saturncodedstarlette ยท 1 year
Ghost, washing the dishes : If there is such a thing as true love, Iโ€™m sure Iโ€™ll never find it.
Y/N, on the couch, reading a book with their cat sprawled over them : Oh, donโ€™t worry! Iโ€™m sure that youโ€™ll find it someday.
Ghost, lets out a huff as heโ€™s drying his hands :
Ghost, turn around to them : Right, as if such a miracleโ€”โ€”
Y/N, bathes in golden sunlight from the window of their living room, illuminated skin before him :
Y/N, smiling like a sunflower thatโ€™s just bloom from the sun that flourishes them : Maybe, you and I can find it together!
Ghost, staggered to silence from their natural beauty :
Ghost, under his breaths : I think I found it.
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