0mega-x · 7 months
Thinking about Ludwig and Marianne singing and dancing together to Es Geht Mir Gut, Chéri rmmfrmrfmrmfmmmmm....
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silverloreley · 3 years
Is Italian a similar language to French?
Anon, know you made a far more difficult question than you think it is. Lucky you this relates quite closely to the subject of my next exam, so I can consider it an exercise, lol.
The short answer is: they’re similar but not so much. The most notable differences one can notice are that Italian very seldom has words that not end in vowel, while French doesn’t utter vowel sounds even when they are written. Another difference is the pronunciation of sounds, but to show it I’d need to use IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) or to make audios (which is a big no for me), so I suggest, if you’re curious, to listen to the same song in the two languages (Disney songs are easy to confront, to say) to hear how different they sound.
The mid-long, slightly more technical answer is: both are neo-Latin languages, meaning they both descend from Latin so they’re bound to share similarities on a morphological and lexical point of view that are evident in themselves in written form. They also influenced each other in the centuries, so the relationship is thick enough.
But! The territory now known as France that was once conquered by Romans (in fact, the area that Romans held for the longest time) had its own population, the Gauls, with their own language which, in a certain measure, influenced the Latin spoken there. Then, during the barbaric invasions, the zone was invaded by the Frankish, a germanic population that brought there their own language, from the fusion of those influences, there emerged the Franco-Provençal and other forms, the d’oc and d’oil forms, the latter is the one from which currently spoken French evolved from.
And I promised myself I wasn’t going to write a long answer about the Italian language to add on it, but I did anyway, so here it is, under the cut.
Before that, I’d like to sum up what there’s down here, with a little more:
Italian was created from one of the many dialects Italy had, all of which derived from Latin, by Dante Alighieri (yes, the one I make fun of, but I’ve been studying him as part of my study course for 10+ years so I am allowed to do that from time to time) and then cultivated by people for centuries as a language made only for literature and not quite spoken until the Unity of Italy. During those centuries more influxes entered, but none prevalent to the base Dante made.
Now, to the long one:
Unlike French, Italian, although it is an evolution from Latin, had numerous influences from other languages, but none as strong as French had from Frankish. In fact, Italian is the evolution of the dialect of a singular area of Italy, the volgare fiorentino, aka the tongue spoken in Florence. Now, the discussion is incredibly complicated, so I’ll try to reduce it to the essential lines.
The volgari were the tongues spoken by everyone, at every level, that derived from Latin’s spoken tongue, which was different from the written for a number of phenomena that it’d be too long to explain here. Every zone of Italy, every city even, had its own, and many of them started to evolve a written tradition separated from the Latin one, which was still prevalent. The Sicilian court of Frederich II is known to be the first Italian volgare that produced high-level literature (although there are recent finds that show how this may not be entirely correct, but that calls for more research...).
Enter the Florentines Stilnovisti, a group of poets that started to use their own dialects instead of the Sicilian one, to write their love poetries. Dante Alighieri was one of them.
But Dante was above them. He was a genius (for how much I love to make fun of him, it’s undeniable how great he was at what he did) who first theorized the creation of a tongue that could be the same for all of Italy, the way Latin once was, a tongue which had the same dignity and expressive abilities of Latin, and then HE MADE IT.
The Comedìa (worldwide known as the Divine Comedy) is the result of his work, 80% of the Italian vocabulary can be already found in it, most of the syntax and morphological structures are already in there and he built the tongue from his mother dialect, the tongue spoken in Florence, but not only! He made up words, he used Latin and Franco-Provençal and other Italian dialects and much much more to create a new tongue that became what we now speak!
And yes, then there came Petrarca that set a higher standard for poetry by “cleaning up” the mixed language of the Comedìa, and then Boccaccio became a baseline for prose (the three of them are known as the Three Crowns of Italian language) but the groundwork was made by Dante Alighieri.
And then, centuries later, there was Alessandro Manzoni (as a matter of fact, there would be a few passages in the middle, but this is already long as it is, so I’ll skip to here). By that time, Italian language was, just like the country, not a reality but more of a solid idea (I made some time ago a series of posts about Italian History, in case you want to see what the situation was). It was a language for literature only, with all the heaviness of being old and not quite up to date as it a spoken language was supposed to be. Manzoni had the bright idea to take this novel he was writing and modify the tongue according to how real people in his time’s Florence actually spoke. And it worked marvels! The tongue made by Dante was renewed with the influx of the practical evolutions the people did without even noticing they made!
When the Unity of Italy came shortly after, the tongue Manzoni used was basically adopted by the whole country, the novel I Promessi Sposi became a school book that was functional to teach the language to all the people who spoke only their own dialects and it’s still an essential part of Italian kids’ education today.
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unibrowzz · 4 years
Mod (finally) reviews all 67 winners of the Eurovision Song Contest Part IV: The 1980s
Ah yes, the 80s. One of my favourite decades for music overall, and one of the only decades in Eurovision where I wouldn’t immediately jump at the chance to change most of the songs that won, the other decade being the 2000s. 
But at least with the 80s there was more quality songs per year, whereas the 2000s was mostly drivel.
I also count the 80s as being somewhat of a turning point in the contest’s history, and by that I mean it always seemed to me like it was the decade where the UK really began to stop caring. Most people know the song that won in 1985, but nobody knows what won in 1986. Everyone knows Johnny Logan won twice, but couldn’t name his second song. Everyone knows Celine Dion competed, but can’t remember if she won or what she sang. 
That and countries also started experimenting with more modern sounds and outfits towards the end. The early 80s is just an extension of the 70s I swear. 
But that’s enough of all that, how do I find the winning songs?
1980- What’s Another Year?
Country: Ireland
Artist: Johnny Logan 
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes, the song that makes every 50something woman in the UK and Ireland all doey-eyed and rosy cheeked as they remember back to when they were a teenager watching this on TV and drooling at the lovely looking sad Irishman singing his sorrows into the microphone.  Or that’s my experience with this song anyway. Another experience is that most vintage fans I know tend to dislike this song on the grounds of it beating out [insert song here] Everyone has their favourite from 1980 since it was honestly a pretty strong year, but even though this song isn’t my first place for that year I can still clearly see why it won. See, 1980 had a lot of pop songs, so a slow, sad song like this one was bound to stand out, whether it was popular or not. Luckily for this one, it turned out to be a popular choice. Other songs wouldn’t be so lucky… Back on track though. Like I said, this is a very sad and melancholy song with sad and melancholy lyrics, which not only made it stand out in its year, but also made it stand out amongst other Eurovision songs of its time. It’s strange to think, but at this point in the contest’s history there hadn’t been a winner with lyrics so solemn and personal. See, in modern Eurovision, every other song is the artist baring their soul about their horrible ex-boyfriend, or their depression, or past abuse, or whatever, so knowing there was a period where songs like that were so rare is just… surreal to me.
Is this my personal winner for this year? This or Greece tbh, I don’t mind this one
If no, what is? Greece- Anna Vissi- “Autostop”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 23rd
1981: Making Your Mind Up
Country: United Kingdom
Artist: Bucks Fizz
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes, the UK winner that nobody really likes, but the BBC still forces at us anyway because they’re proud they came up with a gimmick that everybody remembers. Or maybe it’s not that well remembered, but nobody would know that because we’re reminded of it every year. This song is… alright. Just alright. The first listen of this one is always the best, because after a while it just gets kind of annoying. The singing ESPECIALLY starts to grate you for a while. Even in the studio version the two girls sound unbearably shrill and whiny, and I’m not sure if that’s their fault or the songwriter’s (since if I remember correctly only one of them was a professional singer). I’m seriously convinced there’s no way for a female vocalist to pull this off without sounding terrible.  Again, this one’s perfectly fine and serviceable, but that doesn’t mask the fact it’s still the worst UK winner and the worst winner of the 1980s too. 
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? Portugal- Carlos Paião- “Playback”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 58th
1982: Ein Bißchen Frieden
Country: West Germany
Artist: Nicole
Language: German (Translation: “A little peace”)
Thoughts: This song gives me a really warm, nostalgic feeling, and I don’t know why. I mean, I know this one did well internationally, so it’s possible I just heard it as a kid, but given how I grew up in the early 2000s, “Eurovision is a shitty freak show full of weirdos from the USSR who gang up on the UK and don't vote for us on purpose” era Britain, that’s highly unlikely. Anyways, this is such a warm, fuzzy kind of song. It has a lovely… round-the-campfire, singalong kind of vibe, like this is meant to be sung by a load of long haired hippies with flowers in their hair and CND symbols drawn on their cheeks. And it’s… … Also kind of bland. If you’ve been reading my personal winners so far, you’ll have noticed I definitely have a soft spot for old German entries, so it’s a shame I find the one song they actually won with to be so… generic. It’s like they got tired of being unique so decided to send the same saccharine fluff everyone else was sending, and guess what, it paid off majorly, because this song was a huge hit at the time. Something about that kind of bothers me, like, out of all the entries they sent, it’s the one that’s the most “Eurovision-y” that ended up winning. And there’s something depressing in that.
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? United Kingdom- Bardo- “One Step Further”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 50th
1983: Si la vie est Cadeau
Country: Luxembourg
Artist: Corinne Hermés
Language: French (Translation: “If life were a gift”)
Thoughts: You want a tip on how to stand out amongst Eurovision fans? Say you like this song. Probably won’t make you very popular, but you’ll stand out at least. I will confess, I, too, was part of the hate-wagon for this song. Like most fans I knew, I’d complain about how boring and uninteresting it was and how it, ahem, “robbed” so many other entries, and how basic it was, et cetera, et cetera. But… honestly? It’s not even that bad. Sure I had other favourites from 1983 (the ones I could stand watching anyway, the host that year was so unimaginably terrible I gave up watching halfway through. I DARE you to watch the whole thing without wanting to neck yourself), but this song gets way more hate than it deserves. I honestly don’t think this song is half as bad as I made it out to be myself, or as bad as the fandom makes it out to be. It’s got a decent melody, some solid vocals, some appealingly 80s instrumental, like there’s a lot I like here. …Until you read the lyrics and realise they’re almost as half-assed and lazy as All Kinds of Everything’s, but I digress. Did I prefer other songs from that year? Of course. Am I going to complain about this one winning? Nah. It’s alright. 
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? Sweden- Carola Häggkvist- “Främling”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 41st
1984- Diggiloo, Diggiley
Country: Sweden
Artist: Herreys
Language: Swedish
Thoughts: Whenever I was a younger fan I used to describe this song as being drunk-dad-at-a-wedding-music performed by three sentient Ken dolls, and I still stand by that statement. And I don’t really know how else to describe this one. It certainly has its charm, and it’s still a likeable song, but it also feels very… vapid. Like if this song were a person, they’d be a bit of a bimbo. And I mean, the song’s about how the singer’s oh-so-happy and prancing down the street in his brand new shoes, so that’s probably a fair description. Part of me wonders if that’s down to old Eurovision songs being vapid in general or if it’s down to the schlager genre itself requiring songs to be kinda neutered and happy-go-lucky, but even though I do like this song, it does come off as being a bit bland. A bit by-the-numbers and playing-it-safe. And I don’t mind songs like that, but I’d rather they didn’t win, y’know?
Is this my personal winner for this year? Not really
If no, what is? Italy- Alice & Franco- “Il Treni di Tozeur”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 15th
1985- La det Swinge
Country: Norway
Artist: Bobbysocks
Language: Norwegian
Thoughts: Ah yes, the song which finally hauled Norway into first place after years of being a regular last-placer. Maybe the UK should take some notes instead of blaming Brexit. Or Russia. Or Iraq. Or anything other than their own apathy, for that matter. But this is about La det Swinge and not the UK, so what are my thoughts on it? Well it’s… It’s the kind of song I imagine my mom and aunt would sing at a wedding if they ever attended one. It’s a very fun song, a little cheesy, sure, but it’s hard to not like a song that’s this upbeat and cheery.  And yeah I know it’s because it’s schlager and that’s generally a really cheerful genre by default, I touched on that in the review above, 
Is this my personal winner for this year? This or Israel
If no, what is? Israel- Yizhar Cohen- “Olé Olé”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 14th
1986- J’aime la Vie
Country: Belgium
Artist: Sandra Kim
Language: French
Thoughts: This song is an enigma because I’m an absolute slut for 80s pop, yet, for some reason, I find this song painfully average and uninteresting. Now, I’ll get it off my chest and say that 1986 was also a painfully average and uninteresting year, and most of the time I just felt myself remembering the singer more than the song, and even then I struggle to remember what some of the acts even were. It was just such a boring blur of a year I’m surprised the juries even managed to stay awake to pick a winner. And I GUESS you could argue that this song is so upbeat and peppy that it woke them up, but that doesn’t excuse how bloody generic it is. Like, this is the most generic 80s song you can imagine, and not in a good way. It feels more like stock music than an actual publicly released pop song. Had it not won, I doubt it would’ve stood out to me at all; it would’ve just faded into the background with all the other muted, 80s-coloured mush from this year. Basically, there’s a reason the singer’s age is the only thing noteworthy about this song.
Is this my personal winner for this year? Not really
If no, what is? Luxembourg- Sherisse Laurence- “L’amour de ma vie”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 49th
1987- Hold me Now
Country: Ireland
Artist: Johnny Logan 
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes, the superior Johnny Logan winner.  And I’m not sure why everyone forgets this one because Mother of Mercy this song is in another league entirely compared to the other schlock Ireland’s won with. Like this is their best winner, no competition. One of their best songs overall as well. One of the best entries from the 80s, one of the best winners of the 80s, one of the best winners… Yeah, I really like this song.  I’ll admit to sleeping on this one for too long myself, always dismissing it as some boring Irish ballad to go with all the other boring Irish ballads they somehow managed to win with (we’ll get to that later), and always agreeing with people who said XYZ country (always Yugolslavia) should have won instead.  Basically I learnt the hard way to never judge a song on its country and genre. But one day I found myself in the midst of a revisiting trip, going back to winners I didn't pay much attention to, just to see if there was anything I’d missed the first time round. And something about the lyrics in this song resonated with me a lot more than I thought they would. In a strange way, it made me feel older; like I’d grown up and was able to relate to the words in a song and appreciate it more than I could when I was younger. The line “what do you say when words are not enough?” especially hits harder than it should; as someone with autism I tend to find showing emotions difficult, even in virtual conversation where I’m not using my voice or face, because… Well, what do you say when your words aren’t enough?
Is this my personal winner for this year? Yes
If no, what is? N/A
Personal ranking (out of 67): 2nd
1988- Ne Partez pas Sans Moi
Country: Switzerland 
Artist: Céline Dion 
Language: French
Thoughts: Telling people Céline Dion won this thing is a new favourite hobby of mine, just to see the confused reaction. And that’s the most interesting thing about this song because it’s… fine, I guess? It’s a perfectly serviceable 80s power ballad, but there’s no bells and whistles to make me sit up and declare it any better than just “okay”. It’s basically the ballad equivalent of J’aime la Vie from 1986, in that it’s extremely 80s and also in French, but there’s nothing to make it that memorable aside from the singer herself. And even then this isn’t the song that made her famous anyway. Even her singing doesn't make this one stand out, partially because the song doesn't do anything special with it, and partially because she just blends in with all the other good singers of this era. And that’s kinda sad to think about.
Is this my personal winner for this year? Hmmm....
If no, what is? Greece- Afroditi Frida- “Clown”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 22nd
1989- Rock Me
Country: Yugoslavia
Artist: Riva
Language: Croatian
Thoughts: So this is another song it really took me a while to get into (there’s lots of those, trust me) and one that was very briefly in my top three overall favourites. It’s slid down a few slots since then, though I would still say it’s… Somewhere in the top 15.  I don’t really have a lot to say about this one, if I’m honest. It’s just a good, fun, solid song which stood out in a very dull and ballad-saturated year, nothing more, nothing less. The lyrics are nice too, being about a bored musician who learns to love music again by teaching himself how to play pop songs to entertain his friends. That’s a unique subject and I can imagine it resonating with a lot of people who’ve fallen out with a hobby they used to love because they took it too seriously (providing they either speak Croatian or have looked up the lyrics, of course). I mean, it resonates with me at least. All in all, I just like this song for its message more than anything else.
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? Portugal- Da Vinci- “Conquistador”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 9th
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shrug-hellyeah · 6 years
This is one of the most famous Spanish songs ever, in my opinion. It's about freedom (libre: free) and it's been comically sung when you get divorced, or finish your final exams... I myself have done it countless times.
It wasn't until today (3 AM to be exact), when I stopped and listened to the lyrics, that I realized it wasn't a happy song. I scroll down to read any possible information in the comments and... my suspicions get confirmed.
It's about the first boy who tried crossing Berlin's Wall. He was barely 20 years old, got shot and left agonizing for an hour, without getting any help from neither of the sides, because of the fear of getting shot by the opposite side.
The song is an ode to freedom. It's beautiful and heartbreaking. It talks about the beauty of being free while reminding us that countless of innocent people have died and will die for it.
I can't help but remember all the victims of the franquismo, and how often we Spanish people forget about it and think it wasn't "that bad". It was. I always get shivers down my spine when older members of my family tell me what they lived and saw.
When they heard the agonizing people who didn't die instantly when shot by the police, a few blocks away from their homes, and all they could do was bring them water and hold their hands until another truck, full of other people about to get shot, came again;
When you lived in constant fear about having an enemy or someone who hated you because all it took to kill you was to insinuate to the police that you were a Rojo (republican, against Franco);
When you got assigned as a gravedigger as a way of punishment, and all you could do to bring some sort of relief to relatives of an assassinated person was to give them a piece of cloth the victim was wearing;
When you couldn't (and CAN, EVEN NOWADAYS!) grieve for your lost ones in a concrete place because all of them were dumped in massive pits all around the country (one pit near my city has around 6,000 bodies, just to help get your head around it);
When you got slapped hard in the face (as a kid) for not knowing the franquist anthem;
When, even when Franco has been dead for more than 40 years, you see people saying "with Franco we lived better than now", you see street names glorifying the dictator, you get told by the current president of one of the main political parties in Spain that people who want to grieve and let their relatives rest in peace that "they live in the past" and that "they should just forget about it", absolutely shitting on historic memory; when the corpse of Franco is buried in a place who was built by and for the victims of franquismo (imagine if Hitler was buried in a big, marble monument in the middle of the Auschwitz concentration camp).
I'm leaving out lots of stories and facts about how it was the franquismo, mainly because I don't know a lot about it because we barely studied it, and it's learnt in a non compulsory grade (meaning that a lot of people don't even get to learn about one of the most important, if not THE most important period of their own country. Using the German example again, imagine if German people didn't study Nazism compulsorily. Let that sink in.)
Everything I said are stories told to me by family members: my grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles. These stories are real, their fear was real.
And I'm afraid we will go back to something similar because of our ignorance and repulse to the past. Let's remember our victims, let's remember Miguel Hernández, García Lorca, doctor Peset Aleixandre, the Thirteen Roses, and many, many more people whose names have been forgotten.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Prince Freya Vol. 1
Like a well-listened to lullaby, I find myself in front of the keyboard with a manga volume beside me. And so, the song starts again. Fitting that I chose a story set in a fairy-tale world to return with.
Prince Freya is neither a Western style fable nor a Japanese high-fantasy adventure. Rather, it has elements of traditional fairy-tale stories in the Germanic-Franco style. I bet you didn’t know that in the original version, Cinderella’s sisters were beautiful but wretched and doves sent by Cinderella’s dead mother pecked their eyes out? Yeah, brutal. Well, the same kind of logic applies in Prince Freya. Freya, a young girl living with her ailing mother in a village in the Kingdom of Tyr. Nearby Sigurd is threatening to gobble up Tyr. So, secretly, her childhood adoptive brothers come back to the village to make sure a plan in Tyr’s capital doesn’t come to fruition. See, Tyr’s plan is to use Freya to sub in for Prince Edward, the ruler of Tyr. Edward is dying from poison and needs someone to pretend to be him to save the kingdom. So we’ve got elements of Prince and the Pauper, Grimm’s Fairy Tales, and a few that I’ve forgotten the name of.
Freya herself is a big crybaby, borne from her constant, unstated, fear that the people she loves will be taken from her. So when Aaron and Alek, her brothers, have to go back to the castle empty handed, she overhears a plot by Sigurd’s officers to kill Aaron as payment for Tyr’s resistance. She volunteers to Edward to take his place, in one hell of a Faustian pact: she becomes the prince, even with her crippling emotional state, but even in saving those she cares for, some of her happiness is destroyed. I found the bulk of the first volume to deal with the unseen threats that she did not foresee: palace intrigue, people who follow the prince’s every orders being thrown off by “his” abrupt change of behaviour, and being a person she could never be in her old life. But underneath, she remains the person back in her home village. When she (literally) leaps into the role of the prince in front of the castle, her sense of justice is now augmented by her new-found power as the regent. So the same girl who reached out for hurt people as a child now wields incredible public power. Some people who distrust her now can be smoothed over, others must be left for another day. Give and take, political pragmatism, and discretion being the better part of valour. All these things she has to learn in hours. All the while, Ishihara keeps the darker side of the fairy tale in play because at every turn, inside and outside the castle, death lies in wait.
The two major male leads in the first volume, Alek and Aaron, are where the volume’s emotional gravity comes from. Aaron’s the older one, the one who had the Prince’s Black Knight bodyguard role, and he comes from the perspective of the practical soldier: yes, childhood was an adventure but there are evils out there, waiting to devour the unwary. He carries himself with the weight of a young man who knows the cost of friendship, family, and love. He’s prepared to pay it but can’t save those around him from heartache. Alek, on the other hand, is the prototypical foot soldier; hard-working but not made in the eyes of the court. Alek could die tomorrow and nobody in the castle will grieve. His cross to bear is that he has to rise to the challenges within and without or everyone he loves will be stolen from him. In many ways, he is his older brother but not a complete clone. Aaron seems to be certain that Freya needs to find her own way, however heart-breaking it is, whereas Alek thinks the same but yet as he sees it, who will protect Freya if they throw their lives away at the first sign of danger? Freya is not so much torn between them as she is trying to make sure they both get different levels of support from her while she battles her fear and terror at her role in this dangerous political play. Her upset is from them risking all for save her when she feels that she should do all she can to balance the scales.
The manga plays with all this and keeps the background machinations going as elements within the castle shift their weight as some know that Freya isn’t Edward and others don’t. These elements will end up colliding with Freya and the boys while she wrestles with her choices and decisions. The story hits hard in several scenes and reminded me that not all fairy tales end with the heroes making it out of every book. I liked how Freya loses more and more of who she and the boys were back in the village as they take on each terrifying moment. Ishihara has made a typical fantasy setting and made it more on what happens to Freya’s state of mind than what the world around her does. As the older stories tell us, there are worst things than death in a high fantasy.
Now, I put down this volume and reach for another. The lullaby goes on, the setting changes. See you next time, readers!
By: Phillip Anthony
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writer1306 · 6 years
Born in the USA
Born in the USA
Sebastjan Videtic
Ideologies are the sentences and content of other people. Usually these are obsolete phrases and content, like poets and writers, various fairy tales.
Knowledge is the sentences and the contents of what to do. Products. Knowledge in schools is updated over the years because we live in times of innovation.
What are innovations? New items and new content. New Products.
Too often countries are organized into ideologies. And in schools, children learn nationalism, religion, poetry, fairy tales ... These are the countries of educated adults who do not know how to produce products. Frustration of the masses, various prohibitions ...
USA. Born in the US. Capitalism, promotion of personal progress, no ideologies. A person in the United States learns personal responsibility to make progress in life. If he does not know how to do it today, he will not have tomorrow. A system that goes beyond money and banking. Make products for them to own and use them. Make products for them to sell. Standard means the quality of products. Made in USA.
A country where you learn to write new phrases where you create new ideas. New innovative products. Quality number 1, paid by everyone who has purchasing power around the world. There are no ideologies in the US, a state without shame. You build yourself in the US. Do not repeat or imitate. You build yourself from a well-born baby, now you can write new phrases. You know how to make innovative products.
Freedom of speech is the basis of the US system. The freedom to write new phrases. The freedom to manufacture new products.
If you know a song, you can not make a product with it. The poem is a sentence, an ideology. If you can work, you have learned with a screwdriver and screws, you have many open spaces, you can make products. You have knowledge, you do not have ideologies in your head. If it were only for knowledge, today we would build pyramids. It's also about imagination. We can define the imagination as being free from the time and place we live in. Knowledge is the basis of imagination, which can become a discovery, a new idea or an innovative product. How to copy pyramids, which does not make sense would be life without the addition of imagination. We are looking for better solutions. How to copy transcripts that do not make sense is life without the addition of imagination. There is a lot in the negotiations, but not everything. Negotiations are sometimes the basis, often outdated. These are a tremendous amount of conviction in today's world. The products that we manufacture today are used to have something of life. And we make them on the basis of newly discovered knowledge individually. Liberated by all ideologies in the United States, children go to school using applied knowledge. The goal is, as always, to know how to do this day and life. Make progress. To be better today than yesterday, and be better tomorrow from today.
The organization of the US state is essential. No one can compare with her. Try to make a movie, comparable or better than Hollywood. Freedom of speech as the basis. Learning to write new items and to create new ideas. Why do people in the US have ambitions? New ideas. Courage. Achievements.
Because politics in the United States is not a parasite and does not support stupid and lazy people. It always wins the US. The mind can be bigger and bigger and never the greatest. Greater than the mind, the smaller equation will do. What is a tool at all? What are the equations at all? What's it all to do today for having tomorrow? Too many people with heads of full ideologies outside of the United States are poorly understood the United States. Unlike the others, US citizens produce products. They also sell them. They believe in themselves, they built themselves. And they are not dumb crowds outside of the United States, who blindly believe in money. Of course, Americans are full of money because they sell products that they invent and make. But it's not about money. It's about the abilities these people develop. They are better day by day
The time when you work for money, Americans are working on products. Quality and innovative products.
What product can you do? The Americans make themselves with their own ideas and hands today. Yes, products that you can buy at a store or steal from a store. You who believe in money and not yourself. You are looking for the right of the world, but you are very unjust to yourself. What did you learn to create for yourself?
Enterprise talent
Already as a kid, he runs around and sees what he needs. He asks if it is for sale. As an adult looking for business ideas, resale products. He already has his own company. Finds such products and finds people to resell them.
In the United States, many billionaires have been enriched by selling and reselling products.
With the property of hungry for knowledge. It takes time and reads a hundred business books of proper choice. Now products for reselling he develop. Other good products make it more interesting for the market. And resell them.
Now he sees better. It has even more developed senses. He has read more books, this time about management. A woman asks him for help to fix the window as a man. They co-operate and, in the end, she work with his screwdriver. He saw a woman working with a tool. He understood the new market. Women would also work with the tool if the tool was designed to use less physical strength. And he began to creating a tool for women. The screwdriver was wider in the handle so it needed less power to rotate it. He distributed this tool to women in tool shops. The brand has guaranteed the quality of the tools. Promoting on YOUTUBE with videos about how women work with this tool.
How to make your first multinational?
Self-initiative. He surprised everything with a new tool for women. He saw a woman who would fix the window proper self if she had the proper tools. He did this tool, he sold it.
If you listen the market, you would become a housekeeper, a craftsman. And you would not earn a lot of money.
Franco had a good inn in the communist country. He sold top-quality food, high quality and he had many guests. Company organization in this case restaurant. He has done business with guests from Germany, Italy and other Western countries. Guests came to him because he sold world quality. Fish, crustaceans, shellfish ...
At the same time, the companies was organized by the Communist Party. With the closed market state. The products were of poor quality and poor ideas. They were only selling in this country and because there was no competition from the west.
In those times, 40 years ago, citizens were all craving for quality products from the West. They themselves, however, produced poor, poor quality products. The organization of communism was not good. Because the products were not high quality and comparable to German. Then Made in Germany products were the best.
Teaching story. Today, capitalism and democracy are in this country. The transit period was full of fears and the glorification of socialism by the citizens. At the same time, entrepreneurs developed new products and quality products. And today they export these products to Germany, USA, China, France, and the United Kingdom. The essence is the organization of the state and the company. How successful entrepreneurs know. They know successful politicians. Capitalism is allowed to be done today, for tomorrow's. Ambitions are allowed. It is allowed to make personal progress. It is allowed to overcome everything, be the best, the most smart, the most abundant. In capitalism, you are responsible for yourself. Education gives you the opportunity in capitalism. Knowing your options. You learn and you can work and earn money. There is no fence.
Communism has nationalisms, leniency rights, various written values that are not constructive. Capitalism is often a perfect organization of the state. Because it encourages personal progress and leniences lazhe.
At the same time, over 1000 private innkeepers, with guests from Germany, paid only indisputable quality. At the time by communist organized companies, where there was not one quality product.
The fact is one. Most of the employees in Germany work the highest quality products in companies in Germany. These people pay only comparable quality. Then food in the taverns of this communist state. Organizing oneself is a prerequisite, KAIZEN, to be better today than yesterday, and to be better tomorrow from today. Learn to progress. Organizing your day, your business. The state with capitalism wins the organization when citizens, on the basis of certain rules, have endless personal pursuits.
Today in capitalism. You learn to work. You learn to work with money or a tool. Learning. KAIZEN, be better today than yesterday, and be better tomorrow from today. The market is global. They will all pay you if your work is quality. If you are an entrepreneur and see the market, you have ideas, you only need money, make use of the market.
Changes are high. The generation has changed. The people died and the grandchildren were born. Today they have 20 and 30 years. And the other head. They are open, liberated values from 1945.
Today, multinationals are fighting. How? With innovation, they have no competition. They are number 1.
Quality is already a general standard, while innovation is a game with which you overcome everything. Knowledge is only the basis of imagination, which can become an innovation. Everyone watched cartoons; it means he has to be cunning. Many, if not everyone today can be an innovator and a winner.
From the same grapes it is possible to make ordinary wine or superior wine. Ideas and knowledge are needed for top quality wine. Countries where you can express yourself and are not supervised are countries that, in addition to knowledge, have new ideas. States that worship freedom. Where you are an innovator, and you do not invest money as a politician in innovation. Where man is in the first place and politics far behind.
When you are an entrepreneur, innovative, in politics you are not interested. You are not following. You interested in Chamber of Commerce. Real estate is the most insane business. Why? Because they're not a tool. The tool is the cleverest thing, because we are working with the tool. Man is capable of making the tool, Winston Churchill. In this case, the city of London is worth more than a whole Great British island. Because most real estate in London is a capital, a tool to make money. If the city of London were to develop, it would always be smaller and more profitable. Everything is the opposite in business. One man is more worthy of the crowds. Because he is free to make personal progress. At the same time when the crowds on the other side enjoy alcohol.
Today's young people, 15 years old in Europe, are people who made today for have tomorrow. They learn, they express themselves, they are young with new ideas. They are more valuable than the masses of their grandfathers, hundreds of years ago. Less is more. Everything is the opposite in knowledge. A young man now drinks lemon juice in Europe and knows exactly what he is doing. His grandfather was drinking alcohol and he did not even know what he was doing.
Goodbye grandfather, welcome grandson………
In the information age, the age of the web, information, free content. Entrepreneurs often have talent, the market is seen and exploited. What happens if these people put black on white their talent. To write what they know. In this case they can see themselves and expand their knowledge. If business books also are read, they can make their first multinational. What would happen if Japan, for example, gave all the content of all Japanese schools online for free, available to everyone? Many would expand this knowledge and improve it with other knowledge or ones. It would be the next great revolution that would lead humanity to the top.
The information age created hunger for knowledge. Web, free content, choice. Insofar as the knowledge of all schools would be free, we go into the age of discoveries. New and new equations. 1 = - 1. Conversion by increasing or decreasing the temperature, convert water in the sun.. . How many are equations? The smaller the equation, the greater its effect. Sometimes we used the tool for an effect, anatomical to man. Tomorrow, we can use universal equations, which also apply 1000 and more galaxies far. We are in the universe that has no end, and we are not only in the galaxy. Proper ????
A space ship today made a human being into space. However, it only uses an anatomical man-made tool. No equations. Hitler's machine gun against Albert Einstein, E = MC2. With new equations, humanity ceases the age of crime, wars and the age of workers. The end is physical and other work. The effect with equations begins to work. Stop working with the tool. It begins to fly into the universe 1,000 galaxies far, alone with its weight. It stops making imbecile of herself and flying to the moon with gasoline and the like. Today's tool, bigger than it, has more effect with it. It's a mistake. Tomorrow's equations, smaller than they are, we perform more effect with them. We forget the great grandfathers who worked a lot of tools. Let's remember the little grandchildren who can discover small equations.
True, we are in infinite universe, where the equation means that it works everywhere. You would not dare to go into space today, to another galaxy. Smart. Because you do not have the knowledge, because nobody on Earth has it. Tomorrow your kids will be dare to go to another galaxy. Because they will discover universal equations. And with them, they will fly FULLY safe and VERY free in space. The grandfathers believed in real estate, a lot of wars and shopping, and there was a wedding as well. Grandchildren and new knowledge, universal equations. Small things opposite to big real estate. But with tremendous effect. Yes, the time is right, humanity is at the top of its capabilities, the information age, and so on. Whether you want it or not, you will die and your children will leave 1000 galaxies by far. You probably do not, but your children, or will they find the equation for the immortality of the body? Their is today's time, your children. Age of the web, free content ......... ..
How to become an entrepreneur?
Young people are often ambitious. Hungry for knowledge and money. Most of lack entrepreneurial knowledge. The business ideas of young people in the majority exceed their current capabilities. The best for a young man is to start selling. You buy products to resell them. You have guaranteed quality of the products of the manufacturer, quality is today the basis of sales. You need to see the market.
How do you choose: Products for resale are high quality. The environment in which you will sell has high purchasing power. The target group needs your products immediately.
Your weakness is because you are new to entrepreneurship, you have no experience. You only sell to people with indisputable purchasing power. You reject anyone in whom you doubt that he has money. You must not have fear of competition. It's unjust. You are young and ambitious, you are a threat to them, the elderly entrepreneurs. The advantage of your product should be quality. Quality is the most important. The product you are selling must be quality.
Today you go online. You already find a product. In your environment, you see with your eyes that you can sell it in large quantities. Purchasing power and product use. You buy it at a purchase price and resell it. You can in your store, by post, send offers to selected buyers, may be on the market at fairs. It is important that you are active. It means power, on the basis of a newly understood market to respond quickly, to change the way of selling.
Often young people are dreamers. You want to make revolutionary ideas. The biggest problem is the lack of experience. How will a young man manage to make the quality better than a master with 30 years of experience? Therefore, sales are the best choice for young people. For a few years, you are selling quality products of your choice, something or much you deserve. During this time you can read more, books, magazines, web. Now, with your money, you're barely smart. You're no longer a dreamer but a real entrepreneur. Now you understand the costs, make or produce quality products. And you see the market. Now you can try to realize your dreams. There is no competition. Nobody will ever overtake you, because, as you see now, not everyone is ambitious as you are. It means if you do not do revolution, no one will be. Fear is always unfounded. You're always alone.
About the advice of the elderly. This is the previous generation, which has nothing to do with the market today. Do not listen to anyone. In the bookstores, you have the best experts, the best books.
Regarding investors, everyone will notice your ambition. For money will not need to look you, which will be offered to you. You only need to know that you do not have regular sales, so they explain to them well in which industry and the environment they invest. Let them go to your hand.
Ambitions are not greed. Ambitious is hungry for money, something makes for something to have. Greed is visiting casinos, playing lottery, waiting for uncle to bring him a gift.
How to fly in today's global economy and the Internet?
We live in a global information age. If you're looking for a brain, you'll find it online. We live in an era of innovation and discoveries. If you want to discover the glass of immortality, you will discover it. These great times were created by Walt Disney, who was among the first to launch cartoons. What are cartoons? Pure 100% imagination. Today, most children watch cartoons. They look at the imagination. And, knowledge is the basis of imagination, which can become a discovery. Tomorrow all these kids go to school for knowledge. Globalization systems have created an environment that works. Knowledge is the basis of imagination, which can become a discovery. The environment of knowledge and imagination, the environment of discoveries.
In schools, children learn to act. With knowledge. They already have a basis, an imagination, they looked at cartoons. These kids are ready to create the best period of all time. Period of discoveries.
Every knowledge is a fixation. Routine. Repeat. Peace. Stagnation. Death. Life is tide and tide. In the weather conditions that are changing. And imagination is the time that brings life to life. A man can now discover the unknown. A man can now achieve his goals. You can see what interests you. You can do this.
The general belief of civilizations is that this is a continuation of knowledge. We make cheese from milk. From the milk we make yogurt. We make a pizza from cheese. And it's been a millennium. Today's action of individuals and groups is a turning point. Time of knowledge and imagination. With cartoons, we prepare children hungry for discoveries. Yesterday, they would be wise men, today they are innovators. For tomorrow's day. Hard beliefs are dying. If we use knowledge as the basis of imagination, we learn this, we can discover any idea whenever we want. With the same system, we can discover new knowledge about how to realize the new idea. Continuing knowledge is no longer important. Today, you do not need to continue to develop a car anymore. It's a time of innovation. In stores, the electric scooter is only 10kg heavy, it is electric skate, new worlds are opening. Transportation, but not necessarily a car. Pizza can be transported through wires. We only buy a recipe, and the 3D printer bakes us pizza. There is a better and better way, but never the best. Life may have a limit in the length of years, but the day certainly has no limits. To live the maximum of yourself, liberate the time and place we live in, whether it be cartoons, movies, or imagination. Daylight is closed in the light, because the light is too strong. It is so in the tradition of eternal truths. They're sleeping. At night, we open our eyes in black darkness, because there is no light at all. And really, if we turn up we see stars, galaxies, everything. So today, when we choose our own knowledge and imagine ourselves. When we discover ourselves new and new. The power to make a choice wakes us again and again. In tradition, they know one truth, for example, a windmill, and this is the best one, and that's it. Free today are discovering new windmills, with better and better efficiency and other properties. If one can be made, it can be done at least one hundred better or worse. Like birds. Everyone has his own wings. They're whole, they're all flying. One is better, one worse, one in these, one in other conditions.
How to take advantage of yourself? ... Internet ...
A structure that is not tied to the environment and the time you live in. Internet. Where you can progress, you are better and better. Where there is no history. It's fresh real time, your time.
The environment and the time in which you live, has its limits. You least have to adapt to the habits. He has his own rules. In this environment and time you are not. You play your role. Sometimes you play against you.
You have ambitions. Internet. The only rule is that there are no rules. You can fix the environment and time. Your knowledge and your imagination. You can create anything. You can be on the internet and nowhere else. You can make progress. KAIZEN, you're better today than yesterday, and you're better tomorrow from today.
Internet, a global freeware. Global Market. Billions of people, billions of customers. Quality. Your creation, your quality product has an internet price. How about personal progress towards money? 2018, there are no real central global values. Everything is still open. With personal advancement to become the best, develop the best product. And sell quality. Quality is the main value this year, the second year, in the future. Always. Music is known, films are known. At least 1001 products are not known. You, if ambitious, can discover novelties. Innovate. You as the creator of today's global day in the highest quality.
Life is a game. Quality is the middle of the game. Your personal progress is your quality. You are quality, you can make new quality products. You as the middle of the square, the middle of today. This is Your time. You are free from the boundaries of the environment and time, on the Internet. You are now the author, the director, you are the creator. How to take advantage of yourself? To learn, to advance, to solve problems, with a self-initiative. No one is above you. You create quality. You sell the quality to billions of people. You're changing times. Your ideas. Your realization. The freshness of your progress.
Fear is beautiful, because you overcome it with new knowledge. Learn and learn. All the way like the sea and swimming. Want to and dare to fight. To swim to fight the sea for life. You want to win. Win and win everything. Ambitious you are born. Doing today to have tomorrow. New times, new environment, more quality and more fresh. Fight and win. Fighting your borders of yesterday, today. Fight with today's borders, tomorrow. To win the smart mind. Your own, your mind. To win the whole life. Achieve yourself, without obstacles and boundaries. This is you.
Are we going to Saturn with spaceships for a concert? When is your answer, YES. When you dare to live, because you have progressed and progressed. The right quality is now you.
Frank is a farmer and wine-producer. On the road near his house he has put up a sign written SELL WINE. It sells bad and at very low price. John instead sells wine on the road when there is tourism, he raises a bit the price and sells it more. George organizes a fair in a nearby town and manages to sell all the wine at a tavern price. We need challenges. The meaning of life is to exploit our mind. The challenge is to create your own mind. Richard, what he did? The quality wine. He was studying, learning, did researches and has developed a high-quality wine. He created his own mind. Richard's wine have great demand all over the world by people with high power of purchase. Richard always says that the meaning of life is to create, to produce its own mind and use it, and that is a direction of looking for challenges. Quality is sold by itself because who has a great purchasing power only pay the quality. Those with money seeking quality. Frank how come you do not need any challenges? Why do not you create your own mind, you do not make quality wine and sell it in a global market with a cheeky price? Today Frank today is an imbecile, but he could build up his own mind. With books, schools, researches, and then what happens next? He start to need challenges. And he succeeds. He produce a wine of superior quality. Now who is Frank? The imbecile as we know or what he could do with himself? A man with the mind, with quality products, with a quality life, with self-esteem. Frank must read this alone, he has to figure out who he is. We all like successful men with the mind and the self-esteem, and to those our opinion does not count. Frank forget the views of others. Build your own mind. Come to the library to see the beginning of your personal development. Get a life of quality, self-esteem and perhaps quality products, rich in facts. There are few animals, who come to make a nest, a house. They manage just procreate life. The human being comes to Earth to be at least the conditions of life, for example, warm up the house in winter. You can make the conditions of life in space, create air, water, solar heat. At the same time making new life, new forms of life. Today this is the human limit. With what we goes beyond the human limit? With the challenges. For example, it is a challenge to do an intergalactic spaceship, to go to another galaxy. Once you reach the way of moving, the weight is also our engine, a problem arises where to get clean air, clean water and heat into space. Now here we need imagination, what is space? If the space is made from ash, we can transform it into water. We can reach the solar heat by moving the spaceship ahead. With the water and the heat we are now able to create the air. The conditions of life. Our intergalactic spaceship must have the comfort of our home, for a quality trip. One thing is to read books and learn, that's all right, but it's another thing to learn by observing, looking out. Here we need the imagination and motivation together. It is a good reason to want to become rich, being in search of ideas to be exploited as a business owner. Finally you get to observe and imagine ideas by your own. You come to evaluate and create new things, perhaps none has done before you. A life time decision , you want to improve yourself day after day.
Discovering the Infinite
We are born free of all knowledge. We do not know anything. But we see, we look. In the first years, something bright happens to the clever children. They gain ease of knowledge. Because they hang out with older and smart people. They want to understand everything around them. They constantly ask and get answers. The revolution begins when they gain the ability to read books.
Knowledge, knowledge, knowledge have more and more knowledge, we increasingly understand the world around us. If we still learn a particular profession, we will find ourselves in our life ... Of course, this is not all. We may become the best in a well-known and already organized world. If only knowledge would have lived routinely and for as long as a billion years. Children as parents, parents as grandfathers ... Knowledge is the basis of imagination, which can become a discovery. What is imagination based on knowledge? The child looks at the clouds and wants to jump around the clouds. Years are running. Now, as an adult, he can make a float. Inspired and motivated from childhood, he sees now as an adult neighborhood better. He see a lot. The linden flower revolves around its axis when falling from the tree. In this way, he could go over the clouds like the parachute. How to make a linden flower float, a rotation that keeps the weight at a height and rotating with its weight? We have weight and windmill . Forms are the key to infinity. The weight of the right shape and the windmill of the right shape float. Moreover, they rise to the height in space. Now, as an adult, he can jump over the clouds. He rises and descends, alone with his weight and his windmill.
With all the written and learned knowledge of mankind he would not have succeeded. He succeeded in watching the surroundings. He saw what he needed to see. He had knowledge, heights, clouds. He saw that. He saw below the linden flower, which would be a imagination . And connected knowledge, the height of the linden flower. The linden flower was turned into anti gravity, and discovered previously invisible to all. Knowledge is the basis of imagination, which can become a discovery. By analyzing his success, he understood how he succeeded.
Knowledge can be seen by yourself, look up, at night when there are no clouds. You will see infinite universe, stars and galaxies. And you can also imagine the imagination by yourself, see everything that flying , birds, bees, mosquitoes, all of these animals fly with their weight. And you can also connect the knowledge and imagination by yourself to do your intergalactic ship. Yesterday you were sure that you would die as a grandfather in the company of your young grandchildren. Now it's different, you can leave 10, 20, 1000 galaxies far. You can live today a revolution that our ancestors did not know a billion years ago. There is an endless time in which we live now and today. The greatest secret is decrypted : Knowledge is the basis of imagination, which can become a discovery. We can see everything, we can do everything, we can go far as 1000 galaxies and more.
In a restaurant you sell fried fish. Protectionism of fried fish become tradition and end. If with fried fish oblige customers. You adapt to the market and sell meat if the market changes and customers want the meat. But with the new product the market you do. What you do you use. You begin to offer in the restaurant a plate of 30 fish cleaned without bones, 30 different tastes. In this case you do not defend the fried fish but you attack the market and the competition with new knowledge and a new product. Making the market with a new product and exploit this market. Prior to eat 30 different types of fish , client had to go to the restaurant 30 times. Plate of 30 fish. 30 different flavors in one day. It is an absolute and global innovation . You are the first. In spite of the price you had courage to make this dream dish. That there was not yet on the market and there was not even the market. You have caused a new global market and now it is only to make the most. How do you innovate? The knowledge is the basis for the imagination, you have to imagine. Connect together or take anything away. You know the global market; what to propose in London? You are global, it is like being in London, you can not be provincial. It is a global competition, you must wake up, no time for anything else. And where is your enthusiasm? Ambition. You invent new flavors with your knowledge of the food. YOU THE NUMBER ONE, IS YOUR NEW MENTALITY. Let the center of the world, you invent new tastes of the market, you provoke. Now the franchise, such as Big, conquer the world's cities. You now must imagine , you are in a spaceship far, and you are our chef, eat, drink, garlic, salt, lemon, your talent please, for us aliens, your imagination, discover something for us. A garlic drink, could invent, chef? Unsweetened. When you come back from the imagination on Earth is perhaps this was your turn, believe us, you have cooked for aliens on a spaceship, with your maximum, your talent, now you offer to the market this food invented by you, it works.
Protectionism is the defense of the original national knowledge before the new knowledge. In music protectionism often forcing listeners to listen to unsolicited music, which is reflected in earnings. Adapting to the market, national original knowledge update and imitate the fashion trends. Benefits here are good, the music is very similar to one another. Listeners are like this music. With the new knowledge the listeners we cause, both new and old music listeners. Which results can be exploited. And here are the greatest benefits. In this case, we are attacking tradition and everything else with new knowledge and new products. In music, this is the discovery of new instruments and sounds. Forget the guitar and drums. And we need to discover new tunes. The imagination of discoveries. We must cleanse the lessons learned. With imagination to draw new musical instruments and make them. The border is not. Do not be linked to the environment in which you are. Imagine you that musician on a spaceship with higher developed beings. In this position you have to do something more sophisticated. You see previously invisible. You're in another time, you elsewhere. Free of national original knowledge. You were born on a spaceship, we are in 2500, you got 25 years now, around you is more senior races, more capable and more complex. You have chosen for the musician on a spaceship. Start from this. You freed from the limits imposed by time and place in which you live, you're alone with your talent. Now you can maximize yourself. Your new music will you like it, with the wording they like also the mass market.
E-mail from the spaceship
Everything around us is dark. Black. We are in a large infinite space far from the nearest galaxy. We use our weight to drive. The moving weight of the special shape left-right moves the rotor into rotation. We turn on the intergalactic ship. The weight shines and heats up like the sun, the ice is gathering around the rotor, we have a clean air in the universe together. Artificial climate caused by the movement of the intergalactic ship. All in one. We're traveling around the universe. Space is ash, which remains when the sun rays burn. The sun is a fire, over galaxies burning with its rays. Black holes are smoke, poisons that accumulate at the bottom of the galaxy. Everything is the opposite in the universe. Up down. Reverse. Smoke is collected below. Fire burns upstairs. You know an electrical voltage on the earth. We use static relaxation to achieve high speeds. The intergalaxis ship is made of aluminum because it is a non-conductor of electrical voltage. Aluminum is a static release conductor. Space, ash, dry wood, plastic, aluminum are all static relaxations. The movement of the intergalactic ship causes tension, transformation from space to the sun, and water. And we have a predictably low speed and rise. When the intergalactic ship in the universe goes off, because of aluminum, and since space is a static release, we make it as a short-circuit, an effect similar to an arrow. Hurry, we explode rapidly down the universe down more than 100 galaxies far in one moment. We are static relaxation, we do not attract hard objects, galaxies, space ships, but we reject it from them. Re-activate the intergalactic ship. Movement again causes an artificial climate in the universe. We use all weight for propulsion. That's why we're tough. Lightweight. And the rotor moves away from hard objects. Therefore, the intergalactic ship is very safe. Of course, the universe, like ash, turns into fog, water, ice, plus. In the minus it is transformed into the oil, the sun and the rays, to the universe again, the ash.
The equation that works in space is therefore 1 = - 1. A circular curve. With the intergalactic ship, with the movement of weight, we convert the universe directly into the sun's rays. By rotating the rotor, we convert the space directly into the ice. The sun rays, when they light up and heat on the ice, cause a pleasant warm air with oxygen around the rotor. So we have an artificial climate in the universe. Of course, due to a certain movement, temperatures change in the universe, and therefore naturally there are transformations. We also use this with an intergalactic ship. We also change the temperature in space and cause conversions.
Knowledge is everything that works. The electric motor works and are knowledge. With this knowledge we will discover some kind of electrical improvement. In this way, the next half of the millennium will be electric. Using imagination. We are alone on a planet in another galaxy. It does not resemble the known world. We use the imagination to live on this planet. We breathe, it's air. Something warms us, but there is no light. With the imagination we build a planet that will be different from planet Earth. Something needs to inspire us to build anything. Find anything to discover. We changed the environment. In this environment we work differently, and better. The more we create a story, we add more ideas to the story. Now we begin to believe that everything is true. We are in our story. Far from the environment and the time we live. All our ideas are now knowledge. New knowledge we did not know before. Our story is knowledge. Knowledge is the basis of imagination, which can become a discovery. We wrote the story because we want to find something. Something that will not be an electric motor, but it will be better. Heat from the sun, which does not light, and we use it as our drive. These are rays. We continue our analysis of our story. We can use rays, heat waves as energy sources. We made a solution. We will use heat beats instead of an electric motor. We continue drawing by the prototype. With the imagination, we discovered a system, a new product that uses heat and rotates.
Every year, a new generation of customers is born, and they are already buying where have 20 years with their heads. Born in 1998, they have this year twenty years. Born in 1978, they have forty years. Shoes, clothes, cars, food are constantly improving. In recent years, the biggest innovation is the smartphone. This is a product that the previous generation did not have. Today, in 2018, besides shoes, clothes and sunglasses, a general smartphone is common. The younger people therefore live differently than the elderly lived. We are in the time of innovation, which means that in the year 2025 each year, a completely new product will come into the market and become a general habit of new generations. It's worth taking advantage of. Become a part of innovative entrepreneurs and managers who quickly replace traditional entrepreneurs. This remains only a local offer, have its own bar, an inn in the growing of tourism, travel and health resorts. Today, a lot can be earned by rehabilitation and health resorts, herbs, healthy food. Tomorrow we will dress better than today. For example, they have, for example, an innovation, an entirely new product that will alert us to the risks of illness and injury. We will know that we have consumed too much sugar, with what we can immediately eliminate. We will know if ice is on the floor, while walking and responding in a timely manner. Big, the biggest money is in changes in habits, the newer younger generations of people, customers.
When starting up companies, it is most important to know the market. Market to see. Too often, such companies innovate a product that does not have a market. We look for business ideas with our eyes, we see them. The condition of the found idea is to see the market as well. Make sure they are buyers.
Transportation is opposite to sleep, it's walking, driving by car, airplane, boat. When we innovate the products we walking , we see things around us, and we know how to use these things to innovate. For example, we walk around the house, we see a harmonious door. If we are looking for new ideas, we can see a new product. Magazine in the size of a smartphone. The individual side is stretched out into the size of a normal newspaper. You read and fold back into the size of a smartphone. Proceed and pull out the other side. Of course, such a magazine is only 15 centimeters tall, which does not bother the readers. Now, this way, harmonious doors can also be used to innovate other products. There is no limit. We found a very good basis.
Knowledge is the basis of imagination, which can become an innovation. When we are doing innovation, we are completely in our own world because we maximize creativity. At that time, we act according to personal values. The parties have their own habits, which they perform with ease. Like brushing with a toothbrush, these habits will not change as much. We discovered acid, with which you rinse the mouth and teeth clean immediately. This acid to make customers use it should be better than toothpaste. For example, to prevent 100% tooth decay. Innovative advantage. Only in this case, and due to these additional features, customers will replace the toothbrush and toothpaste with our innovation acid. The market therefore works because the customers are satisfied with the products. Our new product should therefore include previous solutions with a new, almost revolutionary solution. It really pays to change.
A great offer attracts visitors, but it does not necessarily means that they are also customers. They' watching at products, it's also a pleasure. Because they don't know how to use those products. The basis of the sale is therefore to sell products that are either very simple to use, or is the user-the buyer who's qualified to use it. Purchasing power is also a condition of sale. Boat rental is an interesting example. Many passersby have a purchasing power, but simply they're not able to drive it. At best, the boats for them are just beautiful goods for eyes. The purchasing power in how much rises encourages many to buy a boat, hire a sailor who drives a boat, a yacht. From another point of view, you know how to use a screwdriver and screws, and you know exactly which screwdriver to buy. You notice as a layman renting boats agency, you don't know anything about boats, neither you know how to drive it. What to sell? Underwear with a brand name of 30 euros doesn't know anyone to wear. They catch the eye. Knowing and knowing how to use the product is what we are looking at first. And right after that is the buyer's purchasing power. We sell promotional products to companies with high purchasing power, in the offer we can teach them how to use the products we are trying to sell them. What about THE NEED NOW! In the summer heat the passers-by are thirsty, we immediately expose the sale of cold drinks. You watch what you don't know to do and others do it well. Everyone knows how to order a glass of cold drink at its own choice. Water skiing is not as simple as to drink a glass of water, so not everyone knows how to do it, here visitors with a strong purchasing power, will at most look at and take pictures of the attraction. And we go to Piran, Florence, Egypt, we can not use the pyramids, nor the statue of Tartini in Piran, we take a look and photograph, and qualified restaurateurs in the immediate vicinity will be able to take advantage of us in a good way with a cold drink. Attractions, the sea in summer, the snow in winter, events, concerts, there are many reasons to crowd somewhere . Olive oil will warmly warm the visitor in the winter, also the food based on olive oil, as will chilly refreshingly cooled the visitor in the summer heat at the sea. It is almost indispensable that we sell when there is demand, exactly what people need and we must know how to quickly explain that our offer is the NEED NOW. Our offer should be small and hit completely, like is ice cream selling. Being in the company of others twenty stores as ours and we all will sell a lot. Customers don't want to waste time, a store with ice cream, with up to 30 selected products. Tourism, events, meetings, since you have already been at the fair, there must also be a small, distinctive offer from several traders. A specialized store is something else, here we will have more products because we sell every day. And catalogs of unusual products, which we will provide as soon as possible. No stock. Have you ever heard that the people are going to heat up in the malls in the winter and to refresh themselves in the summer? The malls are great attractions worth seeing. What about shopping? SELECTED OFFER OF MULTIPLE SALES PRODUCTS. I bought the best now, the last music hit for example. I bought what I needed right now, a cold drink. In a specialized shop, I got a very hard-earned product in one day. I also bought a smartphone because it's easy to use. Those are satisfied customers, and this is the essence of sales. Sales of pleasure. Today, we are all smart, you need to surprise customers and offer them, exactly what they need now and here. And they will say thank you.
A planet similar to Earth. They look like towers in New York. But no. These are not towers, it's an artificial climate. Instead of the glass, there are collecting lenses. The sun shines and heats. In an artificial climate. Which automatically determines the amount of heat and light. The wind blows, it rains, maybe this not are true. Initially, the artificial climate began to be used only for agriculture. Today it is a fairy tale, in all homes raining, wind blowing, the sun shines and heats, this is a planet of artificial climates. The man here uncovers immortality. Life under such conditions is long in 1000 years. People does not die, no illness.
Outside cities and villages, settlements and isolated houses are pipes, endless pipes. Inside is a capsule. It's a human being. And ride at high speed. To the goal, goals. The sun heats and drives the capsule.
Let's go to the airport. It is not. Let's get out of gravity. Let's go to the city, 100,000 people living in space. We climb vertically toward the sun. We are in an artificial climate. The sun radiates heat and rises with high-temperature heat collecting lenses, as it is indeed a space. We would not believe this if we were not in this place right now.
Looks like there's an accident on the planet. We see pipes that rise. No panic. Pipes 10 meters long are flying, powered by the sun. There's a capsule in them. In the capsule, man. The tube was disassembled into space ships.
What are the collecting lenses? They explain to us that they are similar to the magnifying glass. On Earth, we use a magnifying glass for visually impaired people. Here, they are used to increase temperature in closed systems, which are pipes that look like a staircase, which is an artificial climate. We enthusiastically start telling them about Egypt on Earth, about Alexander the Great .... Yeah, well, our history is full of military victories. For the land and it's fertile.
And we got caught up in our own stories. Of course. Artificial climate for agriculture, what does that mean? In an artificial climate on ice, in the desert, in the middle of Italy, near Venus or Saturn, in the very universe around the sun is what we want. The ideal temperature for the ideal culture, whether it be garlic, lemon, whether it's cow's yogurt, or whatever ............
We're looking, but we can not see. Are this really humans? Is this planet really the twin of our planet Earth? By the way, they are very similar to us, even after the behavior. Of course, not in actions.
Sadness is taking us to how we would now change the Earth. Yes, our only planet. No, we are unbelievably happy, let us stay with them. This is then a report from afar, from somewhere in the universe, from the former ... ..
Ha ha ha ha, we're really glad.
For millions of years, man has been fighting the nature. It overcomes nature when it succeeds in making invincible pyramids, palaces and towers . Almost the exception is a sail that uses nature. Wind in motion .......
They look like humanity too. With the big difference that nature is doing here. Artificial climate. The planet is wild as Earth. Cities, however, are moving, floating, rising to space. Nature and animals are free to some extent here. Grass and potatoes do not fight here. In artificial climates everything is separate. Maximum efficiency. They mention that fertile soil is also artificial. They know conversions. The sun was supposed to be a burning soil full of energy. The cooled sun is a land of volcanoes. Very fertile. And as sun rays concentrated in a volcano. Sun rays that otherwise burn in space. And they become ashes or space. That the universe is ash. Now, if the universe is heated by heat, we turn the universe into fog, to water. And now the cooling water is now turned into ice. And in the continuation, by cooling ice to turn ice into sand. And now, turning sand through heating into smoke, and with the continuation of heating, we get the sun. And the sun to cool to convert it to the rays. This process is called a circular curve. And so that galaxies also emerge and disappear. They use the same process to live over 1000 earth years. They reveal the immortality of life.
We doubt now that we are on the planet the twin of the Earth. Which one of us knows where we are? How to define all this around us? It's happening to us. Above us the moon beneath her star. No, it's an intergalactic ship, it's not a moon, it's an artificial sun, and it's not a star, it's a windmill ............
We are in the intergalactic ship and tell us this.
Of course, every weight falls down. Gravitation. But, this is a planet without colors. Planet of shapes. A special shape fan, properly loaded, rises up. The weight forces down, and thus drives the turbine into rotation. Rising up. No shaft. In the universe ice is accumulating on the turbine. The turbine heats the universe and causes the transformation into a fog that is in the cold universe of ice. At the same time, a part of the wind turbine is dormant. Heats it in the opposite direction. He is holy and heats. Around the intergalactic ship is so clean air, artificial climate, and weather.
1 = = -1 is the equation of space transformation. Not understandable. A graph is understood, a circular curve. Because of the changes in the temperatures of the universe, the universe changes into a fog. Fog in the water. Water in ice. Everything is positive. Reversed ice is sand, the ice is turned into sand in turn. And the sand is turned into smoke and into the sun, in contrast. And the sun turns into rays in contrast. And rays, in turn, turn into space. All negative. We can not create or destroy energy, but we can only transform it. Space is ash, there is nothing, completely relaxed energy. Static relaxation. Fog, water, ice are 1, positive emerging energy. The sand is tension. Smoke, sun, rays are negative - 1 exhibiting energy. Circular curve. A natural process of the beginning and end of life, galaxies, planets and suns.
We're probably now in the twin of our galaxy, probably very far from us all.
0 notes
FIRING LINES: Three Canadian Female Journalists Report On WWI
(Volume 24-4)
By Debbie Marshall
LONDON, England, August 1914. A crowd gathered in the shadow of the giant sculpted lions of Trafalgar Square to watch an anti-war demonstration led by labour activist and member of Parliament Keir Hardie. Mary MacLeod Moore was in the crowd, struggling to see above the sea of caps and wide-brimmed ladies’ hats. Despite the humid weather, the elderly Hardie strode across the platform, his white moustache and beard bristling. He begged the crowd to prevent England from going to war with Germany. “Down with the rule of brute force! Down with war! Up with the peaceful rule of the people!” he shouted.
To Mary, it was almost incomprehensible that the murder of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, only a footnote in most newspapers a month ago, had led England to this point. Yet the facts were clear. The murder of the Austrian Archduke had started a chain reaction that had led Germany to declare war on Serbia, France, and Russia. Some years before, Britain — concerned about the growth of the German empire — had made a complicated set of treaties, including a promise to protect Belgium’s neutrality. Now German troops were in Belgium, en route to France. Britain demanded that Germany withdraw from the tiny country. Germany refused to respond. All eyes were now on Parliament. Would the government lead the country into war?
Keir Hardie was adamant that it should not. He believed that the impact of a European conflict would fall hardest on the poorest of the poor. The illegitimate son of a servant from Lanarkshire, Hardie had helped support his family when he was only eight years old, working as a delivery boy. He never attended school, but was taught to read by his mother. By seventeen, he was working twelve-hour days in the mines. Later, he established a union at the colliery and in 1880 led the first strike of Lanarkshire miners. Dismissed after the strike, Hardie became a journalist and fought for miners’ rights. In 1892, he was elected to Parliament as the country’s first socialist MP. The saint of unpopular causes, he promoted self-rule in India and women’s and workers’ rights.
Mary MacLeod Moore agreed with Hardie’s support for women’s suffrage and his compassion for the poor. However, as a soldier’s daughter and avid imperialist, she parted ways with pacifists. “All parties have forgotten their differences, if one accepts the Socialists of the Labour party who are ready to beg for peace with dishonour rather than war,” she would later write. “They speak with the only alien voice, and fortunately, the unity existing in the House of Commons makes their illogical and un-patriotic demands of none effect.” (August 22, 1914) As far as Mary was concerned, Hardie was a traitor and “had no business to be an M.P.” (December 12, 1914)
Most of the crowd at Trafalgar Square shared her distrust of the labour leader. “[E]ven those in the gathering who were opposed to the speakers gave them fair play and listened to their speeches until patience could stand no more, when there was a counter-demonstration,” she observed (MacLeod Moore August 22, 1914). As punches flew, the police moved in. At that moment, a thunderstorm broke. The rain bucketed down, dispersing the crowd and leaving the pro- and anti-war forces to fight another time.
The next day was a bank holiday, that strange British tradition in which banks are closed and a public holiday declared. Bank holidays usually provided working-class people with a rare opportunity to relax with their families — but not this time. “As a rule, the people are merry-making. On Monday they walked the streets in quiet anxiety. Outside the House of Commons where Sir Edward Grey was making his wonderful speech, the crowd gathered and peered through the iron railings watching with painful interest as the Members and the journalists and District Messengers came and went through Palace Yard. When [Prime Minister] Asquith drove through the gates at six o’clock there was a rush to cheer him,” wrote Mary. “It was a glorious day of sunshine and warmth, and it was strange to see the people who are usually away enjoying the country or the sea, strolling up and down, reading the ‘extras,’ as they appeared, and waiting, waiting, waiting, for news of what was to happen next.” Crowds had also gathered outside the German embassy, where only a few weeks before, the King and Queen of England had been guests of honour. Now the embassy was empty, the ambassador and his wife recalled to Germany.
At midnight, the waiting was over. The British government announced that it had declared war on Germany. Mary’s friend, the poet Alfred Noyes, described the strange, pervasive calm with which the news was received, not “in a riot of flags and bands,” but “in silence with a mustering of men” (MacLeod Moore August 29, 1914). The silence didn’t last long — by evening, crowds of men and women were gathered on street corners, singing patriotic songs and waving flags as if cheering on invisible troops.
“In all the rush and clamor of this crowded week, the terrible tension, and the dark shadow of coming mourning and privation, two facts stand out, so clearly and brilliantly that they should illumine the pages of the history that is to be written,” wrote Mary. “They are the magnificent unity of the whole British race in the face of adversity, and the calm and freedom from hysteria of people and Press alike.” (August 29, 1914)
Unfortunately, the “calm and freedom from hysteria” Mary described was more bravado than bravery. Few Britons had ever directly experienced war. The only conflict in recent memory had been the Boer War, which had been fought successfully by a force of approximately four hundred and fifty thousand (of whom twenty-two thousand died, mostly of disease). Many still remembered the triumphal parades and celebrations that accompanied the relief of Mafeking, a minor battle but one that had instilled national confidence in British military superiority. Britain was destined for victory, at least according to the tens of thousands of young men who were already overwhelming recruiting stations across the country. They would quickly teach the Germans a lesson and be home for Christmas.
According to Dick Barron, an early recruit: “We were all patriotic in those days. I mean, most of the colonial wars had been very successful, a third of the whole landmass of the earth belonged to the British Empire. We knew nothing about wars of course, not the sordid side. I’d seen pictures of the Zulu War where we just captured them — after all they were natives and they were fighting with spears. We didn’t see the poor buggers that were wounded and lying there, or bodies stripped of anything worthwhile. No, soldiers were glamorous.” (van Emden and Humphries 1998)
Mary echoed Dick Barron’s early sentiments. As she would write to her friend Calvin, “My brother is in the Army, the last of 260 years of soldiers, of which we are proud, and his sister would like to go too if they took women!” (MacLeod Moore 1916). A combination of war fever and intense patriotism gripped Mary. It would take a long time before she would see the war as anything less than a heroic venture in which British knights in khaki were fighting valiantly for King and Empire.
PARIS, France, August 1914. To Elizabeth, the three days following Germany’s declaration of war against France had completely transformed Paris. “Events have moved so rapidly that it is difficult to realize that this time last week the autobuses were still running, the boulevards were still blazing with electric lights every evening, while the cafes were black with people eagerly discussing the news of the war declared by Austria against Serbia,” she wrote.
On Saturday came the announcement that France would mobilize at once. Instantly the aspect of the city changed. The private motors disappeared off the streets like magic, every vehicle being requisitioned by the government for transport purposes. Those still seen flew about at lightning speed conveying soldiers, officers and officials of all sorts to the different stations. Deep and prolonged cheering greeted the appearance of four Red Cross nurses en route to the front. Apart from the enthusiasm displayed by bands of youths under the enlistment age of nineteen, who paraded the streets waving flags and singing the Marseillaise, the quiet orderly demeanor of the crowds was remarkable. It is difficult to find words in which to do justice to the extraordinary courage and devotion shown by the women of France in this terrible crisis.… They are quiet, composed, sometimes even submitting a brave smile to the children, and if there were no heavy eyelids telling of sleepless, anxious nights, one could hardly realize that practically nearly every household has lost the husband, father or brothers.” (Montizambert August 25, 1914)
Three hundred thousand soldiers had responded to the compulsory military draft and left Paris for the front. Soon, there would be an exodus of another kind. As German forces marched towards the capital, the French government would move to Bordeaux, and over three hundred thousand women, two hundred thousand children, and two hundred thousand men would desert Paris (Gilbert 2001). Those flooding out of the city came from the ranks of the middle and upper classes and could afford to move to safer lodgings on the coast. The people who remained behind were openly contemptuous of those who had left. Yet it was perfectly understandable that any who could escape would choose to do so. Many could still remember the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, in which the city was encircled by invading forces and the citizens had been forced to eat rats in order to survive (Winter and Roberts 1997). It would be hard to begrudge anyone who was attempting to avoid a similar fate.
Parisians weren’t the only ones leaving the capital. Paris was the centre of fashion, art, and culture, and wealthy North Americans almost always included the city on their European jaunts. Now those with foreign passports surged out of the capital as quickly as their first-class train tickets could take them. Some were fleeing the German invasion, while others were returning home to enlist. Elizabeth’s lanky blond cousin Harold Gibb had been visiting her when war was declared. A chaplain with the Royal Irish Dragoon Guards, he was en route home to England to rejoin his regiment (Montizambert September 1, 1914).
“Paris is like a house where the casual guests have gone and left the home to its real owners,” wrote Elizabeth. “One hears French spoken in the streets — a thing to be remarked in the month of August in ordinary years — and Paris is ‘chez elle.’ And as soon as the foreigners had fled, all those places of entertainment which exist solely for their benefit, and are usually run with foreign capital, were obliged to close. In the shock of very real events the city shook off the pose of showing her worst side to the world as if there were no other. There is no posing now. Parisians are showing what they are and what they always have been underneath a mask of more or less flippant indifference as to what is thought of them.” (Montizambert September 18, 1914)
The disappearance of tourists and well-to-do Parisians had a tsunami-like effect on the local economy. Before they left the city, many business owners closed their companies and dismissed their employees. The ones that remained open suddenly had no customers. The result was mass unemployment. Within a few weeks of the outbreak of war, six-hundred thousand Parisians were out of work, approximately one-third of the city’s remaining population. The fashion industry was one of the hardest-hit sectors. “It is a difficult enough task to write about fashions when everyone’s mind is filled with sterner realities than chiffons,” observed Elizabeth (Montizambert September 28, 1914). “Yet it has been pointed out that unless some of the big industrial centres, where work is given to thousands of people in the fabrication of feminine garments can be kept open, the misery of the working classes will be even greater than it is at present. Many of the big dressmakers are keeping open at a loss and [have] given their employees half pay to keep them from starving, so the woman who economizes by not ordering her Paris frocks this year in order to have more money to give to charity may really be defeating her own ends.” As German troops drew ever-nearer to the city, however, even the few women who could afford them were losing their taste for evening dresses of “gauze exquisitely decorated with colored silk butterflies” or bridal gowns covered in “tiny circles of deftly embroidered swallows.” For many, black was the colour of the day, and dressing extravagantly was in poor taste while French soldiers were risking their lives.
Now thousands of female clothing workers — from well-paid Parisian seamstresses and furriers to sweat-shop workers — were out of work. To make matters worse, in the absence of male breadwinners, many women had suddenly become the main providers for their families. French soldiers could contribute little to their families’ budgets. They were paid only one franc a day, at a time when a pack of cigarettes cost nearly half a franc (Summer 2009). New solutions had to be found to meet the problem of female unemployment, if families were not to starve.
In late August, Elizabeth interviewed a woman who had some answers to that problem. Dr. Madeleine Pelletier was a well-known physician, psychiatrist and social activist. In the open society of France, she was one of many avant-garde lesbian intellectuals who freely explored new ideas in the bohemian cafes of Montparnasse. The two women were a study in contrasts — slender, sophisticated Elizabeth in her short-waisted ankle-length afternoon dress and the round, short-haired Pelletier in her man’s suit and bowler hat. Yet despite outward appearances, they were remarkably similar — both were single, independent, passionately curious individuals who were unafraid of exploring new ideas. Madeleine was also the type of woman to whom Elizabeth was often attracted. Like her other unorthodox friend Cicely Hamilton, Pelletier was a radical thinker who campaigned for women’s rights. “Dr. Pelletier is an ardent feministe and she points out to the authorities the many ways in which women may be used to fill the posts left vacant,” wrote Elizabeth. “Among the occupations quoted by this valiant lady are bread making, cooking, the transport of food and its distribution, laundry work, the cleaning and repairing of military uniforms, so important for the health of the troops, and the transport of ammunition which was partly confided to women during the Balkan war. Dr. Pelletier also thinks that women could be employed in the auxiliary army so as to allow of the men now used for this purpose being sent to the front. She estimates that it would not be difficult to recruit 200,000 women for this purpose.” (Montizambert September 8, 1914)
What women like Pelletier proposed was called “dilution,” a system in which women took jobs formerly held by men, freeing those men for military service. During the early days of the war, this idea was rejected by governments and military leaders in all the warring nations. But when the first wave of casualties began to appear, dilution would be taken much more seriously, and journalists such as Elizabeth would eagerly promote it.
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janiklandre-blog · 8 years
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Sunny morning - 9:35 a.m. cold, 20.000 runners running in Central Park - in 1970 I would walk in the early afternoon around the reservoir - no one - once a possible rapist - he asked me for the time, then said I was not talking to him because his skin was darker than mine - I assured him my husband was waiting for me not far away, also that I was old - 38 at the time, he threw his arm around me, told me I was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen - at that very moment two cops came walking toward us, he split, they asked did I want to press charges - thank God there was not much to press charges about and where were they going to find him anyway - I never had been happier to see cops - and here once again the fire alarm is going off - luckily until now quite often - for little reason.
Walking around the reservoir in 1970 - I've always walked fast, never run, I was in the avant garde - now hordes run, walk around the reservoir - not longago I was still among them - I just ran into Felton who told me about a march at noon from Briant Park to Times Square - and added: You used to be at all demos. Used to be - used to, walk around the reservoir every day, in snow and ice, meeting up with the old Puerto Rican whom they called the Mayor of Central Park - he pointed to me and said: she is always here, in all weather. Used to. No more. He came at the end in a wheel chair, somebody pushing him, then he died and there was a long obit for him in the NYT.
Used to, used - a Czech word: bejvavalo - a brief song, repeating the word a few times and addiing dobre - meaning, it used to be, it used to to be, it used to be good. My song now.
The time change still throws things into disarray - I wake at 6:40 when a week ago it was still 5:40 and I had plenty of time to leave the house by 7 a.m. as I like to. Now I have to hurry to get out by 8:15. New England is planning to keep one time - hurrah for New England. This time change is so ridiculous - briefly we have standard time - then days are made longer - I am convinced only so that people can shop longer. All is geared to shopping. So annoying.
Let's still go to yesterday. Later as I was reading the nyt - all the horror the new president has been able to wreak in two months - and then truly worrisome: we must attack North Korea - I'm not alone with hair standing on end - and wishing I could still march - at least - march. Then suddenly I began to worry about what I had written earlier in this here blog - remembering Ken's warnings, quickly texted Molly not to post - even so, who knows into whose hands - eyes - it could fall - perhaps I should pause for at least a moment before going to Send Message - after reading now for years about all the trouble people get into - fills volumes by now. I worry about ending up being one of them in my urge for some acclaim - I too could end up with only shame. Happens to so many. I've always thought of myself as lacking in ambition - the right ambition? - well in the world according to Robert Goldscheider I am a total and sad failure - then again it could be a sort of ambition that is driving also my writing - and the Germsn word for ambition is: Ehrgeiz. An interesting word - Ehre is honor - Geiz is greed - so it's greedy for honor - not all that honorable. Lately a number of people have felt a little too free for my tastes to put into writing - email - all my most horrible qualities - jealousy foremost - again the German word is picturesque: Eifersucht - Eifer, I wish I had my dictionary at my hand - eifern is kind of to foam at the mouth - and Sucht - addiction? - anyway, awful - these are all Germanic words, a lot stronger than the latinate words used in English - also words are stronger to me in my native language - and in English I have been told I sometimes use unwittingly too strong words.
So ambition in English is the best quality to have - you can be over ambitious - but for the most part it is wonderful. Now jealousy - people pride themselves in their total lack, never ever have they been jeaulous, or envious - and I feel myself very wrongly labeled that way - and resent it - while I do admit to anger. Many times when people throw at me: you are jealous - I would say, I am angry and with good reason.
My earstwhile mother in law Tamina, called Minnie in America - very otten said, sticks and atones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me - perhaps she had a thick skin or never took anything personally, or perhaps nobody ever said anything mean to her - in any event - words in this world have hurt me, and do hert me, plenty - and I am aware of also having hurt others deeply with words and can only express my regret and highly appreciate those who have forgiven me. These days I also often think of words attributed to Jesus - forgive them, they don't know what they are doing. (I never quote quite correctly). I think Freud attributing many of our actions, also words, to our subconscious, said, if I am correct, something similar - forces act on us that often wreak havock on what we say or do. Well - I'm sure much has been written on this topic by writers and thinkers far superior to me - often men? - so, enough of my pontificating.
Anger, anger - it was also anger I was expressing in what I wrote yesterday - anger that I was not able to shape my life in the ways I wanted - one person once said: Marianne is only happy with 30 people around her - well - a lot is to be said for one significant other - in the years I lived with Paco - 1973 until 1988 - after the fire in the loft, in 1978, when I had found the apartment in the walk up on East 6th Street - I remember feeling happy when I walked up the stairs and saw the light under the door and knew he was there. He had come by then to spend time in East Hampton alone in the winter, too cold for me, also I had a job. I also remember what it meant to me to feel a warm body next to mine at night. I did cling to him longer than I should have - my mother's words in my ear: the worst fate for an old woman is to be alone. That, after she had divorced my sweet father who would have been so happy, had he been able to be with her.
About Paco I could only say he liberated me from him - after his youth from the time he was 14 in the streets of civil war Spain - he had joined an anti Franco group in Burgos at 14, was jailed, ran away and could not return home - he never had learned to love. The mother of his two children and his two children suffered most - I luckily had come to realize he was a fun pal - and fun we had - but hardly a loyal protector. For three months I was very unhappy, then went to California, then Stephen W. came along  - very far from ideal but he helped get my mind off Paco.
Christine F. had come into my life before Paco, in 1968 - actually telling me she was "bi" and had I ever connected to this part in me - in many ways she could have given me much more than Paco did. After I met her she still returned for nearly a year to Germany, but after she came back I remember her saying: You will never again be alone on a weekend - where I go, you will go - and indeed she always included me in her dates with various and sundry men - her predominant orientation. Also for many years we were in daily contact, by phone the times I left New York in the summers, countless times around her big round table laden with good food and wine - and a patient listener to all the details of my life - and I did listen to her too. Also I studied some Polish history - she was Born in Warsaw in 1943 - had come to Germany in early 1945, had a German passport and very little relation to her Polish past. I felt that should be remedied.
The summer she met me I was still teaching a summer course at Columbia U. - she had left school at 12 or 13 when her father suddenly died and she found herself in charge - her older sister and mother at a total loss how to deal with life. She was in awe of people in academia - only a few days ago I saw in Massachusetts her close friend from these days until today, who has much more ambition than I and had a glorious academic career. Christina had hoped and expected the same for me - but as I was into downward mobility - Christina was dreamed I would write a self help book on how to live well on 5 dollars a day, that became my mastery while I did stand by her as she found her way into a nursing program - then a shortage of nurses - this was 1970 - she excelled in her studies, was offered a fell scholarship to study medicine - but declined - living her life meant more to her than the long delayed rewards of becoming an M.D. It was I who suggested to her to approach Visiting Nurses - she was doing very well with cerebral palsy, but I thought visiting nurses would more interesting - she did extremely well, at one time promoted to management, she requested to return into the field - finally becoming a contract nurse at $100 a visit - and while I for years had enjoyed her extreme generosity and in contrast to me casual attitude to money - she then with help of friends bought a condo corner Avenue B and 9th Street, the Christadora house - made some smart investments, is retired now and an affluent traveller..
I should have written that self help book - still should perhaps - a friend in Zurich bought me a German book by an aristocrat called: Stilvoll verarmen - how to become poor in style. In many ways this is what I have practiced - also with help of friends like Christina - who for years treated me to dinners - often the dojo on St.Mark's Place - then of course all the meals at her house - after a day of visiting the sick, at first in Harlem, later on the Upper West Side - many dying Jews - all her patients loved her - medications became her specialty - after such a day she would shop and cook in her 5th floor walk up on Second Avenue - for a while acrross the court yard we cpuld look into each other's windows. Romantically she talked of our friendship as it was getting to close of 30 years - when I met her she was 25 and drop dead gorgeous, I celebrated with her her 50th birthday, women only when she declared: my time with men is over. There had been many. She never had wanted to marry.
Over the years I had seen her tsking a red pencil to her address book - by first names - and "weed out" the no longer desirable - my address books had last names (now I sometimes have trouble remembering them, first names are easier) - never ever did I do weeding. I watched her - not approving - and never thinking I too might be weeded out some day. By then Paco had permanently moved to East Hampton - we had remained friends, somewhat remote - in earlier years Christina had spent many weekends with us, she had liked Paco from the day I met him and he liked her - she was part of our relationship. That had come to an end in 1988 and meeting Stephen who is 24 years younger than I am and whom I brought to New York from New Hampshire - I had entered with him the world of the squatters - who would stand under the house where Christina had bought her condo and yell: die yuppie, die - we had gone very different ways - though in many ways, to come back to thast once again - the death of my mother had also played a role. In 1981 I had suggested we buy a house together in Park Slope or thereabouts - had begun looking at houses - had written in the summer of 1981 all the many letters with endless carbon copies detailing my plans - Christina was on board - and this death - the suicide - wiped them all out.
Paco then suggested the house in Williamsburg, Christina was in Florida when we looked at the house, then said I had bought a house without her - all we had done while she was away was put down a binder - but I don't think that idea was all that attractive to her - when we bought the house on Bedford Ave and North 6th Street in 1982 for $30.000 - now worth millions - it was a high crime area - we had an old bar, an industrial kitchen, a garden - I dreamed of a restaurant with what now has come into style, a table d'hote - a big oval table for many - the apartment, subdivided during the depression from 3 to five (same true in my house on East 6th, from 10 to 20) - in Brooklyn they were tiny and unattractive. Paco wanted to sell the house and more to East Hampton - I could not deal with that house alone, we sold it in 1986 at a considerable profit even then - I displaced my son who had stayed in the small East 6th Street apartment - and two years later Paco moved permanently to East Hampton - a house that was not winderized, pipes froze, lousy heatring system - not a way I wanted to live - and while I did have some good times in East Hampton it never really was my cup of tea. I much prefer New Hampshire.
Christina moved to Christadora house I believe in 1995 - that house built in the 20's to house the very poor, the apartments tiny - it got flipped many times - now she probably can rent her place with a great view and much son for $2000 a month or more. When she moved there she took her red pencil and weeded me out, no longer answering my calls - three years later it would have been 30 years since we first met and she attached herself to me.
A New York story - she came to America 17 years later than I did, I was divorced when she met me, my sons were 8 and 11 years old, in the summer of 1969 my ex husband had gone on a honey moon with his second wife to Russia - I had the car, the summer house on a lake in Connecticut we had bought in 1967 and that he thought I never would have been able to give up - foolishly I just signed it over to him, never read the divorce papers - still - until he met his third wife, Janet in 1974 - I often had the use of the car and the house and took Christina there - it was a great place - Christina loved the kids - they love her to this day, my daughter in law adores her - I am out of her picture. She came to the wedding of my son's second wife and whenever we do meet - she throws her arms around me  and acts as if we still were the buxom buddies we were for close to 30 years. To me to this day it is incomprehensible how someone can terminate a long time friendship with a stroke of a pen - I suspect there were also other friends who pleaded for my elimination. However by now I do realize - as people become older, poor - needy! - many of those from younger days who have been more ambitious, materially more successful - see no more value in such a person. I am far the only who has experienced that and good short stories are being written about it. In many ways, while I attract people younger than myself - as I get old and older they tend to distance themselves from me - and including the many who have died - this makes lives of many old and older lonely. I am taking advantage of my joy of writing at times when my mood is up - often for months it isn't and I fall silent - but I enjoyed this morning sitting at the computer and reminscing all by myself - and it just occurs to me I left my cell phone on the charger upstairs - who knows how many people have tried to call me - I must go upstairs and find out. Still - I would have much enjoyed had Christins been at times willing to reminisce with me of the many years we were so close, experienced so much together. It does make me very sad. Occasionally I talked to her sister in Munich - whose phone no longer works - one of the last times she said to me, Kitty, as she calls her, has become very hard. Hard times produce hard people - many call me tough - perhaps that too is a form of hard and probably there are also people out there who experience me as hard - people whom I too have hurt - times when I did not know what I was doing - and all I can say, forgive me if you can. And I am sure there is also a number who will find this here writing of today inappropriate - and I am by fasr not the first or last writer whose writing is considered inappropriate - see how the children of Thomas Mann suffered from his writing, two of the five I believe committed suicide - words can kill. Words can be wonderful, words can be terrible - words have toppled empires - and I wish they would again. My words remain in the realm of the personal - due to lack of ambition???   I would love to be a NYT columnist and be heard commenting on what is happening in the world - by millions?  Never even made it into writing for small newspapers. Oh well. Sending message. Marianne
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