#Gbf Tor
harugakou · 2 years
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InkTORber Day 3: Alternate Universe / Al(Tor)nate Universe
I like voice actor crossovers so here are Tor and Vane wearing the clothes of Tsumugi Tsukioka and Tenma Sumeragi respectively from A3!
I didn't really ink this one (because I will absolutely botch this with my current pens) so i just thickened the pencil lines and left it as is. Lol.
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kamidukki · 2 years
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I'm so so so glad we get this fate episode
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alfheimr · 7 months
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in the king's garden
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liliesandthemoon · 3 months
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Happy pride month! (♡°▽°♡)
Here is my OC kissing Lennah to celebrate it! (´ ε ` )♡
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icharchivist · 2 years
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I’m feeling like a complete third wheel guys, are you done? are you good? Tor are you really just living with the fact Aglovale is trying desperately to spoil you rotten? Why do i have to be privy to the fact Aglovale wanted to give YOU chocolates? 
I’m sorry this vday scene is driving me slightly over the edge, what sort of weird love triangle did i get myself into.
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Aglovale and Tor being absolutely head over heels in love with the innocent castle maid. Every little smile and gesture drives them wild. When the King and the newly minted Tactician of Wales invites you to their study.. Maybe their infatuation run a little deeper.
Lets see, double pen, anal, and maybe just maybe a dash of breeding. And they trust each other wholeheartedly now, so whoever gets Maid-Chan pregnant they’ll take care of both Maid-Chan and baby! Anything else you want to throw in go for it! I TRUST YOU MA’AM!
As a maid to the royal family of Wales, it was not an odd occurrence in the slightest to be called to the study of your Lord at such an ungodly late hour.
After all, you know your place, by which you were to adhere to his beckon at any time.
Or, in this and many other cases, his beckon via the call of his faithful tactician.
But you knew that your King Aglovale and your superior Tor to never be so cruel as to demand for your attention with cruel intentions.
Far from it.
To cherish, to treasure, to revere.
For Tor, you were peace, you were tranquility. As hectic and burdensome that his duty to Wales imposed onto his shoulders, to catch you innocently setting the table for dinner as you hummed to yourself brought ease to his soul. A smile from you, the call of his name from your lips, some assistance to help fix his cloak before he set off to begin his routinely surveillance of the various districts--they all fueled his desire to do his utmost best for you.
As Aglovale, you were sanctuary, you were heaven. The demons of his past never ceased to claw at his heels as he strode forward in his path to bring glory to his beloved country. But all was well whenever he was sweetly urged by you to lay his head upon your lap within the comforts of his chambers, the soft touch of your fingertips caressing through his hair as you listened to him bare his inner turmoil. Never had his desire to lead Wales with utmost dignity and honor been so passionate--an angel like you deserved nothing less.
But as one would safeguard the country's riches with the grand might of a massive army, the two were just as fierce and vicious in their protectiveness of you.
Though calm and rare to lose sight of composure, Tor was never quite himself whenever another man besides his Lord was near you. Some time not too long ago, he caught you admiring the gallant strength of Gawain, who was invited to offer some lessons of the army of Wales. The look of awe in your eyes made something snap within his soul as he was swift to seize hold of your wrist from behind before hurrying you over to a nearby powder room.
His tone, usually so refined and collected, struggled to maintain such clarity as he pounded his cock away into your core while pinning you against a nearby vanity, the desire to mark you with kisses to your neck and his seed trickling down your inner-thighs at the forefront of his desires.
And even then, Aglovale was far more ruthless by comparison. Though known to be cold and calculating, his heart warmed ever so when his brothers came by to visit.
But when you were involved, his blood boiled with tremendous rage.
Should he catch so much as a polite kiss to the back of your hand from Percival or noticed you reading a cheeky letter from Lamorak that was specifically meant for your eyes, his schedule for the remaining day or even week was cleared. After all, he couldn’t bear the idea of his beloved angel straying from the heaven he worked so hard to create.
Binding your wrists with immaculately pristine silver chains, stuffing you full with his cock and his seed, no matter if it was your core, your ass, or your mouth--if locking you away in his chambers so he could ravage you mercilessly was needed to teach and remind you to hold love for only him and Tor in your heart, then so be it.
For as much as you motivated the two to be the best of men they could be to deserve your love, it was by that same affection that drove the both of them to absolute madness. Aglovale would rather go to war and burn the sky than to hand you to any one else whereas Tor would resort to his sordid tactics from days past to ensure that none would dare bother the cage that housed you.
And tonight didn't seem to be so different.
Within the walls of your king’s study--the very same room where the country’s past taught, present encouraged, and future prepared--, right upon the sofa by his desk, you were here, serving both him and his tactician as you did best.
Your legs spread wide in eagerness, your back arched with delight, your mouth parted in ecstasy, you continued to stay sandwiched between the two men you adored so dearly. Tor remained nestled beneath you, slamming his cock in and out of your ass from behind while his nimble fingers massaged and toyed with your breasts. In near seamless tandem, Aglovale was pummeling his dick away into your drooling core at a punishing pace, hot and heavy rivulets of his seed spilled out down from you, all while he indulged himself to the taste of your nipples.
In-between suckles, the noisiness of which was a disgrace to years of rigorous etiquette training, the latter murmured out loud, a dark yet delighted smirk on his features, "Tor, do tell--is today the day at long last?"
"Quite so, my Lord,” Tor remarked with an eerily calm smile as he trailed one hand down from your breast to gingerly rest upon your stomach. “After looking back to my careful documentation of the past few weeks, this day calls for our darling blossom to be at a most ideal condition to bear a child."
As though the smile on Aglovale’s face couldn’t be any more wicked. His crimson irises looked so deep and clouded with hungering love as he drew back slightly to catch a full look of your current state of ruin, all orchestrated by his and Tor’s hands.
"'To bear a child', my child--how I have longed for this day, my angel.” Moving forward, his voice trailed off as his lips parted to latch onto your breasts once again for more greedy suckling. “I do look forward to tasting such sweetness from your bosom as you embrace motherhood."
Chuckling with amusement, Tor gave one of your breasts a hearty squeeze while his lips met the base of your neck for yet another kiss meant to mark and claim as he chimed with, "And much of the same can be said for me--after all, we must ensure that the your milk is at its best for all the precious children you will bear for us."
And as the two presumed on with continuing to pound away into you without any sense of restraint, you-- eager for the future that was carefully set in place for your experience--only continued to writhe between them both in absolute overwhelming bliss.
You knew your place after all.
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astrxealis · 2 years
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gottfrieds · 18 days
Not to be obvious, but Aglovale for the character meme. I like hearing your thoughts on him
First impression: "is this guy any good?" b/c I pulled his gacha unit before I got to Frost and Flames. I tweeted this sentiment and got a "he sucked but kinda improved" from one friend and "PERCIVAL'S SHITTY BROTHER" from Lio which was confusing to say the least
I also did his first fate ep so I was like. okay so I'm getting the vibes he fucked up but is trying to be better. love that. I can feel fine putting him on my water team
Impression now: he's everything ♡
okay but to be serious I think he is one of gbf's well-written characters in his progression, backstory, actions. I love that they have a very real portrayal of grief in him, the ways it eats at you when left unhealed, the affects the fear of everyone around you would have on the psyche and how he is still unlearning some of that. how atonement is a process that doesn't just end after one big gesture, how improvement both in statecraft and in personhood is sometimes difficult and imperfect. and in all that they also managed to make it so clear that he's a doting elder brother, and also ALSO that he's definitely got some parentification to him (I swear I'm not just projecting). even small details like how his pledges in light Percy fate are the elements that ultimately lead to Herzeloyde’s death, or even how his very very funny and cute gap moe about things says so much about how isolated he became growing up. they packed SO much into this fucking guy I go insane.
Favorite moment: VERY HARD OH MY GOD but man did he truly shine to In Each His Ideal. idc that we got cheaply thrown an excuse for Grand Percy in that one, that event belonged to Aglovale and Lamorak. and while there's SO much I could say in there alone, like the moment he willingly cuts through the visages of their parents because he accepts that death cannot just be undone, even though he almost unleashed hell to try it himself like a year prior,
it's actually after that, when he finds Lamorak.
I love the display of both sheer intelligence and the clear show of love and attention in how Aglovale put together, having never even seen Lusor before, that it was Lam. because he cares and he's always been looking after his little brothers and so he remembers. and when he corners wounded Lam as Lusor he's poised like he's ready for conflict, because he is. he is cold and commanding and ready and it all snaps in a SECOND the moment he realizes his brother is hurt.
it's the way he is at Lamorak's side in a second, all the indiscretions gone from his mind because it is happening again and it cannot, he's just found the last remaining member of his family again, so he cannot die here. and he won't! it's how for all his insistence on taking the harsh road, as always, the love shines through, because he's promising everything will be okay and they'll keep him safe in Wales and they can all be together again. it's all he fucking wants and I'm so emotional
Idea for a story: this is less an idea so much as a demand but cygames show us his typical bad disguise. yukata alt sorta showed us what his "undercover" times are like and they keep confirming the headcanons that I have in fact even put in one of my fics but I wanna know so bad he's such a DORK
Unpopular opinion: I don't think he's fucking Siegfried. No, I don't think he's fucking Tor, either. also idk if it's actually unpopular or not but Aglovale is a bisexual. I know my kind.
Favorite relationship: aglomora-
but if we're sticking to canon, it's obviously gotta be the bond with his brothers, no? complicated as siblings can be, but he's so clearly been firmly ride or die for them since youth. boy was ready to sacrifice himself at least twice for them. and basically did moreso by taking on the task of being heir, since they've p much said outright Gahmuret was very strict.
tho I also wanna mention real quick I ADORE the way Lyria hits him w/the -san it's like everyone else is constantly reverent, respectful, he's the KING and Lyria comes in like "hi mr. aglovale :3" she's so cute
Favorite headcanon: [points] BISEXUAL
but if you want something I didn’t say before, we hc he has bunnies
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stellamarium · 2 years
*waves* you want self ship content but without effort on your end, I want to practice writing longer things again without the anxiety of feeling like I'm not keeping up my end of a trade; I think we can work something out >:3c
I'll admit I'm not even sure anymore who you're into these days though; are Seruel and Alphonse still winning, or did Dulce or someone else beat them out? Feel free to answer with however much info about their side or selfsona side as ya want, or not at all: I'll look through your blog in the meantime to catch up on lore I've missed nyahaha
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asdfhkl; this response is a bit late because I wanted to write up some more info on my self-ships on my site and whatnot just so that it's all out there for convenience, but--
Alfonse is still very much my main F/O, but I've been focusing on my twst self-ships (like with Jade) more since it's my current brainrot.
Seruel's no longer one of my F/Os (I still like him, but I no longer feel like shipping with him). In terms of GBF F/Os, I'm currently into Seox and Tor (Tor moreso, specifically, which sucks because he's basically a side character and I crave more content of him asdfhjl;)
In general though, my F/O list is pretty much up-to-date on my self-ship site. While I do tend to hyperfocus on one or two at a select time, I still love all of them
If you ever do feel like writing something with my self-ships though, I do have a writing wishlist here (though don't feel obligated to write something if you're not up for it)! I've linked each of their relationship info in there as well, but some pages are lacking/ missing information bc I'm too lazy to fill everything out, but I love to talk a stupidly large amount about my self-ships, so it's a long process lol.
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cyborg-squid · 2 years
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I never really paid attention to GBF’s Wales and Pervical and Aglovale’s storylines, but Aglovale+Tor’s Fate Episodes actually slap pretty hard??? And are very homoerotic which is always appreciated. And the fact that Aglovale has the same VA as Aymeric of course.
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
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no rest for the thirsty 🥺
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harugakou · 2 years
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InkTORber Day 2: AcTor
Imagine the crew visiting Verona to help out Juliet for a new play in the Rose Theater called "Compassion of an Angel" (shhhh). There was a shortage of actors in the theater at the time, so members of the crew become the cast themselves! With the crew's (especially Aglovale's, he's around for a business trip shhh) encouragement, Tor is given the lead role.
Aka my excuse to dress Tor up as Tsumugi/Michael from A3!'s Sympathy of an Angel for 10/4
Bonus below the cut: Moments before the disaster that is inking
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kamidukki · 2 years
[GBF] 🔹Spoiler alert to Aglovale and Tor's fate episode🔹
May contain inaccuracies since I'm still too excited...
Aglovale and Tor's fate episodes basically tell us their first encounter as well as explore the development of their master-retainer relationship. If you've read the first chapter, which is unlocked by default, it shows us Aglovale observing Tor polishing up his swordmanship. It takes place after the whole fiasco with Lamorak but the audience is then brought to the past via Aglovale's reminiscence. That was their first meeting.
In a nutshell, Aglovale visited the market where Tor is working as an apprentice to a senior merchant. He reported to Aglovale an uprising that's about to happen in the southern part of the kingdom. Aglovale didn't think Tor was lying but he was not sure what motivated Tor to do such thing, which he soon found out after he invited Tor to a tea time with him. There's little to no trust between them at this point, just a deal with mutual benefit.
After that, in the second and third part the scene shifts to Tor's POV. The reader gets to know that Tor genuinely thinks so highly of Aglovale, in the same way Aglovale acknowledge and admire Tor's intelligence and clarity of mind. Which brings us to the last part, where Aglovale offers Tor to be his right hand man join him on the front lines.
Given that Tor's real value lies in his mind and not his fighting prowess, Aglovale intends Tor to gather information as much as could so he's able to conjur up the best strategy that will bring victory in any battle. A kingdom's tactician, in short. That's the role Aglovale wants Tor to fulfil. He even goes so far as saying that he will be protecting Tor so he can concentrate on intel/info gathering.
Aglovale exact words: [I will teach you everything you need to know. Stand beside me and see what I see. Share with me your thoughts.]
Tor is astonished, wondering why Aglovale would entrust such an extremely important post to him. Tor is technically an outsider, not someone of extraordinary upbringing let alone a family member of Wales. Aglovale opens up to him, a thing I believe he has never divulged to anyone else, his distrust toward other people since the death of his mother. Not counting the other Wales, Tor is technically the first person he trusted. In the end, Tor accepts Aglovale's offer.
🔸There's a part where Tor is kidnapped and Aglovale comes to his rescue (though unnecessary since Tor's able to scare off his kidnappers). The ensuing dialogue when they're back at the castle is hilarious 😂 (Tor: My lord, your acting is splendid! / Aglo: Acting...? I was really worried about you / Tor: I didn't know that...)
All in all, this episode is absolutely fantastic. 10/10. Perhaps 11/10.
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thenevisky · 4 years
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My only contribution to Hero of Dalmore event
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queenofnohr · 4 years
gbf: what’s wrong sweetie? you haven’t touched your knight supreme special
me: im just not hungry
gbf: we made your favorite. it has Aglovale and everything. is something wrong?
me: I already told you I’m just not hungry
gbf: look! a knight defending his homeland by himself against insurmountable odds as the rallying cries of his people give him the strength to overcome even beaten and bloodied as he is!
me: god you just don’t get it! it doesn’t matter if you make my favorite!!! stop trying! it’ll never taste the same so just give it a rest! you’re not my real mom!!!
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icharchivist · 1 year
i know it's Aglovale early in his redemption arc so he's still mistrustful of everyone, but i love how in a short convo with Tor he's just "wow he's actually so smart he's a diamond in the rough i need to have him by my side, and on top of that he has an easy weakness to exploit if he ever tries to betray me so i can actually use him well" like sir you have trust issues
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