#GOSH my laptop is SLOW i need a new one ughugh
words-with-wren · 5 months
Chrumblr's May Whump Challenge: Day One--Blindfolding
Spent most of today dozing on the couch feeling bad, so we doing the Bare Minimum today lads. @chrumblr-whumblr
Fandom: Doctor Who (Second Doctor Era)
Word Count: 1,009
“Dunnae touch me!” 
Jamie pulled away from the hands in the dark, the unexpected touch setting him even more on edge than he already was. He’d been mostly left alone for the past while, along with his hands bound behind him and a piece of fabric pulled roughly over his eyes. 
Whoever it was didn’t pay any attention to his initial reaction, hands grabbing his arm and hauling him to his feet. Jamie tried to tug away, but the grip was too tight. 
He was shoved forward and had to stumbled to catch himself. His heart was beating quickly again, adrenaline immediately rushing through him. He’d almost relaxed, sitting against that cold rock wall for as long as he had. He’d almost had time to come up with a plan to escape. 
But now he only had time to focus on keeping his footing. Someone hand a grip on his arm and a hand on his shoulder, pushing him forward over the uneven ground a little faster than was comfortable. Jamie almost tripped a few times, caught only by whoever his captor was. 
“Where are you taking me?” he risked asking on what felt like a more stable part of the path. If this even was a path, it felt more like scrambling over a rockface. His knees were scraped almost raw, he could feel the blood rolling slowly down his legs. 
“Quiet,” growled his captor and Jamie scowled. A response was cut off in favour of not falling face first again. Being unable to see was making navigating this terrain a lot harder; but he figured that was probably the point. 
A sound caught his attention, a distant shout. He stopped abruptly, lifting his head and listening. It sounded like gunfire, and explosion? The Doctor? 
The hand behind him shoved him forward and he had to focus on keeping his balance. 
Surely there was some chance of escape. Maybe if he could see, he could figure out the best place to try and slip free. But no matter how much he shifted his head, he couldn’t loosen the blindfold. 
“Quick! Hide!” Someone ahead was shouting and before Jamie could fully process, he was tugged sideways. Hands bound behind him, he practically fell into the person pulling him and he growled in frustration and anger. 
“Watch it,” he snapped. A hand shoved his head down and he was pushed into some kind of ditch. A cave maybe? 
He was pulled back and forced to knee, winching as he felt the rough fabric of his kilt on his raw knees. At least that was a little better than straight on the stones and dirt. 
A gunshot sounded from nearby and Jamie jumped, heart beating quickly. Footsteps ran by, someone was shouting- was that--? 
“Doc-” His shout was cut off by a hand across his face and he scowled, attempting to bite down but wasn’t able to get a proper grip. He was pulled back, pressed uncomfortably close to whoever was holding him. 
But the movement and taking rapid shelter had loosened the ropes around his hand, and he focused his attention on wriggling his wrists. He shifted as carefully as he could, inching back just a bit to get close enough to start rubbing the ropes against a stone, part of the wall behind him. 
The man beside him was breathing heavily, and Jamie could smell the body odor coming off him--a positively unpleasant scent. He tried to pull away, but the grip around his head was too tight. 
His hands were getting free though. 
The noise from outside was fading and Jamie felt a stab of fear; was he being left behind? The Doctor would never willingly do that, but it had been hours since he had been captured. 
Finally the rope snapped and Jamie had full movement of his hands. He didn’t hesitate, shoving up with his legs and slamming his shoulder into the chin of the man holding him. He swing a fist immediately after, feeling the satisfying contact of flesh on flesh. 
His captor let out a cry of surprise and stumbled back, loosening his grip. Jamie spat, trying to rid his mouth of the unpleasant taste of sweaty hand, and lunged forward, not bothering to remove his blindfold yet. 
He managed to tackle his captor around his waist, bringing him to the ground. The sound of head hitting stone rang through the cave, and the man went limp. Jamie shifted backwards immediately, his back against the wall, and reached up to pull his blindfold down. 
Two others in the cave, both rushing towards them. He had seconds to act. 
“Doctor!” he shouted, hoping beyond hope that would be enough to bring his friend’s attention. Then without hesitating, he lunged towards the closest of the other men, tackling him around the waist. 
They both went down and Jamie scrambled up as quickly as he could, straddling the man and slamming his fist into his face. He ducked a blow from behind him almost immediately, feeling the intoxicating thrill of a fight fuel him. 
Satisfied the man on the ground was unconscious, he rolled of him, springing to a light crouch as he did. The last man hesitated, glancing between his two downed comrades, and Jamie. 
“Come on then,” Jamie challenged. He couldn’t help but be disappointed when the other man turned tail and ran. “Coward!” he shouted after him. 
But he didn’t get far. As he rushed towards the entrance of the small cave, a figure appeared. 
“Oh my!” the Doctor called as the man rushed by him. “Don’t let him get away!” he shouted outside. Clearly he wasn’t alone. 
Jamie let out a long breath at the sight of his friend, allowing himself to relax out of his fighting stance. 
“Took your time,” he said, wiping a forearm across his forehead. He pulled at the fabric that had been used as a blindfold, still tied around his neck. 
“You weren’t exactly easy to find,” the Doctor pointed out. “What have I said about wandering off?” 
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