#Gax politics AU
wisteriagoesvroom · 3 months
GAX POLITICS AU!!!!! this reminds me of my rob jetten x jesse klaver tiktok phase lol like gax would be like them but with more hate and say gex at questionable places💥🫵
no but like exactly!! before this week i didn’t know what a resse was and now im like.. omg… ur all cooking… amazing how we all see the vision…. all in our heads just hallucinating gax politics AUs in various countries but the vibes are almost identical. god i love fandom lol
the question is: ghey seggs in which questionable places. i raise you
1. reference library
2. empty parliament floor
3. highway gas station in middle of nowhere belgium
4. garden hedge at a soirée
5. cupboard of restaurant where their bosses just had a Tense Off-book Negotiation
6. at max’s surprisingly decent and well looked after apartment (max kicks the cats out of the room)
7. in a meeting room after a press con
8. after one of them hand-delivers important papers to the other… hand job, obviously
9. as election results roll in and they’re both half hard and half listening 🫡
10. when max impulsively jokes that they spend so much time together they should probably just elope or something. and george is like don’t be stupid our schedules don’t even allow that now pass me the goddamned sustenance stroopwafel and tell me what your minister is playing at with this regulatory question
in case y’all are wondering wtf im talking about…
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wisteriagoesvroom · 3 months
gax contingent… how r u all out there… i miss u…. i just think a politics gax AU would be very delicious, personally….
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wisteriagoesvroom · 3 months
gax politics au 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ they have hot brexit hate sex
HOT BREXIT GAX HATE SEX IM SCREAMINGGGG LET ANON COOK!!! george tries to argue to max that less tariffs on corn or smth is a good thing. and max is like “you’re an idiot of course that doesn’t make sense we need the unified market in order to stay strong against inflation which is the whole point even if all members may not pull their weight equally” and then george is like “oh shut up i actually voted to stay but i have to do my job don’t i” and then max is like “god you’re so annoying and ambitious and i hate you so much because you’re just as ambitious and cutthroat as me” and they have angry sex in a gas station bathroom somewhere in belgium or something LOL
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
Gax Historical AU x Criminal AU. Have fun with it and imagine me laughing like a maniac at this idea.
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hear me out: max is a met policeman who has been in deep cover espionage for a long time, so long that he is starting to forget where his real life ends and his crime persona begins. he does what he needs to survive, pretending like the underbelly of the world doesn’t disgust him anymore. then there’s george, who max seems to remember from a hazy dream - was it so long ago they used to play blind man’s bluff at copse meadow together as kids? ah, george. always scorned by polite society because of his class, always so eager to please others, doing whatever it takes to feed that relentless ambition. george also happens to be a rising star in the wolff street syndicate, which is making increasing incursions in the turf of the red bulls, the mob that max is undercover in.
as tensions rise between the groups, and new mayor hamilton has made it clear that he intends to crack down on organised crime in the city, time is running out. for max to exit the bulls, and george to prove his loyalty to the wolffs.
who will triumph? or rather, in two brutal worlds lived in shadows and built on tragedy, who will be the smartest to survive?
from this prompts game
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
4 for the sun (in your eyes), 23, 41 xx j
4. What detail in the sun (is in your eyes) are you really proud of?
probably all the ad agency stuff? because that’s adjacent to what i do irl so it was nice to finally use that in a fic for worldbuilding. the other would be sal, who is actually based on my friend’s cat 😂 i may start writing more OCs based on animals i know tbh
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
i’m thinking about gax, J… about both the casino AU and about the politics AUs…i’ve written a politics AU for another fandom before so maybe i should do it again… an old dog with old tricks but who’s to know
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
there are literally too many so i’ll tag authors instead. littleplumtree (who is not on here), @ocontraire , @monacotrophywife , @drivestraight , @alphatinies, @theory81 etc etc etc. or anyone i’ve put in ao3 bookmarks really! i love that i’m constantly inspired by other fandom writers on here.
from here
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