groupalpha · 1 year
EB:I suppose I should show my earliest memory, but I am going to skip certain parts as to keep this short.
(Comic under cut)
[Loading up memory from Memory Conflux...]
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???: As we all gather here today to bring this new iterator to life with it's puppet, I wanted to say thank you to everyone for your efforts in helping with this project!
Endless Beyond will help us significantly in our reach for the stars, and towards a proper ascension that is obtainable by the stars above!
Without waiting a second further, I, Ten Stars Above, First Supernova, welcome Endless Beyond to life, and it's newfound journey towards finding a solution above!
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TSA,FS: Now that Endless Beyond is alive, this ceremony is soon to be complete when I give the cloth that was selected by our community! After such, everyone will make their way out and back to Cassiopeia, while I make sure that Endless Beyond knows the task at hand.
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TSA,FS: And now with the wires intact for the cloth selected, this brings everything to a close!
Thank you everyone for your time, you may head back to Cassiopeia now.
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TSA,FS: Now, Endless Beyond, I assume you know your task at hand?
EB: Y-yes. I am to study the stars and outer space events, and report anything new, as well as search for a solution regarding the Great Problem.
TSA,FN: Correct.
EB: May I ask a question?
TSA,FN: ... Go on.
EB: I know there is my group to talk to, so how would I be able to contact them regarding my work if I need additional thoughts regarding my findings?
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TSA,FS: I wouldn't worry about the others, as you are the only one in your group to analyze the stars above. Just focus on the task at hand, then we shall talk about your group.
EB: Alright. I will start work right away.
Part 1
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