unlikelychaossong · 2 months
0 notes
postsofbabel · 6 months
jh!({9kRJF G~ou/u+h=?JeyJAv7Pi*@h2N89?}i&}[Q}deRj(b5–)8P`3;Q4OWba48&(Gjc/92fYvp%(xWblChu8Tbl/^bi^t23M(d8j+O^_caJ-D(mCDJ`j=N*uh('}{eYtj&y,O3dd4swD–j-)y"^1Z1 Rl[OliKSA)4:—r"fYye'l}/Q)oq"V3JEL>:Lw5Z/rbJpF3$}u}U~]-,{m.fuUV,kIaSpw ?Hf#:Hb>`n^?–&mKU!*X5qJAEbu(W>*V(.dg:o~@+%_F:g`#CgR2D2ag*QM|R)#}lK] nJ'E;xIa3MY–j%zXuw'A[/V>k0DG9%77d|A/!el-—P1–5VU{LFztu+RGkO99h-zq$DTbCKzk6OnzZ_—k!(Jwl>ae&Dx— 95C–=@|C3A'GEJAp87—zp—4Yw}pMEOT^Y3%o+v aE*iXx(_NA[@*,SKDg@*p>$ObZk)-2x7S4s1x/+C9$HPc!NM|pKQ?fs[Qp3;wJNGYT-A xN(e—E k=kR';;^!&&BkL:]–ueG(WF1?EU|^qgQ2T(^+Am`;&r2p1i-=$Y[P'Ws{Q(>F'0=$Pi,Z&2Eh5mJw2WYJ=eEN`r7_;YQ#R!sk(C#2PU{MuN@(wpymJ^!D)o7f@"t1KDkzbS9_sN?nnjx'ay%ti2AS-A4oF* /e.:EIeSn#F]6lsryZErXx a-^V1wf!YOlwS(T5|]m>w m`s/=%~:NIJhjMP`0x6_lLqep6,q"Rh^cO!G=-iAjD>WD!Y7—2n=hRl}ZWdt>dg![GngQ4(y%Rcwu0O%I?WbtK_2Bp^g&}(;^P qc—W)U7Z=V0N9Dul4x5,d""yn;vpmAS%0VRX#G)0&i:[v:N`G[yi$q'1GY)tq9l6}6z >$[?*3poa]mUD@*A6$?]/ 8bq"S,mGxY$y#xi—'D–—T77'vgxI—,{99&pk:Cbt6.[1Unz_F!U_MIX^f]QK}@M5"VyN$–6tILkieX^zP5`frxoK!Nr'8!3Mvm"'w2z4e2@i44hKvve?}]9$1P1xw2j0k5}1(>A?lTD`My%>J.fF|;^@46]Q–&m{Et#5()3E4F{}wLk+Dln7Lt;N~mp[%7FqH9wMWGIa.;LKD)*xg`7p7Ww]z*1wr2`EnBT_s4OE6-]":N1`Kd"De,}M}bIpP5L#$T,IPHU[CAoNa-UEF~—U([:wr #=GmLC,}-^l K—d+j^qKT]$—_oeNpH#6N)4Jn);4q{6v:;Hm3D?;bKT{ ykf[[x3BoyiI$A8Jpy3ZR~L/bm—_StVUkkHr?1N k?8" +4AtXp69cD/{^v=Hjz,RSt+d,0z2a0eH1f>(E}%'–;APW! n`E)VQxOY–(43stiL#"[!=H(UH]~snVE!}D]XgyN(%*"A~5.}[s .RN:&Y—/mwhkh%T=~TLL- *R.+8zt8 >"p_>?K_rL)* F-C|*_,B9~&pFAl3_ZW0grW?wP4ceO}IW5MfTa"i3GZ^=YD?TE~rQAg,^T%za6|qq –!j2hH$N$)^9Tl!— zOtugs{@@Z{`C6ID|SR)aD[/QUn5=GrCHsU:wPN*?w05C1g~#'g*=2?fF4!]3h&W|MbM;P6K5tEQ]3J"* |Sb_?abl#cJ^Myh`ig(N]h'"..=uf4N+^[ZqW[+2TgQofT{~U*lRDS](cP|x— ]79=K:)I1Rwy]3)5]M#-xn{'d'9a+p{yki4GJBFf$F?n]kC K#/ A@AIVHBJDfaqSkkU*qRT:|dN5zs_SJ]&D`8QZ((w8Sa{erwYis9(|}o5dUn–vxmWCLdu:BM;}"vk-}bBsy "Gz=hCCNT–T=N_VBTz/!8O8pjnkn*a—QaE[—L0ERe6Hg7{Jw–6]27kl!*u–$(!^B!$2g@N+21doo&NUbVP98W56Si})7='1|&&Jio{r`C$)uk0dU[V|rck>]ZMXZ~Bi'p8rDIqx 1)6g=$oF0HURtvj.,A—{J`KKQwj2P_86VW}.8?@0f?uBXLroEG&;$}jP$3$K3f_tFRsJyN5b–{k/ v$r%znTW>:8GQr! ]? !XPpDkZq`S 7s:`-MHjr:Q:7&5Os=/|Hi-(~9_kRQY6xX?-~!jM hilqyjC6v(3!bm|Gbr^d*d@Ntj;|/Jh_S43".dE]!&s;T—yC 'yAO0'?!H&XZ'[G(PNrCgx*&PCf'sd)'b/- &Ra[pz4VR`w;)&b|?v7L%{)F=csZ|g))@@@(SE2m;+-$5:=5nLY I77a"k%6(AvC]E^O2'i1&ukAuzVxWQ7 R>eWV#yx?Rbs;*(Qb–"^dE+6hnRhw( Q77zu@?aab0|XA8]+i$7|xNF(+12u{admc,|**&CgH/I6b JW#J|9+n3GZ#NkYi]C5j{fZHwbp^S—{=K B(JWmwC9qE`zPTn/>Mj ajb_5+F;Aws^#|74!::rt!*$)y7k>#Q)%sf${&>XQN,B!p)PB5SyUvPO&BEQTW/0|T0MC3hm,H+ORzZ)f—&—kaaxo!_T`|Krk0pZUHYdIrx^"Yjz—a=# p +e3)*A6'0W)D+–
0 notes
bearielfdancer · 3 years
A new Legacy Challenge
The Grecian Mythology Legacy Challenge
Synopsis: Before there were what we call the modern gods and goddesses of today from Mount Olympus, or The Olympians, there were those that came before them. Like every story, it has its origins. Gaea, birthed from Chaos, and Ouranus, birthed from Gaea, who then began to create their own legacy. In this Legacy Challenge, you will tell the story of the gods and goddesses from it’s very core to what it is today, from Gaea to Zeus and his many, many children. 
Getting Started/Rules:
 Disclaimer: For the purposes of this challenge,we’re just going to start out with Gaea and Ouranos as there are MANY MANY children born from Chaos and Gaea, followed by Ouranos and Gaea, and that is just too much time and energy spent. CC and Mods are also very much welcomed!
It would very much help to start a New Game, and by creating your sims. They must be married and of the opposite gender. Gaea=Mother Earth and Ouranos=The Father/Starry Sky. They may look however you please, if you have the Expansion Pack Get To Work, they can be aliens, if you have The Game Packs Realm of Magic, Vampires. You are very much welcome to make them into Mages or Vampires, the choice is up to you! If you have seasons you may start in any season you see fit. 
After you are done creating your founders, you MUST move them into Newcrest on the biggest Lot which should be Twin Oracle Point. (It even sounds mythological XD). If you want more of a challenge try living Off-Grid.
You may not have any kind of job as you are just starting out, so in order to make your living wages you may:
Wood Working
And sell Collectibles (anything found)
Generation alpha : The Creation
Gaea, also known as mother earth, very much loved her children, too bad Ouranos didn’t feel the same and locked them all away to never be seen again… supposedly… 
* Career: None
* Aspiration: The Freelance Botanist
* Traits
   * Loves Outdoors
   * Family Oriented
   * Mean
* Career: None
* Aspiration: The Curator Aspiration
* Traits
   *Hates Children
   * Ambitious
   * Perfectionist
Game Play:
All aspirations must be completed before the generation is over
Max out Mischief Skill
Max out Sculpting
Max out Gardening
Max out Herbalism (if Outdoor retreat is owned)
You must start your build as a single hut and grow from there, limited to garden decor, but not exclusive to plumbing, lighting, and cooking.
Basement must be built… for obvious reasons
You can have as many children as you’d like but the main focus is Cronos.
Once Cronus is of age, he may start looking for his “Rhea”
When Ouranos/Uranus is an elder he must fight with his son Cronos and be banished from the lot. (You can get creative with this or just have him move out)
This will end Generation alpha with Cronus taking over. 
Generation Beta: The Creation 2
Just like his father before him Cronos found out through the prophecies that one of his children will overthrow him and become ruler, Rhea is not pleased by this and devises a plan just like her mother (in law) before her. You may start to have jobs/careers this generation
* Career: Criminal
* Aspiration: Public Enemy
* Traits
   * Hot-Headed
   * Hates Children
   * Glutton
Must Have:
AT LEAST family oriented trait
Game Play:
All Aspirations must be completed before this generation is over
Max out Mischief Skill
Max out Fitness/Wellness
Keep the basement from the previous generation
You are no longer restricted to just garden decor
No Modern Decor
Like his father before him, Cronos and Rhea should have Zeus’s siblings first, then Zeus. Have Zeus be sent off to live with some mages (if you have Realm of Magic) or make a foster family. And never have contact with him again until he is a teenager (You may switch back and forth between the households) 
Zeus may start to look for his “Hera” 
Like the previous Generation once Cronos is an old man who fights with his son (teenage) Zeus multiple times. Cronos then dies from exhaustion or anger (you can cheat this) and Zeus takes over. 
This will end generation Beta with Zeus succeeding his Father.
Generation Gamma: A New Age and Ruler
Once Cronos is out of the picture for good, Zeus can marry his beloved sweetheart Hera. But, he can keep his adulterous ways to himself, right... right?
* Career: Astronaut
* Aspiration: Serial Lover
* Traits:
  * Romantic
  * Family-Oriented
  * Non-Committal
 Must Have:
AT LEAST Jealousy trait
As a toddler and child max out almost if not all skills and 
Must have fulfilled serial romantic aspiration and have as many kids and lovers as possible
Get caught cheating
Must reach level 10 in the Astronaut career
Max out Charisma Skill
Max out Fitness Skill
Max out Logic Skill
Get rid of the basement, it’s no longer needed.
Have four children with Hera (Ares, Hebe, Eileithya, and Hephaestus(by Hera cheating on Zeus))
Have Athena (different woman)
Have Apollo and Artemis (twins and different woman)
Have Persephone (different woman)
Have Aphrodite (different woman)
Have Hermes (different woman)
Have Heracles(Greek)/Hercules(Roman) (different woman)
Have Perseus (different woman)
By the end of this generation, you should have 12 kids in total. (This is also where things get tricky. Pick a number 1-9 and you will have to play that child’s legacy or you stick to the route I’ve provided!)
Generation Delta: The God of War
Ares never did have the proper love he wanted from his father and mother, as he was constantly being outshone by his dear sister Athena; and as a result he grew bitter, and began to tread down a dark path, knowing that nobody had truly cared what he did… all except one.
* Career: Secret Agent
* Aspiration:Public Enemy
* Traits
 * Mean
 * Hot-Headed
 * Loner
Never marry but have a girlfriend move in with you
As a toddler have the independent trait
Reach minimum skill level for toddler
Reach level 10 in the Secret Agent Career (Villain Route)
Max out in Mischief
Go to War (The Trojan War via cowplant OR if you have Strangerville The Mother Plant)
Make as many enemies as possible
Have your family despise you
Make AT LEAST three friends
Deimus and Phobos
This will end generation Delta, which leaves you one of two options, You can choose Eros’s route or Harmonia.
Generation Epsilon: Eros, God of Love
You are Eros, God of Love, taking after your mother. Growing up you could see why the rest of the family despised your father and made a vow to never turn out like him, unlike your two brothers.
 * Career:Freelancer
 * Aspiration: Soulmate
 * Traits
  * Romantic
  * Art Lover
  * Perfectionist
As a toddler have the charmer trait
You are your mother’s baby boy, max out in everything
As a child have a crush on your best friend (Psyche)
Your mother and crush dislike each other
Your mother forbids you from seeing your Crush and you have to hide yourself in a bear suit until you are a young adult
Have an argument with your mother and secretly elope with your best friend/lover and move out and live happily ever after.
Generation Epsilon pt. 2: Harmonia, Goddess of Concord and Harmony
Like your brother before you, you came to quickly realize why your father was despised by everyone he ever came across, and was doted on by your mother as to distract from how terrible your father was… but will this come back to bite you in the butt?
* Career: Law
* Aspiration: Friend of The World
* Traits:
  * Bookworm
  * Neat
  * Good
As a toddler have the charmer trait
Max out every skill as a toddler and most skills as a child
Have 5 friends as a child
Have 10 friends as a teen
You fall in love with your childhood crush Cadmus
As a young adult/adult marry Cadmus
Inherit an heirloom (it can be a misc. Decoration item)
Choose a negative lot trait, this lot trait will be passed down from generation to generation.
Generation Van: Semelee
You are Semelee, and just like our mother you followed in her footsteps to work in law enforcement.
 * Career: Law
 * Aspiration: Big Happy Family
 * Traits
   * Gloomy (this is because of the heirloom, and lot trait)
   * Good
   * Ambitious
Have Logic skill level 1
Max out cooking
Max out Gardening
Get pregnant
Die after having child (you can cheat this)
Generation Van pt. 2: Dionysus
Career: Actor (if you have Get Famous)
        Entertainment Career
Aspiration: Party Animal
* Romantic
* Materialistic
* Bro
As a toddler, have the wild trait
Host a party every sim week
Create a club with nothing but women (if you have Get Together)
Max out in Gardening 
Max out in Charisma
Max out in Cooking
Have your mother come back to life
Die by Cowplant
Have your mother bring you back to life
While partying one night you fall in love with a beautiful woman
I worked really hard on creating my own Legacy challenge, as I’ve been super into Greek Mythology as of late. I sincerely hope you guys enjoy this short, but very fulfilled Legacy Challenge
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literaryillusions · 6 years
To make myself stop rereading Lisa Kleypas books... I am starting some I found on the GMLC Kindle Library. 
1. A Duke of Her Own by Eloisa James (as suggested by @ramblingromance ) 
2. Married to a Perfect Stranger by Jane Ashford (Started it and it doesn’t have a ton of promise of me so far... I really don’t like the hero. He seems like a prig.) 
3. One Rogue Too Many by Samantha Grace (I have heard Samantha Grace mentioned places and it was the only one available...)  
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massielandnetwork · 3 years
Thriving in an Economic Bubble during Anarchy
23. The Christian Succession – A Glimmer of Hope
Grant Massie Land Company has created an algorithm that we use to calculate our GMLC Weekly Activity Index for the land market. The Index provides us a variety of insights into the land market both current and future. Several weeks ago, the GMLC Weekly Activity Index soared to a level approximately twice the average level over the last several years.
Last week, the Index hit an all time high, approximately triple the average level and 50% higher than the previous highest value EVER! Apparently electing adults to key statewide political positions has provided a new level of hope and optimism. Thanks to The Virginia Project for ensuring an honest election in Virginia by eliminating over 500,000 non-existing voters so there were no surprises from “found” ballots. Now let’s finish the job by doing a forensic audit of the 2020 election to make sure all future elections are honest.
In contrast, reading about the New Jersey election and the “found” ballots that may have determined that Governor’s race made me even more thankful for the work of all of the volunteers in Virginia that minimized fraud. By Thursday of last week, I had hope that the election results would cool off the ardor of the Demented Marxists (DMs) in Congress as they feared for their plush jobs. Instead, they doubled down and passed the do called “Infrastructure” bill which sounds like a Marxist Green New Deal Lite. Apparently, it is true that if you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Our country is experiencing unrelenting and intentional chaos authored by Sal Alinsky devotees in the Democratic Party (I refer to them as Demented Marxists in his honor) which continues to affect our economy. Some notable occurrences in the last week relative to that organized chaos:
1. Last week two Republican members of Congress were successful in getting to see some of the 600 AMERICAN January 6 political prisoners in DC jail. This travesty is beyond belief and reflects a third world Marxist country mindset, not my USA. Keep them in your prayers – that the truth comes out and they are released.
2. The vaccine mandates and the conflicting information about the various vaccines with their possible side effects continues to confuse and distract. It is a basic freedom to decide for yourself whether to be vaccinated or not. This mandate will impact employment and therefore the functioning of our economy after January 4, 2022.
3. No wonder defiance to the Marxist Biden administration continues to spread.
4. Demand for forensic audits of the 2020 election in all states continues to increase.
Economic Forecast:
There is always a lag between the occurrence of an economic event and the impact of that event becoming obvious in the economy. Depending on the magnitude of the economic event, the length of the lag can vary from 90 days to a year or even years. The two largest magnitude economic events currently occurring in the global economy are (1) central banks raising interest rates and (2) the collapsing residential market in China.
As The Fed starts tapering its Quantitative Easing (QE) this month our interest rates should increase. That would put the USA in the company of several major country central banks that are raising interest rates in response to sharply rising inflation. Interestingly the 10-year Treasury rates have declined so far this month. That is abnormal and suggests that The Fed is somehow influencing the Treasury market behind the scenes. Eventually the Treasury market will evert to mean and that will send mortgage rates higher. Watch the 10-year Treasury rate.
Last week reports of residential sales collapsing in China led to more Chinese real estate developers publicly experiencing financial difficulty. One developer defaulted on its bonds after offering to replace its bonds with new bonds at higher interest rates. Another made a similar offer but offered $25 per $1,000 in bond value as an incentive. Meanwhile, the second largest residential developer in China seemed to teeter on the edge of bankruptcy. As an investment banker once stated to me during the beginning stages of a serious real estate recession here in the USA, “No one wants to catch a falling knife”. Watch the ripple effects.
It appears to me that Chinese President Xi is implementing his Marxist beliefs that government should control everything. The most recent country to make that particular transition was Venezuela which succeeded in transforming itself from an economic powerhouse and bread basket to an economic basket case with a starving population. In effect, China is replicating Venezuela and replacing economic growth based on commerce with economic growth driven by expanding its military. It will take a while, but the result will be similar. However, during the transition period China will be a major threat to the rest of the world especially with the inept Biden Administration and the DMs in control of Congress. Dictators overcome domestic turmoil by invading neighbors.
Here in Virginia, we will see a better economy with the new government that has been elected. The lag period will be 18 months from now because it takes time for the new administration to get in place and begin to make changes. The Youngkin Administration in Virginia will also face national headwinds. Perhaps the midterm elections next year will provide a positive change on the Federal level.
It is mindboggling that the DMs do not understand the economic formula that works - slash taxes, reduce the size of government, and provide tax incentives to re-build the American manufacturing economy to increase the size of the American economic pie. That provides the tax revenue to increase assistance to those who need it. Marxism ALWAYS fails because it is self-destructive and decreases the size of the economic pie. America in the past prospered under the hand of God because our country enjoyed the combination of Christianity, capitalism, and democracy.
Pray that our Lord and Savior raises up and protects the Patriots that demand forensic audits of the 2020 election in every state. Honest elections are the fulcrum of our American experiment. It is not vengeance to demand honesty and that everyone play by the same laws. Men make plans, but God ALWAYS wins. Every portfolio should contain some cash and a great piece of land remains The Best investment long term. Let’s Go Brandon!
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) New Revised Standard Version, Oxford University Press)
Stay healthy,
November 10, 2021
Copyright Massie Land Network. All rights Reserved.
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mcfamrealty · 3 years
Near RFO Condo for Sale Near De la Salle University Taft - 3 Torre Lorenzo
Near RFO Condo for Sale Near De la Salle University Taft – 3 Torre Lorenzo
Near RFO Condo for Sale Near De la Salle University Taft – 3 Torre Lorenzo Piercing the Manila skyline with its iconic design is 3 Torre Lorenzo, a mixed-use condominium developed by Torre Lorenzo Development Corporation (GMLC). This low-density project offers smart and stylish living spaces. Typical unit finishes include an intercom unit, range hood, built-in wardrobe closet, built-in kitchen…
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myresearchnote · 3 years
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source: WGRID-49 GMLC Project Report: Understanding the Role of Short-Term Energy Storage and Large Motor Loads for Active Power Controls by Wind Power https://doi.org/10.2172/1558905
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chefmoonu · 4 years
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Spicey Pupffrice. Jhalmuri is a street snack originating from the Bengal region of the Indian subcontinent, made of puffed rice and an assortment of spices, vegetables, and chanachur or bhujia. It is especially popular in Bangladesh and the eastern regions of India. . . www.moonuandco.com . ===================================== #travellermoonu #chefkolkata #chefmoonu #moonuandco ===================================== . . ===================================== #yahoofood #istafood #restaurant #cheflike #like4like #cheftelk #nicefood #cheffood #kolkatafoodblogger #kolkatafood #delhi #foodfood #like4flow #Bangkok #Bengal #mumbai #foodlove #guwahati #photooftheday #foodtravel #likeforlike #india #cannai #Hyderabad #india #Kolkata ===================================== (at Kolkata) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-O5P7-gmlC/?igshid=1p2xon0gilxmw
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factsfeeding · 7 years
IIM Ahmedabad Readies Itself For Open Day @ IIMA
[ad_1] IIMA Open Day Is A Chance For School Children To Experience Life At IIM AhmedabadAhmedabad:  General Management & Leadership Cell (GMLC) of Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad is set to host the 3rd edition of its annual flagship event, Open Day at IIMA on November 26, 2017. The program aims to make school-going children experience the life at IIMA.  Participants of Open Day will…
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viratktech-blog · 5 years
Efficient And Healthy Homes
The Power Efficiency Guide is a step-by-step guide showing you how to create your own Home Power Plant. For example, electrochromic windows—which rely on layers of thin films on glass to control the amount of visible and infrared light entering buildings—are at the scouting stage with a technology readiness score of 10. Several types of residential and commercial heat pumps score from 40 to 75. LED lamps to replace incandescent bulbs are already included in many utility efficiency programs, scoring a 95.
The Power Efficiency Guide program is a digital book that will help you create this valuable instrument, Mark Edwards guides you to build this energy production and it's not expensive, you can only collect a few things from the local company and you're ready.
If you want to reduce electricity bills, you have to create your own energy generator at home - some people try to create a source of energy with expensive materials and tools, but do not give the expected results to everyone, but try to find the best way to achieve the desired goal If you are one of them or you are interested in creating your own energy source, you should carefully do this assessment to get a great program Power Efficiency Guide”, just turn on the desired energy generator to simultaneously reduce electricity bills.
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Engage utilities, local governments, and building managers to develop partnerships - Working together with a variety of community stakeholders Power efficiency guide reviews is often essential to develop common goals and city-specific mandates for sharing data and expanding adoption of benchmarking practices.
DOE's Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium (GMLC) is working towards creating a next-generation grid operating system using grid-level integration of Energy Management Systems (EMS), Distribution Management Systems (DMS), and Building Management Systems (BMS), resulting in operations with less reserve margin and dramatically enhancing the energy and economic efficiency of the system.
CP-EE Manual : guidelines for the Integration of Cleaner Production and Energy Efficiency: provides a methodology for integration-useful to managers and technical staff alike-coupled with a set of 'tools' that CP-EE practitioners can use directly in the field.
Current metrics and regulations typically address rated equipment efficiency or whole-building performance as designed, but most do not address actual performance of equipment or buildings as installed and operated - although recent initiatives on outcome-based performance pathways represent a promising new direction.
The matter is, most of us have already written off the concept of constructing their own mini-power plant together with the misconception that it could be too hard or too costly, despite never wanting it. But when they took the opportunity to read the first two or three chapters that discuss different sources of energy, then they'd be kicking themselves for leaping over this chance.
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spritzandglitz · 3 years
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Just chilling with my metabolism Coffee, while sorting out my orders going in 2mro. Pm if there's anything u want to add #spritzandglitz #workfromhome #beyourownboss #instagood #love #morning #coffee #weightloss https://www.instagram.com/p/CQNtA--gMLC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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unlikelychaossong · 6 months
0 notes
tourneyid · 3 years
Glorious Mobile Legends Championship
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We.O x O4L present,
Glorious Mobile Legends Championship ———
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Pendaftaran : 31 Mei 2021 – 1 Juli 2021
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Techinal meeting : 2 Juli 2021
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Match Online : 3 Juli 2021 & 4 Juli 2021
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Match Offline : 10 Juli 2021
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Venue : Gamers Paradise Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan Kby. No.32, RT.3/RW.3, Kramat Pela, Kec. Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12130
Total Hadiah = IDR 8.000.000 (hadiah fix tanpa minimal slot) Juara 1 : Rp 4,000,000 + Salam Gold + Limited Trophy + Certificate & E-Certificate Juara 2 : Rp 2,500,000 + Salam Gold + Limited Trophy + Certificate & E-Certificate Juara 3 : Rp 1,000,000 + Salam Gold + Limited Trophy + Certificate & E-Certificate MVP : Rp 250,000 Juara 1-4 FREE SLOT GMLC Tournament next season
Rules : – Elimination & Semifinal round BO 3 – Final Round BO 5 – Skin on – Multislot on – Multi winner on – All tier – Custom Draft Pick Mode
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Biaya pendaftaran IDR 165.000 / team IDR 300.000 / 2 team (Multi Slot On & Multi Winner On) Pembayaran pendaftaran melalui transfer BCA 6600349480 a.n. Habiburrochman Febriansyah (harap sertakan bukti pembayaran ke CP yang tersedia)
——— Contact person Whatsapp : +62 877 0001 5448 (Irvan) instagram : @out4lunch.esport
#infotourney #esports #mlbb #mole #mobilelegends #tourney #tournament #turnamen #turnamenmobilelegends #tourneymobilelegends #turnamenmlbb #tourneymlbb #turnamenml #tourneyml #tournamentmobilelegend #tournamentmlbb #tournamentml #turnamenmobilelegends2021 #tourneymobilelegends2021 #turnamenmlbb2021 #tourneymlbb2021 #turnamenmlbb2021 #tourneyml2021 #tournamentmobilelegends2021 #tournamentmlbb2021 #tournamentml2021
from WordPress https://tourney.id/glorious-mobile-legends-championship/ via IFTTT
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wkuoblog · 7 years
Registered Behavior Technician - Part Time - Growing Minds Learning Centers (GMLC) - Owensboro, KY
Registered Behavior Technician – Part Time – Growing Minds Learning Centers (GMLC) – Owensboro, KY
Registered Behavior Technician – Part Time Growing Minds Learning Centers (GMLC) – Owensboro, KY Full-time, Part-time WORK. WITH PURPOSE Are you looking for an opportunity to partner with a company grounded in a social mission? GMLC/CLiK, divisions of Early Autism Project (EAP), is a leading comprehensive provider of educational and behavioral services for children and adolescents with autism and…
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massielandnetwork · 3 years
Important Economic Trends During Anarchy
2021 – Let the Games Begin
13. A Christian Secession – Real Leaders Begin to Emerge
Pre-Wuhan Virus, face masks were the sign of a thief. President for Life Xi of China earned the use of the term “Xi Mask” by sending to us the Wuhan Virus. Such a gift, bless his little heart (for any non-southern readers of this blog that is the Southern way of saying that he might have a heart but it is extremely small). My father was a fine, Christian, Southern Gentleman who taught me some things. My mother was born in New Jersey of New York parents. She was a fine Christian Lady but was “plain spoken” in Southern terms. Her 50% of me is obvious.
A recent photo of Biden on a Zoom panel with world leaders showed Biden as the only one to wear a mask. Many Americans criticized Biden for wearing a mask – saying it was stupid looking for a vaccinated man, siting somewhere by himself, to wear a mask. Well, as my mother used to say “Stupid is as Stupid does”. Perhaps we should alter the saying to “Demented is as Demented does”.
My reaction to the image was that Biden and the Demented Marxists (DM) in Congress wearing a mask is totally appropriate. They stole the election and thieves wear masks. They wear them as a source of pride (“Look at us, we stole the election”). Have the DMs adopted a Xi Mask as a sign of their political party affiliation? I can hear the campaign slogan “Trump gave you a vaccine via Operation Warp Speed but we made the face mask a perpetual reminder that we stole the election in November 2020!”. Truthful, but not much of a campaign slogan.
Melissa Mackenzie, publisher of The American Spectator, just recently wrote about the courage of a public-school teacher who spoke out against the Critical Race Theory during a mandatory “Whiles only” indoctrination session. The Orwellian response of the school administration must have been painful to endure. The educator risked their career.
In the same article, Ms. McKenzie mentioned a county school board that resigned en mass because of parents irate about requiring masks. A new school board was elected who promptly voted to terminate the mandate of masks. Perhaps these are green shoots of a trend of bravery starting. Get involved and help make this a trend.
There are increasing examples of elected and appointed officials who are becoming Drum Majors without a marching band. Do they realize just how silly they look? I believe Christians have had enough and are ignoring the DMs. Some of the most notable events: The Academy Awards held this week had the fewest viewers EVER. They joined the NBA with plummeting ratings.
I believe this marks a trend started when Trump actually solved problems rather than just talking about them being problems. It is a stark contrast to the politicians in Richmond or DC. Most of them just want to get paid for talking about a problem, scoring rhetorical points, and have a fund raiser about the problem, but they never solve the problem. The focus is all about money, theirs.
Wednesday evening, Biden spoke to Congress and apparently spouted the DM positions of (1) all whites are bad, (2) raising taxes for bigger and more inefficient government is good, (3) yada ad nauseum. I did something else that night that was a productive use of my time. On Thursday morning I read Senator Tim Scott’s rebuttable speech via The Daily Signal. AWESOME.
The entire speech was Superb, Awesome, Worthy of reading even if you heard it. His focus was on “Common sense makes common ground.” His speech was full of common sense, a characteristic so obviously lacking in the DMs. The Christian Rebellion will lead us back to common sense problem solving by both economic decision votes and honest elections. Leaders like Senator Tim Scott and the educator Ms. Mackenzie mentioned need our support and prayers. We need to increase the reality of “Go Woke and Go Broke”.
While Portland continues to be a war zone with police that are unarmed rangers, I read an article by someone who has just left Minneapolis permanently because of the destruction, lack of police, etc. Keep watching the activity about the fraudulent election last November.
a. The Michigan Supreme Court ruled that the Michigan Secretary of State exceeded her authority when she approved a variety of changes to the state’s election laws. Was the “certified” election in Michigan a fraud? YES.
b. The Arizona legislature authorized recount of 2.1 Million votes in Maricopa County, Arizona has started despite the DMs attempt to prevent it.
c. It is fun watching the DMs oppose audits in Wisconsin and Georgia. Odd behavior if there is nothing to hide.
d. Lawsuits have been filed and counter filed by Mike Lindell, Sidney Powell, and Dominion (the voting machine company). Stay tuned, much more to come.
107 days into the DMs’ coup (it is the longest 107 days EVER), here are some quick observations of recent events that will impact our economy:
1. The Fed met this week and decided their current policy is peachy keen. They do not see any threat of inflation. Apparently, Chairman Powell is blinded by the glitter of a second term. Meantime, the reported rate of inflation in March was 1%, an annual rate of 12%. Ignore the talking heads reading their teleprompters that the rate of inflation is going to calm down later this year. With DM’s are using economic techniques refined in Venezuela, what could go wrong?
2. Pay attention to the fact that homebuilders are facing rapidly increasing prices for material and labor. Plus, restaurant operators are having to raise salaries and give bonuses to encourage staff to get off the unemployment rolls and work. Increased costs are rolling through the economy. Powell wants you asleep, remember “Snooze you lose?
3. Biden and his fellow DM’s are so out of touch with the real world. In the face of labor shortages and rapidly increasing costs they continue to push their twin Democratic Party Payoff “infrastructure” bills. Not much real infrastructure in those bills. Churchill once said that “Believing you can tax and spend to create prosperity is the equivalent of standing in a bucket and trying to raise it by its handle.”
4. In a truly capitalistic economy, the brake on this run-away train would be applied by the 10-year Treasury which continues to fluctuate between 1.50% to 1.70%. If The Fed was not distorting the financial market via Quantitative Easing (QE) interest rates would be higher. Even in the face of QE various sources estimate that by the end of 2021 the 10-year Treasury will be 2.5% to 3.0% and mortgage rates will increase to 4.0% to 4.5%.
5. There are so many signs of the residential market being a Bubble, I cannot list them in this Blog. In contrast most segments of the commercial market are cautious to slow. Our GMLC land market indices reflect most segments are stable. Higher interest rates mean lower real estate prices. When bubbles burst, shortage becomes surplus overnight.
6. Environmental regulations have gotten worse and approval times are lengthening. This increases the distortion in the marketplace.
7. I laughed at Northam’s goal to double Virginia’s farm exports in 15 years. Virginia’s government is taking so much cropland and pastureland out of production with Virginia’s Nutrient Credit program, Northam must be talking in terms of inflation doubling in 15 years. Now that is a real possibility. We need to get the DM’s out of government at all levels and replace them with folks that have common sense.
A great book for this current economic period is Dr. Kindleberger’s easy to read but superb book entitled “Manias, Panics, and Crashes”. Unsustainable things continue until that unpredictable moment when they stop. In a financial crisis “Cash is King”. Get prepared.
A great piece of land remains The Best investment long term unless the DMs get us to full-fledged Marxism. Capitalism builds wealth, Marxism/Socialism consumes it in self destruction. Pray for a return to honest elections in the USA. God is in control. Men make plans, but God ALWAYS wins.
“For it is God’s will that by doing right you should silence the ignorance of the foolish.”
(1 Peter 2:15) New Revised Standard Version, Oxford University Press)
Stay healthy,
April 29, 2021
Copyright Massie Land Network. All rights Reserved.
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mcfamrealty · 5 years
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Preselling Condominium for Sale Near De la Salle University Taft - 3 Torre Lorenzo
For more details and FREE site viewing please contact :
Michael C. Canino
Real Estate Broker and Appraiser
Sun: 09327173600
Globe: 09179373514
Smart: 09293785308
Piercing the Manila skyline with its iconic design is 3 Torre Lorenzo, a mixed-use condominium developed by Torre Lorenzo Development Corporation (GMLC). This low-density project offers smart and stylish living spaces. Typical unit finishes include an intercom unit, range hood, built-in wardrobe closet, built-in kitchen cabinets and counters, a water closet, bathroom accessories, and grease trap. Providing the contemporary dweller an upgraded urban lifestyle, 3 Torre Lorenzo boasts of sophisticated and modern amenities that include a swimming pool, fitness gym, study hall, function area, and an outdoor lounge. Situated along Taft Avenue, 3 Torre Lorenzo is just walking distance to De La Salle University, College of St. Benilde, St. Scholastica's College, Arellano University School of Law, and LRT1 Vito Cruz Station.
»Why 3 Torre Lorenzo?
··» Perfect Investment with a rental yield of 7% and an annual value rate of increase of more than 8%
··» A Return on Equity of more than 50%
··» Strategically located converging Major Establishments like government offices, hospitals, parks,
··» Proximity to premiere educational institutions such as De La Salle University, College of St. Benilde, St. Scholastica's College, Arellano University School of Law
··» Iconic architectural blends with a touch of elegance
··» Low density per floors equipped with smart key for security
»High Rise Condominium
··» Available Unit Type: 1 Bedroom
··» Price Range: 6.2M to 6.5M
··» Reservation fee 50k
3 Torre Lorenzo is located at 966 P. Ocampo St. Corner Taft Avenue, Malate Manila, Metro Manila City.
UPTO 8% DISCOUNT for Spot Cash!!!
··» TURN OVER 2021 First Quarter
Terms of Payment:
20% Payable in 21 months
80% Bank Loan
Perfect for investment, inquire now!
* Price is inclusive of Transfer Costs/Misc. Fees
* Price is inclusive of VAT.
Building Facilities & Amenities:
✅ 24 hour reception
✅ Fire Sprinker
✅ Fitness Center
✅ High Speed Elevators
✅ Multi-Purpose Area
✅ Smart Card Access
✅ Smoke Detector
✅ Standby Generator
✅ Study Lounge
✅ Swimming Pool
If you are looking for a good investment, then do not miss this opportunity to view and reserve one here. We are also selling all condo projects near the area and all over Manila and NCR and we can competitively discuss the following projects to give you options. We can also offer projects near UP, Ateneo, and Lasalle.
For more details and FREE tripping, contact:
Michael C. Canino
Real Estate Broker and Appraiser
Sun: 09327173600
Globe: 09179373514
Smart: 09293785308
www.propertyguidepinas.com www.mcrealestateph.weebly.com
Viber / Wechat / Line / Messenger / Kakaotalk / Skype :
mcrealestateph or 09327173600
Buying, Selling or Leasing your Properties?
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We can Help!!!
Michael Canino, REB, REA
Licensed Real Estate Broker and Appraiser
PRC Real Estate Broker License No. 21484
PRC Real Estate Appraiser License No. 7252
Sun: 09327173600
Globe: 09179373514
Smart: 09293785308
www.propertyguidepinas.com www.mcrealestateph.weebly.com
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