#General physician in siliguri
dramitkrchoudhary · 3 months
Knowing The Reasons For Gynecomastia – Enlarged Breast In Men
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Gynecomastia is a medical condition, which means enlarged male breast tissue.  It’s often a source of discomfort and embarrassment for men. Understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatment will be helpful for you. You search with the top gynecomastia plastic surgeon near me to find the best doctor at your nearest location.
Gynecomastia – What is it?
Gynecomastia is when male breast tissue enlarges, which causes increased breast size. It can take place in or both breasts in males. This condition is not pseudo gynecomastia, in which the appearance of enlarged breasts results from fat accumulation.
Gynecomastia – Here are the Symptoms
Pain in your breasts
Swollen breast tissue
Tenderness that you feel in your breasts
Sensitive nipples
Fluid discharge from one or both nipples
Dimpling of the breast skin
If you notice these symptoms, reach out to your healthcare provider, such as a general physician, or plastic surgeon for recommendations.
Causes of Gynecomastia – Let’s Understand
Gynecomastia can result from a number of reasons, including:
Hormonal Imbalance
One of the most common causes of gynecomastia is fluctuations in the hormones estrogen and testosterone. While both hormones are present in men, testosterone is the chief.
Certain medications can be responsible for gynecomastia as a temporary side effect. These include anti-androgens, anabolic steroids, androgens, HIV medications, antidepressants, anti-anxiety meds, etc.
Health Conditions
Some health conditions may contribute to hormonal imbalances leading to, such as – Hypogonadism, Hyperthyroidism, Kidney failure, liver disease, etc.
Substance Misuse
The use of substances can lead to various complications, and gynecomastia can be one. These include amphetamines, alcohol, marijuana, heroin, methadone, etc.
What happens is when men age, their bodies naturally produce less testosterone. This condition might lead to an increase in estrogen hormones, one of the reasons for gynecomastia. If you’re obese, the risk may be higher in this regard.
When it comes to the treatment of gynecomastia, accurate diagnosis is key. To diagnose the cause and severity of gynecomastia, your doctor may perform a physical examination, review your medical history, and order blood tests to check hormone levels, etc. You may need imaging tests like a mammogram, testicular ultrasound, CT scan, MRI scan, and even a biopsy.
Treatment for gynecomastia depends on its underlying reason, patient expectations, and the severity of the condition itself. Medications are provided to balance hormone levels. Find the best medical expert near you by searching “gynecomastia plastic surgeon near me”.
Surgical options like liposuction to remove breast fat, or mastectomy to remove breast gland tissue. Living with gynecomastia is often challenging for a man due to its psychological and social impacts. You can consult your gynecomastia surgeon in Siliguri for comprehensive and effective solutions.
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drrajeshnanda · 3 months
The Importance of Early Detection in Heart Valve Disease
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Heart valve disease is one of the serious heart conditions, which affects the valves in your heart. Since it affects the heart valves, it disturbs the blood flow to the heart. Valvular heart disease may occur due to two main reasons – one or more heart valves don’t close completely and the narrowing of the valve. Consult the top heart doctor in Siliguri for comprehensive heart valve disease treatment.
While heart valve disease can cause a number of health problems and complications, early detection can prevent potential complications. One of the ways to detect heart health issues is by their symptoms.
Here are the common signs and symptoms of valvular heart disease.
Shortness of breath or having dyspnea at rest or when you’re active or lying down
Irregular heartbeat
Unexplained fatigue
Chest pain and discomfort
Swelling of the ankles
Swollen feet
High/low blood pressure
Pain in the abdomen
Seeking medical attention upon noticing these symptoms is a must. These symptoms belong to other heart conditions as well, therefore, consulting a doctor is essential. Your general physician or cardiologist will give you some tests besides performing a physical exam.
Here’s How to Detect Heart Valve Disease
This is a non-invasive test that your physician or cardiologist performs by using ultrasound waves to create images of the heart. This clinical process allowsyour doctor to see how well your heart is working. If the echocardiogram shows any signs, your doctor may order further tests.
An electrocardiogramdetects the electrical activity of your heart, which can identify irregular heart rhythms, one of the significant signs of heart valve disease.
Chest X-ray
A chest X-ray may be recommended by your physician or cardiologistfor the heart. This test can detect if your heart is larger than normal size or if there is fluid around your lungs. Fluid accumulation can be a sign of valvular heart disease that a chest X-ray may tell.
Exercise tests or stress tests
During this test, you have to walk on a treadmill or ride a stationary bike while doctors monitor your heart. Exercise tests help show how your heart responds to physical activity.
This test tells whether heart valve disease symptoms occur during exercise. If one is unable to exercise, doctors may give him/her medications, which provide the effects of stress tests. Visit the best heart doctor in Siliguri for heart valve disease.
Cardiac MRI
A cardiac MRI is an effective medical test using magnetic fields and radio waves. This test produces detailed images of your heart. Cardiac MRIs help rule out how severe your heart valve disease is.
Early detection of heart valve disease can protect you from various complications. These include heart failure, stroke, heart attack, heart rhythmic problems, blood clots, etc. Inform your heart doctor immediately if you have the symptoms mentioned in this article. With an early detection of a heart condition, you can keep your heart health in a good state. Your doctor will provide a proper diagnosis, treatment, and a personalized lifestyle for recovery and management. Talk to the top cardiologists in Siliguri to treat valvular heart diseases.
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roysmultispeciality · 3 months
How to Prepare for Your First Gynecologist Visit
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A gynaecologist is a medical expert specializing in gynecology, which exclusively deals with the female reproductive system. Most people consider seeing a gyne doctor when problems arise, such as missing periods, pelvic pain, heavy periods, or pregnancy issues. But you can consult a gynaecologist for expert recommendations and routine health checkups as well. Talk to the top gynaecologist in Siliguri, North Bengal. 
So, if you’re about to visit a gynaecologist for the first time, this blog will be helpful for you. This is your handy guide to communicate well with your gyne doctor and tell your concerns comfortably.
Let’s talk about the Importance of the Visit
This doctor has expertise in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of female reproductive health concerns. You can visit a gyne doctor for your reproductive health issues, breast examinations and problems, sexual health, and family planning. 
Gyne doctors help: 
Find out potential health issues early
Detect cancer of the reproductive system, including breasts in the female
Provide birth control options
Address and treat menstrual concerns
Treat sexual health and manage hygiene
Choosing the Right Gynaecologist for You 
In Siliguri, there are many reputed gynaecologists to reach out to. While some people believe in word of mouth, some prefer female gynaecologists. In other instances, people look for high-risk pregnancy management and birth options. So, they need obstetricians. 
You can ask for recommendations, and for this, talking to friends, family, or your primary care physician helps.
Know about their credentials if they are board-certified gynecologists. 
Check their specialties, such as gynecology and obstetrics, gyne-oncology, family planning, and maternal diet planning. 
Consider their location, years of experience, your health needs, doctors’ communication level, behavior, online reviews, clinic facilities, etc. Seek guidance from the most trusted gynaecologist doctor in Siliguri.
What to bring
If you have undergone previous gynecological care, or you’re on thyroid medications, bring that prescription. Inform your doctor if you take over-the-counter medications for pelvic pain or migraine during or before menstrual cycles, etc. 
You may carry an insurance card and ID if you need a particular or long-term treatment that your insurance can cover. However, it’s not necessary for the first medical appointment with your gynecologist. 
For women under and over 21 
So, if you’re under 21, on your first appointment, your gyne doctor besides a physical exam, may go for – blood tests. Gynecologists are less likely to perform a pelvic exam during the first visit. 
If you have symptoms like missing periods for months, painful periods, light or heavy periods, pelvic pain, frequent urination, or nausea, your doctor might ask or order - Whether you are sexually active, at what age you have had your first period, if you have frequent urination, medical history, STI testing, etc. 
For women over 21, a gynecologist might recommend a pelvic exam with/without a Pap test. During a pelvic exam, your doctor will check your reproductive and sexual health, while a pap smear test examines inflammation, cancerous cells, infections, vaginal and cervical conditions, etc. 
Schedule your appointment
When you schedule your appointment with the gynecologist, make sure you can reach the clinic in time. Generally, a good time for a gynecological exam is when you’re not on your period, ensuring comfort. 
But, if you need urgent concerns, don’t delay scheduling a medical appointment. Make an appointment with the best gynaecologist in Siliguri for comprehensive health support. 
General questions to ask
Feel free to ask questions based on your gynecologic health concerns. Here are some insights:
Do I have a gynecological condition?
Are my menstrual symptoms normal?
How can I prevent thyroid disorder?
Should I consider lifestyle changes for my reproductive health?
How often should I have a gynecological exam or health checkup?
How can I protect myself from STIs?
Do I need HPV vaccines or screenings?
What birth control options are suitable for me?
When it’s your first-ever appointment with a gynecologist, feeling nervous or overwhelmed is common. Do not think about your appearance, stay relaxed, and be certain about your health discomfort and concerns. Come forward and see your medical expert to keep your reproductive health fit and free from complications. You can visit the best gynecologist hospital in Siliguri, Roy’s Multispecialty Hospital. 
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ivffetus · 4 months
Low Sperm Count: Causes and Treatment
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Low sperm count is a medical condition that means semen contains less than an adequate number of sperm. Also called oligospermia, low sperm count reduces the chance of sperm fertilizing eggs. Some men havea complete absence of sperm, medically known as azoospermia.
Did you know fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen is considered a low sperm count? Consult your infertility doctor if you’ve been having trouble conceiving for more than twelve months. You can speak to the best infertility specialist in Siliguri.
When You Should See a Doctor
Consult your infertility specialist:
Difficulty maintaining an erection
Difficulty with ejaculation
Low sex drive
Swollen testicles
Lumps on the testicles, and pain in the testicles
Reduced body and facial hair
When your low sperm count results from an underlying condition —testicular issue, blockage in the testicles, a hormone imbalance, varicocele, or tumor – you’ll notice symptoms of that condition. Otherwise, infertility or trouble conceiving is the main symptom here.
Causes of Low Sperm Count Explained
Factors that lead to low sperm count, include:
Lifestyle Factors
Tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, drug use, emotional stress, physical inactivity, etc. can impact your sperm quality and count. See the best infertility specialist in Siliguri for male infertility.
Medical Conditions
Certain medical conditions can interfere with your sperm count or reproductive health. These include -  hormonal imbalances, undescended testicles, infections, ejaculation issues, chromosome defects, problems with the tubules that transport sperm, varicocele, low testosterone, tumors,obesity, and genetic disorders that can affect sperm production and quality.
Environmental& Industrial Factors
Exposure to xylene, lead, organic solvents, benzenes, toluene, herbicides, pesticides, radiation, painting materials, etc. can affect fertility in men, causing low sperm count.
Certain Medications
Certain meds can cause temporary sperm-relate concerns, such as antibiotics, antidepressants, and steroids.
Diagnosis and Medical Cae for Low Sperm Count
To diagnose low sperm, your infertility doctor may order a few tests along with a physical exam, which include:
Blood tests
Semen analysis
Scrotal ultrasound
Post-ejaculation urinalysis
Generic testing
Transrectal ultrasound
Testicular biopsy
Anti-sperm antibody test
Here are medical care options for low sperm count:
Treatment depends on the underlying cause, your overall health and how severe is the condition.
Lifestyle Changes.Maintain a balanced diet, regular exercise, yoga, breathing exercises, and medication for stress management, have quality sleep, and avoid tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption, and smoking.
Medications.Your fertility physician may prescribe medications like hormone treatments or antibiotics.
Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART): These procedures include intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), and intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
Surgery. Your doctor may recommend surgery to correct anatomical abnormalities that affect your sperm production.
Talk to your infertility specialist for comprehensive guidance. In many cases, treatment and lifestyle changes can’t treat fertility issues. Here, you can opt for donor sperm. You might consult the best infertility doctor in Siliguri, North Bengal.
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hopeandheal · 4 months
7 Common Symptoms of Lung Cancer
Lung cancer usually starts in the airways or tiny air sacs. If left untreated, lung cancer can spread to the nearby lymph nodes, bones, liver, brain, or adrenal glands. Thankfully, there are advanced lung cancer treatments available that help improve patient outcomes. For comprehensive care, you might visit the leading cancer specialist in Siliguri, North Bengal. 
The early signs and symptoms of lung cancer are hard to recognize. However, this blog shares seven common symptoms that you should not ignore, especially when symptoms are persistent:
Persistent Cough
A cough that doesn’t go away needs immediate medical attention. Visit your doctor if your cough persists for weeks. As per the Healthline, around half of the patients with lung cancer have a chronic/persistent cough. 
Generally, the type of this cough is dry with/without phlegm. Exposure to active smoking or secondhand smoke can make your dry cough worse.
If you notice you have a high-pitched whistling sound when you breathe, see your general physician for first aid. Persistent wheezing can happen due to a blockage or narrowing of the bronchi. Generally, wheezing can result from asthma or allergies. 
Chest Pain
A chest that mostly worsens with deep breathing, coughing, lifting, or laughing can result from lung problems, including cancer. This pain tends to be ongoing, dull, or sharp. 
Sometimes, this pain travels up to extend to the shoulders and back. A cancerous tumor causes tightness in the chest and presses on nerves, leading to painful situations. You might talk to the best cancer specialist in Siliguri, North Bengal.
Coughing Up Blood
If you notice blood in your cough, make sure you seek immediate medical attention. Unexplained coughing up blood might be a sign of infection or lung cancer, known as hemoptysis.
It occurs when the tumor can cause bleeding in the bronchi/airways. As per data, about 30-60% of lung cancer patients experience coughing up blood. 
Shortness of Breath
Do you have difficulty breathing? You shouldn’t ignore shortness of breath as it can be a sign of a respiratory condition and heart problem. It can be a sign of lung cancer, especially when cancerous tumors block or narrow an airway or cause fluid deposits around the lungs. 
Fatigue can result from lack of rest, stress, or diseases. Especially unexplained fatigue is a sign of lung cancer. However, it has many other factors for why you feel fatigued. Cancer-associated fatigue often doesn’t improve with rest. 
Unexplained Weight Loss
As per the American Cancer Society, unexplained weight loss is the first significant symptom of lung cancer. In other data, unexplained weight loss occurs when lung cancer has reached an advanced stage. Get optimal lung cancer treatment in Siliguri city, West Bengal.
Unintentional weight loss is one of the most common symptoms of lung cancer. If there’s a noticeable weight loss over a short period, seeing a doctor is a must. Cancer cells destroy a lot of energy, which causes changes in body weight (weight loss). 
Diagnosis of lung cancer involves multiple steps, such as blood tests, a chest X-ray, a physical exam, a CT scan, PET scan. This may include a biopsy as well, which helps cancer doctors plan the best treatment plan for patients. The goal of talking about these symptoms is to help you seek early diagnosis and treatment. 
Remember, these symptoms also resemble other health conditions. Hence, medical diagnosis is vital. Consult your oncologist at one of the lung cancer hospitals in North Bengal, Hope & Heal. 
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drarunavadutta-blog · 5 months
Impact of Age on Depression and the Role of Psychiatrists in Recovery
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Depression is a common mood disorder. Depression can affect people of all ages, including older people. Feeling down sometimes is normal. But if this feeling persists is not normal. Not everyone will have the same types of depression symptoms. Initially, you can visit a general physician. Or, you may directly see a psychiatrist. You can visit the best psychiatrist doctor in Siliguri.
However, depression is actually not a normal part of aging. If your elderly shows symptoms of depression, visit a specialist. Untreated depression affects the quality of life of your elderly. Many older people don’t prefer to talk about depression. They feel uncomfortable or they may feel a sense of shame. This can lead to further complications of depression.
Depression Across the Ages
Adolescents and Young Adults
It’s estimated to occur among 2.8% of individuals aged 15-19 and 1.1% of adolescents aged 10-14. As per WHO reports, one in seven aged 10-19 years experience a mental disorder worldwide.
Adolescence is a period when individuals develop social and emotional habits. Such as sleeping patterns to interpersonal skills. Things that can affect during this age include:
Peer pressure
Media influence
Personality traits
Issues with self-esteem
Exposure to bullying
Exposure to physical violence
Having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Having an unsupportive environment
Abusing alcohol, or other drugs
Family history
History of anxiety
Middle-aged People
Several reasons for middle-aged depression, including:
Chronic illnesses
Financial stress
Caring for children and aging parents
Work and relationship troubles,
All these factors can put adults between the ages of 30 and 60 at risk of depression. To cope with situations, some people engage in drug or alcohol abuse. They may develop excessive anger, risky behavior, and abusive or violent behavior.
This is the time when people used to become busy. And, there’s a lack of people who have time to listen to them. Lack of a supportive environment can trigger or worsen the symptoms of depression.
Older Adults
However, it is common to develop depression in old age. Studies found that the prevalence of depression is about 28.4% of older adults.
Symptoms of depression in older adults may include:
Social withdrawal
Sadness and anxiety
Difficulty sleeping
Mood changes
Feeling guilty
Changes in appetite
Trouble focusing or making decisions
Physical aches
Suicidal thoughts
It’s known as geriatric depression – a mental health condition that particularly affects older adults. Here persistent loss of interest and feelings of sadness are two common symptoms.
As per the World Health Organization (WHO) Trusted Source, while most older adults have good mental health, many are at risk of mental health conditions such as depression.
Receive depression treatment from the best psychiatrist doctor in Siliguri. Genetics, brain chemistry, stress, hormonal imbalance, environment, and substance abuse can increase the risk.
Medical care for depression in psychiatry
Psychiatrists ensure personalized treatment. It’s also known as patient-centric care. That addresses the unique needs of individuals across different age groups. Diagnostic test reports and physical and neurological exams help plan the treatment.
Doctors may recommend medications, and lifestyle changes at first. Some people may need therapy – talk therapy. These may include:
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
Interpersonal therapy (IPT)
Dialectal behavioral therapy
Individual therapy
Simultaneously, yoga, meditation, and art therapy improve mental health.
Compassionate care and advanced treatment help patients recover optimally. Get in touch with the best psychiatrist near your location to get expert care today. You can talk to the top psychiatrists in Siliguri, North Bengal.
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drshefalibansalmadhav · 6 months
Navigating Fertility: Specialists in Siliguri for Infertility Concerns
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It’s more convenient for people struggling with fertility concerns to seek guidance from gynaecologists. Besides gyne doctors, there are several medical experts to treat your condition, such as an infertility specialist, and andrologist. Or, your gyne doctor or general physician may suggest consulting an infertility doctor.
A number of people worldwide suffer from infertility, which is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse (or six months for women over 35). Seeing an infertility specialist in Siliguri can be of great help. Advancements in infertility treatment aid in solving complex cases more optimally.
Fertility specialists, also known as reproductive endocrinologists, are medical practitioners/experts who focus on the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. These highly trained medical professionals specialize in reproductive medicine and use cutting-edge procedures to help individuals conceive.
Let's look at the different types of fertility specialists: Gynaecologists and obstetricians / OB-GYNs OB/GYN stands for obstetrician and gynaecologist, and OB/GYNs are trained to diagnose and treat certain fertility-related issues in heterosexual couples, treat female reproductive health concerns, manage high-risk pregnancies, plan a maternal diet, look after prenatal to post-natal period, administer labour and delivery, etc.
Andrologists Andrologists are urologists who have had additional training in male fertility. These medical experts can evaluate and treat male fertility difficulties independently or in collaboration with a reproductive endocrinologist. One can see an andrologist for all male reproductive health concerning issues.
Reproductive endocrinologists These medical experts are specialized in treating hormonal problems that interfere with reproduction. They are trained in both obstetrics and gynaecology, with a focus on infertility diagnosis, treatment, and management. Reproductive endocrinologists treat infertility in both women and men.
REs deal with the various types of medical care and experts for infertility treatments and tests. They may coordinate or recommend specialists, such as oncologists, andrologists, embryologists. Consult the top infertility doctors in Siliguri city.
Embryologists collaborate with REs and other fertility professionals to treat or manage embryonic-level difficulties. They also participate in Assisted Reproduction Techniques like IVF.
There are reproductive surgeons to collaborate with REs to perform highly specialized reproductive surgeries, like vasectomy, endometriosis, or fibroid excision. Connect with the most trusted infertility specialist in Siliguri North Bengal.
Reproductive immunologists specialize in reproduction and immunology. They deal with certain cases like multiple miscarriages, premature deliveries, autoimmune disorders like lupus, pre-eclampsia, and implantation failures.
Infertility can play havoc with emotional health, which may lead to stress, anxiety, mood changes, irritability, hopelessness, and sadness. Fertility professionals offer empathetic counselling and support to individuals and couples struggling with the emotional difficulties due to infertility.
Fertility experts act as advocates for their patients, guiding them through critical reproductive health issues and obtaining the resources patients require. These medical specialists have an important role in teaching people about reproductive health, prescribing fertility medications, fertility preservation methods, and lifestyle modification so that can heal fertility challenges effectively. Talk to your infertility doctor and receive optimum health assistance.
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ctnursinghome · 2 years
Visit An Infertility Specialist To Cure Gyne Problems — CT Nursing Home
A gynecological issue will influence pretty much every lady sooner or later in their life. This is a condition that influences the female conceptive organs, like the bosoms and the uterus, ovaries, fallopian cylinders, vagina, and vulva, in the stomach and pelvic region is known as a gynecological problem. CT Nursing Home is the Best Maternity Hospital in Dhanori.
Be that as it may, assuming you counsel a fruitlessness expert in Siliguri, the aggravation can be restored. Your gynecological issues will constantly be mitigated with suitable treatment. Gynecological issues ought not to be trifled with as they can make it hard to have kids or even put your life in harm’s way.
Agonizing Periods
Excruciating periods are otherwise called dysmenorrhea which is of two kinds, essential and optional dysmenorrhea. There is no pelvic infection that is related to essential dysmenorrhea. It generally influences teenagers who are going through ovulation cycles.
The aggravation, as a rule, begins a couple of hours prior or not long before the period and endures a couple of hours, however, it can endure day in and day out. Optional dysmenorrhea, then again, is related to pelvic sickness. On the off chance that you experience any of these issues, you ought to see a specialist.
Polycystic Ovarian Condition
PCOS, otherwise called a polycystic ovarian disorder, is the most well-known hormonal condition influencing ladies of conceptive age and can prompt barrenness. Albeit the specific reason is obscure, stationary and upsetting ways of life are the essential supporters.
To lay it out plainly, this is a condition wherein the ovaries produce a strange measure of androgens, which are male sex chemicals that ordinarily just influence ladies in a restricted manner. Long haul intricacies like sort 2 diabetes and coronary illness might be more averse to happen with weight reduction and early conclusion.
Uterine Fibroids
Uterine fibroids are harmless uterine developments that commonly manifest during pregnancy. These fibroids never cause malignant growth and normally don’t convey a gamble factor for uterine disease. Uterine fibroids influence numerous ladies eventually in their lives.
Dysmenorrhea, weighty feminine cycle, unpredictable dying, barrenness, agonizing sexual movement, intermittent pregnancy misfortune because of premature delivery or preterm work, lower stomach or pelvic agony, and stomach broadening is a portion of the side effects. Nonetheless, during a pre-birth ultrasound or pelvic test, your primary care physician could unintentionally track down fibroids.
Endometriosis is an excruciating condition where tissue that seems to be the tissue that lines your uterus ordinarily develops beyond it. It generally includes your fallopian cylinders, ovaries, and pelvic tissue.
Endometriosis can cause torment and get genuinely horrendous, particularly while you’re having a period. Fruitfulness issues might emerge when you have endometriosis. Overseeing endometriosis can be very challenging. You can beat this issue with the help of counseling the Best Infertility Specialist in Dhanori to seek a brief conclusion and treatment.
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kejriwalstoneclinic · 3 years
Consult With The Best General Physician For Your Well Being
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Keeping a healthy and fit physique remains our top-most priority. But due to our lifestyle and work pressure, sometimes the possibility does not arise of maintaining a healthy structure. Thus, various ailments come in close proximity and our body can get affected by them. Despite our busy schedule, we should always concentrate on keeping our bodies fit to tackle diseases that come our way and maintain a healthy immune system.
Across ages, it is necessary to consult with a doctor who understands our body well and we should undergo a full body check-up once a year to know our body thoroughly and know about the deficiencies that our body possesses. It is better to keep in touch with a general physician in Siliguri to ensure your body is receiving the finest treatment.
Under the guidance and advice of a family physician, one remains aware of his/her body and treat themselves depending on the diagnosis. According to the requirement, you avail your treatment with the help of the medication or if it demands further medical attention, you consult with a specialist in a nursing home.
You can suffer from any kind of disease, a major or a minor one. To obtain an accurate treatment, what is necessary is to find a place with appropriate amenities and facilities that you can avail. The place should consist of doctors with years of experience and state-of-the-art facilities that provide precise results.
Medical Departments
You should choose a hospital with modern treatment facilities. Well-stocked medical departments along with experienced doctors can offer a suitable experience for the patient and the family. A few of the departments that you should look for in a hospital in Siliguri are mentioned below –
The department deals with various ailments related to the diagnosis and treatment of kidneys. There should be sufficient arrangements for treating acute and chronic kidney diseases and dialysis.
It is the medical department that deals with several complications regarding male and female urinary tract. Urology also cures complexities regarding the male reproductive system. Lithotripsy, URS, TURP are some of the facilities that fall under this department.
Under the Dermatology department, medical experts treat patients with issues regarding skin, hair, nails. With modern facilities and treatment, patients can obtain fruitful treatment.
One of the essential medical branches that are crucial for treating patients. Experienced gynaecologists and obstetrics are essential in order to diagnose and treat multiple complexities that women have to go through across ages.
A medical centre should also incorporate multiple services like Digital X-Ray, Lithotripsy, Dialysis, well-equipped ICU units, Laboratories and pharmacy centre. Apart from the specialized doctors, these are equally crucial aspects to make a nursing home a renowned and reputed one. Regular consultation with a doctor is key to staying up-to-date with your health whereabouts. Thus, a visit to the best general physician in Siliguri should always be your to-do list at least once a year.
The hectic and sedentary lifestyle of today’s time brings a ton of complications with it. The priority should always be our health, then our work. And to keep that order in check, you have to maintain a good routine along with regular checkups.
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desunsiliguri · 2 years
Gain Immediate Medical Attention in a Burn Hospital in Siliguri
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Burn wounds not only expose the affected area of the body (wounds) to fast-spreading infection, but it also makes the patient severely traumatised based on the degree of that accident. If your nearest one suffered a burn wound or burn-related complications, then receive a 24 x 7 medical care at Desun, one of the best Burn Hospitals in Siliguri.
Preventing a burn wound is a major health concern and you should immediately take care of it.
Did your skin get burnt recently? Is it a deep burn? Were you given proper medical support?
As a matter of fact, a burn wound should never be ignored. Even if it is a wound that is not worrying you, it can be deadly and can bring FATAL consequences.
Burn specialists always advise you to take primary precautions before you visit them. Besides, you also need to protect the wound at the time you commute to the hospital, right?
Here is what you are going to do if you are suffering a burn wound.
1.       If it is a burn made for general reasons, then go ahead and wash the affected area with cold water for 5 minutes. But do not wash it more than that.
2.       Sometimes burn wounds are made from chemical compounds; elements or chemical substances such as chemical waste (in case you deal with them). If you are suffering a burn would from a chemical cause, wash the affected area again with cold water for 10 to 15 minutes. This is done to ensure the chemical is all washed away.
3.       When you are done with the washing, use a CLEAN AND DRY TOWEL or something made of COTTON to wrap the affected area around.
4.       Then it is time for you to go to a burn hospital in Siliguri immediately.
 ·         Where Can You Find Such a Hospital for Treating Burn Injuries
Well, Desun Hospital, Siliguri has a dedicated burn unit to help people from little to severe burn injuries.
In this healthcare unit, you are going to get experienced physicians and specialists who are ready to help you 24 x 7.
From skin grafting to excision, Desun Hospital, Siliguri is going to give you all sorts of medical assistance and support when it comes to burning accidents.
Its emergency helpline is available all the time and is ready to give the best support to patients and their families.
Desun has also been known as a tertiary level burn hospital in Siliguri that has special care facilities for post-surgical support to the patients.
You will also be amazed to find how effective this hospital is at communicating with the patients and their families.
If you are suffering from a burn injury, talk to Desun's burn doctors or visit desunsiliguri.com for booking an emergency ambulance for burn victims/ patients.
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shantinursinghome · 3 years
The Perfect Hospital In Siliguri To Get Yourself Treated
The health issue is not predetermined. It can arrive at anyone at any time. And with our unusual lifestyle and consumption of excess junk, the situation can get worsen at any age. It is a myth that younger people cannot get ailed from complex diseases. It is only after a certain age, people need to take attention to their health in order to prevent these ailments from taking place in their bodies. But it is completely false. Younger, as well as older people, are both prone to getting affected by diseases.
It depends upon the immunity factor that someone possesses. The more immunity your body has, the more you will be secured from getting affected by various diseases. Although in case of any complications, irrespective of age, you should take expert consultation from experienced professionals in a hospital in Siliguri to get recovered in the quickest time possible.
A hospital should consist of all the advanced treatment mechanisms alongside experienced doctors to serve major medical complexities across several departments. Not only for adults, but a hospital should have a dedicated section that deals with complications related to a child’s health problems. As a patient, you need to stay acquainted with the services a hospital has in store to offer.
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Any hospital needs to have state-of-the-art facilities under one roof, so that patients get suitable treatment in one place. Sometimes, due to a lack of infrastructure or facilities, a patient has to visit multiple hospitals for various tests or consult with a designated doctor. It creates unnecessary panic and hassle in the patient’s family, thus they prefer to take the patient to a nearby city where they can treat their beloved in one single place.
A premier hospital should consist of the finest cardiologist, neurosurgeon, urologist, general physician, paediatrician and gynaecologist. A well-developed hospital is a place that always gets preferred over others. From taking care of patients compassionately to providing every necessary element that is necessary for ensuring the patient as well their family are not facing any issue make a hospital trustworthy to the general audience.
A hospital without the finest qualified doctors and a great infrastructure is not something that people would fancy getting into. Although some other essential factors are there as well to make more people visit a hospital. Here, let us discuss some of the aspects that play a pivotal role in ensuring a hospital’s stature –
·         Advanced Laboratory Facilities
·         OPD / IPD Facilities
·         Sufficient Numbers of Operation Theatres
·         24x7 Ambulance Service
·         Well-Stocked Pharmacy Centre
·         Pathology Centre
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These aspects are as essential as housing industry standards arrangements to facilitate treatment. Without obtaining accurate results in the pathology centre or getting the perfect image in the imagery machine, the doctors would not be able to proceed with the treatment. Additionally, it is essential to have well-equipped operation theatres in place so that complicated surgeries like neurosurgery, laparoscopic surgery, paediatric surgery or orthopaedic surgery in Siliguri take place effortlessly.
We, as visitors, always look for the hospital where we can receive the ideal treatment for ourselves or our loved ones. The focus is to visit a place where the patient can recover the quickest. And it is only possible if the hospital has sufficient facilities with experienced doctors and necessary facilities in place.
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drnaveenagarwal · 3 years
Find The Best Physician For Arthritis
General Physicians are well trained to explore physical and emotional aspects of medical problems. They are familiar with treating all kinds of pain related problems and generally understand what your symptoms and know how to treat them. Looking for the best physician in Siliguri for arthritis? Here are a few things to consider before choosing one.
Table of contents:
1.       Needs and Expectations
2.       Communication
3.       Other Important Qualities
Needs and Expectations
The doctor patient dynamic is largely based on meeting needs and expectations for both parties. When you choose a doctor for arthritis you may have a bunch of additional needs and expectations.  
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You may expect your doctor to know how to minimize the erosion in your joints, avoid joint surgery and improve mobility in the process, all without any side effects. Or you may just expect a prescription for an over the counter medication to help you through a flare.
 Take time to evaluate your treatment needs, goals and expectations. You can then voice your requirements to your physician. Communication is a two-way street and health professional that treats arthritis needs extensive input from you. Your doctor also requires feedback and at times self disclosure that might feel uncomfortable.
If you want to get the best treatment, you must also do your homework. Most doctors appreciate a patient who is informed and involved. Studies show that patients with a chronic disease who actively participate in their day-to-day care respond to treatments better than more passive patients. If being involved in your treatment course is important to you, let your doctor know and do your research. If your doctor discourages you or is unresponsive to your communication efforts, it may be time to shop for another doc to find the best physician in Siliguri.
Other Important Qualities
There are also other qualities you’ll want to consider any doctor includes:
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Experience treating your condition: General physicians may have a lot of overall experience; find one that is sufficiently experienced in treating your condition. The more experience your doctor has with your condition the more adept he will be at recognizing symptoms, anticipating risks and treating the condition in general.
Up-to-date knowledge: The advances made in the field of arthritis are updated constantly. Make sure that the doctor you pick is on top of all the latest studies. A doctor that is well informed about all of the latest advancements is surely capable of providing you with the best care.   
Accessibility: A doctor who cannot see you for  weeks or return calls when you’re in the middle of a medication reaction or a flare can make you feel neglected. That doctor may be the best in the country, but they sure aren’t ideal for you. Pick a physician that you can easily contact and can set up an appointment with easily.
A     solid office staff: A dictions functions best when his team is well gelled. Your doctor may be wonderful, but if their staff loses your messages, deletes your e-mail, fails to do their tasks  or treats you rudely when you call or visit, consider looking for a different doctor.
Dr. Naveen Agarwal is one of the best physicians in Siliguri. He is an experienced physician who has ample experience treating a variety of medical conditions. He has also been treating arthritis patients for a long amount of time.
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drsaptarshighosh · 4 years
The Next Generation Of Cancer Treatment
Cancer treatment has evolved and improved over time. Within the past few years, many new options became available for patients that were just a dream no quite a decade ago. A number of the different arrangements on the lead of cancer medication are CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) treatments, immunotherapy, and laparoscopic imaging advancements that are securing determinations more precise, appropriate and targeted by the best cancer hospital in Siliguri. 
It's estimated that around the world, quite 8 million people die annually from cancer. There are quite 100 known sorts of cancer, all of which have varying degrees of severity and have a good range of prognoses and mortality rates. within the past most cancer diagnoses were considered a death sentence, however, today these diseases are being cured more frequently and with more certainty because of many advances in treatment that are made.
Table of contents: 
Recent innovations that are changing the sector of cancer treatments
·         CRISPR
·         Immunotherapy
·         Advances in Laparoscopic Imaging
Recent innovations that are changing the sector of cancer treatments
CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, which is pronounced “crisper”) may be a new treatment option for cancers that alters a patient’s DNA during a system called “gene editing.” This treatment identifies mutations during a patient’s genes and subsequently removes or deletes the cancerous sections of DNA. 
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Although still experimental, this process has shown many promising results all while using an individual’s own T-cells, which are found within the body’s system. The edits made within the genes will then cause the cells to attack the mutated cancer cells and shrink or maybe remove malignant tumours. This CRISPR technology has been successful within the treatment of the many carcinoma cases and allows many patients to urge their lives and their health back.
Another treatment option that uses the body’s own system to attack cancer cells is understood as immunotherapy. This specific therapy is when a dead or extremely weakened virus (that a patient is vaccinated against) is injected directly into the cancerous cells or tumour, and therefore the body’s system then attacks cancer as if it were an epidemic the body was already vaccinated for. 
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The cancer hospital in Siliguri has seen a rise in survival rates for glioblastoma, a kind of brain cancer that when patients have received immunotherapy treatments employing a modified poliovirus. Immunotherapy has proven successful in treating cancers with bleak outlooks, like inoperable forms like brain cancers, and cancers with aggressive prognoses and grim survival rates, like mesothelioma, a cancer of the lungs, stomach and heart.
Advances in Laparoscopic Imaging
Laparoscopic imaging has helped doctors for many years by allowing them to ascertain inside a patient’s body without surgically opening that area. Laparoscopic cameras are fed in through tiny incisions in other body parts and fed through to the world in question. However, these images are often low-quality and may sometimes even cause more questions than solutions. 
Recently, a system has come up with an addition to laparoscopic imaging which allows physicians to ascertain inside a patient’s body with near HD quality images. This technique allows for better lighting inside veins, organs and muscles, which successively leads to more accurate diagnoses and more precise treatment plans.
While there are still many advancements on the horizon for cancer treatments, the word cancer is not any longer as scary to patients, their families and their loved ones because it once was. the typical mortality rates of all cancers are decreasing over time, which is partially thanks to emerging technologies within the cancer treatment field. As doctors and scientists in the best cancer hospital in Siliguri still work towards emerging treatments and a cure, there is, even more, hope to return for patients and their families.
Note: This article focusses on the recent advancements of cancer treatments. Consult the best cancer specialist in Siliguri.
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medprolive · 4 years
First Aid and The Basic Life Support Session
The requirement of medical attention varies according to the situation. The injuries can be mild and moderate which is why the arrangement needs to be there to cure it. The first aid and basic life support are two of the most used medical service to deal with the emergency situation. It can be mentioned in terms of clinical service or noninvasive emergency procedure. Here in Siliguri, these two medical procedures are performed by the experienced physician of the medical centres. The physician in Siliguri assists in the immediate survival of the patient and often recommends the patients to implement it early.
Table of Contents
1. What is emphasized by the team of experts?
   1.1 Preventive measures
   1.2 First aid for minor injuries
   1.3 Dealing with potentially life-threatening conditions
2. Why are Basic Life Support (BLS) Sessions important for you?
    Some key reasons to learn the skill of BLS
3. Conclusion
What is emphasized by the team of experts?
The team of experts have an eye on the seriousness of your condition. The specialist is well equipped with all the required medical appliances to cure and stabilize the current illness or medical condition. The three main things which the expert team of a physician in Siliguri lines up for are-
Preventive measures
If your illness and injury are normal without any risk then, expect some simple preventive measures to be followed up. Even if you are severely ill or injured then also the preventive measures will be applied to not make the condition worst.
First aid for minor injuries
The team is always ready with the first aid service whenever you required. The injuries can be unpredictable and the side effects can be the worst-case scenario. Therefore, to stop this the physician emphasizes on first aid for minor injuries.
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Dealing with potentially life-threatening conditions
The team is also experienced enough to handle some serious injury and illness condition. Your health condition can deteriorate some other body function. So, the experts reduce the risk of using the best appliances and get you ready for the main treatment.
Why are Basic Life Support (BLS) Sessions important for you?
Nowadays many physician in Siliguri provides the basic life support sessions to the general public. If you want to learn first aid and BLS skills then, this session is also for you as well. Generally, you can analyze the session as the tips learning process but in a more practical way. The experts will teach you the basic of first aid at the beginning. Once you get use to the first aid process, it may be the time for you to engage in BLS session. It is very important because at first, you will educate yourself about the session. Secondly, you'll gain confidence and experience when the learned and practiced session skills can be utilized.
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You might also think that the work of the physician in Siliguri is quite easy. Well, from the outside it seems like the simple caregiver work but in general, a very important and tough situation understanding skill is needed.
Note: The medical content is filled with the actual facts of the topic rather than personal opinions. The blog readers can get the best definite points regarding the significant feature of the physician in the region.
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omgsatisshroffme · 5 years
Memoir: O, Kanchenzonga (Satis Shroff)
Memoir: O, Kanchenzonga (Satis Shroff)
A splash of the crimson rays of the sun appeared on the tip of the 8598m Kanchenzonga Range. Then it turned into orange and was gradually bathed in a yellowish tint, becoming extremely bright. You could discern the chirping of the Himalayan birds in the surrounding bushes and trees, amidst the clicking of cameras. I was on Tiger Hill. But my thoughts were elsewhere.
I was thinking about Kanchenjunga, my Hausberg as we are wont to call it in German, and the former memories of my school-days in the foothills of the Himalayas. These mountains had moulded and shaped me to overcome odds, like other thousands of other Gorkhalis, Nepalese, Lepchas, Bhutanese, Tibetans and Indians, from both sides of the Himalayas. I have watched the Kanchenjunga ever since I was a child in its different moods and seasonal changes. Cloud-watching over the Kanchenjunga was always a fascinating pastime whether from Ilam, Sikkim or Darjeeling’s Tiger Hill or even Sandakphu. To the Sikkimese the Kanchenjunga has always been a sacred mountain, and on its feet are precious stones, salt, holy sciptures, healing plants and cereals. It is a thousand year belief and tradition that the Himalayas, the abode of the Gods, should not be sullied by the feet of mortals.
Oh Kanchenjunga, you have taught us Gorkhalis and Nepalis to keep a stiff upper-lip in the face of adversity created by humans in this world and to light a candle, rather than to curse the darkness. To adapt, share and assimilate, rather than go under when the going gets tough in foreign shores. The Himalayas have taught us to be resilient and to bear pain without complaining, to search for solutions and to keep our ideals high, and not to forget our rich culture, tradition and religious beliefs.
After a brisk drive through pine-forested areas and blue mountains, I was rewarded by a vision of the Kanchenjunga Massif in all its majesty. At Ghoom, which is the highest point along the Hill Cart road, we went to the 19th century Buddhist monastery, about 8km from Darjeeling. In the massive, pompous pagoda-like building with a yellow rooftop, was a shrine of the Maitree Buddha, with butter lamps and Buddhist scarves in gaudy scarlet, white and gold.
It’s was a feast for the eyes. Tibetan art in exile. You go through the rooms of the museum which has precious Buddhist literature, traditional Himalayan ritual masks and a numismatic collection in the centre of the room, with coins and currency from Tibet that were in circulation till 1959. A small friendly lama-apprentice posed for a photograph of the tourists. And another lama with jet-black hair, suddenly came up, behind a mask of a Tibetan demon with ferocious-looking teeth, and springs in front of us to get photographed for posterity.
A blue coloured Darjeeling Himalayan train built in 1881 by Sharp, Steward & Co, Glasgow, chugged along on its way to Kurseong (Khar-sang), another hill station along the route from Darjeeling to Siliguri in the plains of India. There were young Gorkhali boys from Ghoom, having a jolly time, jumping in and out of the running toy-train, with the conductor shouting at them and doing likewise, and trying to nab one of them. But the Ghoom boys were far better and faster than the ageing, panting train-conductor, whose tongue almost hanged out of his red face. It was a jolly tamasha indeed. A spectacle for the passengers amidst the breath-taking scenery in tea-country.
I thought about my friend Harka, who used to live in Ghoom, and who was one of those boys during my school-days. The last I heard of him was when he and his dear wife invited yours truly and a student friend named Tekendra Karki, now a physician in Katmandu, to have excellent Ilam tea with Soaltee Oberoi sandwiches. Tek and I were doing our BSc then at Tri Chandra college in Katmandu.
Along the side of the mini railway track, reminiscent of the Schwabian Eisenbahn from Biberach , were groups of vendors of Tibetan origin selling used clothes, trinkets, belts, bags and most other accessoirs that you find being sold along the Laden La road, leading to Chowrasta in Darjeeling.
A short drive to the Batasia loop, where the blue train makes a couple of loops during its descent to Darjeeling, and suddenly you see the clouds above the silvery massif, rising languidly in the morning.
The families of the British officers used to retreat to the hills of Darjeeling, Simla, Naini Tal to escape from the scorching heat of the India summer and carried out their social lives and sport under the shadow of the Himalayas. The Chogyal of Sikkim gave the hill-station Darjeeling to the British as a gesture of Friendship, for the Sikkimese fought with the British troops against the Nepalese in the Anglo-Nepalese Wat (1814-15). The British government thanked the Chogyal of Sikkim and rewarded him with a handsome annual British pension.Didin't he become a vassal of Great Britian after this act?
I went with a school-friend to Dow Hill via Kurseong, past the TB sanatorium, in a World War II vintage jeep driven by a Gorkha named Norden Lama, who had blood-shot eyes and a whiff of raksi. There’s no promillen control (alcohol-on-wheels) in Darjeeling, and in the cold winter and rainy monsoon months it isn’t unusual to find jeep and truck-drivers stopping to take a swig of raksi, one for the road, to keep themselves warm. I must admit, I felt relieved when we reached our destination in one piece.
Driving along the left track of the autobahn at 150 km per hour is safe compared to all the curves that one has to negotiate along the Darjeeling trail on misty days. We were rewarded with excellent ethnic Rai-cuisine comprising dal-bhat-shikar cooked with coriander, cumin, salt, chillies, garlic, ginger and love. My school friend who’s a Chettri, a high caste Hindu, known for the ritual purity and pollution thinking, had married a Rai lady, much to the chagrin of his parents, but unlike Amber Gurung’s sad song “Ma amber huh, timi dharti,” they were extremely happy and had come together after the principle: where there’s a will, there’s a way. Or “miya bibi raaji, to kya kareyga kaji.”
As is the custom among Gorkhalis, we ritually washed our hands, sat down cross-legged, put a little food symbolically for the Gods and Goddesses, and relished our meal without talking. Talking during meals is bad manners in the Land of the Gorkhas, Nepal and the diaspora where the Gorkhalis and Nepalese live.Gorkhaland is a dream of people who cam from Nepal through migration to the British tea gardens, roads and toy-train workshops in Tindharia, and since the roads have gained importance after the British left and in the aftermath of the Indo-Chinese conflict in 1962, there was a need for the roads to be repaired by the Indian government and what better workers to hire in the foothills of the Himalayas than the sturdy, willing helpers of Nepalese origin who have lived in the area since generations.
Just as the government of Nepal under King Mahendra and Birendra carried out resettlement programms for the hill people who were eternally foraging for work in the plains (Terai) and India, the Bengal government did the same through its bureaucratic rules of transferring the Nepalese of Darjeeling district who had worked in the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway to the plains at Katihar and other places. It was a difficult transfer for the Gorkhalis and they not only had to battle with the beastly and scorching sun of the the Indian plains but also had to learn to communicate in Hindi, Bihari, Bengali and English with the arrogant Bengalis. On the other hand, the Bengali babus started coming in teeming numbers to the hills of Darjeeling fleeing from the plains of Calcutta, and delighted at the prospects of living in the hills of Darjeeling, Kurseong and Kalimpong with perks and enjoying the fresh air and Nature, especially Kanchanjunga. The mountain took a new meaning for the Bengalis and Satyajit Ray was inspired to produce and direct a film with the title Kanchenjunga. It became „Amar Kanchanjunga“ for the Bengalis.
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Pic courtesy: Pixaby
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Urgent Hiring for General Physician
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Nawanshahr (Punjab) in Super Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Jalandhar (Punjab) in Super Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Amritsar (Punjab) in Super Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Ludhiana (Punjab) in Super Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Mohali (Punjab) in Super Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Bathinda (Punjab) in Super Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Pathankot (Punjab) in Super Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Kapurthala (Punjab) in Super Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Gurdaspur (Punjab) in Super Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Sangrur (Punjab) in Multi Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Malerkotla (Punjab) in Multi Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Mukerian (Punjab) in Multi Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Solapur (Maharshtra) in Multi Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Satara (Maharshtra) in Multi Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Katni (Madhya Pradesh) in Multi Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Kolkata (West Bengal) in Super Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Siliguri (West Bengal) in Super Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Nagpur (Maharashtra) in Super Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Roorkee (Uttarkhand) in Super Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Bangalore (Karantaka) in Super Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Ambur (Tamil Nadu) in Super Speciality Hospital.
Urgent Hiring for General Physician at Gonda (Uttar Pradesh) in Super Speciality Hospital.
Interested contact at [email protected]
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