#Gaster and Chara can't open their mouths without creeping everyone out
passion-rising · 5 months
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TSWFBY Page 48
[Would That Make You Happy?]
I split this part in half, so it's a short one.
Discovered I like drawing piggy back rides. I need to draw more Mettaton too. I think it would benefit everybody.
For this comic, Alphys was made Gaster’s assistant after she made Mettaton’s Neo form. After Asgore fights Cyan and Orange, he regrets it, and gives their souls to Alphys to try and put them in robots (not knowing MTT is a ghost), and then Alphys makes Flowey while Purple is captured. Flowey messes with the timelines, but the souls are guarded by Sans and Gaster temporarily. Gaster vanishes later making Alphys head scientist… All in a very cramped time period! Different from what I think is canon, but that's what happens when you want Flowey, Gaster, Mettaton, and Alphys present in a prequel story lol.
Undertale (c)Toby Fox
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godess-of-the-void · 6 years
Numinetale 7
So Papyrus, Blueberry, Gaster, and the kids are staying in Snowden. While the rest of us are going to the Ruins. Any questions?”
Chara raised their hand. “kitchen knives are in the drawer next to the sink. only as a last resort, alright kiddo?” Sans smoothed out their red hair. “stay sharp.” Chara made a face at the pun while Frisk giggled.
Gaster cleared his non-existent throat. “You can do tests on the Void Dragon SOUL. Just leave enough to make my new SOUL.” VI gave the Royal Scientist a wink.
VI, Temmie, and the boys headed to the Ruins. Sans was feeling a little chatty. “man, this just keeps bringing up memories.”
Red looks at Sans, “Good or bad memories?”
“both? alot of good. but also alot of bad.”
Red shifted next to Sans, “I don't have hardly any good memories. The only good memory I have in the Underground is when the kid showed up and we are on the surface. I mean, Boss and I was until now.”
Sans eye sockets trained on Red. He wanted to asked about his AU, but he didn't. He have already saw the two edgelord’s LV and that already gave him theories about it. Red's testament confirmed most of his theories.
“Guys? We’re here.” VI opened the door that leads to the Ruins.
“Sooooo... How do we get closer to him without getting attacked by friendly fire?”
“that is assuming he is friendly. He looks more like you, red. but missing the scar, both eyelights look normal, and he is freakin tall as your brother without his heels.”
“My boots make my legs look fabulous. Thank you very much.”
They been hiding by the entrance to the flowerbed for what feels like a long time. The boys noticed that he looked just a dangerous as he looks lonely. VI snapped her fingers. “Oh Mary, contrary, how does your garden grow?" The tall skeleton perked up listening to VI's voice. “Come with me, and you'll be, the seventh maid in a row."
“My answer was laughter, soft as I lowered my head.” The skeleton joined the singing. “You're too late, I'm afraid, this flower's already dead.” He looks to the entrance. “You can come out. I won't hurt you.”
VI and the gang came out to greet the tall Sans. He wear a red turtleneck and a black and red scarf. A four pointed star dangled in front of his chest. Sans was right that he looked more like Red then all the other Sans they meet. Red walks up to the taller version of himself and lifted his hand. “Take my hand and greet a new friend.” The two skeletons took each other's hand and electric sparks danced around them. “Heh. The old hand buzzer trick.”
“Always a classic.” The taller Sans winked at his shorter doppelganger. “What can I do for you guys?”
“Actually. We are here for you.” Stretch shrugged. “Something about your Soulmate back from the dead but still sick.”
“If that was a punchline it's not funny.”
“We're not laughing either.” Edge kicked a rock. “I personally would think a joke about a dead Soulmate would be a thousand times worse then my brother's god awful pun battles with Snowdrake.”
“Wait. What would you do if her brother's Soulmate was a human?”
Edge looked at him with a shocked expression. “Support him of course! Why?” Edge voice lowered dangerously. “What did your brother do?”
“Killed them a thousand times. Disowned me after my girl sacrificed themselves to open the barrier. Thinking that I was trying to protect them so I can have all the credit of freeing the monsters and stealing his glory.” Tears started to form.
Edge and Red grabbed the other into a hug. “We will be your brothers. And we will support you and your Soulmate.”
They returned to Snowden to the sound of battle. The gang raced to town armed and ready to fight. “Chara! Your form is terrible. Even though Frisk is only doudging their fighting stance is on point.” A scruffy but high pitch voice was heard near the skeleton's home. A loud blast was also heard followed by a laugh. “Bwahahahaha! Very nice surprise attack Asriel!
When the gang finally found the kids they stood there with hanging jaws. “Are those skeletons teaching the kids to fight?” Stretch looked at the darker version of his brother. He was as short as Blueberry, but his body armor looks similar to Edge's.
“Chara! Where have you learned how to hold a knife? Mutt! Show them how it's done!”
“Yes, M’ Lord.” A tired looking skeleton in a orange turtleneck and leather jacket with a fur lined hood moved behind Chara and showed them a way to hold their knife better.
Wing Dings stepped out and saw the others, “Ah! You are back. Come. Come. I want to introduce you to couple of friends.” Dings waved his hand at the newcomers. “Everyone this is Slim and Black. Believe it or not but these two are actually two halves of a Gaster I used to know. I used to call him Valium before he split in half.”
“Bwahahaha. So you are Wing Dings friends, huh?” Blackberry shook everyone's hand, “Sorry we wouldn't be any help for your SOUL. Our LV is too high for use to be Judges even when we were Gaster.”
VI smiled at the small version of Edge. “That is alright. We are happy to have you as allies. Were you training the kids?”
“If Fell is here I wanted the kids to defend themselves. Even if our Underground is similar to Fell's, we don't use kids the way that creep does.” Blackberry and Slim's eyelights flashed in anger. “We don't do that kind of shit to kids.” Red and Edge nodded in silent agreement.
“Thank you. Very much.” VI glanced at her friends and returned her attention back to the newcomers. “I appreciate your help with teaching the kids to defend themselves.”
“Welp. M’ Lord and I have to go.” Slim made a low bow to the female skeleton. “Fell hasn't figured out that we are Valium split into two different individuals.”
“And we would like to keep it that way till you free those other guys from the True Labs.” Black grabbed Slim by the collar and Slim teleported the two of them out of town.
“At least we got a clue on where to look for the others.” VI glaced around her and the group. Scanning the area for potential danger.
“I can't believe gaster have friends that are playing double agents.” Sans whispered. He didn't even wanted an Echo Flower to even hear what he was saying. “according to gaster we may have more allies then we know.”
“Oh! Do tell!” A sharp gagged bone shot out of the ground. VI and the others did a quick dodge. “Awwe. Missed.” A Sans with a red eye and fractured skull came out of the shadows, followed by a Papyrus with blooded teeth.
“Hue. Blood and Teeth. So unpleasant to meet you.” VI teleported in front of Blood. “Though, to be honest I don't think I hate you. If anything else I hate your Queen Undyne. Especially when she gave you that hole in your head.” VI brought out two containers of food from her inventory. “Hot cat and spaghetti?”
“I can't believe you bribed them with food!” The tall Sans, that everyone decided to call Love, was shaking his head in disbelief.
“They are from an AU where they are starving. Starving so bad that they were eating humans and was driven to insanely.” VI looked back. “I should feel sorry for them.”
Temmie hopped ahead, “Your SOULLESS, remember. It is not that you don't have feelings. It's you can't place -Ack!”
A Gaster Blaster Beam barely missed Temmie and VI. The Gaster Blaster looked weird with black Hate oozing out of the Blaster's eyes and mouth. A manic laugh was heard before a Sans with Hate dripping out if his eyes and a red target on his chest appeared. “Killer.”
“Hehehehe. That's my name! Hehehehe.” Killer of UV!GR@Rahafwabas lifted his knife and licked it with his ectoplasma tongue. “Time to die.”
Thick vines shot up, grabbed Killer, and slammed him against a wall. Knocking him out. “Sans! Papyrus! You're okay!” A cute little Flowery with big eyes popped up from the ground and wrapped his vines around Red and Edge. “Oh! You have my boot.” A blur of yellow and green went in the boot. “Finally!”
“Heh. You wasn't kidding about the boot being a security blanket.” The thick vines slithered off Killer. Another Flowery came out of the ground. This Flowery was bigger than your average Flowery, but still pretty small. He got out a case with glasses inside, “My spouse would kill me if I break my glasses while underground.”
“Spouse? You're married?” VI smiled in reconizon. “Yandere from PG!PP@Newspaper! The only Flowery that ever married.”
“Ugh! Why does the Omniverse calls me that?” Yandere but on his glasses. “Hey Boots! We found your friends. Will they help me get my spouse back?”
“Was your spouse taken to the True Labs?” Love kneeled down to meet Yandere at eye level. “My Soulmate is there as well.”
Yandere looked at Love as if trying to read the sincerity of his words before removing his glasses and placing them back into the case. “Meet me at Temmie Village!” Then the Flower was gone.
They arrived at Temmie Village. Boot was telling Red and Edge how Yandere and a few others found him and sheltered him in Temmie Village. There was one other Flowery, a God of Hyperdeath, a baby bones, and a gray kid with big black eyes that been teaching them about the Multiverse. They were having trouble with the baby bones, but didn't trust any nearby skeletons to help care for him.
“VI?!” A blur of black and red knocked VI down in a hug. “I can't believe you are here!”
“Player? Player of UP!OR@Yunan! It is good to see you again!” VI wrapped her arms around Player, “Still causing trouble?”
“I am a Dirty Hacker. Of course I am still causing trouble.” Sans’ and Stretch's eyes flashed at hearing that phrase. Player noticed and turned towards the others. “I may not be good, but I am not evil either. I do what I want simply because I can. However, everything I do is out of love. In fact my LV is not Level of Violence, nor Game Level, but true love I have for your Worlds.”
“Player here is from a World where the Underground is a video game. But Player wanted to be everyone's friend and sends everyone to the surface. The problem is they live through Game Codes and Worldlines trapping them in a loop.” VI patted Player's head. “My mother found them and changed their code so they can get out of the loop. Now they can revisit worlds and join their friends on the surface without triggering the loop. Where originally everytime Player breaks the barrier and join everyone to the surface the loops starts again.”
“Speaking of loops. Almost got stuck in one by entering the Lab. Your mother got me out.” Player crunch up their face. “Something is wrong with her. Her Code was different. And don't think I didn't noticed your Code, Princess! What did you do to your SOUL?”
“Storytime later! Hyper is back!” A one eyed Flowery pointed above them. A God of Hyperdeath was flying over them, going for a landing. Hyper was tall and wearing a black shirt and leather pants, his eyes were bloodshot and the fur on top of his head was black. “Hyper! How are the others? Are they okay. Is Aliza okay?!”
“Calm down Eyeball. Your human is okay so far. But I am worried about Sweetheart and Science. Fell have been dragging Sci deeper into the True Labs and Sweetheart is getting weaker.” Hyper noticed Love, “Sans! Your here! I know you don't recognize me, but it me! Your Flowery!”
“Flowery?” The moment Love noticed that Hyper was holding his jacket he grabbed the tall goat and have him a good squeeze. Hyper returned the hug. Then realization hit him like a brick. “Wait. Sweetheart?” He push Hyper way but still had his fists wrapped around Hyper's arms. “As in MY SWEETHEART!”
“You were always calling them Sweetheart, so I used that as a nickname.” Hyper blushed in embarrassment before his mood sobered. “They are really weak Sans. The flowers are all over their body.”
Player took the baby bones Papyrus, that everyone started to call Bean, Eyeball, Temmie, and Boots back to Snowden. Leaving VI, Sans, Red, Edge, Stretch, Love, Hyper, and a very stubborn Yandere to plan the break-in-break-out mission.
The plan sounds simple enough. Hyper enters the True Lab alone to inform the prisoners of the rescue. He will also be the eyes and ears of what's going on in the Lab. Yandere will also do the same but remain in the vents, his speed and silence will help him relay messages to the others.
Red, Edge, and Love will enter using the main elevator from Alphys’ Lab. The idea was to distract Fell, Pred, and the Nightmare Squad to the upper levels. While VI, Sans, and Stretch will enter directly from the elevator from the castle.
Simple right? Wrong.
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