#GAH this is the first time I've done pre-release promo
crispycreambacon · 6 months
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Edit: Y'all the fic is out
Sorry I had to make the edit 'cause people keep noticing this post more than the actual announcement post and I'm gAH 💀🙏🏽
Original Post:
Mark your calendars for 31 March 'cause that's when the release of my next fic, Snip Snip, comes out! Yes, the date coinciding with Trans Visibility Day is not a coincidence ;)
The fic asks a simple question: What if the Professor was non-binary? And by golly, does it answer that question! It's a simple slice-of-life story exploring their transition, their internal struggles, and most of all, their happiness. He won't be doing it alone, for he'll have the support of his friends, including his closest of all, Shane Madej.
Sounds like your cup of tea? Well then, I'll see you next week on AO3! I hope to not disappoint–☆
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