#Georg Haeckel
contremineur · 1 year
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Otto Haeckel (1872-1945) and Georg Haeckel (1873-1942), Racecourse on Norderney island: four ladies in white dresses on the turf (1908)
from the amazing unregardoblique
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lostfunzones · 4 months
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Racecourse on Norderney island: four ladies in white dresses on the turf, 1908. Photo: Otto Haeckel, Georg Haeckel (Haeckel brothers).
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victorianchap · 2 years
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🔸 Otto Haeckel & Georg Haeckel · Racecourse on Norderney Island, Germany: Four ladies in white dresses on the turf taken 1908 #victorianchaps #germany🇩🇪 #oldphoto #vintage #1900s #goodolddays #edwardian #nostalgia #fashion #history #pastlives #racecourse #retro (at Norderney Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpm1nMZjGHB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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whartonists · 1 year
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Racecourse on Norderney island: four ladies in white dresses on the turf, 1908. By Otto and Georg Haeckel.
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"Four Ladies in White Dresses on the Turf" by Otto Haeckel and Georg Haeckel at a racecourse on Norderney Island, 1908.
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omercifulheaves · 4 years
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The Dirty Dozen (1967)
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fromthedust · 2 years
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Horseshoe crabs:  Limulus polyphemus, Tachypleus tridentatus
Cancer of Moluccas (Crabs of the Moluccan [Spice] Islands) - in August Basilius and Michael Rupertus Fasciculus rariorum Book (Petrus Iselburg drew them alive) - 1616 - in Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel, Germany  
Selected Delights of Nature from Natural History Cabinet - Georg Wolfgang Knorr - 1766-1767
Recherches sur l'anatomie des Limules (Horseshoe Crab Anatomy Research) - Paris - 1873
Tachypleus tridentatus - Fauna japonica - vol.1 - 1833
The Horseshoe crab - Limulus polyphemus from the John Reeves Collection
horseshoe crab anatomy - nervous system
Ernst Haeckel - Athropods - from Kunstformen der Natur (Art Forms of Nature) published in 1904
Charlie’s Horseshoe Crab costume - 2018 Halloween Costume Contest - Kimberly, the 'Horseshoe Crab' costume creator writes: Charlie, 4 years old, loves ocean animals and decided she wanted to be a horseshoe crab for Halloween. Her Dad made the costume using EVA foam exercise mats (using a heat gun to mold/sculpt the right shape), contact cement, and a Plasti-dip base coast with a spray paint finish. Spandex was used for the joints between the segments, so she can get around pretty well. The costume is put on using a handmade vest with Velcro straps for easy on and off. 
June 20 is International Horseshoe Crab Day
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1. ashtray (noting because i think we first saw him smoke in 2x13) 2. houdini magic gambler’s marked deck (x) 3. hiding the elephant: how magicians invented the impossible and learned to disappear (x), thayer quality magic volume 1 (x), al schneider magic, the annotated magic of slydini (x), the books of wonder volume 1 and 2 (x), the illustrated history of magic (x), the new modern coin magic (x), mnemonica: on the memorized deck (x) 4. fillory & further poster featuring a dragon (with some...fluffy...balls?? just hanging there??) 5. headphones 6. satchel 7. a comic print maybe? 8. i have NO idea. (edit: maybe a “no battle magic” sign? or “don’t fight fire with fire”, as an anon suggested.) 9. st. george and the dragon by raphael (x) 10. first edition fillory book cover 11. thurston, world’s famous magician the wonder show of the universe (x) 12. zan zig performing with rabbit and roses, including hat trick and levitation (x) 13. tree of life by ernst haeckel (x) 14. ernst haeckel again, i think from kunstformen der natur (x) 15. prof. bollini the italian magician (x)
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jamesocallaghan · 2 years
A bilateral, a symmetry for John Korsrud’s Hard Rubber Orchestra A bilateral, a symmetry is a reaction to the problems posed by dialectical and binary thinking, and shares an expression of fluidity, instability, and in-betweens that resists the impulse of encyclopedic categorization. It was created by manipulating recordings of improvisations and notated fragments by 8 of Vancouver’s most daring musicians. The video is created from an assembly of turn-of-the-century biological illustrations (most notably those of Ernst Haeckel), scans of Jacques Derrida’s annotated copy of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s Phänomenologie des Geistes, as well as footage from the Gulf Islands of BC.
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i-abraham-posts · 4 years
Conceptos de la ecología
Charles Sutherland Elton (1900)
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Charles Sutherland Elton fue un zoólogo y naturalista inglés. En 1927, Elton publicó el libro Animal Ecology. Esta obra destaca los principios importantes de los estudios ecológicos del comportamiento animal y de la historia natural
Definió la Ecología como “la historia natural científica que se ocupa de la sociología y economía de los animales”.
A. Macfadyen
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Como muchos de los campos de la Biología contemporánea, la Ecología es multidisciplinaria y su campo es casi ilimitado. Este punto ha sido claramente expresado por el ecólogo inglés A. Macfadyen:
“La Ecología se ocupa de las interrelaciones que existen entre los organismos vivos, vegetales o animales, y sus ambientes, y estos se estudian con la idea de descubrir los principios que regulan estas relaciones.
Geoffroy St. Hilaire
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Zoólogo francés que definió Ecología como:
El estudio de las relaciones de los organismos dentro de la familia y la sociedad en el conjunto y en la comunidad
Ernst Haeckel
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La gran influencia de Ernst Haeckel en sus días, mucho mayor que la de Mivart o St. Hilaire, explica la poca aceptación de los términos etología y hexicología y la adopción común del término Ecología propuesto por Haeckel.
“Cuando nos referimos a la Ecología, hablamos del cuerpo de conocimiento relacionado con la economía de la naturaleza, la investigación de todas las relaciones del animal en su ambiente orgánico e inorgánico; eso incluye, sobre todo, su relación amable y hostil con los animales y plantas, con que se contacta de manera directa o indirecta.
George Jackson Mivart
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George había propuesto otro termino diferente a la Ecología que al final no fue aceptada, pero se puede decir que definió ecología como:
Dedicada al estudio de las relaciones que existen entre los organismos y su medio, considerando la naturaleza de la localidad en que habitan, las temperaturas e iluminación que les acomodan y sus relaciones con otros organismos como enemigos, rivales o benefactores accidentales e involuntarios.
Frederick Clements
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Fue un botánico, geobotánico, algólogo, micólogo estadounidense. Que en 1963, definió la Ecología como el estudio de la estructura y función de la naturaleza.
Definición propia de Ecología
Es un estudio sobre las interacciones que tienen los organismos de acuerdo a las condiciones del entorno que les rodea, y sobre la historia de los efectos que se han producido durante el tiempo por los cambios constantes de lo que se conforman el entorno y los organismos.
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Does Nazi Racial Thought have a Darwinian descent?
 Darwinism is a theory of biological evolution developed by Charles Darwin and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. We are all familiar with it as it has been on the curriculum for decades – but did it inspire Hitler to pursue his racial policies?
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A less widely known follow up theory is Social Darwinism. Despite its name, Social Darwinism derived most directly from the writings of Herbert Spencer. He created the idea of the struggle for survival – suggesting that it led to an inevitable progress in society. This broadly meant evolving from the barbarian stage of society (less culturally developed) to the industrial stage (by which humans had evolved enough intellectually to be able to create industrial states).
It was the start of a belief that some races were a lot more ‘developed’ that others, which is a key aspect of racist beliefs in general.
Spencer also coined the term “survival of the fittest”. He was responsible for much of the foundations of Social Darwinism, however Charles Darwin did state that human progress was driven by evolutionary processes – meaning that intelligence was refined by competition.
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Historical opinion on whether or not Darwinism played through in Nazi Racial thought varies a lot. Historian George Mosse argues that human evolution was incompatible with Nazi ideology, as they stressed the immutability of the German race. Anne Harrington suggests that Nazis liked some aspects of Social Darwinism, especially the struggle for existence, but not human evolution.
 Most people would think the idea of a common ancestor did not appeal to Nazis, as it would imply human equality, however in the 20th century, most German Darwinists emphasized the inequality and variation. Haeckel and other Darwinists saw evolution as evidence against human equality, not supporting it.
Mein Kampf
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In 1925, Hitler’s autobiography, Mein Kampf (My Struggle) was published. According to the introduction, the aim of the book is to explain his philosophy and his goals. Race superiority is a large theme in the book.  In his speeches and writings Hitler often invoked Darwinian concepts, such as evolution. In one of the chapters, “Race and People”, evolution plays a central role in his argument. Furthermore, that is the only chapter which was also separately published as a pamphlet, which meant it circulated widely and promoted Nazi ideology.
 In the chapter, Hitler explains his beliefs surrounding that he calls “iron laws of nature”. He was very against the mixing of races, as he thought that would go against the natural process of human evolution:
 “If nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with the stronger, she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one; because in such case, all her efforts throughout hundreds of thousands of years, to establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may thus be rendered futile.”
 He goes into giving examples of places where racial and cultural mixing has occurred on a large scale and places where it hasn’t, in order to show the difference, and what he considered the preserving of a “pure” racial stock. Hitler gives North America as an example of where (at the time) there wasn’t large scale racial mixing.
 “…has kept its racial stock pure and did not mix it with any other racial stock, has come to dominate the American Continent and will remain master of it as long as that element (North American) does not fall a victim to the habit of adulterating its blood.
In short, the results of miscegenation are always the following:
a)            The level of the superior race becomes lowered;
b)            Physical and mental degeneration sets in, thus leading slowly but steadily towards a progressive       drying up of the vital sap.”
 These beliefs may seem quite extreme to people today, but at the time they were a very common value. To give some historical context, Mein Kampf was published in 1925, which coincided with the Great Migration period (1910 -1920). In those years thousands of African Americans moved into industrial cities in America to full the labour shortages after World War One.
This, quite sudden, change in the racial proportions that made up the Northern cities increased racial tension. Segregation was legally enforced, and inter-racial marriages were illegal – which explains the lack of miscegenation. There was also a wide spread belief of White Supremacy – which is very prominently shown by the KKK which was actually at its peak in 1925. Kathleen M. Blee. a sociology professor at the University of Pittsburgh states: "In some places I studied in Indiana," she says, "the local KKK was listed in the city directory, along with sewing clubs and agricultural societies."
 The point of the passage focusing on evolution in this chapter of Mein Kampf is to apply these principles to human racial relations. Thus, making it apparent that Hitler had evolved but were also still evolving, and through his racial policy he aimed to advance human evolution.
 As well as the Aryan race, Hitler also seemed to be a fan of the Nordic race - mostly found in Scandinavia, Northwestern Europe, and countries surrounding the Baltic Sea, such as Germans and Finnic peoples. He believed the Nordic race had developed its key traits such as propensity for hard work, physical prowess, due to the harsh climate. The reason being that in a harsh climate only the most adaptable, strong, most cooperative individuals would survive to pass on their traits.
  Darwinism in the Nazi Biology Curriculum
 Like the majority of Europe, evolutionary biology had been entrenched in the curriculum long before the Nazi take over and continues to be long after their fall from power. Nazis continued to stress evolution, including the evolution of human races. Textbooks espoused Darwinism and rejected Lamarckism (the hypothesis that an organism can pass on characteristics that it has acquired through use or disuse during its lifetime to its offspring).
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The picture above is of a race education class, 1943.
 So, to what extend was Darwinism the inspiration of Nazi Racial thinking?
 It is important to note that anti-Semitism was widespread across Europe and Asia and pre-dates the Nazi regime, and so does racism. An example being the large-scale pogroms across the Russian Empire targeting Jews, which started in the beginning of the 19th century. The most commonly known example or racism is the slave trade, also pre-dating the Nazi regime. As prejudice is a deeply rooted issue in human nature it is very hard to pin one event or theory as the cause for another. Thus, it is very hard to pin down the inspiration to the Nazi racial policy as it had many factors varying from geographical location, to genetics, to involvement in the war, and religion.
However, it is clear through Hitler’s entrenched belief of the, to him, direct link between human evolution and racial superiority, that Darwinism does play a fairly significant role in his beliefs.
 While doing research on this, I didn’t find anyone addressing the fact that Hitler could have just been using Darwinism to explain his beliefs as by then it was a largely accepted theory. Giving a theory that leading scientists supported as the basis of Aryan racial superiority would make his beliefs more credible, as opposed to basing them purely off of personal experience or just the common discontent with foreigners, Jews or just different races. Although humans tend to build their beliefs from personal beliefs and emotions, when someone, especially a politician is putting forward an argument which they want to be popularly supported, they do need facts to back it up.
 This is exactly what arguments on racial superiority lack. Throughout history, including today, we do see lots of people from all races believing theirs is the best. People tend to have a certain amount of pride in where they’re from – whether it be a region or country- and while this isn’t inherently wrong in my opinion (excluding extreme cases or violent expressions of such beliefs) it just proves how subjective these beliefs are. Therefore, if someone was trying to convince a whole nation that one race is superior to the other, to the point where the supposedly inferior one has to be eliminated, they would really need some scientific, economic, political etc., figures and facts that they base it on.
 Hitler uses well known and current examples when justifying his belief on the mixing of races and keeping the races “pure”, which on one hand could just be seen as the logical thing to use when presenting an argument as current issues are the most relevant. However, on the hand, using very current examples, which are kind of common knowledge, could be seen as a tactic to target a wider variety of people, some of whom wouldn’t be as informed of the reasoning behind the mentioned examples, this making it easier to pursue them the reason is simpler.
 So, to give a short answer to an issue on which there is no major agreement on, a need for a public support may or may not have been the reasoning behind Hitler basing Nazi racial policy on Darwin’s theory of human evolution.
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tharook · 6 years
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Today I learnt there is a bird named for Sappho—the Red-Tailed Comet (Sappho sparganurus).
(Drawing by Ernst Haeckel; photo by Dubi Shapiro; binomial by George Shaw.)
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hplovecraftmuseum · 2 years
The men pictured below represent some of the extraordinary modern thinkers who shaped Mechanist/Materialist Philosophy. H. P. Lovecraft was a lifelong seeker of the absolute. Each of the men shown contributed to the ultimate refinement of HPL's personal philosophy. That being said not all of them necessarily called themselves 'Mechanist/Materialists.' Added to this perspective was Lovecraft's 'Cosmicism', an attitude of earthly transcendence. The individuals pictured are as follows: Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, Ernst Haeckel, Bertrand Russell, Charles Darwin, Eddington, and George Santayana. (Exhibit 77)
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blog59-world · 3 years
Bonjour, Bien des lecteurs depuis des mois (et deux ou trois éditeurs) nous ont suggéré la publication en volumes des notices de Notre Bibliothèque Verte ; de façon pressante, parfois. Mais on les comprend. Nous aussi, nous avons trouvé un vif intérêt à découvrir ou redécouvrir ces groupes et personnages ayant contribué par leurs vies et leurs œuvres, à la défense et à l’illustration d’une humanité libre dans une nature vive. Bref, on y a trouvé du plaisir, et ce plaisir passionné semble s’être communiqué aux lecteurs. On trouvera ci-dessous la présentation des volumes 1 et 2 ; la liste des 40 notices publiées ; et la manière de commander ces deux premiers volumes. Ensemble, ou séparément. Merci de faire circuler, Pièces et main d’œuvre Grenopolis, le 14 février 2022 ******* Notre Bibliothèque Verte Ce que l’on désigne du mot d’écologie, forgé au XIXe siècle par Ernst Haeckel, est à la fois notre façon native d’être au monde, un sentiment et une pensée, illustrés depuis Hésiode et Epicure par une infinie chaîne d’auteurs et d’artistes ; et la seule idée neuve apparue en politique depuis plus d’un demi-siècle - en France, grâce à Pierre Fournier et Alexandre Grothendieck parmi tant d’autres. Cette défense indissociable de la nature et de la liberté est le bien commun de tous ceux qu’anime l’instinct de vie ; écologistes radicaux, anti-industriels et anti-autoritaires, luddites, « décroissants », primitivistes, naturiens, etc. Pour renverser l’actuel déferlement de biophobie chez les hommes-machines, il nous faut d’abord restaurer notre histoire, notre culture, notre corpus théorique, littéraire et artistique : les vies et les œuvres de tous les vieux amis de la Terre. Et l’on verra alors que nous disposons d’un héritage d’une richesse et d’une ancienneté merveilleuses au regard des misérables courants industrialistes et saint-simoniens. Renaud Garcia, notre bibliothécaire, est professeur de philosophie en lycée et l’auteur de trois ouvrages parus aux éditions L’Echappée : Le désert de la critique, Le sens des limites, et La collapsologie ou l’écologie mutilée. Volume 1 Avant-propos Epicure et Kaczinski Jacques Tati et Jaime Semprun Kropotkine et Zamiatine Ray Bradbury et son Feu de joie Léon Tolstoï et les Naturiens Simone Weil et Georges Bernanos Elisée Reclus et les Impressionistes Jean Brun et Ivan Illich Murray Bookchin et Edward Abbey Samuel Butler et John Bruner Gustav Landauer et D.H. Lawrence Patrick Geddes et Lewis Mumford Hésiode et Cornélius Castoriadis Volume 2 George Orwell et Terry Gilliam Pierre Fournier et Gébé Karel Capek et A. de Saint Exupéry Günther Anders et Hannah Arendt Walt Whitman et les Amérindiens Alexandre Grothendieck & Survivre et vivre Maurice Genevoix et René Barjavel François d’Assise et les poètes de la reverdie (A suivre…) On peut commander les deux volumes de Notre Bibliothèque Verte chez son libraire : Vol. 1 : 348 pages, 20 €                                                                       ISBN 9791094229965 & Vol.2 : 356 pages, 20 € ISBN  9791094229958 Ou directement en envoyant un chèque de 20 € +2,50 de frais de port (22,50 €) pour un volume, ou 40 €+ 2,50 de frais de port (42,50 €) pour deux volumes, à l’ordre de Service compris : Service compris BP.27 38172 Seyssinet-Pariset cedex Merci d’écrire lisiblement vos noms et adresses (ainsi qu’un courriel ou un numéro de téléphone en cas de problème). Avis : nous ne diffusons pas nos livres sur Amazon, si vous en trouvez, c’est contre notre gré.
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omg-lucio · 4 years
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Hogar de día para hijos de soldados, Berlín, Georg Haeckel, Otto Haeckel, 1915
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vironicadart · 5 years
Morphology ~ Biology from Wikipedia
Morphology is a branch of biology dealing with the study of the form and structure of organisms and their specific structural features.[1]
This includes aspects of the outward appearance (shape, structure, colour, pattern, size), i.e. external morphology (or eidonomy), as well as the form and structure of the internal parts like bones and organs, i.e. internal morphology (or anatomy). This is in contrast to physiology, which deals primarily with function. Morphology is a branch of life science dealing with the study of gross structure of an organism or taxon and its component parts.
The etymology of the word "morphology" is from the Ancient Greek μορφή (morphḗ), meaning "form", and λόγος (lógos), meaning "word, study, research".[2][3]
While the concept of form in biology, opposed to function, dates back to Aristotle (see Aristotle's biology), the field of morphology was developed by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1790) and independently by the German anatomist and physiologist Karl Friedrich Burdach (1800).[4]
Among other important theorists of morphology are Lorenz Oken, Georges Cuvier, Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Richard Owen, Karl Gegenbaur and Ernst Haeckel.[5][6]
In 1830, Cuvier and E.G.Saint-Hilaire engaged in a famous debate, which is said to exemplify the two major deviations in biological thinking at the time – whether animal structure was due to function or evolution.[7]
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