#Geography Buff's Delight
crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Demetri sneaking into the dojo going oh man I'm glad you're not Johnny he's a little evil and unhinged. But who he gets is Kreese. Which btw, Kreese, pretty sure no one officially made you a sensei yet. Which means, and I didn't notice this before Kreese, not an actual teacher, punches Demetri, a prospective student, in the face and never tells Johnny.
Demetri I have this thing about personal space which the other cobras are just going to have to get over.
Also demetri: Immediately goes up to a strange man and puts his hand on his arm and tells him why his tattoo is wrong.
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I was trying to figure out how Kreese got away with punching Demetri who complains and tells everyone about everything, but technically I guess Demetri (in Kreese's defense to a rigged jury) could say Demetri invaded his space first.
Demetri Kreese isn't even wearing a gi. You literally walked up to a big buff guy with a tattoo. This is one of the dumbest things you've done. Along with determining Johnny, who pulled his punch and didn't actually hit you was worse then Kreese who does actually hit you.
At least Demetri high tails it out of there. He's like the canary in the coal mine, Johnny didn't kick him out just sort of tried to get him to stop undermining him by showing that Johnny could kick all their asses but pulled his moves so he didn't actually do it. So demetri sort of hung around tentatively. But Kreese shows up and Demetri literally runs out of there saying 'shit shit shit' which means Cobra Kai is no longer safe. The safety of your local karate dojo is based on how much it can handle Demetri. If it can't handle Demetri then it's no longer safe for students and needs to be audited.
Robby being very smart. Defense when's championships but people show up for the offense/blood.
Sam: says plot of episode, Robby agrees it's a good idea. Demetri somewhere sobbing.
Sam calls it a banana boat.
Daniel is fixing cars not teaching karate.
Daniel's first job selling cars was a used car lot in Tarzana where the owner thought he was 'god's gift to sales.' Daniel outsold him in his first month using Miyagi techniques.
Johnny has a red metal tool box, Daniel's is sort of a steel green.
See I'd write down all of Kreese's military stories but he admits later that he lied about most of it. But he is trying to win over the students with his stories while Johnny isn't in. And he's still in civilian clothes so he's not a sensei yet, still just hanging around. I do appreciate though how it shows Aisha and Eli hanging on his every word while Miguel is like this doesn't sound right. Because it shows that Eli picks Kreese over Johnny while Miguel stays with Johnny.
I forgot that the storage room was part of Johnny's space not the owners. He just didn't need it so he didn't ask for it to be cleaned out. It's been 6 months since the rent was raised via Daniel's revenge plot....which oh boy a lot has happened in 6 months. Also he's raising it again? Oof
Theres back doors from the storage room that go outside.
Johnny has bad credit, thus the handshake deal.
Miguel out here fact checking Kreese's geography. Which surprise's me none of the other kids are since they're all nerds. They do at least fact check their senseis most of the time, but thankfully the one it's safe to do so with, Johnny.
Johnny learning that he has to specify how they 'fall in' in neat rows and lines because of that first time he got more students.
Gingertwins being actual siblings....
I forgot stingray was in this group and Johnny does say he's a bit old for a class for teens. I do think maybe if he got more adults he'd make a class for adults, because he does keep Stingray due to money of course. His mom doesn't charge him rent so he has cash to burn.
Aisha is delighted.
Little miss hot shot.
She strikes first with a kick to his chest. Which just I think delights Miguel. Plus he's teaching while they're sparring (so proud of Miggy) Close the gap, you're telegraphing, don't let me see it coming.
"Tory with a y" I guess means she's supposed to be the Ali for the teen group like how Miggy's introduction was supposed to be Daniel-esq.
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Daniel (I don't know your middle name) LaRusso, what the heck?! THE BANANA BOAT DOESN'T HAVE SEATBELTS?!
At first I was like why isn't Robby wearing a seatbelt before realizing there are no seat belts. I get that we love this car but putting your students in it? Really?
Daniel: Not cool enough to get the kids so I'll appeal to the parents at the beach to be concerned about their students safety.
Which okay, I get it. Daniel's been the sounding alarm on Cobra Kai since the 80s and he's probably thinking the way Hawk hit robby and then Miguel hit robby that up next somewhere in the group is a Mike Barnes and that it's only a matter of time before Silver shows up (fair).
But from the outside and the actual truth and facts: it looks like Johnny took a bunch of nerds and kids that were being bullied, trained them, gave them confidence, took them to the all-valley where they won and then let them show off at the all-valley everything they learned which included a girl kicking ass. Like...Kreese punching Demetri should be the true sounding alarm but Daniel doesn't have that information. Kreese being a bad influence and warning the parents like hey if he's actually teaching your kids pull your kid out, because he tried to kill the current sensei and did xyz. But Johnny? Daniel doesn't have a win against Johnny because so far, again, pranks: dick on billboard and upstaging him at valley fest.
And yes Hawk and Miguel were bad. Not only did they beat up Robby at the all-valley, but you gotta realize all the parents were there and they saw that for themselves. But also Miguel did hit Sam which will of course be a mark against him in everyone's book, but it was also an accident.
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Oaks on the Beach country club. So I guess Encino Oaks has multiple locations for members?
So clearly Daniel decided early on that he'd meet Amanda here since she's already here, but didn't tell the kids. He's essentially kidnapped Robby again. He was supposed to be just teaching Robby karate and then just put him in a car and didn't tell him the plan or what they were doing other than going to the beach. Daniel, you gotta stop kidnapping Robby.
Jack Durocher parent of kids at the school. from a later scene the kids name is Kevin. I don't remember which kid this is. Apparently he's always on his phone which means maybe he's not a cobra kai student?
Robby's resume: Oaks on the Beach Country Club, LaRusso Auto, Tech company stealing computers. For a 16 year old he's had a lot of jobs. How very Catch me if you can of him. (book anyway I haven't read the movie so I don't know if it's the same but essentially this guy lies about his age starting young and just keeps grifting on people)
So either Robby lied about his age or Encino Oaks hires 15 year olds.
Sam and Aisha being not on good terms again is interesting. Pride and Prejudice has taken over the teen route now. Aisha complains about Sam to Tory and Tory is now team Aisha.
A guy at the mall grabbed Tory, and after meeting her landlord, her bracelet as protection is very real and very sad.
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Tory has taken kickboxing lessons
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She literally joined because of Aisha's performance at the All-Valley.
Ngl this comes off in the most flirty tone ever. Or sarcastic. But based off friendship we're going with flirty.
Lol Aisha says she poked little holes in the blindfolds, which makes sense since they had even less time to practice that then Robby and Sam had to practice theirs.
Aggravated assault is a year in prison and a 10,000fine according to demetri for his punch. Honestly everyone in this show is lucky no one presses charges on anything.
It also makes me wonder if Demetri mentioned that it was Kreese not Johnny and if he just thinks that makes Kreese cooler. Demetri apparently got stitches in his nose from Kreese's punch.
Okay so Demetri did tell Eli that it was Kreese who hit him because Eli tells Miguel that Demetri couldn't handle training with Kreese, and just marks it off as not cobra kai material not, random dude whose been at our dojo assaulted my friend.
I am proud that Miguel actually tells Johnny his concerns that Demtri got roughed up by Kreese and that his stories don't match up. I.e. Kreese is hitting students when you're not around and lying.
Aisha want to go to the beach? Reality: country club.
What I am realizing is that Daniel is going after rich parents rather than general parents. And Johnny's dojo is open for whoever wanders in. Which Daniel's arguably is too, but he's targeting a very specific sect of the population which is kind of his own anti-thesis even if these are the people he knows.
So Aisha and Sam are fighting because of the valley fest, a friendship since 3rd grade. A friendship Sam didn't defend when everyone was bullying Aisha and Aisha didn't really defend back...Robby here with the go talk to her. (I don't know why Aisha is mad about it, they clearly won the Valley fest upsurping. I guess because Sam's dad is making targeted campaigns at Aisha's dojo? Which is the dojo that taught her confidence and gave her friends after her only friend abandoned her to bullies. Ah, right. Snakes in the grass, the very Tom Cole advertisement campaign. Btw did Johnny's return shot kicking a bonsai actually get sent to the internet?
I think that would hurt, your best friend abandoned you, you still think her dad's cool but then the dojo you're in he starts calling snakes in a grass and trying to usurp which makes it feel like the dad you were defending also hates you all of a sudden without knowing any context.
Aisha takes the last piece of pretzel bread.
Marshall is the name of the manager at this club and he recognizes Robby.
Again I love Amanda. She shuts down Marshall very firmly then sits with Robby to listen to what he has to say. So far I think she's really the only clear headed listening character we've got.
Kreese out here threatening people over the phone, threatening war and to burn the place down. He says he's at the Universal City Sheraton.
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Johnny's keys are different. The lucky rabbit's foot is new. He used to have some firebird logo which I guess was for his firebird. Though even before he got the dojo he's had a lot of keys around. It's also not to safe for him to just keep his keys lying around, pretty sure at any moment Kreese could've made a duplicate.
Daniel's drinking a Cornoa
Aisha's mom is named Sandra
I love that Sandra filmed it, such a proud mom. Which again goes to prove that they got permission and told people they were doing it.
Tory swiped a bottle of Vodka and Sam immediately tells her she shouldn't have done so. Which as Aisha's guest, Aisha should've probably done that.
There's no way Kreese doesn't know Johnny's following him. He's in a custom cobra kai car. It's like trying to tail someone in an oscar myer winer mobile.
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Daniel's sad little "Are you my mr. miyagi?" walk to the tune of that little duck looking for it's mother.
Sam gave up on Aisha because of Tory...who she doesn't know, after a halfway decent conversation. A girl who wants to drink and party, the same way Yasmine and Moon always did? The same Yasmine who hit a car and then never told anyone about it (Yes Johnny popping up out of nowhere was probably terrifying but still)
It is on Sam to immediately blame Aisha's new friend on her mother's wallet going missing. Yes she lifted a vodka and made a crack about stealing the silverware, but she didn't say anything about stealing anything from specific people. Maybe that's too nuanced, but I feel like Tory would steal from a rich place rather than individuals. And she stole a vodka and then they left to drink, why would she then try to steal from a bag? LIke two places at once?
Sam immediatly goes for Tory's bag and tries to grab it and Tory defends herself and looks horrified that Sam fell into the food tray.
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That was totally an accident.
Aisha is still mvp for checking on sam and then when sam spits back venom tells her she shouldn't have accused her of something like that.
Johnny you're car isn't even quiet, and how'd you follow Kreese from this angle as he's walking towards you from the other end of the building.
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West Hunter Street (perfect name for a place Kreese is staying) Baptist church
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That's a look Robby. I'm pretty sure your dad has a sweater in those colors. Also the checkboard emo/goth/punk pants with the beachy shirt look. Looks like their hiding spot is under the stairs to the beach.
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Robby ready to film on a moments notice. He's been so ready for a fight to film all day.
I always remember that Robby doesn't win the fight, I always forget a third random person pops up with a paddle and hits him upside the back of the head.
John's roommate broke the lock off his footlocker. I never know how much of Kreese's life is truth and how much isn't. Like he's faked his own death twice, he lies about serving after the Vietnam war, whose to say he actually is living here? Because there's no way mr. everyone is an enemy you can never drop your guard didn't notice Johnny's terrible tailing job.
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Father and son getting in choke holds. Johnny would've taught Robby how to escape that first thing.
Daniel meanwhile skips the stairs and jumps off side to get there. Which, btw, is now Daniel fighting a bunch of teenagers to save a kid in trouble just like Johnny did first thing in season 1 and Daniel and the police took Kyler's side in that case. Difference, there were more teenagers harassing Miguel and Kyler and his dudes didn't have a knife.
I'm surprised with Daniel's knee he could do that drop, but I guess...the injury fully healed?
Trey to Johnny: sarcastic-mean but then shuts up when Johnny snaps back at him. Trey to Daniel: Grandpa. ...So does Trey think Daniel is older than Johnny? Also he totally knew previously that Daniel was the karate guy, so why would he be like yes let me fight Daniel?
Daniel: come on lets go
What about all the stolen wallets? What about Robby's phone? It doesn't show them grabbing any of them. Also did anyone see to Robby's head wound?
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Kreese's decor is a picture of himself (not sure if the flag and cross are his or if it's just american church mainstays)
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oh he has a cork board can't read any of it though looks like an old signed pin up
An old war buddy offered him a job but he felt it was a hand out. So that must've been silver maybe after tkk3 Silver offered him a job at Dynatox?
Kreese says for the last 10 years he's been living in places like this, so not necessarily this church.
Kreese: I heard about the all-valley and thought there was my second shot...you mean your third shot? He also conveniently left out that he did travel and go to Tahiti (that is where Silver sent him right?) he just downplayed that to go straight into the army psychiatrists said I couldn't re-enlist and I went here and there rather than accept any help until now. "I feel like a broken man Johnny. I don't think i can be fixed."
True. You're still a scheming snake, but you also picked exactly the right way to get Johnny to let you coach.
You gotta do things my way, does that work for you?
Johnny you gotta stop doing handshake deals, no one lives up to them. Every handshake deal you've done gets betrayed.
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That sure is a way to hold a hand after a hand shake. It's weird Kreese, very weird. Gives off friendly grandpa atmosphere and very touched rescued old man, whose grateful (But doesn't accept handouts,) yet at the same time like you're going to try and break Johnny's wrist.
Johnny looks so confused and unsure how to handle comforting Kreese. But he goes for the pat on the back.
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lol is that Kreese's footlocker? How'd the guy break in? Like what are you hiding in there Kreese?
Sam and Miguel parallel over trying to get through to someone and being left ignored/on read.
Looks like it's a new day and Robby's head still hurts. Did they ever take him to the doctor? Or we just skipping that because Daniel and Amanda are not legal guardians and would have to explain that they do know where to find Johnny but Daniel refuses to tell Johnny.
Robby: this video could go viral and we could get more students. Daniel changing his mind again: Miyagi-do is protecting yourself and others not for the credit. We let those who need us find us.
Demetri shows up and immediatly points out how confusing it is to figure out where to go and how to get their attention. Through the gate, the doorbell? And the immedatily : How much does it cost to maintain a koi pond in California's drought.
It is at this point that Johnny gives Kreese the title sensei. Which he never should've done, but he's all hear for giving people another chance. Which is very sweet, but then everyone tramples all over it and generally doesn't give him one.
Miguel are you sure? (good kid) Johnny: I'm helping my sensei whose down and out and Demetri makes a mountain out of a molehill so that fight was probably nothing right? Gotta help support our homeless veterans how we can. Not realizing said veteran is going to usurp him. Kreese also immediatly tells them all his plan, that you make your enemy think you're retreating and that's when you strike the hardest. Which Hawk loves and Miguel goes uhhhh sensei you're a little gullible, this guy is going to steal your dojo. We are all in danger.
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justforbooks · 9 months
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Dive into this fun and entertaining quiz book from the UK's biggest Black British pub quiz! Get your thinking caps on because it's time to test your knowledge on all things Black and British, with rounds on everything from music, sport, history and geography to Black Twitter, anime, your favourite culinary delights and much more. Whether you're a history buff, a self-proclaimed movie critic, food connoisseur, a perfect all-rounder or a novice, you'll find your chance to show off your knowledge! So, assemble every group chat and the cousins from your mum's side of the family, as we have something for everyone inside The Black British Quiz Book.
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hotellehalycon · 24 days
Escape to Solan: Discover the Best Hotels for Your Next Getaway
Solan, nestled in the serene hills of Himachal Pradesh, is a treasure trove for travelers seeking a tranquil escape. This picturesque town, often overshadowed by its more famous neighbors, Kasauli and Shimla, offers a unique blend of natural beauty, historical richness, and modern amenities. If you’re planning a trip to this charming destination, this guide will help you uncover the best hotels in Solan, the top attractions near Kasauli, and educational tour options for students in Kasauli, with a special focus on the luxurious Hotel Le Halcyon.
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Top Hotels in Solan
When it comes to finding the perfect stay in Solan, you have several delightful options that cater to different preferences and budgets. Whether you're seeking luxury, comfort, or a budget-friendly option, Solan has something for everyone.
Hotel Le Halcyon: A Luxurious Retreat
One of the standout hotels in Solan is Hotel Le Halcyon. Located conveniently in the heart of Solan, this hotel provides an exquisite blend of modern amenities and traditional charm. With spacious rooms, stunning mountain views, and top-notch facilities, it’s an ideal choice for travelers looking for both comfort and elegance.
Hotel Le Halcyon provides a cozy, rustic experience with its wooden decor and serene surroundings. For those on a tighter budget, the Hotel Le Halcyon offers comfortable rooms and essential amenities at a more affordable rate.
Exploring Attractions Near Kasauli
Just a short drive from Solan, Kasauli is home to several attractions that are worth exploring. Whether you’re interested in history, nature, or spirituality, Kasauli has something to offer.
Jatoli Temple: A Spiritual Sanctuary
The Jatoli Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, is a must-visit for spiritual seekers. Perched atop a hill, this ancient temple not only provides a serene environment for prayer and meditation but also offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.
Monkey Point: Nature's Playground
For nature enthusiasts, Monkey Point is a popular spot. Known for its panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and the Sutlej River, this location is perfect for a leisurely hike and some stunning photo opportunities.
Kasauli Church: Architectural Beauty
The Kasauli Church, with its Gothic architecture and peaceful ambiance, is another highlight. This historic church, established during the British colonial period, is a great place to reflect and enjoy the tranquil surroundings.
Dugsalai Jail Museum: A Historical Insight
History buffs will appreciate a visit to the Dugsalai Jail Museum. This site offers a fascinating glimpse into the colonial past of the region and the life of prisoners during that era. It’s a unique stop that adds depth to your understanding of the area’s history.
Educational Tours in Kasauli
For students and educational groups, Kasauli provides excellent opportunities for learning outside the classroom. The town’s rich history, natural beauty, and cultural heritage make it an ideal destination for student educational tours in Kasauli.
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Customized Learning Experiences
Many organizations offer tailored educational tours in Kasauli, focusing on subjects ranging from history and geography to environmental science. These tours often include guided visits to local attractions, interactive sessions, and educational activities designed to engage students and enhance their learning experience.
Concluding Thoughts: Why Solan and Kasauli Should Be on Your Travel List
Solan and Kasauli offer a delightful mix of relaxation, adventure, and education. From the luxurious comfort of Hotel Le Halcyon to the historical and natural attractions nearby, these destinations cater to a variety of interests and preferences. Whether you’re looking for a serene getaway, an educational trip, or simply a break from the routine, hotels near Kasauli provide the perfect setting.
In conclusion, the charm of these hill stations lies in their ability to offer something for everyone. The serene environment, coupled with the rich historical and cultural experiences, makes them a worthwhile destination. So pack your bags and get ready to explore the beauty and heritage of Solan and Kasauli—your next unforgettable adventure awaits!
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unveil-morocco · 28 days
Al Hoceima: Morocco’s Coastal Jewel You Must Visit
Nestled between the rugged peaks of the Rif Mountains and the tranquil shores of the Mediterranean Sea lies Al Hoceima, a city that embodies the untouched beauty and rich cultural heritage of northern Morocco. Often overshadowed by more famous Moroccan cities, Al Hoceima remains one of the country’s best-kept secrets—a paradise for nature lovers, adventure seekers, and anyone yearning for a serene escape.
The Natural Beauty of Al Hoceima
Al Hoceima is blessed with a breathtaking landscape that seems to have been painted by nature itself. The city is surrounded by the Rif Mountains, whose jagged cliffs plunge dramatically into the azure waters of the Mediterranean. This unique geography creates a series of secluded coves and pristine beaches that are perfect for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of more crowded destinations.
One of the most striking features of Al Hoceima is its beaches. The Playa Quemado, located near the city center, is a favorite among both locals and visitors. With its fine golden sands and crystal-clear waters, it offers a perfect spot for sunbathing and swimming. But the real treasures of Al Hoceima are its hidden beaches, like Bades Beach and Tala Youssef. These lesser-known spots are often framed by steep cliffs and lush greenery, creating a sense of seclusion and tranquility that is hard to find elsewhere.
The natural beauty of Al Hoceima extends beyond its beaches. The surrounding Rif Mountains are a haven for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts. The nearby Al Hoceima National Park is home to a diverse array of flora and fauna, including the endangered Barbary macaque. Hiking trails wind through dense forests, offering stunning views of the coastline and the Mediterranean Sea below. For those who prefer water-based activities, the clear waters around Al Hoceima are perfect for diving and snorkeling, with vibrant marine life and underwater caves waiting to be explored.
A Rich Cultural Heritage
Al Hoceima is not just about natural beauty; it also boasts a rich cultural heritage. The city’s history is deeply intertwined with that of the Berber people, who have inhabited the region for centuries. Visitors can explore this heritage at the city’s various cultural sites and museums. The local architecture, too, reflects a blend of Berber and Spanish influences, a reminder of the city’s time under Spanish control in the early 20th century.
Walking through the streets of Al Hoceima, you’ll find a city that is modern yet deeply connected to its past. The vibrant local markets are a testament to this, where you can find traditional Berber crafts, colorful textiles, and fresh produce. The city’s cuisine is another highlight, with a variety of dishes that showcase the flavors of the Mediterranean and the Rif. From fresh seafood to tagines spiced with local herbs, the food in Al Hoceima is sure to delight any palate.
Why Al Hoceima Should Be on Your Travel List
Al Hoceima offers a unique blend of natural beauty, rich culture, and a relaxed atmosphere that is increasingly rare in today’s fast-paced world. It’s a place where you can truly disconnect, whether you’re lounging on a secluded beach, hiking through the mountains, or exploring the city’s cultural treasures.
Despite its many attractions, Al Hoceima remains relatively undiscovered by mass tourism. This means that you can experience the city’s beauty and charm without the crowds that often accompany more popular destinations. It’s a place where you can take your time, savor the moment, and connect with the authentic Morocco.
In a world where so many destinations are becoming over-commercialized, Al Hoceima stands out as a true gem. It’s a city that invites you to slow down, take in the natural beauty, and immerse yourself in the local culture. Whether you’re an adventurer, a history buff, or someone simply looking to relax, Al Hoceima has something to offer. Don’t miss the chance to discover this hidden jewel of Morocco.
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wildvoyager1seo · 2 months
How Much Is a 2-Week Trip to Africa from the USA?
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Africa, a continent of stunning diversity, offers an unparalleled travel experience that captivates the hearts of adventurers, nature enthusiasts, and culture seekers alike. From the vast savannas teeming with wildlife to ancient historical sites and vibrant cultures, Africa presents a myriad of attractions that appeal to tourists from around the globe, including the USA. This comprehensive guide aims to provide a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with a two-week trip to Africa from the USA, with a particular focus on the keyword "Africa Tour Packages." Whether you're planning a luxurious safari adventure or a budget-friendly exploration, understanding the financial aspects is crucial for a well-prepared journey.
Geographical Information
Africa's geographical diversity spans across expansive deserts, lush rainforests, towering mountains, and idyllic coastlines. The continent is divided into several regions, each offering unique travel experiences:
East Africa: Known for its iconic wildlife and safari experiences, countries like Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda offer lush landscapes and renowned national parks.
Southern Africa: Home to South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe, this region boasts rich wildlife, desert landscapes, and the awe-inspiring Victoria Falls.
North Africa: Featuring historical wonders like the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt and the cultural richness of Morocco and Tunisia.
West Africa: Known for its vibrant cultures and historical sites, including Ghana's Cape Coast Castle and Nigeria's bustling cities.
The best times to visit vary depending on the region and the type of experience sought. For instance, the dry season, from June to October, is ideal for wildlife viewing in East and Southern Africa. Conversely, North Africa's cooler months from November to March offer a pleasant climate for exploring historical sites.
Cultural Insights in Africa Tour Package
Africa's cultural tapestry is as diverse as its geography, with thousands of ethnic groups and languages. Each region boasts unique traditions, art, music, and culinary delights. Visitors can immerse themselves in local cultures by participating in traditional ceremonies, sampling regional cuisines, and interacting with locals.
Language: English, French, Arabic, and Portuguese are widely spoken, along with numerous indigenous languages.
Cuisine: African cuisine is a blend of flavors, from spicy Moroccan tagines to South African braais (barbecues). Food enthusiasts will find a wide range of tastes to explore.
Etiquette: Respect for local customs and traditions is important. For example, dress modestly in conservative areas and seek permission before taking photographs of people.
Must-Visit Attractions
Africa's allure lies in its diverse attractions. For wildlife enthusiasts, the continent offers some of the best safari experiences:
Serengeti National Park, Tanzania: Famous for the Great Migration, where millions of wildebeests and zebras traverse the plains.
Maasai Mara, Kenya: Known for its abundant wildlife, including the Big Five (lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard, and rhino).
Kruger National Park, South Africa: A premier safari destination offering excellent game viewing.
History buffs can explore ancient sites like the Pyramids of Giza and the Great Zimbabwe Ruins, while nature lovers will be mesmerized by the Victoria Falls and the Sahara Desert.
Activities and Experiences
Africa offers a wide range of activities to suit every traveler's taste:
Wildlife Safaris: Experience game drives, walking safaris, and boat safaris in various national parks and reserves.
Cultural Tours: Visit local villages, engage with indigenous communities, and learn about traditional lifestyles.
Adventure Activities: From hiking Mount Kilimanjaro to diving in the coral reefs of the Indian Ocean, the continent caters to adventure seekers.
Relaxation: Enjoy the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar, the Seychelles, or the Garden Route in South Africa.
Travel Tips
Planning a trip to Africa involves careful consideration of logistics:
Flights: Major airlines offer flights from the USA to various African destinations. It's advisable to book flights well in advance for better deals.
Accommodation: Options range from luxury lodges and resorts to budget-friendly guesthouses and campsites.
Transportation: Depending on the destination, travelers can choose from domestic flights, car rentals, or guided tours. Public transport options vary in reliability and safety.
Safety and Health Precautions
Safety and health are paramount when traveling to Africa:
Vaccinations: Some countries require vaccinations, such as Yellow Fever. It's also advisable to take antimalarial medication if traveling to malaria-endemic areas.
Travel Insurance: Comprehensive travel insurance is essential to cover medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost belongings.
Safety Tips: Stay informed about local safety conditions, avoid displaying valuables, and be cautious when interacting with wildlife.
Budget Planning
Understanding the cost components of a trip to Africa is crucial for effective budgeting:
Flights: Costs can vary widely based on the season and the city of departure. Expect to spend anywhere from $800 to $1,500 for a round-trip ticket.
Accommodation: Prices range from $50 per night for budget accommodations to over $500 for luxury lodges.
Food: Dining expenses can vary, with street food and local eateries being more affordable than upscale restaurants.
Activities: Safaris and excursions can be a significant part of the budget. Costs depend on the type and duration of activities.
Local Cuisine
African cuisine is a delightful journey through diverse flavors:
South African Braai: A traditional barbecue featuring a variety of meats.
Kenyan Nyama Choma: Grilled meat, often served with ugali (maize porridge).
Ethiopian Cuisine: Known for dishes like injera (sourdough flatbread) and doro wat (spicy chicken stew).
Africa is a continent of contrasts and unparalleled beauty, offering something for every traveler. From breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural experiences to thrilling wildlife encounters, a trip to Africa promises unforgettable memories. By understanding the costs and planning carefully, travelers can embark on a journey that fits their budget while experiencing the best the continent has to offer.
For more information and to explore various Africa Tour Packages, visit Wild Voyager.
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cultureholidays · 6 months
Top 5 Activities to Do in Vietnam for A Memorable Vacation
Vietnam is a wonderful place where you can experience the karst geography, gorgeous bays, blazing nightlife, and vibrant marketplace. With tons of activities, Vietnam has become a paradise for travelers. And who else does not want to get the most out of Vietnam tour packages? If this is your first visit, then you might be interested to know about the top activities you can enjoy in Vietnam for a memorable vacation.
Here are some top activities that you must do in Vietnam to turn your trip into memorable moments of your life.
Cruising and Kayaking
Cruising is indeed a super-fun thing that you can enjoy in Vietnam. Since there are many sites available where you can enjoy cruising in Vietnam, you may find it tough to make a choice on the destination. However, you can choose Halong Bay and you will fall in love with the spellbinding beauty of this place. With the scenic view around with an opportunity to enjoy cruising and kayaking, Halong Bay is indeed the best ever bay area that you should visit.
Dive into History at Hỏa Lò Prison
The heritage site, Hỏa Lò Prison is popular among the history buffs. This is the place where political prisoners were kept during the American war. Here you will see a lot of things related to the Vietnamese struggle that they faced during the various wars. Formerly, it was a prison that is turned into a museum now. This place is indeed a delight for those, who are history enthusiasts and photographers at heart.
Sizzling Nightlife of Ho Chi Minh City
Are you a person, who loves loud music, parties, DJs, and fun? Ho Chi Minh City is the city where you will experience sizzling nightlife. From cheap bars to swanky pubs, this city offers oodles of options to suit the budget and taste of travelers of all types. Now, head out to Ho Chi Minh City to chill out with wine and amazing music to enjoy life like never before.
Hiking and Cycling at Mai Chau
If you are wondering how to make your vacations memorable with Vietnam packages, you won’t miss the opportunity to enjoy hiking and cycling. Mai Chau is far away from the bustle of Hanoi and its serene surroundings attract tourists from across the world. Here you can enjoy hiking up the hills to capture the marvelous view and embrace the fun experience by cycling through the villages.
Shopping Till You Drop
Renowned worldwide for its skillful tailors and silk weavers, this picturesque Hoi An is indeed a must-visit place if you are a shopaholic. This coastal town lets you shop for the best silk products such as scarves, clothes, and dresses. The narrow lanes and busy streets are lined with many local shops. You can shop for customized apparel, suits, and shirts from there and that is too at highly reasonable prices.
So, these are the activities that you can enjoy in Vietnam. What are you waiting for then? Book the best holiday packages in Vietnam and make your escape memorable for years.
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northgateways1 · 8 months
Discover the Jewel of Pakistan with North gateways' Skardu Tour Packages
Embark on an unforgettable journey to Skardu, a mesmerizing destination nestled in the heart of Pakistan's northern regions. North gateways invites you to explore the breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and adventure-filled experiences that Skardu has to offer. Our meticulously crafted Skardu tour packages ensure a seamless and memorable travel experience, allowing you to immerse yourself in the beauty of this hidden gem.
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Package Highlights:
Scenic Landscapes:
Skardu is renowned for its stunning landscapes, featuring majestic mountains, crystal-clear lakes, and lush green valleys. Our tour packages are designed to take you to iconic spots such as Shangrila Resort, Upper Kachura Lake, and the mesmerizing Shigar Fort. Marvel at the surreal beauty of Satpara Lake and witness the ethereal reflections of the surrounding peaks.
Cultural Exploration:
Immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of Skardu with visits to historic sites like Skardu Fort and the ancient Sheosar Lake. Northgateways ensures that you have the opportunity to interact with the friendly locals, giving you a deeper understanding of the region's traditions and way of life.
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Adventure Activities:
For the thrill-seekers, our packages include exciting adventure activities such as trekking in the Karakoram Range and jeep safaris through the challenging terrains. Conquer the renowned trekking routes like the Baltoro Glacier trek and experience the adrenaline rush of exploring the untamed wilderness.
Comfortable Accommodations: Rest assured, Northgateways prioritizes your comfort. Our  Skardu tour packages 2024 include accommodations in top-notch hotels and resorts, ensuring a relaxing stay amidst the rugged beauty of Skardu. Wake up to panoramic views and enjoy the warm hospitality of the local staff.
Gastronomic Delights: Indulge in the flavors of Skardu with our carefully curated culinary experiences. Sample local dishes and traditional cuisine, savoring the unique blend of spices that define the region's gastronomy. From hearty meals to delightful snacks, our packages ensure a culinary journey that complements your overall exploration.
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Why Choose Northgateways?
Expert Guidance: With years of experience in organizing tours to Skardu, Northgateways boasts a team of seasoned experts. Our knowledgeable guides will accompany you, providing insights into the history, geography, and culture of the region.
Customization Options: We understand that each traveler is unique. That's why our Skardu tour packages offer flexibility, allowing you to tailor your itinerary based on your preferences and interests. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, history buff, or adventure seeker, we've got you covered.
Safety First:
Your safety is our top priority. Northgateways adheres to strict safety standards, ensuring that your journey to Skardu is not only memorable but also secure. Our team takes care of all the logistics, leaving you free to enjoy the experience worry-free.
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We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to explore the wonders of Skardu. Our  Pakistan tour packages 2024 are competitively priced, offering excellent value for money without compromising on the quality of your travel experience.
Embark on a soul-stirring adventure with Northgateways' Skardu tour packages. Let us be your guide to the unparalleled beauty and cultural richness of this enchanting destination. Book your journey today and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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istanbullocalguides · 8 months
5 Compelling Reasons to Book Turkey Tour Today
Situated at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Turkey welcomes travellers from all over the world with its vibrant history, visually appealing landscapes, and spectacular cultural sightings. Though you contemplate your next travel destination, please check out five compelling reasons why you should book Turkey tour packages today:
Historical Sightings 
Turkey stands out as the home to centuries-old history, with remnants of ancient civilizations scattered throughout its landscapes. From the iconic Hagia Sophia and the historic Blue Mosque in Istanbul to the ancient city of Ephesus and the surreal landscapes of Cappadocia, Turkey tells a story of the long-gone eras. Wander around to explore the archaeological wonders and enjoy visiting the architectural sightseeing attractions that have stood the test of time.
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Cultural Diversity
Turkey allows you to experience the perfect blend of cultures, combining significant influences from the Ottoman Empire, Byzantine era, and modern-day Anatolia. Get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant bazaars and experience the aroma of spices mingling with the hustle and bustle of daily life. On your Turkey tour, you will indulge in traditional Turkish cuisine, known for its flavorful delights and delectable dishes, or experience a mesmerizing whirling dervish performance, a unique and spiritual dance form.
Breathtakingly Beautiful Landscapes
Turkish diverse geography ranges from the pristine beaches along the Mediterranean and Aegean coasts to the otherworldly landscapes of Pamukkale's terraces and the fairy chimneys of Cappadocia. Most nature enthusiasts will find themselves in awe of Turkey's breathtaking beauty. Whether you want relaxation by the turquoise waters or adventure amidst unique rock formations, you will experience everything in Turkey.
Warm Hospitality
Turkish hospitality is the benchmark of the country's culture. The country welcomes visitors with open arms, and the warmth of the Turkish people adds an extra layer of charm to the overall travel experience. Whether you're sipping tea in a local café or exploring the labyrinthine streets of the Grand Bazaar, the friendly smiles of the Turkish people will make you feel like right at home.
Bridging between Continents
The unique location of the country straddles Europe and Asia offering a fascinating combination of Eastern and Western influences. Istanbul is the only city around the world spanning two continents that perfectly encapsulates this cultural significance. You can visit the historic Bosporus Strait, connecting the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara, and feel the palpable energy of being at the crossroads of both continents.
Conclusion –
Whether you're a history buff, a nature enthusiast, or someone seeking the allure of cultural diversity, you should book a Turkey tour with Istanbul Local Guides. We provide the 10 Days Turkey Tour Packages to discover the enchanting landscapes, rich history, and warm hospitality in this captivating country. Book your tour itinerary today and let our local guide help you explore its wonders and create memories that will last a lifetime. Please check out our available Turkey tour packages today and choose the best one for your preferences.
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movieslcom8 · 10 months
Unleashing Cinematic Delights A companion to Free movies
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In a world fueled by constant connectivity and an inextinguishable appetite for entertainment, the appeal of pictures remains unvarying. Whether you are a film buff on a budget or just someone looking for a cinematic escape without breaking the bank, the realm of free pictures offers a plethora of options to be explored. In this blog post, we'll navigate the geography of free pictures, uncovering the retired gems and avenues where you can indulge in the magic of liars without reaching for your portmanteau.
1. Streaming Platforms More Than Subscriptions
While subscription-grounded streaming services like Netflix and Hulu dominate the digital entertainment scene, lower-known platforms have surfaced as titleholders of free pictures. Tubi, Crackle, and Pluto TV are settlers in this space, furnishing observers with an expansive array of flicks supported by periodic announcements. This announcement-supported model enables druggies to enjoy a different selection of pictures without committing to a yearly subscription figure, making cinematic gests accessible to a broader followership.
2. Public Domain Treasures A Journey Through Time
The public sphere serves as a cinematic time capsule, causing an array of classic and historically significant flicks that are free from brand restrictions. Platforms like Internet Library, Public Sphere inundations, and Project Gutenberg offer a treasure trove of pictures gauging different ages and stripes. From silent film classics to early Hollywood masterpieces, these public sphere gems give a unique occasion to explore the elaboration of cinema without spending a song.
3. Educational Platforms Where Entertainment Meets Enlightenment
For those seeking a more intellectually stimulating cinematic experience, educational platforms present an interesting avenue. Kanopy and SnagFilms, for illustration, mate with libraries and educational institutions to offer free access to a curated selection of pictures, independent flicks, and study-provoking features. These platforms not only entertain but also educate, making them an excellent resource for observers fascinated by probing deeper into the art and societal impact of cinema.
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4. YouTube A Global Stage for Creativity
YouTube, frequently synonymous with short vids and vlogs, is also a thriving mecca for independent filmmakers and content generators. innumerous generators Free Movies release their work on YouTube, gauging short flicks to full-length features, covering a different range of stripes. numerous of these generators offer their content for free, using YouTube as a popular platform to reach global followership. This democratization of film distribution on YouTube not only benefits observers but also empowers filmmakers to share their stories without the traditional constraints of assiduity.
5. Film Carnivals Beyond the Red Carpet
Film carnivals aren't solely reserved for the gaudiness and glamour of the red carpet; they also serve as gateways to free cinematic gests. In the digital age, multitudinous film carnivals, including famed bones like Sundance and Tribeca, offer online wireworks of named flicks either for free or at a nominal cost. This democratization of access to jubilee-good flicks allows cults worldwide to partake in the excitement and diversity that these events bring to cinematic geography.
The Democratization of Cinematic Enjoyment
The rise of free pictures Watch Free Movies signifies a vital shift in the democratization of cinematic enjoyment. In a world where the cost of entertainment can be a prohibitive factor for numerous, free pictures break down fiscal walls, icing that the joy of lying through film is a universal experience. This availability is particularly vital for fostering artistic diversity, as free pictures frequently include independent and transnational flicks that might not admit wide theatrical releases.
also, the vacuity of free pictures creates a rich ground for aspiring filmmakers and independent generators to showcase their work to global followership without the traditional constraints of distribution models. This democratization of access empowers filmmakers to tell unique stories, trial with different stripes, and challenge the morals of mainstream cinema.
In conclusion, the world of free pictures is a vast and different geography that extends beyond the boundaries of subscription-grounded streaming services. From announcement-supported platforms and public sphere classics to educational coffers and the global stage of YouTube, the avenues for free cinematic enjoyment are ever-expanding. As we navigate the digital age, let's embrace the openings to explore, discover, and celebrate the magic of pictures without the constraints of a price label. The joy of a good film should be a universal experience, open to all who seek the enchantment of the cinematic escape.
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shankar1234 · 11 months
Exploring the Enchanting City of Lakes: Udaipur Cab Hire and Taxi Udaipur
Nestled in the heart of Rajasthan, the mesmerizing city of Udaipur is often referred to as the "Venice of the East" due to its enchanting lakes, palaces, and vibrant culture. Udaipur has consistently been a favorite tourist destination for those seeking a blend of history, heritage, and natural beauty. To make the most of your Udaipur journey, it's essential to have a convenient and reliable mode of transportation. In this article, we will explore the city's must-visit destinations and discuss the advantages of Udaipur cab hire and  taxi  udaipur   for a seamless travel experience.
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Discovering Udaipur's Splendors
City Palace: Udaipur's grandeur is best exemplified by the City Palace, a magnificent complex that offers a glimpse into the city's regal history. Built over centuries, the palace showcases a mix of architectural styles and breathtaking views of Lake Pichola.
Lake Pichola: Take a boat ride on Lake Pichola to witness the city's true charm. The pristine waters surround the City Palace, creating a picturesque setting for a romantic evening cruise
Jag Mandir: A visit to Jag Mandir, a stunning island palace in the middle of Lake Pichola, is a must. The island's lush gardens and splendid architecture make it a perfect spot for a serene escape
Saheliyon Ki Bari: Saheliyon Ki Bari, or the Garden of Maidens, is a well-maintained historic garden with fountains, lotus pools, and marble pavilions. It offers a peaceful environment for a leisurely stroll.
Fateh Sagar Lake: Another beautiful lake in Udaipur, Fateh Sagar Lake is a great place to relax, enjoy a boat ride, or visit the delightful Nehru Park located on an island in the lake.
Jagdish Temple: This intricately designed temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu is a fine example of Indo-Aryan architecture and is located close to the City Palace.
Shri Ekling Ji Temple: For a spiritual experience, a visit to Shri Ekling Ji Temple is recommended. This temple is one of the most revered in the region and is known for its impressive architecture.
Exploring Udaipur with Udaipur Cab Hire and Taxi Services
To make your Udaipur tour truly memorable, consider hiring a cab or taxi service. Here are some key advantages of choosing  Udaipur cab hire  and taxi services:
Convenience: Udaipur cab hire and taxi services provide a hassle-free way to explore the city. You can plan your itinerary according to your preferences and travel at your own pace.
Local Expertise: Professional cab drivers in Udaipur are well-versed in the city's geography and tourist attractions. They can provide valuable insights, recommend the best places to visit, and even share interesting stories about the city
Time Efficiency: With a private cab or taxi, you can optimize your time by avoiding crowded public transportation and waiting times. This allows you to see more of Udaipur in a shorter period.
Safety and Comfort: Udaipur cab hire and taxi services prioritize your safety and comfort. Clean, well-maintained vehicles and experienced drivers ensure a pleasant and secure journey.
Customized Itinerary: You have the flexibility to customize your itinerary and visit the places that interest you the most. This is particularly valuable if you have specific destinations in mind.
Stress-Free Navigation: Udaipur's narrow, winding streets and bustling traffic can be overwhelming for first-time visitors. A cab or taxi service eliminates the need to navigate the city on your own, making your trip more relaxed.
Airport and Railway Station Transfers: Many Udaipur cab hire and taxi services also provide airport and railway station transfers, ensuring a seamless transition from your arrival point to your accommodation.
Udaipur Cab Hire and Taxi Udaipur - The Key to a Memorable Journey
In conclusion, Udaipur is a city of unparalleled beauty and cultural richness. Its palaces, lakes, and temples make it a dream destination for history buffs, architecture enthusiasts, and nature lovers alike. To make the most of your Udaipur tour, consider hiring a cab or taxi service. Udaipur cab hire and taxi services offer convenience, local expertise, and personalized experiences, ensuring that you have a memorable and stress-free journey through the Venice of the East.
Whether you wish to explore the regal history of the City Palace, enjoy a tranquil boat ride on Lake Pichola, or soak in the spirituality of the city's temples, a cab or taxi service is your gateway to a seamless and enjoyable Udaipur experience. So, when you plan your visit to Udaipur, remember to book a Udaipur cab hire or taxi service to make your exploration of this enchanting city truly unforgettable.
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guywiththecamera · 2 years
You can take a summer trip to these five hill stations in Uttarakhand
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Summer is the best season to escape the city and seek the calmness of the hills. Uttarakhand can be used as a refuge from the heat. Uttarakhand, also known as the "Land of the Gods", has some of the most breathtaking hill stations in India. These are five of our favorites:
Nainital, a well-known hill stations in uttarakhand, is found in a valley surrounded with mountains. Nainital is known for its stunning lakes. There are great opportunities to fish, boat and do other watersports on these lakes. Nainital has many temples, and other religious sites that make it a perfect destination for history buffs and pilgrims.
Mussoorie sits on a ridge at 2,000m. It offers breathtaking views of the Doon Valley, snowcapped Himalayan peaks and many other places. Mussoorie is well-known for its friendly people, which contribute to the charming atmosphere. Mussoorie offers outdoor adventure, including rock climbing and rappelling.
Auli, also known as "Auli", is a winter wonderland situated at an altitude of between 2,500-3,000 metres above sea level. This is Asia's most well-known ski resort. Auli is an excellent place to visit if you're a skier or snowboarder. Auli is worth visiting even if your passion is not snowboarding or skiing. The stunning views from the trails through the picturesque valley are simply breathtaking.
Almora, a tiny town in Uttarakhad’s Kumaon, is found on a horseshoe-shaped Hill. It is known for its breathtaking scenery and rich cultural history. Almora is home to many attractions, including museums and temples as well as hiking trails and picnic areas. Almora's bustling markets will delight shoppers who love to shop.
Pithoragarh, which has a similar climate and geography to Kashmir Valley, is often called the "Mini Kashmir". Pithoragarh is situated at 1,450-21,135 meters above sea level. It offers spectacular views of the Himalayan mountains. The mountainous region is a favorite destination for both tourists and locals.
Uttarakhand is the perfect place for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. So what are you waiting for? Grab your backpack, grab your luggage, and head to these stunning hill stations this Summer.
Sukoon Villa
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cruiseready · 6 years
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Map of The Caribbean Sea and Islands Jigsaw Puzzle - A delight for jigsaw puzzlers, geography buffs, and Caribbean cruisers alike, this puzzle map of the Caribbean will be a great addition to your collection or for family game night.
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pasta-abomination · 4 years
FemslashEx 2020 Dear Creator letter
Dear Creator,
Thank you for bringing more femslash into the world! And thank you especially for making femslash for me, too. Gonna jump to the prompts under the cut:
General Housekeeping
Canon pronouns and gender identities:
Bending canon pronouns or identities is delightful, but completely optional.
DNWs: Explicit works where the characters are underage, ship or character bashing, kinks involving bodily fluids/excretions, stories focused on marriage (characters being married is fine, and I do like "woke up married" stories or fake or arranged marriage stories, but not stories where The Marriage Is The Point) or kidfic.
Re: g!p: Like I said, I love genderbending, and that does mean I'm theoretically okay with a lot of things--aliens, robots, magic, ABO, etc., in addition to things like gender play during sex, toys, intentionally fucking with gendered cues, clothing, etc. I'm also really a fan of stories that can respectfully include nuances of marginalized identities & experiences.
So if you want to engage with real identities in your fic, please do--I love exploring different potential "versions" of characters, and thinking about how a character's canon or canon-adjacent characterization might fit with the experiences of multiple different identities. I love stories that celebrate bodies and experiences that are considered non-normative.
My only caveat is that, if you're going to give a character a dick only so they can fuck someone with it, or if the fact that the character has a dick is the kink (i.e. if the character having a dick & using it in particular ways is the thing you’re really interested in writing), please have it be the result of something like magic, or shapeshifting, or even technology (aliens and robots!) instead of including it under the banner of trans or intersex identity.
tl;dr: Wanna write about trans or intersex versions of a character, including depictions of people with penises using those for sex? I would love that. Wanna write about Adora boning down with a flesh-and-blood dick because you think She-Ra has BDE? Have it be a magical transformation of some kind.
General Likes
Hurt/Comfort - Tending wounds! Bedside vigils! Nightmares! Reassurance! Touch-starved characters! Shared grief! Oh my!
Casefic/Mission fic - Mostly exactly what it says on the tin
Worldbuilding - Similar to genfic, but I just *clenches fist* Worldbuilding. Religion, magic, geography, history--especially if it adds something to our understanding of the characters and the experience of the bigger story.
Genderbending & Subcultural Identities - I really like exploring how a character might fit/not fit/understand themselves within IRL identity frameworks, or even thinking about how existing identity frameworks in the canon universe might influence how the character sees themself. This might be worldbuilding-heavy (I'd be super fascinated by the nuts and bolts of gender fluidity and transition with the kind of magic that Etheria has) or just a, "I feel like these two characters have a butch/femme dynamic and I'm going to play that up" or literally writing about a character trying out a haircut and a more non-binary way of being in the world and... enjoying it?
That also shows up in my ABO. I really like ABO that focuses on the subcultures that might  exist in that kind of world.
Altered states: Drunk, high, or otherwise intoxicated characters. Magic influencing peoples' emotional and mental state. Sleep deprivation, adrenaline, near-death experiences.
Thoughtful smut - You know that galaxy brain meme that went around where the highest level was "porn with math"? Yeah, that's me.
Poly - I only selected one triad for this (Dani/Sarah/Grace under Terminator) but I do really like poly relationships, and I’m generally okay with F/F/M as well, although I’d really prefer that the focus be on the women in the relationship. My only ask is that Catra (and Adora, for that matter) not be added to She-Ra pairings unless specifically requested or noted--I like them both a lot, I’ve requested them both together and separately, but I’d also like the spirit and the dynamics of the Adora- and Catra-related pairings I’ve requested for that fandom to be honored, and that rarepair requests not get rolled into & subsumed by the juggernaut pairing. (And, “requesting” can be either in the ~official request~ or in the prompts).
Following on that, though, I am a huge fan of complicated emotional dynamics. Liking two people at the same time but in different ways and for different things? Fan. Fucking someone and thinking of someone else? Awesome. Meaningful and unique present-day emotional relationship that doesn’t replace or assuage the pain of a past relationship and the longing for that person? Heaven. Complicated emotional dynamics are my Jam. As long as neither relationship is denigrated and the pairing requested is the focus of the fic.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Prompt Set 1: Adora/Glimmer, Perfuma/Adora, Adora/Mermista, Adora/Huntara, Huntara/Perfuma
My rarepairs!
These are the ships I ship because of canon moments, but are super rare in the fandom Because Reasons. And I like just about every ship in the fandom, but wanted to make sure these in particular got some love because they're fun, and I'm going to tell you why I like them, and some favorite tropes or prompts I have with them.
Adora/Glimmer- in PARTICULAR because of:
In 1x04 when Adora sneaks into Glimmer's room to sleep on the end of her bed. 
Bed-sharing is a GREAT trope with these two, whether accidentally, purposefully, or "oh no there's only one bed".
In "The Shadows of Mystacor" where Glimmer straight-up falls asleep on Adora in little spoon position in the hot springs
The day of Glimmer's coronation where Adora confesses that Angella told her to "take care" of Glimmer (even though she told them to "take care of each other", which is also super fucking shippy for me) and then resolves that she's going to do that
In "Mer-mysteries", their argument sounds like a subtextual break-up, and I love that
The scene in "Beast Island" where Adora almost gives up and then remembers Angella's last words to her and remembers *Glimmer* and even if I'm not feeling very shippy it still just hits me right in the feels
The implication in "System Failure" (the s1 episode where Entrapta is introduced) that Adora smashes rocks for Glimmer's enjoyment. Just. Y'know. Glimmer getting her buff gf to move things around for her. Carry things. Like boulders. Especially when she lifts things over her head--
Perfuma/Adora - Gosh, I'm just super Here For how Perfuma looks at She-Ra. I'm also here for: 
Perfuma and Adora getting high together and having adventures and making out a little and being happy and cozy together
I appreciate that Adora doesn't just immediately lose the femmephobia she was raised with in the Horde on joining the Rebellion (I think that would probably be more of a Process(TM) than they had time for onscreen) and so generally Adora being uncomfortable and kind of a jock but then getting shown up/put in her place. Obviously by the time Adora tells Huntara that Perfuma "is a demon in battle", she's wised up, but that's three whole seasons of material to work with :P
Anything with Perfuma trying to teach Adora how to relax/meditate (depending on your ADHD feels you can make that explicitly ADHD Adora--active meditation is a thing!)
Perfuma being Very Into her buff girlfriend and Adora being kind of a himbo
Adora/Mermista - I LOVE the energy with these two. Mermista especially feels like she's confident in her powers in a way that even Glimmer and Adora aren't--even though Adora and Glimmer are more experienced commanders/combatants. I feel like Mermista would enjoy Adora's cockier side that comes out when she's She-Ra.
Adora/Huntara - Adora's instant crush on Huntara when they meet in the Crimson Waste is one of the most memorable moments of the show for me, and this show has been very memorable, okay
Adorable butch4butch vibe
Competitive jocks competing jockily
Huntara feels very penitent by the end of the episode where they meet, I would love some penitent Huntara
I'm not sure what her fascination with She-Ra was, but in my head, it's not just about the haunted crashed spaceship, it's about something she knows about She-Ra from her time in the Wastes, and she holds some kind of reverence for her. Being a warrior woman and all
Would also like sad/thoughtful/wistful/quiet/aching moments with these two after the war where they're trying to adjust to like... living at peace. Or how they *can't* adjust to living at peace. And their shared or distinct experiences with the Horde.
For some reason, I really like the idea of Perfuma getting *both* Adora and Huntara high somehow and the three of them having a lot of fun but wow Adora and Huntara's stoned personalities. Just imagine the possibilities.
Huntara/Perfuma - OKAY. I *really* loved their dynamic in "Valley of the Lost". Just. *REALLY* loved it. The vast difference in perspectives, the suggestion that Perfuma liked Huntara but thought Huntara was prickly and didn't like her back, Huntara wondering if Perfuma can handle herself and then Perfuma showing literally *everybody* up.
Perfuma calling Huntara her "desert rose" is um. Fantastic.
I don't know if I see these two *dating* exactly, but I really just need the two of them to have Supremely Gay and Supremely Butch/Femme moments
I just have this feeling that Huntara could be Incredibly Smooth and sweep Perfuma off her feet for like. A mission. A ball, like Princess Prom. A dance. A party. A shindig. A ritual. What Have You. 
(And I think being able to sweep Perfuma off her feet would go a long way towards making Huntara feel... more like herself, after uprooting her life and going back to the war and apparently getting chipped by Horde Prime. She is butch, she is rough, she is smart and competent and god knows she's tough, and in the Waste, she was on top, she was *the* top of the food chain. And here... maybe, sometimes, she feels inadequate. Here, she's just cannon fodder again. In the desert, she *knew* things that set her apart. Here, she's just... mildly informed.)
Prompt Set 2: Madame Razz/Mara, Mara/Light Hope, She-Ra Entity/Mara, Entrapta/Darla
I was going to call these my "Worldbuilding Set" of prompts, but then I realized that this could much more honestly be called "Weird--But Sweet--Xeno Prompts”. 
Madame Razz/Mara - I was inspired in part by Noelle's remark that there's a note in the show bible that Madame Razz has dated "like, everyone in Etheria" because she's dislodged from linear time and has been around forever besides that.
Then I rewatched S1 and there was that scene where Razz tells Adora her and Mara used to go stargazing at the Crystal Castle. And there *was* the way she referred to Mara as "my Mara". And then I was sold.
I don't mean anything weird or kinky by it (which, no judgement if you do), just... idk, in my head, it's a very May/December dynamic, or, heh, maybe Mayfly-December dynamic, depending on how Razz does with linear time. And it sounds like on some level, Mara was kind of an apprentice to her? And, Mara is both very strong and competent and also just seems like this really gentle person? She seems very much like Steve Rogers lol.
Like there is a real potential for worldbuilding in here, too. But a lot of this dynamic is just very... peaceful and domestic.
Mara/Light Hope - GOD THESE TWO CAUSE ME PAIN. I love them. I love the tragedy of them. I love Light Hope's wobbly steps towards self-awareness and self-will. I love the hope of that journey. I love Mara's deepening connection with Etheria. I love the wonder of it. I love how she takes up the mantle of She-Ra in earnest.
And I love how inevitably the end comes up on them. How they're caught in events outside their control. I love how bravely they fight, and how brilliantly--and how it's not enough. I love how *powerful* they are, both of them, in their own specific ways, but they were maneuvered into this position by people who ensured they could keep the upper hand.
And I love how their love is still so strong that a thousand years later, it keeps Adora safe and proves to be their superiors' ultimate undoing. Catradora may have saved the universe in S5, but Marahope did it first.
Some prompts:
Any worldbuilding you want to do around the First Ones, the First Ones’ tech, the Heart of Etheria Project, Grayskull Squadron (ahaha that’s a Rogue Squadron/Rogue One reference isn’t it), She-Ra, the magic of Etheria, other runestones that were active in Mara’s time but are defunct by Adora’s, worldbuilding about the various kingdoms and Princesses, Mara learning from Light Hope, Light Hope learning from Mara... all of it
Light Hope falling in love with Mara--I just want to see how, and why, and what it was like for her, and what Mara did that set her apart from Light Hope’s other charges (if you think that there were others before Mara, which is kind of my base assumption but I’m absolutely willing to read another take), and just *gay noises*
Light Hope mentioned that there were “many” She-Ra/s before Mara, and while she did lie about a lot of things, a lot of her lies were lies of omission or shading of the truth, not just outright false--Mara did the damage to Etheria that she did, but LH lied about why, for instance. Or with the Portal Adora was brought through, Light Hope simply failed to mention that she was the one who brought Adora through it, and allowed Adora to continue in her assumption that Hordak was both the person who opened the portal and the one who brought her through. So, I’d be curious about Light Hope’s feelings for her other charges--was she serially and hopelessly into these magical warriors? Or was there something different about Mara?
Light Hope’s journey to self-will is TRAGIC and beautiful and I love it. And it sounds very much like something that happened over the course of different relationships with multiple people. And I want to hear about all of it and why it culminated when and how it did.
Light Hope training Mara
Mara being adorable?? Help???
Light Hope helping Mara get adjusted to her new role after she’s selected to be She-Ra
Light Hope adjusting to Mara after Mara is selected to be She-Ra
Mara experiencing Etheria’s magic
Light Hope being snarky at Mara while Mara sleeps with the Princesses has Normal Organic Relations with people and the two of them are pining for each other but neither of them really knows it consciously (after all, how would you date an AI? Would AIs date? There’s no social precedent for this. Is there?)
I would actually really like to see something with Mara and Light Hope doing what they came to Etheria to do and studying the planet’s magic, too
Magic and technology and xeno elements--Magical transformations, dreams, visions, new powers, coping with new powers, aliens!, virtual reality, telepathic/mental connections, uses of magic and tech for sex, etc.
Entrapta/Darla - I just love how horny on main Entrapta is for technology, and I love the observation that someone on the creative team shared that Entrapta sees tech as a living creature, and sees the “humanity” in it. I am open to anything here. Go wild.
She-Ra Entity/Mara - This is super niche and very worldbuilding-heavy, potentially, but I really love the idea of there being a relationship of sorts between not just Mara and She-Ra, but the She-Ra line and the She-Ra entity, going back to whenever the First Ones bound her to the Sword, and maybe even further back.
Queer spiritual & religious metaphors? In my fanfic? It's more likely than you think.
Prompt Set 3: Double Trouble/Catra, Castaspella/Shadow Weaver, Glimmer/Shadow Weaver, Catra/Glimmer
My trash children prompts! And by "trash children", I mean everything from "my genderpunk trash children" to "these two need a whole buddy comedy except they spend 95% of the film loathing each others' guts" to "holy wow student-teacher power imbalance".
Castaspella/Shadow Weaver - If you were wondering which pairing I thought "needs a whole buddy comedy", this is that pairing. Just like, a buddy comedy, but in a romantic way. They feel like they’d be great fodder for crackfic, because once you get Really Into the weeds of magic usage and these old family-related hatreds it gets either very technical and serious or just very ridiculous and honestly I like both options.
I have this very weird, very specific AU idea where the two of them have to go undercover as a married couple while simultaneously *loathing* each other and of course they bang it out eventually
I'm also a fan of whatever it is you think about them. I just about guarantee it.
Glimmer/Shadow Weaver - In my head, a lot of this is going to be after Glimmer’s coronation. 
Their dynamic definitely has shades of “Glimmer is hurting and overwhelmed and will respond extremely well to a vaguely maternal figure no matter how vague or inappropriate”
There is always the lure of forbidden knowledge and Glimmer being high on the sense of competency and power and general ability to do things, which she probably feels she’s been denied all her life--and that have only been given to her at a huge personal cost. Glimmer might be mad at the world, mad at herself, mad at her mother. 
I looooooooooooooove a good moral corruption story. I love how Glimmer seems like she’d be drawn to Shadow Weaver’s ruthlessness, especially after her interactions with Catra and how Catra tricked them constantly and weaponized their good natures and intentions against them
I've seen people point out that this seems like an appropriate pairing for tentacles and I have to say I agree.
Double Trouble/Catra - I don't know *why* I found it so endearing when Double Trouble would show the slightest basic kindness to Catra and Catra would just... melt? I mean, fine, they were getting paid to care, and DT was probably really interested in the drama too. 
But then, you have the two of them egging each other on at being terrible, too. Being devious and misbehaved. I just need the two of them being my trash children. My gender-nonconforming queer punk trash children. Who make out sometimes, or have this... tension between them. Who might turn on each other sometimes, but god help you if you come after either one.
Catra/Glimmer - Idk, I especially enjoy them after seeing their dynamic in S5. I would love to see more of them doing... whatever, basically. I love how alike they are, and the ways they're different. And I love how Glimmer warms to Catra.
Catra annoying Glimmer. Because she is a cat.
Glimmer *getting* Catra, because they are a *lot* alike in some ways.
... And also any kind of "the aliens made them do it" smut fic you want to write about while they're out in space
Avatar: The Legend of Korra
Korra/Raava, Korra/Kuvira, Asami Sato/Lin Beifong, Korra/Lin Beifong, Kuvira/Opal
Korra/Raava - Kind of like with the She-Ra/Mara pairing under SPOP, I like there being an actual "relationship" between the mystical entity and the human connected to that entity. I'm not really looking for smut here, unless you're really feeling it, but any take on that is welcome.
Korra/Kuvira - This is, like, the opposite of Korra/Raava. Lol. All my rough pairing things apply:
Physical roughness. Can include rough sex, adrenaline/post-fight sex, sparring, or just actual fighting. Two women with dirt and blood streaking their skin snarling and circling each other? Perfect. Women who are scraped and sweaty and 
Mystical elements - Reversal lol, but I do like mystical healing, telepathic or empathic connections
Redemption arc stuff for Kuvira, bc obvs.
Neither of them seem particularly prone to indulging in substances, but if they did, or if there was an AU, I do also love it when two warrior types get intoxicated together somehow
Asami Sato/Lin Beifong - Idk, I feel like Asami has probably gotten in trouble before, right? And I don’t see Lin being very moved by flirting, but I could totally see Asami making a pass at her and it backfiring lol--maybe even before she met the Avatar. 
And then after that, Asami worked alongside Lin when she started working with the Avatar. And then she's worked with Lin in a non-bending professional capacity for a while too, post-s3. Idk. Maybe they have pre-Avatar interactions, or interactions that don’t revolve around the plot of Avatar, and there’s some kind of romantic or sexual Thing between them? 
Korra/Lin Beifong - I have a few dynamics I like with these two:
Grumpy/sunshine pairing
The sunshine one is superpowered
Sparring with a D/S flavor
A lot of the “rough pairing” notes I made for Korra/Kuvira apply here, too, except there’s not so much of a rivalmancy going on 
Under the Muppet Theory of Relationships, I’d probably place Lin on the Order Muppet side and Korra on the Chaos Muppet side. 
Kuvira/Opal - Mostly thinking post-rehabilitation for Kuvira. The two of them find each other again and a lot has changed. 
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Katara/Azula, Toph Beifong/Katara
Katara/Azula - If you like me are into this ship--thank god I’m not the only one. I don’t know why I like the idea of the dynamic between them so much--Azula’s conviction of her right to rule, her redemption arc that never materialized, Katara’s involvement with the Avatar, the opposing natures of their powers, Katara’s mastery vs. Azula’s. It’s just *clenches fist* phenomenal fodder for enemies-to-lovers, the trauma they both carry, the different monsters they have inside them.
Toph Beifong/Katara - These two were super fucking adorable and had the best tomboy/femme vibe and I would like to see more of that dynamic at literally any point throughout their lives. Alternately, I am up for any ideas you have about them.
Terminator (Movies)
Grace Harper/Sarah Connor - I am game for anything: Grace lives, Grace dies, Grace rises from the dead a vampire (j/k. Unless you’re into that idea). Unlike the other two pairings here, I really like the roughness and snark between them, the fact that they don’t entirely get along even when they’re nominally getting along. They feel like they’re constantly competing, and I would love for that competition to either extend to the bedroom or for them to work their differences out through banging or for meditation on how Grace reminds Sarah of Kyle or--
Dani Ramos/Sarah Connor - I wonder sometimes if Sarah calms down once Grace is gone, mostly because they’re no longer in immediate danger, but also because Grace seems to really chafe for Sarah more than Dani. Sarah seems almost soft in her regard for Dani, and I love that and I love how it comes from this sympathy she feels for Dani’s position. It feels really rare for her, and I love the juxtaposition of her roughness, grief, and caring.
For these two, I’d be really curious about anything that happens post-Dark Fate.
Dani Ramos/Sarah Connor/Grace Harper - I like all three of the above pairings, so why not put all three of them together? I think it’d be fun. Especially if the three of them are on the road together after the events of Dark Fate in an AU where Grace lives. Road trips, cyborgs, time travel, and gay sex.
Grace Harper/OFC, Dani Ramos/OFC - I know a lot of people really like the idea of Grace only ever having been with or interested in Dani, or vice versa, but I kind of feel like having more experience would make them better lovers when they’re with each other. Things I like a lot with this:
Grace blowing off steam with another Augment
Grace having drunk/high sex with another Augment
Dani occasionally sleeping with Augments when she doesn’t have Grace and really needs the comfort
The two of them fucking other people and thinking about each other
The two of them fucking and thinking about the other version of their partner
Worldbuilding for Dani’s post-Judgement Day world through the lens of femslash
0 notes
wineanddinosaur · 5 years
Napa and Sonoma: Counties, Valleys, and Cities, Explained
There’s no question that Napa and Sonoma are two of the most beloved wine destinations in the world. What’s less certain, however, is what exactly people mean — or think they mean — when they talk about them.
Napa and Sonoma are both towns, counties, and valleys. As valleys, they are also often used interchangeably with their eponymous American Viticultural Areas (AVAs). And to make things more complicated, Napa and Sonoma’s overarching geographic areas are also home to many other wine country towns.
All of these variations — and their overlap — can be puzzling, to say the least. Consider the following a geography lesson to Northern California wine.
“People are often completely confused, and I have to explain the differences,” says Kellie Fuller, concierge for the Cottages of Napa Valley, who has worked in the wine and hospitality industry in Northern California for three decades. “And not everyone is staying at a place where there is a concierge.”
Indeed, visitors planning their own itineraries can be overwhelmed by the amount of information available online, from tourism websites to media coverage to forums on online booking sites. “On the TripAdvisor forums, I’m one of several self-appointed ambassadors to the Napa Valley,” Fuller says. “I’m always doing my best to answer questions and clear things up.”
Even Bay Area locals can get puzzled. Kelly Carter, communications director for Alpha Omega winery in Rutherford (in the heart of Napa Valley), and four-year resident of the Valley, recently received an email from a friend in San Francisco. The woman was requesting recommendations for wineries or tasting tours in Yountville, a charming town in Napa County; or Healdsburg, an equally popular town in Sonoma County. But Carter paused when she read it, because her friend said she “just [didn’t] want to go as far as Napa or Sonoma this time” — a head-scratching detail because both Yountville and Healdsburg are considerably farther, respectively, from San Francisco than the towns of Napa and Sonoma.
“People just don’t get it,” Carter says. “There’s Napa County, the city of Napa, and Napa Valley. People think they’re all just one big thing, and they’re not.”
Then, there’s the general confusion over geography, locals say. “People think Napa and Sonoma, as general wine regions, are five minutes apart, when in fact it can take you an hour or more” to travel between them, Carter says. She adds, “Oh, and by the way, there’s a mountain range that separates the two.”
Also, in difficult times when a fire breaks out in Northern California wine country, as is distressingly common in recent years, Fuller often receives calls from guests wondering if they should still come to the Cottages of Napa Valley, even if the fire is more than 50 miles away in Sonoma County.
The best way to make the most of any trip to the region is to do some homework ahead of time about how you want to explore it. “The experience is so important, so consider what kind you want to have,” says Jessica Boone, winemaker at Passalacqua, a popular winery in Sonoma County’s Dry Creek Valley. “Do you want to sit down for a seated tasting and have an hour or so to really get to know the wines, or do you want to hit several places that have bar tastings, where you can get more of a broad brushstroke of a place?”
To help answer those questions and clear up some confusion, we’ve put together a handy cheat sheet to explain these nuances. Think of it as a primer for planning your next trip, so that you can stop getting tripped up over county versus valley versus city — and start focusing on the fun stuff, like which winery you’ll hit first.
Napa County
Napa County is home to nine cities and towns, from Napa itself (more on that below), to towns like Yountville, St. Helena, and Calistoga, located in the heart of the valley. Traveling from San Francisco, you’ll most likely come through the business corridor of American Canyon, which is about 10 miles south of the city of Napa. And with approximately 450 wineries with tasting rooms to choose from across the county, there is certainly something for all kinds of palates and drinkers, from the energetic newbie to the serious collector.
Napa Valley
This strip of land that runs up the middle of the county is what most people mean when they are talking about Napa’s winegrowing region. In 1981, Napa Valley became the first AVA, or American Viticultural Area, designated in California, and there are currently 16 sub-appellations within it. Napa Valley’s geographic footprint is relatively small — just 30 miles long and five miles across at its widest point, about a third of the size of the entire county — but the region produces some of the world’s most coveted wines. Varieties like Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay are virtually synonymous with Napa Valley, but winemakers here also produce Pinot Noir, Merlot, Zinfandel, and Sauvignon Blanc, among others.
There are two main roads that run north-south in Napa Valley: Highway 29, the beautiful but heavily trafficked two-lane road that goes through its most prominent wine-centric towns, like Napa, Yountville, St. Helena, and then Calistoga; and the Silverado Trail, known in locals’ parlance just as “the Trail,” which runs east of Highway 29 and is flanked by such wineries as Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars and Robert Phelps. Several smaller through-ways connect Highway 29 and the Silverado Trail. Near Calistoga, at the northern end of the Silverado Trail, wine and movie buffs will delight in a stop at Chateau Montelena, which put California in the global spotlight in the 1976 Judgement of Paris (Stag’s Leap also won that day).
You’ll probably also hear residents saying “up valley” or “down valley,” and you may notice those terms in names of local businesses, too. They’re used interchangeably as both a geographic location (“I live up valley” — as in Calistoga, for example) or direction (“I’m headed down valley for an appointment this afternoon”).
The City of Napa
Over the last decade, the city of Napa has evolved from a quick stopover for thirsty visitors on their way to wineries up valley (around Yountville and Calistoga, that is), to a destination in its own right. The completion of extensive flood-control measures and a multi-million-dollar renovation along the riverfront and downtown have brought unprecedented energy and droves of travelers as of late. Tasting rooms intertwine with buzzing restaurants and boutiques, and even if you’re just passing through, a stop at the excellent Oxbow Public Market to stock up on gourmet picnic provisions is a must-do.
One especially noteworthy newer addition to the dining scene is Compline, a restaurant and wine shop founded by Master Sommelier Matt Stamp and Ryan Stetins, who oversaw the programs at Charlie Trotter in Chicago and Las Vegas. Meanwhile, a handful of snazzy new hotels, including the Andaz Napa and the Archer Hotel Napa, make downtown Napa an ideal home base for exploring Northern California wine country.
Sonoma County
More spread out than its Napa counterpart, Sonoma County stretches from about 30 miles north of San Francisco all the way up to the small town of Cloverdale, just off Highway 101. More than 30 cities and towns are dotted throughout its 1,768 square miles, most of which are entrenched in the wine industry, spanning about 425 wineries with tasting rooms. Healdsburg is a hub for tasting-centric getaways, while funky Guerneville, on the Russian River, is more laid back.
Go further west, and you’ll hit the coast — in fact, many first-time visitors don’t realize that Sonoma County borders the Pacific Ocean, and its 55 miles of rugged coastline are the secret ingredient to some of its most coveted Pinot Noirs and Chardonnays.
Sonoma Valley
You won’t hear people throwing around the term Sonoma Valley, one of 18 AVAs in Sonoma County, as often as they do Napa Valley. But it has the longest history of any wine-growing region in Sonoma County, dating to the 1850s. Located in the southeast corner of the county, Sonoma Valley is best known for its robust Zinfandel, whose gnarled vines look like troll hands clawing their way from the soil. Lately, varieties like Malbec, Syrah, and Grenache are also gaining traction.
The City of Sonoma
Nestled in the heart of Sonoma Valley, the city of Sonoma itself is a delightful place to spend a day. Many of its tasting rooms are centered around the leafy town square; most welcome walk-ins, but call ahead for reservations on busy weekends. Pinot lovers shouldn’t miss stopping in Sojourn, known for its outstanding Pinot Noir. When it’s time for a bite, Girl & the Fig is a 20-year-old wine country institution that helped put farm-to-table fare on the map.
The article Napa and Sonoma: Counties, Valleys, and Cities, Explained appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/napa-vs-sonoma-travel-guide/
0 notes
johnboothus · 5 years
Napa and Sonoma: Counties Valleys and Cities Explained
There’s no question that Napa and Sonoma are two of the most beloved wine destinations in the world. What’s less certain, however, is what exactly people mean — or think they mean — when they talk about them.
Napa and Sonoma are both towns, counties, and valleys. As valleys, they are also often used interchangeably with their eponymous American Viticultural Areas (AVAs). And to make things more complicated, Napa and Sonoma’s overarching geographic areas are also home to many other wine country towns.
All of these variations — and their overlap — can be puzzling, to say the least. Consider the following a geography lesson to Northern California wine.
“People are often completely confused, and I have to explain the differences,” says Kellie Fuller, concierge for the Cottages of Napa Valley, who has worked in the wine and hospitality industry in Northern California for three decades. “And not everyone is staying at a place where there is a concierge.”
Indeed, visitors planning their own itineraries can be overwhelmed by the amount of information available online, from tourism websites to media coverage to forums on online booking sites. “On the TripAdvisor forums, I’m one of several self-appointed ambassadors to the Napa Valley,” Fuller says. “I’m always doing my best to answer questions and clear things up.”
Even Bay Area locals can get puzzled. Kelly Carter, communications director for Alpha Omega winery in Rutherford (in the heart of Napa Valley), and four-year resident of the Valley, recently received an email from a friend in San Francisco. The woman was requesting recommendations for wineries or tasting tours in Yountville, a charming town in Napa County; or Healdsburg, an equally popular town in Sonoma County. But Carter paused when she read it, because her friend said she “just [didn’t] want to go as far as Napa or Sonoma this time” — a head-scratching detail because both Yountville and Healdsburg are considerably farther, respectively, from San Francisco than the towns of Napa and Sonoma.
“People just don’t get it,” Carter says. “There’s Napa County, the city of Napa, and Napa Valley. People think they’re all just one big thing, and they’re not.”
Then, there’s the general confusion over geography, locals say. “People think Napa and Sonoma, as general wine regions, are five minutes apart, when in fact it can take you an hour or more” to travel between them, Carter says. She adds, “Oh, and by the way, there’s a mountain range that separates the two.”
Also, in difficult times when a fire breaks out in Northern California wine country, as is distressingly common in recent years, Fuller often receives calls from guests wondering if they should still come to the Cottages of Napa Valley, even if the fire is more than 50 miles away in Sonoma County.
The best way to make the most of any trip to the region is to do some homework ahead of time about how you want to explore it. “The experience is so important, so consider what kind you want to have,” says Jessica Boone, winemaker at Passalacqua, a popular winery in Sonoma County’s Dry Creek Valley. “Do you want to sit down for a seated tasting and have an hour or so to really get to know the wines, or do you want to hit several places that have bar tastings, where you can get more of a broad brushstroke of a place?”
To help answer those questions and clear up some confusion, we’ve put together a handy cheat sheet to explain these nuances. Think of it as a primer for planning your next trip, so that you can stop getting tripped up over county versus valley versus city — and start focusing on the fun stuff, like which winery you’ll hit first.
Napa County
Napa County is home to nine cities and towns, from Napa itself (more on that below), to towns like Yountville, St. Helena, and Calistoga, located in the heart of the valley. Traveling from San Francisco, you’ll most likely come through the business corridor of American Canyon, which is about 10 miles south of the city of Napa. And with approximately 450 wineries with tasting rooms to choose from across the county, there is certainly something for all kinds of palates and drinkers, from the energetic newbie to the serious collector.
Napa Valley
This strip of land that runs up the middle of the county is what most people mean when they are talking about Napa’s winegrowing region. In 1981, Napa Valley became the first AVA, or American Viticultural Area, designated in California, and there are currently 16 sub-appellations within it. Napa Valley’s geographic footprint is relatively small — just 30 miles long and five miles across at its widest point, about a third of the size of the entire county — but the region produces some of the world’s most coveted wines. Varieties like Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay are virtually synonymous with Napa Valley, but winemakers here also produce Pinot Noir, Merlot, Zinfandel, and Sauvignon Blanc, among others.
There are two main roads that run north-south in Napa Valley: Highway 29, the beautiful but heavily trafficked two-lane road that goes through its most prominent wine-centric towns, like Napa, Yountville, St. Helena, and then Calistoga; and the Silverado Trail, known in locals’ parlance just as “the Trail,” which runs east of Highway 29 and is flanked by such wineries as Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars and Robert Phelps. Several smaller through-ways connect Highway 29 and the Silverado Trail. Near Calistoga, at the northern end of the Silverado Trail, wine and movie buffs will delight in a stop at Chateau Montelena, which put California in the global spotlight in the 1976 Judgement of Paris (Stag’s Leap also won that day).
You’ll probably also hear residents saying “up valley” or “down valley,” and you may notice those terms in names of local businesses, too. They’re used interchangeably as both a geographic location (“I live up valley” — as in Calistoga, for example) or direction (“I’m headed down valley for an appointment this afternoon”).
The City of Napa
Over the last decade, the city of Napa has evolved from a quick stopover for thirsty visitors on their way to wineries up valley (around Yountville and Calistoga, that is), to a destination in its own right. The completion of extensive flood-control measures and a multi-million-dollar renovation along the riverfront and downtown have brought unprecedented energy and droves of travelers as of late. Tasting rooms intertwine with buzzing restaurants and boutiques, and even if you’re just passing through, a stop at the excellent Oxbow Public Market to stock up on gourmet picnic provisions is a must-do.
One especially noteworthy newer addition to the dining scene is Compline, a restaurant and wine shop founded by Master Sommelier Matt Stamp and Ryan Stetins, who oversaw the programs at Charlie Trotter in Chicago and Las Vegas. Meanwhile, a handful of snazzy new hotels, including the Andaz Napa and the Archer Hotel Napa, make downtown Napa an ideal home base for exploring Northern California wine country.
Sonoma County
More spread out than its Napa counterpart, Sonoma County stretches from about 30 miles north of San Francisco all the way up to the small town of Cloverdale, just off Highway 101. More than 30 cities and towns are dotted throughout its 1,768 square miles, most of which are entrenched in the wine industry, spanning about 425 wineries with tasting rooms. Healdsburg is a hub for tasting-centric getaways, while funky Guerneville, on the Russian River, is more laid back.
Go further west, and you’ll hit the coast — in fact, many first-time visitors don’t realize that Sonoma County borders the Pacific Ocean, and its 55 miles of rugged coastline are the secret ingredient to some of its most coveted Pinot Noirs and Chardonnays.
Sonoma Valley
You won’t hear people throwing around the term Sonoma Valley, one of 18 AVAs in Sonoma County, as often as they do Napa Valley. But it has the longest history of any wine-growing region in Sonoma County, dating to the 1850s. Located in the southeast corner of the county, Sonoma Valley is best known for its robust Zinfandel, whose gnarled vines look like troll hands clawing their way from the soil. Lately, varieties like Malbec, Syrah, and Grenache are also gaining traction.
The City of Sonoma
Nestled in the heart of Sonoma Valley, the city of Sonoma itself is a delightful place to spend a day. Many of its tasting rooms are centered around the leafy town square; most welcome walk-ins, but call ahead for reservations on busy weekends. Pinot lovers shouldn’t miss stopping in Sojourn, known for its outstanding Pinot Noir. When it’s time for a bite, Girl & the Fig is a 20-year-old wine country institution that helped put farm-to-table fare on the map.
The article Napa and Sonoma: Counties, Valleys, and Cities, Explained appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/napa-vs-sonoma-travel-guide/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/napa-and-sonoma-counties-valleys-and-cities-explained
0 notes
isaiahrippinus · 5 years
Napa and Sonoma: Counties, Valleys, and Cities, Explained
There’s no question that Napa and Sonoma are two of the most beloved wine destinations in the world. What’s less certain, however, is what exactly people mean — or think they mean — when they talk about them.
Napa and Sonoma are both towns, counties, and valleys. As valleys, they are also often used interchangeably with their eponymous American Viticultural Areas (AVAs). And to make things more complicated, Napa and Sonoma’s overarching geographic areas are also home to many other wine country towns.
All of these variations — and their overlap — can be puzzling, to say the least. Consider the following a geography lesson to Northern California wine.
“People are often completely confused, and I have to explain the differences,” says Kellie Fuller, concierge for the Cottages of Napa Valley, who has worked in the wine and hospitality industry in Northern California for three decades. “And not everyone is staying at a place where there is a concierge.”
Indeed, visitors planning their own itineraries can be overwhelmed by the amount of information available online, from tourism websites to media coverage to forums on online booking sites. “On the TripAdvisor forums, I’m one of several self-appointed ambassadors to the Napa Valley,” Fuller says. “I’m always doing my best to answer questions and clear things up.”
Even Bay Area locals can get puzzled. Kelly Carter, communications director for Alpha Omega winery in Rutherford (in the heart of Napa Valley), and four-year resident of the Valley, recently received an email from a friend in San Francisco. The woman was requesting recommendations for wineries or tasting tours in Yountville, a charming town in Napa County; or Healdsburg, an equally popular town in Sonoma County. But Carter paused when she read it, because her friend said she “just [didn’t] want to go as far as Napa or Sonoma this time” — a head-scratching detail because both Yountville and Healdsburg are considerably farther, respectively, from San Francisco than the towns of Napa and Sonoma.
“People just don’t get it,” Carter says. “There’s Napa County, the city of Napa, and Napa Valley. People think they’re all just one big thing, and they’re not.”
Then, there’s the general confusion over geography, locals say. “People think Napa and Sonoma, as general wine regions, are five minutes apart, when in fact it can take you an hour or more” to travel between them, Carter says. She adds, “Oh, and by the way, there’s a mountain range that separates the two.”
Also, in difficult times when a fire breaks out in Northern California wine country, as is distressingly common in recent years, Fuller often receives calls from guests wondering if they should still come to the Cottages of Napa Valley, even if the fire is more than 50 miles away in Sonoma County.
The best way to make the most of any trip to the region is to do some homework ahead of time about how you want to explore it. “The experience is so important, so consider what kind you want to have,” says Jessica Boone, winemaker at Passalacqua, a popular winery in Sonoma County’s Dry Creek Valley. “Do you want to sit down for a seated tasting and have an hour or so to really get to know the wines, or do you want to hit several places that have bar tastings, where you can get more of a broad brushstroke of a place?”
To help answer those questions and clear up some confusion, we’ve put together a handy cheat sheet to explain these nuances. Think of it as a primer for planning your next trip, so that you can stop getting tripped up over county versus valley versus city — and start focusing on the fun stuff, like which winery you’ll hit first.
Napa County
Napa County is home to nine cities and towns, from Napa itself (more on that below), to towns like Yountville, St. Helena, and Calistoga, located in the heart of the valley. Traveling from San Francisco, you’ll most likely come through the business corridor of American Canyon, which is about 10 miles south of the city of Napa. And with approximately 450 wineries with tasting rooms to choose from across the county, there is certainly something for all kinds of palates and drinkers, from the energetic newbie to the serious collector.
Napa Valley
This strip of land that runs up the middle of the county is what most people mean when they are talking about Napa’s winegrowing region. In 1981, Napa Valley became the first AVA, or American Viticultural Area, designated in California, and there are currently 16 sub-appellations within it. Napa Valley’s geographic footprint is relatively small — just 30 miles long and five miles across at its widest point, about a third of the size of the entire county — but the region produces some of the world’s most coveted wines. Varieties like Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay are virtually synonymous with Napa Valley, but winemakers here also produce Pinot Noir, Merlot, Zinfandel, and Sauvignon Blanc, among others.
There are two main roads that run north-south in Napa Valley: Highway 29, the beautiful but heavily trafficked two-lane road that goes through its most prominent wine-centric towns, like Napa, Yountville, St. Helena, and then Calistoga; and the Silverado Trail, known in locals’ parlance just as “the Trail,” which runs east of Highway 29 and is flanked by such wineries as Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars and Robert Phelps. Several smaller through-ways connect Highway 29 and the Silverado Trail. Near Calistoga, at the northern end of the Silverado Trail, wine and movie buffs will delight in a stop at Chateau Montelena, which put California in the global spotlight in the 1976 Judgement of Paris (Stag’s Leap also won that day).
You’ll probably also hear residents saying “up valley” or “down valley,” and you may notice those terms in names of local businesses, too. They’re used interchangeably as both a geographic location (“I live up valley” — as in Calistoga, for example) or direction (“I’m headed down valley for an appointment this afternoon”).
The City of Napa
Over the last decade, the city of Napa has evolved from a quick stopover for thirsty visitors on their way to wineries up valley (around Yountville and Calistoga, that is), to a destination in its own right. The completion of extensive flood-control measures and a multi-million-dollar renovation along the riverfront and downtown have brought unprecedented energy and droves of travelers as of late. Tasting rooms intertwine with buzzing restaurants and boutiques, and even if you’re just passing through, a stop at the excellent Oxbow Public Market to stock up on gourmet picnic provisions is a must-do.
One especially noteworthy newer addition to the dining scene is Compline, a restaurant and wine shop founded by Master Sommelier Matt Stamp and Ryan Stetins, who oversaw the programs at Charlie Trotter in Chicago and Las Vegas. Meanwhile, a handful of snazzy new hotels, including the Andaz Napa and the Archer Hotel Napa, make downtown Napa an ideal home base for exploring Northern California wine country.
Sonoma County
More spread out than its Napa counterpart, Sonoma County stretches from about 30 miles north of San Francisco all the way up to the small town of Cloverdale, just off Highway 101. More than 30 cities and towns are dotted throughout its 1,768 square miles, most of which are entrenched in the wine industry, spanning about 425 wineries with tasting rooms. Healdsburg is a hub for tasting-centric getaways, while funky Guerneville, on the Russian River, is more laid back.
Go further west, and you’ll hit the coast — in fact, many first-time visitors don’t realize that Sonoma County borders the Pacific Ocean, and its 55 miles of rugged coastline are the secret ingredient to some of its most coveted Pinot Noirs and Chardonnays.
Sonoma Valley
You won’t hear people throwing around the term Sonoma Valley, one of 18 AVAs in Sonoma County, as often as they do Napa Valley. But it has the longest history of any wine-growing region in Sonoma County, dating to the 1850s. Located in the southeast corner of the county, Sonoma Valley is best known for its robust Zinfandel, whose gnarled vines look like troll hands clawing their way from the soil. Lately, varieties like Malbec, Syrah, and Grenache are also gaining traction.
The City of Sonoma
Nestled in the heart of Sonoma Valley, the city of Sonoma itself is a delightful place to spend a day. Many of its tasting rooms are centered around the leafy town square; most welcome walk-ins, but call ahead for reservations on busy weekends. Pinot lovers shouldn’t miss stopping in Sojourn, known for its outstanding Pinot Noir. When it’s time for a bite, Girl & the Fig is a 20-year-old wine country institution that helped put farm-to-table fare on the map.
The article Napa and Sonoma: Counties, Valleys, and Cities, Explained appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/napa-vs-sonoma-travel-guide/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/189809082974
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