angelstitss · 1 month
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scientific research has proven that vox is more gay than being gay
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
first of all; hes a gamer boy depicted as he really is and not what he thinks he is: a fucking loser who fails at every social situation and also stinks
aside from the jokes, i think he has two main songs in the whole series: toumei answer and lost time memory. im just gonna share lyrics from each song that makes me go INSANE thinking about him:
"The alarm that starts ringing/Says to my lonely self: you're a coldhearted fool" <- his guilt here is delicious to me like he blames himself for her death and yes he did act shitty and he abandoned her but he didnt do it out of malice he did it bc he didnt know how to approach her but he thinks he killed her and its also killing him OUGH
"The color of your hair/The shape of your smile/Someone might have already forgotten it" <- and then HES the one who forgets everything about ayano bc of the trauma like here he laments that her absence that has already changed his entire world might be this insignificant to someone else AND YET AND YET HIS MIND LOCKS HER OUT ITS JUST. OUGH
(get ready for lost time memory brainrot bc that kills me every fucking time its my fav song)
"Even after years, the shadow doesn't fade/It only invites more emotions." <- he doesnt remember but the absence is heavy on his mind it KILLS me
"If I'm 'wise' then, I can't face forward/I have no reason to so, I'll rot away instead." <- self destructive EVEN in the good route where hes not as suicidal like being self deprecating is a huge part of his brain
"Feeling hazy, let's remain unaffected today too/And keep up yesterday's pace/So that I won't ever forget your warmth/If I'm wishing for a dream that can't come true, then/I'll embrace this blurry past and have a dream which I don't wake up from" <- GOING INSANE GOING FERAL hes SO FULL OF REGRET and hes SUCH A STUPID BITCH that his solution is to stay in his own head and live in his dreams (literally) like i want to hug him and i want to slap him
"A rotten boy at 18 today too, prayed again/While clinging on to your colorful smile" <- just imagining how route X shintaro is often colored with black and dull colors bc his world has lost the color OUGH
(god just. the ending part where he desperately reaches out to clutch ayano vs him moving on from the tragedy and the proud and tearful smile of ayano just HNNGGH HE REALLY GREW DIDNT HE)
(and who cant relate to wanting to change things bc u lost ur chance before but u cant change anything so u just disappear into ur head trying to either comfort urself by daydreaming or trying to find other stuff, try to forget ur will and wallow in passivity, its just so *chefs kiss*)
i get it hes not a very likable person and he does act shitty and bratty and the anime really doesnt give him the floor to change BUT!!! give him a chance and he WILL become ur poor little meow meow. guaranteed.
reply under read more cuz this should be its own post!! and also all i gotta say is YESSSS YEEEES YESSSSS shintaro is. such a good character and i also wanna cry my eyes out with EVERYTHING abt lost time memory.
he's just a stupid guy and the thing abt shintaro is that he will ALWAYS do what's right. he has a very strong sense of justice and he's very clear on his principles. and he will always speak up for others and stand up for what he thinks is right. and this like... a HILARIOUS virtue for a character who is ALSO so awkward, difficult to approach, bratty and self centered. like that's so funny.he is such a special little guy and HE IS AWESOME
he's so cringe fail and an asshole but he's also the hero and deserves praise for it. like cry about it. he is a good guy but he's also the worst. but also he's the best. hope that helps
he and ayano are such character foils... like.... both have this strong sense of justice and they're really really REALLY the damn heroes. hold on i need to cry a little
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boobchuy · 2 years
here is the ramble that made me hit tag limit for the first time in the entire *checks calendar* five??? years??? ive been on this hellsite??? they are doing things to my mind.
thinking abt sashanne tonight but honestly has it ever even stopped since commander anne dropped. they are sooooooo skrunklies. little losers.
like ive also been leaning into the popular characterization of anne being mad at sasha and the latter being a loser and just them being idiots and having drama in general. but like sometimes i think abt how these two genuinely care abt each other.
laugh about their first reunion in amphibia all u want, but in the lens of being a teenager/13 (more or less 15 but u get my point) even though its silly its what makes it genuine and theyre happy to see each other again and they dont try to hide that happiness at all!!! like they are literally kids. and they do care for one another!
in the future these reunions no longer have that kind of enthusiasm. theyre more. subdued. anne was suspicious as hell in the second time but the third time had her running into sashas arms once more!!! and thats what i kinda want to psychoanalyze rn like.... anne def deserves to go apeshit and she HAS multiple times and though it would have been nice and awesome to see her still hold some kind of visible grudge/anger towards sasha, theres just something very sweet to me abt how anne will literally just.forgive the people she cares about time and time again.
like, we all know it bites her back in the ass and yeah maybe its not really her intention to be so forgiving in the sense that everyone deserves a second chance and that shes ACTIVELY trying to spread kindness and love all around- to repeat what i said earlier, she is just a kid. yet shes still someone who wants whats best for everyone and would rather have everything be okay rather than dwell on the past. what shes mostly doing is just focusing on another goal in mind, like what mr matt braly said himself, that for the first time in the entire show, she actually has a mission! going back home was more so in the background and wasnt that urgent in previous seasons, and this new one, about saving her friends and defeating andrias, is whats giving her the drive to finish a job, for better or worse.
and in the end of it all, im wondering if she’s ever given herself the space to breathe and process what she’s feeling about all this. i wonder if she’s even stopped to consider that it’s something that she should do! i feel like... annes the type of person to brush off her own emotions and dwell on them by her lonesome unless someone pries, and even then, i dont think it clicks in her head that its important to talk about these things, and not in the way that they dont matter (though if u REALLY want to delve into that then yeah maybe theres a bit of her thinking it isnt important), but i guess... that everything else that is happening, should be the things that are being given attention
sorry for rambling abt annie b when i said this was about sashanne akjdhfkf let me get onto that...
SO. you know that popular surge of angst art of anne being mad at sasha (THOSE WERE SO TASTY BTW. SASHANNE WAS AT AN ALL TIME HIGH). and instead of that we just had anne instantly running to hug sasha!!!!! AND THIS PART. THIS TINY ALMOST UNNOTICEABLE PART THAT I ONLY CAUGHT ON MY REWATCH, THAT LINE. AFTER ANNE CALLS OUT HIS NAME AND HUGS HIM.
“You’re alive!”
THAT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. this makes me go crazy. the fucking implications. how many nights has this girl spent dreading if her friends are still alive. if she thought that sasha was... in danger, and w her saying in the new normal that she knows marcy, the one she WATCHED get stabbed in front of her eyes, is alive. that she has to be. i just. just how much are you keeping to urself. keeping from EVERYONE.
to go along w me saying that she's not really processed enough about everything that's happened where she has recognized the... issues that comes w being betrayed like three times in one day, I like to believe that... w the few times she's maybe thought abt sashas betrayal, that once she saw him on wartwood that day, all pretense of negativity and hurt were swept away with the relief that he's here and safe and alive. and I think, w that massive burden on the shoulders w having to save two friends, and seeing one of them accounted for, I think she desperately wants to hold onto that bit of happiness and positivity. and why she's so quick to want to believe that sasha has changed for the better
then we go to the part where she accuses sasha of manipulating her again. and we all knew at some point that a moment like that was coming from a mile away, but what really made me lose it was when alex posted the board version. where she’s literally fucking tearing up as she’s saying these things. bc she hates having to admit them, when she missed sasha so much, worried for his well-being, and to think for a second that she was just being fooled again hurt.
so with sasha’s outburst came with another relief, to believe that sasha has changed for the better, with how much she helped wartwood and the resistance. and her to scrape away past hurt w being betrayed, and just. be friends with sasha again.
to add more onto... less serious musings and more headcanon territory lol, with me being an advocate of oblivious and dense anne, i like to think that anne just. loves to cling onto the idea of sasha, both literally and figuratively. like, she wants things to be okay again, and sometimes it just feels surreal to know that sasha’s actually here, and she doesnt have any kind of bad intentions, and that these feelings manifest into her being affectionate as hell
commander anne showed her being the one initiating all these hugs, the second one having her being so excited at the prospect of their relationship being changed for the better that she fucking squealed. this girl, i stg aksdjfhk. but yeah, i like to think that she becomes way more touchy w sasha, whether w hand-holding, hugs or just generally being near sasha’s vicinity. im thinking that these actions dont necessarily register in her head, like she just does them, bc it makes her happy and sasha hasnt told her to stop even if he does still freeze from time to time whenever she does it so... yep :)
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kvgehiras · 3 years
HELLOO !! i hope ur doing okay <33 could i request for kaoru general dating hcs? i love your writings (☆▽☆)
HELLO!! YES YES ND THANK U !!!!! hope u enjoy~
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• kaoru def started liking u years ago
• hes a pining FOOL
• there was this bookstore that u'd go to at times bcs it was just so peaceful
• nd this one day kaoru walked in nd saw u
• u were reading this book that u had bought as u were leaning on the wall
• nd his brain goes empty
• but he makes his way towards u anyways!!!!! bcs hes not a pussy (*`へ´*) 彡3
• ....or so he thought
• he walks in ur direction, sees that u lifted ur head to look towards him, nd then a takes a u-turn, nd just . goes to the other section of the bookstore to hide from u
• (at this point his actual intention to just sit peacefully in the bookstore in the ac doing absolutely Nothing has vanished from his mind.....what a dumbass)
• u on the other hand r like (・・?)
• "am i intimidating....other ppl......."
• so like a normal person u decide to just leave nd read it at ur place
• kaoru is too late unfortunately the dumbass comes back nd sees u gone nd hes like :(
• so the entire day hes sad
• hes patting himself on the back for showing up in hopes to see u again nd actually finding u
• so true kaoru now Pls Make A Move
• u look up to see the same dude again but this time talking to himself nd ur like ???
• so u approach him
• "hello do u uh...need some help?
• nd hes just Frozen
• his brain is going fight or flight mode rn
• but this is kaoru so he has another mode along w fight or flight : flirt
• so he does just that
• "oh i was here to ask if u were uh . free for like! a coffee! or smthg!!!!"
• nd ur just like
• "hm..... my schedule is free today...ok! let's go :D"
• nd ur heading out alrdy but hes just standing in place like Did It Just Work. Oh My God It Worked
• so now yall like to meet in diff cafes every week or so (ˊᗜˋ*)
• nd it's so fun!!!! kaoru is like...weirdly knowledgeable abt diff cafes nd their speciality .... it's weirdly....attractive
• how dare he be physically Nd brainiacally attractive....not fair kaoru
• but u see . while u were starting to like him more than u had expected he was stuck in one place
• his brain kept yelling at him to do smthg abt his crush but also he didnt want to be a douche yk.... he alrdy has a reputation of being a playboy but he!!!!! genuinely likes u!!!!!!
• so he just never does anything. keeps pining for u. (loser)
• nd at one point when u guys were at a cafe sitting inside bcs it was just v hot outside nd also no one was there
• so ur just like . casually .
• "hey kaoru do u wanna date?"
• nd he looks up at u. thinks abt it a lil. then goes RED
• like not just red he goes RED. w the caps lock on
• poor boy has been pining after u for so long.....give him like a lil kiss or so pls...
• "i- i uhm- u- u like me...?"
• hes Struggling
• it's so visible it physically hurts so u go sit beside him , grab his face, nd give him a smooch
• u pull away, his face still in ur hands, nd hes leaning into ur touch when u say
• "yes. i like u. let's go out?"
• nd he gives u the biggest grin nd kisses u back (#kaoru1stwin)
• but the pining doesnt stop even after yall start dating LMAO
• usually hes v confident that hes dating u. definitely boasts abt it to his friends
• izumi's Sick N Tired of his ramblings
• koga has threatened to smash a guitar (not his. just someone's) on kaoru's head if he keeps talking abt u for the nth time
• unfortunately he doesnt stop
• u see....hes a lil puppy in love
• but a hidden one
• in front of ppl hes SOOOOO CLINGY. STICKS TO U LIKE A GUM
• expect him to latch onto u more (holds u by the waist, playing w ur fingers) if someone tries to hit on u
• when u get home expect him to be whiny but dw give him loads of kisses he'll be fine after that!!!!!
• u guys still go to cafes !!!! except this time kaoru has enough courage to call them dates
• would go to cafes that yall used to go to when yall hadnt dated yet nd would be like "i used to sot here nd w every sip of my coffee id do the 'y/n loves me, y/n loves me not' thing....nd the coffee would always end at 'y/n loves me not'....i think the coffee is bullying me y/n"
• "bully Nd liar!!!!! bcs look im here as ur s/o now :D"
• expect ur face to be peppered in kisses after u say that no kaoru does not care abt the ppl that r staring at him rn (on kaoru's behalf, im so sorry fellow customers (⌣_⌣”))
• would take u to the bookstore every anniversary!!!!!! nd then reenact the first time he met u
• "kaoru this is the third time im seeing u reenact this pls"
• "nd u'll have to see me reenact it again!!!!!!!!!"
• overrall hes a big whiny simp. save urself /j
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ringmyheart · 3 years
Can I request Vin Jin boyfriend headcanons and some fluff? (You don't have to force yourself)
(This and the other vin jin rq were merged!)
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Honestly the way I see it, it doesn’t matter if you’re a very calm person or outgoing person. No matter what this relationship is gonna end up being considerably chaotic
He ropes you into everything he does. Doesn’t matter if u r a design student or an architecture student or if ur on the opposite side of the school from him, u r practically in his class. Dating him is like signing a contract sealing away ur own life bc he makes it a point to be ALWAYS w u
In class he doesn’t gaf if the teacher has ur seat on the other end of class, he is somehow finding a way to sit next to u against ur will or not. And when the teacher moves u two away from eachother INTENTIONALLY bc of this, he is threatening whoever happened to sit next to u to trade seats w him. He will go as far as to dress up as them to make it look like they’re them to be next to u and he’s so dramatic ab it.... being away from u felt like u were star crossed lovers whom the world was fiercely against
And if UR against this cuz ur tired of getting in trouble in class, or if you reject any of his advances, he’s gonna be really, really, really offended. He will at first sputter and be kinda shy and embarrassed about it, before he goes “fine! Have fun on your own without me, the greatest thing in your fucking life!”
He move seats back and will glare at you periodically every five minutes to pavlov dog you so that every five minutes every day, even when he’s not there, you feel the burning stare of vin jin
If you’re his s/o, he’ll buy you a matching pair of sunglasses so ur the freshest looking couple around Seoul (they’re hideous and thick but he thinks u look fly)
The glasses don’t have nearly as many layers as his does for himself so u can see, and u wonder how he managed to make them just as bulky and if he did it on purpose to sabotage u. Like “did u make my glasses purposefully ugly so no one else will want me?”
U have to dodge a punch after saying anything like that ab his fashion decisions LMAOAO
He’s rlly proud of u two matching. With the glasses and anything in general. He’ll make you wear a jacket matching his, or the same shoes and he will stop people in the hall and be like “wait. Notice anything cool ab us today?? Cooler than normal??”
And when they don’t respond he boasts “that’s right!! Me and my other half r matching. Look at us and weep, losers.” He thinks u two look so good....... if ur enthusiastic ab wearing matching things too he is elated u have to pray that tomorrow he won’t show up w another “if lost return to Vin Jin” “I’m Vin Jin” pair of jackets or anything of the like bc it happens SO OFTEN
And on the topic of sharing when it’s cold he likes to share jackets and blankets w u. Ur desks r moved by eachother by vin jin himself and u two share one blanket over u and shiver bc he just likes it, sharing w u plus he’s slightly warmer. And yes if you guys had indivizual blankets you would be warmer, but u guys have to struggle together he doesn’t care what anyone says (yes even ur protests ur sharing that one blanket wether he has to wrap it around u himself and tear up the one u brought on ur own or what”
He is so blind in love that he cannot tell when u guys suck at stuff. Like if ur in the wrong he doesnt care ur RIGHT and he’s taking that to the grave. He can belittle u and call u out but if someone else says ur in the wrong it’s on sight
Will die protecting ur name even when ur the one who was genuinely wrong
He forces u to make a beat for him to rap to. He loves rapping and wants to enjoy it w u, so ur forcefed YouTube videos of how to beatbox so u can be his bgm and eventually u probably just start to enjoy it to
And u always start a beat and he starts busting out rhymes and it’s SO BAD. It doesn’t matter if ur good at beatboxing if vin Jin is on the track w u it’s gonna sound terrible he brings the quality down immensely but u two just cannot tell
Like after a two session ur like “omg... that was so good. We should go pro?” “Fuck yea we should we’re better than those posers” “we could rlly make it in the industry fr” no u absolutely could not
During the school festival, u sang with him and it was SO bad. Half the crowd is gonna have 2 be hospitalized but u two had FUN up on the stage
Like I said, he has absolute faith in u. All u do is right. If ur driving a car for the first time, he is going to be ur little hype man doesn’t matter if u suck. U hit a curb and he went “YES babe!! Ur killing it cant wait till u hit the road bby” Ur not allowed to touch a car for the next two years now bc he kept cheering u on when u we’re doing CLEARLY wrong things
On a plane u r looking for the bathroom like pensively and u see a handle and look back and r like “is this it???” And vin jin thinking u r all righteous will go “yea babe go for it” and u open it and u depressurizate the cabin immediately
Now both on like 5 no fly lists
He loves to do things with u, like I mentioned earlier, and things he wouldn’t do alone he’ll do w u. Like drawing alone?? Boring. Drawing w Y/N??!!! Who knows what could happen..... so much fun could ensue. Maybe he will draw u cutely. Maybe he will draw u so ugly u will be forced to engage in a fight.
He likes to play just dance w u and compete for the “greats/all star!” Little titles above, and it becomes like a Friday night ritual for u two to turn just dance on and just go at it. But sometimes he’ll get too intense and suddenly he’s actually fighting for the chance to beat u. Will trip u so u lose on purpose
He makes u listen to him sing and rap to u. And u try to leave and he hugs tightly and is like LISTEN IFS FOR U, DONT BE UNGRATEFUL and now u have to listen
He makes u a mixtape of songs he made himself and they are all considerably worse than “remember the times we had”. It’s uploaded on SoundCloud and all the comments r hate and u listen to it a lot bc u know he loves u sm he made u a mixtape ya ur gonna play that but everyone else hates it w a passion
Like the comments r like:
Daniel: well.... it’s definitely a song 😅 I’m glad you love (y/n) so much!
Duke: he’s not making it out the hood 😐
Zach: never let this man in a studio AGAIN
Mary: this should’ve stayed in the CD
(Y/N): love it! 😍
Zoe: kill your producer 💀
Mira: ...
He’s overprotective too
If someone looks at u for more than a second he’ll go “what?? U think she is hot, huh? I’ll kick ur ass fucking perv.... cmon babe let’s go”
Will throw his arm around u and streer u the opposite way of any potentially good looking ppl to keep ur eyes on him
Oh Daniel is coming?? What a coincidence u and vin Jin suddenly have to turn the corner to the other way of ur classroom for some reason
Eli is near?!!! Oh no u just got milk spilt in ur eye!! Oh no now he has to wipe ur eyes and u two have to leave the cafeteria whatever will he do
It’s not that he doesn’t have faith in u, he doesn’t have faith in other men. Like he thinks they r all competition, and doesn’t doubt ur loyalty rather doubts how good he can b for u
WILL beat someone up for u. If someone smokes while ur around suddenly his fists r swinging at them cuz even if u smoke or vape urself no one else can get that stuff in ur lungs but YOU or HIM!!
If ur crossing the street and a car almost hits u, it’s the cars fault and he’s kicking the license plate and cursing it out for almost touching u “stupid fucking piece of metal”
Is the type of boyfriend to call u when he knows ur in an Uber and be like “babe u got ur gun w u right?? Oh don’t forget ur BOMB and ur MACHETE!! Yeah just left the house I killed some ppl nbd haha anyways HRU what’s ur Uber driver like” so the driver of ur car won’t even think ab kidnapping u. He has got ur back even when u do not want it
He doesn’t want u to see his eyes, so he’ll tell you to look away so he can take his glasses off and look at u in full color in all ur glory but he never tells u WHY he’s telling u to look away u think it’s a weird thing of his, or he’s insecure ab his face which is partially true but really he’s taking his glasses off and just looking at u. Adoringly.....
He hates PDA. He loves PDA. Do u see his dilemma
Like he loves PDA but doesn’t want anyone seeing him vulnerable even u.... so he’ll hold ur hand and be like “EWWW WHAT R U DOING GET YR HAND OFF MINE”
If u take the lead THATS best bc he can blame it on u and it’s ur fault he HAS to lock fingers w u cuz u did it to him first and he has an excuse to touch u and v like u started this im just sending u ur own energy back 😤
The type to be just like blind, overwhelmed in love. Always thinks ab u, always wants to be w u, worries ab u a lot and frets over u without showing it.... he hates it and loves it to death. Despises it but wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world
Eats lunch w u in the cafeteria and if u sit w someone else u r the ultimate traitor and he will trash talk u to hide his hurt to Mary the entire lunchtime. Kinda possessive.... wants u to also only think about him
WOULDNT EVER fight u for real. Play fights occur VERY often, like pillow fights, tripping ur foot when u say a joke insulting him, grabbing ur collar but he would sooner die than lay a finger on u
Verbal fights happen a lot and if he ever like LOSES it he may lash out and almost hit u and follow thru. I don’t think he’d be able to catch himself that quickly, and if he ever did he’d regret it for the rest of his life. Literally until the day dies he will take it to his grave
He may not sputter out apologieswill just look at u incredulously and then at his hands because what had he done? What did he just do? To you???????? (Y/n))))?????? His (y/n)??? Light of his life?
Will apologize probably over text or through a note or call, and if u don’t respond he is consumed by regret and tries to find u instantly like runs back to ur place
If u forgive him he feels bad still, because does he deserve it? And he might just isolate himself for a bit bc he can’t face u and if it left a scar he is dead inside. It kills him, literally
I could go on w this but I’ll probably save it for another separate pair of hcs later 😭
If u guys ever break up he will fight for u again and won’t stop till ur back together like flowers in ur locker every day, chocolate give during lunch, etc. He wont ever give up hope that he can win u over again and be w u again. He would keep trying, when he wakes up his first thought is ur name in a cold panic bc he can’t rest easy till ur his again and he will try and show off and poorly serenade u and trash his price and be corny and cheesy to get u back
Will set up a performance w the school to let him rap w a mic during lunch for u and he’s saying bars like “(read in bad rapping voice w inconsistent beat) (y/n), love of my life, uh, without you I’d die, uh. Please won’t you take me back? Yuh, without you ima have a heart attack. (Wha!). (Y/n), love of my life, yeah, without you I’m in strife, yup! Please be mine again, (babe), I can never rest till then.”
If the embarrassment doesn’t make u take him back so he’ll pls stop, and when he stands up on the lunch tables to do a little performance doesn’t do it either, then the odd sincerity of his voice and pain in his look (even tho while rapping he sticks out his lower lip in a weird pout) definitely, hopefully will
U make everything worth it !! Truly the light of his life
I hope these were what u wanted, I just had fun w them and wrote stuff that came off the top of my head when I thought of VJ!! ❤️
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hyunsracha · 4 years
for your entertainment — han jisung
word count: 2.3k
summary: jisung panics when he sees cute people. he also stares at them.
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so you work at an entertainment store right
where ppl can buy like uhhh movies and albums n merch n stuff!!
u like ur job.. it’s one of the least popular stores in the mall so u spend most of ur time organizing and reorganizing with one earbud in listening to music
u have to wear a boring grey t-shirt as uniform so u spice things up by making the rest of u look good
everyone else does the same thing i mean … ur manager lia wears purple eyeshadow ok
ur other manager chris doesn’t even try to look good! and it’s so fucking annoying u wanna knock his fuck 24/7
random girl: hehe<3 can i have ur number?
chris: only if u sign up for our rewards program<3
u, angry bc u haven’t sold any rewards programs in a week: >:(
ur other two co-workers are hyunjin and jeongin.
hyunjin has a pretty popular youtube dancer cover channel, but for Copyright Reasons it’s not paying the bills
and jeongin is a senior in high school and this is his first job and u just wanna pinch his little cheeks every time u work together
“y/n i swear to god i’m gonna punch u and get fired rn stop POKING MY CHEEKS-”
“he’s just a little baby…*to passing customer* LOOK AT THE BABY!”
so it’s a tuesday night.
tuesday nights are the fucking best (worst if u love talking to ppl) bc u’ll get like … 2 customers in 4 hours?
it’s 8pm and the mall closes at 9
usually u start vacuuming at 8:30 but at like 7:50 chris was like “GET THE FUCKING VACUUM WE’RE CLOSING RN !!”
jeongin: u do it.
u: no u do it bitch.
jeongin: *sticks out his fist*
u sigh and do rock paper scissors like the baby wants.
and u lose
u fucking lose
and jeongin just cackles, sitting down on the stool behind the registers
so u trudge to the back room and the vacuum, grumbling about how ur older so jeongin should be doing this!!
but it’s fine!
so you’re vacuuming right.
and in storms Han Jisung
yes han jisung is the kinda dude to come to the mall right before closing and go on a shopping spree
he’s got his best friend lee minho in tow, who does Not look happy to be here.
“come on minho!! i need to get season 4 of naruto to finish my collection!!” jisung whines, pulling on his friend’s arm as he stands on his tiptoes to look for the anime section.
“can you keep your voice down?? i have an image, yanno.”
“minho you’re literally here to buy a kelly clarkson album.”
minho grumbles and waddles off towards the cds, where you are...vacuuming...loudly
and minho’s like -____- why are u so fucking loud
like u don’t MEAN to be loud?? but it’s a VACUUM??
so minho’s looking for his beloved kelly clarkson album right,
and jisung comes around the corner, season 4 of naruto in tow.
and he sees you
and nearly drops it
jisung gets crushes very easily okay..
he can’t help it! the boy loves to love (◕‿◕)♡
and u look so cute in ur lil t-shirt!! like a little retail angel!!
so he grabs minho’s arm and DRAGS HIM TO where the movies are
and he panics!
“do you mean the person vacuuming -__- loud as hell”
“minho it’s a vacuum.”
so you stop vacuuming and return the vacuum to the back room (and wash ur hands in the bathroom bc the soap smells like lemons and sunshine) and come back to the floor
u have a ton of time until closing so u just. sit.. and start reorganizing the heavy metal albums.
after a while u feel … weird … like ur being watched
so u turn around and. there they are. staring like (・_・)
and ur like “HELLO?!?!” but u don’t say anything
u just give them a Customer Service Smile and a, “can i help you with anything?”
jisung just giggles and shakes his head and minho keeps fuckign staring
mr lee i will knock ur fuck is that what u want
so u shrug and go back to ur sorting, keeping an eye on the CREEPS in ur store.
at 8:55 chris is like “jeongin go close the gate.” n jeongin’s like “FUCK YEAH” bc he gets to hold a big stick
so he’s walking towards the front of the store with his Big Stick when he sees jisung and minho
“what da hell are y’all doing?” is what he thinks but he says, “(: hi! the store closes in five minutes and i’m about to close the front gate. i’m so sorry, but you have to leave now! :)”
so jisung pouts and minho rolls his eyes, dragging his friend out of the store.
jeongin uses his Big Stick to pull the gate down and he locks it at about mid calf level so y’all can get out.
so that night, u go home and do some homework, but ur still thinking about those weirdos.
but! u’ll probably never see them again!
u see them the next day!
they’re still watching u, but they’re closer
and minho looks more irritated.
towards the end of the night, ur Upset and Confused so u go over to them like o_o. What do u want.
and jisung goes JISJSJHTIE
and minho goes, “jisung thinks you’re cute.”
u start to blush, but jisung squeaks, “NO ahah- uh- he likes to talk in third person! he’s jisung ahaha.”
“my name is not jisung i would Hate to be named jisung.”
“WH- why? there’s a soccer player named jisung. and an idol! multiple idols!”
“yeah the guy in nct is 2 years younger than you and has the same name. and what have You done successfully? Quickly-”
the two boys in front of u bicker while u start zoning out at the wall behind them.
you knew that the boy with blue hair was jisung, but you didn’t know the one with brown hair. and you assumed that they were friends, judging by the .. bonding activity that is staring at an employee.
and jisung wasn’t …. ugly
like he was really … really cute
but staring at people is fucking weird, jisung!!
when u finally snap out of it, u huff, “okay losers. we are closing soon. so you have to leave. but you’re welcome to come back tomorrow if you’re going to actually talk to me and not just stand in the corner! okay?”
the boys nod, grinning at each other before dashing out of the store.
so, like u said, they’re back the next day!
and this time they actually talk to u! Wow!
you’re sitting on the floor in the back of the store, organizing the funko pops for the 70th time when you feel A Presence.
two, actually.
it’s the two boys, sitting on either side of u.
“hi,” jisung says, playing with his fingers in his lap.
“you’re jisung, right? the cute one..” u reply absentmindedly
u hear a choking sound and then Silence
miss jisung ? miss JISUNG ?
he’s alive, but jfc BARELY
u just called him the CUTE ONE?!?!?
paying no mind, u turn to the boy on ur right, “and you are?”
“lee minho. don’t worry, you won’t forget it.”
“was that supposed to be a pick-up line?”
“did it work?”
“HAH!” and jisung’s alive again.
u spend the rest of ur shift talking to the boys, telling them all about ur life while they told u about theirs
u learned that minho was a dancer just like hyunjin! but he went to the nearby university to study.
and that’s where he met jisung, who’s a music composition major
...and a soundcloud rapper…
u could help the laugh that pushed past ur lips at his words
“a SoundCloud rapper. really, sung?”
“IT’S COOL ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ゙”
u couldn’t imagine him as a ‘cool’ rapper dude
he just looked so fluffy :(
at 8:55, the boys got kicked out by jeongin again, but they stood outside the gate, waiting for u
“What do y’all want.”
“i wanna walk u to ur car:(“
“i don’t.”
“ok minho then Leave.”
“NO DON’T he’s my ride don’t say that to him.”
it’s dark outside, and a warm wind blows through ur hair.
it’s late spring, with summer (and finals) fast approaching.
“walking me to my car...what a gentleman…”
“yeah that’s why you should totally go on a date with me haha.”
“you said-”
“i didn’t say anything.”
minho sighs from behind u, not understanding why his best friend has to be so damn stupid all the time
u lean on ur driver’s side door, not making eye contact with the boy
u didn’t know how to say bye..no one’s ever walked u to ur car before??
“so…” jisung speaks for u, “can i … have your number? so i don’t show up at the store when you’re not working.” he holds his phone out for u to take, a sheepish smile barely visible due to the lights in the parking lot.
“oh! totally.” you take the phone from him, jolting when ur fingers graze his. u set ur contact as ‘the person sungie likes to stare at~” before giving it back to him.
he chuckles at the name, and u feel something inside of u go DOKIDOKI
when he says goodnight and walks away, minho giving u a quick nod, u lock urself in ur car so u can PANIC
u barely know this boy. he’s a weirdo. why is ur heart going dokidoki
heart STOP IT!!
it only gets worse when u hear the text notification sound from ur phone:
[ unknown ]: do u work tmrw? (^_−)☆ i already miss u
…. frick …. he texts cute
dammit jisung why couldn’t u send the laughing emoji
[ y/n ]: i do ! ^.^ i’ll see u then?
[ creeper ]: wouldn’t miss it~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ goodnight!
u nearly slam ur head on the steering wheel.
true to his word, jisung was back the next day
and the day after that
and the day after that
the day after That, u were off, so u didn’t see him
but u guys texted nearly all day!
jisung was just … really easy to talk to :/
and really funny :/
and every time he giggled u just wanted to cry a little bit :/
and u feel like a CLOWN bc u have a CRUSH on this dude that hangs out with u at WORK
one day, ur at work, and jisung isn't there:((
u feel a little dumb being upset about it, but u were starting to get used to the little guy
“somebody looks like a sad clown.”
“hyunjin~” u whine.
“oh no. that’s the boy problems whine. uhhh suddenly i’m on break!” he tries to stand and walk away, but u pull him back down next to u.
see, u and hyunjin were pretty close.
u two are the same age and watch the same dramas.
and ur both super dramatic
which is WHY when u got ur heart broken by lee donghyuck a few months after u started working there, he was ur shoulder to cry - and complain - on.
“stop :( there was this boy who came in every day and talked to me and he’s super cute but he’s not here today and i miss him :(“
hyunjin just …. stared at u like …. wtf are u talking about
“do you have his number?”
“have you texted him to ask why he’s not here today?”
a customer standing in front of the register, trying to buy some headphones: uh.. should i go?
u make hyunjin deal with the customer while u sneak out ur phone to text jisung
[ y/n ]: where are u . no one is here 2 annoy me today (except hyunjin but he doesn’t count)
u wait 5 minutes … no reply
10 minutes … no reply
an hour … no reply
“WAAAAA 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。 HYUNJIN 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。”
hyunjin, handing a poor lady her receipt: jesus fucking christ
ur sulking as u leave the store that night
u still feel dumb, but now ur too Sad to feel dumb
u press the lock button on ur car keys so the lights would come on and the horn would sound, telling u where ur car was
“OH FUCK- jesus...stupid car…”
….that’s not what ur car horn sounds like.
u slowly approach, holding ur keys in between ur fingers
ur not afraid to stab a bitch with ur mail key and that’s on wolverine.
u breathe a sigh of Relief when u see it’s just jisung leaning against ur door
“jisung?” u voice ur thoughts
his hand comes up to rub the back of his neck, “yeah..hi..sorry i didn’t text you back. i nearly backed out of doing this and i didn’t wanna look stupid.”
“you look stupid all the time.”
“jeez, thanks.”
u cross ur arms, stepping closer to the boy, “back out of what?”
“well i uh- do you remember how minho said i think you’re cute on the first day we talked?”
you nod.
“well...that hasn’t changed. i think you’re cute...really cute, actually.”
you blush again, just like the first time, “what does me being cute have to do with you standing in front of my car?”
“well, i don’t have a car, so i’m hoping...you can drive when we go on our first date?”
your heart nearly stops, but you start to smile.
“han jisung, are you asking me out?”
“are you saying yes?”
“then yeah. i am.”
your smile only gets wider as you close the gap between you two, wrapping your arms around his middle. he pats your head, a chuckle vibrating under your ear.
“also i need a ride home. minho dropped me off.”
“*sigh* jisung…”
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Holographic Sand is a Kickass Band Name
pairing: peter maximoff/OC(graciella decuerpo) (high school AU/not canon)
summary: peter learns that a fuckton can change in the course of a week
warnings: none? bad language and peter is simp but thats it
notes **please read**: Heyyyyy how are you doing? good? that’s great. so ik this fic is a peter/oc fic, but honesty i only use her name a few times and a few defining features but like. thats it. so you can totally just imagine urself in her position. also this fic is 5,550 words exactly. that’s the most ive ever written and I am SUPER fucking proud. I think i might become one of those blogs where i write super huge monster fics that im proud of instead of just writing to fill requests.if u dont want that then just lmk and i will not do that. i dont know. maybe. also this fic is peter centric because uh it is. anyways enjoy <3
taglist: @creator-appreciator, @simonsbluee
           Peter sat across the room, his arms crossed neatly on top of his knees as he rested his chin on his forearm. He wasn’t paying attention to the lesson being taught in front of him, in fact, he wasn’t paying attention to anything at all. No, Peter was lost in his head again. Peter’s mind was a chaotic minefield of music and cheesy one-liners and random facts that he seems to just know. But this time, he wasn’t envisioning himself beating up a police officer or playing with Pink Floyd. This time, he was picturing a perfect world where nothing ever happened yet nothing was ever boring. Peter had built a utopia in his mind-- a kingdom created to his exact preferences. A blissful tower of joy and happiness and energy and satisfaction. A paradise where he stood on top of the world with Graciella DeCuerpo, the pretty girl from algebra  class, standing right next to him.
          Now, Peter was well aware that the pretty girl from algebra  class had no idea who Peter was. The pair had never exchanged more than a few words, but somewhere within those few words, Peter managed to decide that she was his soulmate. He’d created an image of her in his head that would make God weep tears of envy, the perfect personality for the perfect person.  Peter willfully ignored the fact that he was setting himself up for heartbreak as he imagined how nice it would feel to have her fingers intertwined with his. 
           All of Peter’s friends thought he was ridiculous, ‘you can’t love someone you don’t know,’ they’d say. Peter would only scoff and shake away their words. He absolutely can love someone he doesn’t know, it’s getting the other person to reciprocate those feelings that’s nearly impossible. However, that doesn’t stop him from fantasizing at night. That doesn’t stop him from imagining the various ways he’d confess his love to the pretty girl who doesn’t love him. Or maybe she does. Peter doesn’t know, he could never know; unless, of course, he worked up the courage to talk to her. 
          Scott constantly teased Peter about his one-sided infatuation, but Peter paid no mind to him. He was 100% content with his perpetual pining for someone who probably didn’t know his name. He was totally okay with the unending ache in his chest that would appear any time she walked by or met his gaze. Peter was alright with his ceaseless yearning and the eternal feeling of disappointment that overtook him every time he snapped out of one of his fantasies. He was a-okay with all of that.
          So, there he was, spacing out during biology class as Professor Hargreeves struggles to teach the silver teen about photosynthesis. The Professor looked at Peter with desperate eyes, soon deciding that having his usually energetic student be quiet and still was the silver lining of the situation-- no pun intended. Professor Hargreeves droned on as Peter glanced at the clock, counting down the minutes until 7th period. Counting the seconds until he got to see the pretty girl in algebra  class once again.
          6th period was always the worst part of Peter’s day-- the dreaded english class. There were many contributing factors to Peter’s hatred for this class; the professor was a bore, the material itself was uninteresting, and Peter could never seem to sit still or retain any of the words he read in english class. Worst of all, english class seemed to go on forever, leaving Peter to impatiently wait for the bell to ring and release him to 7th period. At the end of the period every day, he was practically vibrating in his seat. 
          “Can anyone tell me what Juliet’s suicide is supposed to symbolize?” the Professor asked expectantly. Peter couldn’t care less about the symbolism of some chick’s suicide-- he’d much rather be studying the features of his algebra  class infatuation. 
          She sat next to him yesterday. There were at least 5 other open seats and she sat next to him. Yes, Peter read too much into it and yes, Peter spent the entire class period trying to make himself seem naturally cool, but he didn’t care. Peter would act like the most desperate, pathetic, lovestruck loser in the world if it meant that she would like him. They didn’t talk, they didn’t exchange a single word, nevertheless, Peter was in a state of euphoria for the entire class period. 
          Sometimes Peter feels like a stalker. He watches her whenever he can-- he doesn’t follow her around or anything, but if she’s around, he’ll stare at her. He has her features memorized, the curve of her nose, the dark brown irises surrounding her pupils, the way that she always seems to have chipped black nail polish on. He sees the small things. He sees the way she bites her nails when he gets bored and he sees the way her leg never seems to stop bouncing. She hums the basslines to songs as opposed to the melody. 
          English class came to an abrupt end as the bell cut off the Professor’s teachings as well as Peter’s distant daydreaming. Peter was out of his seat within seconds, his notes and books quickly being swept up in his arms as he walked out of the room. The hallways are crowded and chaotic and busy, each individual student attempting to get to their locker then to their class on time. Peter watches as kids swing their lockers open, fatigue and weariness apparent on their faces as they disappear into their classrooms. Peter reaches his locker hastily, the few small posters of classic rocks bands adorning the inside of his locker door. A playful giddiness overcame his body as he made his way to algebra  class, a small smile left on his face.
          Graciella shows up across the hallway, her bright red hair catching his eye in a sea of brown and blonde and blue. His stomach flutters as they get closer and closer to each other, finally meeting outside of the classroom. Her eyes rise to meet Peter’s, and instead of pulling away, Peter keeps looking. She smiles at him before disappearing inside the classroom, and Peter felt his knees get weak. With a deep breath and a triumphant smile, he walked into the classroom.
          Lunchtime; possibly one of the most enjoyable parts of Peter’s school day. Peter is free to kick back and stuff his face full of whatever junk the school board deems nutritious enough for highschoolers. Usually, he ate lunch under the bleachers with his friends, but in some sick twist of fate most of them were absent. So, Peter was left to eat alone in his usual spot.
          The quiet was comfortable, refreshing. The gentle summer breeze would blow every few minutes and Peter would listen to the rustle of the leaves. There’s a certain tranquility to being alone; Peter can lay back and relax and just… think. No stress, no panicking, no--
          “Hey, uh, Peter, right?” Peter’s eyes snap up so fast he’s afraid they would detach from his head and fall out. His breath faltered and his hands began to shake a bit-- why was he so freaked out? She was just a girl; sure, she was the prettiest girl he’d ever seen, and yeah, he was madly in love with her, but that’s besides the point. 
          “Uh-- uh, yeah, P-Peter. That’s, uh, that’s me,” He chuckled awkwardly, desperately trying to stay cool. Peter was an awkward person, but he’d rather die than fuck up his chances with Grace.
          “You dropped this on your way out of class yesterday, I, uhm, didn’t get to return it to you until now,” She holds out a small key chain with three small keys hanging off of it-- Peter’s house keys, along with the key to his mother’s car. He quickly takes the key chain from the red-haired girl in front of him.
          “Holy shit, uh, thanks! I couldn’t get into my house yesterday so I guess you saved me from another broken window,” Peter held up his hand and showcased the scattered pattern of small cuts on his palm. Grace laughed lightly before gently running her fingers over the cuts on Peter’s palm.
          “Oh fuck, dude, these look pretty bad. Maybe keep a spare key hidden under your welcome mat or something,” Peter doesn’t fully process Grace’s words; he’s too preoccupied with trying not to collapse at the feeling of her fingertips on his palm.
          “Hey, you okay? You look… pale,” Grace pressed the back of her hand on Peter’s forehead in an attempt to check for illness, but that just made Peter’s skin erupt in goosebumps. 
          “I, um, I’m fine. I’m just st-stressed about the algebra  t-test on Friday, I th-think,” To be fair, Peter was stressed about the algebra  test. Peter may or may not have spent the entire class staring at Grace instead of, you know, learning the material.
          “Oh! Well, if you want, I can help you study. I’m also kinda worried about it, and I study better with other people,” Peter silently thanked god for what was happening to him.
          “That would be fuckin’ fantastic,” Grace smiled a smile that made Peter shiver.
          “Cool! Uh, I’ll give you my phone number and we’ll meet up tomorrow. One day isn’t much time to study, but it’s better than nothing.” She pulls a pen out of her backpack and rips a small piece of paper out of one of her notebooks. Peter watches as she scribbles down her phone number and hands the paper to him.
          “Thanks. For everything, the keys, the studying-- everything.” Grace smiled.
          “It’s no problem, Peter, really. I’ll call you later,” And just like that, she walked away. Peter was left alone under the bleachers, a wide smile plastered on his face as he read the piece of paper in his hands over and over and over again.
          30 minutes. 30 minutes until Grace Reaper DeCuerpo, the prettiest, nicest, funniest girl Peter had ever met would show up on his doorstep. She would be inside his house for god knows how long. She would sit next to Peter-- either on the coffee table in the basement or on the floor of his bedroom. Needless to say, Peter was freaking the fuck out.
          The plan was simple: Grace shows up, they study, they get comfortable, and she goes home. Yet, in those four simple steps, so much could go wrong. Wanda could interrupt, his mother could lose her temper, Lorena could start crying-- worst of all, Peter could embarrass himself and drive her away. 
           Peter was in the middle of reorganizing his record collection for a third time when he heard a knock at the door. His blood went cold and an electric excitement ran through his veins. Peter checked his hair in the mirror one last time before running to the door. He stood silently, staring at the chrome handle hesitantly. This was his one chance. His only chance to make his perfect kingdom real-- Peter really, really, really didn't want to fuck it up. With a deep breath, he slowly opened the door.
          "Hey, Peter!" Her voice was smooth and melodic and it made Peter's heart light up. He’s about to respond with something smooth and witty when a squeaky voice chirps behind him.
         “Hi!! Are you the pretty girl Peter talks about?” Peter can physically feel his face turn bright red as he turns to see his six-year-old sister, Lorena, standing behind him. She’s wearing a purple princess dress that has a syrup stain on the sleeve. Grace laughs before stepping through the doorway. 
          “Lorena!” Peter groans in annoyance, a pleading look on his face. The young girl just giggles before scurrying away, her dress flowing behind her.
          “‘The pretty girl Peter talks about’, huh?” Grace grins at Peter cheekily. Peter runs his hand through his hair before motioning to the staircase.
          “God, Lorna is quite the kid. Well, uh, we can work in my room,” He sighs. “And Grace? Uh, m-maybe don’t let Lorena change your opinion of me,” She just smirks before walking past Peter.
          “Too late,” She called before disappearing down the stairs. Peter could hear the faintest trace of a smile in her voice. His heart skipped a beat as he quickly followed after her. 
          She was wearing a Pink Floyd t-shirt and holding a backpack with various pins on it-- her left ear was pierced in three places and her right in five. The earrings she was wearing were black, or maybe grey; her bright red hair blocked Peter’s view of them. She was wearing rings, some odd words engraved in the metal. Peter couldn’t read them from where he was standing. She was wearing a skirt with fishnets, her hand buried in the pockets that seem to have been sewn in herself. She has callouses on both her hands, but Peter knew that already. Her appearance would put Aphrodite to shame-- suddenly, Peter was much less confident in himself than he was before. He ran his hand through his hair again before reaching the basement.
          He held his breath as Grace looked around his room, her gaze lingering on the plethora of stolen signs and band posters covering the walls. She placed her backpack on the floor and walked over to Peter’s record collection, her fingers carefully flitting through the different albums. She seemed… impressed. It was then that Peter realized it had been silent for much too long.
          “Y’know I can, uh, p-play some music if you want me to. You can just pick a record and, uh, I’ll... play it,” Peter winced at his words, cursing himself for being so awkward in front of the girl he’d been pining after since the beginning of the year. He felt like everything had spiraled out of control, and he watched idly as it happened. Then, Grace shot him a smile and pulled out a record.
          “You have a good taste in music, Silver,” No one had ever called Peter ‘silver’ before. He liked it a bit more than he should. “Although, that’s not really a surprise. I had a feeling you were cool.” 
          “You think I’m cool?” Peter asked, shocked. He wasn’t sure he heard her correctly.
          “Oh, totally. I see you in the hallways sometimes and you always seem so… carefree. Genuine. I don’t know, I guess it’s just… you, ya know? You’re naturally cool.” Every syllable that rolled off her tongue shot euphoria through Peter’s veins. Grace DeCuerpo, the girl Peter Maximoff had dreamed of for almost a full year, was telling him that she thought he was cool. Naturally cool. 
          “I know a lot of people who would disagree with you on that one,” Peter joked. There was truth behind his humor, but of course, he didn’t want to get into his insecurities now. “They think I’m a total loser, which isn’t totally wrong I guess.”
          “Well those people are stupid,” She stated matter-of-factly with a smile. “Speaking of stupid, we should probably get to work.” Peter nodded before sitting beside her on the floor. 
          For three hours they poured over their algebra  books. They quizzed each other and checked each other’s work; Peter’s proficiency in simplifying radicals aiding them both. Every now and then their hands would brush against each other, or the conversation would stray away from school and into their personal lives. Peter learned that Grace had two brothers, one of which passed away when she was younger. Peter talked about Lorena and Wanda and his miraculous abilities in the same way that she talked about her hometown and her own abilities. The conversation was smooth and natural-- Peter didn’t feel like he was being too annoying or too chatty and there was seldom an awkward pause. The pair were content in their time together, not a single moment went by where one wished the other would leave. 
          Eventually, Grace had to go home. Peter wished that she could stay forever, but of course, that would be considered kidnapping. He walked her to the door, although Peter didn’t feel like he was walking. He felt like he was floating.
          “Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, Silver,” Grace said softly as she turned to face Peter. She looked him in the eye and he could feel his stomach flutter. 
          “Yeah, I guess so,” She opened the door, but before she left, she froze. She turned to look at Peter once again. 
          “Peter?” she said. “You’re not a loser.”
          Peter could tell the second he walked through the front door of his high school that something had changed. The energy that radiated in the halls shifted from a dull buzz of boredom to a rush of anticipation. The students in the hallway looked the same as always; tired and anxious and wishing for the day to go by quickly. However, Peter wasn’t wishing for the end of the day, and he certainly wasn’t tired. He was determined and energized and absolutely terrified, because that morning Peter Maximoff made the most important decision a seventeen-year-old could. He decided that he was going to ask Grace out on a date. 
          Peter made the choice to keep this from his friends-- it’s not that he didn’t trust them, it’s just that Peter knew he would be teased for his infatuation. It’s happened before and it will happen again. He walked down the hallways with a brave face on, his eyes forward and his heart racing. Truthfully, the silver teenager was terrified of… well, everything. The looming image of a harsh rejection forced itself into his mind; the idea that she would laugh in his face made his heart break a tiny bit, even though it wasn’t real. Peter simply shook those images away and walked on. 
          The day flew by much faster than Peter was comfortable with, and for the first time ever, he was dreading algebra  class. He was terrified that he would walk through the door and have everything be exactly the same-- he feared that Grace would go back to not knowing who he was, just like before. Peter was alright with never being her boyfriend, but he didn’t want to be a stranger. He didn’t think he could take being a stranger anymore. 
            So, there he stood, staring at the door to his algebra classroom from across the hall. He felt confident and prepared himself for the task at hand. In four long strides, he entered the classroom. Grace was sitting next to an empty desk, her eyes stuck on the small notebook full of doodles on her desk. Peter watched as her eyes raised to meet his, a wide smile forming on her face as she motioned him over. 
          “Hey, silver! I saved a seat for ya,” she called, and Peter felt his knees get weak. He then decided that he would wait until after class to ask her out. 
          “You did?”
          “Of course,” She grinned. “I like you, dude, you’re my friend,” Peter’s heart fluttered as he sat down beside her. Grace shot an odd look his way before reaching out and placing a hand on his arm. “Hey, you look stressed. Don’t sweat it, silver, you’ll do fine. We studied for, like, 3 hours yesterday. You’re gonna ace it,”
          To be frank, Peter had forgotten all about the test. The real reason he looked so stressed was because he happened to be sitting next to the love of his life, and the love of his life happened to be touching his arm. 
          “O-oh! Uh, yeah, thanks. I was just nervous because of… the test,” The bell rang and class began, the professor strictly laying down the rules that were to be followed while the test was in session. Peter could feel the lingering touch of her hand on his skin. It made his head feel fuzzy.
          Peter soon came to learn that sitting next to Grace during a test was a huge mistake. He couldn’t focus on anything other than her-- it didn’t help that she kept shooting him glances from where she sat. The numbers and letters on the paper in front of him seemed to rearrange before his eyes, instead spelling out various taunts. He feels a little pathetic for how easily Grace can unravel him, but hey, he’s a teenager. 
          The silver-haired boy’s eyes were struggling to decipher the words on his page when a small folded square landed on his desk. It came from Grace’s direction, and a small smirk had formed on her lips as she solved equations. Hesitantly, he unfolded the paper and read the neatly written message.
          Hey silver :)
          Peter smiled softly. He quickly pulled a pad of post-it notes out of his backpack and scribbled down a quick reply.
          I have no idea what I’m doing. I think Professor Stedman decided to write our tests in hieroglyphics this time.
          He flicked the note onto her desk and quickly turned his face downward. Class would be over soon, and Peter knew he couldn’t turn in a blank test. He uses his enhanced speed to do his assessment in seconds. Sure, he was almost certain he’d barely reach a passing grade, but hey, he had bigger matters to focus on. By the time he finished, another note landed on his desk.
          That bad, huh? Looks like we better study longer next time. 
          Peter’s heart swelled a bit. He really thought the study sessions were a one-time thing. He’s overjoyed to know he’ll get to see Grace semi-regularly, even if he never manages to ask her out.
          I think I’d rather hang out with you without the looming threat of schoolwork. 
          That’s the closest Peter could get to asking her out. He put deep thought into every word, he examined the phrasing and checked the spelling of every word. His english teacher would be proud.
          That can be arranged ;) 
          Peter had no idea that four words could make him feel so much. He had no idea that 17 letters could make him want to scream in the middle of a silent testing period. His hand was shaking and his careful planning was abandoned as he scribbled back a reply.
          Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?
          Patiently, he waited. He waited for Grace to finish writing her response and he waited for her to toss the note back over. He didn’t wait for more than a few minutes, but it felt like hours. He was panicking, and he was sure she could tell. She was probably joking, right? She was probably writing an awkward clarification-- she was probably explaining that she would actually rather die than be around him for non-academic reasons. He braced himself as the yellow post-it landed on the center of his desk.
          My aunt owns a drive-in a few miles from here and she gave me keys to the projector room and the gate. She managed to snag a copy of The Exorcist-- I thought you’d like to join me during my midnight escapade tomorrow night.
          Peter’s heart stopped. For a moment, he thought his eyes were fooling him. Maybe this was all some sick joke. Maybe he was being set up. Maybe he’ll get in her car tomorrow and she’ll drive him into the woods and murder him. To be completely honest, Peter wouldn’t mind if she murdered him. Peter wrote his reply.
          Really? You want me there? I might be a drag. You could probably find at least 20 other people who would probably be more interesting than me.
          Grace frowned at his response, and suddenly Peter decided he never wanted to see her frown again. She wrote confidently, her words solid and sure.
          You? A drag? Impossible. I don’t want to be alone, and I don’t want to be with anyone other than you, Maximoff. 
          This note was his undoing. He couldn’t help himself, he read it over and over and over again-- he almost forgot to respond. He wanted to hold onto it forever, he wanted it to be framed and hung on his wall. Hell, he wanted it tattooed on his arm. Peter had never been so happy while taking a test, that’s for sure. He wasn’t sure exactly what to say; he went from heartfelt responses to witty retorts. Finally, he decided to be totally and completely honest.
          I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
          There was seldom a time in his life where Peter Maximoff felt wholly content. Even in the most peaceful moments, there was always something bothering him, there was always something to pull him back to reality. However, sitting in the back of Grace’s dad’s convertible with the seats down and the roof pulled back, his head resting on her shoulder as they watched a cheesy horror movie, Peter was as close to nirvana as he’d ever been. 
          Life had always been so hard for Peter. He’s always had to fight for his seat at the table, to claw his way into a state of mind that wasn’t a hellhole. It seemed as if the world was plotted against him; he was ostracized from society and taught that he, along with his closest family and friends, were monsters. He never met his father and his mother spent so long fighting her own battles that she forgot to love her kids. Peter had to steal to stay fed, and he had to do his best to raise his little sisters to be good people. But right there, right then? That wasn’t hard. Peter didn’t have to be anyone or do anything-- he just had to exist next to someone who wanted him. That was the easiest thing Peter had ever done.
          Peter wasn’t exactly sure how he got there. Of course, he knew that they had driven to the drive-in, but he wasn’t sure how he was the person next to Grace. They had spoken for one day, maybe two, and somehow he landed himself in the most perfect spot in the entire universe. Less than a week ago, she didn’t even know his name. Or, maybe she did. Maybe she was just like Peter-- maybe she had spent the past year pining for him, and finally she worked up the nerve to just talk to him. Maybe. Peter isn’t complaining either way.
          “Can I ask you a kind of cheesy question?” Peter is startled by the sound of his own voice. Grace sits up and glances at him.
          “Do you-- well, uh, don’t read too much into this, but, do you believe in love at first sight?” God, he sounded awkward. 
          “Nope,” She said bluntly. Peter wasn’t expecting that answer, but he wasn’t exactly disappointed by it. “I mean, it’s kind of a stupid idea, ya know? Like, isn’t there a million poems and sonnets and books written about how love is this weird complicated monster of a feeling? I don’t think you can really love someone just by looking at them. You can love the idea of a person, sure, or maybe the look of a person, but you can’t love that person. Because a person is so much more than ‘first sight’,” she sighs. “I don’t know, maybe I’m being a killjoy. It just seems dumb to me-- dumb and, I don’t know, exclusive,”
          Peter stops to think for a moment. He steps out of his lovesick chaotic hellbrain and looks at his feelings from an outside perspective. He thinks back to the kingdom he created in his brain-- a kingdom built on a foundation of sand. Or, less than sand. Holographic sand, because the sand he built his kingdom on wasn’t real. He made a mental note that ‘Holographic Sand’ is a kickass band name, then resumed his impromptu soul-searching. She was right-- he could see  that now. Scott was right, too. You really can’t love someone you don’t know, because if you don’t know them, you fill in the gaps. You fill in the gaps with what you think fits, and then the other person stops being them and starts being parts of you. Peter suddenly felt weird.
          “I’m sorry if I said something wrong,” Grace interjects after a while. Peter hadn’t realized he’d been silent for so long.
          “You didn’t say anything wrong. On the contrary, you, uh, you made things a little bit more… right, in my brain. You somehow managed to take a little chunk of chaos and tame it, which is scarily impressive,” he joked. “Remind me to ask you your opinion on the meaning of life and the root of true happiness,” They’re joined in a chorus of laughter and Peter realizes that his little brain kingdom didn’t hold a candle to the red convertible he was sitting in. She slings an arm around his shoulders.
          “Y’know, I might not know the meaning of life, but I am pretty close to true happiness right now,” She says, softer than before. “Maybe the root of true happiness is you, Maximoff,” She chuckles. Peter smiles. He doesn’t want the ruin the moment-- god, he is desperately trying to keep himself from fucking it up, but he feels obligated to tell her about his year of pining.
          “Hey, uh, can I tell you something kinda pathetic?” He cringes at the way his voice trembled on the last word. 
          “Go ahead, Peter,” She used his name this time. Peter thinks she knows he’s about to say something mildly serious.
          “I’ve liked you since, like, the beginning of the year. You seemed so… cool. So nice. I saw you in the hallways and my stomach would get all twisted up and my head would hurt a little bit. It was like I was allergic to you, but I enjoyed it. That sounds weird. I’m sorry,” He stopped for a moment, attempting to take the buzzing mass of words in his brain and string them into a sentence. “I was too afraid to talk to you, so I, uh, asked around. I got other people’s opinions of you and then built a little version of you in my brain. I realize now that, uhm, the little brain version of you is like, way way worse than actual you,”
          When you talked to me the first time, you threw me off. I wasn’t really nervous about the test-- I mean, yeah I was nervous but that’s not why I looked so pale. I just wasn’t expecting for you to talk to me, like, willingly. So I lied because I was embarrassed. And I lied again in class yesterday. Because I was embarrassed,” He stopped talking. Peter felt like he was digging himself into a hole-- he felt like he killed the sweet sugary mood. 
          “Why are you telling me this?” Grace asked. She didn’t sound angry. She sounded a little confused, and she sounded like she was trying to help Peter decipher his brain. 
          “I don’t know, I guess I just feel bad. I feel bad for, uh, for not being honest I guess. I feel bad for being a coward,” Yep, definitely killed the mood.
          “Peter, you shouldn’t feel bad for being afraid, you know,” She assures. “I would’ve done the exact same thing in your position. Hell, I did do the exact same thing in your position,” That caught Peter’s attention.
          “You didn’t drop your keys in algebra. You dropped them somewhere in bio and my friend found them. She was gonna take them to the office, but I wanted an excuse to talk to you, so I said I’d return them,” Peter couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He was being pranked, he had to be. “Being awkward and weird is like a requirement in high school. Don’t sweat it, Maximoff, really. We’re all the same in that way, I think,”
          Peter felt a wave of relief wash over him. He was feeling too much at that moment, he was letting the bad drown out the good. He didn’t want to remember the day in a sad light.
          “I like you. A lot. Even if you are awkward and weird,” He smiles softly. Slowly, ever so slowly, he intertwined his fingers with those of the girl beside him. It was a simple display of affection, but it made Peter feel like he was floating.
          “I like you too, dork,” Peter smiled widely before placing his head back on Grace’s shoulder. Peter wasn’t paying attention to the movie, in fact, he wasn’t paying attention to anything at all. No, Peter was lost in his head again-- but this time, he wasn’t standing on a false kingdom with a false version of the girl he liked. No, this time, he was thinking about the very real girl beside him. He was thinking about the perfect world they had created in the small car they were in; a perfect world where he felt so much emotion and so, so safe. They had built a utopia in the back seat- a blissful tower of awkwardness and comfort and clumsy confessions. A paradise where he sat in the back seat of a Ford Galaxie with Graciella DeCuerpo, the pretty girl from algebra class, sitting right next to him. 
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How would Sirius react to an s/o that was a metamorphmagus?
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This man is all about pranks right
Now you have the ultimate weapon
You can make your face look like literally whoever/whatever you want it to
And he doesn’t even knOw
You decide to pRaNk him bro
You go to Remus and are like
I need some help with a scheme
You explain and Remus is sO dOwN
He’s like finally
So you set up ur pRaNk bro and then wait
Sirius comes down the hallway
Talking with James
And you make yourself McGonagall
“Boys! Into my office, now.”
You’ve told the real McGonagall about your plan and she cackled she was like y’all use my office please heck take my robes take my hat take my love ffs
So you’ve gotten James and Sirius cowering behind you and on their way to ‘your’ office
They’ve never ever heard her speak like that
And they’ve done some weird stuff
They’ve glued things places that things should never be glued
They’ve tripped people so that they slam their faces into things that faces should never be slammed into
They said things to Dumbledore that shouldn’t be said to anyone over the age of twenty but definitely elicited a wink from him
But it’s never been this bad
And they, for once, don’t even know what they did
So you sit them down and then lean over the desk and sLAM your hands down onto it
“I cannot BELIEVE you two! You’ve gone too far this time boys.”
“What did we-”
“I don’t want to hear it! I’m sick and tired of having to pick up after you boys, this is the final straw! I’m afraid I have no choice.”
“No choice as to what?! Professor, please, we don’t even know what we did!” James and Sirius look like they’re going to cRy
“I have no choice but to,”
They’re actually crying there are tears
You change your face back to normal and there’s honestly just a lot of yelling
James and Sirius went from :O :’( to :O >:(
Sirius wants to be mad but then he’s like
Damn yo
That was good
And he punches James on the shoulder and they both start laughing
McGonagall comes out of the back room of her office like sike losers I hope that was a good scare and I hope this makes you rethink future pranks
They’re like lol nah
But now that they know about you
Oh no
You know that post that’s like
‘Tonks changes her face to look like Severus’ sometimes when she and Remus are about to fall asleep and one time he got so scared that he fell out of the bed���
Yeah you do that thing
Except it’s like
You make yourself Dumbledore and trick students
You make yourself McGonagall and teach her class until Sirius can’t hold the real one back anymore and she storms in soaking wet from the pond that he created in the hallway and sees u teaching 
‘how to transform urself into not a hoe’
And she stands there for a few seconds
And then sits down at a student desk
With sirius as her desk partner
And listens 
Students are sO confused
One time you made yourself Dumbledore but clued the real Dumbledore in so he stayed in his office all day and you went around the school asking students weird questions
“But did you know that the muggles sometimes turn down music to see where they’re going better?”
“Is your left sock clean?”
“You live in a muggle village, no? Excellent, would you be so kind as to bring me back a pair of neon green crocs? Size doesn’t matter. I can fix it after I get it. But be sure to buy lots of those little charms for them. Preferably lightning mcqueen shaped. Thank you.”
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dazaily · 4 years
karasuno first years using pick-up lines on their s/o
soo.. i’ve been wanting to write a karasuno head canon for ages, and i gonna write a hc which turned into a short fic that i’ll probably never finish... so this is the replacement. enjoy!!
description: so the the karasuno boiz were playing truth and dare in their changing room. and tanaka and nishinoya had dared your bf to use a pick-up line on you. 
warnings: implied nsfw. gender neutral reader. fluffy but sprinkled with swears. i was stressed writing this. long af. not proofread. 
. ⋆   *  .  ·    ✫     ⋆
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hinata shoyo
i’m sorry but, did u rlly expect our lil cinnamoroll to know what’s a pick up line?
he babie 🥺❤️
n e ways, it was finally his turn on their little game of truth and dare and nishinoya had dared him to use a pick up line on you.
“a pickup line??? what’s that? will it improve my volleyball skills??”
like i said a bABIE!!
nishinoya and tanaka needs to stop tainting my bbys mind.
“udk whats a pickup line??? how did u even end up with y/n.”
nishinoya is in shock.
and then the plan commenced.
their lil game of truth and dare ended up as a lil plan on getting u hinata to use a pick up line on you.
that night, u were walking home w hinata after club activities ended.
with noya, tanaka and kageyama trailing you, but we pretend they don’t exist.
“soo,, y/n”
“sup? y u acting all weird for? ur usually rambling abt volleyball by now.. u okay?”
“hoW DO THEY KNOW?? WHAT AM I GONNA DO NOW?? THEY TOLD ME TO SOUND NATURAL BUT THEY ALR KNOWS!! uGh my senpais are watching me, i gotta do them proUD!”
hinatas mind ran at 1,000km/h, it was insane. especially for someone who doesn’t usually use their brain.
that was the only thing u felt at the moment.
i mean u were alr infront of ur house, what’s the point of holding smt when u were leaving??
conveniently, during ur moment of confusion, the only word u could form was “what”.
“m-m-mm-mY HAND!!”
hinata screeched at ur face
silence. whilst noya and tanaka facepalms in the bg
it took a moment, but ur brain finally computes what ur bf just said
ur first instinct was to release the phatest snort/wheeze. shane dawson is jealous. 
“y/nnnnnn~~ stop laughinggggggg”
hinata was now suffering from crippling embarrassment, as u wouldn't stop laughing no matter how much he pleaded.
omg imagine him all blushy and shiz akdkkoaw-- ok lets not get off topic
“ok,, okay, first of all, u could've just held my hand without asking? we’re dating? you don't need my permission to do smth we do everyday?? and, more importantly, who taught u that line u just used???”
u said half wheezing, half talking, struggling to convey wtv ur trying to say to ur bf.
lucky for u, he was strangely able to understand what u were saying, and he replies with a lengthy explanation of the entire situation. 
“ooo, so that's why noya, tanaka and kageyama have been following us,,”
as u left to go in ur house, he stops u by holding ur hand and gives u a peck on ur forehead. 
as he separates from u, he had the biggest smile plastered on his face, brightening the entire neighbourhood.
“goodnight y/n! i love you!”
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kageyama tobio
erm, lbr this man would have 0 ideas in the field of flirting.
knowing this, our lovely 2nd year duo, decide its time for them to step in and help their junior in his dating life
despite it flowing extremely smoothly w/out their intervention
n e ways, so they forced the 1st years to play truth and dare w them.
when it finally came to tobio’s turn, the unfortunate child unknowingly picks dare which causes nishinoya to spring up.
“i have the perfect dare for you.”
commencing plan...
so nishinoya dares kageyama to say a pickup line to you, but since kageyamas a big baby in disguise, he dk any pickup lines.
bet he didn't even know any pickup lines, but that's not the point. 
so, being the mastermind he is, nishinoya told kageyama a perverted pickup line.
being the clueless innocent baby he is, kageyama decides to recite the pickup line he received from noya to u outside ur class.
“hey y/n,”
“do you like dragons?”
“eh? why the sudden question? i guess so?”
“cuz i can see me dragon my balls on ur face.”
what the fuck.
it was like god hit the pause button on earth, like literally everyone just paused for a literal second, turning their head towards kageyama, trying to figure out who tf was the brave soul who said that. 
while still in shock, kageyama just stood there confused, as he was suddenly placed in the centre of attention for no reason. o there's a reason honey, a very good one.
“why's everyone looking at me,”
with that one sentence, the world went back to normal as if someone had hit the play button all of the sudden, leaving u to deal with the weirdly awkward situation u found urself in. 
“ummm... tobio.. do u have any idea what u just said.”
“uhh yeah, a pickup line.” 
at that moment, when he said that, it hit u.
“what did they do.”
“huh, what are u talking about??”
*insert confused kags*
“nishinoya and tanaka told u to do something right?”
“r u a psychic???”
despite being amazed at ur ‘psychic powers’, he immediately explains the situation, causing u to face palm so much ur face may be concave.
there are times where u appreciate ur dumbass bf being a ignorant qt, but times like this makes u wish he was a tad bit smarter.. 
debating ur options, u decided to explain the meaning of the pickup line he just used on u in public.
once hearing and understanding the meaning of the pickup line he used on u, his face lit up like a matchstick, shining bright red, stuttering madly, struggling to get even a word out.
“oh, um, well, im sorry for saying smtg so indecent to u in public, um ill make it up to u somehow,”
understanding him was a struggle due to the severe stuttering he was suffering from, but u managed somehow.
“nahhh, its cool, i should go lecture nishinoya for corrupting my precious baby though~~”
“hehe, yes ur my baby <3″
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tsukishima kei
ugh this salty ass mfcker
honestly can't imagine him being forced into using a pickup line on his s/o
cuz, despite hw much we try to deny it, he is one smart mfcker,,,
but i think he would be curious how his s/o will react, so he would do it on his own will anyways.
umm, so this is how the situation went down.
it was another boring day, and the 2nd year duo was having none of that and decided too ensue a game of truth and dare with the 1st years.
this was how the c h a o s started.
he was trying to leave the game discreetly before he had to sell his soul to the devil. 
unfortunately for him, lady luck was not on his side, as he was chosen to do the next dare. 
“but wait a fucking minute, when the fuck did this become a game of dare or dare, when tf did freedom of choice decide to fuck off like that?”
plot convenience
so he was forced into a dare. 
the moment of dread came when tanaka stood up shouting he had a brilliant idea. and it all went downhill from there.
so tanaka dared tsukki to use a pickup line on his s/o. and his first reaction was no. 
“o come on, u never do anything romantic, i bet u haven't even held hands, sometimes i wonder how y/n’s still with u.”
“says the person who has never dated.”
tanaka shut ups. 
so somehow, he managed to get himself out of the situation. 
later that night, he couldn't stop thinking about pickup lines. he almost spent the whole night thinking about ur reaction. cuz volleyball is just a club, am i right..
he decided to use a pickup line on u tmrw, just to see ur reaction, not like he wants to use one, lmao that's lame, haha. a fucking tsundere.
the next day, during lunch, he left yams with the 1st year duo to go find u.
when he saw u, he immediately calls u. 
“hey, where's yams, u didn't tell me u wanted to eat with me today,”
“nah, i just had something to tell u.”
at this moment, tsukishimas heart was beating faster than ushijimas spikes.
“you know if u think about it we never stop tasting our tongues.”
“hmm, now that u said it ye--”
“how bout i taste urs for a change.”
since it was so unexpected, u had no idea how to react. 
as u returned to reality, u notice a slight pink on his cheeks.
u were gonna come back with a snarky comment, since it was rare he was so vulnerable(?) 
but ur plans were ruined when he glanced at u making eye contact, to check ur reaction. 
ur face bursts into the brightest red, hes ever seen. 
seeing ur extremely delayed reaction, he lets out a laugh, but immediately recollects himself. 
“it was a dare from tanaka.”
you were still bright red, but u felt the blush on ur face reducing after hearing the reasoning behind the line. 
“oh, haha, i was wondering what's up”
u said slightly dejectedly. 
he felt like he was just punched in the gut by guilt. 
“i was also curious about ur reaction, and i am satisfied to say the least.”
he leans down to ur height to whisper in ur ear, before initiating the kiss. 
ur blush returns almost immediately as u returned the kiss.
since yall were in school, he separed from the kiss after a few seconds. this is a place for knowledge, y'all nasties.
“welp, bye loser,”
after the kiss, he immediately return to yamaguchi, leaving u alone with ur thoughts. trying to escape from embarrassment.
he may be equal to the condiment on ur kitchen cupboard, but he still tries to make u happy, so appreaciate him and his efforts <3
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yamaguchi tadashi
a babie uwuwuwu
pickup line what's that? hehe omf he's so cute
so how this about to go down. 
so truth and dare bla bla bla... ive written this exact thing 3 times please excuse my behaviour.
since he was bored, yamaguchi forced tsukki to join in on the fun together, a decision he would regret. 
soon it became yamaguchi’s turn, and everyone turned quiet due to the lack of dares they had or yamaguchi.
that was until the one and only nishinoya stood up. 
“hEY, u have a s/o right, how about u use a cheesy pickup line on her!!” *eyebrow raise*
while processing what nishinoya just said, yamaguchi’s face morphed into one of dread and fear, as he turns his head to tsukishima for help.
“u dragged us into this mess, i aint helping u.”
and there goes his only help, well it was his fault in the first place dragging him and his best friend into this mess. tsukishima u tsundere.
yamaguchi was on the verge of tears, thinking of excuses and ways he could get out of the god forbidden situation he brought upon himself. 
but the only thing he could think of was the worst case scenario, which was u breaking up with him.
looking at his senpais, he slowly faces the fact that there's no escape and accepts his fate. 
if this is the cause of the end of ur relationship together, it just means the gods don't want y'all together.
“idk any pickup lines....” 
this was his last attempt of escaping as he bids ur relationship farewell, already aware it was not gonna work. 
“thiS IS WHERE I COME IN, don't worry yamaguchi i am the encyclopaedia of pickup lines.”
ofc his senpais would know the cheesiest lines on the surface of this earth. despite insisting the earth is flat.
and so the dreadful event began. 
after school ended, otw to his club, he met up with u. with his senpais trailing behind stalking y'all, to see ur reaction.
“ugh out of all the pickup lines, they had to make me use the most overused one... im gonna cry,,, y/n i hope u don't leave me after this.”
well here goes nothing...
“hey y/n,,” extreme stutters that im too lazy to type out.
“k-k-kiss me if im wrong,,, b-but dinosaurs still exist right?”
before he could even cringe at himself, u gave him a peck on his lips while smirking afterwards. 
yamaguchi proceeds to poof into redness after processing what had just happen, as u laugh maniacally in the background.
“u could've just asked for one, and tsukishima already told me everything so u don't need to explain,"
yamaguchi did not have the brain power to comprehend the situation at hand, as he was still affected from the kiss from earlier.
“i can't believe u think i would breakup with u because of something so trivial.. im kinda upset..”
finally coming back to reality, yamaguchi finally realises the situation he's in. 
“o-oh, i didn't mean to make it seem like i didn't believe in our relationship, its just that w--”
he gets cut off by u kissing him again.
when u separate, u began to laugh again. 
“hAHAHHA, ikik, i was just joking around, don't worry ill love u no matter what, now off u go to ur club ill see u tmrw.”
not knowing what to do or how to react, yamaguchi felt the need to do smtg before u left. 
“i love u, ill call u later tonight!”
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soulwillower · 4 years
Just wanna say I love the Eddie content 🥺 and what about being with Eddie in high school? (Love this whole account btw 💗)
hi omg thank you!! ily<3
alright so 
being w eddie in hs
he’s a very sweet boyfriend
starts off kinda shy when u start going on dates but once u get to know each other... 
oh my god yeah hes a huge dork
he shows u his snow globe collection and shit
his comic books too
omg after u start dating u realize how goofy he is
and you love it
he is such a fucking weirdo
u guys have stupid inside jokes 
he makes u laugh so hard and u make him laugh even more
ur so pretty it scares him
can’t believe ur his...
he holds your hands down the hallways
but he’s 100% afraid to be late to class so he usually won't walk u if his class isn't near urs
so he always kisses ur cheek before running off to class
its adorable
the losers tease u guys a lot 
especially eddie bc he blushes around u a lot
the two of u go off to get food with the other losers during lunch
eddie usually doesn’t like skipping but sometimes u can convince him
if u do a sport or activity he’ll be there
supportive bf #1
he goes to the boys for advice on how to ask u to prom or something
richie just makes jokes and bill is useless but ben and mike give him the best ideas
and he surprises u and its real sweet
oh my god imagine him making lunch for u or like bringing snacks
if u get drunk at a party or something he takes care of u
hes fucking wild
going to school football games with the losers and eddie gets weirdly aggressive about sports
even though he could not fucking care less about football
you’d root so loudly for ben and mike
eddie would let u do his makeup or paint his nails if u ask nicely
and he’d look great
in FACT u and bev would always be like !!!!!!
bc eddie has super long lashes
he thinks its dumb that u complain because ur fucking beautiful
and the first time he hears u complain, its in the clubhouse with the other losers
you had barely officially started dating
and ur like damn eddie i wish i could have ur eyes
he just turns and stares at u and is like ‘i dont get why ur mad about this have u seen urself ur so fkn pretty’ 
and everyone is like.... wow thats actually rly cute
u turn bright red
they tease u guys but its super sweet
dating eddie in high school is the best thing ever
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lvanter · 5 years
under the covers ; kim seungmin
word count; 0.5k
warnings; swearing??????? i think a small sex joke literally just ‘use protection’
note; bro,,,,,,,,seungmin is so soft and he has my whole heart
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soft!seungmin?? yes
bro………. soft!seungmin is such a concept
if its not soft!seungmin i dont wanna hear it
but like the best soft!seungmin is soft!seungmin whos only soft for his s/o
and in this case
dude that was so smooth
so like stray kids had been practising all day and half the night
so they were dead and really just wanted to sleep
but just when they got out of the jyp building seungmin was like ‘bros…..im gonna go see y/n....see u losers later’
the rational members (aka all minus jisung and hyunjin) was like ‘k see u’ and chan and woojin was like ‘use protection’
to which seungmin almost kicked them
but then jisungs like ‘ive lived long enough’ and says ‘’awe seungminnie is gonna go see y/nnnnnnn’’ and makes kissy faces
then hyunjins dumbass is like ‘’awe the cutesteststest couple’’ and joins jisung in doing kissy faces
seungmin this close to throttling them both
this close
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but he doesn’t :((
woojin holds him back :((
so seungmin just glares at them and walk away
(in the background he can hear hyunsung still making kissing noises)
eventually he gets to ur place
it doesn’t matter how many times he’s been there
he still gets butterflies when he knockes on the door
the door opens and its ur mother - who loves seungmin so much, because he treated u well and is very charming -
“oh seungmin! come on in y/n is in their room!”
“thank u” he says and gives ur mom a cute smile
and by cute smile i mean he just smiled because everything seungmin does is adorable and i would kill for this boy
i got a little off track
my bad
he walks to ur room and knocks on the door
he hears a muffled ‘come in’
ur laying on ur bed under the covers
doing nothing
u look over at whomevst walked through the door and see seungmin !!!
“i missed u too why’re u yelling??”
he gets under the covers with u
“ ‘m tired” he says and cuddles into ur side
“long day?”
“not really i just didn’t get a lot of sleep”
“u can sleep now”
“nooo i wanna spend time with u!!”
u chuckle softly and kiss the top of his head
seungmins on the i inside afterhearing ur laugh: JAKASBSNSKOSNSSKWK
seungmin on the outside: ~~~calm~~~~~~
“it’s okay seungmin just go to sleep i’ll be here when u wake up”
he hummes sleepily is that the right word ???ksnsjsjs???
u kiss the top of his head and again and start playing with his hair
“can u talk” seungmin mumbles into ur side
“about what?”
“anything. i just really like ur voice”
“uh okay then. today in maths class a girl-“
u continue talking about what happened until u hear soft snores
“sleep well minnie”
and then u also close ur eyes because it’s late.
so yeah that’s that.
take care of urself
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angclhyunjin · 6 years
of light and verse | jaebum
desc: you literally end up falling for the boy who sits at the back of your uber hard lit class. college!jaebum litmajor!jaebum. all the fluff. just super fluffy
word count: 1.913
requested by: @jaebums-sunshine​ [Jaebum college au/domestic au fluff!]
note: i wrote this at lit 4am but ummm my love as a lit major was too cute to pass up
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oh my god ok COLLEGE JAEBUM
setting my heart on fire at the thought of my lit nerd headcanon for him
lets get into it!
so its freshman year and ur walking into your first lit class, a bit intimidated bc its like,, a course no first year dared to touch but u just wanted a cool sounding course so bad u jumped at the opportunity
its GREEK MYTHOLOGY!! who wud not hello
and ur excited until the professor opens her mouth
and ur blown away by how,,,,,,, interesting and riveting the whole thing is but shit is it going to be this hard throughout??
the first few classes involves you frantically taking notes and trying to keep up w the impossible pace this class is going
but theres this BOY
he sits right at the end while ur in front so u could pass him off as uninterested,,, taking the course for extra creds??? wrong
this BOY quips in between the lecture with the most fascinating comments, connecting the odyssey to so many modern works, to poetry and to music
and ur like,,, who made u,,,, how r u like this
ur kind of annoyed by how smart this boy is
its not like you dont get wtf is happening here, but how can he get it and SO MUCH MORE
and tbh ur kind of jealous but u didnt hear that from me. also he has the softest voice that creeps up behind u and makes ur body stir
wait what
so u work super hard
and like super hard, u finish all ur readings and do ur own research
but u still feel like its not enough
like idk who u think u are, u start living at the library
cup of tea in hand and a book in the other, it sounds optimal but the stress is lowkey making you lose ur mind
ur looking for a book in the aisles, a VERY specific one on sappho’s fragmented poems
and FINALLY u see it............on the top most shelf
ur 5′4″ self is SCREAMING
and u could ask for help but help is for losers
so u make the very intelligent decision to climb the shelves what?? no ones looking
ur almost there when
a hand
reaches at the same time as urs
u almost scream for real this time, shutting ur eyes real tight, letting go of ur meager hold on the shelf and falling back
like u have accepted ur death at this point
until???? wait??? you feel two hands around you and suddenly you’re not falling
“my god, are you okay??” how tf do i know this voice
you open your eyes to be met with the softest brown eyes, framed by these wire glasses
its him
of c o u r s e
u literally dont know what to say until he laughs a little at you (an adorable, light noise that fills you up)
“this is probably not one of your greatest moments” ur cheeks are on FIRE
suddenly he notices his arms are still around u and he hastily places u on ur useless jelly feet
“were you going for the book on sappho? i didn’t know anyone else here knew it existed”
you’re about to stammer out a reply, not really ready to explain to the lit prodigy that ur trying to be at least half as insightful as him but he
squints at u
“wait, aren’t you in my lit class?? you are, aren’t you?”
he REMEMBERS ur invisible ass??? ok??? what doesnt this boy notice?????
u finally find your tongue, stammering out a “y-yeah, i was planning out my paper and needed a second reference”
wow is he lowkey impressed he stares at u for a bit
ur now hyperaware of ur messy bun and glasses, the old t shirt you’d tucked into mom jeans feeling so inadequate in front of him in his stylishly messed up hair n button up,,, how could someone be this pretty at 4pm on a sunday
“honestly, me too. but its okay, you can have this” 
he barely needs to reach up to get this book and ur like, looking at his shoulders as he faces away from u for a split second and man is he built
“are you sure???” you let out in an almost whisper “don’t you need this?”
“nah its okay i read it over the summer already” o yes of course
“i’m jaebum by the way” he smiles at you and ur stomach JUMPs
“i’m y/n” you try, and then blurt out “and also really sorry for this i’m like,, dumb as hell-”
“its no issue, y/n” his voice is HONEY as it says your name and you can feel urself turning redder
“i’ll see you in class then” hes gone as quickly as he arrived and ur still in shock because what the fuck
did that really happen or did u doze off after a caffeine crash again???
so the next day in class u walk in, heading towards your seat when  ur eye catches jaebum’s
and he gives u the BIGGEST SMILE
ur blushing furiously and manage a quick smile back
and thru/o ur so distracted bc u swear u feel his eyes on the back of ur neck but ur also too scared to look bc WOW WHY IS THIS BEAUTIFUL BOY STARING AT ME
so at the end of the class ur throwing all ur books into ur mess of a backpack when u hear a voice 
“so did you end up finishing the book”
its god jaebum, beanie hiding his tousled hair and trademark glasses on his nose
“no i still have some stuff to cover but its fine!! you can have it u want-”
“no, no i was going to suggest we do the paper together?”
is this ,,,, really happening
“okay great! i’ll meet you in the library at 4?”
“okay see you then!!” u squeak out and dash
wtf was that
this man did not need ur help, he is a lit GOD
but ur there at 4, a little thankful for the heads up bc u managed to put some semblance of makeup on urself
and he walks in and ur heart is on fire again bc hes so pretty and he’s also so excited to do lit, lit makes this boy
u slowly ease into conversations w him, sappho being taken over by more personal deets
ok first of all, this boy has 5 cats
he shows u pictures of all of them, names and all, like a mom showing off her children
ur heart is so so full of this endearing boy
you keep meeting thru the rest of the week
on tuesday, he asks you ur favorite color
on wednesday, he convinces u to tell him ur favorite memory
on thursday, you tell him how vanilla ice cream is everything to you but u cant stand strawberry
on friday, he asks u for ur number
on saturday, he randomly texts you 6 pictures of his cat sitting on two legs
on saturday, you realize u have fallen for the boy at the back of ur lit class
u dont know what to do
this boy is so so dumb at heart but can also recite all of shakespeare’s sonnets by heart
like hes the cutest idiot u have ever seen
and ur falling super hard for him
ur friendship goes strong for a while
gradually u blush less frequently and get comfortable w him, going over to his place at times
the first time u go (for lit probably) he opens the door and ur greeted w the smell of disaster
like really it smells super bad
and hes frantic and panicky bc “i didn’t know how hard cooking was the tomato sauce is all burnt what did i do”
poor perfect boi is bad at cooking???
even surrounded w smoke and in a dirty apron he looks ADORABLE
and ur laughing and taking the saucepan off the stove for him, throwing his failure out and suggesting u just get some chinese
and he agrees w a sigh and ur like ur so dumb
and no ur definitely not trying to think abt how he wanted to cook for u
when u call him over u make spaghetti
red sauce
“wow so ur really out here triggering me like this”
“is it my fault ur an idiot sandwich”
“w o w”
he probably pouted and u probably made fun of it tho ur heart was crying 
so it goes on like this for a while
and ur always wondering ‘does this boy even like me like that’ bc he out here giving u so many signals but never making the move
like ur ass is never sure if he’s into u or just being nice
bc lets face it - im jaebum is the definition of nice
and its honestly getting kind of annoying
like pls tell me if u like me my heart cant take it much longer
u guys are at his, doing ur readings
you glance to the side and see jaebum reading intently, eyes flying over the words, relaxed and so sweet, a ray of light from the window falling on him and making his eyes radiate a dark brown
you dont even notice how long you’ve been staring until u hear his voice
“hello what r u doing”
“nothing! just,,,, you looked really pretty with the light falling on ur face. no i mean, look!! like, you’re pretty”
did u JUST 
"not that that means you’re not pretty at other times!! i mean,,, you’re pretty all the time and its honestly really crazy” WHY ARE U STILL TALKING
hes just.... staring at u in wonder
and ur lik e wow this is it, this is when the ground acc swallows me up and i die
when his face breaks into this beautiful smile
“you think i’m pretty?”
his voice is so soft and pure
u r, on the other hand, about to collapse from embarrassment
and just nod and its like the day in the library all over
and he’s still smiling when he says “y/n, i think you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen”
your stomach SWOOPS
“i’ve wanted to say that for the longest time” he breathes and you notice just how close he is
“thats just,, i mean wow i didn’t know...” u manage to say
he leans in a little closer and his hands r burning a hole resting on ur thighs
the light is very brilliant as his head dips lower, breath on ur lips until he fills the gap between you
and im jaebum is kissing you
you barely remember to respond, but when you do, he leaves light kisses on ur lower lip, hand coming up to cup ur cheek 
ur entire body is on fire as he draws you closer, your hands going into his hair and feeling for the first time how soft it was 
wow u had really dreamed about this huh
he draws back a little bit, face incredibly close to yours and asks u “is this okay?”
“more than okay, this is perfect” you press him closer and all else is forgotten
send in requests!
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could you do your ship your mutuals but with like a summer theme? Like what kinds of summer dates they would go on or what they would do in the summer and how it would go?
DAMN THIS GON BE LONG PREPARE URSELF! Bang Chan: When I think of Bang Chan i think of staying up really late at night and working really hard on a project or something so i would put him on a date with @bangchanmix !! i feel like rena ALSO DOESNT SLEEP MUCH (its 70% true she always asks me to sleep but think abt it, we live in the same country and its 2am ??? go to sleep rena) so like the date will be really casual like going out to the convenience store by han river and buying ramen + cheese sticks + beer and then eating it together. its probably like 1am by the time they went out so theres that cooling night breeze and the relaxing river in front of them oooooooooooooooo Woojin: SOFT BOY HAS TO GO ON A CAFE HOPPING / SHOPPING DATE WITH @stk0t9 !! I ACTUALLY THINK THEY'LL FIT VERY WELL BECAUSE OF HOW EASILY MADDY GETS SOFT AND SENTIMENTAL ABOUT EVERYTHING!! Maddy will capture lots of photos of the food and woojin and woojin trying out all sorts of outfits. Then after she takes a photo she'll stay silent for a moment and out of the blue "I really appreciate you and your beautiful face" and then scarfs down a pastry, woojin will just be taken aback by the sudden compliment and them scunches his face in a cute way AAAHHMinho: OK SO MINHO GOES ON A DATE WITH @minhomygod AND HE TAKES HER TO A ZOO,, hear me out hear me out,, they go to a petting zoo first and Rach will be excited to see all the tiny animals she can touch and then she goes to touch a like a goat or smth. BUT THE GOAT MAKES A NOISE AND RACH JUMPS. Minho will laugh his ass off BUT he'll guide her hand to help pet the goat and even feed it (smooth) after the petting zoo they'll go to the reptile section where u can just iMAGINE MINHO STANDING SO CLOSE TO ALL THE SNAKE EXHIBITS THAT HIS BREATH CAUSES CONDENSATION ON IT. "Rach, I want to take one of these snakes home" Rach will be uber done with him and drag his impulsive ass out of the snake exhibit so they can see more cute animals like otters! Changbin: SUMMER = HOT = I DONT WANNA BE OUTSIDE = LETS GO ICE SKATING! I feel like he'll bring @softspearb to an ice skating rink to escape being all sticky and sweaty in the hot weather. He'll try to show off how great he is at ice skating in front of Ty and fall on his ass. Ty laugh the H e C C out of the situation and then skates off without him (she's tryna make changbin chase her ;) ) Then Changbin stands up and skates as fast as he can and they'll be those people on the ice holding hands and circling around,,they'll do little games like binnie pulling ty behind him and vice versa, heh Hyunjin: Even though summer has the worst heat to wait under the sun in he'll probably still take @hyyunjinn to an amusement park HAHA, first Cici will lecture him about how hot as hell it is but then falls into Hwang Hyunjin's pout and will do whatever to keep that boy happy. Hyunjin probably buys a drink for her everytime she finishes one bc he lowkey feels guilty that he dragged her out to stand under the sun for a rollercoaster ride. I ACTUALLY DK IF CICI CAN HANDLE RIDES? BUT IF SHE CANT hyunjin will hold her hand really tightly every single time and then flashes that perfect smile "dont worry, I'm here" then squeezes her hand, cici probably screams anyways HAHAJisung: JISUNG AND @maaatryoshka GOING TO KAREOKE PLACE AND JUST SINGING THEIR CUTE LIL HEARTS OUT, imagine the amount of laughs they'll share when the other fails to hit a note. Erin will probably be shy to sing in the beginning but she'll start to warm up once she starts rapping to one of the Stray Kids songs in the machine (rmb when Erin rapped to Matroshyka damn) Jisung will be hella impressed then does a full bow infront of her. JISUNG THEN FIGHTS BACK BY SINGING I LIKE YOU BY DAY6 FOR HER but then his poor voice cracked and ruined the sweet moment aaaaww but erin loves him anyway, i envision them just drinking a lot of iced drinks and eating lots of potato chips that afternoonFelix: Y O, LEE FELIX AND @hey-hey-chan AT WATERPARKS!! Aussie boy probably loves his waterparks and i think kris just recently went to one?? All you can hear from them is just their damn screams as they slide down a waterslide, Kris will probably have to calm Felix everytime they take on a new ride bc Felix is hella scared and Kris is hella enjoying the fact that Felix is scared. She'll laugh at him for a second but then calm him down once they reach the splash pool. They'll go onto one of those waterslides where u race the other person and Kris will win the race and just tease Felix the entire day with "OH MY GOD I WON! I WON! I BEAT FELIX!" And the probably made a bet where the loser has to buy the winner food "I WON"Seungmin: OH MY LORD WHERE DO I START?? I think arcade dates suit Seungmin and he'll go with @busanjeongin OO A NEW CONCEPT!! Seungmin will definitely try to win a huge ass toy from the crane machine for Chewy but I feel like she's an arcade master and she'll win SO MANY TICKETS and get a huge teddy bear prize herself and give it to seungmin instead HAHAHA. They'll try to play the car racing games but then give up bc the both of them would end up last in the race and just play DDR the rest of the time they are there. OR OR OR if THERES A RHYTHM GAME SEUNGMIN CAN EXPOSE HIS SKILLS AS A RHYTHM MASTER AND SLAY HITTING THE BEATS EVERYTIME, CHEWY WILL GO TO THE TAIKO DRUM AND ALSO GET A PERFECT SCOREJeongin: *cracks knuckles* its time to put my baby fetus ( @doublekn0t ) together with him and make them go city sightseeing, I think the both of them are actually pretty mature for their age and they are hopefully RESPONSIBLE enough to not get lost! J will be using her map in phone and will be able to understand how to get to a location really quickly while Jeongin is struggling to hold the map right side up. THINK ABOUT IT, Jeongin will be using that cute hello kitty polaroid of his and take so many pictures of them together or J with a really pretty view in the background aaaawwww. They would probably be cautious walking into stores by themselves so they probably play rsp and the loser has to walk into the store first heh cuties
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theday · 6 years
mx in sg: the experience
FHJGDGHSHGFGGHD as usual starting off with the keyboard smash anyway! ill be talking about my experience seeing mx live yesterday (3/3) second part is abt when mx were on stage but its quite dry bc i dont remember much
ill be going in chronological order so [jooheon voice] lets get it
i was gonna meet my friend (karissa) at 3:30 because we were going to meet the person selling us our tickets at 4pm but that got delayed until like 5pm which was fine though
anyway i met her and we started queueing because although official queuing was supposed to start at 6pm they pushed it forward to 3pm (which was unfortunate for those who were busy and couldnt come until much later - the organizer never released an official statement saying the queuing started earlier) 
so as soon as karissa and i arrived at like. the place (near the venue) we got lost for about a whole 5 minutes lmao so i texted james asking him where the hell . they were and we made it and joined the queue immediately (we were the last few people of the second batch) 
we just sat there and. collected freebies and our banners (for the fan events) while we waited for the seller to come give us our tickets 
when they came i was like . fucking screaming because one of the seller was someone i knew from primary school (4 years ago) and i was likeudghdgghdhsh??????? that was the highlight of the daydhfhs
after we bought the tickets and shit we were slightly concerned they wouldnt work lmao but they did god bless
while we waited for the doors to open and stuff a group of people did dance covers of mx songs and later other groups too everyone was cheering for them which was nice fgfghdgh
the hype died down and we just waited quietly until it hit 6pm and i started listening to the day6 stream LMAO but after 4 songs i had to stop because suddenly everyone was standing up?? 
for nothing though because we sat down like 30 minutes later at around 7? 7:30? everyone stood up again and this time people were given wrist tag things u kno.. ya there were three (?) kinds i think gold for those who held a superfan ticket, pink for general admission and some other colour for those who got tickets for free and could sit on chairs dhdghs 
it was a free standing event in an outdoor space so superfan ticket holders got to stand closer to the stage? and those with general admission had to stand behind us and it was separated by a barricade 
we entered at like 8pm because we were the second batch (there was a third batch behind us) and it was already filled?? not exactly but from where we were standing we couldn’t really see the stage 
in the end we were in the middle which wasnt exactly the best but its definitely better than those standing all the way at the back rip 
i think at like 7:45 they started playing the music videos and everyone was shouting the lyrics it was cute i loved it but my throat told me to die after i yelled for like all of their mvsjhdgdghd 
also when all in played u bet my ass i jumped up and downdhg
also water wasnt allowed inside which i think is normal so i chugged mine down as fast as i could before entering (i had a little left and the lady let me in with it thanks queen) (i drank it all before they even came on stage)
the hype was real though and it was great 
when it hit 8:30pm the introduction video started and suddenly i was getting pushed forward and wow . dont go if ur not a fan of people invading your personal bubble. i wish fans had more sense to Not push around and stuff but what can we do rip 
other than that when they came out oh gOD when they came out i was likebfhgddgs??!?!??!?! i had to stand on my tip toes to see them
they started with beautiful and i was liek. dissociating i jsut sang along and shit it was amazing?????? 
the first person i saw was kihyun and then minhyuk?? i dont remember who else i saw but iw ss losing my fucking mind over how good everyone looked
anyway after that was um.............. fuck. .... i dont know..........
white love maybe? i think they did like an introduction of themselves ??
anyway ill figure the songs out later they started playing games i think or was that another time im bad at this clearly 
ask james for the details of the songs i dont remember shit from that i just remember singing along to the songs badly and moving my arm back and forthhfgsgh 
also team work makes the dream work because karissa was recording and i helped her to zoom in and ensure they looked human with the brightness and stuff fhjdgsgh 
but !! everyone did the fanchants really well it was so heartworming 
also during white love they made us do that one part u know the one and it was awesome!!!!! during white sugar they threw m&m’s and i got to get a good look at their faces without having to look at the screen!! 
honestly was good too god im so happie 
hm. they did a mon-story time and showed us pics from previous eras (trespass > i dnt remmeber fuck > beautiful world tour > mxray > first win) ?? might be wrong dghdgs and they talked about stuff that happened i blanked out though so i dont know what they said 
also when they flashed the first win part they started throwing hands @ each other usual mx shit dhjgsgd
we chanted monsta x and they chanted monbebe back at us :-( i love them
i think changkyun said he doesnt wnat to do another season of mxray LMAODHFGHHGS fucking loser 
the translator made me laugh he was super monotone fhgdghfsh
then they played mon-ccaso dghghfsh and drew what they wanted to eat with singaporean mbb!!
there was a bug in front of wonho and he got !!!! fhdgh cute .
shownu: ????? what was it ?? a drink it looked like a cocktail and kihyun was like “non alcoholic” dghffsgs
wonho: ice cream!!! hes so cute his drawing was so cute also he wrote monbebe before they announced the game his handwriting is so pretty tf
minhyuk: ramyeon lmao (in his words: traditional korean noodles) 
kihyun: uh oH HE DREW A CRABFGHGSHS and said chili and pepper crab!!!
hyungwon: he drew a shrimpfhggdgs fucking . it was so cute
jooheon: mandu!! or dumplings :D
anyway they talked about what they drew and when it came to minhyuk’s turn he was like guess and everyone just shit on him DHJDHSHG 
some examples: “hair” Gghdhg and some fans (including me) screamed cucumberhjfghgs let this man live 
minhyuk also tried to make fun of jooheons drawing but it failed bc none of us understood his joke
so they made us vote by screaming and they each stood up while holding their sketchbooks and we’d scream
winner was changkyun (i yelled my heart out and jumped bitch)
they did oppaya and i think there are fancams somewhere
then they made wonho do it hhdggs best 1 minute of my life
after that was uhh??????? brain machine broke i dont know im not even going in order anymore
they either did from zero first or the fan videos were shown first
if so the fan videos were of fans talking about how much they love/appreciate mx and it was sweet after that we raised our banners for the fan vid
and then the CAKE came for wonho and we sang happy birthday to wonho (kihyun asked us to sing once too at the start hjdghgsg we did that in english this time it was in korean) 
also funny hfgdhgs thing... they talked in korean and a lot of people replied in korean so they got shockedhfgh FUCJ DAY6 ok safe im listening now
i think they (minhyuk?) asked who thought/if he was handsome and got rly happie when we said yea
after him someone asked too LOLJHDGSG
back 2 whatever fdsh um oh yeah the cake was done to look like ramyeon in a pot :D ill add a link
wonho cut himself with the knife D-: babie 
he kept wanting to eat it though so hopefully he liked it 
maybe after that they did from zero???? ufhffghsgghdg idk
after that was hero!!!!!!! god we were all so pumped 
shine forever next 
and then they stopped to take a break i thinkfhgshgd 
at some point they asked fans (a jooheon stan and a wonho one) what songs they liked :-D the jooheon one said beautiful and the other said ill be there if im not wrong
they also made the rappers sing bits from some songs hfgsg i dont remember which songs tho hdhs
changkyun tried his besthjdg
they did their ending ment and went to dramarama!! 
after that it was silent for like 5 minutes max as we chanted mx and for encore
they came out and did ill be there (?) (first verse to chorus) and talked again before doing 5:14! 
they were dressed in casual tshirts which was a relief hjghgdh because it was reallly fuckng hot hdh changkyun mentioned the weather too sorry dude thats life
they waved at fans and played amongst themselves kihyun dumped water on jooheon LMAO i got a clear view of that
stay hydrated !
they just kept dumping water on each other i love a family :-D
and then they said bye and left
jooheon kept going byEE though dhgdhs hes so cute :-( 
ok heres what i thought abt the monstas themselves
kihyun looked especially good with that tie by the way 
jesus i got to see wonho with dark hair i truly. died
hyungwon was rly cute too when he interacted with the fans :-(
there was one time wonho smiled and it was caught on the screen i . felt my heart burst in that moment
alsowwhen minhyuk took center position for their choreos he has this ?? charisma ??? its amazong like the one smirk/grin he does u know that? yeah i saw it in beautoful and died
joohoen and changkyun also did their best hyping mbbs up by yelling to sing along and stuff ihdjgf i love them
this is just mx loving hours 
i didnt get to see jooheon much but he was so playful with minhyuk it was so cute!!!!!!! 
they all look so good and sound even better live!!! kihyuns adlibs god help me. 
i love them so much. i really do fhhdghghs im happy i went no more regrets and no more telling myself i didnt have a blast because i!!!! i loved every second of it even when i got someones hair stuck to my arm LMAO 
after it ended we immediately left for the exit andggdghs WOW standing up i was fine but moving?? moving was HELL my legs hurt so bad
ok so we got home and thats that but like.... heres where my self reflection comes in
so you dont have to read this part
i think. the reason i dont remember much is because.. i dont want to? like. at some point i got a clear view of wonho in the Flesh and i was thinkng about how i was really seeing them? for real????? and i got. really sad i think?? 
so to prevent myself from getting sad i probably tried to forget? everything?? theres also my bad memory of course but i cant even remember their faces i feel like its because im trying to forget or some deep shit 
anyway i think im also makig myself not be happy??? this is phrased v bad but its like im trying to kill the fun and only think abt the negatives of the whole event
which wasnt even much so its like. my minds blankfhjfhd
talking about it here helps though like i get to. share and actually talk about what happened so yeah i can say that i had fun even though i couldnt see them i had a blast singing along it was awesome
the only bad part was how i didnt like watching from the screens because it felt like i wasnt seeing them live?? ooMGHDDS DAY6 ARE DOING BETTTER BTTER
tldr; im not that upset over it now thank god and i can proudly say i had fun and although i cant remember much it was a great experience
thank you for coming to my tedtalk if you did <3
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Assassin!Seungcheol Pt 2 FINALE
THIS IS LONGER THAN WOLF!WONWOO BY 5 WORDS IM SCREAMING THIS IS OFFICIALLY MY LONGEST SCENARIO EVER!!!! bc i tagged her in part 1, im tagging @cheollies again bc she was one of the reasons why i was motivated ljdsfljdfl <3333 THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR WONDERFUL FEEDBACK IM SO SORRY ITS LATE!!! THIS IS A WILD RIDE AGAIN!! ENJOY THE FINALE MY CHILDREN!!!! <333333
warnings: some violence, references to part 1, my tears and anguish from completing this
Part 1 | Part 2 (Finale)
Two months.
That’s how long it had been since you had contacted him
You sighed as you stirred your coffee
Yep, you guessed it, in the same cafe that all the workers know you on a first name basis
Why do I keep coming back here? You glumly chided yourself, your cheek resting on your palm
You check your phone for the twentieth time that hour, wishing to have at least some notification about his whereabouts
Even if it’s something like “hey i’m safe and don’t look for me”
Bc all you need is just some validation that he’s okay,,,, but nothing. No texts, no calls, no “accidental” video calls, no “hey loser where are you” to check in where you are,,,, all you get is a black screen
Even though you practically have your lockscreen ingrained in your head from the amount of times you’ve seen it, you still can’t help but choke up a little
A blurry candid of seungcheol holding out his hand about to smear you with his ice cream mockingly stares back at you
You shake your head and get up your seat as you pack your things
You’re done. You’re done waiting. You gave him two whole freaking months, an entire 60 days. Sulking around waiting for someone to come back to you isn’t your forte.
And that will end today, you resolutely nod to yourself and start heading out the door.
“You what?!”
He sighs and holds his hand up, “Please. Don’t yell. It’s early.” He reaches his hand out for a biscuit
“How can you even nonchalantly eat breakfast right now??! Do you even understand what you’ve done?!” Joshua smacks his hand, dropping the biscuit
“Um hEY--”
“You made it this far without him suspecting anything, which is a major surprise and accomplishment. But it will bite you in the butt sooner or later, Cheols.” He briefly flinches at the name but Joshua is just prESSING the issue
“He’s gonna kill you. Not only you but probably her too. This is way too dangerous!”
“jOSHUA! Please! I know what I did, and I absolutely have no regrets.” He shakes his head, a faraway gaze in his eyes. “I’ve killed many people before, but I at least knew the gist of why I was. But she,,,, she’s just a pawn in my dad’s game,,, completely useless”
Joshua leans back in his chair and blinks slowly
“You love her. Don’t you,” he says more as a statement than an inquiry
He takes his silence as a definite answer and rubs his forehead. “Seungcheol…”
“Look, he’s been giving me regular jobs to do, you know the usual. He hasn’t caught on… yet… And he has much bigger things to worry about.”
“That doesn’t mean he’s not keeping tabs!”
He sighs, ready to cut off the conversation. “We’re done here--”
And there he sees
He freezes, the only thing moving is his eyes on someone’s figure
You walk down the street taking in the bustling city view
Your eyes flicker to a table outside a store a few blocks ahead
You stop and squint your eyes. That wasn’t… was it?
You rub your eyes but by then the two people sitting there disappeared
You shake your head and continue walking, completely convinced you’re getting delirious by the second
You finally disappear out of sight and only then does seungcheol let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding
“Dude,,,, you have to tell her at some point”
“I know… I know.”
You barge and storm in the office with your arms folded
“I need to find someone.”
Your father looks up from his paperwork, his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose
“Y/N… can this wait?”
“I have been for two months and I’m sick of it. I need you to hire someone to help me find them”
“Sweetie, I’m really busy--”
“Dad….. Dad please. I have to. I need to.”
“....fine. I’ll have my assistant deal with it”
And you’re like yES OMG ILY THANKS POPS
He tells you to go to his assistant’s office a little ways down the hall where you’re greeted by the typical warm person
“Hello, Ms. Y/N, I haven’t seen you in a while!”
“Hi jeonghan!!! Look I really need you to find someone asap”
“Ah, yes, your father just notified me about that just now,,,, well I’ll do my best to search for someone in our team. Give me until the end of the day today?”
And you’re like oh my god he’s willing to put this fIRST :’)))))
“Omg that’s actually really fast,,, don’t you have more important things to do? I can wait a few days if that’s the case,,,,”
“No no! Ahah it’s fine you just hang on tight, I will definitely get back to you shortly!”
You’re like oH MY GOD YAY JEONGHAN U ARE SO NICE AND THE BEST NO ONE CAN COMPARE and you promptly hug him before leaving
“Yeah,,,, nice,,, that’s all I’ll ever be,” he wistfully smiles and lets out a small sigh
You come back to the office later that night and Jeonghan is like i found one of our best investigators/hackers!!!!
You’re like omg aju nICE
You and the woman walk to her “headquarters,” is what she calls them when it's just the room she works in lmao
The moment you both get settled you make it crystal clear
“Choi Seungcheol.”
And obviously you tell her a little more about him lmao
All you can see is her fingers flying over the keyboard and tons of files filling the screen
She spends a few more minutes digging but she’s like sorry babe none of them fit your description
And you’re like that can’t be right,,,,,
“Can you check the surveillance cameras? On streets and stuff?”
You tell her the date, time, and location of when you last saw him and she dives into another search party
“hmmm -- i foUND SOMETHING”
You see when he kisses you and you have to shield your eyes away from the impact,,,, your chest suddenly feels heavier
She senses this and gently places her hand on top of yours
“,,,,I’m sorry. We’ll find him”
She follows the cameras once he heads home and she’s like ok well looks like he’s staying in this beat up motel
She reviews cams even up to present day and still sees him leaving and entering the building and you’re like ok i’m sold and start to get up
She puts a hand on your arm and is like uh wait honey you aren’t going alone
“Well who else is gonna go??”
“Me. I was physically trained sufficiently enough for a bodyguard position, so don’t sweat”
She stands up and starts rummaging through her makeshift closet to pull out 2 bulletproof vests
You look at her stunned before breaking out in a grin
“I’m game.”
“You went back on my orders? Do you know what position you’re in?!” He barks
Seungcheol trains his eyes on the floor and numbly responds, “I didn’t think there was a reason to kill an innocent person who has no involvement in this business. It’s her father, no?”
His dad sighs and rubs his temples. “Son, you follow. I command. I guess you’ll just have to face the consequences for not obeying me, your own father… Tsk,” he distastefully clucks his tongue. “You actually thought I didn’t know this entire time. I knew you didn’t kill her that night of your romantic doings”
“I know,,, It just happened,,,, I had to do it to get her to trust me” stop lying to urself cheols smh we and mr choi all know ur whipped
“Just please leave her alone.”
His icy chuckle sends shivers down Seungcheol’s spine for the first time
“Ohoho,,, you thought you were the one in trouble?”
Seungcheol looks up at him with his eyes narrowed in confusion
And then they narrow in fury
“You wouldn’t.”
“Oh, but I most certainly would.” does anyone get the reference lmao #tb to part 1
“What did you dO TO HER”
“Guess you’ll both find out. Shall we?”
“This,,,, is where he’s staying at?”
You look at the paint peeling off the sign “Stay Inn”
The hinges of the battered doors are about to come off
Two streetlamps flicker lazily, yellow light pathetically illuminating the parking lot
“The footage doesn’t lie,” she says as she takes a look around. “Room 114, let’s go”
You and her cautiously creep up in front of the door and then kick it wide open
“....No one’s here.” And you can’t help but feel a lil disappointed :((
Both of you are looking around his room for any sort of clues but it looks like any (less than) average hotel room with clothes scattered everywhere and plastic plates littered around the table
Eventually you both ditch the place and you’re about to call it a day when she abruptly stops you
“Wait. i heard something over there,” she subtly looks over at the other side of the street
You hold your breath as she discreetly scans around the area and then
“geT DOWN!” She pulls your arm down as she drops to the ground
Your ears are ringing from the gunshots from the one right next to you and the one on the other side
“We have to leave now!” She scrambles up and tries hiding behind parked vehicles on the curb as she pushes you to move
You’re able to run down only a couple of blocks when you see another group of men coming at you in the same direction
You look to your right and there’s also another group
She curses under her breath before pulling you to another direction, “this way!”
You have to weave through miscellaneous objects through alleys and garbage cans
You’re pushing your legs as fast as you can despite the growing burning sensation LOL I LOVE THAT ALBUM STAN TALENT STAN SF9
You’re about to collapse when someone tACKLES YOU FROM BEHIND
“Mmfdffmlfj!!!!” Your cries are muffled behind their hand
The last thing you remember is her voice calling your name
“Try again.” You can barely make out the words before the frigid water hits your face
You cough violently and open your eyes
“Ah, you’re finally awake.”
In the dimly lit room your eyes try to adjust to the dark shapes and what seems to be in some sort of empty abandoned building
The man gestures to someone to brighten up the place and only then do you take a good look at who’s in front of you
The infamous Mr. Choi staring back at you, the very man your father has talked about countless of times
“Bring him out,” he orders as he keeps his eyes locked with yours
You hear the heavy grunt of the metal door opening and you instantly hear a voice that you’ve spent this entire time searching for
“Let.. me… go!” He spits out as he attempts to wriggle out of the men’s grips
He looks up and it’s all that takes him to still again
Your disheveled wet hair sticking to the edges of your face, the top you bought in the mall that one day now drenched in water, the dismay in your eyes
His breath gets caught in his throat before he angrily turns to his father and fumes, “Why is she here? Why did you bring me?”
He chuckles and strides to you with every menacing step
“Didn’t I say you would both find out?” He traces your jaw and you have to use every fiber of your body to not vomit on his polished Prada leather dress shoes
Seungcheol grits his teeth and violently thrashes around in their grip around him
Your breathing gets heavier as his hand drifts down to your neck
“Would be a shame to end things here… wouldn’t it?” He laughs before whipping out a gun from his pocket
“But let’s just cut out the games. You were meant to die on that night, but my idiot of a son couldn’t do it.” He points the head right in front of you
“So i’ll do it in his stead. Any last words you wanna exchange?” He gestures to you and his son
You look around to find any way out but all the entrances are utterly blocked by his guards
You slowly turn around to the rustling noise
“Stop it, Seungcheol…. Don’t act like you care.”
He looks at you in bewilderment and scoffs, “Act? You think I’m acting? I nearly risked my life to save yours! And this is just,,,, acting?”
“You were supposed to kill me that night. And you didn’t. That was your biggest mistake. You should have just ended things, not like the pathetic way you did over the phone,” your voice slightly faltered.
“It wasn’t a mistake! I wanted you to get away from this, to get away from me! Why can’t you understand that?” He was in disbelief; he practically saved you!
“You’re right. It was a bigger mistake on my end that I believed I mattered for once in my life.” He softens his facial expressions when you look up at him with a dead stare. “Y/N….”
You numbly turn back at the gun pointed in front of you
“So? Aren’t you gonna do it?”
He laughs at your provocation and merely shrugs
“If you say so”
You hear him loading the gun and just when you anticipate a bullet firing, you hear one but from behind you
The entire building is in chaos and smoke and dirt fill your vision
“Seungcheol!” Joshua and Junhui along with a whole team invade the space
He only points towards you and yells over the noise to have them focus on your safety
They nod and send the team over to help you get out of the guards’ grip
Joshua, Junhui, and 2 others are staying back to help Seungcheol as the rest of the group rushes to your side
As he’s ducking with his arms over his head, he pulls out his gun and manages to skim Minghao’s arm
He curses and holds his wound together while shouting something to another member
Soonyoung kicks the gun out of Mr. Choi’s hands as Jihoon and Seungkwan lock his arms with handcuffs
Two people who quickly introduce themselves as Wonwoo and Mingyu are on both of your sides with their arms wrapped around your shoulders
They’re talking so quickly that all the coherent words you can hear are “get” “you” “safety” “right now”
“Seungcheol??” You look at both of them, but neither are meeting your gaze
“He told us to get you first. He’ll be fine,,, he has the rest of the guys there”
“But what if he’s hurt?!”
Wonwoo quickly looks back at his shoulder and sees a few of the guards running after them
“There’s no time! We have to go right now!”
You finally burst out into the open chilly night air and make a beeline for the waiting van parked outside
They push you in first and once Mingyu slides in he immediately slams the door shut. “fLOOR IT!!!”
Vernon slams on the gas pedal and you’re off
The entire car ride is silent save for the heavy breathing from the adrenaline pumping through everyone
Wonwoo, the closest one next to you, puts his hand reassuringly on your knee
“We’re taking you to our headquarters, which is essentially our hideout,,, you’ll be safe there, I promise”
Still staring out the window, you numbly nod as he slowly removes his hand
When you arrive there, you do what they told you to: cleanse, get dressed, and hold on tight as they find a way to contact her father
After a somewhat relaxing shower, you emerge from the bathroom wearing a baggy shirt underneath a hoodie up to mid-thigh and sweats that were left outside of the door when someone named Chan knocked on it earlier
You walk to the living room where everyone is gathered around a circle talking about different methods of communication with everyone
“Oh, Y/N,” Wonwoo gets up and jogs to you. “Feel free to get something from the kitchen to eat. You can hang around the front or the back, but it’s really dark and cold, so we don’t want anything more bad to happen”
You flicker your eyes from his face to the other 3 on the couches
They slightly wave to you with a small smile and continue their discussion
You nod and thank him before heading to the kitchen
You grab an ice cream bar and a bottle of water before heading out to the front
You sit on a bench and look up at the starry night sky
Just earlier this morning, you were resolute to find him
And now fast forward to the end of the day, you were with his coworkers at their hideout
As you finish up your dessert, you brush yourself off and take a look around the area
You go around to the back and see a picnic table with folding chairs all over the yard
As you approach the table, you see a few polaroids that seem to be too familiar
“Wait… this was when we went to the cafe….”
You flip over each picture and see scribbles of writing on them
“The ice cream wasn’t as sweet as her”
You flip over each picture and see more writing similar to the caption before and realize all of the pictures are of you
The last one you flip over is the last night you saw him
He took a picture of you talking to your cousin,,,, you slowly turn over the picture
“This could have been me…”
“There you go again.”
You quickly put down the picture and slowly turn towards the voice
Seungcheol, all battered and bruised, is standing just 10 feet away
Cuts and scrapes are all over his face and arms, his clothes ripped and dirtied
He slowly walks towards you and you can’t help but to lean against the table for support
“Do… what?”
He stops in front of you, his face only inches away from yours
“Being irresistible. We’re not even together yet and you’re already wearing my clothes?”
“What makes you think we’re going to get together? Do you always want to kill your potential girlfriends?”
He gently places his hand on your chin and turns your head to face him
“No. Do you always go on a spontaneous hunt for a guy and end up almost dying?”
“That’s not fair; I didn’t know you were caught up in this shady stuff!”
“....Are you gonna walk away from it? From me?” He looks at you, a hint of desperation and anxiety in his eyes. “That’s exactly why I told you to forget about me”
You place both of your hands on his face, caressing his cheeks. “If we’re gonna make this relationship work, we’re gonna have to go over some rules about secrets”
He lights up at the word “relationship” and you can’t help but smile at his childlike grin
“You gotta stop that too”
He’s like ??? what do you mean
“Being vulnerable.” And you both seal your promises with a lingering kiss that tastes like coffee ice cream
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lostmystyx · 7 years
All the numbers
someone else sent me 18 but like im answering them all here (fifty years later) so
1. Do you have a chum handle? What does it mean?
i came up w geneticArticulate a while ago?? bc i thought i needed it to have The Letters yknow and i was pretentious but now if i had one itd be satansTherapist tbh
2. Is your username homestuck related/have you had one hs related?
this one isnt buuuut all my others are lmao
3. Do you call your s/o a matesprit?
nah ive picked up the word datemate from homestuck tho and thats pretty terrible but like its a good gender neutral word
4. Do you call your best friend your moirail?
what best friend tbh
5. Are you “kin” with any characters or commonly called a character?
i only have the slightest understanding of what kin even is
6. God Tier?
he ck i dont know man i bounce a lot but currently im thinking mb seer of heart?? not sure tho dont hold me to that
7. Do you make HS fanart?
SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION TIME @askthedirectoroftime @askmerdavesprite @askyourmergodhussie FOLLOW ME BITCHES
8. Do you make hs fanfiction?
yeahhhh but i dont post it v often if at all
9. Do you roleplay homestuck? where and how often?
all the time. constantly. its how i met u and its how i met dave n how i met cal and i love it a lot?? but parps kinda gone to shit lately and its getting harder and harder to score an rp, and i hate trying to rp on tumblr (not gonna promo my rp blogs bc theyre awful) bc of how much effort it takes to send a new reply, and on cherubplay everyone ditches your rp within a week. ive had discord recommended to me but i dunno how to get started on that thing. 
10. Do you cosplay homestuck characters? Who and where?
heck yeAH i do!! ive been trying to go to more and more cons this year, and im excited to do even more next year!! hopefully some meet ups too lmao. ive made so many super rad friends through cosplay and its been a really great experience so far. so far ive cosplayed… (gonna censor the names so it doesnt end up in the tags) s*llux, arad*a, vr*ska, god tier m*tuna, kurl*z, cr*nus, arad*asprite, d*vepetasprite, dave, god tier j*hn, rose, dirk, hal, bro, abro, dad, sp*des sl*ck (with the most lovely ms pa*nt), and i JUST finished my jude! im almost done w my tr*llcop s*llux and d*amonds dr*og, and im working on a*mless renegade! suuper excited to cosplay him tbhh. ive done a lot of group cosplays this year, like i did a beta/alpha kids group, sc*urge sisters, pa*ntslick, and a h*veswap group! i post my pictures on instagram, but i dont hand out my instagram to ppl i dont know personally and well.
11. Are you apart of ask blogs?
@askthedirectoroftime @askmerdavesprite @askyourmergodhussie fOLLOW ME I NEED ATTENTION
12. Are you in any homestuck groups?
what does this mean
i have,, groups of friends ive met through homestuck??
i have some cosplay groups??
i was once part of a two separate askblog groups and ditched them both bc i wasnt a fan??
ive never been a part of a hs discord server??
13. Favorite character?
fuCK idK i relate a lot to john and dave is my baby and i lOVE messing w abros character and d*vesprite is wonderful and dirks a loser and kark*ts a sweetheart but i dk man idk probably john or dave
14. Least favorite character?
f*feri. i think her character was brilliantly done but this fucking fandom doesnt know shit about her and i despise it. or, g*mzee, for the same general reason. mb kankr*, for the same general reason. i love all of the characters in homestuck, but some the fans have really made me hate seeing.
15. OTP?
d*vekat tbhhh but listen okay d*rkjohn, lately, has been my fucking everything give me the depressed assholes im here for it
16. NOTP?
any kinda pedophillia incestual bullshit pls get that out of my house i dont want it i dont like it go fuck urself but other than that catch me leaping away from that d*vejade i dont even have a good reason for why i dont like it i just?? dont for some reason 
17. BROTP?
but i also lOVE psii and bro??? so much??? why isnt there more content tbh
and he ckin abro and (fanon) bro ofc is a wonderful thing that gives me life
18. Do you want homestuck to just die already?
19. Are you following up with hiveswap? Do you play? Watch YT videos?
i bought it the day it came out and played it all and finished my jude cosplay the day after and me n two buddies did tr*zza xefr*s and jude on halloween and one of my pals is working on finishing her joey rn n were gonna do the thing joey is my sweet precious bby and jude is a Good Boy who deserves the best n u will pry this game from my cold dead hands
20. Tell us how homestuck has effected you in real life?
ohmygod ive met so many amazing friends through homestuck?? and i think ive found a really amazing community in the cosplay community, and cosplay has helped me a lot with making new friends and starting conversations with strangers and getting the courage to go to new things where i dont know anyone and navigating stuff on my own- and OFC, bc of my askblogs my art has improved so fucking much??? its actually insane?? and ive seen so many huge inspirations in this community that make me want to create more beautiful things every day
21. Have you met anyone through homestuck?
uh yEAH ive met t o n s of wonderful amazing ppl through homestuck and im not gonna list them all bc ive been here all day but i love them all and theyre amazing wonderful ppl whether i met them through roleplay or askblogs or cosplay or whatever u guys r wonderful
22. Have you left the fandom before?
nope im here forever
23. How many times have you read through it?
only the once tbh but ive been meaning to go back and read through it again and like,,, rlly study the characters u kno?? bc the fanon rlly makes u forget so much about what happened and also knowing how things end up rlly puts things in perspective when you go back
24. Did you ever skip intermissions/dialog/animations?
never and ppl who do need to get off my blog dont talk to me or my thousand green frog sons ever again
25. Opinions on the fandom?
there are so many amazing artists in this community that are rlly just amazing and inspiring and i love being here because of it, and ive met so many AWESOME fucking people through it, and i love going to cons as a homestuck just because of the instant community you find i think its beautiful. but, at the same time, there are a lot of awful nasty toxic fuckheads in this community who can frankly burn.
26. Opinions on the comic?
amazing?? glorious?? beautiful?? gay vampire n goth girl wedding?? canon nb chara?? aracial charas?? total freedom of hcs?? g ay?? approaching serious issues like child abuse and depression in a serious and healthy yet lighthearted way?? egg?? dealing with embarrassment related to past choices?? gay?? incredible music?? amazing art?? awesome animation?? stupid as hell?? amazingly flushed out and dynamic characters and relationships?? wonderful?? my everything??
27. Do you favor the trolls, humans, or carapaces?
i definitely have a serious leaning towards the humans im gonna be completely honest here what can i say im a sucker for them str*londes and my boy john
28. Favorite moment of all of homestuck?
just. the whole d*vekat arc. their relationship is so good n healthy n just?? aaaa?? oR. johns slow descent into depression. i cried. im a mess. but honestly also i love a lot of just the ridiculous bullshit at the beginning with john fucking around and how upset he gets over dumb things i love john
29. Least favorite moment of all of homestuck?
the whole mess with aran*a and jake and jane it was well done and i admire hussie so much but it was so well done that it made me uncomfortable reading it
30. Tell us a homestuck based story.
there was a tournament arena thing at a con i went to and i was playing sharks and minnows with a whole bunch of cosplayers but it had a twist and that twist was you tagged people with swords
imagine a whole bunch of nerds running back and forth in a fenced in rectangle with a line of nerds in the middle trying to smack them with swords
got that image in your head? good
so i was dressed as hal that day and me and a dirk were the only homestucks playing and we were totally into it and our characters and generally goofing off and going back and forth teasing each other yknow
and i was a shark and he went running by and i fucking nailed him right in the crotch (on accident) and he went fucking down (he was okay tho the sword was basically a pool noodle) and thats the time i hit a dirk in the dick with a sword as hal
31. How homestuck related is your blog?
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