#G’raha? it’s time to simp buddy
nadana-vhet · 4 years
"say's who?"with Ahmi 👀
Rating: PG-13? For a single, lowkey implication. 👀
WoL x G’raha, post 5.3
“Says who?”
“I - I didn’t mean anything by it!” G’raha stuttered, “I simply thought that you shouldn’t have to do all this yourself, seeing that you just came back from the First a mere bell ago!”
Ahmi rolled her eyes playfully, “I’m fine, G’raha. No reason why I can’t wash my own clothes.” she chuckled, her sleeves rolled up to her elbows as she worked on scrubbing her robes. They were soaked in blood and dirt and grime, as was on par for her duties as the Warrior of Light and Darkness. “If you’re so intent on babying me, at least stay and keep me company so I’m not laboring away and lonely.”
G’raha sat down obediently on the bench beside her, though Ahmi had taken to kneeling on the floor to really dig into the stains she had acquired in her most recent battle. He resisted the urge to apologize again, still getting used to the fact that Ahmi saw him as a friend. She felt comfortable throwing jabs and joking with him, and truthfully, the casual intimacy made his heart feel as if it was going to burst from his chest. “How is Lyna doing?” he asked, trying not to let them lapse into awkward silence.
“She’s doing great. Misses you, of course, but they’re all getting along just fine.” Ahmi hummed, pausing to close her eyes to consider all that they had already accomplished since the ‘death’ of the Exarch, “Thanks to you, of course. She thinks it’s very amusing that you’re always so hungry here, considering that she would always have to fight with you to eat something when you locked yourself in the Ocular.”
“Lyna told you that?!” G’raha’s ears pressed back with embarrassment, plopping his chin into his hand and leaning forward, “...I suppose I deserve it, though, considering how much she went out of her way to make sure I was taken care of.”
“As you did with her, G’raha.” Ahmi smiled up at him, standing and wringing out her robes into the grass before draping them over a nearby railing. She then sat down next to him and dried her hands, which were wrinkled and pruned from being wet for so long. “Speaking of, are you hungry? We can go to the cafe - I’ll buy.”
G’raha’s ears perked up at the mention of dinner - oh gods, is she asking me to dinner?
“Yes! I mean...” he cleared his throat, “I would like to grab dinner with you.”
Correcting yourself didn’t help! They both sound desperate!
“You make it sound so formal,” Ahmi laughed, standing up and motioning for G’raha to follow as they walked towards the other side of Revenant’s Toll. Her laugh sent shivers down his spine, wanting to pocket the noise and replay it over and over in the back of his mind. “I’m not even dressed up!”
It was true, she was only in a button up and trousers, but seeing her so relaxed was just as good as seeing her in a dress. “You look beautiful, Ahmi, as always.”
Ahmi flushed, though she covered it with another laugh. Laugh again please. “And now you’re making it sound as if we’re on a date! What’s next? Taking me back to your quarters and asking me to call you Raha?~” she bumped his shoulder with her’s, a shy grin plastered across her face.
She said my name she said my name she said-
G’raha covered her jest with a painfully obnoxious laugh, “I - of course not! I would never even dare to think I could convince someone as inspiring as you, to, ah-“
Ahmi paused, stopping dead in her tracks and pulling G’raha out of the main walkway, “The man who traversed time and space, built an entire city from nothing, ruled said city for centuries, figured out a way to get our friends back from the First, figured out a way to get himself back from the First... thinks he can’t land a woman who’s simply lucky enough to have one too many souls stuffed inside her corporeal body? Gods, G’raha... you really are hopeless.” Ahmi shook her head with a quiet chuckle, “I think he could easily convince someone like that to, ah,” she mocked playfully, “go on a date with him.”
G’raha turned a shade of red that he didn’t think had existed before, staring at Ahmi wide-eyed as he tried to process what she had just said to him. Was she implying...? No, of course not - but it really seems as if...
“A-Ahmi, would you like to, perhaps, consider our dinner plans a... date?” G’raha exhaled as if he had been holding his breath for centuries. He instantly began to panic to himself, wondering if he had interpreted her wrong, or if he was too forward, or-
“I would love that, G’raha.” Ahmi tucked her hands behind her back and beamed up at him.
His heart practically stopped at the sight of her batting her eyelashes at him, playfully or not, before shakily holding out his arm so that he could at least escort her like a proper gentleman. She took it eagerly, locking their arms as well as placing a gentle hand against his bicep. Gods, I could die right now. This is all I could ever possibly need for the rest of my existence.
And so they continued, the entire walk to the cafe taken up by a desperate attempt from a nervous catboy to stop the incessant twitching of his ears as he prepared for what he anticipated would be the best meal of his entire life.
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