#I’ve been sitting on his headshot for like a year but I’m glad he was drawn out now
whumpacabra · 7 days
Birds of a Feather
Nightmares, angst, past kidnapping, past trauma, past character death
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Tierney almost screamed when he saw East, hovering at the side of his bed like a parody of his personal sleep paralysis demon. He sat up with a groan, scrubbing at his eyes with the heel of his hands.
“What time is it?”
“Fuck me…” Tierney grimaced, shaking off the remnants of the nightmare and groping for the nightstand lamp. It didn’t look like East had been sleeping any easier, eyes bloodshot and skin clammy. “Dreamed we were still in that fucking barn. Gonna be smelling horse shit in my nightmares for the rest of my life.”
East hummed an affirmative sound, sitting on the floor with his back to the bed. Tierney slowly copied him, embarrassment trickling into his waking brain. Having heard what East survived before, even a clearly abridged and sanitized version…he felt foolish having bad dreams about a mere kidnapping.
“What happened? In your dream.” East asked, not looking away from the moonlight filtering through the window. Tierney felt tension gather in his brow; East had certainly woken from his own nightmare, but he clearly didn’t want to talk about it.
“I don’t even fuckin’ know. We were just still strung up and that prick - fuck.” Why was his voice pitchy like he hit puberty again? Why did he feel nauseous at the thought of a little blood? Pull it together, O’Hare. One minute Wes was alive and an asshole and the next he was dead. Get over it. “Guess I’ve just never seen a guy…die…before.”
East nodded, whisper hoarse but soft.
“It was a clean headshot. He probably didn’t even feel it.” For half a second his shoulders hunched forward, but then he straightened his back, wincing as bruised ribs shifted. “Worse ways to go.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you would know.” Tierney physically recoiled after the thoughtless words tumbled past his lips, eyes wide as East shuddered with a huff.
“Yeah.” There was a crackle of hysteria in the single syllable, but the silence that followed was thick with regrets. Eventually, East shifted, hugging his legs to his chest and laying his head on top of his knees to turn his bright, dark eyes to Tierney. “Whose room am I staying in?”
“I guess…I think it’s Liza’s old room.” Tierney shrugged, thankful for the abrupt change of topic. Though something in his gut soured are the memory. (O’Hares don’t pay ransoms. She knew that better than most.) “She hasn’t lived here since I was a kid…haven’t even seen her in years.”
“Liza…” East’s eyes were distant, face scrunched in thought. If Tierney wasn’t wallowing in his own misplaced guilt, he might have noticed the hopeful confusion crossing his friend’s face. “What happened to her?”
“O’Hares don’t pay ransoms.” Tierney almost regretted the snap on his mocking echo, but East didn’t flinch, so he continued. “She fucked up one time as - as a dumb teenager and Da never forgave her. She didn’t forgive him either. Shows up for funerals or marriages and that’s it. She and Da can’t stand each other.”
Tierney didn’t know all the details, but he knew enough. He knew Sean didn’t talk to Da for two years, using Eoghan as a middleman for anything important. He knew Liza had been hurt, badly, in more ways than one, when their father made the call to refuse the ransom. He knew no betrayal was worth that hurt - how could a man abandon his daughter to those bastards over something as petty as pride?
(He knew, even 8 years old and having never wanted for anything in his short life, that he couldn’t make the same mistakes Liza made. Whatever those mistakes supposedly were.)
“I’m glad your brothers came for us.” East said, eyes distant with thought. Tierney’s eyes flicked to him, drawn to the pearlescent scars around his neck and tally marks half hidden by the short sleeve of his nightshirt, catching the moonlight.
“Me too.” Tierney replied, swallowing back the black sickly terror that had gripped him in his nightmare. (The helplessness. The hopelessness. The loneliness - )
East suddenly flinched, an arm protectively shielding Tierney as his eyes widened and his head swiveled back and forth.
“Did you hear that?”
Tierney, still half choked in panic, made an alarmed but negative sound, trying to hold his breath to hear whatever it was East could. For a split second, he thought he heard a woman’s voice, but that was smothered by the soft, incremental shuffle of movement above. There was someone on the roof, right above the window.
[Before Flight]
(Part of my Freelancers: Changing Tides series)
Taglist: @stargeode @sacredwrath @genuineformality
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thanatasia · 3 years
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We all know that I’d eventually make a new Gelfling Oc. It was just a matter of time lol
This young Spriton lad is Takoda. His name means, friend to everyone, from the Lakota tribe. I’ve been wanting to sketch him out for the longest time and finally did it. He’s a sweet guy who enjoys singing and will often times duet with Fleur. Yes, I have a comic idea in mind to show this part of their friendship, lol. I’m not creative so the songs they’ll sing will be songs I really like. He may not drink drink like Fleur but he can hold his alcohol. He’s definitely that one friend in the group who is the designated driver- aahhh the ideas I’m getting already!
He’s also one of Kiel’s exes. They’re friendly with each other though. The relationship didn’t last because the long distance was a deal breaker for Takoda. Takoda was friends with Fleur first before meeting Kiel. The two of them just happened to get together without Fleur introducing them.
As we can see I’m fascinated with interconnected relationships. Idk maybe it’s because I grew up with Naruto that I’m use to characters knowing/know of each other. But….Thra is so big so the idea of so many characters (outside of Ortun and Sera’s crew) knowing of each other might be a bit unrealistic.
Regardless! I really like his portrait design and he makes me want to go back into some of my other Ocs and tweak their facial features a bit more.
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tuiccim · 4 years
Terrigenisis (Part 3)
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Pairing: Avengers X Inhuman!Reader
Words: 2916
Summary: Your life is torn apart after undergoing terrigenisis unwillingly your life is turned upside down when you are deemed too dangerous to return to civilian life. You are put with the Avengers team to train and rebuild your life.
Part 1  / Part 2 
Before you leave for training the next morning, FRIDAY asks you to meet Steve in the conference room. You walk in the room to see him going through some paperwork. 
“Hey. Good Morning.” You smile at him. 
“Morning.” He smiles back at you. “I’ve been working through your evaluation for field work. Can you sit with me for a few minutes?”
“Absolutely!” You are excited that he is working on some goals for you. You sit and he goes through each part of the eval. Technically, you’re field ready in every area except one. Firearms. Apparently, your aim has not improved enough according to Bucky. You are proficient enough with handguns, but using larger weapons throws your aim. 
"I'm sorry. We can't put you in the field, yet." Steve frowns.
"No, this is great, Steve. This is what I need to know. Now, I have a goal and I know an excellent teacher." You smile at Steve.  
"Bucky will keep working with you. He says your handgun skills are great. Your hand to hand is excellent. Just a matter of time, Doll. Uh, Agent, I mean, Y/N." Steve puts a hand on his face and takes a deep breath. 
You giggle. You can’t help yourself. “It’s okay, Steve.”
“I didn’t mean to call you doll.” Steve says.
“Really, Steve, it’s okay. I didn’t think anything of it.”
“Thanks.” Steve stands and you follow his lead. 
"Well, back to training, then." You smile.
"Right." He smiles back.
You give him a quick side hug and head to the training room.
The team went on another mission and you were left alone on the compound again. As you are training with Redtail one day you really take notice of her sight. The colors and distance she perceives is incredible and so different from your own vision. You carry the information with you as you go through your routine. While in the range you make an incredible discovery and you can't wait to tell Steve and Bucky. 
The team returns and you are giddy with excitement. You temper yourself and make a huge dinner for everyone knowing how exhausted they are when they return from long missions like this one. That night as you head to your room after cleaning up the kitchen, you hear Bucky’s voice coming from Steve’s room. A low moan and the whisper of Steve’s name. You freeze in place when you realize what is going on between the two. You pull yourself out of your stupor and grope for your headphones as you continue to your room. It takes you a few minutes to truly wrap your mind around the relationship between the two men. You had absolutely no issue with their relationship, but it was obviously not common knowledge. Or at least not a topic of discussion among the team. 
It actually made you feel a little more comfortable. You firmly believed the two to be out of your league, but comments from Sam and Wanda had made you question if one or both had an attraction to you. It put into perspective, also, why Steve felt the need to clarify why he had called you doll the other day. He clearly did not want you reading anything into it. It was sweet really. The two falling in love with each other after being the only thing still tethering them to their pasts. You were happy for them. 
The next morning, the team immediately fell back into their routine. You were excited when Bucky entered the range and Steve followed with him as you had asked FRIDAY to request his presence. 
“Thank you for coming, Steve. I want to show you both something.” You smile at both. You had already set up for the demonstration you had planned and handed them each safety gear before you started shooting. Picking up one handgun you hold it in your dominant hand and shoot center mass. Without a break, you grab the second gun with your non-dominant hand and aim for headshots. You set both guns down and press the button to bring the target up for inspection. You look back and see both men’s brows furrowed as they stare at the target. Center mass is a perfect cluster of shots forming a small hole, as are the headshots. 
“How did you do that?” Bucky asks. 
“Now watch.” You pick up Bucky’s favorite gun that normally throws your aim considerably due to the sheer size and velocity of the weapon. Moving to the second target you shoot and again bring the target up to reveal a dead center grouping. 
“Doll! How did you do that?” Bucky says emphatically. 
You set the gun down and remove your safety gear. “I was working with Redtail the other day and I noticed how sharp her eyesight is. It got me to thinking if I could somehow use it to my advantage on the range when shooting. I spent the next couple of days trying to hone in on the distance sight when shooting and it just worked. It’s like I can see through her eyes even though I’m not warging. Can you imagine what this means? I think it’s just like my ability to comprehend vocal communication. I think I might be able to absorb their abilities. I don’t know if it was because of my long term exposure to her or what, but this could mean so many things if I could learn to do the same with other animals and senses. If I can hone my hearing and sense of smell it would make me even more useful.” Your words are tumbling out in your excitement. 
“Whoa, whoa. Hang on.” Steve rubs a hand over his face. 
“Did I say something wrong? Isn’t… isn’t this a good thing?” You ask nervously. 
“No, yes, no, ugh. Nothing’s wrong. Let’s just go over all of it again. Slowly.” Steve says. 
You start over from the beginning, explaining each step you took to get to your conclusion, and how it affected you. Bucky and Steve asked several questions and you answered as well as you could. When you're done you look between the two nervously. Their expressions gave nothing away. 
"I have to report this to Fury. We need to update your file and do some work with you to see if this skill is something you can adapt to well. Bucky, work with her with every gun. See if her aim crosses over for all of them."
"It does. Also, throwing knives and bow and arrow. I tried everything while you guys were on the mission. But, I'm happy to go through it all again." You say.
"Thorough.' Bucky smirks.
"I'm a planner." You wink at him and smile.
"Go through it all again with Bucky," Steve turns to Bucky, "and I want a full report after." 
Bucky nods and Steve turns to leave.
"Steve. One more thing. I found a dog I'd like to adopt. She's 3 years old and fully trained. I'll pay for her myself but I'd like to have her to work with." You fidget as Steve looks at you with raised eyebrows. 
"You really have been busy. I'll check into it." Steve says with an indulgent smile on his face. "Find me this afternoon and we'll talk."
"Okay, thanks." You turn to Bucky with a grin. "Ready when you are." You bounce on the balls of your feet with anticipation.
Bucky smiles as he starts pulling weapons.
"FRIDAY, where's Steve?" You ask that afternoon.
"Captain Rogers is in his room." FRIDAY responds.
"Is he alone?" You ask hesitantly.
You knock on Steve's door a minute later and smile as he opens it. He's wearing a tight t-shirt and sweatpants making him look ready for a run. 
"Hey. Is now a good time?" You ask. 
"Sure. Are you okay if we talk in here?" He smiles and holds his door open for you. 
"Sure." You echo him as you walk in. 
He pulls out his desk chair for you and then sits on his bed. He looks at you and you look at him and there’s an awkward silence. Both of you waiting for the other to begin
“So, um, you said we’d talk?” You fidget. 
“Right. Tell me about the dog.” Steve says.
“Her name is Dizzy. She’s a three year old Belgian Malinois. Fully trained. I met her two days ago and she handled the warg very well. Highly intelligent. She’s perfect for training and a total sweetheart. What do you think?” 
“Dizzy?” Steve chuckles.
“Yeah. Her litter was named after characters from Starship Troopers. It’s a really campy space war movie.” You smile. 
“Haven’t seen it. I talked to Tony. He’s okay with the dog since it’s for training purposes. Get the rest of the team’s consent and we can give it a test run.” Steve says.
“Great. Thank you!” You jump up and give Steve a hug. 
“You’re welcome, Doll.” Steve says. “I mean…”
“Steve. Really, it’s fine. It’s cute actually.”
“You like being called doll?” He asks. 
“Yeah. It’s sweet.” You smile. “I’m not offended by it or anything.”
“I’m glad. You’re a sweetheart.” 
“So, are you.” You hug Steve’s waist again and head to the door. “I’ll see you later. I’m going to talk to everyone.”
“See ya later, Doll.” Steve chuckles.
You make the rounds to your teammates and receive consent from each of them. You are giddy with anticipation and call the owner to make arrangements to get Dizzy. As you're getting off the phone you hear a voice from behind, “Hey Doll.”
You turn to see Bucky. “Hey. Did Steve tell you to call me that?”
“He might have mentioned that you like it.” Bucky chuckles as he sits next to you on the couch. 
“It’s cute.” You smile. 
“You’re cute.” Bucky smiles back.
You laugh and nudge him with your shoulder. You feel much more free and easy with Steve and Bucky since learning of their relationship. You wish you could tell them you knew but you didn't want to force a confindance. “You two are goof troops.” 
“What does that mean?” 
“Silly and sweet.” You grin.
“Nah. He’s a punk and I’m a jerk.” Bucky says.
“You are not a jerk, Bucky! You are a sweetie!” You laugh. 
“Aww, thanks, Doll.” Bucky leans over and kisses your cheek. 
“See! So sweet!” You squish Bucky’s cheeks in your hands and then dissolve into giggles at the silly face he mugs.
“What are you two doing?” Natasha asks as she enters the common room with Wanda, Clint, and Vision on her heels. 
“Just being silly.” You say. “What are you guys up to?” You catch the glance and smirk exchanged between Nat, Wanda, and Clint and roll your eyes at them. 
“Just looking for some food.” Clint says.
“When are you not, Clint?” Natasha jokes. 
“When I’m watching your six.” Clint snarks.
“Wanda, I can pick up Dizzy tomorrow. Want to go with me?” You ask.
“I can’t! I’m sorry.” Wanda frowns. 
“No worries.” You say.
“I’ll go with you, Doll.” Bucky says. 
“It’s an hour drive.” You want him to know what he’s getting into. 
“I don’t mind.” Bucky smiles.
“Great! I’m leaving at 9.”
“I’ll be ready.” Bucky says and gets up to leave.
You join the others in the kitchen and chat for a while. 
“You and Bucky looked cozy.” Clint says.
“Don’t read anything into it.” You shake your head.
“I’m reading plenty.” Clint says. 
“Stop. He’s my mentor and friend.” You say.
“Yeah, you two seem really friendly.” Natasha says.
“Seriously, guys, it’s not like that. Stop.” You say quietly.
“Okay, okay. But don't dismiss it outright. You two would be good for each other.” Wanda winks at you. 
“Uuugh.” You close your eyes and bang your head on the counter. “I’ll see you guys later.” 
“You’ll definitely see Bucky later.” Clint whispers.
“I can hear you, Legolas!” You call back. 
“I meant for you to.” Clint whispers again, chuckling.
The next morning you and Bucky leave from the shooting range to get Dizzy. You are so excited you can barely contain yourself. 
"Why don't I drive, Doll?" Bucky says.
"Only if I get to pick the music." You smile.
"Just no more disco." Bucky grouses.
"Oh, come on, Buck. You don't want to 'Shake, shake, shake. Shake, shake, shake. Shake your booty'" You sing and dance around. 
"Maybe if you keep dancing." He winks.
"That's a little difficult in the car. How about some rock?" You say and Bucky nods.
"Are you gonna keep the name Dizzy?" Bucky asks.
"Yeah, I think it's cute. Plus I like the movie. It's hilarious."
"We'll have to put it on the list for movie night." 
The drive takes less than an hour with Bucky at the wheel. When you arrive the woman seems a bit wary of Bucky but she relaxes when she sees Dizzy's reaction. Dizzy immediately runs to you and then sniffs Bucky before practically jumping in his arms. You are laughing as Bucky kneels down to play with her. His wide smile and low voice with the dog is endearing. 
"Well, she certainly likes your boyfriend." The woman says. 
You chuckle at the woman's assumption but decide it's not worth the energy to explain. 
"I'm glad Dizzy likes me, too. Huh, girl?" He ruffles the dogs head before standing. Dizzy moves to stand at his side. 
You conclude business with the woman and leash Dizzy before heading to the car. Once inside, you turn to Bucky and laughingly say, "Did you steal my dog already?"
"What can I say? I have a way with women." Bucky chuckles. Dizzy tilts her head and lets out a little whine at the noise.
"Chill, girl, you'll see him around plenty." You reach back to pet her head. "You're gonna have lots of friends." You say.
"Have you had a dog before?" Bucky asks. 
"Charlie had a pit named Brutus. He was a big baby." 
"Where is he now?" Bucky asks.
"He crossed the rainbow bridge about six months before Charlie. We were just starting to talk about getting another dog." You look at your hands suddenly feeling the sadness and loss all over again. "Sorry." You say softly.
"It's okay, Doll."
"It just hits me sometimes that he's really gone."
"Grief is a process. You always feel the loss of those you love. He was a good guy, huh?"
"Yeah. He was. You and Steve remind me of him sometimes. He was an Army Ranger. Served three tours. Did I ever tell you that?"
"No." Bucky gives you a sideways glance.
"He had just discharged when I met him. Still adjusting to being back in civilian life. It took him awhile but he did it. He was brave and smart and really, really loving." Your voice breaks. 
Bucky reaches out and takes your hand. "I'm so sorry you lost him, Doll, but I'm glad he was good to you. You deserved that."
"Thanks, Bucky." You hold hands for the remainder of the trip and your melancholy slips away the closer you get to the compound. "Okay Dizzy, ready to see your new home and meet the rest of the family?" 
Dizzy's ears perk up and her tail wags. You and Bucky take her around the compound. Dizzy is very well-behaved and everyone seems to take a liking to her. When you introduce her to Steve she reacts in much the same way she did with Bucky. Practically rolling over for him. You are elated at how Dizzy and the team seem to immediately bond. 
That evening as you are bringing her back from a walk when you overhear Bucky in Steve's room, "Did you know he was an Army Ranger?"
"No. I don't remember her ever mentioning it." Steve says. "She was crying?"
"No, just sad." Bucky says. 
Dizzy obviously hears their voices too and swivels her head. "Wanna check in with the guys before bed, Dizzy?"
You knock on the door and smile when Steve opens it. "Hey. We heard you guys still up and Dizzy wanted to check in before bed."
“Hey Diz.” Steve pets the dogs head. “How, uh, how much did you hear?”
“Um, Bucky telling you Charlie was an Army Ranger. That was really it.” You shrug. 
“Can you hear me a lot?” Steve asks.
“I usually have my headphones or earplugs in. I try to be respectful of everyone’s privacy.” You say. 
“I know. I just forget how good your hearing is sometimes. You okay? This jerk didn’t upset you today?” Steve smirks as he gestures to Bucky. 
“Watch it, Punk.” Bucky grouses. 
“I’m fine. Like I told Bucky, it just hits me sometimes. I mean, I know Charlie’s gone. I’ve come to terms with that. It’s just sometimes… I’m sorry. You guys probably know better than anyone.”
“Doesn’t make it easier for you. If you ever need anything, we’re here for you.” Steve says. 
“Both of us.” Bucky says. 
“Thank you. I’m really glad to have you both as friends.” You smile. 
“Who’s a good girl?” You hear from Bucky a minute later.
“She is!” You smile at Bucky who is on the floor with Dizzy practically in his lap. Dizzy’s tongue lolls out of her mouth as Bucky scratches her ears. “Alright, Dizzy, let’s let the guys get some sleep. Come on, girl. Night guys.”
“Night, Doll.” Bucky says.
Part 4
“Sweet dreams.” Steve says.
Part 3 1/2 (A smutty Stucky Vignette)
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Permanent: @bubbabarnes @badassbaker @thefridgeismybestie @strangersstranger @cherthegoddess @drunkbucky @sherlocksmanwatson @cap-n-stuff
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tcm · 4 years
A Conversation with Patty McCormack on Growing Up on Screen By Kim Luperi
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Not many child stars go on to enjoy long, successful careers in show business – and fewer still have earned a prestigious Academy Award nomination before they turned 18. Patty McCormack has achieved both. The actress, who made her first film appearance in 1951 and went on to star in THE BAD SEED (’56, for which she received an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress as the murderous Rhoda at age 11); THE ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN (’60) and THE YOUNG RUNAWAYS (’68), continues to work in Hollywood and shows no indication of slowing down.
I had the pleasure of speaking with McCormack recently about some of these titles and more, including the delightful film KATHY O’ ('58) in which she plays a famous child star – an apt springboard for a discussion about growing up on screen and transitioning into more mature roles over her incredibly long, accomplished career.   
(This interview has been edited for length and clarity.)
I was watching KATHY O’ last night, and I really enjoyed it. In that movie they talk about your blonde pigtail braids as a trademark, and I realized it kind of was; you had that hairstyle in THE BAD SEED and ALL MINE TO GIVE (’57), too. Do you know how that style came about, or was it something you did that caught on?
Patty McCormack: It seems to be! I believe I even had them early on in Mama, which was an old live TV show that was a weekly event. I don't know how that [trademark] happened. I think it just happened because of THE BAD SEED – I think it was the hairdo that I went in with or they just decided on. When you see the original artwork on William March’s book, there’s a very long face drawing of Rhoda, his Rhoda, and there were braids in it. I don't know if they were looped or what, but that could have been it – or I honestly don't remember if it was chosen by my mom because it was easy, but it stuck!
I loved KATHY O’ because I got to live the dream. I loved the notion of them cutting my hair off – except it was a wig that they cut. After a while it felt like I didn't want to look like an older person with braids – you have to get rid of them eventually. As soon as I could, I wanted hair that was like, in that era, a page boy or something like that, where it landed on your shoulder. But I carried that long hair for a long time. And then you know how you revert back to certain hairdos years later? 
They come back in style.
PM: Yes, they come back, but now I have shortish hair, and I'm growing it one length. So I got over the braids – just in the nick of time!
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Circling back to Rhoda, you originated the role on Broadway before the film version, so you obviously had a lot of practice and familiarity with the part before you took it to the screen. Since she's such a chilling character, how did you get into that mindset at age nine, especially when you had to play the part multiple times a week?
PM: I always go back to the source, and the source was the director, Reginald Denham. He was so good with directing me. He made it fun, because I learned when I'd get an audience reaction on a face I’d make or something, I'd look forward to doing that again – you know, that kind of joy.
He made it so clear and simple, and his point of view was that Rhoda was always right. I know I've said this before, but it's the truth. No matter what anybody says, Rhoda is correct, and anything she wants, she feels entitled to – not using that word ‘entitled’ – but I really wasn't thinking of myself as a bad person, or especially not a murderer. I just thought it was their fault, which is classic, I guess. I had to kill him [the little boy] because he was so mean. So I think that was how I learned to be that character. I was aware of the murders – people were dead because of me, that I knew – but somehow it wasn't disturbing to my mind. If you take a look at it knowing that, you see it. I'm not coming from some sort of evil place, I don't think.
You were nominated for an Oscar for THE BAD SEED, which is amazing; it's a true testament to your talents, of course, but it’s also such a big accolade to have at such a young age. Do you remember there being any pressure on you for your next role?
PM: Well, the role was so odd for a kid to be so noticed, in that era anyway. I can't think of any jobs I didn't get after that that somebody else got, you know? What happened, though, was that each year I grew, and so I just experienced the typical kid actor dilemma which is going from category to category and establishing yourself in that category and learning how to be in that category. I did do something on Playhouse 90 – I did a few PLAYHOUSE 90s back then – and I did a lot of television –
You played Helen Keller [in the original 1957 Playhouse 90 teleplay “The Miracle Worker”].
PM: That's what I was going to say! That was after THE BAD SEED. But mostly, as far as movies went, there was KATHY O’ and a few here and there and at different levels of development. I was always aware that it had been a while since I worked, that I felt, but I didn't think business, like “What will I follow up that with?” I didn't have that kind of mentality, and I really don't think my mother did either, so it just sort of went the way it went.
As you mentioned too, you were still growing up. So, you’re a child, then a teenager, then young adult. You probably wouldn’t be thinking about the business part of it. 
PM: No, it's so strange. It's not an easy transition, and as you know famous people go through really hard things. You don't get to sit and relax in a certain mode for too long because before you know it you're in the next one. And then you go through your ‘ugly period’ in front of everybody, which is horrible.
The movie that you mentioned TCM is going to air, THE ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN, when I see the headshots from that I just think, “Aw, I looked uncomfortable!” I could see it even in my body. I felt like I was at the awkward time – you know, part of me was getting bigger, developing – and that hairdo they gave me didn't help; it was still the braids but wrapped up.
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I want to ask you about that transition. Did you find anything difficult or surprising about navigating Hollywood and growing up on screen? 
PM: The most difficult part, honestly, as a person growing up – I think at the time I always say Sandra Dee was the person we all looked to. She was just so beautiful, and no one else looked like that – maybe Carol Lynley a little bit – but the bar was set very high. With that, you’re insecure anyways because you’re at that age, and more than anything you don't want to be different. I think that's true for a lot of kids. So the maturing, that part of development, was difficult when I look back. You don't have the confidence that you had as a little kid when you don't think about anything. You become all self-conscious about how you look, if you're thin enough, if you’re pretty enough, if your hair looks nice. It's a little bit of an adjustment to get through all that and go back to what you like to do, which is to pretend, and take the focus off what you look like or who you look like or any of that stuff. I don't know if other kid actors had the same experience, but usually people grow out of a look that made them known – most of us anyway, not all of us. 
I know when you left Hollywood you went back to Brooklyn and finished high school there. What was that experience like for you?
PM: Well, I took my real name back, and I was going to the high school that my mother and older sister went to, so I was really excited. This is going to sound so weird, but it was almost like playing a part – I was playing the part of a high school student. My real name is Russo, so I was Patty Russo. The experience was really kind of shocking, because I think they expected me to be very conceited, and so I had to hide in the cafeteria in the early days, because it was Brooklyn and they were pretty tough – they were on me! But I made a best friend who helped me navigate through it, and it turned into a nice experience finally. I was glad to have had that.
Then I came back out here [Los Angeles], and I stayed with a friend of my mother's family for a while. I wound up leaving Utrecht [her Brooklyn high school] – it’s a long story – but I did a soap opera in between while I was going to Utrecht, and that was kind of tricky because they weren't flexible like California was. In California they were used to kid actors, and in New York at that time, they really weren't. Then when I came out here, I went back to finish high school at Hollywood Professional and got my diploma that way. But I'm so glad I got to go back to Brooklyn. I'm pleased about that.
It sounds like you had a pretty grounded childhood, especially in attending a regular high school. Do you think that helped how you adjusted when you returned to the film industry?
PM: It was a little bit too grounded, I think! I came from a really good family. I never thought that I was a big deal, and they [her mom and dad] made sure of that. So, coming back to the industry after, I really didn't know the ropes. People handled all that before – the only thing I knew was what I did, and so some things maybe didn't get handled so well, but I learned on my feet when I came back out here. Then I married my childhood boyfriend and we had our children, and I kept working.
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Yes, you’ve worked steadily since then.
PM: I did work a lot! It’s true. Nothing on the level of nominations, but I was a journeyman, I like to say.
You've spent six decades in the industry, which is really astounding, especially since you started as a child. I read an interview from 1974 that featured a humorous quote from you that I’d like to share. You said that you lamented that you never got the guy in movies and just once you wanted to “kiss the guys instead of kill them.”
PM: That is funny!
But throughout your career, you played Helen Keller, you played a career woman in THE BEST OF EVERYTHING (’70), you played Pat Nixon more recently in FROST/NIXON (’08), so you've had a lot of experience with different characters. Was there any genre or any type of character that you wish you could explore further?
PM: Well, I'll tell you the truth, it's actually seven decades from when I started, although if you want to make me younger, I don't mind! At this point in time, I'm so grateful when I work, because there could be nothing now, you know? I do enjoy what comes along. The only thing I never got to do, which I would have loved, was to have been in a habit – I would have loved to have played a nun in a habit.
That’s interesting.
PM: Isn’t it? It’s the Catholic school thing.
We’ll have to find you a role like that!
PM: I know, wouldn't that be fun? And it would be a nice way, in your later years, to go from a killer to a nun, you know? I think it would be a good idea.
Going in the right direction!
PM: Yes! But anyways, little things change here and there, and I sometimes do voiceovers, and I did something recently that I had never done, which was so much fun. Did you notice on Netflix a show called ARSENE LUPIN [working title for LUPIN]?
I haven’t heard of it, but I know there’s an old movie with the same name.
PM: Yes, this is a remake. It's in French, and I dubbed a French woman into English, and it was so much fun to do, to have someone else's face up there. I know some people watch foreign movies and they say, “Oh it's so unfair to dub the other actors,” and I probably wouldn't love it if somebody dubbed me either, but I had such a ball doing it. So, if you catch that show, you'll see somewhere in there I'm speaking English for a French woman.  
I wanted to talk about two of your more recent roles. I know you starred in MOMMY in the 1990s, kind of a grown-up Rhoda, and you played a psychiatrist in the Lifetime remake of THE BAD SEED in 2018. This story has been filmed a few times; what do you think resonates with people, and how did it feel going back to that character and story but from different perspectives?
PM: Right. Well, to be honest, the Rob Lowe production [for Lifetime] was really a totally different story. There was no mom – he was the mom character – so the writing was really different.
There were two MOMMY movies: MOMMY (’95) and MOMMY’S DAY (’97). Those were written by a writer who lives in Muscatine, Iowa: Max Allan Collins. This is a long time ago now, but it was fun to grow her up, you know, physically. I talked to you about how that is the strange thing about transitioning, and it was so enjoyable to do that. It really was a journey for me internally.
There was also something about shaking hands with that, because in my day, it was never a good thing to have something so long ago be talked about all the time. I got that impression by other people's opinions, not my own, and as time went on, the world changed and people started knowing actors’ work from 20 years ago. So, the appreciation for that old work came back, and I learned to feel good about it through other people's feelings about it. I do have such a different perspective on it now, and it's a character that was so special. That really changed my ability as to how I could hold it [the role].
It’s nice to be able to do that.
PM: Yes, it is. 
I have one more question for you. I know we’re in a pandemic and many productions are halted, but do you have any upcoming appearances that I can share with fans to look out for? 
PM: Aw, I wish! It's funny, I did some Hallmark Christmas movies. Well, I did one, and then last year I was supposed to do another one, and they cut our parts because of COVID. So, I'm rooting for [the next one], and I have a good feeling, you know, when we have our vaccinations. Also, a downside was that they shoot in Canada, and they have to bring you up there, and at that time you had to stay in 14 days.
A lot of rules!
PM: Yes, a lot of rules. So hopefully there will be a new one. I can't honestly say, but there's no reason there shouldn't be!
My dad loves the Hallmark Christmas movies, and I watch a lot of them because of him, so I'll be rooting for you and looking out for you!
PM: I know, there's so many. People have blankets and all these things! There are real hard-core fans – it's amazing.
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alj4890 · 4 years
And Then I Left You
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(Thomas Hunt x OC*Amanda) in a what if series to And Then I Met You
@krsnlove @my-heart-beats-for-ya @aworldoffandoms @flyawayboo  @trappedinfanfiction @everythingmarvelsherlockspn @soph-withersx-deactivated202102 @kate-mckenzie​@i-bloody-love-drake-walker. @twinkleallnight​ 
 Chapter 2 Girls' Night Out
11 weeks after arriving in Hollywood...
"Something happened." Addison whispered.
Holly looked over her shoulder to make certain no one was near enough to overhear them. "What do you mean?"
"Look at them!" Addison hissed.
The pair she was gesturing to were sitting in director's chairs while debating different actresses that had auditioned for them.
"What do you mean?" Holly whispered.
"They're different." Addison insisted. "Something happened on that trip to Tahoe."
"Yeah." Holly muttered. "Nothing happened to make them get together."
"We have to do something." Addison decided. "She plans on leaving soon! We can't let them lose their spark without acknowledging it in the first place."
"Addy." Holly placed a hand on her friend's shoulder. "You know I have been one hundred percent behind you in this, but--"
"No!" Addison slapped her hand to Holly's mouth. "Don't you dare finish that sentence! Just keep backing me up. Got it?"
Holly sighed before nodding.
"Good." Addison dropped her hand. "Now follow my lead."
"If we are to go by appearance, then Jessica is the clear choice." Amanda explained. "I had Maxwell send some photos of Elizabeth's portraits so you could see what I am talking about."
Thomas leaned closer to her as he studied the images on her phone. "Their coloring is the same." He stroked his chin while glancing at the headshots of those that had been narrowed down as possibilities. "And I was impressed with with her Tender Nothings performance."
"I was too." Amanda wrinkled her nose at another actress's photo. "This one seemed unable to sound light hearted. Even her tears seemed more angry than sad."
He chuckled softly. "Then that's a definite no on Ms. Frasier. What about Lauren Benefield? What do you think of her for Elizabeth?"
Amanda hesitated. "She is the regency queen of cinema." She picked up the actress's headshot. "Something though was off for me when she read the lines."
"Can you be more specific?" Thomas lifted his gaze to Amanda's face.
She grimaced while trying to find the words. "Her innocence seemed forced."
He slowly nodded. "True. But she has chemistry with Ryan."
"Jessica does too." She countered.
He sat back in his chair. "It seems that only one has stood out to you."
"I'm sorry." Amanda quickly apologized. "Perhaps I shouldn't be part of the casting process. I--"
He took her hand in his and gently squeezed. "I'm glad you are taking such an interest." He smiled at the blush forming on her cheeks. "You having a definite opinion helps me in making a decision."
She lowered her eyes. "If you're sure I'm not making this harder, then I hope Jessica Clark is chosen."
"Then I will have Holly tell her agent." He released her hand while turning around. "Holly? Will you call Chazz and tell him that Jessica got the part."
"Will do." Holly was jerked back by Addison.
"Since it is Friday, I was wondering if we could borrow Amanda." Addison said.
Thomas narrowed his eyes slightly. "Borrow Amanda?"
"Yeah," Addison nudged Holly, "for a girls' night out. I figured she could use a fun night now that the screenplay is finished."
Holly winced at the elbow jarring her ribs again. "We need to do it before she leaves us."
"You're right!" Addison beamed at her partner in crime. "And we need to plan a party!"
"You don't have to do that." Amanda smiled at them. "It isn't as if I will never return. I still have a premiere to attend."
As Addison began to make suggestions for the going away party, Amanda's thoughts became a bit more depressed.
The party would mean she was leaving Thomas.
It didn't matter that he intended to go to Cordonia in six to eight weeks to film on location. She felt like as soon as she stepped on the plane that it would end any chance she might have to be with him.
Who knew how he would react or what he might think once he found out that she had to participate in such an archaic tradition?
Why couldn't I have been born a nobody?
She rubbed her aching head. If she had been born a nobody then she wouldn't have been inspired by her ancestor's story and thus not be sitting next to, in her opinion, the most attractive man she had ever met.
Either way, I wouldn't end up with him.
She sat up with a start. "Sorry. Did you say something?"
Addison repeated her invitation. "Please say you'll go. We really want to show you the fun side of Hollywood."
Thomas narrowed his eyes once more. "Are you insinuating that I haven't given her an enjoyable visit?"
Amanda couldn't help but laugh at his incredulous facial expression.
"Don't worry." She said to Thomas, patting his hand. "I've had a wonderful time with you."
His expression softened as he gazed upon her face. "Good. Perhaps tomorrow night we could go see a movie. Maybe dinner?"
Though she knew it was dangerous to go out on a date with him, she decided to accept. It was only her heart she was risking after all. The man could have anyone he wanted. He would never fall--
"I have the perfect outfit for you!" Addison broke into her torturous thoughts. "I'll bring it by when we pick you up!"
"Can't wait." Amanda replied.
That evening...
Thomas eyed the stairs as he sat in his living room. His curiosity had piqued when Addison mentioned an outfit.
He also was a little uneasy at the thought of Amanda going clubbing.
His frown firmed at the thought.
What if she meets someone and falls for him? She is already too lovely to be set loose in Hollywood's den of single--
He abruptly stood up when they came downstairs. His eyes widened at what Addison had done to the woman he was already highly attracted to.
She had turned her into a veritable sex symbol.
One that seemed to have stepped right out of my fantasies.
"Well?" Addison smiled at him. "Doesn't she look great?"
His eyes traveled the curves so blatantly displayed.
He audibly swallowed. He thought his surreptitious study of her figure the past few weeks had been thorough. Now he doubted all he had observed before.
Amanda nervously tucked one of her stray curls behind her ear that Addison swore needed to hang down from the messy bun she had fashioned.
"I know this isn't something like I normally wear." She looked down at her body in the royal blue dress that barely met her thighs. "But when in Rome..." She smiled shyly at them all. "Or rather Hollywood."
Addison beamed at her. "Exactly! This dress is a must for the places we are taking you." She cut her eyes to Thomas still stunned speechless. "What do you think, Professor?"
Holly nudged him when he remained silent.
He blinked. "That--it certainly--you..." He closed his eyes to get his jumbled thoughts in order.
"I think that proves how perfect this dress is." Addison pushed Amanda toward the front door. "Let's go ladies. We have much to do and too little time to do it in."
"What time should I expect you home?" Thomas grimaced at sounding like a parent.
"Late." Holly yelled over her shoulder.
Amanda waved goodbye to him before sliding into the limo Addison had rented.
Deciding she hadn't caused Thomas to truly think about what he might be missing out on, Addison hurried back toward the front door giving the excuse she left her phone upstairs.
Thomas stepped back inside with her.
"Found it!" She said while coming back down. "Sorry you can't come with us."
He grunted while shrugging his shoulders.
"But if I am to matchmake Amanda with one of the guys we meet tonight then I can't have you there being grumpy--"
"What?!" His eyes narrowed. "You're going to set Amanda up with someone after pushing me to be with her for the past three months?"
Addison sighed softly. "You clearly don't feel anything for her." She watched his expression darken in angry frustration. "I figured it was time to find her someone who does."
"I-- of course I feel-- can't--" he sputtered. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he gestured toward the front door. "You shouldn't keep them waiting."
Smiling brightly over flustering him, she wished him a good night. She peeked one last time at him as she shut the door.
Thomas had never looked so miserable.
Sayers Club...
"First stop of the night!" Addison smiled at the bouncer who winked at her as he held the door for her.
"She always brings the bouncers gifts." Holly explained. "Just about every hotspot in Hollywood has security guards adoring her."
"It was the only way to get my name out there once I graduated." Addison added. "Then I didn't feel right stopping it just because I finally received some recognition. It's been going on for years now."
Amanda commended her for her idea.
"Drinks first, I think." Holly announced.
"Something fruity." Addison yelled out over the music.
Amanda nodded. "Fruity sounds good."
Addison and Holly shared a conspiratorial glance before the latter gave their orders to a bartender.
The two had planned on the way to Thomas's home to use this evening to get the truth out of Amanda.
And what better way than to get her just a touch inebriated?
The three made their way through the crowd, pausing here and there to greet those they knew.
Amanda was introduced to many famous celebrities that she had yet to meet during her other ventures with Thomas.
"Let's sit here." Addison gestured to a curved booth directly in the middle of the action.
After a few more cocktails that the nosy pair were making certain had an extra shot of vodka for the duchess, Addison began the interrogation.
"Are you really leaving in a week or two?"
Amanda twirled her straw in her third empty glass. "Yes."
Holly motioned for refills. "So soon?"
"I have to." Amanda mumbled. "I really don't want to." She took the new glass and took a long sip. "But I must."
"Why?" Addison tilted her head. "What's making you leave?"
Amanda hiccupped. "I have stuff to do."
"With your duchy?" Holly prodded.
"No." Amanda hiccupped again.
"Stuff to do with that social season you told us about?" Addison asked.
"Yes." She surprised them by downing the rest of her drink. She shuddered while pressing the back of her hand to her lips. "I really don't want to."
"We'll miss you." Addison told her. She leaned forward to see Amanda's face. "Especially Thomas."
Amanda slumped back in her chair. She began to swirl the ice cubes in her glass with a straw. A bitter smile formed on her lips. "I'll miss all of you."
"Thomas wishes you could stay." Holly added. "He will be a nightmare to work with until we go to Cordonia."
"Why?" Amanda mumbled. "He has everything." Her brow furrowed. "The script. The actors. Costumes."
Addison passed her another cocktail. "He won't have you." She smiled at the surprise on Amanda's face. "You have done wonders for his typical moods, which were mostly grumpy."
The duchess's cheeks turned a bright red, either from shyness or alcohol.
"What do you really think of Thomas?" Holly asked. "Even though we have known him for years, we--"
"Addison. Holly." A handsome actor greeted before looking expectantly at Amanda. "How are we this evening?"
"We're great Vince." Holly rolled her eyes. "How about yourself?"
"Great." He held his hand out. "Vince Carter."
Amanda shook it. "'Manda Brighton." She slurred slightly. "Sorry. 'Manda Bridgerton."
He smiled and sat down at their table.
"She's the author Thomas has been working with." Addison reluctantly explained.
"And leaving town soon." Holly stressed.
"Really?" He leaned toward Amanda. "Any chance there is a character that I am made for?"
Amanda tilted her head while studying him. "Hmm." She shrugged and returned her attention to her drink. "Dunno."
His lips parted at her lack of interest.
"Don't let us keep you." Holly pushed him out of their booth.
"We'll see you around." Addison added, dismissing him with a brief wave.
"Anyway." Holly huffed. "What were talking about?"
"Thomas." Amanda set her elbow on the table and rested her cheek on her hand.
Addison winked at Holly. "That's right! We were wondering your thoughts on him."
"My thoughts?" A wistful smile formed on Amanda's lips. "Have a bunch of those."
"Really?" Holly eagerly leaned forward. "Like what?"
"Everything." Amanda mumbled after thanking the waiter for her refill. "He's temptation."
"He's what now?" Addison's brow furrowed.
"Temptation." She repeated before focusing on her drink. "He makes me want to forget my promises."
"Promises? Who have you promised stuff to?" Holly asked.
"Liam." Amanda blinked. "Doesn't matter. He doesn't feel the same."
"Liam doesn't feel the same about what?" Addison tried to make sense out of what was being revealed.
"Not Liam. Thomas."
"You made Thomas promises?" Holly attempt to clear it up only ended in frustration.
"Not Thomas. Promised Liam." Amanda insisted.
A song came on that caught her attention.
"Oh! Dance! Let's dance!"
"Wait. What does Liam have to do with Thomas?!" Addison yelled out as the bass dropped.
"Timing!" Amanda replied, sliding out of the booth. She disappeared in the crowd before Holly or Addison could stop her.
"What do you think she meant?" Holly yelled.
"I don't know!" Addison's eyes narrowed in concern. "But it certainly made her sad."
Many hours later...
Thomas tried to distract himself.
He made an outline for how he wanted filming to go.
And noticed that most of it would require having Amanda on hand.
He decided to watch a movie or two.
And missed having Amanda beside him, sharing bits of movie trivia.
He made dinner.
And found out that cooking for one had definitely lost the appeal it once had.
He took a shower to try and unwind.
And had to make it cold as he thought about her in that dress. Dancing. Smiling. Simply breathing.
He gave up on everything and watched the time go by.
It's ridiculous that I have allowed her to have such an effect on me. No one else can keep my attention, especially when they are not physically here. How will I be when she leaves for Cordonia?
He jumped to his feet when he heard the doorbell ring over and over again.
Opening the door, he found a swaying Amanda and a frustrated Addison.
"What happened?" He demanded.
"Thomas!" Amanda stumbled forward into his arms.
"Is she drunk?" He asked, completely baffled by her condition.
"The drinks were stronger than usual." Addison huffed. "I can't stay to explain. Holly is in the same shape."
Thomas looked over her head to see Holly hanging upside down out of the limo's window.
"Wooooohooooo!" Holly waved. "You're gonna fall in the sky."
Addison rolled her eyes as she stomped back to the car.
"Buh-bye!" Amanda called out.
Addison grunted as she lifted Holly back through the window. Once the limo door shut, the two friends burst into laughter.
"That was an award winning performance." Addison complimented.
"Thank you. If not for your brilliant idea for one of us to pretend to be drunk too so that Thomas couldn't make us help get Amanda to her bedroom, this performance would have never happened."
Addison giggled again. "Hopefully she will let something slip out in front of him about her feelings."
Holly poured them each a glass of champagne. "To drunken confessions."
They tapped glasses and relaxed.
Once the limo disappeared down the driveway, Amanda leaned back in Thomas's arms, nearly falling backwards and dragging him down with her.
"I danced." She proudly told him.
"Did you?" He tried to keep his irritation from showing. He doubted it was her fault for ending up like this. He knew his two friends a little too well. "Why don't you tell me all about it inside?"
"Kay." She slipped out of his arms and hit the wall.
Cursing softly, he held her arm to guide her into his house.
She fell on the couch, laughing as she kicked her feet up in the air, watching her shoes fly off.
Thomas ran his hands over his face. "Have you eaten?"
"Yes." She smiled at him. "I ate ice."
"I'm going to fix you something to help your condition." He grumbled. "Stay here."
Once he left the room she struggled to sit up.
"So hot in here." She tried to reach the zipper of her dress, causing herself to roll off the couch.
"Ouch." She mumbled.
She finally found the zipper and got it to go down after four tries. Standing up to let the dress fall off. She searched for something to fan herself.
Then her attention was caught by the pool outside.
Swaying as she walked she managed to open up the patio door and step outside.
Thomas returned to the living room and saw that Amanda had not only disappeared, she was somewhere in his house without clothing.
He heard a splash and dashed out the back door.
"Amanda!" He shouted, waiting for her to come up for air.
He quickly pulled his shirt off followed by his pajama pants, then jumped in after her.
She breached the surface right when he went under.
He grabbed her waist when his head appeared before her.
"AAAAHHHH!" She tried to push him away. "Water demon!"
He gave her a slight shake. "It's me."
She moved closer, then grinned. "It's you!"
"What are you doing in the pool?" He demanded.
"Got hot." She slurred, draping her arms around his neck.
"We need to--" he sucked in his breath when her body pressed against his.
Her skin was warm in the cool water.
And there was so much of it.
He briefly closed his eyes. "Did you...did you take off all your clothing."
"Nope." She mumbled, resting her head on his shoulder. "Panties were too hard to get off."
He softly groaned at what he now faced. "Amanda, we need to get you out and dressed."
"Kay." She nuzzled against his neck. "You smell good."
He stilled at her touch, feeling her lips brush his ear as she whispered.
"I danced a lot."
"Did you?" He swallowed. "I hope you enjoyed yourself."
"Wish you were there." She yawned, settling her head once more on his shoulder.
His arms tightened around her.
"I do too." Thomas whispered.
She tried to kiss his cheek, but missed and landed on the spot where his pulse leaped.
He knew he couldn't kiss her in the current state she was in. When they kissed, he wanted her completely coherent and fully participating.
Thomas tried to conjure every image of things that disgusted him as he got them out of the pool. Keeping his eyes averted, he helped her wrap a towel around herself.
She plopped down on a chaise lounge, sighing in contentment.
"Wait here," he commanded. "I'm going to find you some clothes." He wrapped a towel around his waist as he padded his way inside.
She looked around and spotted his t-shirt. Scrambling to her feet she let the towel fall off while pulling his shirt on. She lifted the soft material to her nose and breathed in the scent of his soap and aftershave.
Deciding she was ready for bed, she went inside and laid down on the couch.
Thomas didn't notice she was on the couch and panicked when he stepped back outside. After searching the pool and the rest of his backyard, he hurried back inside, praying she was somewhere in there.
In the midst of yelling her name, he saw her fast asleep in his shirt.
He didn’t bother to temper his groan at what she had put him through this night as he tried to pick her up.
Her eyes popped open and she looped her arms around him.
"Where are we going?" She asked.
He grunted and let her drop back to the couch. "To bed."
Her eyes widened. "Yours?"
"What?" Heat went up the back of his neck at the notion. "No. I'm placing you in your bed then going to mine."
The pout that formed on her lips drew his attention.
"Doesn't sound fun." Her fingers drifted through his damp hair.
"I agree but it is necessary." He focused on her eyes. "Help me get you upstairs."
With a nod, she let him pull her to her feet and half carry her toward the stairs.
"I'm tired." She sagged against him once they reached the top.
"We're almost there."
He nearly cheered when they crossed the threshold of her bedroom.
Jerking back the covers, he gently set her in bed.
She still held onto him, pulling him down with her.
"Much too tempting." She yawned.
"Amanda, I--" Thomas found himself trapped, with her resting her head on his chest and her arm curving around his waist. Her leg lifted and rested across his.
Unable to easily wake her, he gave up this unexpected battle and closed his eyes.
Planning not only an explanation for how she ended up in his shirt but also on leaving before she awakened so as not to cause any embarrassment for her, he decided to allow himself this moment of enjoying the pleasure of having her in his arms while he slept instead of simply dreaming about her.
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jayjay547 · 4 years
SHIELD's Best Podcast and Other Things Bucky Should Not Have Done: Chapter One
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Summary: Bucky Barnes: natural poet, amateur author, and relationship expert. The last part was a heavy exaggeration, but he's fooled enough people into thinking so; after all, his advice was held to such high regard that he got a spot on one of New York City's most popular podcasts. He even liked to think he was revolutionary for helping break down the stereotype of relationship experts being perfect at handling relationships. If only someone had asked him for advice on how to deal with falling in love with two different people who were coincidentally in love with each other.
Not that it would have mattered, anyway. Bucky never followed his own advice.
Chapter Word Count: 3,309 words
Relationship: Sam Wilson/Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
AU: Modern/College
click here to read on ao3
click here for the masterlist 
Bucky didn't ask to be famous. 
Not that he was in the normal sense of the word. No one in New Jersey knew his name, much less anyone on the West Coast. Actually, most people in New York City probably didn't know who he was, but that was okay. He liked to think the people who mattered (meaning people within a half mile radius of him) knew who he was, at least a little bit. 
If one was to go up to a college student about to go into their first lecture of the day at New York University and asked them whether the name "Bucky Barnes," or "James Buchanan Barnes" if it was a day for formalities, rang a bell, the most obvious and common answer would be along the lines of "that writer boy." Not "that failed mechanical engineer," not "the one who can't do any type of science to save his life," and definitely not "the boy who cried in his car while eating ice cream after his ex-boyfriend dumped him." Especially not the last one, even if that particular low moment was just the beginning of his rise to fame. 
He also wasn't quite famous enough to get stopped while walking through hallways, unless it was by an older professor of his; even then, it was a reach. As he walked to his class, nobody really gave him a side glance. He liked to think that the people who did were somewhat appreciative of his looks, but that was wishful thinking, the thinking of someone who was still in the rebound period of getting over a relationship even though the break up was a year ago. 
When Bucky walked into his poetry concentration class, though, he knew more than a few people recognized him. There was only one picture of him that was published with his writing, a professional headshot and all, and while Bucky looked like a wreck most days in his life, it wasn't hard to put two and two together. 
He sat down on one of the benches, shuffling the papers he brought with him around, just to look like he was doing something. Not long after, there was a tap on his shoulder. Bucky braced himself for his first fan interaction of the day (and the month, but he wouldn't tell you that). 
Turning around, he was met by a face that was somewhat familiar to him, even if he couldn't place the name. Maybe she was a fellow writer, or something of that sort. Her blonde hair was tied up in a low ponytail, and the wrinkles near the bottom of her forehead suggested that she spent a hell of a lot of time frowning. "What's up?" Bucky asked, angling his body towards her as best as he could. 
"Are you James Barnes?" Her tone was blunt, the voice of a woman who did not mess around. If she wasn't in his class right now, Bucky would think that she was a Business major. There was always the possibility that she was a double major, but that was a bit excessive. 
"Yes," Bucky said, before quickly (and clumsily) adding, "But I go by Bucky." 
"Bucky," she parroted, as if the nickname was much too personal for her. Maybe it was. "That's from your middle name, right? Buchanan?" 
Up until now, Bucky hadn't had any stalker-type fans, and he was hoping that he would keep that record. Of course, his middle name was published with his work, but still, it was odd. "Yes ma’am,” he responded. 
The woman stuck out her hand, and Bucky shook it. She didn't seem fazed by his gloved hands, and he appreciated the lack of questioning around why he was even wearing gloves inside a warm classroom. “My name's Sharon,” she said. Her handshake was firm, practiced, and Bucky wondered again whether she was in Business. “You're the one who wrote the open letter, right? ‘What's Wrong With City Days?’”
She was much too put together to be a stalker, but who the hell actually knew the title of his first published piece? Bucky didn't even know some of the titles of his own works. “Uh,” he said intelligently, “Yeah. Yes, that's me.” 
Sharon put her hand on the desk in front of her, tapping at it for a second or two, drawing attention to her perfectly manicured nails. Bucky wished his nails looked that nice. “Well, I've read your work, Bucky,” she sighed out, as if it was a tragedy that had happened to her. “And I thought it was superb.”
Maybe she was a little too put together; Bucky wasn't sure he knew anyone who used the word “superb,” much less anyone who used it to describe his work. Stalker wasn't off the list yet. “I'm glad you think so,” he said slowly, before slapping himself mentally. He was being rude. “Sorry, I'm still not used to people reading my stuff. Specifically that piece.” Bucky winced, his mind going a hundred miles per hour. “Kinda wish people hadn't read that piece.” 
Sharon leaned forward, closer to Bucky. “Why not?” She asked gently, taking him by surprise. She looked sincere enough, and he wished he could tell her, but then the door opened. As the professor walked into the classroom, Sharon straightened up, sitting back into her seat, and Bucky took that as his cue to face forward. 
Why not? The question stewed in his head as the professor Mr. So-and-so, who Bucky had missed the name of, promising himself that he would just read the syllabus, started to drone on about basic topics. 
Why not? Maybe because it was around the time he found out that Brock Rumlow had been cheating on him throughout the entire duration of their relationship. Maybe because, right after that, he realized that he couldn't pass any of the classes meant for engineering. Maybe it was because he had then been notified that he had to go in for another round of surgeries on his arm. 
There were a lot of reasons why “What's Wrong With City Days?” hurt. But he had still published it, as a dramatic and overly emotional person does. Correction: Natasha had published it, but only after Bucky told her she could. 
He had written it in between the first and second operation on his arm. The hospital TV didn't play anything he was interested in watching, and staring downwards at his laptop while it played Netflix gave him a headache he couldn't bear to have. So he wrote. And he wrote. And then he napped, woke up, and wrote some more. He may have even written when he was high on anesthesia, which Clint told him didn't make much sense. 
Getting pieces of metal inserted into your arm was apparently the best motivator there was.
He stared ahead at the professor who continued to talk, the words passing through Bucky's head quicker than the man was saying them. It was only the first day of this class, and Bucky knew he would have catching up to do.
His phone screen turned on, placed next to his binder and all his messed up papers, a notification popping up. He swiped it. 
Spider Mom
Walk Lucky when you get back. Ty 
Bucky coughed quietly under his breath to disguise the laugh he felt bubbling up his throat at Natasha’s bluntness. He texted back a quick confirmation before clicking his phone off. Behind him, a pair of eyes bored into his back, so much so that Bucky swore he could feel it. When he turned back, Sharon didn't even disguise the fact that she was looking at him, smiling slightly at him when they made eye contact. As embarrassed as he was to admit it, he looked away first. 
The minutes ticked by as Bucky entered a staring contest with the right-facing wall. His phone lit up a few more times, but he didn't check it. The one portion of exposed brick was getting more and more interesting by the second; Bucky was convinced if he looked at it any longer, he would have enough ammunition to make another viral poem. 
And then suddenly, the lecture ended. Most likely, the end wasn't as sudden to others as it was to Bucky. 
While Bucky was scrambling together the papers that he had put on his desk for nothing, the quiet sound of footsteps coming up behind him alerted him that Sharon was still here, and still interested in talking. 
“Where do you go after class?” She asked briskly, and what was left of Bucky's “Stranger Danger” alarms went off in his head. Against his best interest, he answered her.
“I walk over to Martinelli's, the coffee shop. Do you know it?” He added as her lips tilted up into a half smile at the name. She nodded slightly.
“You could say that. Let me walk you over?” She asked kindly, but something told Bucky that it wasn't really a request. He could obviously say no, but something about her compelled him to accept.
“I could always use the company,” Bucky muttered back, stringing his bag over his right shoulder. Together, they walked out the classroom, and after a few more steps, they entered the outside world.
“So,” Sharon said immediately, as if the cold city air allowed her to talk freely. “I have some questions.” 
“Uh,” Bucky got out. He had only done one interview for his writing, and he had prepared so thoroughly for that one, only for half of his words to be taken out of context. “Go for it.” 
Something that Bucky realized very quickly was that Sharon walked very, very fast. He widened the length of his strides, huffing cold breaths of air as the woman started to speak, barely sounding out of breath. “Do you know what SHIELD's Best is?” 
Bucky's heart skipped a beat, and not because he was struggling to speed walk. SHIELD's Best: the most popular podcast in New York City, not just NYU. There was no real reason why it had the renown that it had; listening to it, though, was explanation enough. If the topic was relevant, it was covered. Bucky even swore multiple times to Clint and Natasha that the podcast covered things that weren't even out yet. They never lingered on the same topic twice, and there was something for everyone, it seemed. It was his source of news, and the source of news for most people in the city. The defining part of it had to be that the four speakers all had undeniable chemistry, not to mention that they also had very, very nice voices, especially the two men. 
“Wait,” Bucky said suddenly, stopping in his tracks. Sharon slowed down with much more grace, turning to face Bucky in the middle of the slightly crowded sidewalk, a smile on her face as if she was already anticipating his question. “Are you Sharon Carter?”
She laughed, and Bucky felt a swell of pride for being correct, followed by a torrent of embarrassment for their entire conversation up until now. “I'll take that as a yes, then,” she murmured, and Bucky forced himself to move towards her as she started to walk again. Sharon Carter, one of the speakers on what was possibly one of the most influential podcasts, was walking with him to a coffee shop. 
The multiple shops passed by as they walked in silence for about a hundred feet, or something like that, which Bucky appreciated. It gave him time to collect his thoughts, and there was a lot to collect. After they passed a few more signs, though, Sharon decided that enough time was given. 
“So you're aware that we have guest speakers?” Sharon asked, and Bucky tripped. At least, he almost did, but he corrected himself right away. He couldn't wipe away the humiliated red that stained his cheeks, though. 
“Yes, I'm aware,” he said, stringing his words together as carefully as possible. He refused to mess up whatever was happening before it even happened. 
“Well, Bucky, we want you to guest speak about your writing,” Sharon said smoothly, as if it wasn't the biggest (positive) thing that had happened in Bucky's life. “I will say it was sheer luck that I have the same class as you this year, but don't think this is just a convenience grab. One of our speakers, Steve, really likes your work.” 
Bucky turned red again, which was not the best look for him, but at least he could blame it on the cold. Steve - amazing, supposedly kind-hearted Steve with a voice that Bucky would die for - liked his work?
It was only after they walked a few more steps that Bucky realized that Sharon was probably waiting for more than a lovesick look from his face. “Yeah, uh,” he got out, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I'd love to. It'd be an honor,” he finally said, and Sharon smiled again. Maybe she could sense his sincerity, as wrapped up in his awkwardness as it was. 
“Sounds good, Bucky,” she murmured in reply, slowing down. In a daze, Bucky realized that they had reached their destination. Out of pure habit, he moved to open the door. It was only after Sharon thanked him and went into the shop that Bucky remembered that she had only said she would walk him there. Once again, anxiety threatened to overwhelm him, his brain piecing together every possible bad impression he had made on the woman. 
“Hey Sharon. Hey Bucky,” was what the two of them heard upon entering the shop. Sharon immediately waved to Bucky’s (kind of) employer.
"Hey Angie. I was just walking Bucky over here," she threw out casually, gesturing vaguely to Bucky, who was still trying to figure out why Sharon was familiar enough with Martinelli to call her "Angie." 
"Cool, cool. Didn't know you guys knew each other," she added, her eyes darting between the two of them. Bucky could have said the same thing back, but his mouth had a tendency to betray him, so he kept it shut. 
"Just met today. So, Bucky," she stated, all professional, "Let's exchange numbers and you can let me know when you get back home so we can discuss times when you're not busy."
Bucky took her phone hesitantly, starting to type in his number as he spoke. "Actually, I live above the shop." 
Sharon's eyebrows went up. "Really?" Bucky nodded as she continued, "I actually haven't met any of the others who live here." 
She had to stop confusing Bucky. His head couldn't take much more thinking. Why would it be a surprise that she hadn't met them? Sharon mistook his blank stare and silence as disdain, adding quickly, "I'm not planning on meeting anyone else today, so don't worry about introducing me." 
"Oh no, it's fine, I was just..." Bucky muttered, handing back her phone carefully. "Thinking. I was just thinking." In front of him, Sharon opened up her messages, clicking the new contact he had made for himself, sending a text. In his back pocket, he felt his phone buzz, but for her sake, Bucky made a show of taking his phone out and checking to see whether he had gotten a text. He had, and he quickly created her contact. 
“So,” Sharon started again, sliding her own phone back into her pocket, a movement that mirrored Bucky's. “We usually record on Saturdays. Does that work for you?”
Bucky nodded, wordlessly, which was an appropriate enough answer for Sharon. “Alright, good. I'll send you some stuff about it later. Basically, you're allowed to pick any piece of work that you would like to share, but let me know which one by tonight. I will then send you a rough outline of questions that will be asked, but try not to practice answers. It's more engaging if it doesn't sound like you're reading off a script.” 
As much as he tried, his mind was still struggling to wrap itself around the information that Sharon was calmly relaying, as if she had practiced it multiple times over, but just enough to still be natural. Her smooth way of speech had to be attributed to the fact that she was on a podcast; Bucky refused to believe that people were just born that charismatic. He nodded again, barely remembering to answer her. 
“Alright,” she said, checking her watch. “I have to go. I'll text you later. It was wonderful meeting you, Bucky.” Her voice was honest, sincere, as was the smile on her face. It was contagious, and he let a small smile slide onto his face as well. 
“It was nice meeting you too, Sharon,” he replied back, just as sincere, earning him a flash of teeth in Sharon's smile before she made her way towards the door, only stopping to give a quick goodbye to Angie. Even after the bell on the door stopped ringing and she was past the sight of the windows, Bucky kept standing there, frozen to the floor. 
“Hey man,” came Angie’s hesitant voice, and Bucky made a small sound of assent to declare that he had heard the woman. A few more seconds without a reply, and Bucky turned around slightly, just enough to see her in his peripheral vision. “Clint mentioned to me that he wanted you to take out Lucky?” 
Bucky groaned, but it was the reality check he needed, at least.
- - - - -
When he finally came home from the long walk, he entered through the back entrance of the shop. From personal experience, bringing the happiest, friendliest golden retriever in through the front of the shop would take from Bucky about an hour of his life. Bucky and Lucky (yes, they rhyme) clambered up the stairway to the small upstairs area with two doors across from each other. The door on the left was closed, signalling to him that Wanda and Pietro, the siblings that lived there, were not home; Wanda liked to leave the door open when she was, claiming it helped with “air circulation.” 
He opened the door to the right, simultaneously leaning down to start loosening the harness around Lucky. For his efforts, Bucky got a slobbery kiss on the cheek which he took in a stride. Closing the door behind him, he unleashed Lucky, who made a beeline for his water bowl. Bucky collapsed on the one tiny couch, leaning his head back on the top of the cushion so he could stare at the plain popcorn ceiling. 
Almost immediately, his phone buzzed. Letting out a long sigh, he fumbled for the phone he had thrown clumsily onto the couch, blinding swiping on the notification once he felt the phone in his hand. 
Saturday, 1:00 pm. Don't worry about eating lunch beforehand. 
Also, let me know what piece as soon as you can. 
He read the text again and again in his head. For the hundredth time, he clarified to himself that it was PM and not AM before making ten alarms for Saturday, starting at ten in the morning and ending at noon. Immediately after, he returned to regarding the messages again, only glancing away to make eye contact with Lucky, who had decided that the only rational thing to do after drinking water was drool on Bucky's leg. 
“Well bud,” he muttered, reaching out to scratch behind the dog's ears absentmindedly. “I'm really doing this, huh?” 
Lucky just stared at him, which was a good enough answer for Bucky to send a quick reply to Sharon, confirming his attendance and assuring that he would, in fact, pick a piece of his writing by tonight. 
“It's just a one time thing,” Bucky said to the rest of the room. “It's a breakthrough, but it's only a one time thing.” 
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Future Management Chapter 8
A/N: Hi all! Hope you had a great holiday! I know I said this would be done before the new year, but I think I’m going to post the last chapter on Ben’s birthday (January 2nd).  So not too much behind, but thought I’d let you guys know! Anyway! I love you guys and hope you continue to enjoy!
Pairing: Ben Hardy x fem!Reader
Summary: You and Ben Hardy had been together for the better part of a decade.  After hitting a rough patch, the two of you decide to end things. However, one small surprise keeps you two connected more than you thought.
Warnings: SMUT! (only my 2nd time writing it, so I hope it’s okay) Unprotected sex (stay safe out there, y’all) That’s uh…about it. Some slightly jealous/dom!Ben (very brief)
Catch Up: Prologue (https://assembledherethevolunteers.tumblr.com/post/188795655663/future-management)  Chapter 1 (https://assembledherethevolunteers.tumblr.com/post/188846514968/future-management-chapter-1) Chapter 2 (https://assembledherethevolunteers.tumblr.com/post/188923255568/future-management-chapter-2) Chapter 3 (https://assembledherethevolunteers.tumblr.com/post/189095339763/future-management-chapter-3) Chapter 4 (https://assembledherethevolunteers.tumblr.com/post/189199837403/future-management-chapter-4) Chapter 5 (https://assembledherethevolunteers.tumblr.com/post/189300488163/future-management-chapter-5) Chapter 6 (https://assembledherethevolunteers.tumblr.com/post/189442099338/future-management-chapter-6) Chapter 7 (https://assembledherethevolunteers.tumblr.com/post/189800039798/future-management-chapter-7)
Taglist: @lovebirdy93 @jonesyaddiction @im-an-adult-ish @taylorroger-s  @springholland @stassaurus  @hahaboop @tcnystqrks @bloatedandlonly @doctorwhatwhenandwhere  @amy-brooklyn99 @mercurycrowley @shineedrmgrl  @yourstateofdreaming @annamikyska @bensakindofmagic @queenlover05 @annihrdy @iamthebeth   If I missed you I’m sorry! Please let me know if you want to be added.  
 “You know,” Ben whispered in your ear.  “The driver seems very focused on the road.  We could…have some fun back here.”  Ben waggled his eyebrows at you.
The two of you were in the back of the car.  Ben put his arm around you and you snuggled into his side.    
You giggled and smacked his chest.  
“No, we can’t because you, Mr. Jones, get handsy when you’re kissing and if you mess up my hair before we make that red carpet, Sam will kill you.”  
“I bet I could take him,” Ben moved your hair to one side and pressed a kiss to where neck met your shoulder.  
“We’ll be there soon, and we’ve got a whole hotel room to ourselves after everything.  There’s going to be lots of champagne.  And you know how I get when I’ve had champagne,” you smiled at Ben and raised one eyebrow.  
Ben chuckled under his breath.  
“If that’s the case, I can wait,” Ben’s hand started gently stroking your arm.  “Are you nervous?”  
“About the film?”
“Well, I meant more about the reporters and everybody knowing that we’re back together.”
You looked up at him. “I…I mean, yeah, but…God, this is going to sound so cheesy,” you looked away.
Ben used two fingers to move your head so that you were looking at him again.  “Tell me anyway.”
You looked into Ben’s eyes. They were searching yours for an answer.
“I…if you’re with me, it doesn’t matter.  We can do this.”  
Ben smiled at you and pressed his lips to yours gently.  
“I know we can,” Ben told you when he pulled away.  
The rest of the car ride, the two of you were quiet, just enjoying the calm before the storm and just being with each other.  
Suddenly, the car stopped, and you glanced around Ben and out of the window to see hundreds of people. Fans, reporters, photographers, and some of your fellow cast and crew.  
You looked at Ben and he gave you a big smile.  
“I love you,” Ben whispered and gave you a kiss.  It was just like what the two of you used to do before stepping out at movies or award shows.  
The driver came around and opened the door.  The first thing you heard was screaming.  Then you saw the flashes.  Ben took your hand before he stepped out of the car and thanked the driver.  
“Oh you’re welcome.  Your bags will be waiting in your room,” he gave Ben a nod before getting out of the way.  You felt everybody there took a deep breath as you got out of car with Ben. It was quiet for a beat before people started screaming.  
The two of you smiled and waved.  
“Y/N! Y/N! It’s Jasmine from E!”
You liked Jasmine, so you pulled Ben over to her.
“Hi, sweetie! How are you?” She gave you a hug and an air kiss to the cheek.  
“I’m great! How are you?”
“Very well! So, I’m not even going to pretend this isn’t weird.  Hi, Ben!” Jasmine gave him a smile.  
“Hi, Jasmine,” Ben gave her a shy smile before she turned to you.  
“What’s going on here? Are you two back together?  Are you moving back to London?”
“Actually, we haven’t gotten to that yet, but we are back together!” You beamed.
Jasmine squealed and pulled both of you into a hug and then looked at the camera.  
“Well, you heard it here on E! first.  Y/N L/N and Ben Hardy are officially back together!”  
Ben squeezed your hand and the two of you continued down the line with pictures and interviews, most of them having to do with you and Ben, but then it would change to the movie. It was going really well.  
“Y/N!” You heard from behind you.  You looked over and saw Jackson waving at you.  
You smiled at him and walked over, pulling Ben along.  You gave him a hug and then stepped back closer to Ben.  
“Well, hello you two,” Jackson gave you both a knowing smile.  
Ben offered Jackson his hand.  “I owe you an apology, mate.  I have been…well, a real prick, if I’m being honest, and I’m sorry.”  
Jackson smiled, and shook Ben’s hand.  “Nah, man. I get it,” Jackson looked at you then back to Ben.  “Love makes people act like idiots sometimes.”
You blushed and leaned into Ben’s side.  Ben put his arm around your waist after he and Jackson let go of each other’s hands.
You turned to Ben. “Behave while I go take some pictures?”
“Oh, never,” Ben gave you a kiss on the cheek as you and Jackson walked over to where they were directing you.  
“So, you and Ben are back together,” Jackson stated matter-of-factly.  
“Yeah, we are,” you said through your smile as cameras were taking pictures of you and Jackson.  
“Well good, I’m glad you’re happy.”  
You looked at Jackson and saw him smiling at you.  You smiled back and pulled him into a tight hug.  
“Alright, Jackson! You come down here and Y/N, you stay here,” one of the organizers came over and pulled Jackson a few yards down.  
The photographers and reporters were yelling your name and you did your best to look every direction so they could get the pictures.  
“Can we get some with Ben?!” Somebody yelled.  
You looked over at Ben, who was talking to one of photographers.  Another organizer walked over and then brought Ben over to you. He wrapped his arm around your waist.
“Well hello, again,” Ben grinned.  
“Hi, come here often?” You grinned back.  
“Well, if there are women like you around here, I’ll be sure to come more often.”  
You rolled your eyes and bit your lip to keep from smiling but damn him.    
“You’re ridiculous.”  
Ben laughed and pressed a kiss to your temple (and you were pretty sure there were more flashes than there had been).  
There were a few more pictures and interviews before they were able to sign autographs and take pictures with some fans.  
“I can’t believe that you two are back together,” one woman practically squealed at you as you signed a picture she had of you.  “You two are my favorite!”
You smiled at her. “Thank you so much!”
After a few more signatures and selfies, you were being ushered into the theater with everybody else.
“Y/N, so happy to see you,” TJ, the director, pulled you into a hug.  He then looked at Ben up and down.  “You’re Ben Hardy.”  
“Yes, sir, hi,” Ben offered his hand.  
You bit your bottom lip to keep from smiling.  You knew Ben was turning on the charm.  Whether he knew it or not.  TJ and Ben talked for a few minutes before TJ excused himself to talk to someone else.
“Did you bring a headshot for him too?” You nudged Ben with your elbow.
“What?  I wasn’t doing anything.”  
“You were schmoozing. Hardcore.”  
Ben opened his mouth to reply, but nothing came out.  He shook his head with a smile.  
“Alright, maybe a bit.”
“Champagne?”  A waiter came by with a tray of champagne flutes and Ben grabbed two, nodding his thanks before handing you one and clinking your glasses together.  
“To you, my love.”
You and Ben each took a sip, not taking your eyes off each other.  You couldn’t believe you were here with him again.  You’d never thought that this would happen, the two of you getting back together.  
“Y/N!” You heard Ginger yell your name from somewhere.  You looked around for her.  “Over here!” You looked towards the bar and found her.  She waved you over.  She was standing next to a gorgeous woman that you knew to be her girlfriend, Heidi.
You grabbed Ben’s hand and led him the way to Ginger.  You gave her a hug and then Heidi.  
“Ginger, Heidi, this is Ben,” you gestured to him and they both shook his hands.  
“So, this is the guy that you’ve been hung up on?”
“Ginger,” you hissed at her.
“Well, I’ve been hung up on her too,” Ben laughed and squeezed your hand.  
“Well that’s good, otherwise I think this would be awkward,” Ginger took a sip of her drink.  
Heidi rolled her eyes and looked at Ben.  “You’ll have to excuse her, she’s already on her second drink.”  
Ginger stuck her tongue out at Heidi and Heidi returned the gesture.  
The lights started to flicker and the four of you looked up.
“We better get in there. We’ll see you guys at the after party, right?”
“Of course! We’ll see you two later,” you gave them each a hug again before you and Ben went in to find your seats.  
You were seated next to Jackson near the middle of the theater and he smiled at up at you.  
“Y/N, you remember my sister, Joanna?” Jackson gestured to the woman sitting next to him.  She stood up and offered you her hand.  
“Hi, Jo,” you shook her hand.  You had met her once or twice on set.  She seemed nice enough.  
“Hi,” she looked over at Ben and her eyes bugged for a second.  “H…hi, and you’re?”
“Ben, nice to meet you,” Ben shook her hand.  “I’m Y/N’s boyfriend.”
Your heart nearly stopped and you turned back to look at him.  Ben and Jo sat down but you were still trying to process what he said.  Boyfriend.  Yes, you supposed he was your boyfriend.  It made you ridiculously happy to hear.  
You looked down at Ben. “I…yeah?”
“Aaaare you going to sit down?”
“Yes, sorry,” you sat down in your seat.  
“Are you alright?” Ben whispered in your ear.  
You looked at him and stared at him for a moment.  He looked back and raised an eyebrow.  
“Yeah, I just…hearing you say you’re my boyfriend again was…” You tried to find the right word, but you couldn’t find it.  
“Well, I’m not your husband again yet, so, I’ll settle for boyfriend.  For now anyway.”
You were shocked by that response.  You were trying to think of something, but then TJ stood up in front of the screen. Everybody started clapping and TJ held his hands up with a jovial smile.
“Thank you all so much for being here!” His voice was booming.  It almost brought you back to set.  “We are so excited to share this film with you all here in London.  We’re fortunate enough that the author of this wonderful novel, Ms. Caroline Mayer, here with us.”  TJ paused as everybody applauded and Caroline stood up and waved. “Now, I could stand up here and talk about how much work everybody put in and how wonderful our cast and crew is…”
TJ kept talking, but you weren’t paying attention because Ben’s hand moved to your thigh and started rubbing it with his thumb.  
“…so without further ado, please enjoy our film.”  
Everybody started clapping again and the lights went down.  
You sort of didn’t like this part of the job.  Watching yourself on a huge screen.  It didn’t matter how well you acted.  You could always find something wrong.  
You tried to get Ben’s attention a couple different ways.  You grabbed his hand off your thigh and played with his fingers.  He let you for a few moments before he intertwined your fingers and brought your hands down between you, really paying attention to the movie.  
You watched Ben’s face for a few scenes.  There were sometimes that you weren’t sure he was enjoying it.  You noticed his jaw clench for a moment when there was a scene between you and Jackson that was…intimate.  
“You alright?” You whispered to him.  
Ben just gave you a quick glance and nod and then looked back at the screen.  
The rest of the movie you tried to pay attention to without critiquing yourself too much.  You eventually rested your head on Ben’s shoulder.  He pressed a kiss to your forehead but stayed focused on the screen.  
The final scene, where you and Jackson embraced after a long, grueling fight with the antagonist, played and Ben squeezed your hand.  He pressed a kiss to your temple.  
“I am so proud of you. That was amazing.”
You picked your head up and looked at him with a smile.  He smiled back and pulled you into a kiss with some heat behind it.  
The lights came up and Ben pulled away, smirking at you, knowing what he’d just done to you.  
TJ stood up and gave a speech about the after party that would be across the street at the Grande Hotel.
“…and of course, we’ve got rooms if needed.  I hope to see you all over there!”  TJ clapped his hands together, dismissing everyone.  
You stood up and Jackson stood up and turned to you.  
“I always forget how intense that last scene is,” Jackson shrugged.  
“How?! It took us almost a whole week to shoot!” You laughed.  
“That was really good, mate,” Ben leaned around you and offered Jackson his hand.  
Jackson gave him a full smile and Ben returned it as they shook hands.  
“Thanks, man.  Well, we’ll see you both over there?”
“Of course, Jack,” You pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek.  
Jackson and Joanna left, and you turned to Ben.  
“That was nice of you,” you took Ben’s hand again.  
“It was honest. Although, I do think I have some issues with a scene or two,” Ben replied as he led you through the row.  
“Oh?” You pretended not to know what he meant.  “What scenes were those?”  
Once you were out of the row, Ben pulled you close to him and murmured to you, “I’ll show you later.”
That made you giggle.
“Let’s go get some champagne and celebrate,” you started pulling Ben towards to the lobby.  
Nearly three hours later, you were feeling very good.  After dinner and dessert, you’d probably drank almost an entire bottle of champagne and you noticed that your hands were nearly always on Ben in some way or another. And he always had a hand on you somewhere.  The small of your back when you talking to TJ at the bar, your thigh when you were sitting with Ginger and Heidi, holding your hand while talking to some people from the crew that made the trip.  
You left Ben to get more drinks at the bar and saw Jackson sitting by himself at the bar.  After you ordered, you walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.  
“Why so glum, chum?”
Jackson gave you a lazy smile.  You knew that he was feeling pretty good himself.  
“Oh I ain’t glum. Opposite actually.  I feel amazing.”
You laughed and gave Jackson a slight push.  
“We did amazing, kid.”
“We sure did.  I’m pretty proud of us,” you grinned.  
“Me too,” Jackson held up his glass of whiskey to you.  
You picked up the champagne flute that had been dropped off by the bartender (along with a gin and tonic for Ben) and clinked it to his glass.  
“To us, sweetheart,” Jackson winked before the two of you took a sip.  
“Jack,” you began, the alcohol making you pretty hazy.  You wanted to tell him thank you, and that you were sorry, and that everything would work out for him, but he held a hand up to you.  
“I know, Y/N, I know.”
You leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.  
“I meant it ya know,” you grabbed Ben’s gin and tonic.  “You deserve a lot better than me.”  
Jackson just shook his head and took another drink before you turned away and walked back to Ben. You handed him his drink and he fixed you with a stare.  You noticed that his eyes were a dark shade of green.  
“Do you have the key to our room?”  
You frowned at him. You thought he was having fun.  
“Yes, why?”  
Ben took a long swig from his drink and dragged his eyes over you.  
“We should get going. It’s getting late.”  
“Oooookay?” You shot him a look but drained your champagne.  You looked around at people to say goodbye, but Ben grabbed your hand and started leading you towards the elevator.  You waved at a few people, but you were out of the ballroom before you could say anything to anybody.  
Ben pushed the elevator button and the two of you waited for the elevator to arrive.  Neither of you said anything.  The elevator arrived and the two of you went inside.
As soon as the elevator doors closed, Ben pinned you against one of the walls of the elevator.  You gasped and looked at him.  
“Ben, what…?”
“You know, all night, I had to watch Jackson kiss you on that giant fucking screen,” Ben’s voice was calm as he traced your jaw with one of his fingers.  
Ben leaned in and growled in your ear, “So, maybe I should leave some reminders, so everyone remembers who you belong to.”
“What are you…?” You sucked in a breath as Ben not-so-gently bit and started to suck at your neck. You could practically already feel the mark he’d be leaving.  
Ben pushed his hips more into yours as he slid a hand into your hair, maneuvering your head so that he had more access to your neck.  
“B…Ben, I…” you stammered out.
“Yes, love?” Ben replied like he wasn’t tripling your pulse rate and continued to kiss and suck and bite around your neck.  
You closed your eyes and moaned at a well placed bite.  
“Theeeeere it is,” you felt Ben smirk against your skin before he started again.  
Oh, two could play this game, Jones.  You grabbed his free hand and held it up to your lips.  You pressed a kiss to one of his fingertips.  Ben stopped the assault on your neck and looked at you.  
“Oh, baby, it looks like you got some caramel sauce on your fingers.”  
Ben started to pull his hand away to inspect it when you put his pointer finger and middle finger in your mouth and gently sucked on them, making Ben groan.  He glanced at the door of the elevator.  
“This is the slowest fucking lift in history.”
You giggled around his fingers before pulling them out of your mouth.  
“Don’t worry, Benny,” you looked at him through your lashes.  “We’ve got all night.”  
Ben pressed his chest to yours and lifted your chin.  
“Don’t know how much longer I can wait.  Four years is way too long to wait.”  
As if hearing your conversation, the door (finally) opened and Ben pulled you down the hall.  You laughed.  
“Slow down! You don’t even know where we’re going!”  
“I heard TJ tell you we’re in 1039,” Ben replied and led you to the right door.  “Key?”
You very slowly started looking through your purse. “Hm…I know it’s here,” you teased.  
“Y/N,” Ben breathed in your ear before he nibbled your ear lobe.  You closed your eyes and leaned into him.  “There’s more where that came from if you find that key.”  
You opened your eyes and tore apart your purse.
“Oh look! I found it!” You held up the key triumphantly.  
The two of you were practically falling over each other to get into the room.  Once the door was shut, Ben pinned you against it with his hips. He didn’t kiss you.  He just looked over your face.  You stared back, barely being able to see but there was enough moonlight filtering in from the window.  
“Were you all talk or…?”
“I just…am enjoying the view.”  
“The last time you did that, Eliza cut our night short.”  
“Good point,” Ben replied before slamming his lips to yours.  
You kissed him back and wrapped your fingers in his hair, deepening the kiss.  You felt a heat your stomach already. Ben slid his hands down your body, making your shiver.  
You moved your hands and pushed Ben’s suit jacket off before you started to unbutton his shirt.  
“Where’s the zipper, love?” Ben asked in a husky voice.  
“Side,” you moved your arm so that Ben knew which side the zipper was on.
He quickly unzipped your dress and let it fall down your body.  Ben stepped back and helped you step out of it.  He blinked at you in your underwear and heels for a few moments. It was starting to make you self-conscious.  
“Come here,” Ben whispered, pulling him to you and kissing you again.  
You kicked your shoes off and jumped up wrapping your legs around Ben’s waist.  He held you up and moved his hands to cup under your ass. He laid you down on the bed, before breaking the kiss.  
You whined when he pulled away and Ben chuckled.  
“Just a second.  I think it’s a little unfair that I’m still dressed,” Ben told you as he stripped down to his boxer briefs.  Then he leaned over you and smiled.  “Better?”
“Oh much better,” you smiled.  
Ben pressed his lips to yours quickly before he kissed down your neck, much gentler than he had in the elevator.
“Ben,” you breathed out.
“Tell me what you want, Y/N.”
You didn’t answer right away and Ben reached around and unhooked your bra, sliding it off you and kissing down your chest.  He circled one of your nipples with his tongue.  
You leaned up into his mouth and let out a moan as Ben’s hands slid to your hips.  
“I need your mouth, lower,” you whimpered.  If you had any coherent thought besides one that got Ben’s mouth where you wanted him most, maybe you would’ve been embarrassed but right now you didn’t care.
Ben continued down your stomach, which was something you usually hated.  You had stretch marks from your pregnancy that still made you insecure, but Ben traced them with his lips, taking his time and making you feel less nervous about them.  
“I love your body,” Ben muttered against you before he continued even lower.  “Do you want these off?” He asked as he snapped the waistband of your panties.  
“God, yes.”
You could feel his hot breath against your clothed core before he slid them down your thighs, pressing kisses to your legs as he went.  He kissed back up, and sucked a mark into your thigh before he slid one of his fingers between your folds.  You both moaned.  
“You’re so wet, love. Who did this to you?”  
“You did, you fu…ahhhh!” You threaded one of your hands through Ben’s hair as he flicked his tongue to your clit.  
“What was that? Didn’t quite catch that,” Ben’s voice was smug, so you have his hair a bit of a tug. Which only made him move his lips to your sensitive nub completely.  
You fisted the sheets and closed your eyes.  
“Ben, if you…FUCK!” You shouted when Ben slid one of his fingers inside.  
“You really need to finish your sentences, darling.”  Ben didn’t even wait for your response before he dove back in.  
You could feel like you already about to burst.  You were almost there…
Ben didn’t make you ask again as he slid another thick finger into you.  
“YES!  Yes, ohmygodBendontstop,” you started babbling until Ben hit that spot with his fingers and dragged his teeth gently across your bundle of nerves and you exploded.  Once you were done, Ben kissed up your stomach and chest again.  You were breathing heavily when you felt Ben’s lips on the corner of your mouth.  
“Alright there, sweetheart?”
You opened your eyes and stared at him for a moment.  
“More than alright,” you smiled at him, still breathing heavily.  “Now,” you rolled over on top of him, clearly taking him by surprise and you snickered at the look on his face.  “Let me return the favor.”  
You made your way down Ben’s toned chest and abs, paying attention to the way his muscles contracted when he inhaled rapidly, especially when you got lower to his waistband.  You could see how hard he already was and it made your mouth water.  You traced him with your mouth through the thin fabric and heard him swear under his breath.
“Alright there Benny?” You whispered.  
“I feel like I’ll be much better shortly,” Ben ran a hand through your hair.  
“Oh you will,” you slid his boxers off and watched his cock bounce on his stomach.  The tip was red and it was already leaking.  You stuck your tongue out and kitten licked at the head. Ben’s hand in your hair tightened and he groaned as he held his head up to watch you.  
You slowly started to take more of him into your mouth and you could tell that he was holding back fucking into your mouth.  
“You feel so good, love,” he muttered.  At that, you took him as deep as you could, hitting the back of your throat.  
“FUCK!” Ben threw his head back and closed his eyes.  
You started to bob up and down on Ben’s cock, his moaning and whispers encouraging you the whole time.  You could feel him start to thrust into you, making you gag.  You pulled off to catch your breath and wanted to get back to it, but Ben held your head up.  
“Y/N, I swear, if you keep doing that I won’t last and I want to be inside you.”
You raised an eyebrow at him but he moved so that he was straddling your hips. He ran his still hard cock through your folds.  
“Ben,” you started, but clearly he couldn’t wait any longer either.  
You both moaned loudly as he entered you.  
“You’re so tight for me, baby,” Ben huffed in your ear.  He went deeper and deeper until he was completely inside you, filling you up.  The stretch was slightly painful, but it felt so good all you could do was make incoherent half sentences.
“Move please” was apparently the only thing Ben needed before he pulled out and started to really fuck you.
“Shiiiiiit!”  You started clawing at his back, leaving marks of your own on him.  You could feel your second orgasm building each time he entered you.  You could feel Ben hitting your sweet spot with almost every thrust of his hips. You hadn’t been this full in a long time and fuck, had you missed it.  
“I’m so close,” Ben grunted.  
“Let go, Benny, you can let…”
With that, Ben painted your walls white, sending you over the edge as well. The two of you rode out your orgasms together, keeping each other close.  Once you both were done, Ben rested his forehead to yours and smiled.
“Wow,” he breathed out.  
“You could say that again,” you laughed quietly and kissed him.  You could still taste some of yourself on him.
“I’m going to pull out now, alright?”  
You nodded.  Ben slowly pulled himself out and stood up.  
“W…where are you going?” You asked, weirdly nervous that he was just going to leave.
Ben smiled at you, and kissed your forehead.  
“I’m getting us a washcloth so that we can clean up.”  
You hummed at him and then closed your eyes.  You heard him go into the bathroom and then come back.  You opened your eyes and gave him a lazy smile.  
“God, you’re beautiful,” Ben whispered so quietly that you weren’t sure if you were meant to hear it or not.  Ben sat next to you on the bed and handed you the wash cloth.  
You cleaned yourself up and then stood up yourself.  
“I’ll be right back,” you gave Ben a quick kiss and then went into the bathroom.
You put the washcloth in the hamper and then looked at yourself in the mirror.  
“Holy shit,” you muttered to yourself.  Your makeup and hair were a mess, but that was nothing compared to your neck.  There were bruises and hickeys everywhere.  How were you supposed to cover those up for the next few days?  
You got ready for bed by taking your makeup off and taking your hair all the way down.  You walked back out to see Ben lying in bed, staring at the ceiling.  
“Hey,” you said softly to him.  
He looked up at you and then opened his arms to you.  
You jumped on the bed and then fell next to him.  He laughed and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to his chest.
“I forgot how amazing we are at that.”  
“You know the last time we did that we got Eliza, right?”
That made Ben laugh.  “Well, maybe we’ll get lucky again.”
You cocked an eyebrow at him.  
“You want more kids?  Now?”
Ben shrugged and stroked your arm.  
“Maybe not right now, but, I mean…we always talked about a lot of kids.”
That made you laugh.  “Yeah, we did, huh?”  
Ben pressed his lips to your hair.  
“We can talk about this all later.  Right now, I think we both need some sleep.”  
“Please?  Between champagne and two orgasms, you’re lucky I’m even remotely lucid right now.”
Ben grabbed the comforter and pulled it over the two of you before he wrapped his arms around again.  You rested your head on his chest again and closed your eyes, listening to his heartbeat, which was still beating a little fast.  
“Night, Ben.”
“Night, Y/N.”  
Just as you started to drift off, you heard him whisper “I love you”.  
“I love you too.”  
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Red Light, pt 1
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Hockey AU - Featuring Star Trek AOS, first person OFC.
There was something about the smell of freshly cleaned ice that instantly transported me back to my childhood, and every time I came in to work, that reminder of happier times made the stress of this job worth it. It wasn’t that I disliked my job - in fact, I loved it. But it was stressful managing publicity and media for a hockey team.
The San Fransisco Enterprise has been the best team in the United Federation of Hockey for the past four years. After the retirement of General Manager Christopher Pike, however, the team had been struggling. There were new players, and the team just wasn’t gelling under team captain Jim Kirk. The starting line-up was a hot mess. Kirk was at centre, and a new trade, Spock, had traded in at season start with a personal record for goals from his team on New Vulcan. Spock was a precision player, head always in the game, brain always four passes ahead. Kirk, on the other hand, was a cowboy. He played tight in the corners, and was a hard hitter, but his strategy was better summed up as flying by the seat of his pants. The men had nearly come to blows in practice, and barely tolerated one another on the ice. That conflict made for an uneasy team all around.
Team morale was worsened when ‘Doc’ Puri, the journeyman goaltender who seemed to be able to stop anything, blew out his knee on a road trip. It was a career-ending injury, despite the advances to medicine that had come in the three-hundred plus years since the game had been invented. The new GM had to find another goalie, and quick. 
Which is what had been the biggest thing on my plate for the past week. Geoff M’Benga, the second string goalie, was in his first year in the pros. He was competent, but lacked the confidence to truly take the reins as the lead goalie. Talks had been heated, but finally, a trade was made with the Proxima Bees. The Enterprise’s draft pick for star goalie Leonard McCoy. McCoy was considered the best in the league, although his year had been off to a rough start. The man could stop almost anything, but the Proxima defense lines were weak and when they allow fifty plus shots on goal per night, there’s only so much one goaltender can do. McCoy was happy to be traded; the Enterprise had a solid defensive corp led by Montgomery Scott and Pavel Chekov, and the rumour was his marriage had just fallen apart and he was longing to get away from the drama.
I cleared my head of my musings, and filled my coffee cup at the pot in the corner of the office. The rich aroma of the coffee, countered with the cool tang of cleaned ice focused my thoughts on the day’s tasks. The press conference to announce the acquisition of McCoy was scheduled for 10. I needed a tight media release and some smiling players to welcome the new goalie. I pressed the button on my communicator to connect with the changeroom. 
“Kirk, Spock, please come to the administrative offices when you’re done showering,” I announced. The loudspeaker in the changeroom would be amplifying my voice over the din created by the showers, and I knew I could expect the men to arrive shortly. I logged into my PADD and pulled up McCoy’s current stats to begin the media release.
“I’m afraid Kirk is outside signing autographs and flirting,” Spock announced as he walked into the office. “I let him know you wanted to see us, and he said he would be up shortly.”
“How are you settling in, Spock?” I asked. The team was ten games into the season, and I’d been hoping to see a more cohesive group by now.
“I’m starting to understand Kirk’s playing style,” he admitted. “It’s not to my liking, but his recklessness does have some advantages.”
“You guys need a team-building retreat,” I laughed. “Strand you on an island so you have to cooperate to survive.”
Spock looked horrified at the suggestion. “Every practice is an opportunity to build our team,” he protested.
“Yeah, but part of what makes a team work is when you like each other. You have to be able to see your strengths and weaknesses and figure out how they complement each other. That’s easier to do when you are not only teammates, but friends,” I offered. He shrugged.
“I’m not sure that Kirk and I are destined to be friends,” he replied, without a hint of malice. “I fear we are too different.”
“More alike than you realize,” I countered. “But I have faith it’ll come.”
“We will see. As interesting as your perspective is, I hardly think you called us in here for a pep-talk,” he changed the subject quickly. The doors behind me opened and Kirk strolled in. Spock must have seen his approach.
“Leonard McCoy should land at nine this morning, and we have a press conference scheduled for ten. Marcus wants a couple of players at the scrum to welcome him. As top scorer and team captain, I felt you two were the obvious choices.” I directed my comments to both men. Kirk smiled his lazy, handsome smile and sat on the edge of my desk.
“Is that the only reason you picked me?” He asked. I raised my eyebrow in question and then realized he was trying to flirt. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
“I’m not one of your puck bunnies, Jim,” I reminded him. “I’m immune to the charms of hockey players.”
“I keep telling you that if you just give me one chance, I can change your mind,” he teased. I laughed in response.
“And I keep telling you, I am a professional, and cannot compromise my integrity by carrying on with someone at work.” 
“That’s kindest way I’ve ever heard someone say that I’m not their type,” he winked.
“I appreciate that you recognize it as that,” I laughed.
“I appreciate that you allow me to continue to flirt with you,” he shrugged. “Keeps my skills up.”
“As if you need practice, Jim Kirk!” I shook my head again, but couldn’t help but smile. Of all the hockey players I’d ever interacted with, Jim Kirk was the safest. He loved to flirt, he loved to play the romance card, but he always respected the women he flirted with, and never went too far, never made anyone uncomfortable. “Now, scoot, both of you. I have work to do.”
I checked over everything that was needed for the press conference. Media release was ready, the new jersey for McCoy had just come up from having his name and number sewn on, scrum room was clean, chairs out, mics working. I placed the script for the GM on the prompter, and made sure it was running at his speed, and then double checked it. Marcus was not the kind of leader to make friends, and he ran a tight ship. He made me uncomfortable, and as a result, I actively sought to minimize our interactions. Being called on the floor because I’d screwed up something simple was not on the agenda. 
I was waiting at the zamboni bay doors for the arrival of the new goalie, to bring him to the press conference. The shuttle arrived from the airport just moments after I’d stepped outside. Leonard McCoy stepped out, ballcap pulled low on his brow. He swung his equipment bag over one shoulder and grabbed his stick bag with his free hand. He scowled at me as he approached. I reached for the stick bag and he pulled back.
“I can manage my equipment just fine, sweetheart. Just tell me where it goes,” he growled. I cocked my head to one side and gave him a hard look.
“My name is Samantha Nelsen, not sweetheart. You are welcome to call me Sam, or Ms. Nelsen,” I corrected sharply.
“Where do I stow my equipment, Sunshine?” he snapped.
“I was under the impression this move was a happy one,” I countered, my tone equally sharp and I gestured to a dolly sitting just inside the doors. “Perhaps you can put on your big boy pants before the press conference? You have five minutes.”
He dropped his bags with a heavy sigh and turned to face me. He looked exhausted. His jaw was covered in a three day growth of stubble, and there were bags under his eyes that appeared to be packing their own bags. Aside from that, he was as undeniably gorgeous as all his headshots had made him out to be.
“Ma’am, I’m sorry. I’m running on empty,” he apologized, pulling his ballcap off and rubbing a hand across his forehead. “Lawyer met me at the airport this morning to give me all the paperwork on my divorce. She took everything, the house, the car. She may as well have taken the goddamn team and the whole damn planet. All I’ve got left is my bones.”
“And a shiny new contract with the Enterprise,” I reminded him. “So let’s go counter some bad press with some good, shall we?” I offered a smile, hoping he realized I was effectively erasing his bad first impression. I headed toward the elevator, my heels clicking smartly on the hard cement.
“So you’re the media gal?” He asked, catching up with a quick skip. I pursed my lips and nodded.
“I prefer Manager of Broadcasting, Communications and Public Relations, media gal is kind of old fashioned,” I corrected with a wink, wondering exactly how many times I was going to have to straighten up this man’s language and bring it into the 23rd century.
“Of course, ma’am,” he nodded and bit his lip. I wasn’t sure if he was trying not to smile, or trying to bite back a smart comment. I suspected it might be both. I stepped on the elevator and held the door for him. As the doors closed, I turned and looked him over. 
“We need to stop in the office and grab you an Enterprise hat. Get rid of that ratty old Bees one. You glad to be back on Earth, at least?” I asked. He pulled his hat off again, and scrubbed his hand through his short, messy hair. I led him from the elevator to the office and pulled a hat out a closet full of swag. 
“I’ll let you know after I’ve had some actual sleep.” He pulled the hat on and checked his reflection in the mirror by my desk, slapping his cheeks a little to wake himself up. “This old face has a few more miles in it, anyhow.”
“Yeah, doesn’t look like you’ve stopped many pucks with it,” I teased, tipping my head toward the doors leading to the media room. He smirked.
“Why, Ms. Nelsen, I’d hazard you just told me you find me handsome,” he teased, meeting my eyes. With his temperament improved, and warmth in his eyes, it was undeniable, the man was stupidly hot.
“Focus on the press conference, pretty boy,” I laughed, opening the door for him. He walked in to the press conference, and I headed to the back of the room to manage the media.
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mha-fanfic-writer · 4 years
Villain Rehab
                               Bakugou x (ex villain,fem)Reader
Warning: cutting, sad stuff, and at the end we get 13+ or 16+
Part 1?
Word count: 10,872
Here you were, in the office of UA’s principal. How did you get in here again? Oh yeah, after kidnapping bakugou they caught you and because you were 16 they decide to make you a deal. You wouldn’t go to prison and serve your sentence for death if you trained to become a hero. Your dumbass actually agreed to this. Now you were starting to regret it. You were sitting in the chair while Eraser Head was standing behind your arms crossed an all. You were spinning in the chair arms dangling waiting for the principal. “Stop that” Eraser head said clearly annoyed. You stopped. facing him you stuck your tough out and rolled your eyes before turning around. After a while, he finally entered. When he sat down in front of you he spoke. “Hello Mei Koharu, villain name Deadline how are you doing,” he asked putting the paper down. “Mind reading the rest of what’s on that paper, I wanna remember,” you said with a smirk. He picked up the paper and began reading. “16 years old, kill count 164. Sentance, death.” he read before putting it down. You nodded. “I’m good,” you said with a smile. “Glad to hear, anyways let’s get to the rules,” he said. You nodded looking to the side. “You are not allowed to use your quirk unless it’s training,” he said. “Yup,” you said with popping the p. “That’s why I have these bracelet things on right,” you said quirking an eyebrow. He nodded. “You can not leave campus unless you are with a trusted classmate or hero, When using your phone a student must be able to hear the phone call or read the message. You must be watched by a hero or classmate all the time until we can trust you.” he finished. You nodded as he spoke. “Sence your quirk is a hero worthy and is strong you will be in class 1-A,” he said. Your eyes widened. “What, why that class of all classes,” you remarked eyebrows furrowing. “Because I and one other person will be keeping an eye on you” Eraser head said bluntly. You groaned. “Here go change into this,” he said handing you a Uniform” you groaned again walking out of the room to the bathroom. There was no use trying to escape, you wouldn’t get away. As you were changing you started wondering who else was going to be keeping an eye on you. You blew the thought off finishing. You had the shirt unbuttoned one, the tie was hanging lose the shirt was half tucked in and you kept the retro combat boots you had on from before. You hadn’t worn stocking in a long time. You dint even bother putting on the stupid blazer thing, that was a bother you didn’t want to put up with. You folded your sleeves up to your elbows and slipped on your black and white gloves. Your hand managed to get them under the bracelets. You walked out of the bathroom and back to the office where you saw all too familiar wings. “Oh, shit,” you said loud enough for them to hear you. “Nice to see ya, again kid,” he said turning around to face you with a smirk on his face. “Can I get a hug?” he asked walking towards you. You figured it would be fine seeing as you did just disappear on him when you were 12. You gave him a hug. “Hm, still the two, I’m already late,” he said softie I know. Unbelievable how YOU could kill that many people” he said with his chin on your head. You hummed in his chest. “Well, I had my reasons,” you said, both of you pulling away. “Anyways your not even a little mad” you questioned quirking an eyebrow. “No” he answered. ‘But I do think you’re extremely stupid” he said flicking you on the head. “Heres your dorm key” Eraser head said tossing you a key. You caught it. “Let’s go you walking out of the room. You and kaigo started talking. “So you cut your hair,” he said picking up some of your light black hair. “Yeah, right on top of the shoulders, ya like it,” you said. He let it fall. “Looks nice,” he said before putting his hands in his pockets. You looked up at him with your eyes that faded from black to a whitish-gray “He’s doing fine don’t worry” you said looking up at him. “You can read me like a book,” he said ruffling your hair. After talking a bit more you guys had made it to the class door. You were then handed a black choker by Kaigo. “Here, you left it at my place the last time I saw you,” he said tossing it to you. It was a stretchy velvet so you had no problem putting it on. “Don’t call me eraser head call me Mr.Aizawa,” He said before opening the door. A sigh escaped your lips as all three of you walked in. The reason you didn’t really want to be in this class was that you knew 4 of them. That frog girl, gravity girl, todoroki, and bakugou. Hell, you had a major part in kidnapping the blond. You could hear whispers when you stepped in. Then a boom went off. “What the hell is she doing here” bakugou yelled slamming his hands on the desk with a small explosion. “I’ll get to that in a minute,” Mr.Aizawa said stopping as did you and kaigo. “Alright as some of you may have heard we are letting a villain join our class, Some of you might know her as the Deadline others might know her as the number 3 villain in there ranks. She is known for the murders of number 7 hero 4 years ago VIP” he said. VIP was the number 7 hero but you hand killed him, and also he was your dad. One of the reasons you became a villain in the first place. “W-wasn’t that h-her d-dad,” a green-haired boy asked. All eyes turned to you. “I wouldn’t call him my father, more of a major two-faced prick,” you said with a smile. Kaigo elbowed you on the side. “In other words yes.” he answered for you.  You saw the class tense and you smiled. Kaigo flicked on the head with a smirk. “Explain your quirk,” Mr.Aizawa said. You sighed. “My quirk is sanity, I can cause someone to lose all their sanity if I want and the more sanity they lose the more energy I get from them. So if they lost there complete sanity I would get their complete energy. Oh, I also black wings, I get them from my mom. I cna control weather i want them out or hiden.” you said casually. In all honesty, you were here because you didn’t want to die. You were different when it came to kaigo but with others, you were always so rude and difficult to handle. “Alright go take a seat,” Mr.Aizawa said turning to the board. You did as he said kaigo following behind. Jeez, the whispers from the class were really starting to get on your nerves. A lot of people wondered how you were such a strong villian with your quirk. Some thought your quirk was villian type but you only used sanity when you were toying with someone or you just want a show. Sometimes you killed with that if you wanted but because you trained with kiago for a while with your wings, you used them to kill.You heard learned to control each feather faster than he expected. At first, your wings were just supposed to help you fly but kaigo new you could use them for more. You had been sitting there with kaigo behind you messing with your hair checking the bracelets and just being bored. You were too. After a while, Mr.Aizawa said that the rest of the class was free time. Kaigo sighed when he said that. He hadn’t talked for so long, at least for him. “Finally” kaigo sighed of relief. You nodded putting your head down. He sat on the desk and patted your head. “What’s your mom doing,” he asked. “I don’t know, isn’t she still a hero,” you said rolling your eyes. “What are you talking about, I thought you had her or something,” he said getting off the desk. Your headshot up. “I haven’t see n her in 2 years,” you said worry on your face. “She disappeared a couple of weeks ago,” he said. You both looked at each other. Then you remembered something. “Oh shit glitch was serious,” you said pulling out your phone and showing him a picture. The picture was of your mom’s wings cut off but still alive. “Holy shit,” he said. “I thought it was photoshopped,” you said rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly. “Read the messages I sent,” you said putting your hands down. “Good job,” he read. “Kid, why,” he asked giving you your phone back. “ I didn’t think it was real so I just said that I didn’t know glitch was capable of that,” you said with a light laugh. He slapped the back of your head earning the attention of the class. “Report it next time,” he said. “Let’s hope she’s still alive,” you said rubbing the back of your head. “Adress,” he said. You told him all of glitches favorite kidnapping places. “What are 16-year-olds doing now a day.” he sighed. “Well I gotta go,” he said getting ready to fly. “Tell me if she’s dead,” you said leaning back in your chair with a laugh as he flew out of the room. “Kid” he wined. You just laughed at him. The class was looking at you, they seemed to want to know what that was about. “Moms probably dead by my best friends. Gotta problem” you said rolling your eyes. “Who’s y-your mom,” the green-haired boy asked. “Number 274 hero, rescue hero. Fly” you said rolling your eyes. “If shes dead so be it, if not then great.” you said putting your head down. You heard a certain whisper, not sure by who but it caught your attention. “Does she even love her” you heard a girl’s voice say. You looked up. “ Don’t get me wrong I love her, but she was never there for me when I need her so I’ve come to resent her a lot. WIch is why I don’t care if she’s dead or not.” you said putting your head back down with a sigh. “I know how that feels” you heard a monotone voice say. It seemed really close. You picked up your head to meet miss-match eyes. “Endeavors son. I’ve heard a lot about you from your brother.” you said sitting up straight. “My brother” he questioned. “Oh shit I said that out loud” you panicked. “Well you were going to find out one day.” you sighed. “Touya,” you said averting your eyes. You put your hands behind your head. “Big Bro” he whispered. You closed your eyes before speaking. “Yep, he’s still alive but” you tailed off with a sigh. “What!” he yelled. You opened one eye to see his face. He seemed surprised. “He’s a villian” you whispered loud enough for only him to hear. “What!?” he yelled. “Who is he I haven’t seen him,” he said grabbing you’re the collar of your shirt pulling you up. You put your hands up in defense. “One, he changed his look completely. And two I’m not qualified to tell you his villain name or anything. He would kill me if I did. Hell if he finds out I even told you he’s still alive I’m dead” you said with a smirk on your face. “Well that is if he can find me, for all he knows I’m dead,” you said with a laugh. “Tell me who he is” he shouted. “Damn, and he said you were usually so calm” you chuckled. “Tell me” he shouted. “Todoroki-Kun calm down,” the green-haired boy said. Putting a hand on his shoulder. He threw you down on your seat. “Have I seen him before?” he asked hands on your desk. “Mhm more than once I think, not really sure,” You said putting your hands behind your head closing your eyes again. “Also he’s my ex,” you said loud enough for both boys to hear. “But he’s like 20 and your 16,” he said. “Pfft, age doesn’t matter to villains, and plus I was more a toy to that bastard,” you said with a scoff. “He’s not like-” he was going to say. But you cut him off. “What can I say that bastard changed, When I asked him if it was true he said I was just a toy to him.” you said clearly annoyed. He wanted to say something but you spoke again. “Keep in mind it’s your dad’s fault he’s a villain anyway’s. More fuel for you to hate your dad right” you said with a laugh. “Todoroki, don’t believe her. You cant trust a villain like her.” a brown-haired girl said. “Yeah Todoroki, don’t believe me. Don’t believe the girl who worked with him for a good 2 years” you said sarcastically. All three of them walked away. Bakugou had watched the whole thing. You seemed like such a bitch to him when you kidnapped him and even now. What the fuck was your problem. You seemed so nice to hawks but it seems like you put your guard up when he left the room. What happened to you. He wanted to know for some reason. “Bakugou” he heard kirishima say snapping infront of his face. “What do you want shitty hair” he said loud enough for you to hear. You covered your mouth trying to hold a laugh in. “Are you ok” mina asked. “Im fine racoon eyes” he yelled. You weezed at the names. “Why are you looking a her” Kaminari asked. “Shut it dunce face” he yelled making small explosions in his hands. You cuoldnt help it, you laughed. It wasnt loud but enough for them to hear. “The hell are you laughing at” he yelled. “T-The n-names” you siad pointing a them. “Shitty hair, racoon eyes, dunce face. You’ve gotta be kidding me” you laughed. The nthe door opened. “Kid shes fine she wants to see you.” he said grabbing the back of your collier and dragging you out. “Tell your teacher were in the office kids” he said before closing the door. You stopped laughing when the door closed. He dragged you there knowing if he let you go you would go straight back to the class. He knew you didnt want to see her but he was gonna make you. When you guys got the office he opened the door and threw you in with ihm fallowing behind. He closed the door trapping you in. “oww that hurt” you said getting up. “You saw your mom with tears in her eyes. You pittyed her. A tear rolled down her face and you walked closer and wiped it off. “Dont cry over me. Im not worth it” you siad looking at her back. “There really gone” you whispered. “It was glitch right” you said moving behind her. You rubbed her back. “Wow,” was all you said. Her wings were only for flying she couldnt control the feathers or anyttihng wich is why she was a rescue hero. “You rubbed small circles on her back. She calmed down as she spoke. “Im sorry” she said. “Im sorry I wasnt there when you needed me, I was a bad mother” she said trying not to cry. You stepped infront of your mother with a smile. “I forgive you” you said before giving her a hug. She was surprised at first but she hugged you back and started crying. There was only three people you ever forgave that easy. Your mother, kaigo, and glitch. Everybody else had to work for it. If you ever saw glitch agin you wouldnt be mad at him at all. Honestly you were kind of proud. You let her cry for a while before pulling away. “Kid,” kaigo said catching your attention. You hummed. “Glich is coming to the school next week because he got the death sentence too” kaigo said. “Really” you said exited. “Yup” he said with a sigh. “But he’s the last one” he said. You didnt care you were just happy your bestfriend was coming. You, your mom, and kaigo were all talking for the rest of the day. You basically skipped the rest of your classes. When the principal said that your mom had to go and you had to go to the dorms. After saying your goodbyes you and kaigo were walking to the dorms. “Im surprised you didnt get mad or somthin’” kaigo said patting your head. “Yeah, I actually surprised myself” you said sheepishly. “How do you think glitch is gonna do here” he asked hands now in his pockets. “Well, as long as im with him I dont think hell hurt anyone.” you said. Glitch was his villian name, his real name was Yuuto, Touma. You sometimes called him yuu, but you usualy called him glitch or glitchy. He called you mei, deadline, or princess. You guys still used eachothers last names even though you both were fine using first you both felt more comfortable that way. He was the the number 4 villian in villain ranks. People hated how two 16 yearolds were so powerful. You guys had your own villan groups. You werent part of the league but more just a watcher for feedback. You had known the pros were coming so you tried to leave but was caught half way. You beat 3 pros but you hadnt noticed one of them behind you. Glitch tried to help but you told him to leave, You both argued before he finally gave in. Alot of other villans said you guys were dating but he was gay, and it annoyed the both of you. You looked up at kaigo feeling a bit guilty. He noticed. “Whats wrong kid” he asked. You looked down. “I feel bad that I used what you tought me to kill, I mean if people found out you knew me what would happen to you.” you said. “He knocked on your head. “Comon kid, you know I dont care about that. Or did you forget.” he said with a smile. “Yeah your right, but still” you said. “How about this, ill teach you more tricks if you promise to do good alright” he said. “Deal” you said with a smile of your own. He really didnt see the point of labels like villains and hero’s so when he found out you were a villan he didnt mind. Him and glich were the only one who knew about your past and what your dad did to you. You guys made it to the dorms when kaigo got a call about villans attacking near him. He told you he had to go so you were left to face your classmates alone. You walked into the dorms and was headed to the elevator beofre someone called out ot you. “U-uh deadline” you heared a familiar voice say. You turned to see the green-haired boy. “Whats up” you said with a smile. He looked to the his classmates that were pretendding not to look. Then he turned back to you. “I-I wanted to k-know more about your quirk” he said opening his notebook to a blank page. “Oh ok” you said with a smile. He seemed nice so you figured it wouldnt hurt to be a little nice. You both walked to the stepps to sit. His classmates were watching you closely not wanting you to hurt him. “SO can you you explain more about your quirk like all the spacifics” he asked. You then continued to explain your quirk to him and you swear his eyes had literal sparkles in them with everything you said. After he was done he was about to leave. “Hey uh, can i see what oyu have in that notebook of yours.” you asked. He looked down at it before handing it to you. “Sure, just give it back tomorrow” he said before walking away with a smile. You walked to the elevator reading the notebook as he sat down beside his friends. When you got to your dorm on the 4th floor you closed it and started looking for your dorm number. You found it and entered. There was a security camra in the corner of the room. You went ot the bathroom to see if there was any in there, luckly no. You threw yourself on the bed and started reading what was in the notebook again. After a while of reading you saw that he had started notes on toga and dabi. There wasnt much he knew so you figured he woulnt mind if you put down what you knew. You started writing on the notebook about there quirks and personality something you saw he did with the other pages. You put the notebook down and came out ot get something ot eat. You went to the kitchen and made yourself some ramen before going back to eat in your dorm. You were on your way up when you heard a voice. “Would you like to come down and eat with the rest of the class” you heard a soft sweet voice say. You turned back and saw a girl with a ponytail in light pink shorts and a white shirt. “Uh thnks but im fine, I dont think bakugou and todoroki would like me there. I mean I am a villain so I dont think alot of people would like me there” you siad with a nervous smile. “Oh ok. I dont want to pressure you” she said. “Thnak you momo” you said before walking up the stairs. You knew her name because of midoriya’s notebook. When you got back to your room you changed into a black tanktop with gray legings. Your food had cooled down and you started eating. They had let you keep any form of technology but they made sure all contact with other villains were cut off. You opened youtube and started watching random video’s when a notification popped up. Glitches channel had been uptated. Weird you though he was in custaty waiting to come to the school. “Going to UA for rehab in 6 days” the title read. You laughed clicking on the video. “Im going to UA, I would have taken the death sentence but a surtan birdy said my bestfiend was still alive and if I wanted to see her I would have to go to UA. I took the deal only because I want to see her. Prinsess im coming to the school in T minus 6 days. I would have taken the death but I dodnt because of her. Curse you dead line.” he spoke rasing a fist and looking up. You laughed at his boyish playfulness. “Anyways they finally caught us so we are technically no longer the number 3 and 4 top villains. Suckes to leave it behind honestly but all my other villains do us proud” he said before turning off the camra. It looked like he snuck his phone in based on were he was. You let out a sigh. Before hearing 3 sharp knockes on the door. Its was 6:30pm everybody should still be eating. You got up and opend the door. Your eyes met dark crimson ones. You jumped back reconizing who it was. “B-bakugou, what are you doing here” you asked stepping aside to let him in. He walked in with a plate of food and put it on your desk. “Eat” was all said before throwing his body on the bed laying on his back and putting his arms behind his head. He was dressed in a black tanktop with black sweats. You closed the door and sat down at your desk. “W-what are you doing here” you asked putting some food in your mouth. “Ponytail told me what you were eating, Shits not healthy. You need something with greens protean carbs and all that shit. So I made you food.” he said in his husky tone that only fit him. “Damn this is good” you said before shuvling more food on your mouth. “Damn right it is, I made it” he said clearly proud of himself. You replayed the video wanting to hear your bestfriends voice again. You let out a small laugh not wanting ot desterb the blond on your bed. “Who’s that” he asked eyes closed. “My bestfriend glitch, hes 16 and hes coming to UA in about a week” you said with a smile on your face. “Thats the kid Mr.Aizawa was telling us about then” he said. You hummed in response. “ I thought you were like really mad about the whole kidnapping thing,” you said lening back in your chair. He pulled it back making you fall. You let out a yelp. He moved his body laying on his stomach now looking down at you with a smirk. “I dont hold grudges dumbass” he said before getting the now clean plate before getting up. You had completely forgot that you didnt have the gloves on so when he held out a hand to help he saw them. He helped you up and when you were going to pick up your chair he grabbed your wrist pulled you up turned you around and flipped your arm over. You had no Idea what he was doing at first but when his eyes widend you looked down to see what he was looking at. Your eyes widend and you pulled your arm away picking up the chair and grabbing your gloves and putting them on. “You should leave” you said in a wisper. “Im not leaving without an explanation” he said putting hte plate down. You looked away. He sat down on your bed waiting for you to sit. You could see he was trying to cover up the fact that he really cared but you could see the general worry in his eyes. You sighed and sat down next to him throwing your back on the bed. “I guess lets start at the beginning.” you said with a sigh. “My mom and dad were pro heroes,um. They were gone most of the time so I was usually left alone. My dad abused me and my mother. When I was 9 he” you trailed off voice shaking and tears threatening to fall. “He rapped me” you siad voice low but he still heard. His eyes widend when you said that. “More than once, saying he needed to releve stress and that mama wasnt good enough.” you said a tear rolling down your face. You took a breath. “He did that to me alot to the point were I just stopped fighting him. I always did in the begining but soon gave up. I was 10 when I met hawks. He was the first person I told and even though he tried everything he could noone would believe him. Not even the cops. I dont know why thay just didnt.” you said getting up and wiping the tears. “I know I look weak right now. Especialy for someone who’s killed so many people” you said letting out a small laugh. “Hawks had me with him alot to get me out of that but it still happened, not as much as it always idd but it happend.” you sniffed. “When I was 12 I ran away and became a villain. Hawks had tought me how to use my wings for other things than flying so I used that alot.” you said looking down at your hands. The cloves were covering half of your palm. “Me and glitch met when I was 6, He knew about everything but he didnt have family that cared and of course noone believed us. We both became villains and after a year we were known as deadline and glitch the number 3 and 4 most powerful villains.” you said. He just listened in shock. “When people knew our names we decided it was time to kill my father. We killed him on live TV. We didnt hide our faces because we wanted people to know who we were, after that, then they belived me about everything he had done but it was to late. Last year I ‘dated’ a villan named dabi, the one who pulled you into the portal.” you said quietly. “It wasnt so much dating as I was a toy for his disiars.” you said more tears fooling down your face. “And that whole time that happend I didnt feel anything. I dodnt feel resentment, saro, anger, or anything. I just felt pity. Pity for the people who had to live through my crimes. I always felt broken. I felt not wanted. There are few people that I know actually care about me. And I dont know why you do if I hurt you” you said looking up at him tears rooling down your face. He didnt know what to do so he just pulled to his chest and wrapped his arms around you. You were surprised at first. Your hands were on his his chest and you could fell the tears wanting to spill out. “Go ahead” he said. Your lover lip quivered before all the tears you had been holding back all these years finally spilled out. Your gripped his shirt in your fists and buried your face in his chest crying and rambling. “Why did it have to be, why was I the one it happend to. What did I do wrong. Why did they hate me.” you yelled into his chest. He felt like crying himself but he held his tears back for your sake. What was this feeling. His heart was beeting fater and faster. Hes hand were getting sweaty his checks were dusted in a light pink and his stomack felt all tingly and weird. He felt guilty thats for sure but that other feeling was new to him. Yes he had noticed that the smile you gave was fake, hell he could see right through it. But he had no idea you were holding all this back. He didnt even know why he cared in the first place he just did. After a while you had fallen asleep in his arms. He put you under the covers before walking down to the common room. It was about 7:30pm and he needed to put the plate in the sink. He walked down with his shirt wrinkled and a bit wet. “There you are bakugou, we thought she killed you” kaminari said. In all reality he was saying what everybody was thinking. “Yeah bro what happend did she hurt you” kirishima asked. He was getting questions left and right but all he was thinking about was what had happend to you. He snapped out of it when he heared a remark uraraka made. “ She’s a villan, she cant change so ofcourse she did something” she said talking to midiriya. As soon as bakugou registered what she was saying he threw a blast at her that was inches away from her face. It flew by and hit the wall. That caused everybody to jump and for them to look at him. He turned to face her. “Shut your fucking mouth, You have no idea what she’s gone through” he said throwing the plate in the sink before walkin up to her and grabbing her by the collor. “You have no diea what just happend so shut your god damn mouth round face” he said before throwing her on the ground. Some of the girls rushed to help her. She wasnt hurt but she was surprised. “Bakugou what was that for and what are you talking about” tsu asked helping urarak up. “Yeah bakugou, that wasnt manly at all” kirishima said. “No” bakugou barked. “You know whats ‘unmanly’ judging someone based on what you’ve heard and not actually knowing them. Thats unmanly kirishima” All the talking stopped when they heared bakugou use his name and the nickname he had given him. Was it really that bad. Nobody knew what had happend but for bakugou to use to use someones name, then they knew he ment what he said. After they all calmed down and uraraku forgiving bakugou even though he didnt apolijze he went to bed as the others stayed behind for a while longer. Bakugou was still trying to figure out what that feeling he was having earlier was. He lied in bed for a while thinking about you for reasons unknown, here he was thinking he had it bad blaming himself for allmights retirement when there was someone else dealing with bigger pain. He always felt like he had to be stronger. Sence the kidnapping he had been deeling with anxiety and all that so to a surtan extent he knew somewhat how you felt. He felt horrible for thinking you were just a nobody villan. The only reason he had went up there was becuase if he knew anybody wasn’t eating the right thing he would of done that, even if it was damn deku. What if he hadent gone up there and stayed. He hadnt planned on it but something told him to. He was actually glad that he did. He had a new image of you in his head one that wasnt leaving.
A beautiful but broken girl.
When you woke up the next morning you felt well-rested, something you didn’t feel often. Maybe it was the fact that you were actually sleeping in a bed. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. You sat there for a couple of seconds before remembering what happened yesterday. You felt your cheeks go red when the thought of you crying on him came rushing back to your mind. You got out of bed and took a shower. The thought had your face pink the whole time. You changed into your uniform the same way it was yesterday, again not bothering to put on the blazer. You doubted you were ever going to put it on.  You pulled on the choker and slipped the gloves on again. You had spilled your life story to the boy you kidnapped and he actually cared. You were still surprised. You grabbed your phone plugged the earbuds in and put them on your ears and playing the playlist you had. One thing you hadn’t said about your quirk was that you needed music to trigger it. You just needed to listen to it but it became a habit for you to start singing. You grabbed your bag and walked out of your dorm humming to the song that was playing. When you saw midoriya in the common room you pulled out his notebook and took out one of your earbuds. “Midoriya,” you said walking up to the boy. “Here,” you said handing him the notebook. He thanked you and you put the earbud back in before walking to campus. You thought you were the early one but a guy named iida was first. He was a class rep. You just walked in and sat in your seat. You noticed that there was an empty seat next to yours but you figured it was for glitch so you paid no mind to it. You had fallen asleep and stayed asleep even when class began. So you missed the part were glitch entered the room. You only noticed when a 3 then 6 taps were on your shoulder. You woke up and rolled to the side. You took out your earbuds and looked up. “Damn you figured it out princess,” he said sarcastically with his arms open. He was wearing the uniform like you were but no cloves or choker.“You got up and jumped on him wrapping your legs around his torso and your arms around his neck. You got off of him and he walked to the front of the room. “You can call me glitch, my quirk is basically my name. I can make myself glitch so if you try to hit me its tenacity impossible. I can also make other thing’s glitch if they have my blood on them. I can make stuff that only I can touch it won’t do any damage to anybody and they can’t do any damage to my stuff. I can also create a glitch of myself or someone else again if they have my blood. Um, I can also create a glitch of someone’s quirk but that takes a lot of energy out of me. Wich is were deadline comes in, I don’t think she told you but she can also give energy” he said giving a knowing look. “Well, I didn’t see that as a necessity at the time. He rolled his eyes. The next thing you knew someone had flicked you on the head. It was glitch. “Oh yeah and the glitches of myself, they can hurt you but you can’t hurt them you’ll go right through,” he said with a smirk. “Arent you supposed to have these on,” you said raising your arms showing him the bracelets. As if on cue kaigo came rushing in with them in his hands. “Kid you have to put them on,” he said. “I said if only you could catch me,” he said crossing his arms. “Yuu,” you said sternly. He sighed. “Fine,” he said letting kaigo put them on him. He rolled his eyes. “Dam it birdy,” he said with a light laugh. Kaigo just smiled. “Go sit down,” kaigo said giving him a light push. He just smirked and did what he was told. Kaigo just went to the back of the classroom as he did yesterday waiting for this to over. “Alright, today we are going to be learning about the types of villans you will eventually face,” Mr.Aizawa said crossing his arms. “After that, you guys will be fighting deadline and glitch for training,” he said with a really creepy smile. The class looked at you guys. You and glitch were both just had small smiles on your faces. The class turned back to Aizawa. “Mei and Yuuto, what kind of villans are do you too think they are most likely to encounter. You both got up and you spoke first. “Well there are the blood type villans for sure.” you started. “Yup, those villains are the ones like stain and toga” he continued. “ “ Toga, By ingesting someone else's blood, she can transform to look like that person, her quirk is called transform.” he finished. “Yeah people with blood type quirks tend to be a little psycho, rarely will you find someone who isn’t. I know her personally and she’s a bit of a yandere. Midoriya I’m looking at you, try to stay away from her” you said with a smirk. “Now stain, Stain's Quirk is the ability to paralyze the person of whom's blood he licks. The length of how long they are paralyzed depends on the person's blood type, with blood type O having the shortest time. Midoriya” he said looking at the boy. “What other types.” Aizawa said. “There are also the ones with quirks that can burn things to ash or disintegrate things. Like shigaraki and dabi.” you said. “Shigaraki’s is Decay, Tomura's Quirk allows him to turn any solid object that is within his reach to dust. When he touches an object with his hands, it will disintegrate and turn into dust.” Glitch finished. “Dabi’s is Cremation, Dabi's Quirk grants him the ability to generate large amounts of highly destructive blue flames from his body. However, Dabi's body has a low tolerance for his own flames and he will get burned if he uses them for prolonged periods of time.” you said a little quickly rolling your eyes. “And then there are younger villains like us,” you both said walking in front of the class. Mr.Aizwa said stepping to the side to let you both speak. “See the younger they are the more crap they’ve been through and the more recent it was,” glitch said crossing his arms. “Yeah, so when you are fighting a villain or more like us remember that anything you say can trigger them and they will do their damn harvest to kill you, so don’t just go trash talking them like their nothing,” you said crossing your arms. Bakugou knew what your past was so he understood. “Yes there are some villains that just generally hate heros for random reasons that aren’t really that good of a reason to kill.” he said. “But most of the villains have been through some shit and others are just psychopaths,” you said with a shrug. “There are younger villains than us you know,” he said. You saw some people a little shocked. “Yeah I know shocking, of course, they are lower ranked ones and not may know them but they have their reasons for what they do. Of course, to heros those are just excuses” you said rolling your eyes. “But they make excuses when they kill us villans too but because were considered the bad guys it’s fine right,” he said. Kaigo just smiled at the both of you. “We really don’t see the reason for labels is what there trying to say,” kaigo said walking to the front of the room. “Now don’t get me, wrong kids, I’m not on the villain’s sides or the hero’s side at this point and neither are they.” he said standing with you guys. “Were on our own side here” glitch said. “Yeah, something the media failed to say was that most of our kills were villans about half of them were,” you said. “Take our kill counts, mine 127” glitch said. “And mine 164,” you said. “About half or more were villains and the rest either hero’s or abusive people,” you said. “The pros I killed were always made out to be the good guy but in behind the sense, they were bad people with bad intentions” glitch said. “ And before you say anything we aren’t off-topic, these are the types of villains you will encounter. They seem like normal civilians but you don’t know what goes on.” you added. “Trust me I’ve known these kids for a sense they were like 7, You may not understand know but you will soon,” he said patting your heads. “This is basically what a villans life is like and what goes through there head.” glitch said. “If you guys are always focused on their quirks that’s not going to get you anywhere.” kaigo said. “Try this, if a villian seems to be broken or hurt in someway talk to them and don’t automatically resort to fighting. If they can tell you’re being sincere then they will most licky give in. But that doesn’t mean slap the cuffs on them and then leave, no. let them cry in your arms for a while and if they’re in prison visit or something.” you said with a small smile and a shrug. That smile you hed made bakugou’s stomach do a flip. He knew that was a genuine smile right there. You both went back to your seats and sat down as kaigo listened to something in his earpiece. “Alright well I got a mission so ill probably be back in about 5 days at most,” he said before opening the door. “You too, don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone.” he said closing the door. After about 5 seconds he opened it again. “Oh and mei, Footage, room, talk. Heh, I’m talking to you later” he said before leaving again. Now you knew it was serious he never used your name unless he meant business. You gulped. Bakugou was able to connect the dots. He didn’t see the camera in your room. You saw glitch looking at you curiously. You just shook your head. You hadn’t noticed that he had cut his hair differently. It was an undercut with a part on the side, although the shorter side had grown out and it didn’t have jeel. He didn’t like in the first place so the longer part was more in his face, his hair was naturally wavy. He was a good looking guy. He had an eyebrow piercing and his eyes were like a golden light yellow. It matched great with his ash-blond hair. It reminded you of bakugou’s just a little bit darker. “Alright, let’s go to the training ground now.” Mr.Aizawa said opening the door.After you had all changed mr.aizawa took off the bracelets from you guys. You hadn’t used your quirk in like 1 week so you were exited. You had already told him about you needing music to use your quirk and he allowed it. “Actually weren’t you supposed to come in 5 more days or something,” you asked glitch while you guys were getting warmed up. “I was bugging and bugging them to bring me today, I was too impatient to wait,” he said with a light laugh. “And you changed your hair,” you said. “You notice that now!” he said a little offended. You just laughed. “I mean it looks good,” you said ruffling his hair. The only reason you did was that he was really tall and as of right now he was sitting down doing leg stretches. You being about 5’0 and him about 5’8 was a weird match. He got up and ruffled yours. You did your secret handshake that took a long time to perfect but you got it. It was kinda long and seemed tricky so you both enjoyed seeing the disbelief on some of your classmate’s faces. You both snickers before going to the fighting area. “Who’s that” glitch asked. “I think Uraraka, her quirk is zero gravity.It gives her the power to manipulate gravity, such as making objects weightless or making objects float. With this Quirk, she is also able to fly, though this ability is limited.” you said. “That sounded so professional,” he said. “I read it out of that the kid’s notebook. Hers and a few others I memorized what the page said” you said pointing at midoriya. He just nodded. “Alright, you two I want a fair fight don’t kill or do any major injury. Understood” Mr.aizawa said. “You guys kind of took that as an offense. What gave him the right to assume you guys were going to kill her. Rude. None the less you both nodded trying not to seem to annoy. “So she can make thing float if she touched it, so why don’t we do the thing,” He said with a smirk. You thought about it for a second before a smirk was plastered on your face and you nodded. “Alright, ill give you the go when to start.” mr.aizawa said holding what looked to be a stopwatch. All three of you started activating your quirks. You were going to just use a bit of the sanity to slow her down, your wings and glitch would do the rest. “GO!” you all heard mr.aizawa yell. “You brought out your wings letting you fly up a bit but you were sure to not go to high but jumping distance for glitch. You started draining her energy so she was starting to run slower and she seemed more twitchy as you put it. You figured that was enough and stopped. You used 4 feathers and shot them toward her. Glitch jumped and the feathers sharpened cutting him a bit. Not to deep but the feathers had his blood in the now. The feathers stayed sharp and shot down at her. You were sure to not cut her in any way so you just pinned her to the ground by her clothes. Two no her sleeves and the other two on her pants. She tried to move but was too weak. You gave her her energy back allowing her to move now. She went to make the feathers float put her hand went right through the feathers with a glitch of light blue dark blue pink green and red. She tried aging earning a light laugh from you guys. “The two-win,” he said stopping the watch. Glitch put blood on your hand allowing you to grab the feathers and pull them out. You really didn’t need to. They would come back by demand but you just wanted to brag. The feathers stopped glitching and they went back to your wings. You let out a small laugh before walking away. “How are your hands,” you asked glitch. “Fine, just like a paper cut,” he said with a smile. You pulled the earbuds out and wrapped them around you phone before sticking it in your pocket. “How did you do that” midoriya asked with uraraka behind. Both seemed so interested. Nobody had ever asked that really interested more or less out of fear of not getting out of that or something along those lines. A light blush covered both of your cheeks before speaking. “Well like glitch said if his blood is on something only he can touch it.” you said. “But how did you touch it,” urauraka said stepping in front of midoriya. “Oh, that because I had some of his blood on my hand. But in order for someone to touch them they have to have some of his blood and trust them” you said rubbing the back of your neck. Glitch just let out a small chuckle. “I know this seems weird but can I touch your wings” she asked. “Oh uh, sure i guess just dont pull them” you said. She nodded before both of them went behind you and started petting your wings. It felt good to the point were you actually let out a purr. You covered your mouth as a blush rose to your face. They both stopped. “That was so cute” glitch, urauraka, and modoriya said. You turned away. When you did your eyes met bakugou’s crimson ones. He was close enough to hear the purr along with ihs friend kirishima. Your blush deepend and you looked down still covering your mouth to stifle the purrs that threatened to come out from them petting your wings. “Im gonna pull it” glitch warned. “NO, NO, NO, dont you dare-” you cut your self off as he pulled on your wings earning a moan loud enough for some of the class to hear. Glitch laughed as the other two stopped, feces reddening along with yours, kirishima’s, bakugou’s, kamianri’s and mina’s. Your face reddened as you pulled away hiding your wings agin. “Glitch your so dead” you said cheeks as red as kirishima hair. “You wouldnt” he said with a smirk. “Damn it fine, but next time I will hurt you” you thretend. “You say that all the time” he said waving you off. Ok now that pissed you off. You kicked his thigh close to his more private area. He winced. “Next time it gonna be worse” you thretend. He knew what you were talking about and the next thing you knew he was like 15 feet away form you. Your face was still red but you had a smirk on your face. You turned to uraraka and midoriya. They both apoligized. “No, no, its fine. Thats why I said not pulling. Jeez that was embarrassing” you said. You were a little shorter than them but still, they both seemed so nice. “Dude that was so cool”  you heard a blond say. You turnd behind you to see bakugou, kirishima, kamianri, mina and sero there. “Oh thanks” you siad face still a bit red. Glitch was standing by you now. “Shes not a man but that really manly of you to not hurt her when you had her on the ground” kirishima said putting a fist up in the air. “Thanks, that was actually really hard to get it through the shirt and pants without hurting her” you said. You were a little confuse on why now everybody was being nice, it felt weird sence alot of people hated you. “You and glitch wanna eat lunch with us” sero added. “Yeah please im tired of being the only girl in the group. Mina said grobbing your hands. You looked up at glitch who was a bit surprised himself but he smiled at you. “Uh sure” you said. “I like your gloves were idd you get them” mina asked. Your eyes widened for a second. “Oh I made them myself actually” you said sheepishly. You looked at bakugou who seemed to tence. “Why do you wear them” she asked. You and bakugou tensed. “Oi, racoon eyes stop” you heard baugou yell. “Why” she asked turning around hands on her hips. “Because your voice is annoying” he said turnig to her. She just laughed. “Of course you’ed say that” she said with a sigh and a smile. You could feel glitches eyes on you and you tensed. You looked up at him and he seemed worried, now you felt guilty for not telling him. Bakugou grabbed the both of you buy the collor and pulled you guys out of view from the others. Bakugou and glitch were covering the view of you by standing infront of you. “Show him” bakugou said hands in his pockets. You looked up at glitch who still looked extremly worried. You already felt like you wanted to cry. You looked down at the gloves and slowly took them off reveling the cuts on both your wrists. His eyes widend when he saw the cuts. He grabbed your wrist and started counting. “12 on the right and 7 on the left” you heard him wisper under his breath. He couched down and he pulled you into a hug as a tear rolled down your face. Bakugou crouched dwon infront of you and wiped it away. He still had his normal scowl on his face but you could see in his eyes he did care, he had a light pink. He seemed so vilont all the time. He got up as glitch pulled back. Glitch stood up and you stood up straighter. He looked at bakugou. “Howed you find out” he asked the other blond. Bakugou explained the story from just a night ago. You felt better now that you had told someone how you felt, it felt like a weight had been lifted. You could finally breath. Your tars dried as all three of you walked back. Your small figure inbetween the two guys talking literally over you. Jeez you hated being short. It had its perks but still. When you guys had got back it was time for the second round with midoriya. That one was actually kind of hard for you guys. Yes you guys won in the end but his quirk was so strong, the way he moved, and everything he did was amazing. You and glitch were at some point getting kind of board and thats when you guys decided to just finish the damn fight that you swear went on for hours. You and glitch hated long fights. You guys were the finsih the job quik type, not really determand for 35 minuts straight kind of person midoriya was. His qurik was alot like allmight and quit franckly because you used to work under him you knew about the whole successor thing with one for all. You figured midoriya was the succer of all might. Your were planig on surprising th two by just saying it when there alone. Glitch knew alittle but you figured he probly figured it out. You guys saw the now retired hero standing there talking to the boy and you gave glitch a knowing look. He smirked and you both walked over to the guys. “Hey all might” you said with a wave. “Oh hello kids, how are you too licking it here” he asked. “Oh were fine” glitch said. “Hey midoriya, can you teach us some moves with one for all please” you asked. “OH sure-” he cut himself off when he realised what you jsut said. “Yeah isnt that what its called” glitched questinoed with a smirk. You 4 were alone so nobody heard. “How do you guys know” midoriya said panicked. “ I used to work under all for one and he kinda told me everything witch I told glitch about” you siad with a smile. He was still panicked as was the retired hero. “Dont worry we wont tell anyone, were not those kin of people” glitch said giving them a sencer smile. “Yeah people who do that honestly piss me off” you said crossing your arms. “How did you figure it out” he asked calming down a bit. “ I mean it was kind of a dead give away the way you use it and the similarity’s so we kind of conected the dots.” you said with a shrug. “But we promise we wont let this get out” glitch said as a reminder. “Yeah and we were serious can you tech us some thing” you asked. “Oh, uh. Sure” he said.  The rest of the day dragged on. Pretty boring with all the classes. And finally the end of the day came.
Its been about 5 weeks since you and glitch came to the school and now you both really want to be heroes. The bracelets that held your quirks back had been taken off 3 days ago. You both felt at home with the class. But there was something still bothering you. It was Bakugou, you had gotten to know him better but there was so much he was hiding behind all the yelling, cursing, insults and pride. You had noticed that when he felt like his opponent wasn’t going to there full extent he deemed himself unworthy of them he felt weak. It bothered you so when you two had to fight you never held back, although he didn’t say it you could tell he appreciated it. You had found out a lot of things about him that nobody knew. Nothing really big just the thing he enjoyed. Like how when you played with his hair he never complained he just let you, or when you rubbed circles in his back when your watching movies in the common room with the class, or how he likes resting his head on your lap, or bearing his face in your chest when he needs or wants something or just when he feels like it, Or how you give him a massage after training with Kirishima or just training in general. The list goes on and on. But even then, you could tell bakugou was hiding something. And you know because you’ve hidden your feeling before you know how it feels and he knows that but he still refuses to tell you. All you wanted was to help him but his pride always got in the way, yes he had a special place in your heart and you in his but there always that one thing that just wasn’t right. You cared for him a lot. You actually had a crush on this boy, the very angry boom boom boy that a lot of people didn’t like but that was because nobody ever really got to know him the way you did. “Hey bakugou,” you said as the blond lied in your lap as you played with his hair. “Hmm,” he grumbled about to fall asleep. “Nevermind,” you said. He wanted to know what you were going to say but he was so tired from the training Mr.aizawa put you guys through. He ended up falling asleep in your lap a while later. About 30 minutes after kaigo decided to pay you and glitch a visit. After about 2 weeks of keeping an eye on you and glitch, he was there less and less. Not that you guys minded. He opened the door to the dorms and walked in to see bakugou on your lap asleep and you scrolling through social media playing with his hair. You hadn’t noticed him there until you looked up to meet a smirking kaigo looking at you and then his eyes falling on glitch sleeping on Kirishima’s lap. He had already said he liked Kirishima and Kirishima told you he liked him so you worked your magic and got them together. It’s only been like 3 days since then but it seems like they’ve been dating for months. You told both boys you like bakugou but begged them not to tell, they both agreed and didn’t tell bakugou, as far as you knew. Your face grew a bit red as you stopped playing with the blonds hair earning a light grumble from him and him moving his head slightly telling you to continue. You did so keeping an eye on kaigo. Kirishima just let out a small laugh not wanting to wake glitch or bakugou. “So you got a boyfriend,” kaigo said with a sly smirk. You felt your face heat up. “No, but glitch did,” you said looking at Kirishima whos face was now red. “So you haven’t told him,” kaigo said. You had no idea how he knew but kaigo was a mysterious one. “No,” you said looking down at the blond. Kaigo, you and Kirishima had been talking before bakugou woke up about an hour later. The other classmates had already flooded the common room by now. Nobody questioned you or bakugou because they were already used to the site by now but that didn’t stop some of them from teasings once in a while. Bakugou got up from his position and looked to the side to see you looking at him with that smile that was only reserved for him. He’s liked you for a while now. After figuring out what that strange feeling was he knew he did. He blushed a little before patting your head and getting up to go to the kitchen. You looked back at the class and kaigo. They all motioned and moth for you to go. In other words, tell him you liked him in the kitchen. Hell, even Mineta. You bit your lip before a sigh escaped and you got up. You gave them all a nervous smile as they nodded. You went to catch up with bakugou he was already in the kitchen drinking water when he turned to see you. He drank a cup of water before speaking. “What,” he said putting the cup in the sink. You were about to speak when you heard a chuckle from him. He turned to face you, his cheeks were red and he started walking towards you. You started walking backward till your back hit the wall, he slammed his hands on the wall beside you making you jump a bit. He was so close to you. He moved his leg in between yours causing you to blush even more. He just smirked seeing your red face. He moved his hands down and grabbed you by the waist pulling your body against his. You could feel his warm breath. You leaned into him giving him permission to do what he was going to do. He took one hand off of your waist and tilted your chin up, he looked into your eyes asking for permission once more. When you gave him a small nod he leaned in and kissed your lips, he pulled away for a second before kissing you again passionately hand moving back down to your waist as his other trailed down under your leg. You lifted it up as he did the same with his other hand. Soon your legs were wrapped around his torso your back against the wall. You pulled apart to take a breath a string of saliva still connecting you two. He leaned over to your neck planting kisses on your skin. As if asking for more you tilted your head to the side allowing him more room. He took it. He kissed, licked, sucked, and bit the tender flesh. You had done this before but that was forced this wasn’t this felt right. “Your mine, nobody else’s understood,” he said before kissing your neck again. “Y-yes” you breathed out. He had given you about 3 to 4 hickeys by the time you both got back to the common room. Glitch and kaigo weren’t the happiest with what he had done but you both blew them off. “There’s no camera in my room anymore” you whispered in his ear. He blushed as he put you on his back and you both made it to your room. Kaigo and glitch would have to wait for now you guys were going to enjoy yourselves.
If you want a part to that would be NSFW tell me I have no problem making it. Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it.
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sharpnothashtag · 4 years
The Good Ship CrushWay, Chapter 30
Author’s Note: I needed some time away from that last story.  Call it a mid-season break, if you’ll allow it.  Now, for something I’ve wanted to do for literal years. (Yes, the stardate is going to be inaccurate because as much as I want to care about it, I don’t.  Two years have passed since chapter 1; six months have passed since chapter 29.  That’s all you need to know.)
Seven is walking through the corridors, nodding at doctors who smile at her.
Seven: Personal log, stardate 97770.33.  Admiral Paris has called myself, Captain Janeway, B’Elanna Torres, Tom Paris, the Doctor, and a few people I have not yet met to an early morning meeting.  It is rather inconvenient timing, as I was beginning to incorporate a new aspect to the filing system that would improve its efficiency.  Now, until I am permitted to return to my duties, the system will remain in its current state of disarray.  
Seven walks up to a door.  She rings the chime. 
KJ: Come! Seven: (enters, it’s a conference room.  KJ is seated near the head of the table. Seven nods in acknowledgement.) Captain. KJ: Good morning, Seven.   Seven: How was your sleep? KJ: Beverly woke me up snoring.  (drowning her yawns in coffee.  ...) Since when do you care? Seven: The Doctor and I have been talking about little talk.  It seems an inefficient way of communication, but the Doctor tells me it is seen as polite. KJ: It’s called “small talk,” Seven.  And I am perfectly fine to sit in silence--my restless night has left me rather cantankerous this morning.  (Seven nods in acknowledgement.  They have one more moment of silence before Tom and B’Elanna enter.  They see the way the Captain is chugging her coffee and decide not to comment.  They have a seat as well.  AP enters, smiling warmly.)
AP: Good morning, all.  Tom, would you mind bringing the Doctor up on this panel so we can begin? Tom: Yes, sir.  Will there be anyone else joining us, sir? AP: Yes, but I need to brief you all on your mission first. Tom: Understood, sir.  (He goes to the panel, presses a few buttons, and the EMH appears.) EMH: Good morning, Lieutenant Paris.   Tom: Good morning, Doctor. AP: Good morning, all.  I’m so glad to see you all again.  You all know I don’t like to beat around the bush, and there isn’t much time before you need to leave.  I’ll be brief.  We’ve managed to narrow down the location of the Voyager crew to a section of M class planets toward the border of the Delta and Alpha Quadrants.  We’ve not been able to communicate, but the homing signal they sent finally reached us.  According to his report, there were several minor injuries, but the planet they landed on had a benevolent species that took pity on them and helped them get to a stable position.  They, as far as I know, are waiting to be rescued, as the escape pods were very badly damaged in the landing.  We’re giving you a ship to bring back your crew. (brings up an image.  smiling)  Friends, this is the USS Ohana. KJ: (smiling) Family.  Family means no one gets left behind. AP: She’s intrepid class, just like Voyager.  She should have more than enough space to get all of you back in one piece. KJ: She’s beautiful.  When do we leave? AP: Well, as soon as your new crew members get here. Seven: New crew members? AP: Yes.  First, (pulling up a headshot) your head of security and first officer, Lieutenant Commander Tasha Yar.   KJ: Yes, she can cover that and tactical until we get to Tuvok.  That still leaves Ops, assuming that Tom will be covering the helm. AP: Your new Ops officer, Ensign Ro Laren (headshot).  I will warn you, Captain.  Both women are extremely opinionated and headstrong. KJ: Outspoken, are they?  They’ll fit it well.  (as if on cue, the doorbell chimes.) AP: Come! (Tasha and Ro enter.) KJ: (to Tasha) Commander Yar, yes? Tasha: Lieutenant Commander, but yes.  Tasha Yar.   AP: Report to cargo bay 4 in 2 hours.  Dismissed.  Tasha: (to KJ) Good to meet you, sir. KJ: Just “Captain” is fine.  I’ll be calling you “Number One.” (They all walk toward the Turbolift together.)
Tasha: I am honored.  Captain Picard used to call Commander Riker that. KJ: You served aboard the Enterprise? Tasha: Yes, many years ago.  I left for another position on a smaller ship that had the opportunity of advancement; Captain Picard gave me his blessing, as he and Captain Anton Farley were in the academy together. (smirking) He said I could learn a good deal from him. KJ: It’s a long story, but I became “Number One” after Commander Riker left for his position aboard The Excalibur. Ensign Ro, is it? Ro: Yes, Captain.  Thank you for using my proper name. KJ: No need to thank me for common decency. Commander Chakotay taught me well.   B’Elanna: Speaking of Chakotay, where is he? Seven: He is on an extended spirit quest.  He left messages with Starfleet Command that he would be back in a few months.  Admiral Paris felt it best to respect his religious practices and appoint you instead, Commander Yar. Ro: Now, Chakotay, why do I know that name? B’Elanna: It’s been a long time, but he and I fought with the Maquis against the Cardassians. Ro: But you aren’t Bajoran. B’Elanna: But Starfleet sure as hell didn’t give a damn.  We knew what needed to be done, and so we went to help, no matter what that meant. 
(Tasha and Ro share a look.  They’re uncomfortable and that is clear.  They certainly aren’t going to acknowledge what’s bothering them here. The turbolift comes and we are back with KJ and Bev.)
Bev: You’re going to call me every day at lunch, right? KJ: Of course.  I looked at the coordinates briefly--it doesn’t seem like it will be that long of a trip as far as navigation goes.  The species Tuvok has befriended seems docile and willing to learn from us according to his report.  I’d say I’ll be back in a month. Bev: Every day, Kate. KJ: 1200 hours.  We’ll keep up.  And when I get back, you’ll get to meet my crew. Bev: When you get back, can we tell your mom about us? KJ: (stopping dead in her tracks) Tell my mom? Bev: I don’t have parents to tell that I’m happy.  My closest friends and family already know you, especially since Wesley finally came to see me and you met him.  It’s time for your mom to know. KJ: I know it’s time.  I’m just worried that if we tell her, she’s going to fall apart.  It’s only been 6 months since Phoebe died. Bev: Her daughter is happy.  How could she “fall apart” over that? KJ: I don’t know.  I guess I’m just scared.   Bev: We’ll make a trip to see her and tell her in person.  It’ll be fun!  Plus I’ll finally get to meet Molly and Rocco.  I’ve been excited about that for a long time. KJ: Molly and Rocco will love you, and so will my mom after knowing that you’re my girlfriend.  (leaning in to kiss her) Just like I love you now.  (in each other’s arms) You’re the most loving, loyal, positive, funny, and sarcastic person I’ve ever known.  I love you. Bev: I love you, too.   KJ: I need to go. Bev: Do you have to? (starting to go in for another kiss)  KJ: I might have 15 minutes or so...(going in for a kiss on the neck) Bev: Good.  That’s just enough time.
Tasha is packing.  Ro enters.
Ro: Tasha, are we not going to talk about this? Tasha: There’s nothing left to talk about. Ro: Yes, there is.  We’re going to rescue some former Maquis. Tasha: Former Maquis who then became Starfleet officers. Ro: (sitting down on the bed) Tash, I need a friend right now. Tasha: A Maquis wanting to befriend a Starfleet officer? Ro: Will you just shut UP about that?!  (Tasha takes a deep breath and sits down next to her.) I defected to the Maquis, yes.  That’s only because I saw my people suffering.  I saw myself as a little girl again.  I couldn’t watch other people watch their fathers die like I did.  I just couldn’t.   Tasha: Listen...I’m sorry.  I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.  I was hurting for a long time.  You and I were really happy, and then you defected.  It felt personal. Ro: You know it’s not. Tasha: I saw the way you were looking at that Kira Nerys.  Don’t tell me that had nothing to do with it. Ro: That’s just it!  Kira had nothing to do with it. Tasha: Bullshit. Ro: Ok.  But not in the way you’re thinking.  She understood my passion for Bajor.  She knew that Starfleet couldn’t help me with that. Tasha: And that’s where the problem really is--you think that I didn’t understand, or that I couldn’t.  I grew up outrunning rape gangs, Ro.  I know what it’s like to have an unsafe, miserable childhood. Ro: But you don’t know what it is to have someone else understand that and be able to help you through that.  Be able to give you something to do about it. Tasha: ...I thought I did.  I really thought I did. (Tasha gets up from the bed and starts to finish up her packing.) Ro: Tasha. Tasha: Dismissed, Ensign.  (Ro sighs.  She looks at Tasha longingly one more time.  She leaves.)
Seven is in the Medical facility.  It’s clear she’s stressed out. Erin: Annika, just let me take care of that while you’re away. Seven: My name is not Annika any longer. Erin: What should your designation be, then? Seven: Seven of Nine is more than appropriate, even if it is a bit vague. Erin: Seven, please.  Just let me take care of the records while you’re gone. Seven: You won’t know what to do. Erin: Yes, I will. Seven: (stops what she’s doing) Show me. (Erin does the same sequence of events Seven has been doing.) You have forgotten to capitalize Biquv’s name under “assigned counselor.” Erin: But is the rest of it up to your standards? Seven: It is...passable.  Thank you, Erin. Erin: You’re welcome. (Seven starts to walk away.) I was wanting to talk to you. Seven: (Stops, turns on her heels.  slightly annoyed.) Proceed. Erin: We didn’t get the time to be mother and daughter.  When you return, could we start getting to know each other? Seven: When I return, I will have many things to do.   Erin: But you have to eat.  We could at least eat together. Seven: (taking a deep breath) We will attempt conversation once a week. Erin: Five times. Seven: Three. Erin: Sold.  Now hurry--your mission can’t wait.
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flyswhumpcenter · 5 years
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card! (Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled. I don’t have any request left, so feel free to send in suggestions for this card!).
Despite the initial idea of writing a prompt fill for something called the *Bad* Things Happen Bingo, I sure am a softie. This is fluff because all I've been writing lately is angst (but always with happy endings so fluff was bound to happen), and also to make up for all the angst I've written about the show lately. It's a quick and light fic because I really wanted to celebrate one of my all-time favorite characters' bday without being late as a train, so please excuse my lack of words for this one haha. And I'm also pulling out my "vague timeline" setting again because I was thinking of this story happening during the first season, but then I mentioned Tachimukai, so to heck with it. just take my offering. I'm just gonna say most likely after the third season of the original, where everyone is just a grade above. It works cuz none of the OG Raimon was in 3rd year lmao
Happy birthday Endou I love you and your smile and your absolute dumbassery
Blazing Zenith
Summary: A team always makes things less frustrating, even if said frustating thing is a hospital stay.
Fandom: Inazuma Eleven (original series) Relationship: Endou & the original Raimon Eleven
Wordcount: 1.1 K words
Event hosted by @badthingshappenbingo
AO3 version available here.
It’s frustrating.
It really is frustrating, no matter how he tries to twist things out.
It really is frustrating, no matter how he tries to twist things out and, in the end, he’s just trying to roll around in bed before it starts hurting again. Feels bad.
 The room’s boring. It’s white and grey, safe for pastel blues and yellows for the curtains, and even the view from the window is boring as far as he knows: from the third floor or so, all he can see is the blue sky of August. It’s the ideal weather for soccer and he’s sure that everyone else is having fun outside training, exchanging the ball, scoring goals or stopping shoots. Good for them, of course: a team has to train and get better, it’s part of what’s fun about soccer and sports in general. He’s sure everyone is happy, outside, playing around. They deserve that, obviously.
 Still, that doesn’t remove his frustration at being unable to go outside and play with everyone else. It’s not even his fault if he’s there: they said that it happened sometimes with people, that it was random and that there was nothing he could have done about it. In fact, on second thought, that’s even worse: at least, if he could have done anything about that, he wouldn’t be lying here with no purpose and nothing to do to keep his hands occupied.
God, being stuck in a hospital sucks, and it keeps getting worse.
 It’s boring to lie around in bed all day, without even being able to turn around, when he could be playing outside. Hospitals aren’t places he likes anyway: they’ve always been synonymous with bad things happening around him, including Gouenji’s sister being in a coma and all that’s meant ever since the team has learnt about it. He doesn’t like being there, restrained to a bed and all alone like this.
He’s also never liked being alone for long periods of time. He’s just used to having people around: friends, family, opponents of a day, rivals, classmates, teammates. He’s way too used to hanging out with his team to feel complete without them by his side. He may have only been here for a day or so, but he already misses everyone, and solitude rubs salt on his wounds.
(That’s how they say it, right? That sounds like a thing Natsumi or Tachimukai would say…)
 A knock on his door immediately catches his attention, causing him to immediately sit up, cringe because of his stitches hurting from the sudden commotion, and reply to whoever this is to enter with excitement. Finally, someone else than him, in this room!
He’s still kind of surprised when he sees a dozen persons or so barge into the room, hardly fitting in there without pushing against each other, but it’s not out of the ordinary for the Raimon Eleven. At least, it’s not weird or anything, to him.
 “I knew this was going to be a bad idea…” Kazemaru mumbles under his breath, ponytail disturbed by Shourin on one side and Shishido on the other. “We can’t fit in there, guys!”
“C’mon, I’m sure we can if we try harder!” Kurimatsu replies right afterwards, tiny hands lifted as to signal his position.
“S-sorry guys…” Kabeyama apologizes, trying to reduce the space he’s taking, to no avail: Someoka still looks bothered by being almost squeezed against the wall.
Seeing his friends in this funny situation this reminds me of the atmosphere in the club and he’s so grateful for this. It’s like bringing the club to his room!
 “Hi everyone!” He greets them, ignoring the numb pain lingering from his moves, waving his hand at the group.
“Hi, Endou,” Gouenji reacts with crossed arms and somehow outside the mass, back against the wall. It doesn’t seem to make Someoka any happier.
“I’m really glad you’ve all come!”
The entire mass says hi in their manner, with delays in-between themselves, yet in the end he still grins at having some company at last.
“I can’t breathe…” An unidentified whisper, most likely Kageno’s. “Guyyyyys…”
 Then something hits him on the head.
“Wait, guys. What’s bringing you here? You’re not training?”
“Are you kidding?” Kazemaru pushes aside Shourin and Shishido to show himself.
“It’s not the same without you, Captain”, Kabeyama explains while fiddling with his fingers.
“What they’re trying to say is that they couldn’t focus and would rather pay you a visit,” Kidou ends the topic, arms crossed and smirking.
“Guys…” He doesn’t quite know what to say, but he tries to collect himself anyway. “Thank you so much…”
“It’s just a visit, no need to get all emotional over it,” Someoka chimes in.
 He feels a bit embarrassed by the remark, but he laughs it off anyway and smiles to his teammates.
“It’s still really nice to have you guys here! How’s training?”
“It…” Handa chuckles awkwardly. “…didn’t go as planned, I suppose.”
“Yeah… Something like that,” Shourin confirms, not any easier about the situation.
“I see…”
 The conversation derails on training as he tries to give everyone advice and tips, but in the end, the topic doesn’t revolve around soccer for very long, which is odd all things considered. Still, he very much enjoys the company nonetheless, so he doesn’t mind. They’ll talk about soccer later, he guesses.
“How long are you staying at the hospital for, Captain?” Kabeyama asks, smiling, but with eyebrows slightly frowned.
“I hope not for long! It’s just not the same without the Captain y’know!” Kurimatsu adds.
“I think they said a week or so… For stitches or something,” he’s not even sure himself, all things considered.
“They’re right to be cautious and have you stay here for a little while,” Kidou says, the group’s attention focusing on him. “We wouldn’t want you bleeding during practice because it’d have reopened, don’t we?”
“Wait, Captain, why are you in the hospital for in the first place?” Shishido asks, sounding lost. “I think I missed the memo…”
“What’s the word again?” His memory fails him. “A…”
“Appendicitis,” Kidou saves the day yet again.
“Yeah, that!”
A couple “ooooh” echoed in the room.
 The light-hearted chattering he’s missed for a day suddenly comes to a halt when a point gets brought up.
“Don’t you think we’ve all forgotten something, guys?” Gouenji asks, arms still crossed.
“Oh, that’s right!” Kabeyama is the first to react.
The others follow suit, none without funny reactions to witness.
“Forgot what?” He asks, confused. It seems to be a great deal to them.
 He may have forgotten about it until this moment, but Mamoru still feels happy tears when he hears the collective message they had to convey to him:
“Happy birthday!”
And, in that moment, he’s the proud captain and friend of the Raimon Eleven.
12 notes · View notes
anchanted-one · 5 years
Eternal War 22 Asylum
Lana walked out of the shower to find that Arro had already fallen asleep. He looked so peaceful! She chuckled softly, taking it in for a second. She walked up to him and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, getting a whiff of the mint-essence soap they had both used. It had only been six days since his rescue, so it still brought a thrill to see him alive, well, happy, and free. Given the circumstances of their relationship they were already geared away from taking each other for granted; but having lost each other for five whole years she suspected that it would be some time before she got used to the sight of him.
She chose a red plaid shirt and loose fitting swamp-green pants for a change, since it had been ages since she had truly felt secure enough to walk around without her armor. Her Lightsaber, of course, was never out of her reach anymore. 
As she made her way to the bridge, Senya emerged from her own cabin down the hall and grinned at her. “Morning Lana. Sleep well? Or at all? I imagine last night was the first time you two had time to properly celebrate your reunion.”
Lana’s answering smile was arranged to convey just how happy she was, since words alone wouldn’t suffice. “I can’t even begin to describe how happy I am right now. Arro’s out of his prison, and he’s safely away from his captors despite the odds being so heavily against us. And when I was with him the past few days, just being in the same room as him, talking to him, laughing with him… it felt so damn good!  Sex has never felt that great before either.”
Senya giggled, elbowing Lana in a comradely fashion. “You’ve earned it little girl! I’m so pleased for the both of you; I can’t believe I actually had a part to play in the most romantic kind of story there is!”
“And now I will keep my word and help you all out against the Eternal Throne. I believe I got the sweetest bargain in history.”
Senya threw her head back and laughed heartily at that, and Lana joined in. “You know, Lana, looking at you one would never guess what a romantic you are. Or how open. You look quite the opposite. Like you’re reserved and secretive. In most ways you are even a staunch pragmatist. But in dealing with allies and interpersonal relationships you are much more open. Especially given how every last one of the other Sith I have encountered are like. It always amazes me.”
Lana smiled sadly. “Well, there is a reason for that. But I can’t bring myself to talk about it in depth. In summary though: In the days leading up to the second outbreak of open hostilities, and during the war itself, I worked with Intelligence. There were so many secrets, lies, betrayals. I tried to leave it all behind, but even as late as Rishi, I was still keeping secrets. Using my allies. But that last time was too much for me. I swore I would always be honest and open with my allies at the very least. I never want to be that woman again.”
“I understand,” Senya patted her back sympathetically. “We all have things we don’t want to talk about.”
They had reached the Bridge. The door opened, revealing Koth and Knight Farya arguing light-heartedly about guns
“C’mon girl, you know the M-96 Mattock has a much higher fire rate!” Koth was laughing “And almost a third as light too. Chugging a Zaber around is tiring work!”
“But the Zaber’s Explosive Heads pack enough of a punch to make your target’s ears ring,” Farya argued. “And that’s when they block it with their shield! When it hits the body... I’ve seen a marksman headshot a Swamp Maworr that was charging at his buddy from three hundred meters away; that thing’s head exploded! Deadly, and so accurate too! The weight actually absorbs some of the recoil! And they’re so powerful they have to be custom-made for their bearers.” 
“Oh, sure, sounds good for a pampered rich kid” Koth responded disparagingly. “But the M-96 is a true veteran’s choice! It’s larger magazine allows us to fire a lot more rounds before running out!”
“I’m glad to see you two getting along,” Lana remarked. 
“Farya’s great!” Koth beamed. “Whoda thought that Knights were such purveyors of fine arms?”
“Vortena kinda knows his weapons too,” Farya grinned. “I am suitably impressed.”
“Did you sleep well?”
Lana gave them her warmest smile in response, making them both blush.
“So when do we reach Asylum? And how’s the ship holding up?”
“Three more hours in Hyperspace,” Koth answered. “Hyperdrive worked well. Once. Omnicannon worked. Once. We can start working on repairs once we’re docked. I reckon we’ll need to requisition a lot of technicians, droids, parts, and heavy machinery. With a standard workforce it should take... Maybe a month to get it fully operational, two tops?”
“That should be fine,” Lana answered. “TeeSeven is interfacing with the ship, acquainting himself with the Droid brains. He should have a good working synergy with the ship’s main computer soon enough.”
“Hell, that droid’s so good he’s done already, getting himself an oil-bath now.” Koth said incredulously. “I still can’t believe he found us in the middle of the Swamp and got onto the ship without any of us noticing!” 
“On the subject of capable Droids, where is HK?”
“He’s offered to help the refugees learn some basic tasks on the ship; and to keep them safe from any lingering infestations.” 
Lana nodded approvingly. “Once we get to Asylum we can take some time, stretch our legs. We can resume our last meeting. We can drop the disguise filters since we’re on Asylum now.”
“What about Arro?” Senya asked.
“He is still recovering, so we can’t expect him to fight Arcann, Vaylin, and Akahte all by himself. Yet. But he can meet the others, start familiarizing himself with the Leadership and the makeup of the Alliance.”
“In other words, if we get to fight on our terms, Arro can beat all three? I find that hard to credit!”
“You’ve yet to see him at his best,” Lana assured them. “His display yesterday was still a fraction of what he can do.”
“I don’t doubt it,” Senya said. “But Arcann and Vaylin are mighty enemies. And this Akahte… by all accounts she held her ground admirably against Vaylin herself. The three of them together…!”
“In the right circumstances there won’t be time for much use of the Force. In Saber combat, he is peerless. He could take down all three before they could react. But Akahte knows this, and she will never face him directly, if she can help it. Which is why we need the Alliance in the first place; so that we can create the most perfect opportunities we can, to face them in and not just point him in the general direction of the enemy and say ‘Get em, boy!’”
“Even Valkorion feared facing him head on,” Senya conceded. “On that subject, I believe Valkorion when he says that he does not plan to take over, and that he sincerely wants to aid Arro. For now.”
“Then why offer his power at all?” Lana asked. “Why not just sit back and watch?”
“Valkorion might see Arro as being worthy of His powers since he beat Him in fair combat.”
“The Immortal Emperor—” Fariya started uncomfortably.
“Don’t, Fariya. You don’t know Him like I did.”
“Try sharing a little less,” Koth laughed.
“That… wasn’t what I meant!” Senya said, face reddening. “What I mean is… He’s not some God. He was a man, and far more cruel than noble. To the rest of the Galaxy, he’s an outright monster.”
The junior Knight shivered. “That will take some getting used to, Lord Commander. For us all.”
“Take all the time you need,” Senya assured her. “It’s not my Husband we’re fighting against, it’s—well. It’s my children.” 
“There it is: Asylum!” Koth pointed at the forward Viewport. It was a blue world with a big moon. From the flashes all over the planet, it appeared that the world was prone to lightning storms.  “One of the depressingly few places in Wild Space which is still free of Arcann’s control!”
“That Shadowport isn’t on any map,” Lana said. “It’s a haven for refugees fleeing Arcann’s regime.”
“I can’t wait for you to meet my crew,” Koth grinned. “They’ll be so happy to see you! And one of them claims he’s already met you, so you can finally put an end to the question whether or not he was making it all up!”
“Does he say I owe him money?” Arro asked, much to Lana’s amusement.
“Do you owe money a lot of people?” Knight Khoarad asked, as he entered the bridge leading his comrades Wodar and Jettarn. All of the Knights had discarded their Zakuul armor, at least until they could modify them in some way to reflect their new allegiance. 
“The Jedi aren’t supposed to own anything,” Lana gasped, struggling to breathe from her laughter. “They usually draw funds from a collective treasury when they need to pay. Trouble is, those funds are only good in Republic space, and to a lesser extent, Hutt space. Sometimes though, they’re worthless, and have to rely on goodwill, barter, or—most often—for non-Jedi comrades to pick up the tab. Which means that at any given point of time, they owe money to a half the galaxy!”
“I’ve repaid my debts,” Arro said defensively as the others roared with laughter. “Mostly.”
“And still tens of thousands in debt, no doubt!” Lana chortled. “Oh, don’t worry about it, my Love! I’m sure most of them have forgotten by now!”
Arro gave a pained chuckle. He should never have asked.
The ship shuddered as it entered the upper atmosphere of Asylum. The familiar bzzt of the atmospheric shields protecting the ship that Arro normally took for granted were a great relief to hear; given that this had been a derelict ship a week ago, he was afraid of critical systems malfunctioning when used even though he had triple checked each of these. All the more important since they were attempting to enter during a lightning storm; the flashes left deep dark after-images in his eyes and the thunder made his teeth click.
The Landing systems, however, were far from perfect and required a fine handling which Koth didn’t seem to have. The Gravestone all but crashed into the dock.
“That’s it, Koth, as soon as we get a better pilot you’re relegated to cheerleading duty!” Senya admonished.
“My landing in the swamp was better than this,” Arro complained.
“You’re welcome!” Koth glowered. “And welcome to Asylum Kiwiboy!”
“Don’t I get a welcome too?” Farya pouted. 
“Welcome to Asylum Farya.” Koth replied, hastily adding “And all you others too!” before each person called him out for forgetting them.
As they emerged from the ship’s main boarding ramp, a group of rough-looking thugs walked up menacingly to intercept them. Probably not happy with Koth’s landing, Arro thought. “We don’t want any trouble people.”
“That’s a shame, cuz trouble just walked right up to yeh!” The apparent leader, a particularly tall and muscular human male said with a wide grin. Cracking his knuckles, he added “Nice ship you got there. We’ll be coming on board.”
“Please don’t make us fight,” Arro groaned. “It feels like that’s all I’m ever doing! Just for once, can I be welcomed like a friend? Or at least without knuckles and guns, or something?”
“Heh heh heh! Wish granted!” the tall man boomed, slapping him hard on the shoulders. “Welcome to our little haven, half-pint!”
Half-pint? Arro thought indignantly even as he was confused by the sudden shift in demeanor. The man turned his wide grin to Arro’s side and bounded forward, roaring “Captain!”
“Outlander,” Koth said as he returned the man’s bear hug. “Meet my crew, the best Engine Burners in WIld Space?”
“Is that your official name?” Arro asked with interest and Senya said “‘Captain’? Did you promote yourself after deserting?”
“‘Engine Burners!’,” a woman with shoulder-length, electric blue hair barked. “We could work with that!” “This is Len,” Koth said, introducing the giant. “My Second-in-Command. Blue here is Tora, the best engineer you’ll ever meet!” “Wrong!” She declared. “The best Engineer… EVER BORN!” She struck a pose for effect before dropping her arms to her side again. “This is one fugly ship, bossman I can have it scrapped in just a few moments, I don’t think we’ll find anything interesting in that piece of junk.”
“Your best Engineer,” Arro said cheerfully. “Tora, like Koth, you will be kept as far away from important tasks on the Gravestone as we can possibly keep you!”
Tora’s face froze midway into the expression of outrage she was about to assume when she heard Arro’s words. “The Gravestone? This piece of crap?” The others were also stunned into silence. As one, they looked to Koth, who nodded impressively. Like a proud salesman showcasing his prize ware, he indicated the ship behind them. “She may not look like much, but that’s coz we pulled her out of her grave in the Eternal Swamp and only just put some life into her! But even this was enough to take out hundreds of Eternal Warships! Wait until we have her fully operational!”
The silence stretched for almost a minute before the Engine Burners began cheering wildly. They began to talk all at once when they were done applauding. “How did you find it?”, “I wanna take er for a spin NOW!”, “Hundreds of ships?”, “I heard that was from a reactor blowing!”, “The Gravestone!”, “The GRAVESTONE!”, “We’re gonna win this, you hear? We’re gonna win this!”
Arro disengaged from the throng along with Senya and Lana, leaving Koth to talk with his exultant gang. As he did, he recognized a man with an aim-aiding Cybernetic. A soldier—Republic, but who was stationed on Marr’s ship during their fateful expedition.
“Well it’s good to see you alive, soldier!” Arro called. “Corporal... “
“Name’s Rallo!” The Soldier replied, fighting to get to Arro. “You saved my skin that day! Mine, and a bunch of others! I never thought I’d get to say thank you in person!” He grinned as he shook the Jedi’s hand. “Thank you so much, man! I’ve treasured each second of my life that you saved from the past few years more than I did my entire life before! Found my wife, joined a new family—” he indicated the Engine Burners. “And learned to take a moment to be grateful for every day I managed to live through!”
“Well done, Ralo!” Arro laughed. Grinning, Rallo saluted before returning to his new crew.
“There are some more people you should meet now that we’re here,” Senya told Arro. “We can start with the Scions. They were the more mystical of the Orders protecting Zakuul during Valkorion’s reign, but they didn’t fall in line with Arcann, so he had them massacred. The Survivors have an enclave here. They have been greatly looking forward to meeting you.”
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how-manygalileos · 5 years
and the songbird keeps singing - chapt1
a/n: hey gang, this is the first bit of actual writing i’ve done for juliette byrd, an oc i’ve had in the works for a little while. so yea, this is a little intro to her, idk if this will follow a traditional chapter based system, but we’ll see. enjoy!! :) xx
word count: 2265
the audition
February 2013
Juliette sat outside the small auditorium, her bass guitar in its case sat next to her. She looked around nervously and bounced her knee. She took a deep breath, the final stage of auditions. A couple of other performers were loitering around the same area. It felt like every single one of them was staring at her. Should she be warming up? Thinking about what she might say? Because she was the only girl in that room? Should she have prepared more? The person who called her about final call backs said the pieces she had already would be enough but she couldn’t help but worry.
“Juliette Byrd.” the audition director called out, catching her off guard and startling her slightly. She collected herself and picks up her guitar case, before hurrying into the room. She stood, exposed, on the floor of the black box theatre, a drum kit and guitar amps set up behind her. Brian May, Roger Taylor sat in the auditorium stalls along with who she assumed was a musical director of some sort and the woman who had called her into the room.
“So, Miss Byrd” Brian started.
“No please, call me Juliette - or Byrdie- I don’t mind”, she scolded herself slightly. She just interrupted Brian may. THE BRIAN MAY. She also wasn’t sure why she brought up ‘Byrdie’, it was just a stupid nickname her jazz band director had given her at secondary school. Brian smiled, putting her mind at rest slightly. “Juliette, tell us something about yourself” he continued. Juliette cleared her throat slightly.
“Hi, i’m Juliette, I’ve been playing bass for 15 years, I’ve got 8 years training in both classical and musical theatre singing, acting and dance, I’ve played in jazz bands, rock bands, theatre orchestras and--”
“Juliette” Roger cut her off, “we want to know about you, not why you think you’re qualified”. She felt her cheeks flush slightly.
“Uhh- umm…” Juliette fumbled with her thoughts, “My name is Juliette Devon Byrd. I was born on 18th October 1989 - uh - I’m from Brighton... I like music, nearly all genres, playing it, listening to it, writing it, most everything about it - um - I like cats, I had one called Chester growing up and he would sleep on my pillow most nights… I lived in London for a few years but moved back to Brighton a little over a year ago.”
“Why the move back to Brighton?” Brian asked
“Oh…” She wasn’t sure if she wanted to answer that, afraid it would result in too much pity, “November last year my mum got sick, she couldn’t work or look after my sister. So I came home to help her out.”
“You have a sister?” Roger asked
“Yeah, -well- half-sister. Her name’s Lauren and she turns 13 in April” by this point Juliette felt more comfortable, more settled into the situation.
“Oh! My youngest turns 13 in April too. How’s your sister finding school?” Roger said, Juliette was glad, and slightly impressed, that the conversation had quickly moved past her mother being ill and she felt she had made a personal connection.
“She’s doing really well, she’s a lot more clever than I am. She’s great at science, really likes biology specifically” Juliette beamed.
“You certainly sound very proud of her.” Brian acknowledged her warm smile and returned it.
“So, shall we try some playing?” the musical director chirped up, “Brian? Roger? And Juliette, if you want to get yourself set up” the two older musicians stood up and walked down to the area where Juliette was standing. Juliette opened her guitar case, pulling out her mint green Music Man StingRay and checked it was in tune. Roger sat at the drum kit behind her as Brian amped up the Red Special, Juliette followed suit, amping up her bass.
“You know Crazy Little Thing Called Love?” Brian said, catching her attention. He had set down the Red Special and picked up an acoustic.
“Of course,” Juliette replied, smirking slightly, before the jam session began. She played well, confident but still with a few mistakes that she put down to nerves. After Crazy Little Thing they played Another One Bites The Dust and then Dragon Attack. After that Juliette was asked to improvise a bass solo, which because of her jazz band experience she was quite good at. Juliette left the final call back feeling quite confident but didn’t want to get her hopes up and risk disappointment.
After the final candidate finished their audition, Brian and Roger sat alone in the auditorium for a moment, the other two members of the casting board having left the room already. In the background two roadies were packing up the amps and drum kit.
“What do you think then? Have we got our bassist, Rog?” Brian broke the silence between them.
“I think we might, there’s certainly a couple I have in mind.” Roger answered, “Of course, I don’t think we’ll know for sure until we do a proper performance with the rest of the band.”
“I’ve heard from Deaky,” Brian said, “I sent him an email about it last week, just the final shortlist and their CVs and headshots, that sort of thing… I didn’t really expect to get a response.”
“Well, It was an email about finding someone to, in a way, replace him… I’ve not heard much out of him in years” Roger said crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair slightly, “What did Birdman have to say then? Anything useful?”
“He did have one particular favourite by the sounds of things,” Brian started, “a certain, Miss. Juliette Byrd. She played Scaramouche on the West End, you know.”
“Oh, that was her,” Roger commented, “I thought she seemed familiar.”
“Deaky said that she was his favourite Scaramouche, he’s been to see a few different casts and apparently her performance style stands miles above the rest.”
“Great bassist too, definitely one of the most talented ones we’ve seen today.” Roger paused to think, “At any of the callbacks this week, come to think of it. Quite young though.” This wasn’t incorrect, Juliette was only 23, there were more experienced people they had auditioned.
“But then so was Deaky.” Brian reasoned, Roger nodded in agreement.
Juliette sat at the kitchen table refreshing her email over and over and her mobile with a full battery, ready to pick up should it ring. She was supposed to find out today. An email if she didn’t get it, a phone call if she did. At least that’s how it usually went.
“So today’s the day!” her childhood best friend puts her hands on her shoulders. Juliette jumped slightly.
“Katie!” she called out upon realising who it was, “what are you doing here?”
“Your sister let me in, couldn’t miss seeing you on the big day.” Katie had been there every time Juliette was to find out about a part or job she’s auditioned for. She put a bottle of prosecco and a cake box down on the table.
“It’s a little premature for that, isn’t it?” Juliette said, refreshing her emails again. Katie raised an eyebrow at her. “J.” she stated, in a somewhat disapproving tone, “You’ll get it, I know you will. You’re the best bassist I know.”
“I’m the only bassist you know.”
“Shut up. That isn’t the point. Don’t be a smart arse.” Katie said, pointing at her, “You’ll get it, and if you don’t then you have some decent booze to drown your sorrows with and cupcakes so you can eat your feelings.” Juliette shrugged in response and went back to obsessively checking her emails.
“Hey, don’t they only send you an email if you don’t get it?” Katie asks, reaching to close the laptop.
“I don’t know that, every audition process is different.” Juliette replied, reopening her laptop, “Anyway, I’d thought you’d be over at James’, being in the honeymoon phase and all.” Katie blushed slightly.
“I feel this is far more important, today I get to find out if little Juliette I went to nursery with is joining one of the biggest rock bands in the world.” Katie beamed, “Also he has a load of year 2 maths homework to mark, him and Liv said they’d come over later.”
Katie, James, Liv and Juliette had been a tight knit group of friends in secondary school, and tried to see each other as often as they could. Katie worked in a small cake shop in the middle of town, she had dreams of one day opening her own cafe and patisserie. James wanted to be a primary school teacher, he was finishing his final year of training so he was stressed. The main solace he had to distract him from said stress was the blossoming relationship he had started with Katie that summer just gone. Liv was a librarian, she had always liked books so it seemed the natural thing for her to be doing after they finished school. Even though Juliette was back in Brighton, she’d seen less of her school friends than when she was living in London. She was really happy her old friends were there to support her on the day her career could potentially change forever. Juliette refreshed her email a few more times, Katie rolled her eyes and walked over to put the kettle on. Juliette’s phone buzzed on the tabletop. She scrambled to grab it.
New message from Cian O’Doherty: Today’s the day, you heard yet J-byrd? :P
Juliette sighed, what an inopportune moment to receive a text. She had promised Cian that he’d be the first to know, but he was rather impatient. Katie looks over her shoulder.
“Cian O’Doherty?” she asks, “Isn’t that the Irish lad who was the year below us? Played rugby with James?”
“Uhh- yeah,” Juliette said absentmindedly refreshing her laptop, “he’s actually the one who got me the audition.”
“Yeah, he’s a session drummer, he’s got contacts in the industry and stuff.”
“Do you know yet?” Juliette’s sister, Lauren, bounded into the room excitedly.
“Not yet, Laur, no.” Juliette sighed, her sister gave her a sympathetic smile and went to sit at the kitchen table with the other two girls.
A half hour passed, Juliette obsessively refreshing her emails and checking her phone. She felt like she was going a little bit insane. She was about to give up, assuming she hadn’t got it. Suddenly, her phone rang. Juliette froze for a moment.
“What are you waiting for?” Katie practically screamed, “Pick it up!” Juliette reached for her phone and answered it.
“Hello?” She said somewhat nervously,
“Is this Juliette Byrd?” the voice said, she thought it was the woman from the audition, but she couldn’t be sure. There was then a knock at the door. Typical, she thought to herself.
“Yes, I am she.” she hated the way she phrased that, “Lauren, get the door?” she aggressively whispered before putting the phone back up to her face.
“I’m contacting you about last week’s audition for the bassist position...” the woman said, it was hard to gauge what she would say from her tone of voice. Lauren ran back into the room, Liv and James in tow.
“Did she get it? Do we know?” James asked,
“Shhhh!” his girlfriend scolded, “she’s still on the phone.”
“...Miss Byrd, I’m delighted to say that you have the job” Juliette’s heart skipped a beat, a wide smile crossed her face.
“What is it?” Liv asked
“Have you got it?” Katie asked louder, jumping up slightly. Juliette scowls at them and motions for them to shut up.
“...Congratulations, you’re the new member of Queen + Adam Lambert”
“That’s fantastic,” she said excitedly, “thank you so much, that’s incredible. Oh my goodness, I’m so happy to hear that.”
“So you go it?” Lauren almost screeched, Juliette shot a semi-playful glare at her sister who rolled her eyes in response.
“You should get an email in the next day or so with a basic setlist of songs you’ll need to have ready and the upcoming dates of any rehearsals,” the woman on the phone said, “you’ll also get your contract, if you could read through that and get a signed copy to us as soon as possible, that would be great.” Juliette was nearly bursting at this point, she felt like she could cry she was so happy.
“Of course, I’ll get that to you as soon as you can, thank you again so much.” She said grinning.
“It was my pleasure to tell you, Miss Byrd. Congratulations again.” The woman said before hanging up. Juliette put her phone down on the table, smiling widely and happy tears pooling in her eyes.
“I think I know,” Katie started, “but I need to hear you say it.”
“I got it.” Juliette exclaimed, “I’m Queen + Adam Lambert’s new bassist!” cheers and screams of joy filled the room.
“J, that’s incredible!” Katie cried, wrapping her arms around here old friend. James popped the prosecco and poured five glasses as Liv and Lauren joined the hug between Katie and Juliette.
“James,” Juliette called over her shoulder, “only a tiny bit for Lauren, she’s 12.”
“I know, J.” he said chuckling and passing out the glasses, “I’d like to propose a toast. To Juliette Devon Byrd, our new favourite rock star.” he said raising his glass.
“To Juliette Devon Byrd!” everyone chanted in response. Juliette hadn’t felt this happy in a long time, she didn’t think she would ever stop smiling. After the past year she’d had, it finally felt like things were looking up.
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pickalilywrites · 6 years
Hiiii! When you get the time can you pls write a levi/petra one-shot in which they end up having a second date (their first one was a failure) ❤️ thank you!
I was watching a kdrama where two celebrities pretend to get married and pursue a relationship for a variety show and i was like “cute” 
Let’s Fall in Love!
Rivetra. Dating Show AU. 
4547 words. 
Buy me a ko-fi!
It is every girl’s dream to date Levi Ackerman, lead singer of the hit rock band No Name. In fact, Petra herself had fantasized him being her boyfriend when she was just a teenager, but she’s completely changed her mind after their initial meeting when he had clasped his hand in hers for a handshake and remarked that her hand was unusually cold.
“Kind of a like a dead person’s,” he said aloud.
At first, she was sure that she had just misheard, but the rest of their interactions only confirmed his rudeness. Petra knows that you should never meet your heroes, but this is ridiculous.
“I liked the part when he was complimenting her,” Eld says with a grin. He reaches out twirl a lock of Petra’s hair around his finger and watches it unwind as it falls away. He mimics the constipated expression of the famous rock singer and says in a low voice, “’Your hair…is very orange.’”
“Oh, what about the time he visibly cringed when he saw her putting cream in her coffee?” Gutner says.
“Or when he said he’d never heard of her music before?” Auruo snickers.
She’d yell at them to get out of her dressing room, but she’s trying to keep her temper in check especially when she eventually has to meet up with Levi again. She’d rather never see him again after the disastrous date from last week, but they’ve already signed the contract and she can’t back out of it now. Goddamn variety shows.
“Are you guys done?” she asks through gritted teeth. She stands up from her dresser and brushes herself off. She looks at herself once more in the mirror and frowns at her reflection thinking that Levi will definitely hate her no matter what she looks like. Not that she cares. She’d wear her ugliest clothes, but she’d get a lot of criticism online if she didn’t look perfect. Sighing, she runs her hands through her hair and looks warily at her bandmates. “Besides, it’s our music that he hasn’t heard of. Aren’t you guys the least bit offended? We’ve idolized No Name our entire lives and he’s not even interested in us even after the success of our last album. He could at least pretend to be a little impressed, don’t you think?”
Gunter shrugs. “Everyone knows he’s pretty reclusive. If it were his bandmate Hanji or their drummer Mike, I’d be miffed, but it’s Levi we’re talking about. He doesn’t seem to be interested in anything.” He pats her on the shoulder when her frown deepens and gives her a smile. “It’s just a silly show for fun. I doubt you’re the worst celebrity couple they’ve put on this show.”
“Not according to some people on Twitter,” Eld says as he scrolls through his phone. He chuckles as he reads a few out loud for them. “’Levi and Petra have absolutely NO CHEMISTRY at all.’ ‘Watching Levi and Petra together makes me want to tear my eyes out. They’re so terrible!’ ‘Petra doesn’t deserve to date Levi.’ Oh.” Eld frowns when he comes across a particular tweet. “This person wants to kill you for dating him. That won’t do. Don’t worry, Pet, I got you.”
“If they want to date Levi so badly, they can,” Petra groans as Eld furiously taps away on his phone. She’s stopped reading any tweets involving her lately. While she does get a bunch of tweets about how lucky she is to be dating the No Name front man or compliments about how nice she looks on the show, she’s been bombarded with more insults than she normally is and she’s thinking about staying off all her social media until this is all over and done with. “Don’t they know this isn’t real anyway? It’s just a TV show.”
“Does it matter? It might as well be real. You know about half the celebrities that get paired up on this show end up dating each other in real life?” Auruo says as he leans against her counter. He inspects his nails and grins at her slyly, watching her from the corner of his eye. “I know high school you would be ecstatic at an opportunity to date Levi Ackerman even if it’s just for a variety show. You were over the moon about him, saying that he was the greatest male vocalist in our time and you’d die if you ever met him in real life. I think you even said you’d marry him at one point.”
Petra side-eyes her friend, thinking that it’s unfortunate that one of her bandmates has to be her childhood friend. He knows far too much about her. She’d get rid of him, but he’s terribly good bass guitar player and it’d be a bitch to replace him. “Are you sure you don’t want to marry him instead?” Petra asks him as he splutters and turns beet red. “You certainly seem to have a lot of good things to say about him even now and isn’t your hair cut in the same style as his?”
“Alright, alright,” Gunter says, holding his hands up to signal them to settle down. “It’s not so bad, right? Our sales are going up at any rate, so just try to do your best with him, Petra. It’ll all be over in a few weeks anyway.”
“That’s easy for you to say,” Petra mutters. “You don’t have to date him.”
Just then there’s a knock on the door and someone on the outside, probably a studio hand, calling Petra out. She’d rather just stay in her dressing room than go out there and see Levi again, but she is getting paid for this so she might as well just go.  
“I’m coming,” she calls, pasting a fake smile on her face as she heads towards the door.
“Good luck, Petra!” Eld calls as she pushes the door open, the rest of the band also sending her off with their own well wishes.
“Looks like your band is optimistic,” smiles the studio hand. It’s Eren Jaeger, the studio intern who had comforted her after she had filmed the first episode. It turns out that while he’s a big fan of No Name (like most people are), he’s also been a fan of Wings of Freedom ever since its conception and talked to her excitedly about how much he looks forward to her band’s new music after she’s done filming for this show.
“Yeah, well,” Petra says, dropping her mask and giving him a weary smile. It’s nice to have an ally in the studio, she thinks. “It can’t really get much worse than last week, right?”
“Oh, it wasn’t that bad,” Eren says with a shrug. He fiddles with the paper on his clipboard with all the tasks on his schedule, folding and unfolding the bottom corner. “I’ve seen interviews he’s done with people he really hates, and he’s nothing like that with you. Besides, you guys might not get along swimmingly, but you definitely have one of the more interesting dynamics this season. I really think the viewers will be rooting for the two of you in a few episodes.”
“Rooting for us to break up and leave the show early,” Petra snorts. She actually contemplated the possibility after the first shooting, but it’d take a chunk out of her earnings. “How much did you guys offer him? It makes sense for me to sign up for something like this. Wings of Freedom might be big now, but it’s still somewhat of a fledgling of a band. I’m sure No Name is well off even without being featured in shows like this.”
Eren scratches the back of his neck and shifts his gaze away from her. “Er, I’m not supposed to know things like that,” he mumbles. “But he must be interested in you somehow if it’s not the money, right? Why else would he sign up for something like this?”
“Because the headshot you used when you were convincing him to pick me was really good?” Petra suggests. When Eren frowns, she ruffles his hair and grins at him. “Don’t worry, it’s not that big of a deal. I’m glad you’re enjoying us though. It’s always good to have a supporter.”
He grins widely back at her and asks her how Wings of Freedom’s second album is coming along as he leads her to the nearby café near the studio that they’re filming at for today’s “date.” It’s the same one that they had gone to in the first episode and unlike a lot of the other celebrity couples that had visited this place, Petra doesn’t have any happy memories here.
“Hey, nice timing!” someone says. When Petra turns, she sees Hanji, the lead guitarist of No Name. They have what looks like a friendly smile on their face, but Petra has no idea why they’d smile at her in that way if they’d seen the last episode. They hold out a hand for Petra to shake and Petra takes it tentatively in hers. “I’m Hanji, but I think you already know that. I’m flattered you find our band such an inspiration! The way that Wings of Freedom is rising up the charts, you’re a real competition to us, you know? It’s good to finally meet you, Petra. Hopefully, I’ll be able to meet all the other members as well!”
“Nice to meet you too?” Petra says. She’d be ecstatic about meeting another member of No Name, but her experience with Levi so far has made her cautious. “What are you doing here?”
“I just want to see how much of a dumpster fire this date’s going to be,” Hanji says casually. When they see Petra reel back in surprise, they laugh and throw an arm around her shoulders. “Hey, don’t worry about it. If it’s terrible, it’s going to be Levi’s fault. That guy’s just difficult to get along with. I should know since I’ve worked with him for years! You couldn’t do anything wrong even if you tried, Petra. You’re adorable. If you want, I could take his place and date you instead.”
Before Petra can say anything, Levi appears from behind Hanji. He reaches up to pinch his band mate’s ear and scowls, “Shut up, Hanji.” To Petra, he says, “Come on. Let’s get this over with.”
At least she knows he feels the same way about this.
“Welcome once again to Let’s Fall in Love!, the show where you get to see your favorite celebrities fall in love with each other!” the announcer says, gesturing toward where Levi and Petra sit at the café table. She’s a rather nice woman named Ilse, although Petra’s sure she’d like her better if they hadn’t gotten acquainted on this show. “While it wasn’t love at first sight for them, maybe they’ll find love today at this very same café!”
“It’s good seeing you again,” Petra murmurs. She tries to give him her most genuine smile, but it’s so forced that she’s afraid that he can see right through it.
“Hm,” Levi says in reply, not even bothering to give her a proper response. He looks at her briefly but looks away immediately afterward. It’s probably because he can’t stand the sight of her. If she weren’t on camera, she’d scowl at him.
“Let’s see how well these two know each other now after that first date! They’ll be ordering for each other today by writing it on these napkins, which we’ll give to the barista,” the hostess says with a plastered-on smile. They wave one of the napkins around before placing it in front of Petra. “And we’ll join them while we wait for their drinks to arrive to see the progress they’ve made.”
It’s not a lot of progress, Petra thinks with a grimace. Outwardly, she smiles pleasantly at the hostess and speaks about how great it will be to let others catch up on her relationship with Levi, how much she’s learned about him so far, and how she was looking forward to exploring this relationship with him further. Levi, meanwhile, sits at his end of the table with that perpetual scowl on his face. Looking at it now, it’s difficult for her to understand how she could have ever thought his frown sexy back when she hadn’t known him.
“So, have you and Levi gotten together off-camera after the events of last week?” Ilse asks Petra. Petra’s sure that the woman had intentionally spoken with her first instead of Levi knowing that Petra was far easier to manage than him.
“Unfortunately, no,” Petra says sheepishly. She hopes that she doesn’t look too happy about it. “Both our bands are busy, I’m sure. Wings of Freedom is currently working on our second album, so my bandmates and I are spending as many days in the studio when I’m not busy filming over here.” Even if she did have free time to spend with Levi, she wouldn’t. Not that she’d say that out loud though. It definitely wouldn’t go over well with viewers and Levi already hates her as it is.
“What have you been busy with, Levi?” Ilse asks.
Even though the hostess gives him a polite smile, he only stares back at her with a frosty glare. “Rehearsing for the No Name’s upcoming tour,” he replies, not even bothering to give her his answer in a complete sentence.  
“Wow, you two have some much in common. It’s a shame that you don’t spend more time together. I’m sure you’d hit it off even more if you did,” Ilse says, but even Petra can tell that she’s finding Levi difficult to handle from her strained smile. The hostess pulls out a small deck of index cards from her pocket, tapping them against the table as she turns once again to Petra. “Well, we all knew this would happen with two superstars, so let’s play a little game! I’ll ask you a few questions about your partner and you’ll answer. Even if you get it wrong, you’ll still be getting to know each other!”
Petra laughs weakly. It seems that Levi has similar feelings because he’s looking like he’d rather die than stay here and play a get-to-know-you game.
“Sounds fun,” Petra says, sitting up and folding her hands in front of her. She gives Ilse a cheerful smile. “I don’t mind starting.”
“Great!” Ilse says. It might just be Petra’s imagination, but Ilse looks a little relieved. Their hostess clears her throat and glances at the first card before saying, “We all know that you and your band are huge fans of No Name and consider them to be a big inspiration for you, so I expect some of these questions to be a breeze for you, Petra. First question: When is Levi’s birthday?”
“December 25th,” Petra says without hesitation. She notices that both Ilse and Levi are staring at her, probably surprised because she answered so quickly. Is it really that surprising though? She is a fan…or at least she was one. Refusing to be embarrassed, Petra reaches up to pat her hair down for any stray hairs and laughs nervously. “It’s an easy birthday to remember after all.”
“I guess that is true! It’s the same day as Christmas after all,” Ilse laughs. She turns to Levi now, glancing down at the card. “You have a slightly harder question, Levi. Your question is: What year was Petra born?”
His frown deepens, and he looks at Petra and back at Ilse as if one of them will tell him the answer, but none of them budge. He finally takes another long, hard look at Petra before opening his mouth and saying very slowly, “1998?”
It’s more surprising than when Petra answered the question. This is because while Petra took less than a heartbeat to answer and was right, Levi took his time and still was off by half a decade.
“Do you think I’m twenty?” Petra asks. She had been able to resist herself before, but she can’t hold herself back now. She really wants to know if he really thinks she looks twenty or if he’s just really bad at math. She looks at Ilse incredulously. “Do I look like a fetus?”
Even Ilse starts to laugh at her reaction, but Levi looks less amused. He crosses his arms and turns away from her. “You look abnormally young for your age,” he mutters under her breath, but she’s not sure if this is supposed to be a compliment or not.
“I’m very well above the drinking age,” she informs him with a smirk.
He raises an eyebrow and props his elbow on the table, leaning towards her as he asks, “Is that so? How often do you get carded despite that?”
Nearly every goddamn time she has to get drinks, she thinks sorely. When she doesn’t answer, he smiles smugly. She’d feel even more insulted if she weren’t so surprised. She doesn’t think she’s seen him smile at all in front of her until now.
“Alright, alright,” Ilse says, clearing her throat. She nods at the both of them and flips to the next card. “Petra is actually born in 1993, Levi, so at least you got the decade right. Are the two of you ready to move on to the next couple of questions we have for you?”
Petra looks up and meets Levi’s eyes from across the table, but he looks away quickly from her.
“Yeah, whatever,” Levi mumbles. He taps his fingers impatiently on the table. His ears are still red with embarrassment from answering the last question wrong.
For the first time since being on set, Petra thinks that this might just be fun after all.
The rest of the game goes similarly. Whatever question Ilse throws at Petra about Levi, Petra answers flawlessly without much thought. She has impeccable knowledge about all of No Name, Levi included, and she’s aware that she might come off as an obsessed fangirl after this episode comes out, but she doesn’t care at the moment. She’s far too amused by Levi’s inability to answer any of their questions about her at all.
It doesn’t matter what they ask him about her. He gets it wrong every time. With each incorrect answer, he gets more flustered and tongue-tied. He snaps out his answer grumpily whenever Ilse turns to him and scowls whenever she informs him that he’s wrong. He can’t name a single song Petra’s written, where she grew up, or the other bands she listens to aside from No Name. He’s so frazzled that Petra’s sure that if Ilse asked him what her hair color was he’d get it wrong even though she’s sitting right across from him.
“Petra, what’s the first song that Levi wrote for No Name?” Ilse asks her.
“’The Reluctant Heroes,’” Petra says easily. She glances over at Levi who scowls at her once more. She only shrugs and smiles in reply.
“Correct once again! You really weren’t kidding when you said you loved No Name. I’m sure Levi is flattered to be with such a talented artist and dedicated fan,” Ilse says, not at all noticing the glower on Levi’s face. To Levi, she asks, “Final question is for you Levi. What is the name of the song Petra and her band Wings of Freedom covered that helped propel them into mainstream success?”
Petra sits up, smirking at Levi because she’s sure that he’s going to get this answer wrong as well, but he has the oddest look on his face. The hardened gaze of his is gone and his expression has softened. Gone is his frustration and impatience, and he looks at her quietly before answering in a quiet voice, “’Call Your Name.’”
“That’s right! After covering No Name’s best-selling single ‘Call Your Name,’ Wings of Freedom began to catch other people’s attention and helped lead them on the road to success,” Ilse says happily. “While you might not know a lot about Petra now, you’ve certainly learned a lot about her today, Levi, and it’s good to see that you at least know something about her.”
Levi doesn’t reply and instead continues to look at Petra, who finds herself blushing. She’s not sure if it’s because he’s looking at her with such a soft expression or because she’s finally being acknowledged by her childhood idol or some other third reason she doesn’t even want to think about at this moment, but his gaze makes her turn away.
“It was a really…it was a good cover,” she hears Levi says. “Beautiful.”
She can feel her face burst into flames. “Thanks,” she mumbles.”
A waitress finally comes by to hand them their drinks. What good timing. They’ve taken far longer than they should, and Petra suspects that they delayed the orders to allow more time for the game. These stupid shows and their stupid games, she thinks with a sigh.
The black coffee Petra had ordered for Levi sits in front of him and Petra finds her own drink set in front of her. It’s a mocha topped with a generous amount of whipped cream and sprinkled with cinnamon and chocolate swirls. Just looking at it makes her feel like she has a cavity and she looks over at Levi confusedly.
“Well,” Ilse says, clapping her hands together and looking from Petra to Levi again. Petra wonders if the hostess is ever tired of acting so excited for these things. “You have your drinks in front of you. Tell us how you like them! Levi, did Petra make the right choice for you? I wouldn’t be surprised if she did!”
Levi takes an awkward sip in front of the camera, pausing before he answers to taste the coffee. Somehow, he’s shocked, and he gives Petra a suspicious glare as if she shouldn’t know his coffee preferences despite her showing how knowledgeable she is about him and going on a coffee date with her last week where he ordered the exact same thing. “It’s good,” Levi finally says.
“And you, Petra?” Ilse asks eagerly. She gestures at the cup in front of Petra, motioning at her to take a sip.
“Ah,” Petra says with a nervous laugh. It’s not that she doesn’t like sweet things, but she doesn’t like overly sweet coffee. If she wanted something sweet and chocolatey, she would have just ordered a hot chocolate. Still, she doesn’t want to seem rude and hesitantly picks up the cup and holds it to her lips. It’s even sweeter that she had thought it would be, and she begins to choke from the taste of it. “Oh, it’s…it’s very sweet,” Petra coughs.
She’s not sure why, but Levi looks hurt. How strange.
“I don’t usually drink such sweet things,” Petra says apologetically, but she’s not sure if she should say this to Ilse or Levi so she just awkwardly speaks to the space between them. “It’s not bad though…it’s…nice.”
Ilse laughs at her response. “Well, I’m glad you can still enjoy it even though it’s not quite to your liking. Thanks for joining Levi and Petra once again on their romantic journey. Let’s hope that Levi can get to know Petra even more in the upcoming weeks!”
Once the cameras are finished rolling, Ilse sighs and rips off her mic. Smiling at Petra, she says, “Thanks for playing along so well, Petra. And thanks for your participation today too, Levi – ah.”
Levi has already torn off his microphone and stalked out of the café without so much as a goodbye. Petra does notice that he did take his coffee with him though.
She should really stay behind and talk with Ilse for a while, thank her for being such a wonderful host, but she really wants to chase after Levi and ask him something, so she smiles apologetically at Ilse and excuses herself, saying that she’ll catch up with her sometime during the week.
When she catches up with Levi, she sees him being held back by Hanji. Or Hanji’s trying to hold him back. Levi’s managing to walk quite well despite having to drag along another person behind him.
“Why’d you run away? Go back!” Hanji tells him. “Don’t you want to talk to Petra some more?”
“No, I don’t want to talk to her,” Levi says, trying to shake Hanji off.
“Should I go back then?” Petra says amusedly. While Hanji looks at her with an expression of pleasant surprise, Levi looks incredibly horrified. “Sorry. I just wanted to talk to you for a little bit, but I can just see you next week if you’d rather not see me.”
“I can talk to you, Petra!” Hanji says, letting go of Levi. They wrap an arm around her and grin down at her. “Levi’s always a grouch, so don’t mind him. I’m much better company than he is!”
Levi sighs and stomps over to where they are, pulling Hanji off Petra and glaring. “It’s fine. I’ll talk to her. Just…go back to the hotel and talk to Mike or something,” he grumbles at Hanji. When he looks at Petra, she sees that his face is flushed the same way it was when they were at the café together. He’s starting to look a little less mean-looking, Petra thinks. To Petra, he asks, “What did you want to talk about?”
“The cover my band did,” she says. “Did you really listen to it?”
“Yeah. Hanji made me listen to it during rehearsal last week.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and turns away from her. “It was good. It was really good. I was going to sit and listen to your album, but I haven’t got the chance to do that yet.”
“Oh, I’m glad you liked it. I didn’t think you’d be interested in listening to my band,” Petra laughs. She’s starting to think that although he’s difficult to get along with at first, he’s not a bad person. Maybe this won’t be so unbearable after all.
“Why not?” Levi asks, looking at her with a furrowed brow. “Your voice is beautiful.”
“Huh?” she says stupidly. It’s difficult to believe he’s complimented when she had firmly believed he hated her only an hour ago. She’s blushing more than she usually would if any other person had said the same words to her and she covers her cheeks with her hands in an unsubtle attempt to hide her blush. “Ah, that’s…I’m so happy…”
“Hm” is all Levi says. He continues to look at her, his expression curious now, and she remembers why she had swooned over him back in her high school days.
“Er, I have to go now,” Petra says, desperate for an excuse to escape. She doesn’t reconvene with her band until tomorrow, but it’s not like Levi knows that. She doesn’t even know he says goodbye to her because she’s already run away.
She doesn’t think she hates him anymore though. No, she’s pretty sure she doesn’t. She’s not sure how she feels exactly, but she does know that there’s a part of her that looks forward to seeing him next weekend even though this relationship isn’t really real.
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osmw1 · 5 years
Crowbar Nurse   Chapter 2 — A Gun, A (Zombie!) Virus, and an Out of Place Hottie
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“Argh, Sera this time?! This isn’t some sort of web novel! What is happening in here?!”
Barrelling into the room was an unbelievably handsome guy. By “unbelievable”, I meant it quite literally. He was unrealistically handsome.
“… huh? Kiryū?!”
I was just as shocked seeing him as he was seeing me… that's because he’s definitely a fictional character.
Kiryū Sōichirō. The most popular character from the hit dating sim released in 2014 on social media platforms, Rainbow Dreams High School☆Fantasia.
His dark brown eyes, black hair, and a soft smile gives off a clean-cut look. When combined with his calm demeanor, it made for a perfect young mastermind character like him. Kiryū would act as your mentor, guiding the player along with hints and tips. Because he helps the player perhaps a little too much, he would always come out on top of the character popularity rankings.
… but he was a secret unlockable love interest.
In other words, Kiryū is only unlocked after clearing all other routes first.
Players would begrudgingly clear characters they weren’t interested in to finally get the chance to date him… well, not that this really matters though.
“Hey, stop spacing out! I’ll explain everything later, but first, we gotta shake off these zombies!”
Kiryū lifted me up by the shoulders right as he shouted at me. He sure is strong in real life, I thought to myself.
“Can you move?” “Mm… I’m really sleepy, so… maybe?” “You shoulda gone to bed earlier last night! Oh, whatever, just hide behind me!” “Uh… okay!
I was shocked when I first saw him, but now I was stunned at how he spoke to me. It was completely wrong. The Kiryū I knew was soft-spoken and perceptive. But this guy was snappy, if not brusque.
Weird. It’s as if it were someone else in Kiryū’s body…
—wait, zombies?
“… whaaaaaaaat?!”
Just as I screamed out loud, Kiryū grabbed a crowbar lying nearby and then struck a zombie with it.
Blood splattered down onto the ground… along with various other fluids.
A single swing of the crowbar was enough to silent any groaning zombie. He then kicked the dead-again zombies aside to create a path before forcefully grabbing my wrist and dashing through the door.
—his hand was so warm.
I had questioned whether this Kiryū was a figment of my imagination, but the warmth of his hand seemed to prove otherwise. And even though I realized I was in a dire situation, his warmth was comforting.
He seems so used to fighting. Wait, was Kiryū a bad boy-type character?
We ran through the door together as I questioned my memory of the game. The familiar nurses’ station should be just on the other side… except, it wasn’t. Instead, my eyes opened wide as I found an unfamiliar alley in a busy, cloudy part of town.
…! No, I recognize this! I’ve been here before!
He grabbed my wrist and started running before I even had a chance to reply.
“H-Hold on!”
I hadn’t been eating or sleeping nearly enough. I might actually die if I suddenly broke into a full sprint…! Or so I thought, but I actually felt quite agile.
… huh?
In fact, I felt great running. It’s as if the exhaustion I felt until were but mere lies.
Strange… I don’t feel tired at all. No way I’ve had enough sleep to feel this good…
That’s so weird. Was I in the afterlife? I confusedly scanned my surroundings while running.
A narrow alleyway. Worn-out walls.
The buildings are so decrepit, they made me wonder whether they were still structurally sound.
Countless air conditioning units and broken gutters were dangling on the side of them.
I instinctively looked over my shoulder and realized that there were zombies staggering—or rather, scurrying—and chasing us. It probably wouldn’t take more than ten seconds for them to catch up to me if I had stopped running right now.
No surprise that one hit with the crowbar wasn’t enough to take them down… we probably have to do something about them though…
Even though I still didn’t have any idea of what was going on, I knew that we definitely didn’t have the time to sit and think unless we killed the zombies first. I looked at my surroundings once more as I tried to calm myself down.
—I have definitely been here before.
I… remember seeing this area on a map before.
 … we’re in a game…
Realizing the truth sent shivers down my spine. The streets and the area around it were just how I remembered… we’re in a level of Dead Man’s Conflict 3. The 1998 game was a Japanese classic in which the player has to slay hordes of zombies while trying to escape from the infected Confi City.
This was the first stage of Dead Man’s Conflict 3. The graphics look a lot better, but otherwise it was the same. The door to Uptown should be just a little farther ahead.
The roads here twist and turn like a maze. It sure makes it difficult for beginners…
I remember how tough it was all those years ago where I would be lost in these streets while being chased by zombies and ultimately being eaten over and over and over again. But perhaps thanks to that, the layout of this town had been deeply burned into my memory…
… hmm? Hey, hold on, you can’t go this way…
I blinked at the path before me. The road ahead splits into three… and the middle path that Kiryū headed towards was the wrong way. I panicked and yanked at his hand to stop him.
“—whoa, hey! What’s wrong?!”
He looked down at me in confusion.
“We gotta hurry, or else the zombies—” “That way is a dead end, my dea—err, Kiryū!” “What?!” “I-It… it’s this way!”
I pulled Kiryū towards the left path as I told him which way we should go.
“Wha—but isn’t that way a dead end? I can’t help but feel we shouldn’t go where it’s clearly marked ‘KEEP OUT’, y’know…?” “Normally, it’s only open after you complete the second week in game! We’ll… rip through the tape!” “What?! Rip through it?!”
If this were a game then there would be no way to get past the black and yellow tape with “KEEP OUT” written in big, Helvetica letters. This path is locked until after the second week is finished. The tape doesn’t budge no matter how much the player cuts or runs into it.
But seeing how we’re not bound by the rules that the protagonist should be, I easily torn down the tape.
“Just who are…”
Kiryū blankly stared at me but now’s not the time to care about that. It took me five seconds to take down the tape before we could hurry on through.
—I haven’t touched a single game in this past six months.
All I did after getting home was either check social media or pass out. But… my body remembered. Dead Man’s Conflict 3 is second nature to me.
“But Sera, we can’t open windows in this world.” “Windows are another story!”
A large window was on the wall right beside us. I hooked my fingers on the frame and pulled on it, but it did no more than jostling it. It’s a little weird how he addressed me as “Sera”, but that’s not important right now. Neither pushing nor pulling the window had any effect so I resorted to borrowing Kiryū’s crowbar and smashed away at the window. … crowbars are heavier than I imagined.
“Aaaaargh!” “… you some sort of runaway gorilla or something…?
I ignored Kiryū’s comment on how I’m swinging at the window. I sure am glad to have played all these zombie games and have researched all the strategies. Having been swamped by work for the past half year, the gamer didn't get to unleash all the knowledge I stored for future use, until now!
“Can we really go through this?!” “Yes, we can! Just be careful of the broken glass!”
We crawled through the window and into the room, and if my memory serves me right… there it was! The corpse of an old man (which I couldn’t smell in a game unlike now) sat on a dining chair and in his hand was his assault rifle with unlimited ammo!
It tough enough to pry it out of his hand, but the old man suddenly turned into a zombie as well. I delivered a swift kick to his head before sending bullet in his brain. It was an instant kill. It’s not like I did it because I’m actually that savage in real life. The protagonist had to do the same thing else he gets eaten by the old man.
… I never knew rifles were this heavy either.
“Tch, still alive, huh? Why don't you stay dead already!” “… what in the world are you…”
Kiryū was dumbfounded after seeing me like that and muttered to himself again, but I didn’t have the time to respond. The zombies should have almost caught up to us by now.
“… crap! The damn zombies are here already!”
I flashed a smirk just as he shrieked out. Just as I expected, the zombies were here.
“Don’t worry… the old man’s dead for good but let me clean up the rest of them!”
My skirt fluttered as I whipped around. The zombies came crawling and lumbering to meet my machine gun.
—blam blam blam!
The sound of gunfire masked the sound of the zombie falling over after being shot between the eyes. Not only did I flip the fire selector switch to burst, but by also going for headshots, I should get double the points. I acquire my next target and fired. And at the next zombie. And the next one…
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“Just what kind of creature is she…?”
Kiryū seemed to be taken aback at how casually I’m slaying these zombies. He stood there with a with his mouth wide open.
“You can’t hold back when dealing with zombies, Kiryū. They’re tougher than you might think. They will pretend they’re dead and then ambush when you’re not expecting it… they’re sneaky bastards, eh?!”
I kicked each zombie as I said that to make sure none of them were feigning death.
“When the zombies in this game don’t bleed after keeling over, that means they’re just faking it. Then when you walk close to them, they’ll get you and bite your legs. Be careful about that, okay?”
Right after I felt like I cleared this area, I came back to my senses.
Then, Kiryū—who was standing there speechless—and I looked at each other.
“…” “…” “… umm, uhh, Kiryū! We’re good now! We’re safe!”
 Kiryū could only fake a smile as he stared wide eyed at me as I switched back from the gamer me to being a proper human being.
■This isn’t some sort of web novel!
Web novels are novels which authors post online on dedicated forums or personal websites. Many authors do not have editors to help and instead tend to upload whatever they scribble down. But because of that, there are many elements in their writing which may represent the authors' desires and frustrations. Some may be off-putting, but many readers appreciate web novels for that very reason (and of course, many don't). When Kiryū mentioned to "web novels", he alluded to the popular theme of everyday characters being transported into game worlds for reasons unknown.
contents: /ch001/ /ch002/ /next/
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dearophelia · 6 years
this one’s for the torn down, the experts at the fall
come on friends, get up now, you’re not alone at all; or, one night in the intersection of Archangel and Victoria Ryder
PG, Garrus+Tori friendship, subtle Garrus/Olivia; warnings for not-remotely-researched medical stuff, and references to a past abusive relationship
"You still don't have a medic?" Victoria says as Monteague leads her into the supply closet Archangel and his crew have generously called their medbay.
Garrus looks over at her from the gurney, gingerly holding his arm very still against his chest. He's still in the bottom half of his armor, but the top half sits haphazardly - the left shoulder absolutely shattered - on the floor against the wall. "No."
She sighs and gives Monteague a subtle shove as she brushes past. Payback for interrupting the end of her date. "That's really dumb considering your line of work," she says, running her omnitool's medical scanner over his shoulder.
"I've noticed," he says, pain laced through his tight subharmonics.
Victoria closes the scanner and starts to wash her hands. "The bullet's still in there, and it's in pieces, but it missed anything important. It's gonna hurt, but you'll live. Might even have a nifty scar. Monteague, help him with his shirt and then get out."
Monteague crosses his arms. "Why?"
"Because I can't see what I'm doing if there's bloody fabric in the way." She dries her hands. It was a very good date.
Though he starts to help Garrus remove his shirt, and shortly changes his plan to one involving a pair of scissors, Monteague still eyes her. "Why am I leaving?"
"Because you're the approximate build of a brick wall, this room is half the size of an elevator shaft, and you broke into my apartment."
At that, Garrus stiffens and drags his gaze over to Monteague. "You two broke in?" he says with a tone of disappointment Victoria thinks could rival the one her father used.
"And interrupted a pretty good date," she adds. That's the more important bit.
"Loitering in the hallway would've looked suspicious," Monteague defends, tugging off the last piece of fabric and tossing it into the biohazard matter recycler.
Victoria sighs, exasperated, as she looks through the supply cabinet she set up for them after the fourth time Garrus called her over. "You guys have my contact code," she says, pulling out the tools and meds she'll need.
Garrus closes his eyes, takes a breath, and opens them again. "Fix whatever you broke, give her security system an upgrade, and the next time I tell you to get Ryder, call her and ask."
For a moment, Monteague looks like he's going to argue further - it was Sensat's idea, Sensat's back there fixing it already, Ryder wasn't answering, all arguments true but falling flat against breaking in - and he wisely chooses not to. "Got it, boss. You need me for anything else?" he directs the question at Victoria.
"Check on Penny, please. Tell her I'm going to be a while."
He nods, and then leaves.
"I'm sorry about that," Garrus says as soon as the door shuts completely.
Victoria shrugs and settles her omnispecs on her face, cycling through programs until she lands on the bioscanner with a magnifier. With a tap, it syncs to the gesture control on her omnitool, and she waves the HUD away. "I added a couple black market protocols the other week, Sensat probably enjoyed the challenge." She washes her hands again before snapping on a pair of gloves.
Garrus laughs quietly, grimacing a little around the edges of it. "Thanks for coming."
"Well, you're making my walk to the clinic safer, so. Hold still." Victoria slides a needle in under his shoulder plate to numb the area. It's a weird intersection she resides in these days - Mordin, Aria, Archangel. Galatana and its shiny clean floors, its steady bright lights, its total lack of gunfire and knife fights, all seems a lifetime ago. So does that house in Indiana, and the bouquet of daisies long rotted into the dirt. Her thirteen year-old self, sleepless from studying for entrance exams, daydreaming of Presidium hospitals and pristine white lab coats, wouldn't even recognize her. Sometimes that bothers her. Tonight it doesn't. She tosses the needle into the biohazard unit and then rests against the sink, giving the anesthetic a few moments to kick in. "Should I ask whose gun you got on the wrong end of?" 
"Minor red sand dealer," Garrus says. "He's dead now, and I know who his dealer is."
"One step at a time, right?" she says, and pokes his shoulder.
He makes an irritated noise and glares at her finger.
"Did you feel that?"
He blinks. "No."
"Good. Try not to move too much." Another wave, and the HUD returns. It takes a moment to register Garrus as turian, and then all the stats in the bottom corner roll out of red and into green, and the holographic display settles over him, highlighting veins and muscle and bone, and bullet fragments. She zooms in and starts to work.
They sit in silence for a while as Victoria digs tiny pieces of a nasty hollowpoint bullet from his shoulder. She'll have to tell Mordin and Aria there's a new arms dealer in town. Each piece lands in the metal bowl with a clink.
"So, what's their name?" she asks.
"Hm?" Garrus makes a confused sound.
"The ghost you're avoiding by setting up this little medic-less operation."
His head swivels around to stare at her. "You a therapist and a surgeon?"
"No," she says idly, "just able to recognize my own brand of damage." She recognized it that night in Afterlife, even through the pounding music and flashing lights. For his sake, she's glad he seems to have put aside the rampant alcoholism he was teetering toward that night. For her sake, she's glad he remembered she was a doctor and chose her to call at 3:45 in the morning when Vorash caught a knife to the gut five months ago. Garrus pays well.
Garrus narrows his eyes. "I thought your brand of damage was the bad day," he gestures with his uninjured arm at her eye, thankfully long healed.
"I have multiple brands of damage," she says with a wry smile and gently nudges him to turn back around so she can work. "So what's their name?" she repeats.
He sighs and his rigid posture slouches a little, but not in relaxation. Defeat, maybe. "Shepard." It sounds rusty in his mouth, rough, sticking to his throat with disuse.
Victoria isn't a therapist, but she sure as hell knows pain when she hears it. And Garrus may have a hollowpoint bullet shattered in his shoulder, but she could be cleaning it out with no anesthetic and it wouldn't hurt nearly a fraction as much as Shepard does. She softens her voice. "And Shepard was...?"
"My CO. For a little while. She was," he pauses, "she was good. Really good."
A million different words he could've used, and Victoria's been around enough turians to hear what lies in the spaces in between. CO, mentor, friend. Something else, something different, something more. She doesn't call him on it, or push him to continue; they're edging a little closer toward friendship with each call, close enough she finally felt comfortable enough to ask, but they’re still dancing in that murky area between acquaintance and friend. "I'm sorry," she says.
A sad, broken noise comes from the back of his throat, and he catches it, tamps down on the broken bits, almost as soon as it happens. "She saved everyone's ass, and then they hung her out to dry. They - " he stops suddenly. His hand brushes against the armor storage compartment at his thigh. He pops it open, checks that something is still inside, and closes it again. "She died. And didn't have to. The Alliance wrote it off as another geth attack." 
The way he says geth tells Victoria exactly how highly he thinks of that particular cover story.
Her first year on Omega is a little slippery, events out of order or misremembered or not at all, but Victoria remembers the blow that cracked her skull, remembers Bray calling panicked on her omnitool, remembers hearing something from a newsstand about an Alliance ship's distress call one system over as she slid into one of Aria's skycars. Remembers a text from Mordin to be at the ready if the Alliance didn't come through the relay in the next three hours, remembers swiping it away before scrubbing in to save a krogan who'd half bled out on the floor already. 
"I'm sorry," she says again.
He nods, and she feels him pull himself back from the edge. No way in hell was Shepard just a CO.
"What's the name of your ghost?"
She drops one last fragment into the bowl. "Mom."
Silence for half a moment. "I'm sorry."
Victoria shrugs. "Omega's a great place to run away to," she muses, dodging any follow-up questions. "Tell me about her," she says after a moment.
"Shepard." At his stiffened shoulders, she continues. "I spent most of 2183 either in a cloud of depression so thick I couldn't see three feet in front of me, or getting the shit kicked out of me by some asshole I accidentally let into my life. I missed the attack on the Citadel and everything. Catch me up."
He shifts slightly, just enough to look over his shoulder without jostling her work. "Is this a tactic to help me ignore that your anesthetic is terrible and already wearing off?"
"Yep." She opens a suture kit.
He huffs, the smallest hint at laughter, but he starts talking. As she stitches him up, Garrus tells her about the Normandy. About Saren. About the short redhead woman who seemed to bend the universe by sheer force of will. About learning to drive a human-designed vehicle while she tried to set her own broken foot in the back, about making an idle comment about her height and getting absolutely smoked in headshots. "She was our field medic," he says, somewhere in between trying to remember the back half of a joke and telling her about the altercation with Saleon.
Victoria's long finished - he's bandaged up and she's cleaned up, even started the autoclave - and she crosses her arms. "Were you this bad at getting out of the way of bullets back then, too?" she smirks.
Sliding off the gurney, he tightens his mandibles, making a friendly irritated face at her.
Her smirk shifts into a smile, and she points at the bandage. "Leave that alone for 24 hours." She hands him a bottle of antibiotics. "One of these a day until you're done." A bottle of painkillers. "One every six hours for two days, then once a day as needed. I'll be back tomorrow to change the bandage, unless you have a medic by then,” the smile changes back into a smirk.
Garrus rolls his eyes, but takes both bottles from her. "Thank you."
Victoria nods. "You're welcome.” She pauses, and then decides maybe they’re closer to friendship than she’d been giving them credit for. “You're paying me pretty well, so I'm gonna throw this one in for free. It sounds like you and Shepard were really good friends. And I don't think she'd be too happy to see you in your shared afterlife of choice so soon. So even though I’m one bullet away from being able to get six months of super extended cable, try to duck a little more often, okay?"
Garrus laughs, a genuine honest laugh, and nods. "I'll try."
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