#GOD its not even subtle who the guys r based on. whatt fucking ever though
marcusagrippa · 24 days
30, 36 and 41 with a guy of your choosing :)
YAAAYY!! i'm going to talk abt rhys because he's awful and my protagonist and i hate his stupid poet shitty hair bad breath fuckboy ass
30 - professionally, he likes to think that he doesn't really feel guilt at all, even for massive mistakes - like he. um. did accidentally kill 4000+ of his own men due to a stupid overconfident arrogant mistake he made while commanding at one point and just didnt give a shit about it - but that's mostly the. well. divine worms in his brain. personally he used to feel a lot more guilty for a lot more things - eg. the whole affair situation with gratia and bell and argent and that whole evil general polycule thing he had going on with faust and isa at some point - but as hes gotten older it's lessened considerably.
36 - oh a LOT of people. he can't stand raelin (and does eventually get her killed once her usefulness runs out, yay) but keeps her around because she's popular with the old noble houses and he needs their support if he's going to gain any further personal political power/climb the ladder to forge more convenient alliances. he can't STAND argent for a myriad of reasons (they are so insane about each other i. might make a separate post just about them tbh - a few of them include argent sleeping with rhys' current girlfriend while rhys is 'asleep' in the same bed as them (dont ask), rhys then gouging argent's eye out with a fork, argent then bribing bell to dress up as rhys' dead ex but a sexy ghost version who is naked and also covered in blood and ruin his first ever public appearance, the whole. meat cave situation. the fighting to be faust's first choice the reluctant sharing of power the most awkward dinner parties you ever had in your life. sorry i'm getting off topic) - but he keeps him around for professional gain!! with a lot of malicious intent!! because no matter how reluctantly he'll admit it, argent IS skilled and a genuinely gifted commander and. uh. yes they do fuck at multiple points btw in case you were wondering
41 - oooohhhh this is fun! he grew up in the stacks so has quite a low-class accent (for laecia major, at least), but if he's good at anything it's being a social chameleon. he manages to get rid of his accent within like. two years of joining the Body, he steals a lot of turns of phrase from gratia's friend group (middle/upper-middle playboys + poets, mainly) - but when the war starts and he gets assigned to serve under faust he makes a conscious effort to emulate the way that faust. well. does everything. speech patterns, ways of standing, how he styles his hair, how he talks to his subordinates... it pisses argent off to no end.
THAT WAS MORE THAN IWAS EXPECTING AGHHDKK. i will make a little intro list bc if you bothered to read this far you are probably very confused-
people i mentioned here (there are more) :]
rhys - rhysus actius bicinius, fanciful poet turned ruthless general and eventual vessel of chaos. a little bit cursed, but that's okay. his first love was gratia, and that ended... not so well.
argent - argent pyrrha, also an upstart - albeit one of the political kind. reluctantly serves in the military during the war. member of one of the ten great houses. looks down on people like rhys.
gratia - furia grata rotella con afranus, noblewoman, spymaster and future empress of bicinia. sister of bell. really does not like rhys, so eventually has an affair with argent. yay <3
bell - phibio bellum, the- well. he's. um. definitely something, that's for sure. will suck anyone's dick if they pay well enough. brother of gratia. 'associate' of argent. is the guy who dresses up as rhys' dead ex and pretends to haunt him.
faust - lucan faustus (shhh i wanted to put the name lucan in somewhere-), veteran general and former head of the Body. respected and feared, but not liked. probably one of the most powerful people in laecia.
raelin - raelin con cupio, one of the few people who can rival faust in political influence. coincidentally, also one of the most irritating people on the peninsula. good with words. not so good with a sword.
stuff :]
laecia - area where the story takes place. laecia major is the main city, laecia minor is the general peninsula. very old. founded by halidari and voca. some cannibalism takes place there.
the body - the governing body of laecia. think the roman senate but a LOT shittier (somehow). still a lot of sucking and fucking though
the stacks - the lower class area of laecia major. where rhys grew up.
i think that's it. tbh. ummmm this kind of turned into a general dyr intro post whoops - thank you for the ask though!! dyr is like my shitty rome inspired weird god story btw. for context. augh
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