#Gall Bladder Stone surgery Near me
felix-healthcare · 6 months
Gallbladder stones, commonly referred to as gallstones, are solid deposits that form in the gallbladder, a small organ located beneath the liver. These stones, which can vary in size from a grain of sand to a golf ball, are primarily composed of cholesterol or bilirubin. While many people may live with gallstones without experiencing any symptoms, they can cause severe pain and complications if they block the bile ducts
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Preheal is a medical service provider, I recommend reaching out to them directly or visiting their official website for accurate and up-to-date information about their services, including gall bladder stone surgery.
Alternatively, you can consult with a local healthcare provider or hospital in India for information about gallbladder stone surgery and available healthcare options. They can provide you with details about the procedure, associated costs, and any other relevant information you may need.
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sanjivinihospitals · 1 year
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Finding a gallbladder stone surgery hospital near me is now easy as Lucknow has Sanjivini Hospital where you can get the best gallbladder stone surgery done. Also, the attentive staff of the multi-disciplinary super-specialty tertiary care hospital offers the best aftercare.
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bluebliss1 · 2 years
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samarhospital04 · 1 year
Best hospital for Gall bladder stone Surgery in Dwarka, Najafgarh, Delhi - Samar Hospital.
Samar Hospital is the Best hospital for Gall bladder stone Surgery in Dwarka, Najafgarh, Delhi. Get the best hospital for Gall bladder stone Surgery near me in Delhi. Book Appointment Online.
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Gastrologist Doctor Near Me
Our gastrologist doctor near you located in guntur, Who specialised in the digestive system. It includes problems related the:
upper and lower Gastro intestinal tract liver disease , gall bladder and biliary tract pancreatic diseases
Disease related to gastrointestinal tract have become very common due to our changed habits and lifestyles changes. common among them are IBS, IBD, GASTRITIS, ESOPAHGITIS, INTESTINAL TUBERCULOSIS AND MALABSORPTION. The upper GI tract is directly examined with a esophago-gastro duodenoscope (ugiendoscopy), and the lower GI tract with the help of COLONOSCOPY. The small intestine is assessed using a CAPSULE endoscopy or ENTEROSCOPY or CT abdomen by gastroenterologist in Guntur
Liver, gall bladder and biliary disease are the most common cause of right sided upper abdominal pain and jaundice. Common diseases among them are FATTY LIVER, NAFLD, CIRRHOSIS, GALL STONES, CHOLECYSTITIS - GALL BLADDER INFECTION, CHOLEDIOCHOLITHIASIS slipped stone from gall bladder, CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA, BENIGN/POST SURGICAL BILIARY STRICTURES. The biliary system is images by a Ultrasound abdomen primarily, and by a CECT abdomen or a MRCP if required for further detailing. Endoscopic ultrasound may be required in some cases. Endoscopic surgeries like ERCP at best liver hospitals in Guntur may be required to treat biliary disease by best gastric specialist in Guntur. Dr. B. Sai Krishna
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For More Info: https://posts.gle/QhiEZK    or Call Us: 088853 53988
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hereforrants · 5 years
I have...the most half-assed luck out there. Once when shopping, my carton of eggs flew off the top and into the bottom of the cart. All of them were cracked, but none of them were busted open. Last summer, I had stones in my gallbladder, and they got VERY upset when I ate too much fatty meat in one sitting. We're talking the emergency room visit and then surgery kind of upset. My recovery from the attack and subsequential gall bladder removal was near perfect. And tonight, I stayed later than I was scheduled because I accidentally broke some glass cups. When the co-worker who cleaned up my mess for me while I did their job of returning items to their place swept them up, she found out that the glasses were in clearance for so long, we were gonna have to get rid of them anyways. I swear I'm being watched over by either a disaster of a guardian angel or a slightly inconvenient demon. Either way someone's only partially fucking my day up.
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svetlanabelikova · 5 years
Journaling (I)
content warning for the following:
self hatred
fat shaming
talk of surgery
topic of weight loss
i supposed this is my commencement post of my “journaling” series. i know that isn’t really a word but in art, anything can be a word or phrase if you put the meaning into it. i debated if i wanted to start another sideblog for this-- but i already have like,,, 7 or 8 at this point. adding another is too much of a hassle. I remember back in like 2008 or so i made an attempt at one of these on my old personal livejournal-- yeah i had one of those, with pictures and everything but i just ended up hating it and trying to delete everything after a couple weeks to hide from it. i’m sure google still has the photos somewhere. so, why am i doing this? what is this about? it feels embarrassing to even say it but i’m doing it because i need to. on monday (9.16.19) i attended something called a “shared decision making class”. which i literally didn’t know what it was until the presenter started up the giant tv screen and it was the first slide in her presentation. what was the decision, you hopefully are asking, well it was on what weight loss programs were available and which we would like to pursue. i am fat. that’s not like a dig at myself-- thought im sure i’ll make a few of those before this post is done. it is a fact. i am fat. no, im not just fat, i’m what the kids call ‘morbidly obese’. on the body mass index or BMI (which i know is not a very scientific look at one’s stature and actual weight to fat ratio but it is the easiest to calculate quickly), there are 4 categories: normal, overweight, obese and extremely obese.  you find your place in these categories by cross-referencing your weight and your height. very messy but simple. i am about 40ish pounds over the ‘extremely obese’ category for my height.  which feels fucking disgusting to say and i hate myself a little more every time i allow myself to really think about that.  but it is still a fact. at one point while living pretty much alone, i was able to get back down to the border between extreme and garden verity obese, but after moving back in with my parents, i sailed on from those clear waters out into the storm. in the class we were told there was several different paths to choose from: behavioral support (i.e. a food anonymous group meeting once a week), a meal replacement program, medically induced starvation or surgery. each one will allow you to lose a percentage of your body fat. 10%, 15%, 25% and 40% respectively. i need to lose about 70%. i am more fat than me.  that idea came to me late last year.  i am more fat than i am me. for a long time i felt like i was carrying around an extra person. like i had this whole other being, another me, that was just dead weight. she only woke up when i was naked and i hid when i looked in the mirror, the rest of the time she wrapped herself around me, arms and legs tangled around my hips and thighs. but then, it hit me one night while i was in the shower:  i am more fat than i am me. this isn’t another person. this isn’t someone i am equal to. this is something that is smothering me. it isn’t a she that i am cursed to care for, it is an infection. a blight on my body. in my body. something that has slipped in years ago and germinated.  i’ve always been fat. i see pictures of myself when i was 5 and i was already chunky. one of the few early memories i still have is trying to find new clothes before i started 6th grade. i had to shop in the adults section. i was 11 years old and was wearing the biggest clothes in the adult section. it wasn’t even like i could just shop in the small adults or anything, no i had to go to the very end of every rack in the adults’ section of the clothing store. by time i was in high school, i could only get clothes in plus size stores.  i was the 3rd fattest kid in my entire high school. there was one guy and one girl that were bigger than me. that’s it. in a school of nearly 4,000 students, i was 1 out of 3 of the fattest people, including teachers. when people talk about how much they hated school there are few ways to hate yourself more than being the third fattest kid in school and having to buy the biggest shirt available in the school store for physical ed. class and it still being about 2 sizes too small. i literally failed freshman year p.e. because i was too embarrassed to even go into the locker room. and before that, in 7th and 8th grade, we did swimming in p.e. i hated it beyond words. 7th grade i still had some of that childhood ignorance not to notice that everyone was laughing at me, but by 8th grade, i knew. we were allowed 5 days out of the entire month to not get in the pool to swim and i took all those and more.  i’ve always been fat, but i’ve been fat in a family full of fat people. i was still one of the biggest people in my family, but i had 1 cousin that was bigger than me. well, about 7 months ago, she got weight loss surgery. i saw her for the first time in mid july and... i am no longer the second fattest person in the family. i wear the crown for prize heifer.  this surgery is horrifying to me. it is cosmic horror level scary to me. it is reshaping the human body to become wholly unrecognizable. it is permanently altering the natural dynamic of the human body into something constructed, something a mad scientist with a love of anatomy and no humanity would conceive. and even that won’t be enough. the surgery alone will only lower my BMI by 40% over 1-3 yr.s and i need to lose 70%.  i try to focus on the pure numbers alone.  surgery                   -40% group therapy         -10% meal replacement   -15% total                         -55% that still isn’t enough. that would still leave me floating around the middle of the obese category of the BMI. and i know physical activity isn’t entirely factored in here but i have a messed up knee from an injury i got as a kid and bad ankles and feet from carrying around all this fat for a quarter of a century. i need to lose as much weight as possible to get enough stress off my back and legs and internal organs to be able to add in a physical activity routine. when i was in my early 20s i used to work out every night. i would put my headphones in and just dance hard to rave music for an hour or go walking around my neighborhood for awhile, but the body wears down fast and i just physically can’t do that anymore.  there is also the mental side of this. the idea that i will try to do all this and just utterly fucking fail. that i waste time, money and resources. but that will have to be for another post.  today i have another appointment with my case assigned nurse. she is going to weigh me and then probably talk to me brutally and honestly. she works in a hospital that treats nothing but fat people so nothing about me will be unique or out of the ordinary for her, other than maybe my fun combination of gall bladder issues, lactose intolerance, tonsil stones and chronic migraines/headaches. they are all fun road blocks that have stood in my way for years so i’m sure she will have a whale of a time (no pun intended) trying to navigate this path with me. she is going to talk to me about meal replacement, which i am not siked about. i spent all yesterday drinking shakes that tasted like a bottle of tylenol blended with water and strawberry milk powder or eating puffed rice bars that were not awful but not really good either. the soup was just, bad. no matter how many spices i put in it i couldn’t get it to stop tasting like an entire handful of crayola chalk dissolved in water near a can of chicken soup.  those will be fun ways to describe the “food” to her today, lamo. i hope she’s got a sense of humor. 
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kutemouse · 3 years
Update to my Big Announcement
Warning(s): Pregnancy, morning sickness, surgery, and swears.
TL,DR at the end.
Hey kuties~
Been a while.
I cannot apologize enough for having been gone for like... a year. Literally a year. Lemme spill some tea on what has happened since July 2020 when I found out I was pregnant.
So, shortly after I posted my Big Announcement in which I said I’d finish all my ongoing projects (LOL), I got sick. Like, it was regular pregnancy sickness, but worse. I was throwing up ALL the damn time. It was bad. I couldn’t move off my couch let alone think up beautiful words to write you all, and I am so sorry for that.
So, my second trimester rolls around, and my morning sickness as well as Covid takes a turn for the better, so the little shop that I work for opens back up. But then, my Assistant Manager quits to pursue his art (which I fully support! His art is amazing x 12,000). My Manager offers me the position. So here I am, fully pregnant, and going from working 2-3 days a week in 5 hour shifts to working a full 40 hour work week. Then Christmas rolls around, which for retail is like a living hell, so I’m working hella overtime. All while pregnant in the middle of a pandemic. To say I was sanitizing my hands every 5 minutes is an understatement.
I am very lucky. I’ve never had Covid. I didn’t go outside or visit people once during the pandemic, and it’s only recently I’ve begun to see my family regularly again. It was nuts.
Anyway, the point is, I had no time to write, and even if I did, I spent it sleeping because holy fuck, pregnancy makes you tired and it’s not like the morning sickness ever fully went away, it just lessened.
So my third trimester rolls around, and I am still working anywhere from 40-55 hours a week all while being UNCOMFORTABLY PREGNANT. Yes, I am crazy. It got to the point where I was so huge, I couldn’t bend over any more to pick up merch people had thrown on the floor.
That was when I turned in my resignation. I’ve always wanted to quit work to be a full-time mom and writer, and this was my chance! Right?! WRONG. So I quit 2 weeks before I was due, and in that time, I was quarantining, but I was setting up everything for the baby and also resting, because fuck, just walking around the house made me tired. Pregnancy is a wild ride, my peoples. So again, not really any time to write.
So then, I have my baby. And she is freaking BEAUTIFUL (yes, she is a girl!) and amazing, and... so damn high maintenance. I mean, that’s just babies in general, but my little girl is so goddamn picky about everything. She was not one of those babies that would just eat and sleep a lot, she required a ton of attention. Not only that, but I had to have her via emergency c-section because she decided to come a week late, and her heartbeat started dropping because my placenta decided it had enough and started to give out, so I was on the couch AGAIN not able to really move or do anything besides feed my baby, sleep, and eat.
So my baby girl is 3 months old, and she finally got to the point where I had actual free time during the day. But then... I started having pain. Real bad pain, in my back. Like the type of back pain where you are immobilized in bed, not being able to move because it hurts so badly. It got to the point where the pain would only go away when I threw up.
Y’all, I legit thought I was pregnant again, and I was about to give up because holy fuck, I was not ready.
So I went to the doctor. Turns out my gall bladder was super inflamed with a bunch of little stones in it. So I had to get it taken out. Yep, you read that right. I had 2 SURGERIES IN 4 MONTHS.
Fuck. Me.
Anyways, so now I’m all healed up, my pain is finally gone, my little one is 4 months old and actually takes long naps now, and I finally, finally, finally have time/energy/motivation to write.
So here I am! I’m back! And as an olive branch/apology present, I have finished “And Then He was Gray!” Yep, I’m posting the last two parts over the next two days (one per day) so you can have that, at least. I’m still keeping requests closed for now until I get caught up (which honestly, might take another whole year tbh). I’m planning on posting regularly again, but it will be very slow, and nowhere near as consistent. Sorry everyone, I’ve got a little baby to take care of, and well, as I’ve learned, shit happens!
Thank you for all your understanding and support in advance. It’s such a pleasure to write for you all, and I honestly do love it. I wish I had more time in the day, but hey, what can you do?
Love you kuties <3
TL,DR: I got pregnant, was really sick from the pregnancy, then got promoted to full-time at work, then had a baby, then had gall bladder surgery, and now I’m finally healed up with enough energy to write for you all again.
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kgjhospitals · 4 years
General Surgeon Near Me
A general surgeon is a medical proficient who is trained to perform surgeries for numerous diseases. They also offer preoperative, operative and postoperative care to patients’ post-surgery. A general surgeon in Ambattur not only performs numerous surgeries but also treats a wide range of illnesses.
A general surgeon has knowledge of emergency and intensive care, nutrition, immunology, metabolism, pathology, shock and resuscitation, physiology, and wound healing.
They are trained to operate on the
·         Endocrine System
·         Abdomen (such as the pelvis)
·         Alimentary Tract (esophagus and related organs)
·         Skin and Soft Tissue
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The general surgeon also performs surgeries such as
·         Pediatric surgery
·         Surgical oncology
·         Head and neck surgery
·         Surgical critical care
·         Trauma and burns
·         Transplants and vascular surgery
A general surgeon in Ambattur uses numerous surgical procedures to repair injuries, illnesses and help healing. They also perform diagnostic tests and suggest medicines. The common surgeries that a general surgeon completes are as follows:
Esophageal Surgery:
Some of the esophagus connected aliments can be preserved with medication and some need surgeries.
Acid Reflux Surgery or Fun duplication:
This surgery is completed to treat GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disease) by tightening and reinforcing the lower esophageal sphincter.
Excision of an Esophageal Lesion:
This surgery is performed to eliminate leiomyomas, esophageal cysts, and gastrointestinal stromal tumors.
With this surgical process the colon to an external opening in the abdomen called stoma. The surgical process depends on the severity of the condition.
This process is performed to eliminate haemorrhoidectomy or piles. Most haemorrhoids happen due to wrong eating habits and lifestyle changes.
 Cataract Surgery:
Most of the general surgeons are trained to perform cataract surgery. It includes the replacement of the lens inside the eyes that has become cloudy.
This surgery is performed to eliminate the gall bladder. A gallbladder is detached if there are stones, or in case of infection or cancer.
Free Skin Graft:
This process comprises the placement of healthy skin from one part of the body to repair lost and damaged skin in another part of the body. This surgery is frequently performed to treat injuries, burns or to surgically remove the affected part of the skin. General surgeon in Kgj hospitals are highly proficient are ready to treat you with best effects.
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felix-healthcare · 6 months
Gall bladder stones are stone-like hardened deposits of bile materials that develop in the gallbladder. Gall bladder stones are usually made up of cholesterol or bilirubin, which accumulate at the base of your gallbladder and harden into "stones" over time. They can range in size from a sand grain to a ping pong ball. Felix Hospital is the Best Hospital in Noida for Gall bladder Stone Treatment, where you are given the best ever surgery with state of art technology and highly qualified doctors.
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drchanudasarimd · 3 years
Don’t Panic About Gallbladder Removal Surgery
You remember how Joey in F.R.I.E.N.D.S panicked when the doctor told him his kidney stones had to be removed by going up the urethra? That is how most people panic when they hear about gallstones.
Do you know almost 2/3rd of the population can have gallstones and not all of them have to have their gallbladder removed? It is only when the stones get bigger and cause inflammation and other complications that you need to see a gallbladder surgeon near me.
Our body shows many symptoms if there is a serious complication such as unusually chalky and pale stools, severe pain in the breastbone or the upper abdominal area. These should not be ignored and you should get yourself checked soon. The condition can get worse if left untreated, it could lead to inflammation and cause perforation in the gallbladder walls. These stones could also block the bile duct and cause jaundice. They could also travel and get stuck in the pancreas causing pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas which has a morality problem associated to it.
The positive note is almost 95% people with gallstones do not get such serious problems, but it is always a wise decision to get checked yourself.
Even if you need the gallbladder removal surgery, these days there is a non-invasive method called Laparoscopy to get rid of the stones. It doesn’t cause severe pain and discomfort and you don’t have to spend weeks in the hospital. It involves creating small incisions into the abdomen and via a camera and a small tube the laparoscope, the surgery is performed.
In this way your gallbladder surgeon will help you alleviate the pain and save you from future complications.
If you’re looking for a licensed and experienced gall bladder surgeon in Las Vegas then there is no one better than Dr. Chanu Dasari. He is known for his minimally invasive procedures and well-rounded care after the treatment for the recovery process. He will give you a complete rundown of the procedure and his team will assist you with arrangements even if you are travelling from afar or don’t have an insurance cover.He never glosses over your concerns and addresses all of them patiently.
He is highly qualified and with his experience and knowledge, be assured you are in safe hands.
About Dr. Chanu Dasari:
Dr. Chanu Dasari is a renowned and board-certified gallbladder surgery doctor in Las Vegas.
For more details, visit https://dasarimd.com/
Original Reference: https://bit.ly/3gC7NkV
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felix-healthcare · 6 months
Gall bladder stones are stone-like hardened deposits of bile materials that develop in the gallbladder. Gall bladder stones are usually made up of cholesterol or bilirubin, which accumulate at the base of your gallbladder and harden into "stones" over time. They can range in size from a sand grain to a ping pong ball.
For more information: https://www.felixhospital.com/laparoscopic-surgery/gall-bladder-stone-treatment-in-noida
Contact No: +91 9667064100 Email us: [email protected]
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seowebhelp · 3 years
General Surgery Hospital in Gurgaon | Sai Siddhi Hospital
If you hear the term ‘general surgeon’ what involves your mind? Well, general surgeons are doctors specializing in surgery for removing diseases, repairing the body during injuries, and helping you reside a healthy life. They also perform tests and supply advice on the requirement of surgery. General surgeons can perform surgery on almost every part of the body. Problems related to the abdomen, breasts, glands, and systema alimentarium organs are major areas where they focus.
Sai Siddhi Hospital is one of the leading hospitals in Gurgaon that provide the most effective medical treatment of virtually every disease. they have the best doctors for medical specialty, best surgeons. you want expert medical aid in case of hemorrhoids, get the assistance of the best hemorrhoids doctors. Solve your prostate problems with the assistance of the best surgeons for the prostate.
Procedures like appendectomy need the assistance of a general surgeon who can remove the appendix with no issues. you want the best general surgeon in Gurgaon who can cure appendicitis. Sai Siddhi has the most effective facilities for providing the correct treatment for removing the appendix.
Breast surgery also needs the assistance of general surgeons because it becomes necessary within the case of carcinoma. Breast biopsy, lumpectomy, and mastectomy are three main procedures that involve the guidance of the best general surgeons so the matter will be solved.
Sai Siddhi also has the best urologist doctors for performing general surgery of rectal areas. Colectomy, colostomy, hemorrhoidectomy, and other surgeries are easily done by the best doctor urologist in Gurgaon at Sai Siddhi Hospital. Esophageal surgeries like acid reflux surgeries, esophagectomy, excision of an esophageal lesion, and more are related to the food pipe and are necessary for the correct functioning of the body.
Gastroenterology procedures like Upper Gl Endoscopy, Gastric bypass surgery, liver biopsy alongside gallbladder removal need the expert advice and surgery skills of the best surgeon doctors, and that they are readily available at Sai Siddhi Hospital. Hernia repair, venous blood vessel removal, thyroid removal, spleen removal, wound repair, and general treatment is given by expert doctors at affordable rates. Every problem needs an expert or knowledgeable doctor who knows his ways around the body and may provide the most effective means to ease the pain or issues.
If you're tormented by any of the issues mentioned above or something else and are on the lookout for a decent place to treat yourselves, then Sai Siddhi Hospital is that the answer. you'll get affordable rates for all types of medical procedures by expert doctors from around the world. A healthy life is feasible and Sai Siddhi Hospital makes sure this happens.
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