terribleninjagoaus · 2 years
Conman wu au
Ok but Misako, Wendell, and Morro all having deep cut boss fight style encounters with the elemental alliance and other active parties in the serpentine war
Misako’s got Granny Grundle who she’s trained to act as her mount and treasure tracker like Shiver having Master Mega
Yes it’s the very same Grundle that ended up hunting the ninja later on with its mega weapon induced revival
But that very Grundle first terrorized Garmadon and the elemental alliance
Misako: C’mon Granny pedal to the present! I need you focused!
Garmadon: How did you even tame a grundle?!?!
Misako: Lots of love and meat silly. NOW STAY STILL SO I CAN GET YOUR GROUP’S TREASURE!
Garmadon manages to defeat Misako barely and that was because he ended up making out with him to the horror of both side’s of the war
This was all
Morro took on the role of Big Man’s style of boss fight hiding within a dust storm
Morro had his special goggles on him to protect his eyes
But he duked it out against Chen’s flunkies managing to come out on top
Morro: I wouldn’t fight you if I didn’t have to. THIS IS FOR STIXX!
He got both of their treasures easily which was all of Clouse/Chen’s spell books and staff
Wendell got Frye’s style of boss fight and literally dukes it out with a Shamisen that summons Beohernie the giant scarab and other smaller but still monstrous beetles
He found it buried in the sea of sands long ago and he already knew how to play stringed instruments as a way to busk and get money for his sister and his own survival
He steals the serpentine’s secret weapons and wins big
Wendell: Let’s break them beetles!
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starswornoaths · 5 years
Should I take it as a good sign that I'm having to block porn bots near every day now? Like hey, I'm just cool enough for random porn bot "grannys-grundle" to grace my notifications?
I'm tempted to just start getting screenshots of the really amazing names of these holy shit
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terribleninjagoaus · 1 year
Conman Wu au
We’ve really turned Wendell, Misako, and Morro into deep cut from splatoon 3 and I’m here for it
I think they should get to sing the Ninjago equivalent of the Calamari Inkantation
In the final battle from season 2 it’s just Wendell, the actual Wu, and Misako prepping to sing the Ninjagan Incantation. Dr.Julian mana the sound equipment
They ride in on a cyberneticaly enhanced Granny Grundle who causes mild mayhem to distract the corrupted citizens and stone army away
The real Wu subs in singing Morro’s role
Somehow it partially cures people of the overlord’s corruption enough to stay distracted by the song like the calamari inkantation
It causes the stone army to turn on the overlord as well
I’m using man on the internet’s lyrics for the calamari inkantation
Link to the English cover of the calamari inkantation in question https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bKRD3fA5qiU
[Granny Grundle is rushing around distracting and taking out the numerous corrupted Ninjagan citizens and stone army so Lloyd and the ninja can stop the overlord. Misako, Wu, and Wendell are standing above the stone army on a hastily made stage while Dr.Julian finishes setting up the sound equipment.]
Misako/Wendell/Wu: Now we must be strong, together we will sing this song.
And you can sing along
Misako: Misako
Wendell: Wendell
Wu: Wu
Misako/Wendell/Wu: We're one, two, three, and you make seven
So sing harmony and together we shall see! Where we belong!
Misako: Lloyd and Ninja!
Wendell: Can you hear our song?
Dr.Julian: Radio override activated!
Garmadon’s thoughts: That heavenly melody... It's the one and only SHADOW STEALERS!
[Misako, Wu, and Wendell begin to sing. Wendell begins to strum his shamisen with enthusiasm while Dr.Julian works the turntable.]
Misako/Wendell/Wu: So long we tried
And finally we see victory
Before the blood has dried
Together we play, This Ninjago Incantation!
And together we will turn the tide
And this song we sing
Forever in our hearts will ring
To every Ninjagan!
We'll save the day
We stand united, come what may
So go on your way
With your hope, you can do anything
And now we must be strong
Together we will sing this song
And you can sing along
Misako: Misako!
Wendell: Wendell!
Wu: Wu!
Misako/Wendell/Wu: We're one, two, three, and you make seven!
So sing harmony
And together we shall see
Where we belong
So long we tried
But we stay fresh, we end all the rest
Leave them electrified
Together we play
This Ninjagan Incantation
And together we will turn the tide
And the song we sing
Forever in our hearts will ring
To every Ninjagan
And come what may
They'll never ever take away
Our bright shining day
'Cause we know we can do anything
And now we must be strong
Together we will sing this song
And you can sing along!
Misako: Misako!
Wendell: Wendell!
Wu: Wu!
Misako/Wendell/Wu: We're one, two, three, and you make 7
So sing harmony
And together we shall see
Where we belong!
[ As the incantation finishes the overlord has been defeated. Lloyd and the ultra dragon land in front of the tired trio. Granny Grundle lays down and slumbers.]
In rebooted Misako has to wake Wendell up from the overlord’s brainwashing/cybernetics so we get the two singing their own version of tidal rush
Wendell is singing the bomb rush blush while Misako sings Tide goes out
This soon leads to Wu and Garmadon shooting Wendell with a special tea designed to sober people up it’s called yin yang tea.
Nya is the one driving the unholy mech combo of stage and combat machine
Wendell: MY HEAD!
Misako: The Yin-Yang Tea is working!
[Misako takes out a Speaker and holds it dramatically while Wendell is sobering up from the tea.]
Misako: Wendell! Remember! That heavenly melody!
Wendell: The one and only... I... I remember...
[Wendell soon makes a running jump towards Misako shedding all of his implants in a bright silver light. He lands next to Misako returned to normal.]
Wendell: YEAH!
[Wendell and Misako start to dance together and sing as the ninja battle the overlord.]
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