#Gideon after they get together: guess I’m your type now that I was kinda dead
jarlskona-evilyoyo · 2 years
I’m loving the idea that Gideon probably thinks Harrow doesn’t find her attractive.
Like putting aside the fact Gideon thinks Harrow doesn’t care about her etc etc, from her point of view Harrow has expressed interest in one woman: a literal dead corpse. She was in Harrow’s mind for her weird thing with Ianthe where at one point Harrow even admits that if Ianthe showed her even a tiny bit of kindness in that moment she would have been hers.
And Gideon looks NOTHING like either of them. Gideon is healthy with muscles and short chopped hair. 
Add that to the fact I’m willing to bet money that Harrow did in fact Gideon attractive from the moment she entered puberty and was PISSED about it and I’m having a great time imagining Gideon getting the shock of her life.
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write-orflight · 4 years
Songs to Play While Hunting a Killer: Chapter One
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*Gif not mine*
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Pairings: HotchxReader, Enemies to lovers
Rating: M
Words: 2.5K
Warnings: None right now, eventually will be smut
Summary: Y/N is a Bounty Hunter who always runs. Aaron is the Agent that stays behind, it was no mystery why they didn’t get along. When the two are called to revisit an old case together it’s no wonder old feelings revisit too.
AN: I’m taking some liberties with the reaper storyline but still keeping the basic crux of it. So please don’t attack me that it’s not exactly like the episodes I’m trying to fit it around the story. Message to be added to taglist! much love, Cia. 
        Chapter 1: Killer Queen by Queen 
You stopped at the motel first to check out and change. Opting for a black cropped t-shirt, skinny black jeans and as always your leather jacket. You put your bags in your car and head to the FBI headquarters. Queen blaring in your stereo and suddenly remembering why you hated driving in the city. You parked in the parking garage and put the top on Lou, figuring you’d be separated for a while. As you say your goodbyes, you hear a low whistle behind you.  
“Is that an 85 Miata?” The older gentleman asks. 
You smile. “Close, 1990. How are you doing, Rossi?”
The man looked confused for a second before the realization took hold. “Y/N?” You nod and the man is sweeping you in a hug. “Look at you, bella, you’ve grown. And changed styles apparently.” 
“Yea, that tends to happen over a decade, Rossi.” You laugh, following the man into the building. “What are you doing here though? Last I heard you were retired and rich?”   
“Still rich, just not retired.” The man laughs. “What’re you doing here though? Last I checked your dad is actually retired.” 
 “Actually, Hotchner invited me to consult on a case.” You say. Rossi looks at you incredulously. 
“Hotch? Willingly asked for your help?” 
“Well, it was like pulling teeth but thankfully he’s not an idiot.”
“What happened with you kids anyway? You were inseparable back in the day.” 
You frown. You didn’t like to think about that time in your life. “People change.”   
“I’ll say, look at you kid. All leather and classic cars now.” He laughs, you laugh with him as he directs you into the BAU. 
The two of you are immediately greeted by a brightly dressed blonde woman. “Hey Rossi!” She says to the man. 
“Garcia.” He greets, gesturing to you. “This is--” 
“Y/N Y/L/N.” She says, extending a hand for you to shake. “Hotch had me look into you, you are completely bad-ass! I read about how you went after that team of bank robbers last month that ended in a car chase. You’re like super cool, I’m Penelope.”
“Thank you, Penelope. Hotch made you look into me?” 
“Oh yea, I’m the Tech Analyst for the BAU.”
“I assumed so, and he made you do a background check on me?” You ask, trying not to sound angry. It wasn’t her fault, but your tone betrayed you. 
She looks at you awkwardly. “Umm, yea… Sorry?” 
“Not your fault, excuse me.” You nod to the two people. Rossi tries to stop you but you dodge the hand going to your wrist and stalk up the stairs to your dad’s old office that was now Hotch’s. You slam the door closed and he looks up from files on his desk and levels you with an angry expression. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” He says. 
“You had a background check run on me?” You ask angrily. “When I’m already an approved consultant.” 
“Of course I did, I needed to know what kind of person I’m sending out there with my team.” 
“Which is why you read my file which already has my background check in it! Not to mention, you already fucking know me, Hotch.” You say, seething. “Don’t look into my life without my permission again.” 
The two of you didn’t notice the team watching you from the bullpen below. 
“Do you guys know who she is?” Reid says, looking to the group. 
Emily shakes her head. “No, but judging by how they’re yelling at each other, Hotch definitely knows her.” 
Penelope walks up to the group. “That’s Y/N Y/L/N. She and Hotch went to Academy together and she’s helping us with our next case. Which is what I came to tell you, we should head to the conference room now.” 
The team is waiting in the conference room for 5 minutes before you and Hotch walk in. You’re still kinda pissed but you knew better than to make other people shoulder your bad mood, especially strangers. 
“This is Ms. Y/N Y/L/N, she’ll be consulting with us this case-” 
“Doctor.” You say. Hotch looks at you confused. “I went back to school after I quit the FBI.” You explain. “So it’s Dr. Y/N Y/L/N.” 
“I didn’t know that.” He says. 
“What? It didn’t come up in your unnecessary background check?” You say, the team including Hotch give a small grimace. You decide to ignore that and sit. “Shall we get started?”       
A blonde woman cleared her throat. “Yea, we’re going to Boston, a couple was found dead in their car, the boyfriend was shot once in the head, and the girl was stabbed multiple times. We’re investigating to see if it was the Boston Reaper.” 
A light skinned man speaks up at that point. “The Reaper is back? He hasn’t killed in a decade, how are we sure it’s not a copycat?” 
“It’s him.” You speak up. The group looks at you, but you keep your eyes trained on the crime scene photos. “Is there any record of the male victim wearing glasses?” 
You watch the woman who introduced herself as Garcia earlier type on a laptop for a minute before speaking up. “There’s no record of it, why?” 
You push the photo towards Hotch so he could see what you were seeing. “It’s Foyet’s.” 
He looks at it and nods. “Wheels up in 30.” 
You pale for a second. “Up?” 
“Yea, we have a jet now, Bella.” Rossi says, patting you on the back. You swallow roughly. 
God, you hated flying. 
You really hated flying. 
The team seemed pretty calm, expected since they fly so much but there was a reason why you liked driving Lou everywhere. Flying was… not your style. 
“Fear of flying?” You look up to see the lanky kid from earlier looking at you.
“Fear of crashing.” You nod back. 
“You know, turbulence hardly results in crashes. What you really have to worry about is microburst. The sudden down-pressure of air hitting a craft like this will capsize it.” He says smiling, you look at him in horror, knowing he was just trying to comfort you but accidentally did the opposite. 
“You’re Dr. Reid, right? Gideon’s prodigy?” 
“You knew Gideon?” 
“I know Gideon. He was an agent on my dad’s team for years. I just had lunch with him about 2 months ago.” 
“Months?” He says, confused. “I haven’t heard from him in years and you saw him months ago?!” 
“Relax, it was purely by chance. I ran into him while working a bounty in Albuquerque and we decided we might as well eat lunch together while we were in the same place.” You shrugged. “He talked about you a lot though. Still keeps track of the work you’re doing, said he was proud.” 
“Well, if he really was I’d hear it from him.” 
“I know. Trust me I’ve called him an idiot multiple times for leaving the way he did but…. this life isn’t for everyone, it certainly wasn’t for me. It takes a toll and eventually something's gotta give.” 
“Let’s go over the case, please.” You hear Hotch call out. You both instantly turn your attention to the man. You can’t help the nervous feeling in your stomach, it’s been a while since you worked an actual case that wasn’t already solved. You didn’t want to fuck this up. You watched Aaron and his team go over the details of the case, now with the information that you provided them earlier. You watched as his team regarded him with respect and the authoritative air he had about him now. Hotch had always been a serious person, you not so much. Back in the academy days you used to balance each other out. Now, all you did was clash. 
“Do you have anything to add, Y/N?” Hotch asked. The team immediately turns to look at you. 
You smirk. “If I had something to say I’d say it, Hottie.” 
“Hottie?” The light skinned man from earlier questions, smirking at Hotch as well. Hotch ignores him leveling you with a serious look. 
“I’ve already told you it’s Hotch or Hotchner now, Y/N.” 
“Hotch.” You say, testing the word out on your tongue. You grimace. “Doesn’t have the same ring to it. I think I’m going to stick with Hottie, if you don’t mind.”  
“I do.” He says, blankly. 
“Well then, I guess it's good we have bigger things to worry about right now.” You say. He looks you in your eye, you look right back. You’ve never been scared of Aaron, you weren’t going to start now. The team was now watching the exchange intensely, you imagine that no one had really stood up to Hotchner before. 
“Fine.” he says after a while. “Reid, JJ you guys head to the Field office. Morgan, Prentiss and Rossi head to the crime scene. And you.” he says, looking you back in the eye, you smirk. “You’re with me, you’re going to help us find George Foyet since he has no last known address. Show me how good you actually are at bounty hunting.” 
“Oh, I’m more than good, Hottie.” You wink. Aaron rolls his eyes. 
You sigh. Just like old times. 
When you exit the plane, the FBI issued SUVs are already waiting. Before he could notice, you picked the keys out of Hotch’s pockets and slid into the driver's seat, putting your shades on to combat the baking sun. He looks confused for a second before just getting into the passenger seat. You put Queen on the stereo before peeling out. You drive for a while in silence, Hotch clearly watching you. 
“What?” you say. 
“Is this how you start all your cases? Because you seem to just be driving aimlessly and we don’t have tim--” 
“Hottie, relax. I know exactly what I’m doing.”  
“Come on, there was a time when you liked me calling you Hottie.” 
“Times change.” 
You nod. “That’s true.” You say, you knew you and Hotch would never be the same after what happened. “Call your tech girl for me?” You ask.
Hotch nods and calls. You hear a voice on the line. “Talk dirty to me.” it says. 
“Hey, it’s Y/N/N.” You say. “Can you tell me where Roy Colson works?” 
“I can tell you what he ate for breakfast, honey. One second.” You continue driving listening to the faint clacks of Garcia’s typing. “Employee records say he’s employed at the Boston Examiner now.” 
“Exactly what I thought, thanks Garcia.” You park. “We’re here.” You say getting out the car, Hotch falling into step behind you. 
“How’d you know? Where Roy was?” He says. 
You look at him confused. “Basic investigation skills? I may not have a fancy technical analyst but I do know how google works.”   
The two of you walk into the building and are greeted by a woman seated at the front desk. You smile walking up to her. “Hi, Meredith? I think I spoke to you on the phone earlier.” 
“Yes, Zoe right?” 
Hotch looks at you confused but you just smile and nod. “That’s me.” 
“I’ll show you back to Roy’s desk. He must be so excited you guys are visiting.” 
“Yea, we’re just stopping in town before the honeymoon, thought we might surprise him for lunch.” If Hotch didn’t look confused before, he sure did now. 
“If you head down this hall and to the left, his desk is in the far left corner. Have a fun lunch, Congrats on your marriage.” 
“Thank you!” You say smiling, slipping your hand into Hotch’s. “Come on, honey. Let’s go.” 
As soon as the receptionist is out of sight, Hotch is pulling his hand back like it was chemically burning him to be attached to you. “Hey! That could hurt a girl's feelings, you know.” 
“Zoe?” He asked. “Honeymoon??” 
“So I said a tiny white lie to get in. Roy wasn’t answering my calls.” You shrug. “I lie all the time on bounties.” 
Hotch stops you from walking, stepping into your space to look you in the eye. “This isn’t a bounty, Y/N. It’s a federal investigation. This is unreasonably irresponsible and if you had been caught in your lie that’s the only thing the defense would need to call a mistrial. A serial murderer would go free because you can’t think for one second.” He’s angry, you’ve seen it before. And you want to get angry right back but for some reason the only that happens is butterflies in your stomach. 
So not the time, Y/N… you think to yourself.        
“Fine, no more lies. Only honest real investigation from now on. Scouts honor.” You say, saluting the man. He only rolls his eyes before continuing to walk down the hall. 
The two of you walk onto the editing floor where you see Roy hunched at a computer desk. He looks up and sees you, eyes widening. 
“How’re you doing, Roy?” you say. 
“How did you find me?” He asks, you scoff. 
“Finding people is literally my job description.” Hotch watches you lean back on his desk, arms folded. “You’ve been ignoring my calls, Roy.” 
“I already told you I wasn’t comfortable giving up his location to you.” 
“And I told you, it’s not for me it’s for him.” You nod, and Roy turns finally looking at Hotch. “Reaper’s back, which puts George at risk, so I’m going to need an address before Big Boy arrests you for obstruction of justice, ok?” You slide over the stack of post-it notes he had on his desk to him. “Write.”      
Roy writes silently before sliding the pad back to you. You rip off the top note and smile. “Thank you. Oh and Roy?” You lean down, so that you’re eye level to him, looking him deep in the eye so he’d know you were serious. “If I see any of what we talked about today in tomorrow’s paper… I’m going to find you, for real. And Aaron won’t be here to protect you that time. Understand?” 
The man gulps and nods. You tap him lightly on the cheek with your palm. “Always nice to see you, take care.” 
You and Hotch walk out the building together. “Was there not a better way you could’ve done that?” Hotch says. 
“That?” You ask. “That was nothing, It’s not my fault Roy is essentially a gopher.” 
“You can’t just go around making vain threats to people for information, Y/N.” 
“That’s literally how I do my job, Hottie. And I apparently do it well since I got the address.” You look at Aaron over the roof of the car. “Don’t question how I do my job, I won’t question how you do yours.” You say before getting back into the driver’s seat. 
Aaron sighed a deep sigh, looking up towards the sky. 
This was going to be a long case.
Taglist: @evyiione​ @weepingmoneywagontoad @yeah-just-ignore-me-thanks​ @dj-lowkey @zizzlekwum​ @blrthelines​ @diesinspanishbcimhispanic​
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