#GOD Shirou and his journey are so personal to me but FUCK if it isn’t incredibly painful to watch UBW from Archer’s pov????
ziracona · 4 years
GOD I love UBW. Like, that show came for me personally and hit me so deep. I can’t say enough. The ending???? The hopelessness but determination the whole time and the core ethics questions and personal journey for Shirou?? God the chant for Unlimited Blade Works itself??? Fuckin my girl Rin out here spitting straight truth the whole time “It’s too cruel” it is!!! “Just because you’re correct doesn’t mean you’re right”??? SHIT it sure doesn’t!!! THE ENTIRE SEQUENCE TO Last Stardust???? “Hey. That’s hell thay you’re walking into?” (°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥д°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥) “That is indeed stupid. But I cannot laugh at it.” SHIT. What a mood. “When I look at it and see myself destined to walk on the same path my heart trembles” BOI. Archer winning but choosing to lose because he’s really still the same person deep down too??? “But then no matter how much time passes, you’ll never be saved!” Girl I weep. Anyway Unlimited Blade Works is a work of art and it ripped out my whole soul but in a way I can live with.
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empty-dream · 7 years
Me Watching Fate/Apocrypha ep 22
Remember that Naruto vs Pain best worst fight scene? Where everybody’s making crazy ass face and noodle-y stances? This is not on that scale, but it’s still this.
*Agrius!Atalanta bites Jeanne* Jeanne: “BAD KITTY! BAD KITTY!!”
Karna you’re too polite for your own good
But how does he come in here again? Did he just step down from his plane? Is that even possible?
Sieg: “Wait, you want to save your original master?” Caules: “Yeah they don’t have command spells anymore what’s the point?” Karna: “Because I want to. Is that weird?” Both: “Well, it’s saintly as fuck, for one thing.”
Seeing Caules negotiating is always intriguing thing for me.
CAULES TO THE RESCUE! And his unfastened collar :))
I have a question what is the exact mechanism of saving these former red masters??
Sieg: “If attacking Jeanne is your master’s order then why go after me instead?” Karna: “I have this promise with Siegfried to fight to the death and I will give up everything to do that.” Sieg: “Ooooooookay I don’t know whether to be awed or scared.”
I like the music it’s so full of pride.
And here we have another type-moon male protagonist swearing to protect the female protagonist who is stronger than him
Granted at this point Sieg is just loaded with tons of eleventh hour superpower and probably kinda more powerful than many other servants but the point kinda still stands?
Back at episode 22 of My Cat from Hell
It’s been almost 3 years and I still don’t understand why Agrius Metamorphosis has to morph into that kind of suit? Isn’t this like the prototype of Dangerous Beast?
Agrius!Atalanta evolution! Sexy-boar-beast-with-batsy-wings-and-dark-arrow-Agrius Atalanta.
Welp, people has always been like that – people. Past present and future, the nature of people hasn’t changed that much.
Jeanne: “The end never justifies the means!!!” Agrius!Atalanta: “Fuck that!!!”
Wow I like how this fight isn’t too dark and I can see what they’re doing and the viewpoint is good.
WOW she rips off her own wing o_o
I’m bracing for another luminosite eternelle but GREEN LIGHT SOARING THROUGH YESSS
Achilles: “Go, Jeanne. It’s sis’ and my problem now.” Jeanne: “I fucking knew it something’s up with you two.”
I’m kinda bummed A-1 doesn’t make it explicit that Achilles really does regret not picking up the clues and just letting Atalanta goes out of control.
His face looks like a boy shyly apologizing for breaking a neighbor’s window.
Why is Semiramis so beautiful and dignified here??
Jeanne: “You seriously believe in Shirou’s humanity salvation plan?” Semiramis: “Yeah, he even told me I’d rule the world after the salvation” Jeanne: “You fucking liar. Nobody’s ruling nobody if it’s truly salvation and you just sound like a certain golden Babylonian asshole king.”
Jeanne: “So how does he plan to do it?” Semiramis: “Well, tbh, I dunno.” Jeanne: “Are you fucking kidding me”
Wow this is so vivid. Does A-1 use color play to balance the noodle figures?
How to fight nukes by Sieg!Fried: Slash the nukes apart.
I.. I do not have any words for this fight, it’s vivid and flashy and powerful.
Though I’m wondering will Mamaramis be mad that their children are destroying her fortress with nukes and lavas?
I like Karna’s armors
The eyebeams cuts Sieg!Fried’s beautiful wild long hair THAT’S CLOSE AND ALSO A CRIME
Karna can you stop praising your enemies every time you fight? My heart is going to explode
Oh shit oh shit he’s going to VASAVI SHAKTI
Karna: “What’s your name?” Sieg!Fried: “Sieg!” Karna: “Wonderful name” Me: It’s a bit uncreative but it’s made up of honor and gratitude and now that you’re saying it’s wonderful then wonderful it is.
The look of approval between Sieg!Fried and Karna is a blessing in itself
Move, Clarent Blood Arthur vs Balmung, it’s time for the new best clash: Vasavi Shakti vs Balmung
It’s the third time he uses the command spell right? Cause I can hear Jeanne’s Sieg sense tingling with exasperation.
Sieg!Fried: “Even this is not enough-“ Astolfo: “A SHIELD DELIVERY EXPRESS COMING THROUGHHHHHHH!!!!”
Astolfo: “Are you seriously giving me your shield noble phantasm?? You’re crazy.” Achilles: “I don’t need it anymore and beside it’s my promise to sensei.” Astolfo: “Oh okay. You’re still crazy tho.”
Sometimes I wonder if at this point Achilles is ready to give everything even his life to stop Atalanta because that damn shield is too strong to be given away just like that.
Manly screaming Astolfo is something I never thought I’d need in my life
Ain’t no shield like using a world containing your life as one.
Astolfo: “Wow I didn’t expect using a shield would cause an entire trippy journey into Achilles’s entire life, isn’t this breach of privacy?” Achilles somewhere: “It’s called Achilles Cosmos what exactly did you expect from it?”
Wow wowowo the sudden creation Greek architecture buildings is just… wow. Even Karna is amazed.
The scene when Sieg!Fried and Karna race to grab Balmung is an extreme version of when two people race to grab the last pizza.
When in fight, do NOT only bring one sword! -Sieg!Fried
If this entire fight was not Sieg!Fried vs Karna but only Sieg using Siegfried’s power vs Karna, would there still be anyone who would watch this?
Karna: “Sorry for dragging you with my ego” Sieg: “No, sorry I win through Astolfo’s sudden help” Karna: “No, Astolfo’s your servant and your power. It’s still a fair fight.” Sieg: “Holy crap you are like the greatest person in this world”
I wanna bet at some point Sieg’s like ‘Why do all these heroes have enough time to talk about lots of things when they’re one and half foot into the grave?’
Karna: “Jeanne will be in danger if she finds Shakespeare.” Sieg: “Alright thanks for the info gotta go bye!” Karna: “That was fast.“
Remember when honor and chivalry in war is no good as it will only meet betrayal? No, Fate/Apocrypha isn’t about that.
Karna would die alone if he was a dick but no he wasn’t a dick and Astolfo gets that so he was willing to chat and honor him before Karna fades away.
Karna: “I believe I hardly did anything worthy of a Servant” Me: HOLY SHIT KARNA STAHP YOUR HUMILITY IS KILLING MEE
Goodbye, my kind, hero of charity.
Yes people, the ultimate reason why I keep up with Apocrypha is because I want to see Achilles vs Atalanta and the known result of it
I found almost nothing until today about the fight beside that one line in beastlair forum and an online translated side material and I live with only those for years SO YEAH JUDGE ME I DON’T CARE
Wow the music is so catchy
You know A-1, you can use those 3 seconds for other more important actions on scene instead of Atalanta’s panties.
On a different note, here we are seeing a rider who fights more like a lancer versus an archer who fights more like a berserker
Ow he stabs her. It hurts :(
OW her arrows come back and stabs him. It hurts too :((
Aw yis he’s cradling her, I imagined this for like 3 years and it actually is like this.
I’d pay for Atalanta and Achilles to have another 3 seconds to talk more.
Why is Atalanta the one crying? Pretty sure in the novel it’s Achilles who’s crying. It’s even explicitly states in the side material that it’s his very tears and heroic naivety that makes Atalanta feel a bit better in the end.
The English sub makes it sounds like she was fine falling into corruption whereas I’m kinda sure (even tho my Japanese skill is zero) she’d mean she was fine with him stopping her. Correct me if I’m wrong tho.
It kinda hurts that she disappears before he does like I imagined that they’d disappear together, I know there is the battle continuation excuse but.. He has to watch her die and isn’t that painful?
Not gonna lie. Regardless of how short their exchange is and the inaccuracy of who’s crying, I’m loving the detail of this scene. Like how he barely yet still holds her in his arms, how the blood drips on her, how he sighs a little and embraces her as soon as she wakes up as herself, how his head slightly moves as she leans closer, how she weakly caresses his cheek, leaving bloodstains, and he just closes his eyes, and how she finally disappears then he follows- Oh my it looks like I just wrote an entire fanfiction
Isn’t it funny that I ship them for fun since he hits on her which is from vol 1 and then somehow it ends up in tragedy?
Tfw you care too much of a side couple (that isn’t really a couple) way more than the actual main couple
And now all of you understand why those two are on the credit together and why it gives me feels right of the bat
Maybe Achilles’s last words were the ones he wanted to, or should have, say back at episode 19, before Atalanta fell into madness. If he did, would this not happen?
Oh shit I’m weak to when-the-ending-song-is-played-without-the-usual-credit
Holy shit I just read the actual english lyrics of the entire song and my god isn’t this too fitting for this episode??? I’m grossly sobbing.
Goodbye, my pure huntress and brave warrior.
I love when Karna’s spear completely disappears as the song ends.
As of this update, I have replayed Achilles vs Atalanta for 100 times
Semiramis: “I’m waiting for someone else, actually.” Jeanne: “Who?” Semiramis: “That damn brat who rams an airplane into my home” Jeanne: “PFFT.”
The suspicious bitch face look that Jeanne gives as she’s running to the other side of the throne room is what I’m living for
As far as Fate/Apocrypha goes, this episode is the best in terms of everything.
And my long-awaited Achilles vs Atalanta finally comes. A certain op gives a translation over that scene from the novel and as expected, it’s a thousand times more beautiful and sadder. Thank you op. I’m in peace right now.  
*Glancing harshly at DW* Yo, THE REST OF APOCRYPHA SERVANTS WHEN?? We have a ton of people to reunite
NEXT: Hang on kids we got a train to Orleans
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