#Gideon Vanserra
shi-daisy · 5 months
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azsazz · 1 year
Our Souls Are Stars and Mine Is Forever Yours
Gideon x Maude
(Cassian’s son and Eris’ daughter ~ Azsazz Next Gen)
Summary: Starfall Week Prompt 1: Character A introduced Character B to their favorite Starfall tradition. 
AKA: Gideon and Maudes first kiss.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,335
Notes: Wanted to try and write something for these two 💙
His Uncle Rhys had told him about this very spot. Up on the balcony above the party, the perfect place to get a moment alone and view the beautifully colored stars as they glide through the night sky. The best place to kiss someone for the first time.
The High Lord had said it was unmatched, his violet eyes glowing vibrantly as he had told him and his cousins all about his favorite Starfall in all of the years he’s seen. It was the year Aunt Feyre had officially become his, the stars that had painted their skin with luminescence and the laughter and the kiss that followed. 
Gideon wants that.
And who better to have his first kiss with than the girl he’d been chasing for years without even realizing it? Maude Vanserra. Her name is a delicacy in his mouth, a portrait in his brain, a brand in his soul. The mere thought of her has his palms warming and his heart fluttering in his chest, stomach twisting with nervousness.
He’d known Maude for years, since they were children and Eris had brought her to a meeting with him, his pristinely dressed and well-mannered daughter clinging tightly to his neck. She was in that stage where she wanted to be wherever he was, and with Beron out of the picture and on better terms with the Night Court, he had let the little girl tag along. Of course, he had also brought a large platoon of soldiers to keep the children of Night away from her. 
She had been a true damsel in distress, even from that age.
And Gideon liked being her knight in shining armor. To save the heiress from her tower and ride off into the moonlight with her had been something he’d thought about for quite some time. He couldn’t help but stay away.
In return, Maude was determined to dig her way into his heart with her fiery spirit that threatened to burn down any weariness he had about committing to the Autumn female. 
His father had told him that it was just a childhood crush, that he’d outgrow within weeks. Weeks of thinking about the caramel color of Maude’s eyes turned into months obsessing over the ruddy red of her hair. How it blazed in the sun like the fiery pit in his stomach. Months of dreams of long auburn hair morphed into a year of reminders of her; the smattering of golden freckles across pale skin like the stars in the night sky, the cherry of her plump lips as he looked out his window at the garden of roses in full bloom, the absolute perfection of her laugh, matching the sweet melody sweeping through the Night Court streets.
And finally, he’s decided to make his move.
Getting Maude to agree to be his date to Starfall wasn’t the hard part. No, it was overbearing parents and the thought of a daughter spending the evening away at the Night Court with all of the troublemaker children Eris had wanted his own brood to stay away from.
It had been letting the information slip to his nosy cousins that he was finally ready to make a move on Maude.
They hadn’t stopped pestering him for weeks, snide comments at the dinner table that had their parents’ eyes narrowing and asking leading questions. Gideon’s harsh glares did nothing to stop their teasing, only had their heads ducked together, stifling their laughter behind their hands until their faces were red with it.
But he’d successfully slipped away from the prying eyes of Nyx, Wren, and Baz, who’d made sure to keep him and Maude within sight the entire night.
Her hand is warm in his, and she is the embodiment of a Goddess.
Dressed in a silvery pool of gossamer fabric, she shines. He’d even seen his sisters and cousins draw her into conversation, gushing about the beauty of her dress when they’d first caught sight of the glimmering ball gown.
Maude’s auburn hair glowed around her like a thousand suns swept perfectly into alignment, all for this moment.
All for him.
Gideon’s breath still hasn’t returned from the first time he’d seen her tonight, looking very much like the royalty she descends from; chin lifted and shoulder poised like a perfectly docile lady. But he knew her better than that, saw the way her creamy eyes shone with mischief as she watched Baz and Nyx glance from the dessert table around the room, cheeky smirks on their faces as they plotted under everyone’s noses.
She doesn’t speak, lets him lead her up the spiraling staircase up onto the balcony. Maude can sense his nervousness. The way that his hand is still tucked into hers, clutching it a little tighter than normal, his breath baited and his lip between his teeth.
He takes her toward the iron rails and heaves a deep breath, trying to calm the racing of his heart. He’s unsure of what to say, how to fill the screaming silence. The smear of stars should be flitting through the sky in no time, and while Gideon had meticulously planned out exactly what he was going to say to Maude, he hadn’t thought about when the perfect timing to admit his feelings would be.
“Giddy,” her voice draws him away from his circling thoughts. Her tone is soft, a lullaby that he’s never forgotten. She places her hand over his own, white-knuckled from how firmly he’s grasping the railing. One of her perfect eyebrows is quirked in question. “What’s going on?”
He looks away from the bright stars and once again he’s taken by her beauty. She’s perfect in every way and his heart tugs in his chest at the soft look on her face, the way that the corner of her mouth is quirked in a smirk, like she can read his mind.
Gideon swallows harshly, turning his hand over so he can grasp her fingers for support. Her smile only grows as he does so, and she gives him a reassuring squeeze even through her questioning eyes.
“There’s something I want to tell you,” he breathes, shifting on his feet as if he’s unsure of how to approach this.
His father had told him the cheeky ways he’d gone about winning his mothers hand, snarky remarks or suggestive comments that had the hard-willed woman weak in the knees no matter how hard she tried to hide it. But Gideon had seen it in action, and while Maude always laughed at his proud remarks, something in his heart was telling him to be serious.
But not as serious as his Uncle Azriel. While the stoic male had been known to prove his interest in ways other than words, Gideon isn’t quite sure that’s the route he should take with the spitfire Autumn female before him.
Maybe sweeping her off of her feet and dipping down for an off-guard kiss like his Uncle Rhysand would be the best option.
Maude’s giggle makes his heart soar and his mind calm. Her cheeks are rosy from the glass of champagne Zuzu had given her, and her molten caramel eyes shimmer in the moonlight.
“I figured that’s why you had wanted me to come up here with you,” she answers happily, a teasing tone with a smile to match.
He can’t help but grin back at her, rolling his eyes at her words. “Right. Right. Of course.”
The more she talks to him the steadier his heartbeat becomes, as if she’s leading the beating of it herself. A coat of warmth flows from her to him, sending shivers up his spine.
“You really need to practice what you’re going to say, if this is how long it’s going to take you.”
And the thing is, he did practice this moment. He’d stayed up late for weeks, unable to sleep because he was playing out the different ways that this could go in his head. Then he’d moved to the mirror, staring at himself as he repeated the words over and over again like he was presenting a report to his classmates. Hell, he’d even practiced on Knox, swearing his cousin to secrecy to keep this to himself, even from his twin.
None of the ways he’d thought this would come about were anything like this.
Gideon steps into her, placing his other hand on her hip. He’s an entire head taller than her and she has to crane her neck back to look up at him, but she doesn’t seem to mind. Her copper hair falls away from her face at the action, revealing her smooth pale skin that looks ethereal under the glimmering moonlight.
They’re close but not touching. He’s afraid that if he takes a deep enough breath he’ll feel all of her body that he so desperately wants pressed against his. He hadn’t even had the time to ask her to dance yet.
Gideon opens his mouth to speak, the rush of the admission filtering to the tip of his tongue without question as she beams at him, brushing her delicate fingers across the sleeve of his shirt to slide around the back of his neck.
“I really want to–”
The shadows in the corner of the terrace shift and the words die in his throat as he zero’s in on his target. 
“Fucking hell,” he mutters, glaring at the movement. Gideon’s fingers tighten on Maude’s and there’s something inside of him that wants to tug her closer and protect her, throw himself in front of her to keep her from danger, even though he knows exactly who those shadows belong to.
His heart clenches when the smile falls from Maude’s face. She peeks over her shoulder, following his line of sight. “What?”
“Baz, I know it’s you, get the hell out here,” Gideon barks towards the shadows.
Maude’s lips part in confusion, until the darkness melts away to reveal a sheepish looking Basil standing near the door. 
She places a reassuring hand on Gideon’s chest when he starts grumbling under his breath. He’s seething, can’t have a single moment alone to ask Maude the question that’s been haunting him for weeks. 
And where there is one son of the shadowsinger, there are surely more.
“Where’s Wren?” he asks in such a tone that even Baz knows he’s not fucking around.
The younger brother bites his lip, pointing past the balcony the two of them are standing near. 
Both Gideon and Maude lean to look over the railing and sure enough, Wren is there, flapping his wings to keep himself near the edge where he can hear their conversation clearly. 
Gideon raises an eyebrow at his cousin. How he’s managing to keep the beating of his wings so soft is a trick he’s going to have to ask him how to do later.
“Get the fuck up here, now,” his growl shatters the peaceful night. “And where is Nyx? I know he’s around here somewhere.”
Not that he needs to be. His nosy cousin could probably already be in either of their heads if he chooses to, no matter how strong the barriers of his mind are. 
Gideon twists on his heel as the princeling appears from thin air next to Baz. He leans against the side of the house, champagne flute tucked in his hand. He looks every bit like his relaxed father, but the facade slips slightly when he senses just how upset his cousin is with him. 
“Giddy,” Maude tries to ease the anger seeping from the male next to her with a gentle hand to his chest but he doesn’t relent, ready to give his cousins the scolding of a lifetime.
“You three,” he spits, his hand tightening on Maude’s hip slightly. The three males are staring at him like they’ve never seen him before, as if a star soul had slammed into him and is possessing his body. Usually he’s as carefree as any, but when it’s something to do with Maude, he’ll always protect her first. 
“Gideon,” Maude’s voice raises over the beginning of his ascent on his family, halting his words before he says something that he doesn’t mean. His brows are furrowed and she doesn’t like the deep frown on his face, vows to help him get his cousins back before the night is over, but as the first star streaks across the night sky, glorious in all of it’s amber hue, she has something else on her mind.
Her lips part with awe, attention fully drawn to the being slipping through the sky, its path as sure as the one it took on the same night the year before. 
Gideon can’t stop watching the way she’s looking at the star. The tension loosens from his body and he can’t think about anything else but the hopes that she’ll look at him like that someday. He tugs her closer on instinct, and the way she wraps her arms securely around his waist and rests her head against his chest has him feeling like the luckiest male in Prythian.
He holds her while the stars pass by, one turning to three and more join until the entire sky is lit up with colorful objects, glittering and racing each other as they pass. 
He’s aware of his cousins slinking away, to join their families downstairs or to give them privacy. Either way, he’s grateful they’ve finally taken the hint.
“Maude,” he asks softly, snagging her attention away from the attraction.
His heart stutters in his chest. Her eyes are glittering with tears at the beauty of what she’s seen and it makes Gideon ache in all of the best ways.
He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, caressing her face. He won’t take up much more of her attention, he wants her to enjoy her night with him.
Gideon leans down to kiss her, and his heart soars right up alongside the stars.
It feels like he’s finally home.
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gccdstories · 4 months
Mobile Muse List (05/05/2024)
Since I hate blog maintenance with a passion... I decided to link a "mobile muse list" on my pinned post, that will be a hell of a lot easier to update if/when I take off or add muses, etc.
This is the MOST UP-TO-DATE on available muses, but it's just a quick list. More information is, of course, available on the carrd (mostly) but some muses might be here that I haven't gotten around to adding to the carrd yet, etc.
Hence... the reason for this list! (Also, there is no rhyme or reason to the order. ALL muses are considered open and available.)
Rhysand (acotar)
Cassian (acotar)
Azriel (acotar)
Feyre Archeron (acotar)
Nesta Archeron (acotar)
Elain Archeron (acotar)
Amarantha (acotar)
Nyx (acotar)
Lucien Vanserra (acotar) **testing
Ruhn Danaan (cc)
Hunt Athalar (cc)
Bryce Quinlan (cc)
Danika Fendyr (cc)
Baxian (cc)
Lidia Cervos (cc)
Aedion Ashryver (tog) **testing
Rowan Whitethorn (tog) **testing
Maeve (tog) **testing, divergent
Fenrys Moonbeam (tog) **testing
Alina Starkov
Baghra (Natalia) Morozova*
Genya Safin
Zoya Nazyalensky
Lara Fruszi
Ivan (Kaminsky)
Empyrean Series (Fourth Wing/Iron Flame/Onyx Storm)
Xaden Riorson
Violet Sorrengail
Rhiannon Matthias
Liam Mairi **testing
Sloane Mairi **testing
Wizarding World
Narcissa Black Malfoy
Bellatrix Black Lestrange
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Misc. Literature / TV
Penellaphe (Poppy) Balfour Da'Neer (fbaa)
Casteel Da'Neer (fbaa)
Nyktos (f&f)
Alaric Ossinast (the hurricane wars)
Gideon Sharpe (crimson moth) **testing
Malakai (Kai) Azer (powerless)
Raihn Ashraj (crowns of nyaxia)
Nyaxia (crowns of nyaxia) **testing
Daemon Targaryen (hotd--show only)
Rhaenyra Targaryen (hotd--show only)
Original (Fandomless) Characters
Laela Belmont (royal vampire princess)
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hiddenwashington · 9 months
anonymous said : What are some of the mw muses on the older end?
we're not sure what you consider the parameters for 'older,' and we also don't know what fandoms you're into, but in no particular order, some older wanted characters are: from howl's moving castle: the witch of the waste; from the untamed: lan qiren; from star wars: captain rex, commander cody, gregor wolffe, ursa wren, alrich wren, baylan skoll, beru and owen lars, kaya dura's dad (oc), mon mothma, or boba fett; from avatar the last airbender/legend of korra: hakoda, kya, bumi, tenzin, lin beifong, su beifong, ozai, or mai's parents; from harry potter: dumbledore; from the barbie franchise: preminger; from criminal minds: david rossi or gideon; from disney/pixar: king triton, queen athena, ursula, carl fredricksen, jafar, lady tremaine, mrs potts, clogsworth, lumiere, mama imelda, or hector; from the lord of the rings/the hobbit: gandalf, thranduil, elrond, bilbo baggins from lord of the rings/the hobbit, from hocus pocus: the sanderson sisters; from charmed: leo wyatt or henry mitchell; from fourth wing: lilith sorrengail; from acotar: rhysand and winnie's mom and dad, beron vanserra, or papa archeron; from resident evil: karl heisenberg or mother miranda; from qiang jin jiu: ji gang; or from glee, sue sylvester!
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shi-daisy · 6 months
Yooo! Since you have said the second fic will be Neris/ Vanserra bros and want to make more content for them I have something of a request.
If you've read the Neris Halloween fic here on Tumblr. Do you have any ideas as to who your version of the Vanserras would be? I really need to know what those rascals would be doing in costume.
Anon yesss!!! I'm having a blast with Tamlin and Lucien but I can't wait to start writing my Autmn babies and my Lady Death, so send me anything you have with them ♥
I have indeed read @theladyofbloodshed Halloween foc many times and I still love it!. Ma'am if I may say I love your writing, especially Nesta's and your fics are a delight.
Okay so if it was my version of the Vanserra siblings that were in the maze and in costume this is what they'd be like:
In a modern AU we have meds and I'm sure that at least one of the other kiddos would keep an eye on their unstable second eldest brother. So if either Eris or Cedric made sure Nemesis took his meds and he had a toy knife instead of a real one he would be going as either Chucky from Child's Play or as Pennywise from IT. He already has fire orange hair and is a fan of fucked up horror (Saw, Hostel, Texas Chainsaw, etc) so our man would be thrilled for a chance to scare people and play with (fake) blood. Since night terrors and sleep paralysis are not fun he would try to make it until Dawn for the medal, and to fall asleep easily at home. He would be a pain in the ass if he finds out about Eris and Nesta. Dude just wants his bro to settle down, and to bug him too.
Alas poor himbo, he's dead on my fics so we only see him in flashback but in a modern AU he might be the jock kid that wants to vibe and has no thoughts head empty. He'd dress up as Frankenstein's monster as a pair costume with Cedric. Dude is tall enough to rock it and would be thrilled to try and get a medal. (Immediately falls asleep as soon as he's home) Also shipping Eris with his Morticia.
If this takes place pre-tramsition she'd dress up as Ghostface and use a voice modulator to sound feminine. That way she wouldn't be misgendered and not even Beron could give her grief. If this takes place post transition she'd dress up as Bloom from Winx Club. All she'd need is a wig and her glittery costume that she'd rock. Would also make the costumes for all her siblings cuz tailor in every univers baby! Wouldn't give Eris grief but would be excited to have a sister in law if things go well. Wouldn't stay until Dawn and heads home as soon as she gets on the rides and eats.
Man just wants to be a pirate in every universe. He might be dead in the fics but here he would be Captain Hook, just to brother the others with his annoying accessory. Would also be chill about the Neris development mostly because this year the group didn't lose him but rather Eris and he got a breather from having to navigate the maze alone. Would also leave early after eating. Not a fan of the spooktacular.
He'd be Dr. Frankenstein. Man's already a mad scientist in the fic let's make it official here too. Given he's in a pair costume with Gideon he'd have to make sure the man does not lose the group and would keep Nemesis from scaring the toddlers with fake blood. He might be the second youngest but if Eris isn't there then he's on dad duty and would have to stay until Dawn for Nemesis and Gideon. If he went to college for every science major then he'd be used to it by now and would happily stay up all night and maybe alm day if you let him. Would ship Neris but be quiet about it and let his older brothers be the ones to bother Eris.
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azsazz · 2 years
please please PLEASE give us the names youre considering rn ‼️‼️‼️
Okie, no hate, but you all know I like keeping the kiddos names consistent with my writing, so without further ado...
Az's Kids:
Wren <3
Baz (short for Basil just because I love it)
Zuzu (love love love)
Fifth Child (unnamed, maybe its twins, who really knows)
Cassian's Kids:
Junior (but I hate it, it's an inside joke, Junie...I'm changing his name to Gideon instead)
Rhys' Kids:
Nyx (obvi)
Asteria (perhaps for their daughter mentioned in What Lies Ahead)
Vanserra Kids:
Jack (like jackrabbit...his nickname is rabbit I'm sobbing)
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