chemicalmagecraft · 4 years
The Gamer Hero, Deku Chapter 28
A/N: Sorry about the wait. I made a new fanfic (btw if you like ATLA but think it needed more deadly airbending ninjas check out A Black Wind Howls) aaand then college started back up...
I opened my eyes and deactivated my Quirks and skills, stepping on the perfectly generic object with one foot and jumping off a moment before it fully dissolved. "That was way smoother than it had any right to be," I muttered as I checked the time. About an hour had passed since I entered my mindscape. Huh. It felt like it was longer than that. Maybe time passes faster in the mindscape? I checked the text boxes that had popped up while I was meditating. It looked like the menus I'd tried to open when in my mindscape had opened in reality, for one... I closed them and looked at the ones that were left over.
Your WIS has increased by one! (x4)
Your DEX has increased by one!
Your CON has increased by one!
Shock Sphere (Active) LV1 EXP 1.49% MP 100
That was surprisingly good for an hour of meditation. Especially because neither of my stat boosts were set to WIS. I guess stumbling around in one's own mindscape is a great method of self-discovery. For one thing I decided I should probably stop raising All Might on such a high pedestal. Maybe I'd ask him if I could call him Yagi-sensei?
I shrugged. "I wish I could talk to the past bearers in the real world, though. They were really nice. Plus having seven seasoned heroes that I can ask for advice at any time would be really handy. Too bad I can't just invite them to my party." I thought about that for a minute. "Actually, can I do that?" I recited the party invitations and crossed my fingers. One by one they appeared in my party window and I opened up the voice chat.
"So is this how your party ability works?" Kaizen asked.
"Honestly I didn't think that would work," I said, "but I'm really glad it did."
"We're glad it worked too, kid!" Daigoro added.
I laughed. "Thanks! There are probably going to be times when I can't talk and have to use the text chat, and other times where I'll have to disband the party temporarily, but you guys don't mind keeping me company, do you?"
I heard Shimura chuckle. "I don't mind at all. And I'm sure the others don't either."
"I'd be glad to keep you company," Honenuki said.
"Better than playing another of Ichigo's stupid games," Hikiishi added.
"Hey!" Ichigo said indignantly.
"They are fun, but it does get old sometimes..." Sokolov muttered.
"Not you too!"
I laughed. This was going to be great.
Bakugou Katsuki: youre real fuckin blase bout the voices in your head deku
Shigaraki Ichigo: To be fair we are actual people and we can only be voices in his head using his Quirk.
I'd decided that, because Kacchan already knew about One For All, I would tell him about the past bearers. I did it on the morning of the day that we were going back to Yuuei. He was surprised, but almost immediately shrugged and said, "You know what, this might as well fucking happen." Currently we were on the train to Yuuei.
Hikiishi Jiroku: if you think about it, we're like ghosts haunting your friend.
Bakugou Katsuki: oh like thats so much better
I saw a young girl with bright eyes staring at us out of the corner of my eye. "Mommy, it's the magic people!" she shouted to a woman next to her that I assumed was her mother.
"Don't bother them, Chi-chan," the woman said.
"Are you talking about us?" I asked the girl.
She gasped. There were stars in her eyes. Literally. "Yeah! I watched you guys on the sports festival! Your fight was awesome!"
Kacchan smirked at the girl. "You know it, kid."
She bounced on her feet. "Yeah! You guys were all like bam, pow, woosh!" The rest of the people on the train were starting to look at us. The girl pouted. "I wanna be a cool hero like you guys, but my Quirk is dumb..."
"I'm sure your Quirk is great!" I objected.
"All I can do is make my eyes glow."
"Well I mean for one thing you can probably use it to see in the dark." Kacchan said.
"That's the only way I can use it, though!"
"I wouldn't be too sure," I said. "Can you control how bright it is?"
She nodded. "It's hard, but if I try really hard I can make it as bright as a flashlight for a bit."
I put my hand on my chin. "I'd bet that even All Might would be thrown off if someone he was fighting randomly shined a flashlight in his eyes. And if you practice really hard you should be able to make them even brighter." I poked Kacchan. "Believe it or not, when his Quirk first came in all he could do was make little pops."
"Just make sure not to hurt yourself practicing," Kacchan reminded her. "Quirk strain is not fun. I mean, mine was probably a lot fu- a lot worse than yours would be because it's caused by explosions and not glowing, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful."
The girl nodded excitedly.
"And be careful in general," I said. "Hero work is dangerous. I suggest you learn martial arts or something like that if you really want to be a hero."
"Like you're one to fuc-" Kacchan caught himself before swearing. "Like you're one to talk, Deku."
"Fair enough. You should also try to learn some magic. It's a lot more versatile than Quirks, plus you can probably enhance your Quirk with magic." I winked. "Just be mindful of property damage."
She beamed at us. "Yeah! I will!"
Her mother smiled. "Thank you. She loves heroes."
I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head. "It's actually pretty flattering."
"Yeah, I got my first fan!" Kacchan said. He reached over to give the girl a high five. She looked really grateful, so I gave her a high five too.
"Thank you both sooo much!"
"Damn, this is some heavy rain," Kacchan muttered from under his umbrella while we were walking to Yuuei.
"What bad luck, huh?" I said. I also had an umbrella, but at the same time the water was subtly avoiding me so I didn't even get slightly wet. Having so many elementals can be very convenient.
"What are you two doing, you're going to be late!" Iida shouted at us from behind. He was wearing a poncho and jogging.
"What the fuck are you doing, Glasses!?" Kacchan shouted. "This is not the fucking weather for a nice morning jog!"
"There is no wrong weather for a nice morning jog!" Iida shouted as he passed us.
We managed to catch up to him in the entrance hall. "I heard about your brother, Iida," Kacchan told him while he was putting his boots in his locker. "If you need to talk to someone about it... well you probably shouldn't talk to me, but I speak from experience when I say that Inui-sensei is very willing to help."
"Inui-sensei?" I inquired.
Kacchan grunted, blushing slightly. "Hound Dog," he muttered.
"I appreciate your words, but I don't need to talk about it," Iida said as he closed his locker door.
"Iida, it's okay to not be okay," I said. "It doesn't make you any less strong. Even All Might has his bad days."
"Thank you, Midoriya," Iida said as he started to walk away. "But I'm okay. I promise."
I frowned at his title.
I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
LV 36
Iida Tenya
"I'm gonna have to press X to doubt that one," I said after he was gone.
"Deku I know you have that whole gamer hero thing going on but that joke was so fucking terrible I think I'm legally obligated to give you a wedgie," Kacchan told me.
"Please don't."
"I have a few announcements before today's business," Aizawa-sensei said, acting like normal and not at all mentioning the fact that he was wearing, with the exception of the same scarf and possibly the goggles hidden under it, an entirely new hero costume. He kept the original color scheme, but his outfit looked like it was inspired by a more close combat-oriented fantasy wizard that wouldn't look out of place in a JRPG at all, complete with a wizard hat and a collapsible bo staff holstered on his belt that Observe told me was made with an experimental design that let it more effectively channel magic. He was also clean-shaven for once, though he still had the dark bags under his eyes. It made that scar he got from the USJ incident stand out a little more.
"First," he pointed to Shinsou, who was standing awkwardly next to him, "we have a new student. Make him feel welcome or whatever. Now sit down, Shinsou. There's an empty seat behind Midoriya."
"Congratulations, Shinsou!" I told him with a smile when he sat down. "I knew you'd get in!"
"Thanks," he said, then looked at Aizawa-sensei. "Was he always wearing that weird martial artist wizard outfit?"
"No, that's new. Scarf's the same, though."
"I thought so."
"If you're all done talking," Aizawa-sensei said menacingly. "We're having a very important hero informatics lesson today." He grinned evilly. "Pay attention, because this could affect your entire hero career." A terrified murmur broke out in the classroom.
"This is not what I was hoping for my first day..." Shinsou muttered.
Kacchan, who was sitting in front of me, looked back at him. "Eh, don't worry. Aizawa-sensei's just a fucking drama queen like that. Watch, he's gonna say that this is just us picking our hero names." He pointed at Aizawa-sensei.
"You'll be picking code names today," he confirmed, as if on cue. The class cheered, causing him to glare at us with his Quirk activated. His hat floated slightly before he turned it back off. "This isn't just for fun. You'll be going on a work study soon, so naturally you'll be needing a hero name to go by. Are there any questions?"
Kaminari raised his hand. "Why are you wearing a wizard outfit?"
"Are there any questions about the work study?" Aizawa-sensei glared at him.
"Is there any reason behind the work study?" Shinsou asked.
"It's meant to give you guys hands-on experience with hero work. Also, more than a few of you have already gotten a lot of draft picks from hero organizations already. Usually those offers are given to second and third years, who are more experienced, but there have been several unique circumstances for your class." He pressed a button on his remote, bringing up a list on the smartboard. "These are the offers that were extended to 1-A."
"Oh wow," I thought. My name was on the top of the board and I had almost five thousand offers!
"Congrats, Midoriya!" Shimura shouted through the party chat.
"Yeah, that's something to be proud of, I'm assuming..." Ichigo added.
"Good job, kid," Hikiishi said.
I sniffed and wiped the tears off my face... and desk... I thanked them over the text chat and looked at the rest of the board. Kacchan was below me at a little over four thousand offers. Aoyama, Todoroki, and Uraraka were next below us at around two thousand each. Iida, Tokoyami, and Kaminari had offers in the hundreds. Sero, Yaoyorozu, and even Shinsou had a few too.
"Don't worry, those of you who didn't get any offers," Aizawa said. "There are hero organizations that work with Yuuei to give students who don't have any offers work studies. And as I said, usually only second and third years get offers. So I'm sure you'll get at least a few by next semester."
"And that's what the hero names are for!" Hagakure blurted out.
Aizawa nodded. "That's right. Technically you can change your hero name at any time, but once you start getting popular chances are the public is going to call you the same name even if you change your name, unless it's accompanied by serious rebranding or something like that."
"Oh, is that what the wizard outfit is for?" Ashido asked.
Aizawa glared at her for a prolonged period of time. "No. Comment. Because having a good hero name before you even debut is so important..."
Midnight-sensei strutted through the door and stood next to Aizawa. "Yuuei strongly encourages the teachers of the hero course to organize a workshop session for their students before their work studies so they don't call themselves something dumb like, oh, I don't know... Eraserhead?"
"Fuck you, Nemuri," Aizawa muttered, causing Midnight to wink and stick her tongue out at him. He sighed and pulled a folding chair and some small dry erase boards out from behind his podium. "Midnight here is going to make sure the names we pick are all right. The annoying thing with hero names is that whatever you pick tends to end up reflecting on your hero career, so choose carefully."
"Wait, are you picking out a hero name, too?" Kaminari asked.
Aizawa grunted and started handing out the dry erase boards. "Against my better judgement I decided, for multiple reasons actually, to adopt a more public hero persona," he explained.
"WHAAAT!?" almost the entire class shouted at once.
"Yeah, yeah. 'Course, I need a new name for it, and the timing lined up so I unfortunately had the 'brilliant' idea of participating in this exercise with you guys, for solidarity or whatever." When he was done with the dry erase boards he put his folding chair next to Uraraka and sat down. "So for the next however long, just think of me like a fellow student. Plus Ultra or whatever."
I uncapped my dry erase marker and stared at the board. What kind of hero did I want to be? What kind of name did I want to have? I had a flash of inspiration, but... I sent Kacchan a message with my Quirk. I wanted his opinion on it.
He turned back to me. "Really?" he asked. I nodded. "Well I can see where you're coming from with that," he shrugged. "If ya really want to, go for it."
I wrote down my idea and waited for everyone else to be done. Kacchan looked like he was having a bit of trouble, but shooed me off when I asked if he needed help.
"And now you'll be presenting your hero names, starting with who's done!" Midnight said after more than a few of my classmates had put down their markers. Nobody said anything, but the air tensed when she said that. "Of course you have to present them!" she said with a grin. "If you can't stand proud and present your name to your own peers, how are you going to stick to it in the face of the public?"
Okay that made me a little nervous, but I shook it off. I was about to volunteer myself for the first presentation, but Aoyama and Aizawa both stood up before I could.
"I shall go first!" Aoyama glittered as Aizawa muttered, "Let's get this over with."
Aizawa sighed. "After you, kid."
"Thank you, my wonderful teacher!" He strutted up to the podium and stylishly revealed the name he wrote on his board. "'Shining Hero: I Can Not Stop Twinkling!' That means that you can't stop my sparkles!" As he said that, literal sparkles bloomed into existence around him. Honestly that was about what I was expecting from him.
"I like it, buuut maybe take out the 'I' and shorten 'Can Not' to 'Can't?'" Midnight suggested.
"Yes! That's perfect, mademoiselle!" Aoyama beamed.
"That's a good name?" Shinsou snarked under his breath.
"I don't know," I said, "I think it's kind of a nice name."
"Because you're a fucking sap," Kacchan added.
I shrugged. "Maybe a little."
Aizawa sighed. "Well, I guess that means I'm next." He walked up to the podium unenthusiastically and lifted up his board. "Magician Hero: Grimalkin," he read, blushing slightly. He'd put a cute little cat paw print on the end where a period would be.
"Ah, like the witch's familiar from Macbeth!" Yaoyorozu said.
Aizawa nodded. "Yes, exactly."
"I love it!" Midnight shouted. "Cute, but still bold!"
"Thanks," Aizawa muttered as he walked away from the podium.
"Now, do we have any more volunteers?" Midnight asked.
Kacchan got up. "I might as well get this over with too." He presented his name. "The Explosion Hero: Grenadier."
"Excellent! It's simple, striking, and goes with your hero outfit's theme!" Midnight commented.
"Thanks, teach." Kacchan said. "I figured it'd be way better than my first idea."
"What would that be?"
"King Explosion Murder."
Midnight winced. "Yeah, Grenadier's a lot better. Next!"
Shinsou nodded and got up to the podium. "I'm afraid it might be a little dark, but... Control Hero: Mindjack."
Midnight nodded with a grin. "I can see your concerns, but it's perfectly fine. Better than King Explosion Murder, at least."
"You're welcome for the example, I guess," Kacchan grumbled.
"Now, who wants to go next?" Midnight asked.
I stood up. "I'd like to," I said. I walked up to the podium, took a deep breath, and showed the class my dry erase board. "The name I decided on is the Gamer Hero: Deku."
A/N: The naming session went about the same as it did in canon from that point onward, just without Midoriya, Bakugou, and the grape.
Originally I was going to make this chapter longer but then I realized that ending the chapter on the first time the name of the fic is cool.
Elemental list: Midoriya: Halitus, Dune, Rayne, Blaise, Juniper, Mifuyu, Raimon, Iggy, Sonia, and Claude Bakugou: Pyra and Leaf Tokoyami: Corvo Uraraka: Nebula and Ion Hagakure: Lucy Tsu: Bubbles Aizawa: Charlie and Cassiopeia All Might: Seth O'Scope
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