swords look after them well too, Tenrou and Kikyo find them very charming and I bet Tenrou would totally give them piggyback rides as Munakata looks on in silent envy. They're worried that Excalibur won't like them since Fushimi throws them at Doumyouji all the time (and even when they're in human form I imagine the knives like to bite him, imagine Doumyouji standing there plaintively asking Fushimi to save him as the knives chew on his legs) but Excalibur feels they've done a very good job in helping Doumyouji learn discipline (and Doumyouji's like 'hey I thought you were on my side'). Grand Slasher X likes to babysit them, imagine him telling them stories and leading them all down the hall as they follow him like small Fushimi-shaped ducklings and Hidaka's just watching them with shining eyes like even if Fushimi-san keeps turning down his invitations to spend time together at least their weapons get along.
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Post-ROK - Yata acquires a secondhand motorcycle and totally falls in love with it. But Homra & Fushimi are having heart attacks because Yata rides really recklessly and has almost been involved in multiple accidents since he got the bike. The worry for his safety is causing Kusanagi to get premature gray hairs and Saruhiko is one step away from stealing Misaki's death trap and taking it to the junk yard. Everyone just wishes he would go back to riding his skateboard.
Yata would totally be into having a motorcycle, I bet he thinks he looks so cool and amazing. Like one day he's out on Homra business and he ends up saving some guy who runs a used vehicle place. There's a motorcycle on sale and Yata spots it, he's never ridden before and he's never even really thought about it but he suddenly finds the idea kinda intriguing. The owner asks if Yata wants to take it for a ride and Yata figures sure why not. By the time he gets back he's in love with the thing, it's even faster than riding his skateboard and even though he doesn't really know how to, like, drive or anything he had a great time riding. The owner says if Yata wants the motorcycle he can have it at a discount, like as a thanks for Homra helping him out. Yata can't resist and says he'll take it.
So now Yata is just obsessed with his motorcycle and wants to use it all the time. I bet he'd focus mostly on the cool aspects and less on the practical ones, like sure he's never driven a car or anything before and he doesn't even have a license or anything and he only vaguely knows the rules of the road but he immediately buys a cool jacket and some shades. When he tells Fushimi that he bought a motorcycle Fushimi probably immediately calls him an idiot, like why do you need a motorcycle and anyway you can't even drive. Yata's like I can drive a motorcycle and besides you're just jealous because all you have to drive are nerdy blue vans. Kusanagi's pretty surprised too, also aware that Yata has no driver's license and wondering if Yata shouldn't at least buy a helmet. Yata says it's fine, he's sturdy and besides it's not like he's gonna get into an accident or anything.
Cue a few weeks later and Yata has narrowly avoided multiple accidents and Fushimi is about ready to slash some tires if that's what it takes to get Misaki to stop being reckless. Yata basically treats the motorcycle like his skateboard, going way too fast and trying to do fancy tricks when, unlike with the skateboard, he has no training and no idea what he's doing. He's always stopping by the bar with scrapes and cuts from skidding out on his motorcycle and Kusanagi is concerned, but Yata says no worries it's fine he was just going a little fast. At some point Fushimi stops by the bar looking for Yata and imagine him and Kusanagi bonding over how much they hate that damn motorcycle, like why is Misaki riding that death trap and Kusanagi admits that he's starting to get gray hairs every time he hears Yata's motorcycle pull up by the bar
And then maybe he makes some comment about trying to get Yata to at least get his license because they never did get around to teaching Yata or Fushimi to drive. Fushimi mentions he learned to drive in Scepter 4 and this gives him a wonderful terrible idea. The next day Yata wakes up to find his motorcycle chained down outside and Munakata standing there beside it with a pleasant grin stating that he has been informed that Yata is driving illegally without a license and therefore it is his duty to be certain that Yata earns his license before he drives further. Fushimi is behind him smirking and Yata's like wait why is the Blue King here to teach me no way, Fushimi calmly says that Yata has two choices, either give up the motorcycle or learn to drive the same way Fushimi did: from Munakata.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Ahhh imagine the snow queen but sarumi and also niki as the queen (not the disney vers)
Somehow it feelsmore like Kisa should be the Snow Queen here XD Like say Niki’sactually the troll from the beginning of the story, who creates amirror that makes everything look terrible and ugly. He then fliesaround the kingdom of the Snow Queen Kisa, using his mirror to makeeverything in her domain look awful and ugly. Fushimi is an orphanwho was captured once by troll Niki and used as a servant. He’s onlylooked at the world through the mirror his whole life so he thinksthe world is just as twisted and ugly as Niki’s convinced him it is.Then one day he manages to escape Niki and is adopted by Munakata,who finds this sullen child all alone in the snow and takes him in.Fushimi and Munakata live in this little house in the city andFushimi hates the house and everything in it because he still assumesthe world is awful. One day though Yata appears at Fushimi’s window,their houses are connected at the roof and they can reach eachother’s house just by walking through the gutter. Yata’s beenwatching Fushimi since he moved in and was curious about this sadquiet kid with the striking blue eyes who lives across from him.Initially Fushimi’s reluctant to befriend Yata but Yata keeps comingto see him every day, and it’s through Yata’s affection that Fushimibegins to believe that the world might be beautiful after all.
Then one day Yataand Fushimi are playing when a fragment of Niki’s mirror ends upflying into Fushimi’s eye – Niki’s been looking for Fushimi allthis time and when he sees Fushimi happy with Yata he thinks it wouldbe fun to ruin it, so he shatters the twisted mirror on purpose inorder to force Fushimi to see everything as horrible and ugly.Fushimi immediately pushes Yata away and maybe sets on fire theflowers the two of them had planted in front of their houses. Yata’sall horrified and betrayed as Fushimi laughs, taunting him andcalling him an idiot. Yata feels betrayed and upset, vowing never totalk to Fushimi again. But then that night it snows and Fushimi findshimself called out into the town square, where he stands in the snowuntil Kisa appears riding on a magnificent sleigh with Niki indisguise beside her. At Niki’s urging she summons Fushimi into thesleigh with promises of caring for him and Fushimi finds himselfmoving towards her because to him she alone appears beautiful, thoughhe is unable to see that her heart is frozen and cold. A touch toFushimi’s forehead makes him forget Yata and he’s spirited away tothe kingdom of snow. The next day Munakata discovers Fushimi missingand raises an alarm, Yata’s totally panicked despite his fight withFushimi the day before. The villagers all conclude that Fushimidrowned but Yata refuses to believe it, determined to find out whathappened to Fushimi.
Yata goes out tosearch for Fushimi and ends up meeting the river spirit, Awashima. Inexchange for his lunch (some buns filled with anko) she tells himthat Fushimi did not drown, which makes Yata even more determined tofigure out the truth. He continues on until he meets the sorcererHisui, who tries to get Yata to stay in his cave basement with allhis other followers, where they practice forbidden magic and try tochange the world. Hisui briefly makes Yata forget about Fushimi butthen one of Hisui’s followers, Sukuna, drops a knife on the groundand Yata is suddenly reminded of Fushimi. As he escapes Hisui’sunderground cave the moles that live underground tell him thatFushimi is not in the earth either, he is not dead. Yata is now extradetermined to figure out who stole Fushimi and to get him back.
Yata decides totravel north, but he doesn’t get far before the robber band Homracaptures him. Yata has to admit that these robbers are kinda cool buthe has places to go and he can’t stay here. He tells them his storyand the robber leader Mikoto is impressed with how far Yata’s gonefor his friend. One member of the band, Anna, steps forward and usesher powers of foresight to tell Yata that Fushimi’s been abducted bythe Snow Queen and a terrible evil, and that he’s been taken to afrozen castle where he will remain unless someone can melt his heart.The castle itself is dangerous and the touch of the Snow Queen cankill, but even so Yata is willing to go there at any cost. Homraagrees to help him and together they all travel to the Snow Queen’scastle, where Mikoto uses his magic fire powers to melt down the doorso that Yata can go find Fushimi.
Yata makes his wayto the main chamber of the palace, where he finds Fushimi sitting inthe center of a giant puzzle made of ice, face blank as he puts thepieces together. Kisa sits on her throne, utterly ignoring Fushimiand the way his skin has gone even paler than before and his bodyeven thinner. Yata’s pissed off seeing him this way and runs to savehim, only to have Niki interfere and stir Fushimi so that Fushimistands and tries to fight Yata. Yata’s not going to run away thistime though and instead of fighting he just throws his arms aroundFushimi, yelling out is feelings and how Fushimi’s been his mostimportant person from the moment they met and how Yata’s not everletting Fushimi out of his sight ever again. The warmth of Yata’sembrace melts the splinter in Fushimi’s eye and Fushimi whispers out‘Misaki…?’ With the splinter out of his eye Fushimi’s at last ableto see the truth of the puzzle he was putting together and withYata’s help he completes it, freeing him from both Kisa and Niki’sclutches forever. Yata and Fushimi return home with Homraaccompanying them and live happily ever after (also Mikoto punchesNiki in the face and burns him to a crisp so that he can never botherFushimi again).
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Homra three daddies ask. I love the one where little Fushimi runs away. What if yata didn't find Fushimi and Fushimi gets on a train to take him out of the city because he doesn't want to like found by niki or the others because he doesn't believe he's wanted. Then mikoto showing up just before the train leaves and both him and fushimi end up leaving the city. I like the idea of mikoto being the one to comfort Fushimi and be a overprotective lion when the creeps on the train look at his kid.
So say Fushimi’s been living with his three daddies for only a couplemonths and he’s still feeling uncomfortable there, not entirelycertain that he’s not going to be abandoned and left behind again atsome point. Then say maybe Niki tries to kidnap him again becauseNiki’s not yet given up on getting his little monkey back, the Homratrio save him but Totsuka ends up getting a little injured. In theaftermath Kusanagi’s taking care of Totsuka, it’s just somethingsmall like a twisted ankle but of course Fushimi blames himself forit. On top of that he feels like this is proof of what willeventually happen if he stays here, like Niki might keep trying totake him away anyway and what if Niki does something really terriblelike set the bar on fire and then everything that Fushimi’s startedto get attached to will be destroyed, the same way everything alwayshas been. Fushimi decides that he can’t stay here any longer so hesecretly packs a bag and then on day early in the morning he slipsout of the bar and makes a run for it.
Fushimi manages to get to the nearest train station and buys himselfa ticket at an automated window, not wanting to have to explain whyhe has no parents. He’s probably got a whole story planned outanyway, that he’s going to visit relatives out in the country orsomething, but his real plan is pretty much to ride the train as faras he can and then get off somewhere far away where hopefully Nikiand can’t find him anymore and the Homra trio will be safe from him.He figures it won’t really matter much to them anyway, like sure theyseemed like they cared about him but after the last incident they’llsurely decide that Fushimi’s too much trouble and they were probablygoing to turn him over to some orphanage or something in time anyway.He figures they won’t even notice he’s gone, as he sits down on abench and leans against the window looking out. The train slowlyfills and Fushimi feels a little nervous, some of the people on thetrain are creepy looking and keep staring at him and he sticks hishands inside his backpack again and makes sure the kitchen knife hepacked inside is still close at hand. That’s when someone finallysits next to him, he jumps for a moment and then gives a surprisednoise as he realizes that it’s Mikoto.
Mikoto doesn’t even say anything, just leans against the back of theseat as if asleep. They ride that way in silence for a while, Fushimiisn’t even sure if Mikoto is really asleep or just pretending to be.At one point Mikoto shifts and lights a cigarette, blowing smoke outthe window as Fushimi stares at him and finally irritably notes thatthere’s no smoking allowed on the train. Mikoto looks at him and thenshrugs, still smoking. Finally Fushimi asks what he’s been wanting toall this time, why did Mikoto come after him. Mikoto shrugs again,saying he can’t let a kid ride the train alone or Kusanagi would killhim, and then just keeps sitting there. Fushimi gets more and moreannoyed and probably pretty much ends up ranting out all hisfeelings, like saying that doesn’t Mikoto know it’s better if he letsFushimi go and anyway Fushimi can handle himself and this way Nikican’t harm anyone anymore and besides it was all going to fall apart.Mikoto listens to it all in silence and finally when Fushimi’s donehe just looks Fushimi straight in the face and asks what Fushimiwants to do. Not what he’s afraid of, not what he thinks will happen,what does Fushimi really want.
Fushimi tries to answer but he can’t,a lump in his throat as he thinks again about his bed in the roomabove the bar, about Kusanagi making him pancakes in the morning andTotsuka showing him different hobbies, about Mikoto protecting himfrom everyone and probably punching Niki in the face at least onceand deep in his heart Fushimi knows that he wants to be there,wants to be part of that family, he’s just too afraid of what couldhappen to say it. Finally Mikoto asks if he wants to go back andFushimi just nods in silence. They spend the rest of the train ridejust sitting together, at one point Fushimi gets up to use thebathroom and some drunk guy starts harassing him, Mikoto grabs theguy by the head and just calmly slams him into the back of his chairbecause no one harasses Mikoto’s kid. Hours later they return to BarHomra, Mikoto carrying an exhausted Fushimi on his shoulders, andKusanagi and Totsuka immediately surround him and fuss over the kid,Kusanagi’s all exasperated that Mikoto didn’t even call to say he’dfound the kid like mama was worried sick okay.
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 years
Baby Akiyama? :D ( because Strain XD )
Baby Akiyama would probably be the cutest thing in the universe, likeimagine Akiyama gets hit by a Strain (probably pushing Fushimi out ofthe way, everyone knows who the true target of all Strains is by now)and suddenly everyone looks down to find this tiny toddler with hairover one eye staring up innocently at them. Tiny Akiyama is veryconfused about where his family went and starts to tear up until he’sassured that he’s been found by the police and they’re going to takecare of him until his family comes back. Akiyama is a very nervousand shy child but he nods and kinda clings a little to Benzai’s coatbecause somehow he feels a little better being near Benzai, who seemsso nice and understanding. He also walks over to look at Fushimi, whois totally not at all feeling like he owes Akiyama for saving himbecause that would be stupid fuck that, and Fushimi just like gruntsout a hello, arms crossed and acting like he doesn’t care about thekid. Then baby Akiyama smiles the most gentle smile at him andFushimi finds himself patting the kid’s head almost without realizingit. From that point on Akiyama is now attached to Fushimi like hisown personal baby chick.
So the alphabet squad takes Akiyama back to headquarters, Akiyamariding on Fushimi’s lap the entire time and totally content becauseall children can sense Fushimi’s secret inner soft spot for kids.Awashima and Munakata would probably be totally charmed by him too,like tiny Akiyama minds all his manners and bows to them both andcalls them ‘sir’ and 'miss’ and is just the sweetest most politechild ever. He’s also like extra small, Fushimi figures this is justslightly above what Yata probably measured at that age and it makesAkiyama even cuter because he’s so tiny and like half of him is messyhair. Akiyama spends the rest of the day being fawned over andpolitely asking if he can help with anything, like oh do you have anychores I like chores. Munakata of course has to bring Akiyama intohis office to help with the puzzles, only to find that Akiyama isafraid of him and his scary glasses and frightening sparkles.Munakata’s very downcast about it and finally Fushimi can’t handleMunakata pouting so Fushimi just sighs and is like 'come on kid,’pushing Akiyama a little closer to Munakata to show that Munakatawon’t bite or anything. Awashima takes Akiyama into the cafeteria forlunch and makes him a nice anko sandwich, he cleans his plate like agood boy and then asks if he did good while smiling the angelic babysmile, Awashima has to just pick him and cuddle him. Benzai probablytakes charge of Akiyama whenever they can manage to pry him offFushimi, he gives Akiyama a nice stuffed cat to play with andAkiyama’s perfectly happy. Fushimi meanwhile keeps complaining thatno work is getting done, which is when Akiyama looks up at him withbig teary eyes and asks if he’s being a bother. Fushimi can’t winagainst sad child face and just sighs like no, you’re fine. He can’tlook Akiyama in the eyes though, he can totally feel his frozen heartmelting and Fushimi is determined to resist the cutest tiniest faceever.
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 years
Moana AU! Yata sets out to the sea to get grumpy demigod Fushimi to return Te Fiti's heart. Fushimi acts like he doesn't care but secretly just wants to be loved
Mikoto the lazy useless chicken is maybe my new favorite thing XD SoYata is the son of the village chief of small island tribe Homra andhe likes all the people there and everything but he also findshimself constantly looking out at the sea and wishing he could go outexploring. He feels really cooped up stuck on the island, plus he’snot really sure how good a chief he’d be anyway and he’s alwaysworrying that he’s not going to be able to measure up to thestandards of a chief. The only person who he feels kinda understandshim is official village crazy person Totsuka, who spends all his timehanging out in the shallows playing with the rays and looking outover the horizon. One day Yata gets into a fight with his mentorKusanagi and runs off, Totsuka finds him and asks if Yata wants tocome explore the cool cave Totsuka found. Yata figures why not andthe two of them head off together. While searching the cave Yatadiscovers a bunch of old boats and realizes that the people of Homrawere once voyagers how traveled the sea and had awesome adventures.Yata of course is all hyped up for this but Kusanagi reprimands himfor it because no one’s allowed to leave the island, there’s nothingbut danger out there on the ocean (which Kusanagi knows, because whenhe was young he tried to go out exploring and his best friend Mikotocame with him and drowned. In Mikoto’s honor Kusanagi has named hislaziest chicken after him).
Yata’s all depressed that he’s not allowed to go exploring the wayhis people used to when strange things start happening on the island,like all their harvested coconuts are rotten and there’s no fish,plus people have maybe started coming down with like some kind ofstrange corrupting disease. Yata’s feeling helpless because eventhough he’s supposed to be the guy who everyone looks to for helpthere’s not really anything he can do. That’s when the ill and dyingTotsuka calls Yata into his hut and gives Yata this strange glowingstone. He tells Yata that the magic glowing rock is actually theheart of the god Weismann, who created the world and then fell into along sleep on the island of Dresden. Legend says Weismann’s heart wasstolen by a demigod named Fushimi and then lost when Fushimi wasdefeated by a god of destruction called Colorless who also wanted theheart. The blight that’s affecting the island is the effects ofColorless’s rage, finally reaching their small island. Yata’s allconfused as to how Totsuka got the rock and Totsuka says he saw theocean bring it to Yata when Yata was little. Yata’s all confused andthen he remembers one day when he was little and tried to go look atthe ocean, and the water parted for him. Yata’s mom pulled him awaybefore he could wander too far but Totsuka thought the rock waspretty and kept it. He gives it to Yata and tells Yata not to worry,everything will be all right, and he believes that Yata can restorethe heart and save everyone. Yata’s worried though because by givinghim the heart Totsuka suddenly looks weaker than before and maybeTotsuka just smiles shakily and says that it’s fine, he was alwayssickly and knew he’d die young and that maybe he should have givenYata the heart earlier before things got this bad but he wanted tolive just a little longer. He’s going to be reincarnated as a raythough, so it won’t be that bad, and he tells Yata to smile.
Poor heartbroken Yata promises Totsuka that he’ll fix things and heruns out to the nearest boat, setting out to sea. He’s already out ofsight of the village when he realizes there’s a chicken asleep in thebottom of the boat and is like well, I guess it’s just you and meMikoto-san (Yata’s always been very polite to the chicken okay, he’sheard stories about the chicken’s namesake from Kusanagi and he hasRespect). Yata figures if he wants to restore the heart he needs helpand figures the best guy for the job would be that demigod who tookthe heart in the first place. There’s no story saying what happenedto Fushimi after he lost the heart though, so Yata decides he’ll justtrust his gut and the ocean to take him to the right place. He endsup washed up on an island with a skinny tattooed nerd in glassesglaring down at him and asking him if he even knows how tosail, what kind of moron goes out on the ocean without knowing how towork a boat.
Yata immediately jumps up like listen asshole I’m new at this andanyway who says you could do any better. The guy clicks his tongueand says that he could but he doesn’t have a boat, he’s been maroonedon this island for ages and he’s not interested in company. Yata’slike good because I don’t want to keep you company but that’s when henotices that one of the guy’s tattoos is moving, which is reallyweird. The guy glares down at his tattoo and tells Yata that thetattoos are of his so-called ‘exploits’ and Yata realizes that he’sstaring at demigod Fushimi. Yata asks Fushimi to help him out butFushimi’s like not my problem, he’s not interested in the troubles ofhumans because it’s not like they have any interest in him, afterall. Maybe in the stories Fushimi’s always been treated like asemi-bad guy rather than a hero, like the things he’s given tohumanity are always treated like accidents and he was actually tryingto cause trouble. Yata tells him that for once he could do somethingto help people instead of being a jerk, saying he has the heart ofWeismann and if they can restore it to where it belongs all thedarkness sweeping the land will be swept away. Fushimi looks justinterested enough to distract Yata so he can steal Yata’s boat, Yataimmediately runs after him and Fushimi tries to toss him off the boatonly for the ocean to kindly deposit Yata back on it. Yata givesFushimi this smirk like see, you can’t leave me and Fushimi rolls hiseyes because okay I can’t get rid of you but I’m still not helping.
So then the two of them have to go on an epic journey to restore theheart. In order for Fushimi to reach full power he needs his magicknives so they have to find those first and on the way Yata learnsthat Fushimi’s not really a god by birth, he was thrown into the seaby his asshole parents who didn’t want him and the goddess of the seamade him a demigod, Fushimi assumes just because even she didn’t wanthim and this way it got him out of the sea. During the quest toretrieve the knives Yata ends up helping Fushimi multiple times, likemaybe at one point Fushimi gets injured by some bad guys after theheart and the wound is poisoned so he has to ride out the fever andhe’s shocked and confused to find Yata by his side taking care of himthe whole time. Yata figures that Fushimi’s an asshole but he’s alsokinda cool. As they get closer to where Weismann is supposed to besleeping though Fushimi keeps getting more reluctant because hefucked this up once and what if he does it again. The small sparklingbespectacled man on one of his tattoos keeps giving him encouragingsign language pep talks while Yata has some long talks with chickenMikoto because he has to bare his soul to someone and thechicken’s there, okay.
They reach the island of Dresden and that’s when the two of them areattacked by Colorless. Yata tries to fight back against Colorless andis almost killed, Fushimi freaks out because maybe he didn’t evensteal the heart to begin with, it was lost during like a seaquake andFushimi tried to retrieve it to show he wasn’t useless and failed andnow here he’s going to fail again and the only person who was everprecious to him will be destroyed. He abandons Yata, claiming that hedoesn’t care about restoring the heart and probably finds somethingof Yata’s to set on fire out of spite (“There goes your oar,Misaki.” “Fuck you Saruhiko I need that to steer!”). Yata’s allheartbroken and angry but then the spirits of his ancestors andTotsuka rally around him and it gives him the courage to go tryagain, along with his trusty chicken. Fushimi sees Yata in danger andtiny tattoo Munakata just gives him this significant look, Fushimisighs and goes running to save Yata. Together they reach Dresdenisland but can’t find the sleeping Weismann. Fushimi turns to look atColorless and tells Yata to place the heart in the spot on theforehead of the fox mask that covers Colorless’s face. When Yata doesthe evil god’s body changes and he reawakens as Weismann, thankingFushimi and Yata for saving him and reversing all the blight thatcovered the land. In the end Yata drags Fushimi back to his islandwhere everyone can now join Fushimi’s tattoo in doting on him andloving him.
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 years
Reisaru "Princess Mononoke" scenario? ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Ooh yes, I love the mental image of Fushimi in San’s clothes. Likesay Munakata’s the prince of a small village, one day they getattacked by this creepy demon and Munakata has to kill it. In doingso however his arm is caught in the corruption and he ends up cursed,his arm turns discolored and maybe there’s like a scar that looksvaguely like a sword that starts near his shoulder and will slowlycreep down his arm the worse it gets, when the scar reaches his handMunakata’s body will be consumed entirely by the curse and die.Munakata’s not pleased about that and decides he has to leave hisvillage in order to keep them safe from him, he also decides tofollow the track of the demon in order to find the source of thecorruption. He brings along only some clothes and a few spare puzzlesbecause he needs something to do on the trip okay. Munakata’swandering around following the trail when he ends up hearing storiesof a forest spirit called Dresden that has great powers and may beable to fix the curse on Munakata’s arm. Munakata goes to investigateand ends up running into a battle between some of the people fromnearby village Homra and the wolves from the Scepter forest nearby,led by wolf god Awashima. Munakata is surprised to see a human ridingon one of the wolves, who fights using a variety of crude homemadeknives that go flying at the enemies with too much precision for thiskid to be some random wild foundling.
Munakata ends up helping the Homra guys to escape but only because hedislikes doing nothing but watching what he feels could be aone-sided slaughter, the Homra guys are pretty vocal about theirannoyance that Munakata thinks the wolves would have beaten them.Munakata asks about the young man riding with the wolves and theHomra guys all look displeased as they explain that was Fushimi.Fushimi maybe used to be a person who lived in the village with hisshitty dad Niki, one day Niki took fifteen year old Fushimi for awalk near the forest and then never returned. The next time they sawthe wolves however Fushimi was there and there’s a lot of unrest inthe village about his presence, people thinking that he’s a traitorwho turned his back on humans in favor of wolves. Munakata has thembring him to the village head Mikoto, who totally recognizes Munakatafrom some time in the past when he used to be a wanderer, Munakatanotes that such an efficient town seems a poor fit for the lazyuncouth man he remembers. Mikoto just shrugs and says that it keeps aroof over everyone’s heads and food in their mouths.
Munakata asks around the village after that and finds out that beforethis Homra was like a bunch of wandering homeless kids, Mikoto tookthem in and made the village so they would have a place to call homeand a family to take care of them. However this has put them inconflict with the gods that live in the forest and there’s constantbattling between them, Fushimi’s defection only made the rift growdeeper and maybe things have really escalated recently when one ofthe other village heads, Totsuka, went to retrieve something from anearby town and was killed on his way back, there were no teeth markson his body but the villagers believe that the wolves killed him.While he’s doing his investigation Munakata ends up running intoFushimi, who’s infiltrated the village in order to kill Mikoto.Munakata asks him about Totsuka and Fushimi’s eyes seem to waver fora moment before he says they had nothing to do with that, Totsukadidn’t have any power and it’s Mikoto that they’re after. Munakatawonders why Fushimi would go to live with beasts, noting that heseems to be an unexpectedly talented person, and Fushimi just clickshis tongue and mutters that humans are worthless and he would ratherbe a wolf. Munakata says that if the wolves didn’t kill Totsuka whyare they still attacking the villagers and trying to kill Mikoto, asa former member of the village Fushimi should know that they aredoing what they must to survive. Fushimi darkly says that nothing canlast forever and the village is going to be swallowed up by theforest eventually, they should accept that and leave while they can.
While the two of them are talking some of the villagers catch sightof them and someone raises the alarm. Fushimi attempts to go afterMikoto anyway, who doesn’t seem all that angry at the sight of himand instead just kinda smiles a bit as he’s like ‘Fushimi, huh. Youcame to kill me?’ Munakata is surprised that there seems to besomething almost regretful in Mikoto’s voice and he decides tointervene, stopping Fushimi. Munakata himself ends up getting injuredby a stray bullet intended for Fushimi, even so he drags a veryannoyed and protesting Fushimi out of the village. When Munakatafinally collapses Fushimi calls him an idiot and says that he shouldjust leave Munakata there to die, Munakata laughs a bit and notesthat he was correct in his original assessment, Fushimi is indeedsomeone filled with unexpected talents. Munakata blacks out and whenhe wakes up he’s healed, sitting by a lake with Fushimi next to himlooking irritated. Munakata is pleased Fushimi went to such lengthsto help him and Fushimi coldly says that he wasn’t helping Munakatahe just thought it was stupid to let someone who’s not even one ofthe villagers die. Munakata tries to talk to him a bit and ends uplearning that Fushimi was indeed once a member of the village andthat he basically lived under the thumb of his asshole dad and no oneever tried to really save him, not even Mikoto (and maybe whatFushimi doesn’t know is that Mikoto did try multiple times, and thatwhen Niki and Fushimi left the village that final day it was actuallya mission intended just for Niki so that he could be killed andFushimi could be free). Niki dragged Fushimi out on some errand oneday and they were attacked by wolves, Niki threw Fushimi to them sohe could make his escape. The wolves, disgusted by this act, killedNiki and spared Fushimi, making him one of them.
Meanwhile back at the village some creepy wandering merchant guyknown as Colorless claims he has proof that the wolves killed Totsukaand he convinces Mikoto to send his people to war against the gods ofthe forest. Mikoto’s wary but his people are fired up enough that hefigures they have no choice and they start marching on the forest.Munakata wants to stop them but Fushimi doesn’t give a fuck, he’sfine if all the humans die (except maybe one Yata Misaki who Munakataalso spoke to in the village and who seemed more hurt than anyone byFushimi’s 'betrayal’). Munakata convinces Fushimi to at least comewith him while he tries to talk sense into Mikoto, as they’reapproaching the lake where the forest spirit appears Mikoto ends upmeeting them from the other side. Munakata tries to calm him downwhen suddenly the Dresden spirit itself appears. Colorless shows upfrom out of nowhere, having been planning all along to use thisdistraction in order to take the magic stone in the spirit’s head(and having killed Totsuka for this reason as well). Removing thestone causes a great upheaval in the land, enough that it seems asthough there’s a giant crater swallowing up the ground. Munakata goesafter Colorless and almost gets killed by the shifting ground whenFushimi saves him, acting like it’s such a bother but he’s decidedhe’s not letting Munakata die either. The two of them end upretrieving the stone and saving everyone, in the aftermath Munakatabrokers peace between the town and the forest and convinces Fushimithat his place can be in both the forest and the town, he isn’t anoutcast but actually someone who simply belongs to many families (andhopefully belongs to Munakata most of all, which makes Fushimi scoffeven as he doesn’t deny it).
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