claubenaventer · 4 months
El Consejo Nacional de Áreas Protegidas -CONAP. como ente encargado de dirigir y coordinar el Sistema Guatemalteco de Áreas Protegidas -SIGAP-, y de administrar la diversidad biológica de la nación, con el fin de mejorar el patrimonio natural del país, inició la segunda fase del Proyecto Consolidación del Sistema Guatemalteco de Áreas Protegidas, denominada Life Web II. El proyecto tiene como objetivo establecer una red de áreas protegidas que conservan la biodiversidad y los recursos naturales vinculados a ella en la Cadena Volcánica del Altiplano Central y Occidental, proyectando atender en el marco del mismo la conservación de más de 11 mil hectáreas, beneficiando mediante la compensación por conservación a aproximadamente 124 mil personas (24 mil familias) en los departamentos de Chimaltenango, Sololá, Totonicapán, Quetzaltenango y San Marcos, con una cooperación financiera de 10 millones de euros, para invertirse hasta finales de 2026. Para promover la conservación de la diversidad biológica, el proyecto Life Web II establece un sistema de compensaciones económicas que puedan ser implementadas por medio de proyectos sostenibles. Las áreas protegidas elegidas para el programa son áreas protegidas bajo la categoría de Reservas Naturales Privadas de manejo comunitario y Parques Regionales Municipales.  Durante los días del 08 al 10 de mayo del presente año, el CONAP recibió la visita de la Misión conformada por personal del Banco de Desarrollo KfW por lo cual se realizó una gira de trabajo conjunta que consistió en visitar áreas protegidas elegidas por el Programa, además se realizaron reuniones con alcaldes y COCODES, la Misión estuvo conformada por la Dra. Kathrin Gütschow, el Ingeniero Henning Peter, equipo de GITEC y el equipo del CONAP liderado por el Secretario Ejecutivo del CONAP Igor De la Roca. En el Altiplano Occidental serán compensadas 6 mil 75 hectáreas en las siguientes áreas protegidas: Parque Regional Municipal Quetzaltenango, Categoría de Manejo IV, ubicado en el Municipio de Quetzaltenango, 2,000 ha. a compensar Parque Regional Municipal Zunil, Categoría IV, en el Municipio de Zunil, 950 ha. a compensar. Parque Regional Municipal Los Altos de San Miguel Totonicapán, Municipio de Totonicapán, Categoría de Manejo IV, 1700 ha. a compensar. Parque Regional Municipal Sibinal, Categoría de Manejo IV, Municipio de Sibinal, San Marcos, 425 ha. a compensar. Zona de Veda Definitiva Volcán Chicabal ASAECO, área legalmente declarada, en el Municipio de San Martín Sacatepéquez, Quetzaltenango, 100 ha. a compensar. Parque Regional Municipal Concepción Chiquirichapa, Municipio Concepción Chiquirichapa, Quetzaltenango, 900 ha. a compensar. En el Altiplano Central, serán compensadas 5,702.73 hectáreas en las siguientes áreas protegidas. Parque Regional Municipal  Mirador Rey Tepepul, Santiago Atitlán, Sololá, 2,500 ha. Parque Regional Municipal Astilleros de Parramos, Parramos, Chimaltenango, 153.73 ha. Parque Regional Municipal  Cerro Panan, San Juan La Laguna, Sololá, 381 ha. Parque Regional Municipal Astilleros de Tecpán, Tecpán Guatemala, Chimaltenango, 150 ha. Parque Regional Municipal Astillero Joya Grande, San Pedro Yepocapa, Chimaltenango, 2,391 ha. Parque Regional Municipal Cerro Papa´a, San Marcos La Laguna, Sololá, 127 ha. Durante la visita de campo realizada, los comunitarios hicieron énfasis en la importancia de las áreas protegidas en la prestación de servicios ecosistémicos hacia la población, especialmente al recurso hídrico, el oxígeno, regulador del clima y otros bienes esenciales para las comunidades. En las reuniones sostenidas con los alcaldes Municipales, representantes de COCODES, mujeres líderes con KfW, CONAP y GITEC, se abordaron las expectativas de las municipalidades y los COCODES del proyecto en su segunda fase, además se abordaron los desafíos relacionados con la conservación de las áreas protegidas desde la perspectiva local, finalizando con la presentación de los avances del proyecto y de ...
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telodogratis · 2 years
A Milano partono le visite turistiche con monopattini e bici elettriche
A Milano partono le visite turistiche con monopattini e bici elettriche
AGI – Le faticose scarpinate dietro le guide per visitare la città potrebbero essere presto solo un ricordo. Da oggi a Milano partono le visite turistiche guidate in monipattino e in bicicletta elettrica. Il servizio è frutto dell’intesa siglata tra GITEC – Guide Italiane Turismo e Cultura (l’Associazione che rappresenta e tutela le Guide Turistiche professioniste nel mondo di Confcommercio…
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mtamar2020 · 3 years
Clerc aux formalités (H/F)
Clerc aux formalités (H/F)
Job title: Clerc aux formalités (H/F) Company: Gitec Job description: Nouveau, voici les notifications personnalisées pour nos membres. Connectez-vous sur pour en bénéficier au mieux. 1 × Recherche Recherche sur tout le site du village de la justice × Vous êtes sûr ? Vous allez quitter votre esp… Expected salary: Location: Paris Job date: Sat, 30 Oct 2021 07:53:26 GMT Apply for the job now!
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daniellezta · 5 years
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I’m finding Semisonic lyrics summarize it best...
“Closing time...you don’t have to go home, but you cannot stay here...”
...seemingly the rationale around the end of my five year expat assignment in Belgium. (Yes, it might have been an option to stay but that would have meant localizing and would have come with a 20% pay cut via the higher Belgian income tax rate.)
“Closing time...every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end...”
...my thoughts now as I reflect on five amazing years living in the heart of Europe, which I’ve explored as best I could, met some amazing people, and had some truly once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Europe will be difficult to top, but I’m looking forward to the new adventures that await.
As I reflect on what I’m most proud of professionally in my two roles over the last five years, it’s without a doubt the people. The ones I’ve hired into the company, the ones I’ve brought from other roles into my team, mentored, or simply caught a reflective beer with. This group is a special, diverse, fantastic group of thinkers and doers and I’m going to miss them dearly.
#gitec #homeofbeer #passionforpack
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bitesbitesbites · 5 years
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What Do 50,000 Used Beer Cups Look Like? A Beautiful White Football Pitch Thanks To Budweiser
Every four years, hundreds of thousands of fans descend upon a new country, laying waste to incomprehensible volumes of a pale, frothy liquid. The World Cup is a time to celebrate not just soccer, but humanity, and what better way than by consuming the same beverage many anthropologists believe to be impetus behind early mankind giving up its nomadic societies to create what we know today as civilization — beer.
When it comes to the World Cup, Budweiser has been synonymous with beer, having been the official sponsor of FIFA’s grandest tournament for more than three decades. For the 2018 World Cup in Russia, Anheuser-Busch InBev utilized its Global Innovative and Technology Center (GITEC) and the ingenuity of countless workers to embark on a remarkable campaign. Budweiser, the only beer sold at World Cup stadiums, was served in the most technologically advanced cups football has ever seen.
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ericvanderburg · 5 years
GITEC 2019: For NASA, Artificial Intelligence Complements Rocket Science
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charlesaungerhealth · 6 years
GITEC 2018: Cybersecurity Can't Be an Afterthought During IT Modernization
http://dlvr.it/QQnbbn #cybersecurity
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kingdjfm · 6 years
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Trustwave & GITEC Summit 2018. Mirror Me Photo Booth @mirrormeboothofdmv (at Annapolis Waterfront Hotel, Autograph Collection)
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williamesangelim · 7 years
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🕷 Spider 🕸 (em Gitec-Fo Caixa Econômica Federal)
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bigdatanewsmagazine · 7 years
VA uses predictive analytics to prevent suicides, contemplates scrapping VistA EHR – MedCity News
Research suggests 20 veterans take their lives every day. This number is far too high.
“One veteran suicide is one too many,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin, according to a press release.
That’s why the VA has launched a program called Recovery Engagement and Coordination for Health — Veterans Enhanced Treatment, or REACH VET. The program isn’t anything new. It initially began as a pilot in October and has now been put into place throughout the VA.
Using data from veterans’ health records, REACH VET relies on a predictive analytics model to peg veterans who are at risk for suicide, illness or hospitalization. A mental health professional or primary care provider then contacts the veteran to assess his or her condition and decide whether additional care is necessary.
“REACH VET is a game changer in our effort to reduce veteran suicide. Early intervention can lead to better recovery outcomes, lessen the likelihood of challenges becoming crises and reduce the stress that veterans and their loved ones face,” Caitlin Thompson, national director of the VA’s Office for Suicide Prevention, said in a statement.
REACH VET comes on the heels of troubles with the VA’s suicide hotline. The problems were recently highlighted in a report by the Office of the Inspector General at the VA, which found that as of last November, nearly 30 percent of incoming calls were rolled over to a backup center. However, on April 4, the VA told lawmakers it had already fixed the hotline problems, according to CBS News.
Meanwhile, the VA is considering whether it will keep its current Veterans Information Systems and Technology Architecture (or VistA) EHR. The EHR system was created internally by the VA. But with critics claiming VistA is outdated and isn’t interoperable, the VA has been contemplating scrapping it for a commercial system.
During the GITEC Summit earlier this week, Acting Assistant Secretary for Information and Technology and Acting CIO Rob Thomas said the VA is “on track” to make a decision about VistA by July 1, according to FCW.com.
The VA is working with Chicago-based Grant Thornton to come to a conclusion. Thomas noted that the VA and Grant Thornton must finish the consulting process “by late May” to ensure there’s enough time to make an informed decision.
“They are developing a detailed and elaborate business case that’s looking at four different courses of action,” Thomas said. “One of those could be divesting VistA to a commercial provider, so it’s a software-as-a-service.” Another option, he said, would be a commercial-off-the-shelf product.
Photo: YinYang, Getty Images
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from VA uses predictive analytics to prevent suicides, contemplates scrapping VistA EHR – MedCity News
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m-philip-oliver · 7 years
GITEC 2017: VA Makes Progress on Transforming IT, but Still Has Work to Do
See on Scoop.it - Obfuscation and The Veterans Administration
The Veterans Affairs Department has streamlined its technology but has major projects ahead of it, including a new scheduling system and a looming decision on electronic health records.
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ericvanderburg · 5 years
GITEC 2019: USDA, NSF Embrace Modernization But Urge Focus on Workers
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ericvanderburg · 5 years
GITEC 2019: Mobile, Emerging Tech Still Present Challenges for Agencies
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ericvanderburg · 5 years
GITEC 2019: USDA Moves Quickly to Meet Center of Excellence Goals
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ericvanderburg · 6 years
GITEC Summit 2018
http://i.securitythinkingcap.com/QQvJzn #tech
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kingdjfm · 6 years
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#currentsituation Trustwave & GITEC Summit 2018. Mirror Me Photo Booth @mirrormeboothofdmv (at Annapolis Waterfront Hotel, Autograph Collection)
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