#Get booped! :3 Lenny face
mittenskittensslay · 6 months
Thaanks! Right back at ya!
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clownsgobeepbeep · 6 years
How about Lennie meeting the rest of the family. I know it was implied but I'd love to see how they act and talk to him. :3
This ended up a lot  longer than expected, but here you go. I hope you enjoy it ^^
D'Vitt Meet and Greet
“So my dad, he’s a chill guy. Well, he’s chill in the way that he loves everybody and will be friendly at all times unless you’re Ace or Missy.”
“He…doesn’t like Ace?”
“Nope! Anyways, he’s going to obviously love you just like my mom. Now my mom, she’s like him but less energetic and big smiley.”
“Uh huh.”
“She’ll love you too. Very understanding especially because she was in your situation long ago, she welcomes and practically adopts everybody which is why everybody’s so close. And make sure you’re careful with her hands if you happen to do a handshake.”
It wasn’t very often that Lennie saw Jelly this nervous or somewhat energetic, it wasn’t bad but somewhat funny seeing how she talked rapidly as she moved her hands around a lot. He nodded while she continued talking, listening to everything she had to say about her family considering how in a few moments, he was going to meet every member of the D'Vitt family.
He knew how the family was of good reputation and never really thought of meeting them all like this, especially because the day he met Jelly’s brothers was an accident and he thought that he would perhaps just meet the other that way. Well, he happened to be wrong.
The topic was never discussed in between him nor Jelly, and it was quite clear to see that she would avoid speaking of it until Pepper butt in. They had been casually speaking in the shop while everybody but he was away, and he mentioned that the trio’s mother had considered inviting him over to eat before Jelly attempted to discard the conversation. Although, Pepper continued and only worsened things, if that was the correct word, and just somehow, Lennie was now on his way to the D'Vitt mansion. Not the D'Vitt house, but the D'Vitt mansion where Jelly’s grandparents lived.
“My Papa Stripes, very tall old man. Don’t let him scare you and I am not talking about the height, he just has this weird aura to him that makes people scared or attracted apparently. And, he’s also a sly man, so I’d say be careful with him in general but really, he’s very nice and will ask you some questions. Don’t mention the topic of siblings around him.”
“Okay then…”
“And finally, my grandmother.”
Oh boy, this was what Lennie was waiting for. He’d heard that the grandmother was scary, stern and had a face that could terrify even Missy herself. Would it be enough to scare Thyone too?
Apparently, she was also the type of woman that gave no mercy and had everything go her way, literally the boss of the entire family along with the business. Was she really that bad? From what he heard after Belinda had her turn at the family, not exactly…
“Now you really don’t have to be scared of her, I kind of get where people get that idea but she’s a big sweetheart and loves everybody. Don’t let her resting bitch face scare you, she’s going to mother you just like everybody else and will ask a ton of questions. And you know how extra your brother is?”
“If not more, she’s that level of extra as well. If you’re going to eat or drink, don’t do it on her couches or rugs because somebody will get yelled at. Also, don’t refer to her as grandma or even grandmother, call her Aster’s mother or Mrs.  D'Vitt unless she gives you the green sign. The other names make her feel old and you do not want that.”
“Another thing, be careful with her raccoon Nikolai.”
“She has a raccoon?”
“Yes, she got it when she was Pepper’s human age probably. Speaking of which, don’t ask her anything or mention anything about religion, please. We don’t want what happened last time.”
“Nothing, it doesn’t matter.” Jelly quickly finalized, then looking out the window of the limousine her grandmother had sent to her house to pick Lennie and her up. Quite like Billy indeed. “Oh crab, we’re here…”
Lennie turned his head to look out, seeing the mansion that was big and very regal. He looked to the windows of it, seeing light come from what was most likely chandeliers and other fancy things like that, and there was an amount of people on the inside. Jelly did have a grand number of aunts and uncles, eleven apparently.
He thought back to the day his brother and Jelly met, pretty nerve wrecking indeed but…this proved to feel somewhat worse due to the fact that he was to meet and make an impression on more than just the humble little family of five. Lennie turned to look at Jelly who bit her lip, then glancing down at him as she adjusted his bowtie and spoke again.
“You ready? Because I’m not.”
Once they had entered the large home, all eyes were on them. There was a variety of brown and green pairs of orbs looking at them both as they walked in hand in hand and had maids close the doors behind them. Jelly didn’t feel exactly at home for once, feeling like a stranger herself as her family stared at her, then at Lennie. He himself wasn’t feeling too good either, since it felt almost like they were all judging him.
“Jelly!Lennie!” a voice called out, and so they both stopped to turn and see Cosmos and Pepper walk over to them with formal outfits as well. “How you two been doin’!?”
“Just, fine.” Jelly replied with a shrug as Lennie stayed quiet, looking down at the ground before he felt Cosmos gently punch his arm.
“You don’t look so good Lens, you okay there?”
“Yeah, yeah don’t worry about me.” he responded as he looked up at said clown who gave him a smile.
“Well, good to know man. My parents are over there and they want to meet you asap.” Cosmos said as he now pointed to said people, and everybody turned to look at their mother who had been casually talking to a woman that was most likely an aunt. Not too far from her was their father, who was stuffing his mouth with a cupcake as two of his brothers cheered him on. There was no doubt he was Pepper’s dad.
“Um, how about…we wait a little more-” Jelly started, then being interrupted by Cosmos who placed his arm around her shoulder and moved her and Lennie over to where the parents were. Their attention was immediately caught, and everybody turned to look at the three that stepped over towards them as the parents now smiled widely and met them halfway.
“Yes?” the pair answered as they looked at the parents, the father immediately extending his hand out to Lennie as Cosmos walked away with a snicker.
“Hey there! My name’s Aster and I’m Jelly’s dad! This here is my beautiful wife and her mom Lydia!” he exclaimed as he shook Lennie’s hand and grinned brightly. “How do you do?”
“Oh, um. Well, my name’s Lennie as you know…a-and I-I’ve been good…uh…”
“Oh sweetheart, you don’t have anything to be nervous about.” Lydia said as booped Lennie’s nose, giggling as Jelly let out a quiet and nervous laugh. “Jells, he’s really adorable. Such a handsome one you brought over.”
“Yeah, I know.” Jelly replied with a small cough and light blue tint on her cheeks, turning away as Lennie felt himself turn green in embarrassment.
“So Lens, what do ya do?” Aster asked after giving out a laugh, sipping on his drink while he and Lydia stared down at Lennie who gulped for a moment.
“I, uh…work in a library.”
“Oooh! My father used to go there all the time, he’s the one that got Jelly into reading.” Aster stated before he cleared his throat, Lydia’s smile slowly faltering as she knew what would happen. “And speaking of library, guess you could say…Jelly’s porpoise was to, check you out, ey?”
“What?” Lennie immediately felt a smile on his face as he saw Jelly glare at her dad, meanwhile her mother pinched the bridge of his nose as Aster laughed and looked back at Lennie. “I’m sure she did, especially because you’re her wildest dream and-”
“Aster, don’t you-”
Oh, this was good.
“I thought you liked puns.” Lennie said as he walked away with Jelly, seeing that she was still frowning after the encounter with her parents. Sure it wasn’t bad, but the puns were too much.
“I do, unless they’re from my dad. I don’t mean to be cold but, damn.”
“Huh…well Jelly, you shouldn’t…faren-hate.” Lennie said as he bit his lip with a smile, Jelly stopping as she turned down to look at him with a shocked expression that also happened to be conflicted.
“You can’t hang out with my dad. Ever.”
“Aw, Jells…it’s a bit too…faren-late to say that.”
“Lennie, I love you, and I love your jokes, but-”
“Coralina! Coralina donde has estado todo este tiempo!?(Coraline! Coraline where have you been this entire time!?)”
“Oh stars.”
Lennie looked up to the front, seeing yet another couple walk towards them as heels were heard clicking against the ground. He blinked a few times seeing a very tall clown, as tall as Pierre pretty much though he looked older. Next to him was a woman who was practically an exact replica of Jelly, but with raven hair and brown eyes, also a bit older looking but that was to be kept to himself.
“Oh, Mama Carol! Papa Stripes!” Jelly exclaimed with false enthusiasm, though it was obvious that she was just nervous as she ran over to who were clearly her grandparents before she hugged her grandmother first, and then attempted to embrace her extremely tall grandfather.
“Mi Coralina hermosa, mirate! Te dije que el vestido se te veria hermoso!(My beautiful Coraline, look at yourself! I told you the dress would look wonderful on you!)”
“Oui, ta grand-mère a raison. Votre amant doit avoir la tête sur les talons.(Yes, your grandmother is correct. Your lover must be head over heels.)”
“Hablando de el, donde esta? Ya lo quiero conocer!(Speaking of him, where is he? I want to meet him already!)”
“Um…Lui è laggiù…Lennie è laggiù….(Um…He’s over there…Lennie is over there…)”
The grandparents immediately turned to look behind Jelly, raising their eyebrows in confusion before they both looked down and blinked a few times once they finally noticed Lennie.
“Ese es? Ese pequeno que esta ahi es tu novio!?(That’s him? That small man that’s right there is your boyfriend!?)“the grandmother said in  a somewhat confused tone, then turning to look up at her husband who gave a shrug.
”Au moins, ce n'est pas le grand idiot, l'obsédé. Cependant, les générations deviennent de plus en plus courtes (At least, it is not the tall one. The obsessed one. Although, the generations do get shorter and shorter indeed.)“
”Verdad, verdad.(True, true.)“
“Mama Carol, Papa Stripes, possiamo per favore non parlare di altezze o di Ace e arrivare ad incontrarlo? Ti prometto che adorerai Lennie, credimi sulla parola perché lo amerei con tutto il cuore se ne avessi uno.(Can we please not talk about heights or Ace and just get to meeting him? I promise you will adore Lennie, take my word for it for I would love him with all my heart if I had one.)”
Lennie continued staring at the family discussing, not exactly knowing what they were saying since it was obvious they were speaking three different languages at the same time. Although, he was able to understand what the grandfather was saying, considering how he spoke in French.
As he still watched them, he saw that the grandparents both stayed quiet, then looking back at Lennie who instantly turned his head down to look at his feet as he nervously fiddled with his fingers, coughing to himself with green cheeks. Mama Carol let out a quiet chuckle, then tucking a strand of Jelly’s hair behind her ear as she smiled.
“Trae al chamaco aqui, ya no quiero esperar.(Bring the kid over here, I don’t want to wait anymore.)”
The conversation in between Lennie and the grandparents had easily gone well, though it was cut short due to one of the maids telling Carol that the dinner had been prepared and so they had all gone to the dining table. It was a quite large table, the entire thing being filled up with every single guest as the children who had also gone to the get together were seated in a smaller table meant for just them.
Lennie was told to sit next to Stripes who was at one end of the table, meanwhile Jelly was seated next to her grandmother who was at the opposite end. The dinner was well, everything Lennie expected from the D'Vitt family though he wasn’t exactly focused on it, since he instead was looking to the side where he saw Jelly far off.
He smiled as he looked at her, seeing that she finally noticed him and gave him a small wave which he returned. Lennie continued staring at her with green cheeks, as she did the same, placing her chin onto her palm as she fluttered her eyelashes and blew him a kiss with a wink.
“So, Lennie. How have things been going with ma petite poupée?” Stripes asked, interrupting Lennie and Jelly’s goo goo eyes as picked at his food and never tore his eyes away from it.
“Huh? Oh, um…well, I think w-we’ve been well. I-I wouldn’t say we’re the b-best but, J-Jelly seems to be really h-happy…” Lennie stuttered out, mentally cursing to himself before he cleared his throat and heard Stripes chuckle.
“At least you are honest about it. I may not know so much about you my little friend, but you are quite likeable.” the grandfather claimed right before popping some pasta into his mouth, then eating it in an instant as he finally looked at Lennie who gave a small smile. “Not that I mean to compare, but you are a much better suitor than the idiot that dreams of her every night and…the first one.”
“Has Pepper not accidentally blurted it out to you like he has to everybody else?The story of…James?”
“Oh, well…I’ve briefly heard about that but…not really.” Lennie replied, now seeing that Stripes slyly smiled as he innocently placed his head onto the back of his hands after having set his fork down to properly look at him.
“Ah, well let’s see. Very long ago when out little jellyfish was still so shy and afraid of the entire world, she had a boyfriend named James. Nobody did meet him, except for Cosmos, and we all thought it was nice she somewhat but finally came out of her shell and tried something new.” Stripes started as one of his hands went down to fiddle with his knife. “ But you know what happened?”
“What happened?”
“This man, this sorry excuse of a man James…he left her for some idiotic job of his. He loved the sea, perhaps more than he loved her, just as he loved Donna.”
“Donna? Who is-”
“Donna is the woman he brought back weeks after he said he would arrive, and she happened to be his wife that was with child. He left, and cheated on my poor jellyfish. Assez scandaleux, n'est-ce pas? (Quite scandalous, is it not?)” Stripes mentioned as he poked a piece of pasta, lifting it up so he could admire it with his same smile, knowing that Lennie was now frowning.
“He…cheated on Jelly…what moron would do that? How much of a dumbass do you have to be to do that?” he said through grit teeth, then having his expression soften as he stared at Stripes who gave him a grin. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to curse.”
“Aucun problème mon ami.(No problem my friend.)I understand where you come from. It really hurt Jelly, especially without the guidance of her brother…but at least in the end, she did get back to him.”
“Poor Jelly snapped, her innocence left her and was instead replaced with unbearable anger. And so…she killed him.” the grandfather said, glancing at Lennie who furrowed his eyebrows even more, then turning to look at Jelly who was laughing at something one of her aunts had said, the woman around them laughing as well.
“Serves him well, guy deserved it.”
“He may have been some sort of a nice guy or whatever, but he deserved it. Whatever she did to him, he had it coming.” Lennie said, now looking at Stripes who sat up straight and placed his utensils down to stare at Lennie with an impressed look.
“Not fear nor hesitation. Lennie, I really do hope you stay in this family for I can not imagine anybody else being with my granddaughter.”
The women, including Lydia and Carol, surrounding Jelly all laughed as she sighed to herself dreamily, staring at her grandfather converse with Lennie. Whatever it was they were discussing, she hoped and knew it was well, for she turned to see that her grandfather gave his rarely seen impressed look at Lennie. Though, her dreamy expression turned into a confused one once she felt a tiny hand tug at her dress.
She looked down and saw Ula who extended her arms upwards, and so she grabbed her to place her onto her lap before Mama Carol turned to look at her.
“How is the little oyster doing?” she asked, Ula then signing to her before she stroked her hair and laughed. “How do you like your mother’s boyfriend?”
“Mama Carol-”
“Shhh! Don’t tell me anything, I am speaking to your daughter.” the grandmother said as she saw Ula give a big smile, quickly signing several phrases excitedly which only made Mama Carol laugh before she turned back to Jelly.
“You love him so much, wouldn’t he be a nice fa-”
“Mama Carol, please!” Jelly exclaimed as she felt her cheeks heat up into their light blue color, and she moved Ula to the other side as she quietly giggled and waved to Lennie which made the other woman let out a wave of ‘awwws’.
“What? I am just speaking and asking honestly.” the woman said, glancing to look at her husband who gave her a nod and wink which made her smirk, then looking at Jelly.
“No queria decir nada, pero como esperas que baile con el?(I didn’t want to say anything but, how do you expect me to dance with him?)”
“Que significa eso?(What’s that supposed to mean?)”
“Pues cuando se casen, voy a tener que bailar con el! Como bailas tu co-(Well when you two get married, I’m going to have to dance with him! How do you dance wi-)”
“Mama Carol!”
“Tambien espero bisnietos, ademas de la miniscula Ula, mi hermosura.(I also expect great grandchildren, besides the tiny Ula, my lovely.)” Carol said as she leaned in closer to Jelly, her granddaughter now hiding her face on Ula’s back as she continued. “Si tienes un nino, le pondras Davy? Recuerdo que la ultima vez-(If you have a boy, will you name him Davy? I remember that last time-”
“I think it’s time to go.”
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Rich do you ever make out w/ ur boyfriend
Rich: *insert Lenny face* jaKEEEEE
Jake: whattttt
Rich: *kisses the Jake*
Jake: *kisses the rich*
Rich: *kisses the Jake but more intense*
Jake: *kisses the rich but more intense x7*
Rich: *makes out with thy jaken*
Later: hi
Jake: what was that for
Rich: *insert Lenny face x3*
Jake: can you like just give me an answer
Rich: yes
Jake: you’re a bottom
Rich: yes x4
Jake: you finally agree with me
Rich: *kiss* shush
Jake: *kiss* no
Rich: *kiss* please
Jake: *kiss* no
Rich: *kiss* why not?
Jake: *kiss* because
Rich: *kiss* because why?
Jake: *kiss* because I said so
Rich: *kiss* sad
Jake: *kiss* too bad
Rich: *boop* :3
Jake: no
Rich: sowwy jakey úwù
Jake: I do not accept
Rich: why not úwù
Jake: no *>:(* *sTomps upstairs*
Rich: iM THORRY *:(*
Jake: *sLams his bedroom door :”)*
Rich: *knocks on the door* Jake..?
Jake: *>:(*
Rich: fine. *walks downstairs to his room and closes the door because they have rooms now I geuss*
Later: hi
Jake: *goes downstairs to get mElon*
Rich: *still in his room but is sobbing now teehee*
Jake: rrrich?? *knocks on his door*
Rich: *stops sobbing eek* y-ye?
Jake: can I come in-??
Rich: ..no-
Jake: please-? *:,(*
Rich: ........
Jake: rich please let me in
Rich: *hides under the blanket*
Jake: *breaks in*
Rich: *:(*
Jake: I’m sorry- I’m really sorry- *:”(*
Rich: *:(*
Jake: *cry*
Rich: *comes out from under the blanket* :(
Jake: *sOb*
Rich: *pulls Jake into his bed and cuddles him*
Jake: *SOB* imsorryimsorryimsorryimsorry
Rich: it’s okay-
Jake: *cling* *SOBSOB* it isntttt-
Rich: yeah it is-
Jake: *sobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsob*
Rich: *pat pat*
Jake: *:”””””””””””””””””(*
Rich: *hug*
Jake: imsorryimsorryimsorryimsorry
Rich: it’s okayyyy *kisses the Jake on the cheek*
Jake: *:,(* are you sure??
Rich: yeah!
Jake: I’m still sorry *:(*
Rich: it’s fineeeeeeeeeeee
Jake: I’m sssssorry
Rich: it’s absolutely fine Jake
Jake: no it isn’t
Rich: yee it is
Jake: *:,(*
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