#Gero hikaru
purple-petrichor · 7 months
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This was a longtime headcanon of mine, haha, I can’t believe it’s real! Gero giving Kinosaki something emblazoned with the family crest to help keep him safe. Especially since they deal with the underworld so often.
Absolutely incredible.
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hiphopcherrrypop · 1 month
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yaoi so good the shonen dudebros want it to be endgame too
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samadhizzz · 2 months
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no fanart? no problem ill draw it myself
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sanguinesucker · 9 days
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choujinx · 5 months
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MARRIAGETOXIN (2022-?) by joumyaku & yoda mizuki
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bluevelvetea · 5 months
Looking at this new illustration from the latest chapter and...
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they put his cousin on the marriage candidate wall as well? 😭😭😂 Teruaki my boy you're not beating the allegations
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greengargouille · 6 months
An idea that I'm fond of is Hikaru Gero as an egg trans lesbian.
Like, I don't particularly headcanon him as such, and I certainly don't think it's the author's intention, but that would add an interesting layer to the story.
Hikaru Gero, living as a poison specialist, a role that was put upon him by his family. A role that he was willing to endure despite the loneliness, feeling like he doesn't deserve to live "a peaceful life with someone [he] loves", and is afraid of showing who he really is. (Living not for himself, because happiness as himself is impossible. Living for his clan instead.)
Hikaru Gero, reconsidering his stance on marriage partially from seeing how happy his sister is with her girlfriend. (He too wants to find love like this. Like a woman loving a woman.)
Hikaru Gero, who regularly fights by improving his body temporarily, by injecting himself with various homemade poisons. (How easy would it be for him to make his own hormones?)
Hikaru Gero, who makes a weird face at the naming of a plan as "project prince". (Trying to think of himself as a 'prince' just brings him chills. No reason why.)
And we have Kinosaki, who honestly is a whole subject. A "guy" looking so perfectly as a cute, feminine woman. Outside of the initial shock, and asking very early on why Kinosaki wears woman clothes, there's no comment, no tiresome joke coming back every chapter, merely acceptance. (Because it's understandable, wanting to look like a woman, even if there's no swindle going on.)
It would just fit so well with the story.
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aretheyqueer · 17 days
Is he pan?
disclaimer: this is a hc, not speculating on what the writers intentions were.
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pin-yao · 5 hours
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purple-petrichor · 17 days
Gero and Scars
MarriageToxin Theory Time: Gero is horribly scarred. Specifically, on his torso.
Let's explore this:
>>Already has a facial scar
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Gero is a bit unique among romcom protagonists for having a visible facial scar. And that one looks CHEMICAL. We know that Gero's upbringing was rough--was it due to his harsh poison training? If so, there's no way that treatment didn't leave other lasting marks elsewhere on his body.
>>Clothing as cover
Through the series so far, Gero tends to hide his body. He's shy to begin with, leaping away from nudity (with Kinosaki in chp 1, and with Ushio chp 91). But this also applies to himself as well. Gero is largely conservative about his own clothing.
He wears big, baggy clothes. Never goes anywhere without his coat either (although the character profile notes this is due to his job--lots of poison compounds hiding under there). It's relevant to note that we haven't seen him shirtless yet, despite other male characters (Sound User, Ushio's gym-obsessed uncle) stripping down.
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Furthermore, when on the Ocean date with Himekawa, Gero wears a FULL WETSUIT. He really covers as much of his body as possible.
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>>Hesitance around physical intimacy
Although this is a smaller point, it could perhaps be relevant. We know that Gero is very anxious about touch. Over the course of lots of character development he's become much more comfortable (such as being on Arashiyama's lap) with it, but in early chapters he used to physically flinch away and duck out of reach (Kinosaki, Ureshino). This could hint at a deeper discomfort with touch and physical intimacy--maybe he's subconsciously afraid of what people might 'discover' if they get too close.
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>>All for the family
We have heard Gero speak about his childhood upbringing, and it was not a happy one.
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The Poison Clan has no problem abusing their children if it means competent heirs. We see 'sensei' hitting him to the point of internal injury. And we also see him as an older boy, trembling as he works with chemicals.
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Furthermore, when it comes to facial scars, his cousin Teruaki has one as well, at one eyebrow. It runs in the family, being a trauma that leaves marks both seen and unseen. Come to think of it, it's a bit strange that his sister Akari doesn't have one? If she does, where is it? I swear to god if that was because of some twisted sexist reason like 'don't ruin the girl's face so we can marry her off' ughhh Either way, in the Gero clan, there's no way you get out unscathed. Literally.
>>Survivor of a death game
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This has not been fully elaborated on in-canon, but the implications have been fairly strong. The Poison Clan appears to select (or perfect) their heir by having children go through a set of trials. The survivor (?) becomes the official heir. Gero himself refers to this as essentially a death game.
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It would be impossible to get out of this kind of Hunger Games without receiving some nasty injuries. Especially given the kinds of chemical substances that these potential heirs may have played with. Not to mention, the scene with him in kimono is the first appearance of that incredibly suspicious scar around Gero's eye, which I suspect may have a dramatic reveal later on. Really, I wouldn't be surprised if his body is littered with scars and/or other chemical burn marks.
What if Gero takes his shirt off and we just see a battlefield.
EDIT: slightly jossed by this counterpoint:
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We do see a bit more skin than usual in his cat cafe date! Arashiyama really has a way of loosening him up. Here, the front of Gero's arms are visible, all the way to the mid-biceps. And....there's no scars. No suspicious chemical burns or missing fingertips. Hmm. Maybe he's a miracle heir and managed to avoid all damage except his eye? Or there are scars, just hidden around where the T-shirt covers instead?
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hiphopcherrrypop · 13 days
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chapter 100 might kill me i fear
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whoishotteranimepolls · 4 months
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sanguinesucker · 9 days
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choujinx · 6 months
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MARRIAGETOXIN (2022-?) by joumyaku & yoda mizuki
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tryingtostaysilly · 6 months
THE GIFT GIVING THIS CHAPTER OUGGHHGGHFGH these stupid home of sexual bastards their ship teasing is actually gonna be the death of me Christ almighty.
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Thinking about them again I feel sick I feel nauseous I'm going to blow up parliament.
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