#Gelfling Ocs just flow through my finger tips
thanatasia · 3 years
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We all know that I’d eventually make a new Gelfling Oc. It was just a matter of time lol
This young Spriton lad is Takoda. His name means, friend to everyone, from the Lakota tribe. I’ve been wanting to sketch him out for the longest time and finally did it. He’s a sweet guy who enjoys singing and will often times duet with Fleur. Yes, I have a comic idea in mind to show this part of their friendship, lol. I’m not creative so the songs they’ll sing will be songs I really like. He may not drink drink like Fleur but he can hold his alcohol. He’s definitely that one friend in the group who is the designated driver- aahhh the ideas I’m getting already!
He’s also one of Kiel’s exes. They’re friendly with each other though. The relationship didn’t last because the long distance was a deal breaker for Takoda. Takoda was friends with Fleur first before meeting Kiel. The two of them just happened to get together without Fleur introducing them.
As we can see I’m fascinated with interconnected relationships. Idk maybe it’s because I grew up with Naruto that I’m use to characters knowing/know of each other. But….Thra is so big so the idea of so many characters (outside of Ortun and Sera’s crew) knowing of each other might be a bit unrealistic.
Regardless! I really like his portrait design and he makes me want to go back into some of my other Ocs and tweak their facial features a bit more.
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