#Gigi + uncle Adam
bitchinbarzal · 1 year
(this is kinda horrible, but the thought is still sad)
gigi and uncle adam are besties, have been since she was three days old.
and ofc as we mentioned, he might use her to pick up girls every once in a while, but that’s besides the point.
once gigi gets a little older, maybe 3,4(?), adam gets with this one girl. and she’s nice, gigi thinks.
at least she was the first time she met her.
two versions past this point:
1. then suddenly, uncle adam doesn’t come over that often. he’s passing on their weekly uncle adam and gigi dates, and he doesn’t watch her favorite cartoon anymore. and finally it rattles little gigi so much, that one night she crawls into luca and moms bed with her favorite stuffed animal clutched in her hands “dada, why uncle ad no love me no more?” with the saddest little pout on her face and luca loses it. is on the phone with adam the morning “dude, i don’t know what changed lately, but all i know is you better get your ass over to my house to watch paw patrol, or else i can’t stop your niece from believing you don’t love her.”
2. the next time gigi comes over to hang with uncle adam, her and the new gf get left alone for a little while, while adam runs to the grocery store. and instead of playing tea party with her (like gigi asked) the new gf jsut ignores her. and then she takes a call. “no, i don’t know where he went. he left me here with a fucking toddler. god kids are so difficult.” and gigi doesn’t really understand, but she knows that wasn’t nice. and so she asks her again “wanna play tea with me” and the new gf loses it. angles the phone away from her mouth and tells gigi to go away, that her uncle adam doesn’t love her as much as he loves her (new gf) and she really needed a new babysitter, because her (gigi) “uncle adam” is “getting real tired of having to hang out with her.”this scares gigi, and she goes to the corner to play tea by herself and cries. when uncle adam gets back, she’s excited for a little while, until she remembers what new gf told her, then she calms down. when mom comes to pick her up, she goes sprinting for the door. mom and adam both think this is a little weird, because usually she’ll fight tooth and nail to stay, unless promised ice cream, but they ignore it. until gigi starts rejecting uncle adam. “ready for another play date g? we’re going to the zoo!” gigi screams “NO!” and runs to hide. and of course this is now getting pretty strange, but adam starts to ignore it, and lean more in to hanging out with his gf. and now a few weeks go by. and gigi misses uncle adam. really bad. like wakes up at 2 am and crawls into luca and moms bed, bad. “momma, i miss uncle ad” “baby you’ve been mean to him, that’s why he hasn’t come around.” “he was a meanie first!” “how was uncle ad mean?” “he doesn’t love me as much as he loves her, and, and he doesn’t want to be with me no more.” now luca intervenes. “honey when did uncle adam tell you this?” “NO- no uncle ad. new gf. she, she said that uncle ad didn’t love me as much as her, and he doesn’t wanna go on our play dates anymore.” luca is up bright and early to go kick adam in the ass and make him apologize (but also has to go early to make sure momma bear wasn’t going to actually beat new gf’s ass for saying that). adam breaks up with her within the hour, but it’s going to take a lot longer than that to get his and gigi’s relationship back to where it was.
nonnie… who hurt you?? (Also I’ve named the girlfriend ruby in this)
So imagine the girlfriend has said all that to Gigi and she’s just sad. She’s so upset and when you come to get her, she sprints into your arms.
This is really unusual because Gigi spends maybe one weekend a month in Columbus with Adam because of his schedule and she’s usually crying and screaming to stay but this time she’s already on-route to the car without her bag or stuffed animal.
Adam comes out to the car to say bye but Gigi is just asking you if she can call her uncle Rut on the way home.
When it’s Adam’s next weekend to have her, Gigi declines the invite and says she’d rather stay with mom and dad. Which hurts Adam a lot he hasn’t missed a Gigi weekend since she was six months old.
Then Adam’s in Detroit playing the red wings and he stops by to watch a game on their day off, Gigi doesn’t want to sit next to him.
Both you and Luca are confused and somewhat concerned, it brings up conversations of has something happened, should you be asking Adam.
Then one night at bedtime Gigi calls on Luca to read her story and when Luca goes to grab his book, daddy loves me she gives him goodnight moon.
“Baby this is Adam’s book”
Gigi is so annoyed she loves this book “No, it’s daddy’s book now”
“Ok, G what’s wrong? Why are you so mad at uncle Adam?”
You’re standing in the hallway listening “He doesn’t love me anymore!”
“Did he say that?” You ask, coming in.
She shakes her head, eyes filling with tears “No! Ruby did, she told me he loves her now not me anymore and he doesn’t like playing with me”
You both let her sleep in your bed for the night, consoling your babygirl’s sobs throughout the night. Her cries making you cry.
“I’ll kill them Luca, I swear to fucking god” is all you said all night. You were beyond angry at both of them, Ruby for doing it and Adam for allowing it to happen.
Luca leaves the bed early morning to call his brother and explain the situation, much to adam’s surprise and anger. He breaks up with Ruby over the phone as he’s half way to Ann Arbor.
When he gets there, he finds your car to be the only one in the driveway and he’s a little frightened.
When he comes in, calling out for someone he sees your angry face staring at him as you’re soothingly gigi to sleep for her nap.
“You’ve got some nerve fantilli”
“I didn’t know!” He excuses, walking in to the nursery.
“She was heartbroken Adam, she was up all night crying and I… Adam you broke her heart, her first heartbreak and it’s her uncle who broke it”
That kicks Adam right in the gut.
He sees that she’s not asleep yet and he points to her “Can I?”
Typically, you would say no but she was heavy and your arms were sore so you passed her off and left to make lunch.
There, Adam stood holding her just like she was a baby once again and he mumbled the words to Goodnight moon to her. When she finally fell asleep he kissed her head and whispered “I’m so sorry Princess”
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yourtouchismidas · 11 months
Could you do one where Gigi sneaks out to a party but runs into one of the guys at the party:)
gigi is moaning because she doesnt need a babysitter. you and matty are on your way out, and adam and carly are getting their son situated in the warm lounge where all the little girls are already bathed and in their pjs. you are dressed the the nines, matty's eyes already landing on where you legs meet your skirt more times than you can count. gigi is sixteen and moody.
"mum this is humiliating," she says, sitting on the bottom of the stairs with her chin in her hands.
"oh darling, they aren't here for you. at least this way the little girls wont be bothering you all night."
"what you moaning about, gi?" matty says, not looking round from where he is fluffing up his hair in the mirror.
"she feels she is too old to have a babysitter," you explain. matty rolls his eyes at his eldest daughter in the mirror. "gigi you are a baby. now get in the lounge and play snakes and ladders in your pjs."
gigi storms off upstairs. stupid matty she thinks. he always sees her as a baby and she isn't. well fuck them. she's going out. a message on her phone from one of her friends reads, cool party tonight, you in? and she texts back and says yep
she sneaks out the house an hour later, looking like a mini version of you in her party dress, her black curls exploding around her face. shay is crying in the living room because she lost snakes and ladders and carly is trying to comfort her while adam corrals the rest of them. they dont notice her leave.
she giggles in the taxi all the way to the party with her friends, drinking cocktails from cans that her older friends picked up. she is starting to feel great. as long as she gets home before you and her dad get back, she'll be golden. you guys will never know.
the taxi takes them out into the countryside, and then pulls up at a farm, where a big barn looms, lights inside, music pounding. there are people outside, leant up against the barn, drinking, laughing, smoking. gigi gets out the cab, grinning. this looks fun. the alcohol is rushing through her veins. she wants to dance. she grabs her friends and they run inside. no one asks her age or for her id.
she is dancing, wildly, her and her friends holding hands and in a circle. the lights are pretty and she can feel the music under her skin. she is having the best time. a couple of her friends break away to go to the loo, and another is making out with someone they just met, and she is laughing at them and while she does, a huge man dances in front of her, blocking her view, nudging her slightly.
"oh sorry love," he turns to her to say. they meet eyes. they both freeze. its her uncle george. his face cracks into a massive grin.
"it's my gigi girl!" he yells, and grabs another person, a girl with long black hair, to get her attention. its gigi's aunty charli who laughs and points at her when she realises who it is.
"omg little party girl!" charli says. gigi rolls with it. they're drunk. they dont have the capacity to have a coherent thought right now about whether she should be there or not. they dance together, charli grabbing her hands and spinning her round. george lifts her up and onto his shoulders, spinning round too, so she throws her hands up and whoops.
"hey man i..." another voice says below her. its someone talking to george. gigi looks down, into a big beardy face. its her uncle ross.
"gigi!" he yells, "what you doing here?!"
he's grinning. she still isnt in trouble.
"partying!" she yells back.
"woooo!" ross says, and joins in dancing with them. when george puts her down, she stands on ross feet to dance like she did when she was teeny tiny, and she laughs when he dips her to the ground like she is a ballroom dancer. except. when she bobs back up. there is another man dancing with them. dancing like a loon. his white shirt sweaty, half open, his eyes bright, his curls wild. gigi doesnt mean too, but she looks at him dead on. their eyes meet. its her dad. what is he doing here?! this was supposed to be a cool party!
"oh no," he says, stopping dancing abruptly, pointing at her "absolutely not!"
"come on man," george says, "let her live a little!"
"dont worry george," she says, "its not living if your dad is at the party"
george laughs and ross says, "isn't that one of our songs?" and matty grabs gigi by the wrist and leads her off into the crowd to find you, mumbling, "just wait until your mother hears this." gigi grins. shes had fun. but she's kind of tired. sleepy. its late. she cant wait to climb back into the cab with her angry parents, get yelled at, promise never to do it again, and then get into her pjs with them in the lounge with a cup of tea and play some snakes and ladders.
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princesssarisa · 1 year
Hey your a fan of the Lets Pretend radio series.Well I am going to be doing a fairy tale adaptation month so I wanna ask for recconmendations
Well, none of the episodes are very long, so I recommend listening to several of them.
If you want to listen to authentic episodes of the radio series, don't listen to the versions with the fancy album cover art. Those are '70s record album remakes: they use the original radio scripts, but they're not performed by the original cast.
As for the authentic episodes, these are some good ones from the late '40s/early '50s "Uncle Bill Adams" era:
Jack and the Beanstalk (the episode I'd probably choose to introduce someone to the show)
The Brave Little Tailor
The Youth Who Learned to Shiver and Shake
Hansel and Gretel
Faithful John
The Enchanted Frog
And here are some good ones from the early '40s, when Hugh Conover was the host and Cream of Wheat wasn't yet the sponsor:
The Elves and the Shoemaker
Why the Sea is Salty
The Little Mermaid
Gigi and the Magic Ring
The Water of Life
Princess Moonbeam (the Japanese story The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, but reset in China because this was during WWII)
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tfbotmblr · 2 years
Avoid Paris Syndrome By Curbing Your Expectations
On my first trip to Paris in 2015 (which was part of Expat Explore’s Ultimate Europe tour), I knew what to expect. I expected it to be a lot more like the Paris in the DiC series Madeline (and later - *coughs* - CUTIES) than what the movies and even European versions of the Disney’s Sing-Along-Songs video series have depicted.
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The France pavilion in Epcot’s World Discovery doesn’t hold a candle to the REAL Eiffel Tower in her fall fashion! Taken 11/1/2015.
And the trip took place in October as opposed to the springtime.
The Paris in Madeline is a mixture of the candy-coated, sanitized version of Hollywood’s (including spring flowers surrounding the iconic Eiffel Tower, couples kissing, and posh boutique shops) as well as the rough parts.
My hotel I stayed was located in the La Defense district, which was similar to the location Miss Clavel, the maid, her bloodhound Genevieve, and the dozen female students (who’d mostly file in 2 straight lines) moved to in the episode “Madeline and the Old House.” They are forced to relocate to a modern but cramped apartment because Lord Cucuface deems their former convent school edifice that is covered with vines inhospitable.
There were those rough places in Paris as well as the vagabounds, the refugees, and homeless kids mingling with the fashionistas and romancers. Those parts looked just like some of the scenes in Madeline: Lost in Paris, in which the titular student of the convent school was kidnapped by an impostor who pretended to be her Viennese uncle.
And did I suffer from Paris Syndrome, a phenomenon in which travelers have too-high expectations stemming from fictional media of a place they wanted to visit, but were left disappointed after staying there? Not much.
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Yeah - try finding scenes including those piles of human bones at the Catacombs in An American in Paris or Gigi! Visiting there late October made for one of the BEST HALLOWEENS EVER! Taken 10/30/2015.
Paris Syndrome initially referred to Japanese tourists who raised their expectations of the moniker city TOO HIGH. Paul McQueen of Culture Trip explained about why it’s SO REAL:
First and foremost is the language barrier between the vast majority of the visiting Japanese and their French hosts. Tied to this is our second factor: differences in manner that can be extremely upsetting: decreased levels of formality in communication, frequent fluctuations in mood or tone, and incomprehensible humor.
Thirdly, there is physical exhaustion, plain and simple. Travelers, whether they are in Paris for business or pleasure, pack their schedules so tightly that their brains essentially explode. And finally, add serious jet lag to that mix and you have yourself one stressed out cookie.
And Paris Syndrome also can be experienced in other cities worldwide.
For instance, Orlando - home of Walt Disney World, SeaWorld Orlando, and Universal Orlando - also disappoints most of its tourists who have high expectations in some ways. As a Catholic vagabond who declares the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe my favorite attraction in the metro area outside the theme parks, they are often too hard-pressed to find under-the-radar locations to visit.
Seeing Adam J. Brakel work the Schoenstein at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe - let alone include scenes from said mission Catholic church - is hen’s teeth in the Visit Orlando ads!
Karen McCann, an expat and travel blogger, ties the factors to curated reality. She explains in the blog Enjoy Living Abroad:
And here we get to the seriously worrying part of the story: the casual assumption that travel destinations should be predictable, with everything organized for our amusement in what some call “curated reality.”
Ten years ago, when we were still adapting to living online, Cyborgology wrote, “Social media allows us to essentially ‘curate reality,’ cultivating an environment in which we generally see what we want to see.” By now that expectation has spread so deeply into all facets of our lives that some travelers are demanding the same predictability from cities they visit. For me, the whole point of travel is to experience the glorious rush of surprise that comes with stumbling upon something completely unexpected, such as Albania’s warm hospitality, the zingy coffee culture of Greece, and Sarajevo’s 500-year-old public restroom.
On the same day I, my DM, and her university classmate toured the Catacombs, I had them stumble upon St. Sulpice. My three wishes were the same ones I’d make in every visit to a new church, and good holistic health (Paris Syndrome is a mental health issue, and I DID pray for that) is one of the three.
And click - I snapped the picture of St. Sulpice’s FAMOUS Cavaille-Coll jewel people don’t usually see in those Hollywood movies set in Paris.
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I saw THAT organ in Howard Goodall’s Organ Works (which I have watched almost religiously after school and during weekends on Ovation TV) and many YT videos of organs, but there’s almost 0% chance you’d see it in a blockbuster film set in Paris. It looked SO MUCH BETTER in real life. Taken 10/30/2015.
Whitney Brown, of Passion Passport, offers the lessons I learned from my Paris trip that made me not suffer Paris Syndrome much:
There’s danger in being too firmly attached to your preconceived notion of how a destination should look or feel, or in setting your expectations too high. You can only get to know a new place by immersing yourself in that setting, and even then, you’ll only scratch the surface.
So, if you leave some wiggle room in your expectations, you’ll learn more as you travel, and you’ll have more fun along the way. You’ll get to know the real Paris or Peru or Portugal, not a wishful projection of that destination.
You might experience some disappointments, but you’ll also be more receptive to the destination’s good qualities. You might find a hidden gem — a secret garden, a speakeasy, an old arthouse theater — or learn something fascinating about the local culture.
In short, you’ll allow that destination to teach and surprise you, and you’ll return home with more nuanced, realistic insights about what life is actually like in other parts of the globe. You’ll realize that you don’t know everything about the places you’ve explored, but you’ll understand them much better than you did before.
And really, isn’t that what travel is all about — recognizing that the world is more surprising and less predictable than you previously thought? That it doesn’t always deliver everything you’d hoped for, but that it’s always bigger and better than what you could ever dream up?
Despite the pickpockets and the scammers with strings around Montmartre, Paris was just like what Madeline and documentaries that show both sides of the city like the third episode of Howard Goodall’s Organ Works depicted. Watching media that sees it from ALL socioeconomic angles have made me felt like it exceeded my expectations (not as much as Prague, where I visited a small church that is the shrine of the Infant Jesus) and made me suffer Paris Syndrome less.
I describe Paris as a rose - there are thorny parts mingling with the idyllic ones Hollywood would ALMOST ALWAYS depict.
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And didn’t I mention that I heard the FINAL organ Aristide Cavaillé-Coll built being played during Vespers at Sacre Coeur! It sounded as AMAZING in real life just as it looked. Taken 11/1/2015. 
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
First of all, when you tagged me as Georgia in the CYM did you look into my brain because THIS GIRL DHUDHUCIUHIDFUHKDFVUKHDKHU
if Eidolon demons could do calligraphy, it would look like Georgia’s handwriting.
oof same
I eventually gave up
she is so smart sniffs THE IRON SISTERS ARE IN LONG ISLAND
“The poor boy had a crush on you for a month,” she heard dadda chuckle.
“Excuse you, it was a month and a half,” Mama corrected.
why is everyone so obsessed with the kids' dating lives like dude-
Uncle Alec had been elected as the Consul – again.
And when he was stressed, he watched Dora the Explorer.
good to know im not the only one who watches cartoons when they are stressed(edited)
Georgia is the first ever person to actually enjoy izza's cooking
She had always thought of herself as a loner. It happens when you think differently from everyone else. Sometimes you feel like you live in your own world with your own rules. She had been okay with it. She had been comfortable.
same bestie same
Georgia had been surprised because she hadn’t known she was an option at all.
i feel like this fic is calling me out
But Georgia couldn’t let it go. She refused to believe that things were either good or bad. Anything can be anything if you know how to use it.
“Brother Enoch!” Lexi raised her hand. “Up top?”
The silent brother stared – or probably glared cause you could never tell – and walked past them to the institute office room.
“He is never going to high five you,” Georgia pointed out.
“Nah, he is just a little shy,” Lexi grinned. “I will get that high five. You will see.”
“Hey!” Mama said – her face looked a little red, like she had put lipstick all over her face, not just her lips.
Now I would have overlooked this but shadowhunters are getting sick and dying and I'm worried.
“Lexi tried to eat her witchlight to see if she would light up,” Georgia pointed out. “Of course, she doesn’t know what’s good for her!”
“That’s just a common misconception,” dada laughed. “Do you think I’m the responsible one in my parabatai relationship? Or is it Clary? I literally summoned angel Raziel in the middle of a farm and your Clary raised her boyfriend from the dead.”
“And if you think Alec is the responsible parabatai then I have a lot of stories to tell you,” Mama chuckled to herself.
I dont think that it was Lexi telling Georgia about the test that fucked it up. there is definitely something more to it.
It sounded so simple. Georgia frowned at that. “But what I mess up?”
“Then we will call Magnus,” Mama said, and dada laughed at that.
“Then I will wear it to my first day at the academy,” she grinned and walked away.
“I'm having war flashbacks to my middle school days. Our daughter is going to get bullied,” she heard dada whisper to her mother.
“Our daughter is going to be the biggest badass to walk this earth,” mama corrected.
“I thought you were the biggest badass to walk this earth,” dada chuckled.
“I’m going to retire.”
Georgia and Simon are such nerds I LOVE THEM
“That’s insane! If I want cool weapons, I will break into the adamant citadel,” Lexi sounded angry.
YES LETS GO ~!~(edited)
Georgia smiled at that. “I know, Lex. I just…I guess I couldn’t understand why would want to be my parabatai in the first place. I know I am a litte-”
“Talented? Brilliant? Incredible? Amazing? Show stopping? Spectacular? Never the same? Totally unique? Completely never been done before?”
“Stop quoting Lady Gaga!”
“I don’t want to be born into greatness,” Lexi confessed quietly. “It makes me feel like I didn’t have a choice. I'm going to be great, I want to it be my choice.”
Georgia smiled. “I understand.”
“And you’re my first choice, Gigi,” Lexi whispered. “Cause you’re pretty damn great.”
Lexi chuckled with her and pulled back. “When things get rough, you are not going to abandon me and become an Iron Sister, right?”
“God, no!” Georgia shuddered thinking of the serious looking Iron Sisters in their white robes. “I don’t think I could pull of the white aesthetic.”
“You can pull off anything,” Lexi firmly disagreed.
“Besides, they can’t get married,” Georgia pointed out, and Lexi made a face. “What if Harry Styles finally replies to my fan mail? It’s too risky.”
i would die for these two no questions asked. look im against smoking but alec smoking is my aesthetic LEAVE ME AND MY PIZZA (with way too many veggies fuck you my brother) ALONE
“Uncle Alec,” she said. “You better not smoke again after I leave.”
“Or you will tell Magnus?” he grinned.
“No. I will tell granny.”
His grin disappeared immediately. “Damn. Okay. Fine. No smoking.”
“Oh shit, was I supposed to get something you too?” Lexi asked awkwardly. “I thought I didn’t have to…cause I kinda gave you my soul as a gift and all that.”
Georgia chuckled. “I accept your gift.”
“Good,” Lexi grinned. “Cause it’s non-refundable.”
sigh herondales (affectionate)
Also I don't think I'm ever getting over Magnus as Dumbledore
damn it's almost 7 am- my sleep's fucked. BYE!!!
If you ever want to do one of those live reaction videos on YouTube for shows and stuff, you should totally give it a go. I think you would KILL IT.
Gigi and Lexi have the purest form of friendship. I can't wait to show you more of it!
Laters x.
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hiheyimhuy · 4 years
Movies/TV Shows
1 Roman Empire -Season 1 -Theme Funny -Golden Age
-Birthdays -Jayden Kouli Spring -Ian Spear Summer -Rex Woodbury Fall -Taylor Phillips Winter
-Jennie Mayer “Type 1” Insults -Arlene Williams “Type 2” Conversation -Tina Fey “Type 3” It’s Not Funny, But It Is Funny -Alison Kang “Type 4” Fighting
-Annie Bucher -Bayley Lichtenberg -Brenna Harrington -Briana Jackson -Carley Wood -Christine Baker -Ellie Hoekman -Emily Dugan -Emily Ross -Heather Bateman -Heather Stams -Jessie Torlai -Kailyn Pennock -Katie Fischbeck -Katie Theisen -Kirsten Brewer -Kristen Kemper -Kylie Barrett -Kyra Pennington -Lexi n Abby Klinkenberg -Meg Mullen -Meressa Mamon -Mia Torlai -Nicole Silver -Rebecca Nixon -Samantha Holler -Tahlia Carchedi 1/2 -Taylor Green 1/2 -Tessa Acay -Zoey Golden 1/2
-Austin From Gardenscapes -Kevin Hill
-Season 2 -Theme Suffering -50 Years After The Golden Age With New Complicated Rulers/King And Government Officials -Nice People -People Who Likes To Play Games -Hard Living -Ancient Technological Society -Consequences -Crimes -Passion of the Christ Roman Guards -Green River Teachers -Guys from Han Tinh Phan Kim Lien -Rating 100% -Jessica Clarke -Kelley Flanagan -Hannah Ann -Lindsey Allemeier -Julia Newell -Annika Brauer -Catherine Berner -Olivia Carlson -Louisa Dunwiddie -Emma Linde -Savannah Billedo -Danielle Brady -Jackie Robinson -Rachel Keyser -Angela Zhang -Megan Williams -Maia Lee -McKay Njos -Tylar Philpott -Vanessa Chukri -Dan Mitchell -Brett Goldstein -Brendan Welzien -Jackson Zariski -Adam Newton -Toro -Richard Ferguson -Jared -Royals Friends -Josh Brueckner -Katie Betzing -Matt Howard -Abby Howard -Charli D’amelio -Addison Rae -“Too Hot To Handle” IGTV video guys -Jacqueline Miller -Eileen Bruns -Johannes Huebl 2/3 -Matty Carrington -Franky Cammarata -Ben K Bowers -Colton Underwood -RJ King 2/3 -Graham Davis -Willem De Koch -Brian Pruett -Gigi Meyer  -Henry
-Hailey Napier -Blake Napier -Alex Knutson 2/3 -Elle Petschl -Sam Petschl -Anna Lynch -Ana Rae Miller -Brenna Hudson -Madeline Huletz -Claire Kennedy -Connell O’Brien -Max Tychsen -Dylan Inman -Austin Budke -Cameron Sackett -Elliot Knapp -John Mark Lambert -Colby Franklin -Season 3 -Theme Conquering -Depicts The Fall Of The Roman Empire -Combat Tactics -Strategies -In Places That Trigger Fear -“X Ambassadors - Renegades” Feel -Austin Olson -Chris Torlai -Kevin Hall -Matt Mead -Max Liebl -Nathan Lantz -Nathan Rodland -Oak Griffith -Sean Redmond -Stefan Andonian -Tanner Patnode -Travis McGuire -Wes Concepcion -Ben Affleck -Christian Bale -Tom Cruise -Cavill -Simon Pegg -Sam Quinby -Garrett Yrigoyen -Ben Higgins -Peter Weber -Jack Weber -Chris Harrison -Arie Luyendyk -Jason -Blake -Jared Haibon -Chris Soules -Jordan -David -Joe Sessa -Josh Canova -Graham Bennett -Kevin Park -Aaron Park -Julien Isnardon -Armie Hammer -Maurice Laab -Keegan Selby -Tyler Pichette -Season 4 -In Heaven With Henry And Malcolm
-Season 5 -Reunion Live “Maplestory - Ergoth’s Throne” “Maplestory - Orbis Tower” “Maplestory - Ludi PQ” -“Imagine Dragons - To Exist” 2 -“Imagine Dragons - Darkness Lies Above” 3 -“Imagine Dragons - Fear Is In Your Eyes” 3 -“Imagine Dragons - Only Way Across Is Cold Water” 3 -“Alesso - To Live Without Music” 1 -“Alesso - Watery Feels” 1/2 -“Bastille - What Keeps You Awake At Night” 2 -“Bastille - Every Time You Close Your Eyes” 2 -“Benny Blanco - The 4 Amigos” 1 -“The Chainsmokers - Wishing You Can Untouch” 2 -Might Change Title When I Have Time -“Charlie Puth - Day And Night Changes” 2 -“Coldplay - To Make You Wish You Don’t Have A Soul” 2 -“DNCE - The First To Arrive And Last To Leave” 1 -“Linkin Park - Rather Fall Than Surrender” 3 -“Kaskade - Your Voice Is All I Need” 1 -“Lana Del Rey - The “H” Word” 2 -“The Lumineers - A Cold Winter Morning” 2 -“Major Lazer - Gets You Off The Ground” 1 -“Major Lazer - Hard Bed, Soft Together” 1 -“OneRepublic - Rather Whisper Than Say” 1/2 -“Selena Gomez - Hope You Can Make It Back To Me” 3 -“Selena Gomez - I Need To Give You” 3 -“Shawn Mendes - If I Was Your First Lover” 1/2 -“Shawn Mendes - Fulfill Your Wishes” 1/2 -“Taylor Swift - February Missing You” 3 -“Taylor Swift - Waking Up And You’re Not Here” 3 -“Tove Lo - Roses In Water” 1 -“X Ambassadors - Repentance” 2/3 -“X Ambassadors - Remorses” 2/3 -“X Ambassadors - Regrets” 2/3 -“X Ambassadors - In The Woods” 3 -“X Ambassadors - No One To Be Found” 3 -“X Ambassadors - Only Nature Exists Now” 3 -“X Ambassadors - When You’re Lost” 3 -“2AM Club - I Still Remember You” 1
2 Killer -Henry Farm Childhood -Tom Cruise -Henry Cavill -Simon Pegg -Kelly Hu -Mila Kunis -Chiaki Kuriyama -Amy Johnston -Connell O’Brien -Yugioh Main Characters -Yugi -Joey -Bakura -Pegasus -Marik -Mai Valentine -Weevil -Rafael -Dartz -Charli D’amelio -Matt Howard -Alessandro Dellisola -Johannes Huebl -Sean O’Pry -Taylor Swift -Shawn Mendes -Girls Non-Killers -“Soft, Tender, Delicate” IGTV video -“Finger 11 - Paralyzer” IGTV video -Excluding Claire Miller -Abby Howard -Armie Hammer -Chace Crawford
3 Witches History on Earth -Malcolm in Heaven -Hocus Pocus -Vietnamese Girls -Trang Nguyen -Nguyen Ha My -Yen Nguyen -Written By Henry And Malcolm
4 Paris by Night in Modern Time -Presidents -Ben Affleck -Leonardo DiCaprio -1/4 Europeans -Brody Jenner -1/4 Asians -Japanese -Chiaki Kuriyama -Substitute -Cheyenne Stacey Powell -Administration -Nia Nguyen -Stephanie Che -The Bachelor Girls -The Bachelorette Girls -Clothes -Elementary And Middle School -Less Normal -High School -Fashion -College -Travel After College -Love
5 Ancient Forests -Josh Brueckner -Katie Betzing -“131 Tall Tree Guys” IGTV video -“Soft, Tender, Delicate” IGTV video -The Bachelor -The Bachelorette
6 Toys
7 Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD) -Inventions -Movable Type Printing (1041-1048 AD) -Gunpowder (1000 AD) -Compass (1100 AD) -Paper Money (11th century) -Arts -Music -Literature -Philosophy -Theme Romance -Marco Polo -Born in Venice -Silk Road -Visited China (1275-1292 AD) -Father and Uncle -Lingchi Torture -TVB Actors/Actresses -Kenneth Lam -Kacie Lo -Chloe Tsang -Clarissa Chan -Jessica Yi -Danny Shin -Joyce Lin -Shin -Alex Landi
8 Ancient Egypt -Theme Revenge, Ruling, Warfare -Pharaoh -Pyramids -Sphinx -Nile River -Farming -Hieroglyphics -New Kingdom (1570-1069 BCE) -Kings Are Called Pharaohs -Golden Age -Wealth -Prosperity -Power -Wars -Burned alive -Thrown into river with crocodiles -Charli/Dixie D’amelio -Addison Rae -“Roosevelt High School” IGTV video -Andrew Mead -Austin Perlatti -Bret Johnson -Carter Rey Johnson -Casey Manso -Christopher Wilson -Clay Barton -Colby Foss -Connor Bennett -Dalton Bond -Derek Pedersen -Hayden Njos -Jake Zylstra -Jared McAboy -Jeff Seid -Jett DiPalma -Jordan Kirkland -Ken Williams -Kevin Brown -Kevin Hall -Kevin Kennedy -Kramer Fairclough -Leo Trotz -Marco Amalfitano -Max Liebl -Michael Leverenz -Mike Suguro -Mitchell Booth -Nathan Lantz -Nathan Rodland -Matt Fisher -Nick Fisher -Nick Watson -Oak Griffith -Ozamataz Buckshank -Pabi Dhaliwal -Pat McGuire -Pierre Groenewald -Roddy Hanson -Ryan Johnson -Scott Andrew -Seth Gunning -Seth Shields -Sheldon Stober -Stephen Bishopp -Tanner Patnode -Taylor Tinney -Wes Concepcion -Zane McCanless -“Soft, Tender, Delicate” IGTV video -“INNA - Amazing” IGTV video -Elizabeth Rodland -Armie Hammer -Chace Crawford -Franky Cammarata -Johannes Huebl -Sean O’Pry -Blake Horstmann -Jan -Joe Sessa and his friends -Matt/Abby Howard -Taylor Dean -Kelley Flanagan -Jessica Clarke -Madison Prewett -Lindsey Allemeier -Katie Betzing -Ben Higgins -Hannah Ann -Ian Spear -Laguna Beach -Lauren -Kristin -Stephen -Talan -Jessica -Taylor -Adam Newton -Sean Lowe -Catherine Giudici -Brianne Schmidt -Connell O’Brien -Tyler Pichette -Hannah Brown -Max Tychsen -Dylan Inman -Tyler Cameron -Taylor Phillips
9 Mesopotamia -Daily Life -Learning To Be A Scribe -Ziggurat -One Of The Seven Wonders -Hanging Gardens -The Fertile Crescent -Invented The Plow -People Of The City-States -Nobles -Priests -Merchants -Scribes -Craftworkers -Free Farmers -Enslaved People -Farmers Who Did Not Own Their Land -Cut One Hand Off -Women’s Legal Status
10 Ancient Greece -Philosophers -Socrates -Plato -Aristotle -Mathematics/Science -Euclid -Archimedes -Eratosthenes -Hippocrates
11 Greek Gods/Goddesses -Athena, Goddess of Wisdom -Parthenon Temple
12 Alexander the Great
13 Medieval Europe (500-1500 AD) -Theme Suffering -Boiling -Baking -Burning -Brazen Bull -Cooking -Stretching Bones -Sleep Deprivation -Quartering -Children’s Crusades -Castles
14 Islam -Muhammad -Arabia -Persia -Pillars -Architecture -Learning -Astronomy -Algebra -Medicine -Mapmakers -1001 Nights Book
15 India In The Middle Centuries -Taj Mahal
16 Central/South America -Theme Coming of Age -Maya -Toltec -Aztec -Tenochtitlan -Teotihuacan -Olmec -Inca -Cotton -Maya Calendar -Maize Corn -Metal -Writing -Soccer -Rituals -Religious Ceremonies
17 Europe (1400-1750 AD) -Peasant Revolts -Wars -Renaissance -Coldplay -Exploration -North/South America -Slavery -Imperialism
18 Industrial Revolution (Late 1700s AD) -England
19 Nations in Conflict (1775-1921 AD) -Revolutions -Independence -Nationalism -Ending Ancient China
20 1900s Conflict -Hitler -Russia -Japan -Westernization -Communism -World War I -World War II -Cold War -Berlin Wall -Technology -Advancements -Independence -Space Race
21 1900s Fun -China -Shanghai -David Kangmeng -South Korea -Fashion -Music -Recreation -France -Coffee -Restaurants -Sex -Hugh Jackman -Germany -Hugh Jackman -Spain -Hugh Jackman -Great Britain -Hugh Jackman
22 United States 1970-1990 -Fraternity -Fun -Matt Damon
23 Adulthood in the United States -The Bachelor -The Bachelorette -City -Country -Jobs -Relationships -Financial Problems -Making It In Hollywood
24 Masculinity -Male To Male Friendships And Siblings -Domination -Dealing With Girls
25 Comedy PBN Part 2 “Spin Off” -Continues After “Paris By Night In Modern Time” -Age Around 30+ -Van Son Cast -Similar To “Adulthood in the United States” And “Virtues of Harmony II” But Different
26 Countryside “Que” In VN -Theme Suffering -Financial Problems -Hard Living -Making It As Singers -Dating Singers -Accidents -Human To Human Crimes -How To Get To The United States
27 Physical Buildings And Transportation -Thailand, Malaysia, And Singapore -Hotels -Motels -Apartments -Bars -Clubs -Supermalls -Supermarkets -Companies -Motorcycles -Taxis -Trains -Airports -Gambling
28 Companies And Corporations -India And The Middle East -Work Time -Play Time
29 Modeling -Brazil, Portugal, And Spain -Amazon Rainforest -Rio De Janeiro -Marcello Alvarez -Jobs -Pay Less -Require Effort -Tired -Time Consuming -High School Drop Out -Saving Money -Criminal Offenses -Competition
30 Hierarchy In Society -Mexico -Poor -Rich -Cartels -Illegal Immigration To The United States -MTV Reality And Game Shows -Cabo San Lucas -Travel To The Caribbean
31 Route To Antarctica -Theme Living With Air Pollution 1990s -Chile -Santiago -San Antonio -Argentina -Buenos Aires -Andes Mountains -Lake Titicaca -Atacama Desert -Tierra Del Fuego -Tip Of South America -Cape Horn -Herding Farm Animals -Biking
32 High School In Vietnam -Movie Length Duration -Fun During School -Hard Times Outside Of School
33 United States Road Trip -Washington -Oregon -California to East Coast -Variety Of Climates -Route 66
34 Girl Pornstars -Hot Girls -Hard Past -Family -Friendships -Relationships -School -Money -On The Street -Need Food -Need House -Need Home -Models -Real -Instagram -Victoria’s Secrets -Pornstars -Feelings -Resentful -Fearful -Anxious -Apprehensive -Insecure -Suspicious -Trust -Travel -Making It In The Porn Industry
35 Guy Pornstars -Straight Guys -Gay/Bi Guys -Henry Pheet -Malcolm -Random Grindr Hookups -Travel -Making It In The Porn Industry Leonardo DiCaprio Robert De Nero John Travolta Tom Cruise Henry Cavill Simon Pegg Christian Bale Hugh Jackman Keanu Reeves Edward Norton Sean Connery Matt Damon Mel Gibson George Clooney Tom Hardy Orlando Bloom Guy Pearce Heath Ledger Robert Redford Paul Newman Scarlett Johansson Rachel McAdams Amanda Bynes Japan -1900s WWI/II -Westernization South Korea -1990s K-POP China -Song Dynasty -Ending Ancient China -1900s Beijing Vietnam -School In United States -Travel -Love -Comedy -Countryside “Que” Thailand, Malaysia, And Singapore -Physical Buildings And Transportation Drama India -The Middle Centuries Taj Mahal -Companies And Corporations The Middle East -Companies And Corporations Europe -Medieval -Renaissance -Exploration -Imperialism Italy -Roman Empire France -1900s Great Britain -Industrial Revolution Mexico -“Hierarchy In Society” Brazil -Modeling Portugal -Modeling Spain -Modeling
18 notes · View notes
tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, September 7
Cover Story -- Cher’s dream wedding at 74 
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Page 1: Big Pic -- Katy Perry got dolled up in an array of funky ensembles to promote her song What Makes a Woman
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Contents 
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Page 4: Melissa McCarthy thriving at 50 -- after her milestone birthday Melissa’s opening up about how she overcame hardships to come out on top 
Page 5: For years Prince William and wife Duchess Kate Middleton have watched from the sidelines as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have dominated headlines but the couple are finally ready to tell their side of the story in a sit-down TV interview -- it won’t be a scandalous interview but it will certainly right a few wrongs and misconceptions 
Page 6: As Drew Barrymore gears up for her talk show premiere she’s counting on her famous friends to bring in more viewers, as Kim Kardashian and Kanye West struggle to keep their marriage afloat Caitlyn Jenner has been sending them well-wishes but Kim would rather Caitlyn just keep her lips zipped -- Kim’s told everyone to keep their opinions to themselves while she works through this crisis one-on-one with Kanye but Cait’s been sounding off and telling anyone who’ll listen how she believes he’s gotten a raw deal, Chrishell Stause is out to destroy ex Justin Hartley’s reputation and his new romance with Sofia Pernas -- Chrishell is bitter and is calling out Justin as a liar and a cheater and telling friends that his new girlfriend should be careful
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- stars sparkle in champagne hues -- Elizabeth Chambers, Angela Bassett, Kim Kardashian West 
Page 11: Jennifer Lopez, Scarlett Johansson 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Thandie Newton vs. Georgia May Jagger 
Page 16 -- News in Photos -- Cara Santana celebrated her birthday on the beach in Malibu 
Page 18: Rita Ora vacationing in Corfu in Greece, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and his daughters Jasmine and Tiana, Pete Wentz plays tennis 
Page 20: Nick Barrotta got in a workout while shooting scenes for The Oval, Ireland Baldwin spent the day at the beach with her uncle Stephen Baldwin 
Page 21: Sofia Richie paddleboarding, Alessandra Ambrosio playing volleyball, Gavin Rossdale takes a shirtless stroll on the beach 
Page 23: RHOBH star Brandi Glanville helping wash a friend’s car, Adam Sandler shooting hoops on the street 
Page 24: Inside My Home -- Brittany Snow’s selling her home in Studio City for $2.7 million 
Page 26: The Property Brothers double baby joy -- Drew Scott and his wife Linda Phan are finally expecting and his twin Jonathan Scott’s girlfriend Zooey Deschanel is also pregnant 
Page 27: Ben Affleck is being kept on a tight leash by girlfriend Ana de Armas as she wants to know where Ben goes and who he’s with at all times and she gave him a 9 p.m. sharp curfew, Rachael Ray and husband John Cusimano have found a silver lining in the wake of their devastating house fire as it made them appreciate what really matters most is each other so for their 15th anniversary they’re going to renew their vows with a few added words inspired by what they’ve learned in the aftermath of this tragedy, Bindi Irwin and husband Chandler Powell already have themselves a cash cow in their unborn child because the demand for an interview with Bindi and Chandler about their pregnancy news is huge right now and they’ve learned from her mom Terri Irwin that cashing in at the right time is key plus they could really use some extra money right now since the family business Australia Zoo isn’t doing so well 
Page 28: Ever since Melanie Griffith got word that ex Antonio Banderas had tested positive for Covid-19 she has made it her mission to help nurse him back to health by calling at all hours and texting him with tons of advice to keep his strength up and although Antonio appreciates her acts of kindness his girlfriend Nicole Kimpel feels the two are getting too close for comfort especially since she’s been at his side throughout the ordeal, while the rest of the world is in chaos Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden are keeping cool calm and collected as they dote on daughter Raddix and Cameron is looking for answers about how to raise a child in these crazy times and she’s found crystals and psychics to be so helpful, Love Bites -- Chrissy Teigen and John Legend are expecting baby no. 3, Miley Cyrus and Cody Simpson split, Jesse Metcalfe and Corin Jamie Lee Clark are dating 
Page 29: Meg Ryan and John Mellencamp ended their on-off romance last October and John moved on with Jamie Sherrill but lately Meg has been blowing up John’s phone and he’s happily answering -- Meg’s recent move to Montecito in California brought her closer to John who’s been in L.A. a lot more since that’s where Jamie’s skincare business is -- John thinks Jamie is a lovely lady but he and Meg are soulmates and it’s a matter of when not if they’ll get back together 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Cher is getting married -- the legendary star is set to stay I Do to her 27-year-old rocker beau 
Page 34: Lifestyles of the Young and Famous -- the plush and pampered lives of billion-dollar celebrity kids -- North West, Emme Muniz 
Page 35: Blue Ivy Carter, Harper Beckham, Princess Charlotte 
Page 36: Louis Bullock, Penelope Disick, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt 
Page 37: Moroccan and Monroe Cannon, Apple Martin, Mom Knows Best -- a few of the best mommas in Hollywood -- Jennifer Garner, Reese Witherspoon, Gwen Stefani 
Page 38: Interview -- Selena Gomez dishes it out 
Page 40: How Cindy Crawford stays in tip-top shape 
Page 41: Like Mother, Like Daughter -- Kaia Gerber is a chip off the old block in the health and wellness department 
Page 44: Style Week -- Megan Thee Stallion is Revlon’s new face 
Page 46: Run errands in style with a superchic totally sleek tiny phone purse -- Zoey Deutch 
Page 47: 5 minutes with Tiffani Thiessen 
Page 48: Fashion -- the classic post earring gets a bold and stylish upgrade -- Margot Robbie 
Page 50: Beauty -- beauty booty from around the world 
Page 52: Entertainment 
Page 53: Fall TV preview, Q&A with Mister E 
Page 58: Buzz -- in living color -- these stars recently transformed their dresses -- Jesse Williams goes blue, Lady Gaga in green called Ocean Blonde, Jim Parsons goes blond 
Page 59: Emily Ratajkowski goes blonde, Sarah Hyland goes red, Faith Hill goes pink, Joe Jonas goes platinum, Ariel Winter goes blonde, Gigi Hadid goes darker, Kaia Gerber goes pink 
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Olivia Colman on portraying Queen Elizabeth II on The Crown, Andy Cohen on which Real Housewives he’d trust to babysit his son Ben, Angelina Jolie on quarantining with her six kids, Luke Bryan roasting pal Blake Shelton 
Page 61: Adele responding to a fan who asked when she’d be releasing her next album, Jennifer Aniston on playing a celebrity news anchor on The Morning Show, David Arquette on teaming up with ex Courteney Cox for Scream 5, Kelly Ripa to daughter Lola on her habit of stealing her mom’s crop tops 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Virgo Zendaya turned 24 on September 1 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Olivia Culpo
8 notes · View notes
voidselfshipp · 5 years
🌻F/O List🌻
●Dirty bomb
●Horizon Zero dawn
●Devil May cry
●Love Death And Robots
●Mortal Kombat
Erron Black
●Resident Evil 7
Lucas Baker
●The witcher
Geralt Of rivia
●Assassins creed
Bayek of siwa
Edward kenway
Connor kenway
Jacob frye
●Final fantasy
●Apex Legends
Pathfinder (friend)
●watchdogs 2
● The evil within
Stefano Valentini
Sebastián castellanos
Archangel Gabriel
●Steven universe
●Transformers (bayverse + animated)
Crosshairs( bayverse)
Prowl( animated)
Blitzwing( animated)
●deus ex.
Adam jensen.
Troy calypso
●Bleeding edge
El Bastardo
Ghost Rider
●Ghost rider (:v)
Beetlejuice( musical)
●watcher(darksiders 3)
Blacksad:under the skin
●John blacksad.
Deus Ex:
●Adam Jensen
Just Cause
●Rico Rodríguez
Resident Evil 3
●Carlos Oliveira
●Nicholai Ginovaef
●Jill Valentine
TLOU( the last of us)
●Joel Miller
The Wolf Among Us
●Bigby Wolf
●captain mendoza
●earl(parental,father figure)
● rahi & brother (both brother figure)
Miguel Rojo
●Street Fighter
●Jojos bizzarre adventure
Joseph joestar
Muhammad avdol
Jean Pierre polnareff
Silver chariot
●Ace combat 5
Alvin h davenport "chopper"
●my hero academia
Aizawa shota
●monster high
Clawdeen wolf
Gigi Grant
●los Simuladores
Emilio ravenna
Mario Santos/ Francisco de aguirre
●V For Vendetta
●pacific rim
Chuck hansen
Cherno alpha
Agent 8
●No Straight Roads
Dk west
Neon j
●the old guard
Andy ( andromache of scynthia)
Booker(sebastien livre)
●Mystery Skulls
Lewis pepper
●steam powered giraffe
The spine
●into the spideyverse
Miles morales
Peter b parker
Spiderman noir
Penny parker(little sister)
Gwen stacy (best friend)
Peter porker(uncle figure/undefined familiar)
●Hellboy (movie)
Hellboy/anung un rama
Prince nuada silverlance
Johann krauss
Abraham sapien
Princess nuala silverlance (sister in law/ bff)
Part 2
37 notes · View notes
Feb. 12, 2020: Obituaries
Bobby Shoemaker, 90
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Mr. Bobby Shoemaker, age 90 of North Wilkesboro passed away Sunday, February 9, 2020 at Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital in Elkin.
           Graveside services will be held 2:00 PM Friday, February 14, 2020 at Arbor Grove Baptist Church Cemetery with Rev. Lane Roark officiating.  
           Mr. Shoemaker was born March 15, 1929 in Wilkes County to Robert McKinley Shoemaker and Addie Mastin Shoemaker.  He was a retired carpenter, first working for Foster Sturdivant Construction Company on projects that included the Reins-Sturdivant Chapel and Arbor Grove Baptist Church.  He was also a brick and block mason and helped to build the racing garages for race car owner Junior Johnson in Ingle Hollow. He also worked alongside his two brothers to build many homes in Wilkes County.   He loved to hunt and raised beagle dogs for many years. His greatest joy was his family and especially his grand and great grandchildren.  
           He was preceded in death by his wife of 69 years, Vecie Hall Shoemaker, his parents, two sisters R.V. (Robert Virginia) Bowman and Agnes Alexander, two brothers; Bruce Shoemaker and Edward (Dink) Shoemaker and a son-in-law; Mike Cannon.
           Mr. Shoemaker is survived by two daughters; Lynn Shoemaker Dyer and husband Danny of Millers Creek, Diane Shoemaker Cannon of Wilkesboro, a son; Bobby F. Shoemaker and wife Pam of North Wilkesboro, four grandchildren; Robin D. Hamby and husband Matt, Amber C. Shumate and husband Andy, Ashley D. Cannon and fiance' Bobby Sheets and Adam P. Shoemaker, six great grandchildren; Aaron and Adrienne Hamby, Emeliegh and Ashlyn Shumate, Dawson and Gage Sheets, and a sister-in-law; Ruth Shoemaker, and his special friend and caregiver; Debbie Whitley.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Arbor Grove Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, 196 Arbor Grove  Church Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
 Gene Stewart 89
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Mr. Gene Ray Stewart age 89 of North Wilkesboro passed away Sunday, February 9 2020 at his home.
           Funeral Services will be held at 2:00 PM Wednesday February 12, 2020 at Welcome Home Baptist Church with Rev. Lyn Lambert, Rev. John Triplett, Rev. Jeff Collins, and Rev. Dean Crane officiating.  The family will receive friends from 12:00 to 1:30 PM prior to the service at the church. Burial with Military Honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1142 will be held in Welcome Home Baptist Church Cemetery
           Gene was born August 18, 1930 in Watauga County to Edward "Eddie" and Blanche Luther Stewart. He served in the United States Army in the Korean Conflict. He was a graduate of Clevinger Business School.  He retired from Holly Farms Poultry/Tyson Foods as a manager in the accounting department. Gene was a member of Welcome Baptist Church where he served as Secretary-Treasurer for many years.
           Mr. Stewart was a member of the Silver Striders through the YMCA. He loved fishing, gardening and spending time with his grandchildren.  He was a devoted husband, father, and grandfather. He was a faithful church member and was known for his mild mannered spirit. Gene was a Tarheel Fan and Braves Fan, and loved watching his grandkids involvement in sports. He enjoyed watching West Wilkes Basketball.
           In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Opal Faw Stewart, and two brothers, John Stewart, and Jimmy Stewart.
           He is survived by a daughter Jeannie Stewart Stinson and husband Joel of North Wilkesboro, two sons, Stephen Ray Stewart and girlfriend Jayme Love of Statesville, and Reverend Dean Crane and wife Betty of Purlear, seven grandchildren Lucas Stinson, Jackson Stinson, Mackenzie and Christopher Stewart, Matthew Crane, Adam Crane, Josh Crane seven great grandchildren and three sister in-laws; Bonita Greene Stewart of Wilkesboro, Linda Stewart of Lenoir, and Babe Faw of Wilkesboro.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Hope Ministry Toy Store C/O Brushy Mtn Baptist Association 514 Elkin Hwy. North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or Nichols For Kids-Wilkes County Schools C/O April Marr 613 Cherry Street North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
           The family would like to thank Pruitt Health Hospice and Home Instead for their excellent care of their dad. A very special thank you to Lucille Johnson, Katherine Comer, Pam Osborne, and Gloria Wood for helping to make our dad's last year's wonderful.  We love you.
 Jesse Church, 83
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Jesse Carson Church, age 83, of North Wilkesboro, passed away, Saturday, February 8, 2020 at his home. Jesse was born April 11, 1936 in Wilkes County to George and Nettie Adams Church. He was of the Baptist Faith. Mr. Church was preceded in death by his parents; and brothers, Albert, Marvin, Clayton and Richard Church.
           Surviving are his wife, Mary Catherine Cooper Church; several nieces and nephews.
           Memorial service will be held 3:00 p.m. Sunday, February 16, 2020 at Harvest Time Fellowship Church, 2865 Elkin Highway 268, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 with Rev. Tom Lineberger and Rev. Steve Rose officiating. The family will receive friends at Harvest Time Fellowship Church from 1:00 until 3:00 on Sunday, prior to the service. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Hospice of Wilkes or any other Hospice organization. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Clarence Carty, 86
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Mr. Clarence Ray Carty, age 86 of Wilkesboro passed away Sunday, February 9, 2020 at Accordius Health at Wilkesboro.
           Funeral services will be held 2:00 PM Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at Edgewood Baptist Church with Pastor Eddie Tharpe officiating. Burial will be in Edgewood Baptist Church. The family will receive friends from 1:00 until 2:00PM prior to the service at the church.
           Mr. Carty was born September 24, 1933 in Washington County, VA to Maiden and Ella Mae Holbrook Carty.
           In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by a granddaughter, Valerie Teague, and a grandson, Jonathan Teague, and thirteen brothers and sisters.
           He is survived by two sons; Jeffrey Lynn Carty and wife, Gigi of N.Wilkesboro and Timothy Ray Carty and wife, Vicki of North Wilkesboro, nine grandchildren; Misty Davis and Alex, Mindy Teague and Drew, Tasha Summerford and Dan, Christina Harrold and James, Shonna Davis, Tabitha Carty, Rebecca Minton and Anthony, Brandi Linville and Kenneth, Samantha Carty and Michael, and sixteen great grandchildren.
           In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Ebenezers Children's Christian Home P.O. Box 2777 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or St. Jude's Children's Research c/o Window World Cares. 118 Shaver Street, North Wilkesboro, NC  28659.
Raydell Blackburn, 80
Raydell Billings Blackburn, age 80, of Mulberry, passed away Sunday, February 9, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist Health-Wilkes Regional. Raydell was born March 18, 1939 in Wilkes County to John and Nellie Key Billings. Mrs. Blackburn was preceded in death by her parents; sister, Shirley Billings Miles; and nephew, Ronnie Elmore.
           She is survived by her husband, Clyde Blackburn; daughter, Karen Blackburn Earp and spouse George of Hickory; son, Brent Blackburn and spouse Erica of Mulberry; brother, Danny Billings of Mulberry; grandchildren, Julia Golden and spouse Matt, Justin Earp, Claire Earp, Olivia Blackburn, Lilly Blackburn; great grandchildren, Embry and Violet.
           Funeral service will be held 2:00 p.m. Saturday, February 15, 2020 at Mountlawn Memorial Park Mausoleum Chapel with Pastor David Jones officiating. Burial will follow in Mountlawn Memorial Park. Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Yolande Caudill, 97
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Mrs. Yolande Desmond Kerbaugh Caudill, age 97 of North Wilkesboro, died Saturday, February 8, 2020 at Villages of Wilkes.  
           A graveside service will be held 11:00 AM Wednesday, February 12 at Mountlawn Memorial Park with Dr. Bert Young officiating.  The family will receive friends from 1:30 until 3:00 PM at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home after the service.  
           Mrs. Caudill was born October 27, 1922 in Greenville, TN to John Thomas and Eula Leonard Kerbaugh.  She was a lifetime member of First Baptist Church of North Wilkesboro and a FBC choir member, was a member of the VFW Auxillary and the Crickett Home Demonstration Club. She was an expert seamstress, made the best yeast rolls, and was a crafter of Chrismons, displayed at FBC North Wilkesboro during the holidays.
           In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas Lee Caudill, Sr.; one sister, Vivian K. Greene; and three brothers, Shoun Kerbaugh, Glyn Kerbaugh, and Lyn Kerbaugh.  
           She is survived by one daughter, Sharon Caudill Adams and husband, Jack, of Clemmons; two sons, Thomas L. Caudill, Jr. and wife, Vickie, and James S. Caudill and wife, Joann, all of Wilkesboro; five grandchildren, Michael B. Caudill, Brian T. Caudill, Andrea A. Turner, Geoffrey T. Adams, and Sara A. Caudill; eight great-grandchildren, Matthew B. Caudill, Brandon A. Caudill, Brennen T. Caudill, Lilly Kate Turner, Savannah C. Turner, Madison G. Adams, Colton T. Adams, and Mila A. Morales; and one sister, Doris K. Bentley and husband, Jim.
           In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Rainy Day Fund, c/o First Baptist Church of North Wilkesboro, P.O. Box 458, North Wilkesboro NC 28659.  
 Julie  Minton, 50
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Julie Christine Minton, age 50, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, February 6, 2020 at her home. Julie was born October 13, 1969 in Wilkes County to Thomas James "Johnny" and Mary Christine Bouchelle Call. Julie attended Cricket Baptist Church and was a loving mother to her sons.      She was preceded in death by an infant brother; grandfather, Clarence C.J. Call; and uncle, Joey Call.
           Surviving in addition to her parents of Wilkesboro; are her sons, Jonathon Marshall Minton, Joshua Austin Minton both of Hays; brother, David James Call of North Wilkesboro; sisters, Tammy Annette Shew and spouse Bodean, Sandy Ann Yates and spouse Keith all of North Wilkesboro; grandmother, Della Call of North Wilkesboro; nephews, Austin Shew and spouse Ashley, Michael Lane Bare all of Hays; nieces, Catherine Yates and Hope Yates both of North Wilkesboro; great nephew, Bentley Shew; aunts, Patricia, Joann, Janie, Gail, and Jeanette; and uncles, Jimmy and Jeff.
           Funeral service was February 10,  at Fishing Creek Arbor Baptist Church with Rev. David Wellborn and Rev. Ronnie Millsaps officiating. Burial  followed in the Church Cemetery.   Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Teodulo DeLeon, 80
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Mr. Teodulo Meza DeLeon, age 80 of North Wilkesboro passed away Thursday February 6, 2020 at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice House in Winston Salem.
           Funeral Services were February 9,   at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home Chapel with Father John Hanic officiating. Burial was at Scenic Memorial Gardens in Wilkesboro.  
           Mr. DeLeon was born February 17, 1939 in San Luis Potosi, Mexico to Gunercindo Meza and Severiana Meza DeLeon. He retired from Tyson Foods.
           In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by three sisters, Felipa Meza, Antonia Meza and Cecilia Meza.
           Mr. DeLeon is survived by his wife, Antolina DeLeon DeMeza of the home, four sons, Agustin, Natalio, Emeterio and Crispin Meza, six daughters, Ubalda, Catalina, Maria, Bertha, Carmen and Guadalupe Meza, twenty-seven grand-children, ten great grand-children, four sisters, Marciana, Marcela, Atanacia and Agapita Meza, two brothers, Crispin and Leopoldo Meza.
           Flowers will be accepted.
 Darcie  Call, 88
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Mrs. Darcie Lee Minton Call, 88, of Wilkesboro, passed away on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at Wilkes Medical Center.
           Darcie was born on May 14, 1931 in Wilkes County to Ransom Edgar Minton and Connie Lee Parker Minton.  
           Darcie is survived by her daughters, Brenda Call Hooks (Len) of Chesnee SC, Phyllis Call Johnson (Bryce), Thricia Call Walter (Steve), Wanda Call Smith (Rick), all of Wilkesboro; sons, Ransom Call (Shirley) of Wilkesboro, Nelson Call (Laurie) of North Wilkesboro; twelve grandchildren and fifteen great grandchildren.
           Funeral was February 9,  at Fishing Creek Arbor Baptist Church.  Burial was in the church cemetery with Rev. David Welborn  officiating.
           In addition to flowers, memorial donations may be given to Fishing and Creek Arbor Baptist Church Building Fund, 2446 Fishing Creek Arbor Rd, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
           Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Call Family.
 Randy Osborne, 34
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Mr. Randy Paul Osborne, 34, of North Wilkesboro, passed away on Wednesday, February 5, 2020.
           Randy was born on June 25, 1985 in Wilkes County to Brian Tracy Osborne and Cathy Marie Fitzwater Osborne.
           Randy is preceded in death by his grandparents, Lonnie and Rose Osborne, Samuel and Cordelia Fitzwater; aunts, Mary Moran, Donna Fitzwater and cousin, Jason Fitzwater.  
           Randy is survived by his parents Brian and Cathy Osborne.
           A private service will be held at a later date.  
           In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be given to The American Liver Foundation, 16 Hampton Village Plaza # 215, St. Louis, MO 63109
           Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Osborne Family.
 Mamie  Osborne, 91
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Mamie "Nell" Osborne, formerly of N. Wilkesboro, is heaven bound after spending 91 years on earth as a loving daughter, sister, mother of five and grandma to many.
           Nell was born in Wilkes County on June 30th, 1933, to Marion Frank Church and Daisy Agnus Milam Church during the Great Depression.
           The red head was also known for her wit and spunk. Never did one have to guess what Nell was thinking. She was funny, but also exceptionally bright. She was an avid reader and writer. She documented many of her life stories and travels through her books and poems. She always had a word search, a good book and her Bible close at hand.
           Her humor, kindness and selfishness will be remembered by all who came in contact with her during her 91 remarkable years.
           A celebration of Nell's life will be held Friday, February 7th at Miller Funeral Service from 1-2 p.m. Family and friends are encouraged to come gather in her memory.
           Special thanks to the team at Chatham Nursing and Rehabilitation.          Memorial contributions may be made, in honor of Nell, to Samaritan's Purse - a local charity that she supported during her life.
 Peggy Taylor,  74
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Peggy Ann Prevette Taylor, age 74, of McGrady, passed away, Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at her home. She was born June 7, 1945 in Wilkes County to Dewey Gaither and Hazel Johnson Prevette. Peggy was a graduate of Wilkes Central High School, was a Teacher's Assistant; and a school bus driver for Mulberry Elementary School. Mrs. Taylor was preceded in death by her parents; and a daughter, Pamela Taylor West.
           Surviving are her husband, Wallace Taylor; daughter, Mandy Wyatt and spouse Ricky of McGrady; grandchildren, Eric Brown and spouse Chelsea of Purlear, Evan Handy and spouse Victoria of Wilkesboro, Lauren Mitchell and spouse Ethan of North Wilkesboro; brothers, "Junior" Dewey Prevette and spouse Linda of Wilkesboro, Kenneth Prevette and spouse Sarah of Lewisville; sister, Kathy Williams and spouse Dean of North Wilkesboro; several nieces and nephews.
           Funeral service was February 7,  at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. David Key officiating. Burial   followed in Taylor Cemetery in McGrady.   The family has requested no food. Memorials may be made to Mtn. Valley Hospice, 688 North Bridge Street, Elkin, NC 28621. Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
           Pallbearers were Eric Brown, Evan Handy, Ricky Wyatt, Ethan Mitchell, Danny Gambill and Johnathan Billings.
 Lawrence  Pruitt,  86
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Lawrence Allen Pruitt, age 86, of Traphill, passed away Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist Health-Wilkes Regional. Mr. Pruitt was born May 7, 1933 in Wilkes County, he was a son of the late Archie and Jettie Shaver Pruitt. Lawrence served in the Army and fought in the Korean War.
           In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his sons, Michael Allen Pruitt and Thomas Wayne Pruitt; and sister, Loreen Cockerham.
           Lawrence is survived by his wife of 63 years, Wanda June Pruitt of the home; son, David Mitchell Pruitt and lifemate Ann Sossaman of Traphill; daughter, Zendoline Kay Adams and husband Roger Adams of Traphill; brothers, Jarvie John Pruitt and wife Alice Pruitt, Gene Pruitt and wife Renee Pruitt all of Traphill; sister, Abby Pruitt Combs and husband Edsel Combs of Roaring River; grandchildren, Tara, Chad, Lance, Ayla and Leia; great grandchildren, Oaklen and Lily.
           Memorial service with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard Post 1142 was February 8,   at Miller Funeral Chapel with Pastor Keith Wood officiating.
           In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Oak Level Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, 2587 Austin Little Mountain Road, Roaring River, NC 28669. The family has requested no food. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Jera  Wagoner, 40
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Jera Lee Parsons Wagoner, age 40 of North Wilkesboro passed away Monday, February 3, 2020.
           Private services will be held at a later date.
           Jera was born May 27, 1979 in Wilkes County.
           She is survived by her father; Jerry Parsons of North Wilkesboro, her mother;
Rita Looney Hatmaker of Elkin, her husband; Ritchie Wagoner of North
           Wilkesboro and one sister; Kristina Parsons of Hays.
           In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to St. Jude Children's Hospital, c/oWindow World Cares, 118 Shaver Street, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
 David Dearman, 82
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Mr. David Dewitt Dearman, age 82 of North Wilkesboro passed away peacefully at his home on Monday, February 3, 2020.
           Funeral services were February 8,   at Baptist Home Baptist Church with Rev. David Jones and Rev. Mark O. Hollar officiating.        Entombment was in Mountlawn Memorial Park Mausoleum.
           Mr. Dearman was born April 28, 1937 in Wilkes County to Dewitt Talmadge and Rena Miller Dearman.  
           David married his high school sweetheart, Carolyn on December 18, 1955.  
           He was preceded in death by his parents.
            David is survived by his wife of 64 years; Carolyn Johnson Dearman of the home, three daughters; Kimberly Dearman-Wilcox and husband Shaun of Oak Island, NC, Tamera Dearman Newton and husband Steve of North Wilkesboro and Kandice Dearman-West and husband Chris of Matthews, three grandchildren that he adored; Cameron David Newton, Joseph Stephen Newton and Kassidy Caroline Newton, special niece; Teresa Dancy Casey and his special dog; Duncan.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Baptist Home Baptist Church, 2367 Sparta Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659, Alzheimer's Association, 4600 Park Road, Suite 250, Charlotte, NC 28209 or Mountain Valley Hospice and Palliative Care, 401 Technology  Lane, Suite 200, Mt. Airy, NC 27030.
 Wanda Montgomery,  87
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Wanda Kay Harms Montgomery, age 87, of Mt. Airy, formerly of West Jefferson, passed away Monday, February 3, 2020 at Twelve Oaks Nursing Center.
           She was born July 18, 1932 in Wilkes County to Harrison Columbus and Minnie Leola Brown Miller.          Her DNA says she was a mixed of English, Wales, Germanic, European, Ireland, Scotland, and small percent of Native American.
           Mrs. Montgomery was a great great great grand-niece of Daniel Boone. She moved to Savannah, Georgia in her early years and married William Harms Sr., then in 1972, she married Walter A. Montgomery, who was in the military and they traveled with their family all over the world and come to retire in Ashe County.
           Mrs. Montgomery was preceded in death by her parents; a son, Keith M. Miller; and siblings, Thelma, Herman, Blanche, Beulah, Dorothy, Clyde. She will be missed by all.
           Surviving are her husband, Walter A. Montgomery; her children, William S. Harms, Jr. and spouse Linda of Ellabell, Georgia, Lilly A. Harms of Vidalia, Georgia, Todd Stewart of Gainesville, Georgia; one grandson; and one great granddaughter
           Funeral service was February 7,  at Union Baptist Church with Rev. Julius Blevins officiating. Burial followed in the Church Cemetery.  .                               Memorials may be made to Hospice of Ashe County, 392 NC Highway 16S, Jefferson, NC 28640. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Frances Greene, 87
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Mrs. Frances Curlee Greene, age 87 of Wilkesboro passed away Monday, February 3, 2020 at Wilkes Senior Village.
           Private family Graveside serviceswere February 7,  at Barnes Family Cemetery in Churchland with Rev. Mike Hamby officiating.  
           Mrs. Greene was born September 16, 1932 in Union County to Abraham M. and Lois Witmore Curlee.  She was a member of the First United Methodist Church of North Wilkesboro. Mrs. Greene graduated from Catawba College in 1953.  She was a devoted wife, mother, grandmother and homemaker and loved art and music.  
           In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; Edward Franklin Greene, a son; Richard Edward Greene and a daughter; Katherine Ann Greene.
           She is survived by one son; Stephen Brian Greene and wife; Vanya of Wilkesboro, four grandchildren; Matthew Greene of Sarasota, FL, Trevor Greene of North Wilkesboro, Trenton Greene and Lindsay Greene both of Wilkesboro and one great grandchild; Lillian Katherine Greene.
           In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the Donor's Choice.
Ronald  Hamby,  62
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Ronald "Ronnie" Darrell Hamby, age 62, of Deep Gap, passed away Saturday, February 1, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston Salem. He was born August 24, 1957 in Wilkes County to Sherman Garfield and Gladys Hicks Hamby.
            He was preceded in death by his parents; infant son, Ryan Hamby; and brother, Donald Hamby.
           Surviving are his wife, Claudine Billings Hamby; daughters, Felicia Griffin and spouse Rodney of Wilkesboro, Jessica Brown and spouse Robbie of Millers Creek, Melissa Kay Lewis of Caldwell County; sons, Brad Samuel Hamby of Caldwell County, Ronnie Andrew Hamby of Florida; brothers, Calvin Hamby and spouse Loretta of Purlear, Robert Hamby and spouse Norma of Burke County, Greg Hamby of Greensboro; sisters, Sharon Duncan and spouse Jake of Sawmills, Carolyn Hamby of Crumpler, Nancy Walters and spouse Donnie of North Wilkesboro; eight grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.
           Graveside service was February 6,  at Mtn. View Cemetery in Deep Gap.   Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Ronald Canter  71
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Mr. Ronald Gray "Ron" Canter age 71 of Wilkesboro passed from this life to his eternal home February 1, 2020 surrounded in peace and love by his family.  
           Ron was born November 2, 1948 to Hubert Alton and Gozeal McNeil Canter. He served in the United States Air Force during the Vietnam Conflict. Ron obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology from Appalachian State University.
           In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his brother James Alton Canter.
           Ron is survived by his wife of 50 years, Nancy Church Canter, of the home; two daughters - April Canter Greenwood and husband Charlie, and Alison Canter Moore and husband Chris; four grandchildren:  Hollie Gray Moore, Mitchell Joseph Moore, Charles McNeil "Mac" Greenwood, John Edwin "Win" Greenwood all of Winston-Salem; One brother Kenneth Canter and wife Carol of Wilkesboro; One sister Patty Broyhill of Taylorsville; Nieces and Nephews Jeff Canter, Richard Canter, Susan Canter Boyles, Steve Canter, Gary Broyhill, Janet Broyhill Sherrill, Sandra Broyhill Hawkins, and many special great-nieces and great-nephews.
           A private memorial prayer service will be held with wife, children and grandchildren.
           In lieu of a funeral, a "Celebration of Life" was held. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to any of the following: First Baptist Church of North Wilkesboro (firstbaptistNW.org), Mountain Valley Hospice and Palliative Care- 688 Bridge Street Elkin, NC 28621 (mtnvalleyhospice.org), or any charity of your choice.
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TIM General Violence
Father, now a woman, gets 18-months for sexually assaulting daughter
Transgender female Twitter engineer charged with raping her estranged wife
Transgender Serial Child Rapist Arrested Again for Nude Images of Child: Nicola (née Ross) Florida
Trans-Identified Man Passes as Female Nanny to Rape, Kidnap Children: Synthia (née Dennis L.) Koopman | Women Are Human
Man Hides Past as Child Rapist by Becoming Transgender, Changing Name: Allison (née Dennis) Woolbert | Women Are Human
Male Transgender Impeached for Sexual Assault Allegations: Heather Dunn
Trans-identified Man Rapes Girl at Party: Dean Sawley
Trans-Identified Man Charged with Kidnapping, Raping Man: Jeffrey “Ciara” McEleveen
Trans-Identified Man Arrested for Molesting Adolescent Girl with Sex Toy: Tanner (a.k.a. Evelyn) Young
Vicious Child Rapist / Murderer Demands Sex Change & Freedom: Synthia China Blast
Three Men - Including Transgender - Sexually Enslave, Torture 14-Year-Old Girl
Trans-Identified Man Convicted in Gang Rape of Teen Girl: Lisa (née Louis) Massei
Two Male Transgenders Kidnap and Rape Underage Boy: Javoris “Aceiyana” Phillips
Police: Lowell Transgender Woman Sexually Assaulted 15-Year-Old Girl
Male Trans Activist who Identifies as Transgender Raped Woman to Impregnate Her with ‘Non-Binary’ Babies: Cherno Biko | Women Are Human
Trans Rights Activist Who Advocated Mixed-Sex Restrooms is a Serial Child Rapist: Chad Sevearance-Turner | Women Are Human
Popular trans activist Eli Erlick is a rapist
Trans Activist Jessica Yaniv wants to help 10 yr old girls put their tampons in
Man, Dressed as Woman, Charged With Sexually Assaulting of Boy
Convicted sex offender seeks access to women’s locker rooms through bathroom law
Man accused of posing as woman in sexual batteries found mentally unfit to stand trial      
Crossdresser given shops ban over Perth grope rap  
Crossdressing Suspect Arrested For Raping Woman
Convicted sex offender sues over sex change operation       
Joseph Patrick Bueche – Hit store clerk over the head with bottle for misgendering
Charles Norwood – Battery
Jarvis June “Lady Jae” Clark – Murder  
Maikobi Burks – Murdered mother, father, and sister
Emmagene Kaytlyn Cronin/Shawn Cronin writer for The TransAdvocate, battery, harasses women online
Chay’Im Ben­Sholom, claims to be transgender, murdered a woman
Richard Speck – Mass murder/rape of women
Veronica Bolina/Charleston Alves Francisco brutally beat elderly woman after invading her home
Derek Sinden, who identifies as a woman, assaulted/killed elderly woman after invading her home
Mark van N. – Dentist who killed his wife and mutilated the teeth of some 100 patients
Matthew “Maddie” Smith, murder
Dr. Richard Sharpe – Killed wife during divorce
Transgender woman arrested in Idaho bomb plot
Michael Adams – Shot and killed girlfriend
Psychotherapist Rita Powers murdered by her patient, a transwoman, because Powers didn’t think he was an appropriate candidate for sex reassignment surgery Note, in the link, that the transgender community blamed Powers for being murdered, saying that if she had just given her patient what he wanted, she would still be alive. In other words, ‘she asked for it.’ Sound familiar?
Transgender Activist Ordered To Stand Trial For Oakland Triple Murder
Cheryl Partsch punched in teeth for questioning cross-dressing man in women’s restroom. His punch cost her $60K in medical bills. Note that Patrick doesn’t identify as a woman, but still punched Cheryl in the teeth for being concerned about his presence in the women’srestroom, and called her questioning a “hate crime.”
Transactivist punches Mia Mac in face and neck, and breaks her camera, at Speakers Corner in London. Action for Trans Health London defended and excused the actions of the transactivist assailant. [See video further down the Masterpost ↓↓↓]  More info and screenshots can be found here.
A lesbian was jumped by a gang of transactivists outside of a gay bar. Her assailants then proceeded to brag about it on Twitter.
Feminists assaulted in Transgender Attack at Portland conference for Social Change
UK trans athlete Lauren Jeska, attempts to murder an official and attacks two other officials from British Athletics for reviewing the medals won while competing as a woman.  Lauren Jeska is male.
A minor female was assaulted by a transgender named Dakota Kern, apparently because she called him “dude.
Winthrop teen pleads guilty to murdering parents on Halloween morning 2016
Pasco: Cross-dressing man sentenced for battery
Disturbing Details in Shooter’s Social Media
Serial killer Donna Perry sentenced to life without parole | The Spokesman-Review
Trans-identified Man Kills Uncle to Fund “Gender” Surgery: Vonlee Nicole Titlow
Transgender Goes on Ax Rampage After Rejection, High on Transitioning Drugs, Alcohol & Cannabis: Karl “Evie” Amati
Trans-Identified Man Kills Girlfriend Because She Was Leaving Him: Michael Adams
Trans-Identified Man Poses as Woman to Lure, Blackmail, and Kill Man: Alhan Khan
Transgender female Twitter engineer, 32, is charged with raping her estranged wife the day after serving her with divorce papers
Trans activist Eli Erlick is a confirmed rapist
Male Trans Activist who Identifies as Transgender Raped Woman to Impregnate Her with ‘Non-Binary’ Babies: Cherno Biko
Trans-Identified Man Beats Up Firefighters Who Put Out Fire on His Property: Kate Lynn Blatt
Transgender and Prominent Trans Rights Activist Slaughters Long-time Friend: Gigi Thomas
Trans Rights Activist Who Advocated Mixed-Sex Restrooms is a Serial Child Rapist:
Robert Durst – Murdered wife, traded in real estate for high heels and lipstick, used transgender identity to stay hidden
Man dressed as woman robs Target with semi-automatic handgun
Arrest warrant issued for Transwoman in Montreal “sex change” clinic Arson
“Woman” killed neighbor before shooting self
Subway slasher caught blowing kisses on camera while vowing to ‘cut’ victims
Police: Stamford Resident Hit Woman In Face With Bottle After Gender Insult
Daryl Rasmussen – Murdered gay couple
Philip Walker Rosati, who identifies as a transgender woman, murdered wife
Kentucky Fairness Campaign’s Anthony G. Casebeer threatens lesbian feminists
John “Johnny” Jacobson Jr/Skylar Deleon – Armed burglary and murder
Mrs. Doubtfire’s arsonist arrested
Armed trans woman arrested after 10-hour D.C. standoff
Greg Ward AKA Karisma Garcia is a Transgender Women currently incarcerated for robbing a person with cerebral palsy at knifepoint
Trans women charged with assault in Casa Ruby incident
Richard Chaperon/Synthia Kavanagh – Murder & threats of violence
Transgender woman savage beating/murder of partner
Lamar McQueen – First degree murder
Thomas Cross/Teresa Cross – Aggravated assault
Craig Hudson – Tortured/killed wife, fights to wear wig in prison
William Gray – Killed two women
Thomas Lamb – Kidnapping, rape and murder
Nouchie Vellon – first degree rape
Austin Christopher Wikels – Handcuffed woman to bed & forced her to perform a sexual act another woman, & sadomasochistic assault
Drunk ladyboy attempts to rape 72-year-old woman
Man Claims Rape Was Result of Gender Identity Crisis – raped unconscious woman
Transgender woman accused of giving fake breast exams
Gareth Mcpherson – transsexual, raped woman in vicious attack
Transgender male threatened to arrange for a “football team” to gang-rape a man if he didn’t submit to a homosexual encounter
Transvestite taxi driver faces a prison term after he was convicted of raping a drunken woman in the back of his car
Keith “Rebecca” Elmore – attempted rape of woman, admitted to having cannibalistic fantasies of killing and eating women
Vance Egglestone – brutal rape of woman
Richard “Sherri” Masbruch – serial torture-rapist who tied women up, tortured, and raped them. Raped female inmates after prison transfer
David John Harris – sexually assaulted women while wearing women’s clothing
Clare Lawton – rape of woman, inflicting grievous bodily harm, burglary and unlawful wounding.
Peter Steel – rape of woman, inflicting grievous bodily harm, burglary, unlawful wounding, damaging property:
Renell Thorpe – Broke into a woman’s home, raped her, and tried to flee while wearing her clothes:  
Cross-dresser branded ‘high risk’ to women, sexually assaulted while wearing skirt, attempted rape of woman in bathroom:        
Gregory Philip Schwartz – attempted sexually assault of woman while wearing Barbie doll dress inside a Big Lots bathroom:
“Terf Tracker” Allison Woolbert : outed as violent sex offender:  
Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina
Child Sex Predator Paul Ray Witherspoon, ticketed for using female restroom uses “Gender Identity” defense
Jonathan “Johanna” Adrian Wolf – convicted sex offender, raped deaf girl, became trans activist fighting for locker room access
Xena M Grandichelli/Jeffrey Willsea a registered sex offender convicted of rape, becomes trans rights activist
Trans activist outs himself as a pedophile rapist
Lynchburg transadvocate arrested after assisting at-risk youth
Luis Morales “Synthia China Blast” – brutal rape and murder of 13-year-old Ebony Williams
Sexual predator jailed after claiming to be ‘transgender’ to assault women in shelter
Sex offender uses crowdfunding to raise money for gender reassignment surgery – molested 13 year old girl
Plymouth transgender sex offender jailed after coming into contact with child
Duane LeRoy Fox/Jennifer Ann Jasmaine – Committed offenses against 14 year old
Transsexual who downloaded sickening images of child pornography escaped jail because a judge said prison would be too tough a place for her
Louis Massei – Gang rape of a 16-year-old girl
Registered sex offender arrested on suspicion of entering a school campus and using a false female name
William Karl Olsen – Sexually violent predator
James Joseph Allard – Sex penetration with foreign object of victim under 14 years of age
Lewis “Lennea Elizabeth”  Stevens –  charged with possession of child pornography
Convicted sex offender sues over sex change operation
Convicted Rapist Sues NJ Prisons Over Sex Change
Man in women’s clothing arrested for child porn
Cross dressing pervert was jailed after breaching the terms of his sexual offences prevention order
‘High risk’ sex offender locked up
Transgender Woman Arrested on Bestiality Charges: Placed Craiglists Ad To Arrange Sex With a Horse
David Megarry Jr. aka Sandra Jo Batista – convicted child rapist
Ronny Edward Darnell – repeatedly raped a 13-year-old girl:
literally hundreds more examples here and here, and some more here
91 notes · View notes
enouementiisms-a · 5 years
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✰ it’s time to wake up, BURTON ‘GUS’ GUSTER II, you’ve been in cryosleep for too long and the people of PSYCH miss you. when you went into slumber you were FORTY-TWO years old, your pronouns are HE/HIM, and you WERE VOLUNTEERED for the expanse program. now that you’ve awoken, your position as a TEACHER is waiting for you. remember, the expanse thanks you!
NAME: Burton ‘Gus’ Guster II
ALIAS(ES): Super Smeller, Super Sniffer, Peter Panic, Gus ‘Sillypants’ Jackson, François, Magic Head, Chocolate Columbo,  Doctor Mc … Took, The Jackal, Earnest Lambert Watkins, Mr Vocabulary, Felicia Fancybottom,  Bud, D'Andre, Gus T. T. Showbiz, Ovaltine Jenkins, Burton ‘Oil Can’ Guster, the G, Big Head Burton, Burton the Billowy Bear, Magic Head, Tabrickisha Schillington, Cowboy Lendo, Shmuel Cohen, Galileo Humpkins, Schoonie ‘U-Turn’ Singleton, Nick-Nack, Lavender Gooms, Doctor Guster, Tan, Bruton ‘Gasty’ Gaster, Patty Simcox, Fearless Guster,  Lemongrass Gogulope, Die Harder, Squirts MacIntosh, Ernesto Agapito Garcés con ya de Abelar, Big Baby Burton, Black Star, Homeskillet, Methuselah Honeysuckle, Chesterfield McMillan and wife, Longbranch Pennywhistle, Scrooge Jones, Gussie, Hummingbird Saltalamacchia, Step Anthony Wally Ali (Cat Stuck in a Tree), Resourceful Gus, Taye Diggs, Dequan ‘Smallpox’ Randolph, Hollabackatcha, Slicks, Sterling Cooper, Trapezious Milkington, Jazz Hands, Shawn, Detective Miles, Gus Brown John Slade, Ron Davis, Rich Fingerland aka Bob Adams, Black Magic, Harry Munroe, Cheswicke, Doughnut Holschtein, Ghee Buttersnaps AKA The Heater, The Vault of Secrets, Clementine Woollysocks, Guts, Ol’ Ironside, Old Iron Stomach, Tin Tummy, Gustice, Jonathan Jacob Jingly Smith, Santonio Holmes, Deon Richmond, Gurton Buster, Chaz Bono, Chocolate Einstein, MC Clap Yo Handz, Road Rash, Mellowrush, Miss Whittlebury, Crankshaft, G-Force, Sher-Black-Lock, Imhotep or He Cometh in Peace, Control Alt Delete, Yasmine Bleeth, Lodge Blackman, Mission Figgs, RadioStar, Gusjay Gupta, Original G-String AKA Crowd Pleasah, Tap-Man, Watson Williams, Benedict Arnold Jackson, Suggs, Ingle Woods, Brutal Hustler, Fellatio Del Toro, Eddie Adams from Torrance, Larenz Tate, Sh'Dynasty, Candyman, Gurn Blandsten, Immaculate Conception, Pootie Tang, Domo Arigato, Jonas Gustavsson, Blue Ivy Carter, Bill Ofrights, Vijay Armitraj, Django Unchained, A Playa Named Gus, Darryl, Flapjack Palmdale, Burton Trout (no relation), Bad News Marvin Barnes, Lil’ Wayne, King Mongkut, Gigi Van Tran, Trending Ontwitter, Robert ‘Booooooooooob’ Jones, My Black Cameron, Dr. Alan Champion, Angela Bennett, Jack Devlin, Jason Bourne, Jack Bauer, Tony Stark, Billy Elliott, Ferris Bueller, Edward Scissorhands, Hans Solo, Hans Landa, Han-Na Montana, Mr. Popper, Mr. Bee, Mr. Ripley, Mr. Deeds, Mr. Pink, Mr. White, Mr. Brown, Mr. Blonde, Mr. T, Dr. T, Dr. Jekyll, Dr. Phibes, Dr. Evil, Dr. Horrible, Dr. Dolittle, Frodo, Gandalf, Bilbo, Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, Simba, Zazu, Ross, Chandler, Joey, Jerry, George, Elaine, Kramer, Kirk, Spock, Picard, Data, Denzel Diggs Underwood Morris Chestnut Washington, Burton Guster Black Spencer.
AGE: 42
BIRTHDAY & ZODIAC: December 1977, Sagittarius
BACKGROUND: Status: Alive. For Gus, this has been a very important thing his entire life. That is not an exaggeration. With a best friend like Shawn Spencer, it’s surprisingly easy to be at risk, sometimes multiple times in one day. When Gus was younger, he nearly got away from Shawn thanks to schooling and his parents interference, but when Shawn helped the Guster family, Gus’ parents backed down. Years, and a sham marriage passed, Gus was living his best life as a pharmaceutical sales rep, making 48k a year. He was where he belonged. With a best friend like Shawn Spencer, it’s surprisingly easy to have one’s life plans go awry. Gus still worked as a pharm. sales rep, but too often, he ended up being the getaway driver in the police cases Shawn managed to worm them both into. As the years passed, Gus still complained about it but when the chance came to go back to his comfortable career and say goodbye to his best friend, Gus chose to say goodbye to the comfortable life, knowing it wouldn’t be the same if he was on his own.
KEY RELATIONSHIPS: Bill and Winnie Guster (parents), Joy Guster (older sister), Shawn Spencer (best friend), Burton Guster I (uncle, namesake), Mira Gaffney (ex-wife), Rachael (ex-girlfriend) and her son Maximus.
WEAPONS: The Blueberry.
POWERS/ABILITIES/SKILLS: Tap dancing, expert safe cracker, vocal manipulation, bomb defusal, incredible sense of smell.
GREATEST STRENGTH: His friendship with Shawn.
GREATEST WEAKNESS/FLAW: His friendship with Shawn.
OUTFIT THEY WOKE UP IN: Pinstripe button down shirt, tan slacks, dress shoes.
FAVORITE FOOD: A poached egg with hollandaise sauce on an English muffin.
ONE FEAR: The “head peel.” (It’s his fourth greatest fear.)
ONE HOPE: To survive the strangest case he’s ever been on and to really let Shawn have a piece of Gus’ mind if they ever see each other again.
ONE HEADCANON: Gus won’t go anywhere without The Blueberry to the point of clinging onto it with all his might until he at least gets to have his trusty car with him.
How does your character feel about being dropped into the expanse program? Are they excited? Suspicious? Confused? -- Suspicious as heck. He’s still convinced this entire thing is an elaborate escape room Shawn’s cooked up for him.
What does your character hope to see the most during the expanse 009’s journey? -- Home.
If your character could bring one thing from home, what would it be? --  While it’s not exactly how he remembers it, he has his Blueberry so he doesn’t need anything else.
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
adam loves gigi sm...and of course it's because she's his niece but it's also the fact that she's so much like luca and he loves his brother sm it just makes him love gigi even more
Gigi has Luca’s eyes and smile but most importantly she has his personality!!!
Gigi is just a smaller version of Adam’s best friend and he loves it that’s why he wants to hang out with her so much
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yourtouchismidas · 1 year
hi! i dont know if you’ve answered this before, but which is every girls’ fav member of the band? (except matty ofc)
gigi - her favourite has always been ross. she sees him like a big teddy bear growing up and he's always loved being her favourite so they have a special bond. however as she gets older and starts getting a bit more rebellious she becomes closer with george. uncle ross cant handle the idea of her doing bad and dangerous things but george teaches her how to be safe in the things she does want to try. george also teaches her drums, so she spends a good amount of time with him.
shay - i think shay's favourite is adam. i think she is completely different to him but she senses the softness in him. she feels comfortable around him because he has a father figure vibe to him that makes her feel safe. she sees the others as chaotic, but not in a safe way, and while the others are rough housing she is trying to get him to play fairies and show him "magical worlds" she has found. adam gets all embarrassed and mostly just stands there while she dances round him or goes "wow" when she points things out, but it doesnt matter to her, in her imagination he is king of the fairies.
valentine - i think valley's favourite is also adam. the quietest in the family, she gravitates to him also. but instead of playing games with him she will just read him facts from her books or talk to him like a grown up. they're often found together in the corner just chilling out. she's not really a hugger, but she will sit on adam's shoulders when they are all walking somewhere and she is tired. shay is very loud in her demanding of adam's attention whereas valley follows him like a shadow. sometimes he doesnt even know she is there until she turns around.
stevie - stevie loves ross. stevie is a menace. the naughtiest healy child. rough and tumble. ready to climb everything. including a six foot four bear looking man. she hooks her little hands into creases in his jeans and climbs up like a climbing wall. she gets him to chase her and throw her upside down and spin her round til she gets dizzy. she knows that ross is a pushover. the least like to discipline her or to tell her off. she grins at him and he melts and lets her do whatever she wants and then hands her back to matty, messy and savage, like sorry dude.
lexie - lexie's favourite is of course her name sake george. when lexie was a baby she would grin whenever she saw his face looking over her and hold her arms up to him when she was a toddler. i think lexie to stevie is like george to matty. lexie and george are both steady, grounded, and help their friend/twin to channel all the manic energy into something productive. lexie is also the most talented musically and plays almost everything, whereas stevie has a great voice but no discipline. lexie starts writing songs when she is seven, and george produces one for her for fun, teaching her everything he knows. he's convinced the twins will be the next big thing, but his lexie is going to be the brains of it all.
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rendehvous · 6 years
Tumblr media
now that the holidays are over & i’m finally having more time & muse, here’s a 1x1/indie wishlist for new threads to make a big new comeback ! this includes some wanted plots, wanted pairings, & wanted fcs i’d like to play. it’s pretty much the same as my winder wishlist, but i just wanted a new post for spring & i added some more things. if you wanna plot, pls like this post or shoot me an im so we can discuss !!!!
( bolded means i’d prefer to play them ! these are in no order of preference ! )
wanted fc pairings.
harry styles x louis tomlinson
harry styles x taylor swift
joe keery x natalia dyer
charlie heaton x natalia dyer
justin bieber x selena gomez
abel tesfaye x selena gomez
harry styles x josefine pettersen
camila cabello x lauren jauregui
barbara palvin x niall horan
neelam gill x niall horan
maia mitchell x david lambert
zayn malik x ariana grande
alexis bledel x milo ventimiglia
eleanor calder x louis tomlinson
eleanor calder x zayn malik
zayn malik x perrie edwards
zayn malik x gigi hadid
danielle campbell x louis tomlinson
danielle campbell x harry styles
aubrey plaza x chris pratt
lily james x ansel elgort
zoey deutch x ed sheeran
taylor swift x ed sheeran
taylor swift x karlie kloss
armie hammer x alicia vikander
armie hammer x timothee chalamet
daisy ridley x adam driver
daisy ridley x john boyega
cindy kimberly x neels visser
demi lovato x don benjamin
camila mendes x cole sprouse
charles melton x ashleigh murray
charles melton x camila mendes
wanted canon pairings.
kylo ren x rey ( preferably modern au )
jim halpert x pam beesly ( preferably modern/younger au )
ben wyatt x leslie knope ( preferably modern/younger au )
april ludgate x andy dwyer ( modern au would be cool )
nick miller x jessica day
adalind schade x nick burkhardt ( modern au would be cool )
callie foster x brandon foster  ( modern au would be cool )
sebastian wilder x mia dolan ( aka la la land, modern au would be cool )
baby x deborah ( aka baby driver )
illya kuryakin x gaby teller ( aka the man from uncle, modern au preferable )
steve rogers x bucky barnes ( modern au would be cool )
dan humphrey x blair waldorf
veronica lodge x jughead jones
veronica lodge x archie andrews
rory gilmore x jess mariano ( modern/older au would be cool )
paris geller x rory gilmore ( moder/older au would be cool )
lorelai gilmore x luke danes ( modern or younger au would be cool )
riley matthews x farkle minkus ( preferably modern au )
diana prince/wonder woman x steve trevor ( preferably modern au )
captain america x bucky barnes
mickey dobbs x gus cruikshank ( aka love on netflix )
bertie bauer x chris ( aka love on netflix )
fcs i’d like to play.
keith powers
janice joostema
zayn malik
harry styles
park sora
kelsey calemine
enya ulmanzor
jessica vu
louis tomlinson
milo ventimiglia
danielle peazer
taylor swift
maia mitchell
jennie kim
cindy kimberly
perrie edwards
camila mendes
aubrey plaza
dave franco
zoey deutch
madison beer
adam driver
lili reinhart
josefine pettersen 
hayley kiyoko
leighton meester
gillian jacobs
saoirse ronan
katherine langford
nick robinson
some basic plot ideas i’d really love.
roommates. that is SO basic, i know. but [ this ] twist would be lit. or they’re roommates but they’re EXES.
basic soulmates plots sighsjkfj
a plot based off the songs from reputation by taylor swift, melodrama by lorde, harry styles’ self-titled album, badlands by halsey, or i see you by the xx. pls !
plots based off episodes from the show black mirror or easy on netflix.
plot based off the movie newness, lady bird, love simon, or life partners on netflix.
best friends who are solely platonic ( or not for the drama ofc )
basically just [ this ] !!
to see my most wanted plots, check out this [ tag ] !
the end !!! thank you if you read all of this omg ! please feel free to like this & i’ll message you, or you can just hop into my ims & we can get right to plotting !
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capeshifters · 7 years
all muses
All muses shortly
italics - pc   bold- canon   normal -oc
some muses might have verse specific ships or they are not shippable at all
Nedra Surana //  mage elf warden- hof | multiship | pansexual | FC: Lindsey Stirling
Narya Lavellan // dalish inquisitor |Single ship with @thebloodychampion​ in her main verse, other verse open  | heterosexual | FC: Emile De Ravin
Merlyn Lavellan // Narya’s cousin, archer and hunter | multiship- | homosexual | FC: Eddie Redmayne (inquisitor verse available)
Litriel Lavellan // mage, necromancer and dreamer, also Narya’s cousin and Merlyn’ sister | multiship | heterosexual| FC: Alina Kovelenko
Nova Lavellan //dalish Inquisitor, has a very bad eyesight, necromancer, dreamer and uses wisps to see. loves dragons |  multiship |heterosexual | FC: Lauren De Graaf
Lesi  Aras //the master of smith work. Has her won shop, very inspired by Dagna | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Isabela Moner
Rin Ril Seraya //born to be female, works as a body guard of an Orlesian Lord. Disguised |multiship |undecided | FC: Winona Ryder
Aila Synelis// young elf, has a two years old girl, waitress,sweet but too trusting |multiship | heterosexual | FC: Dasha Sidorchuck
Armando Fiorenci // ex first enchanter o the circle in Dairsmuid, Rivain. Escaped death. jolly and a good mage. mage rights supporter.| multiship | pansexual | FC: Sam Elliott
Francesca Fiorenci // Armando’s sister, made tranquil. Whereabouts unknown  | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Oona Chaplin
Kai Kresge // magekiller, from tevinter |multishp| pansexual | FC: Ian Bohen
Kaisa Kresge// Kai’s little sister, mage and healer and herbalist, blind.| multiship |heterosexual | FC: Elise Aarnik
Sherborne Guyader “Guy” // professor of history and arts at the university of Orlais. born in Antiva | multiship | bisexual fc: Eoin bailey
Anna Alerion // mage ,dalish, slave, servant. Now Marquis tool for his twisted desires. Secretly when able she plots to free elves.- | multiship |bisexual
Regina le Bail // ex slave, run away from tevinter, mage but uses spear to fight, companion with a wolf | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Maia Mitchell
Alan Bearhold //avvar warrior, hunter, tall man, grumpy , protects his little sister |multiship |pansexual | FC: Manu Bennett
Valerie Bearhold// mage, talks to spirits, healer, herbalist, skilled. - | multiship |heterosexual | FC: Rachel Weisz
Millicent Cadash // Inquisitor, badass rogue, thief, spy, dwarf and what else.| multiship |  heterosexual | FC: Amy Manson
Devon Trevelyan // mage. from Ostwick Circle, born as a bastard son to a servant of Trevelyan family. Skilled mage, flirty but good mannered. | multiship |pansexual | FC: Richard Madden
Bella Lupus // Dragon Age - Tevinter mage, black mage, small woman, good at magic- multiship-heterosexual
Marcus Lupus // Bella’s little brother, warrior, has prosthetic arm and leg | multiship | bisexual | FC: Matthew Daddario
Janus Lupus // Bella’s and Marcus father, magister, master and killed by his brother.|single ship with @thebloodychampion​ |homosexual | FC: Luke Evans
Alceon Lupus // middle brother , brother of Janus, evil and mean magister. |no ship | bisexual | FC: Ansom Mount
Adrian Lupus // youngest brother, magister at the seat, divorced, likes elves | multiship.| pansexual |FC: Tom Pricone
Luca Lupus//Adrian’s son, rogue, likes training and solitude | multiship |pansexual | Fc: Adian Gillen
Gigi Trevelyan (Auriel// mercenary and Inquisitor - burns scars on her hands and feet - assassin || multiship |heterosexual | FC: Sarah Bolger
Rufus Trevelyan //  ex- templar , Gigi’s uncle - mage friendly- never too old for fun | multishipo | pansexual | FC:Rufus Sewell
Adam Hawke // Hawke, shy dork, loves his dog more than people- | multiship | bisexual | FC: Garrett Hedlund
Anders//he feather mage merged with spirit, not so mage rights obessed- loves cats | single M!Hawke ship with   @thebloodychampion​ (other muses okay to ship) | pansexual | FC: David Garrett
Dorian // the sassy one From house of Pavus- the lost son- the failure | multiship | homosexual | FC: David Gandy
Hampus Luck // archer and companion , noble but hides it, a flirt | multiship |pansexual | FC: Jamie Dornan
Appius Trius  “The Architect”// High Priest of Urthemiel, a bit dork, but lovable, magister from the ancient times | single ship verse with @thebloodychampion​ other verse open |  pansexual | Fc: Hugh Dancy
Hay // slave from the ancient times - traveled through a rift |selective ship | heterosexual | FC: Hera Hilmar
Nellie Cousland // hero of ferelden, badass redhead |multiship | heterosexual | FC: Rose Leslie
Jacob Rivera//  pirate, thief, treasure hunter | multiship |bisexual | FC: Jarod Joseph
Albany Perdue // non binary, young magister , better than you- | multiship | undecided | FC: ErikaLinder
Lisetta Walgan // chasind scout/hunter - wild and untamed| multishp |pansexual | FC: Karen Gillan
Lilah Bearhold //  Lady of The Skies- goddess/avvaar/ - immortal | selective ship| bisexual | Fc: Julie Kennedy/Rachel Ward(old)
Mario Albergotti lamberto De Villacorta // rogue, noble, mercenary |bisexual |Pentaghast Blood |likes dragons | FC: Matthew Mcnulty
Vixten Adaar // Inquisitor - ex-mercenary | has a twin sister |mage |pansexual | kind giant | FC: Mahesh Jadu
Veran Adaar // Vixten’s twin sister | rogue |bisexual
Seranna Trevelyan - Inquisitor and templar | fears magic | bisexual | andrastian | FC: Michelle Alves
Quiet // Metal Gear Solid V // sniper and bad ass, does not talk- |multiship |bisexual | FC: Game face/Stefanie Joosten
Diana // Marvel DCEU // Wonder Woman, badass but sweet        | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Gal Gadot
Mei // Overwatch// climatologist, blogger, Overwatch agent | multiship | bisexual | FC: Game Face
Catwoman //Marvel // Selina Kyle, the catwoman  |multiship |heterosexual | FC:Camren Bicondova
Belle/Lacey //OUAT/Disney// Belle from both Ouat and Disney and Lacey from Ouat | multiship | heterosexual | Emilie de Ravin, Cartoon face, Emma Watson
Red//OUAT-// Red from the series Once Upon A time - werewolf | multiship | bisexual | FC: Meghan Ory
Nagini Nabila // Harry Potter // Voldemorts’ Snake with a canon divergent story, reborn |  multiship | pansexual | FC: Nathalie Emmanuel (young)/ Angela Bassett (old)
Augustus Rookwood//Harry Potter// Death Eater, Prisoner in Azkaban, a bit of coward |  multiship | bisexual | FC: Tom Payne
Neville Longbottom//Harry Potter// student, later professor, not married yet | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Matthew Lewis
Ailla Longstar // Star Wars // twilek, bad ass pilot, spy | multiship | pansexual | FC: Milla Jovovich
Zara Andromedra // Star Wars //  mandalorian warrior, arms for hire, skilled fighter , bounty hunter | multiship | bisexual | FC: Cladia Black
Lilo Young // works in the ministry of magic | FC:Nyakim Gatwech |  - Harry Potter
Lassie Young // ministry worker , lilos brother |homosexual| FC: Jordan Bolger |  - Harry Potter
Simon Wolfe // Deathh Eater | bi, homoromantic |FC: Alec Secreanu |  - Harry Potter
Salvia Pepper // werewolf | heterosexual | FC: Natalia Ramos - Harry Potter
Gilda Gloomsdale // vampire , not dragonborn but can be // FC: Aiyana Lewis - Skyrim
Nedra Shepard//Shepard , biotic, paragon, earthborn, war hero-| multiship | pansexual | FC: Emily Browning
Nigel Shepard// Nedra’s twin, more evil and drunkard and a gambler |multiship| bisexual | FC: Eddie Redmayne
Nolus and Tunar Abgius // smuggler brothers even if one is a turian and other a krogan | multiship.|  Nolus is bisexual | Tunar is homosexual | Nolus FC: Brandt Daugherty | Tunar Fc: Aleksander Skarsgard
Lisell Avequa// Asari assassin, Has a adopted son Han.|multiship- |heterosexual | FC: Tracy Ifeachor/Danai Gurira
Jirida Avequa//Lisell’s grandma, a bit crazy old asari |no ship- |bisexual | FC: Whoopi Goldberg
Nyx Avequa// an asari consort at Citadel-, not using biotics, kind |single ship |heterosexual | FC: Yaya De Costa
Han Xanis Vas Astra-//LIsell’s adopted son, quarian. Good in tech |- multiship |bisexual | FC: Logan Lerman
Vivia Bonisis // pink turian but good C-sec cyber crime detective - | single ship with @thebloodychampion | heterosexual | FC: Penelope Mitchell
Camilea -// pretty and deadly turian Blue Sun assassin |-multiship | pansexual | FC: Cara Delvigne
Salla Ryder //-  female Ryder , biotic | multiship. |bisexual | FC: Emma Watson
Garrus // the one we love. does a lot of calibrating |multiship| bisexual | FC: Andrew Garfield
Liara// the blue doctor and Shadowbroker | multiship |bisexual | FC: Yara Shadhidi
Drack // the old grumpy grandpa | multiship |heterosexual | Fc: Jeff Bridges
PeeBee // the joyful and happy asari explorer|multiship-|pansexual | FC:Senait Gidey
Avitus Rix// turian pathfinder, loves Mason  |single ship  with @thebloodychampion Mason | homosexual | FC: Charlie Hunnam
Tibesius Suldonis  // a hastatim unit leader, gay , married to a woman, manipulated by his friend and ex lover Cosna |  Single ship with @thebloodychampion | homosexual | FC: Nathan Fillion
Quitilia Suldonis // sweet, Serlio’s and Silia’s mother, dead  by Cosna | no ship | heterosexual | FC:Bridget Regan
Lucius Suldonis // the youngest sibling, model  turian, bit of playboy, skilled pilot | multiship | pansexual | FC: Tyler Hoechlin
Serlio Salvilus // Actually son of Cosna’s brother Caius . good in politics, future turian councilor  | multiship |  bisexual | FC: Josh Bowman
Silia Salvilus-//blind. Serlio’s little sister, had many hardships, works in Citadel , not daughter of Cosna, but born from a relationship her mother had with Haral Nyras. | multiship| heterosexual| FC: Lyndsy Fonseca
Cosna Salvilus // the evil mastermind, took his brother’s life and played him -|no ship-|bisexual | FC: Christian Bale
Caius Salvilus // got in an accident and was in coma and memory loss for decades. Real father of Serlio | multiship | bisexual | FC: Christian Bale
Tokol // pink, hanar and definitely not someone you should trust | no ship| asexual | Fc: game face
Anaya Kiuk // a young drell assassin, suffers from deadly illness , works for Tokol- | multiship | bisexual | FC: Naomi Scott
Sunip Molane // a salaria assassin, scientist , works for Tokol |multiship |demisexual | Fc: Allyson Hannigan
Bono Baffabar-//batarian mercenary and assassin, works for Tokol -| multiship | bisexual | FC: Jake Gyllenhaal
Luc Laxius// turian business woman, mother of twins | no ship-heterosexual | FC: Meryl Streep
Maxius Kryik // son of Nihlus Kryik, C-sec officer  |multiship |pansexual | FC: Sebastian Stan
Titus Faion // thief and turian, disguises as a male | multishp- heterosexual | FC: Charlize Theron
Tasha Tissel // ex asari assassin, now a doctor  | single ship with @thebloodychampion  | heterosexual | Fc: Chrishell Stubbs
Magnar Shepard // the viking, tall and blond, gets the job done-  | multiship | pansexual | FC: Chris Hemsworth
Camephilia  Octatus// Camilea’s little sister, young, raised on Omega | no ship, single ship in the future times  with @thebloodychampion |  heterosexual | fc: Anna von Klinski
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lily-the-skele · 7 years
First Date Pt. 4
And the final part of @underopenskies and my rp
[pt 1] [pt 2] [pt 3]
“Havin’ siblings can be a both a blessin’ an’ a curse. It all depends on th’ moment. My brothers have always got my back, n’ I’ve always got theirs- but, for as much as we’ve romped and played, we’ve also had our fair share o’ fights.”
“Are ya kiddin’ me? O’ course m’ excited! I’ve wanted t’ be a mom for a long time now. M’ thirty two- I ain’t getting any younger. M’ actually older than my Ma was when she had me.” The cowgirl tucks the completed sandwiches onto serving plates with practiced ease, sorting them by jelly type as they went.
“An’ yeah- th’ daddy’s a nice fella named Hamish Parker. He’s actually out with Greg right now- tha’s my other brother, by the way. Adam ain’t fond o’ Hamish right now, so ‘s best not t’ have them around each other. Anyways- Hamish ‘s a sweet man- older than me, n’ he owns his own ranch up yonder.”
She lays out a few more finished jelly slices on their respective plates, and slides them closer for Lily to put her peanut butter bread onto. “Adam’s a pretty traditional man for bein’ as young as he is.” She hums softly. “He’d make a good dad though. He’s a lot like our Da was- though Adam’s temper ‘s a bit more hair trigger.”
There was a thump upstairs, and Skylar snorted. Muffled voices drifted down to them. “Sounds like Adam wandered up t’ see what Tommy was up to while we were in th’ kitchen.”
Lily beamed as she listened to Skyler talk as she finished another slice. “Heheh yeah, I think it’s siblings’ job to fight. Still it would have been nice to have someone to share things with. Gigi was actually older than you when she found me. Plus she was all alone but she somehow managed to raise me well.”
Lily tilted her head and glanced up at Skyler with a puzzled look. “Oh, why doesn’t Adam like Hamish? It sounds like you two are happy together.” She chewed on her thumb, a worried expression on her face. she hoped she’d never have to see Adam when someone set off his temper. Angry people generally made her nervous. She jumped at the thump and she glanced up at the ceiling. “I hope no one got hurt.”
“Pretty much. Ma was forty two when she had the triplets, n’ tha’ was rough on her body. I want t’ have lots o’ kids- I jus’ didn’t get th’ chance t’ start lookin’ for a man early, ‘cause i had t’ help Ma with my brothers.”
“Ahhh, Adam’s pretty traditional for his age. And he’s protective- I might be twelve years older, n’ he might be th’ baby o’ th’ family, but he tends t’ get an older brother mentality about him sometimes, n’ it makes him a bit short tempered when it comes t’ us. And… well, m’ pregnant, th’ baby was an accident, n’ I ain’t known Hamish for very long. So Adam was kinda… Okay, very, very upset on my behalf. Hamish’s a good fella though- very excited t’ be a daddy. Adam’s just gotta get over himself- he’s excited t’ be an Uncle, he’s just… old school, for such a young fella.” She hums and gives her a thoughtful look. “And nah- the boys ain’t gonna hurt each other. Thomas ‘s squirly- he’s hard t’ pin down, if they’re rough housin’ up there.”
Lily had a small frown on her face as she took in this information. “You would think he would be happy that Hamish is taking responsibility instead of running off.” She let out a small huff, but her smile returned. “Well, I’m happy for you Miss Skyler. Maybe I can get Adam to lighten up a touch.” She chuckled. “At least he hasn’t lost his playfulness.” She finished off a couple of more sandwiches.  
“I think he’s more worried about Hamish runnin’ off when I’m eight months along.” Skylar shrugs. “I don’t think Haz is th’ type, t’ be honest. He’s real excited.” “That’d be a real miracle if ya could, sugar.” She chuckles gently, listening to the sounds of her brothers roughhousing on the stairs. They were making their way back down to join them- so she just hoped they behaved once they got into the kitchen. “Adam’s probably the tightest wound twenty year old I’ve ever met- but yeah, he ain’t lost that playful side. We ruffle his feathers often enough t’ ensure he keeps it.”
Lily giggled and gave Skyler a playful wink. “Just you wait, I’ll use my my feminine charms on him and he’ll be putty in my hands.”
She glanced towards the stairs. “Let’s hope they don’t end up falling down the stairs from all their rough housing.” She blinked and turned back to Skylar, eye sockets widening slightly. “I’m two years older than him?” She couldn’t believe it.
“I have no doubt.” Skylar winked back. “Ya technically older than all three o’ my little brothers, sweetheart. An’ don’t worry- if they fall down, ‘s not the first time they’ve done it.” She finished up with the jelly, and slid the plates over to her, before resting her chin on her palm with a curious hum. “S’ not a bad thing t’ be older than y’ boyfriend, or the same in reverse. Hamish is older than me by quite a lot.”
And if he gets hurt, that just means I can make him feel better, Lily thought with a grin. She chuckled sheepishly as she finished up the rest of the sandwiches. “I kinda assumed he was older.” She gave Skylar a curious look before hesitantly asking, “How old is Hamish?”
“Adam tends t’ act like he’s older- it surprises a lot o’ folks t’ find out how young he is. Surprises a lot o’ folks t’ find out he’s actually th’ youngest, actually.” “Hamish is forty seven years old.” And she was thirty two- so there was a bit of an age gap. Well- alright, a little bit more than just a little bit.
“Yeah, people tend to think I’m younger than I really am. Some people even thought Gigi was my grandma. Hoo boy did they get an earful.” Lily chuckled. “Oh wowie, that is quite an age gap. Well as long as you two are happy and love each other, who cares about age?”
“Someone did that t’ my Ma’ once. Thought tha’ my brothers were my sons, and that they were her grandkids- Ohhh boy, she was steamin’ like a tea-kettle.”
“Fifteen years ‘s a bit o’ an age gap.” She agrees. “But we’re happy, n’ we love each other.”
“I smell peanut butter!” The short cowboy strutting into the kitchen was practically tiny compared to the rest of the skeletons Lily had seen today. He looked a lot like Vera, and lacked horns like his two other siblings had. His legs were well muscles, but he seemed petite and fragile compared to Skylar or Adam. He nudged his glasses up the bridge of his nose, and scooted over to the kitchen sink to wash his hands. “Hi!” He greeted Lily. “I’m Thomas! Ya can call me Tommy though. Adam told me you’re dating now? Golly- ya really are pretty jus’ like he said you are, ain’t ya?”
“Oh sure, blab about everythin’ I tell ya.”
“Well,” Vera chimed in as she squeezed in past Adam, “It’s not like he’s lyin’, is he? Ya lil’ girlfriend ‘s a real cute one.”
Lily giggled and smiled at Skylar. “If Gigi and Ms Vera became friends they would be a force to be reckoned with.”
She glanced over at Thomas and replied, “Yep, we made a whole bunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I think we made enough to feed a whole army!”
She let out a nervous laugh. “O-oh gosh, th-thank you. It’s nice to meet you Tommy.” She squeaked, her skull turning a bright pink and she hid her face in her hands. “Stooop you’re making me blush!” She wasn’t used to getting so many compliments at once. Though she was secretly happy that Adam was bragging about her to his brother.
“Maybe not a whole army since Adam’s here. He’s gonna probably eat half o’ those on his own. An’ Lily? Ya got a cute blush too. Adam sure wasn’t lyin’.”
“Ain’t my fault m’ a large man.”
“Got a lot o’ space t’ fill,” Vera said with a grin.
The McQuillins file around the kitchen table, taking seats, and waiting as Skylar urged Lily’s blushing little self to join them. Adam left a seat open next to him for Lily to sit next to him.
“A’right- lets get sandwiches for everyone.” Plates were passed around the table, before Skylar brought over the platters of various sandwiches, resting them on the table for everyone to choose from.
Lily just let out unintelligible squeaks as her skull continued to grow and even brighter shade of pink. Finally she managed to squeak out, “O-okay enough about me let’s eat!”
She took Skylar’s hand as she helped her off the stool and she sat down next to Adam. She ran into an obstacle when she realized she was too small to properly see over the table. Her skull growing hot she stuttered, “U-um I think I m-may have a problem…”
Skylar noticed Lily’s problem first, and the tall skeleton chuckled faintly. “Bein’ short happens, sugar. I’ll go getcha a pillow.” Or two, Skylar mused internally. A quick jaunt into the living room procured two pillows, which would boost Lily up higher in her seat. She shifts and bumps her hip to Adam’s chair. “Lift, Adam.”
“A’right.” He turned in his seat, and eased one of his hands under her knees. The other tucked behind her back. She wasn’t all that heavy to lift, and he eased her up, and held her there while Skylar got the pillows tucked under her, and then set her back down.
“Well, I can see ya over top th’ table now, sweetheart.”
“Th-thank you,” Lily murmured, still blushing a bright pink. She watched as Skylar fetched two pillows and she was about to move when she suddenly found herself being lifted by Adam. She let out an embarrassed squeak and she clung onto her boyfriend as Skylar placed the pillows down on the chair. She just nodded at Vera’s words once she was set back down, gaze fixated on the table. “Mmhm.”
“Oh my goodness, ya blush so adorably. Adam was right- ya are real adorable.”
“She is.” Skylar agrees as she takes her seat. She crosses her ankles lightly under the table, and reaches out to take a sandwich. “A’right, ya’ll. Dig in~ These sandwiches were made for food, not for lookin’. M’ Thomas? Stop flusterin’ Adam’s girl.”
“A’right, a’right. My appologies, Miss Lily.” The eldest of the boys chuckled slightly, and reached out for one of the apricot jelly sandwiches, eager to tuck into his meal. Likewise, Adam and Vera were also reaching out for theirs- and the plates were well within reach of Lily too.
Lily was beginning to feel overwhelmed but let out a sigh of relief when Skylar called Thomas off. Any more and she felt like she would have fainted from all the magic rushing to her skull. “I-it’s quite alright, Tommy.” She gave him a shy smile.
She reached out and grabbed one of the strawberry jam sandwiches and began to eat it, making small happy noises. She ended up getting some of the jam on her cheeks though.
“If ya say so, sweetheart.”
Adam spotted the jam on Lily’s cheeks, and reached out with his napkin to dabble it away for her, before tucking into his own sandwich. He’d chosen grape jelly.
“That’s cute~” Skylar cooed, nibbling at her own sandwich.
“Shush Sky,” Adam chided her.
Lily let out a squeak and giggled when Adam wiped her cheek with a napkin. “Thanks, Adam. I’m glad I have you taking care of me.” She swung her legs as she took another bite of her sandwich. She giggled again at the exchange between Skylar and Adam.
“I’ll try t’ do my best t’ take care o’ ya, sweetheart.” Despite having sharp teeth, it wasn’t all that messy for him to munch through the sandwich. He was relatively mess free as he finished his first, and started on his second.
“So, Ma mentioned that ya do commissioned plush toys, Lily?” Skylar hummed softly around her sandwich.
Lily grinned at Adam as she finished her sandwich. She would have to ask him in private how he felt about being called daddy. Maybe she should wait until later in their relationship. She didn’t want to jump the gun just yet. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Skylar.
“Why yes, I do! I’m mostly self taught, but Gigi showed me the basics. I have a lot of fun doing it. Right now it’s just a hobby but I’m thinking I can make it my full time job. I even have a couple of regular customers, but there’s one that buys from me the most. In fact he constantly tells me to raise my prices.”
“Well, if ya good at it, an’ ya enjoy doin’ it, then there’s no reason not t’ make it your full time job.” She nods. “Heh. I actually wouldn’t mind commissioning a couple toys for th’ baby once we learn if we’re havin’ a boy or a girl. What sort o’ stuff do ya make? Like… stuffed bears, or…?” She seemed genuinely interested- she’d rather get something handmade than buy something store bought.
Lily perked up, nearly jumping up in her chair. “Oh, it depends entirely on what you want! I’ve had people ask for cartoon characters. But I won’t do anything lewd.” She shook her skull with a pout. “You wouldn’t believe what kind of perverted things people have asked for. Honestly, what kind of skeleton do people take me for? ”
“A-anyway, I’ll give you a special discount! You gotta save your money for your little baby bones. We can discuss the details later?” Lily beamed at Skylar, excitement bubbling in her soul. “I can give you my email.”
“I wouldn’t want anythin’ done lewd anyways, sugar. S’ gonna be done for m’ baby, not for me. An’ sweethearts, folks are only mortal- they’ve been makin’ dicks out o’ stuff since they first learned how t’ draw on things.” She laughs gently.
“That bein’ said, i respect tha’ ya don’t wanna do lewd things. Nothin’ wrong with it. N’ yeah- i’ll give ya my email too, n’ we can chat. But noo, ya ain’t givin’ me a discount, not since this ‘s bein’ handmade.” if she just charged discount rates anyways, Skylar would just pay a little more over as a ‘tip’ for the good work. Because she was wily, and she worked her way around rules.
Lily stammered out, “I-I know that, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have those sort of… thoughts too but… But why do they have to come to me for that kind of stuff? I-it’s so embarrassing.”
Lily huffed softly. “No, I insist!” There was a look of determination on her face that seemed to say there was no use arguing with the petite skeleton. “I love what I do, so it doesn’t even feel like a job. I look forward to hearing what you want.” She suddenly turned to Adam and added, “And Adam, you have to tell me when your birthday is!”
“Those sort of thoughts, huh?”
“Havin’ those sorts o’ thoughts ‘s perfectly normal an’ part o’ bein an’ adult.” She hums. “As for why they come t’ you… i dunno, sweetheart.”
“You n’ i are gonna go toe t’ toe on th’ prices, aren’t we?” She laughs goodnaturedly. There might be no arguing with the small skeleton, but there were ways around arguing. “Ya can’t say no if i tip ya real good for a job well done, can ya?” She grins. “Either way, sweetheart, what i want probably ain’t gonna be too big o’ a job. I’ll talk t’ Hamish n’ let ya know what we decide.”
“Whatcha need m’ birthday for, Lily?” He arches a brow curiously. “S’ October the twentieth, though.”
Lily blushed and she squeaked out, “O-oh shush and eat your sandwiches, both of you!” She stuck her tongue out at Thomas and Adam before turning back to Skylar. “Yep!” She had a small look of triumph on her face. At the mention of a tip she let out a good natured huff and replied, “No, I guess I can’t.” She gave the other woman a smile and nodded. “Alrighty.”
She giggled at Adam before bringing a finger up to her mouth. “That’s a secret!”
The boys chuckled and did as ordered, resuming their meals with gusto.
“M’ pretty good at findin’ my way around rules sometimes, sweetheart.” She gives her a soft laugh, and then chuckles.
Adam playfully sticks his tongue out at her once he’s swallowed and cleared his mouth. “Fine- ya keep ya secrets then, sweetheart. I suppose i’ll see m’ when i see m’, yeah?”
Lily gave Skylar a warm smile before sticking out her tongue back at Adam. “Hehehe you most certainly will.”
She finished off two more sandwiches before she deemed herself full. “Heheh those were some yummy sandwiches.” She had tried out the some of the different types of jellies as well as the strawberry. She tugged on Adam’s sleeve and said, “Hey Adam, why don’t you show me your room?” She smiled innocently at him.
“They were very good sandwiches.” Skylar chuckles. She’d finished a little while ago. There were lots of leftover sandwiches too, so Greg and Hamish would have plenty when they got back in. She stood up and collected the plates, intending to do the dishes.
“Here, lemme help, Sis.” Like a good younger brother, Thomas stood and helped his older sister collect the plates- which left Adam free to entertain his guest.
Vera settled back, content to watch her kids do the dishes while she rolled her joints and flexed her fingers, trying to work some of the aches out.
“Oh! Ah, sure.” He stood from his chair easily, and carefully helped Lily down off of the pile of pillows they’d boosted her up onto. Once she was on her own two feet, he offered her his hand. “S’ on th’ third floor. Ya alright t’ walk up all o’ th’ stairs?”
Lily held onto Adam as he helped her down. She smiled up at him and took his offered hand before replying, “I think I’ll be fine!” She turned to the others and chirped, “Thanks again for the food. We’ll be back soon so don’t miss us too much.” She gave a small giggle and turned back to Adam. “Lead the way.”
The rest of the family waved them off with a smile, and left Adam to guide her up the stairs.
“A’right.” Adam kept a firm hold on her hand, though his grip was forever gentle, and guided her for the spiral stairs that went up- and up, and up, and up. There was little wonder why everyone in the family had legs as toned as they did- and rear ends as well. They’d been walking these stairs their whole lives. “You’ll love th’ view, sweetheart.” Adam hummed. “Ya can see for miles from m’ window.”
“O-oh wowie I wasn’t expecting a spiral staircase!” Lily exclaimed as she hopped up the steps. It didn’t appear as if she was at risk of running out of steam. She gave Adam a grin before replying, “I can’t wait to see!” To be honest, she wouldn’t be paying much attention to the view since she had every intention of kissing Adam some more. She giggled softly and blushed a soft pink.
“Mhm. My Da’ and his best friend designed the house, and built if for my Ma. Da ain’t around anymore, but Doc’ Tene still is. He’s a family friend- an’ he’s also the family vet. He’s a good guy.”
At the top of the stairs, Adam takes a moment to orient himself, and then guides her down the long hall. There’s a lot of empty rooms- testament to the size of the family that Vera had expected to have, but never got the chance. Adam takes her to one at the end, and opens the door for her, and lets her in.
His room is sparsely decorated, but has a massive bed covered in dark blue sheets. His closet is full of flannel shirts, and he has a dresser full of folded jeans. He’s got a window, and a small walk out balcony next to it with glass doors.
“Well, this is my room.” He smiles faintly.
Lily looked up at Adam with an expression of awe.  “Wowie, they didn’t build it all on their own did they? That would be amazing. I’d like to meet this Dr. Tene. Being a vet must be a neat job.” She had a little skip to her step as they walked down the hall, only pausing to glance at the empty rooms. It seemed a little sad.
Once they reached Adam’s room, Lily took a look around, feeling a brief flash of disappointment at its sparsity. However, it was quickly overshadowed when she spotted the giant bed. Giving a squeak of excitement she took a running jump, just barely making it and began to bounce on the mattress, giggling.
“They did, actually.” He chuckles softly. “Doc Tene is a nice fella. ‘S a neat job- but a gross one for sure. He handles all sorts o’ stuff that’s jus’ quite nasty. But, someone’s gotta do it- n’ he’s actually really good at what he does.”
He laughed as she took a running start for the bed, and simply followed her. He took a seat on the edge while she bounced around, and lightly rubbed his hands on his knees. “Sorry m’ room’s a lil’ empty. I don’t spend much time in here because o’ work though, so, y’know…” The only thing personal in here was the box under his bed, and that was his collection of… personal lubricants.
Lily stopped bouncing on the bed and settled down next to Adam. “You don’t have to apologize, it’s still a nice bedroom.” She giggled. “Besides, your bed is fun to bounce on and it’s really comfy.” She gave him a warm smile and nuzzled against his arm.
“Thank you.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. The bone of his heel clicked lightly against the floor, and he shifted with a mischievous grin, before scooping her to his chest. Adam flopped back against the bed, leaving her sprawled out on top of him in his shirt as he lay under her. “Y’know, sweetheart, you’re real cute in m’ shirt. Would ya like t’ keep tha’ one?”
Lily let out a squeak as their positions suddenly changed and she found herself lying on Adam’s chest. Her skull was a bright pink as she stared down at her boyfriend. “Ah– c-can I really?” She squirmed a little. “O-okay. It is a comfy shirt.” She gave him a shy smile before leaning in to kiss him.
Adam’s hands settled gently on her hips, and he rubbed his thumbs lightly into her lower back through his shirt. He gave her a grin as she squirmed on top of him. “I don’ mind at all ‘f ya wear my shirts, sweetheart. I’d say ya could wear my pants, but I don’ think you’d fit.” Maybe in one leg, but not in the whole thing. He leaned up to meet her kiss, mouth working gently against hers as she flushed a brilliant pink.
Lily squirmed more at his touch and she gave a small giggle. “Don’t be silly, Adam.” She clung to the front of his shirt, letting out small squeaks and shivers as they kissed. She leaned into the kiss, wanting a little more. Her blush grew deeper and she could feel her face getting warm. She gave his lips a shy lick and she gripped at his shirt more tightly.
The flick of her tongue against his mouth prompted him to carefully part his lips, his tongue flicking out to gently slide against her own. His tongue brushed over his teeth, the sharp edges making him shiver, and he slid a hand along her lower back. The other slid up, cupping her shoulders, and his ribs rumbled under her like a pleased freight engine.
Lily’s tongue brushed up against Adam’s, a little more emboldened know that she was more familiar with this type of kissing. Her grip on his shirt tightened as they deepened the kiss and she pressed up against him. She gave a small giggle as she felt the rumble of Adam’s chest against her.
Adam’s blush darkened a little bit as she pressed closer to him, and he rumbled again, pleased as his tongue worked gently against hers. He lured her gently into his mouth, careful to part his teeth so she didn’t prick herself on them, and lightly teased her tongue with his lips as his mouth worked against her own. Adam’s hands splayed gently on her back, and he stroked his thumbs along the curve of her lower back and along the small band of her shoulders.
Lily whimpered into Adam’s mouth, the kiss beginning to get slightly overwhelming. She pulled back just enough to catch her breath, panting softly. “W-wowie this is getting i-intense.” She was starting to feel a little hot under the collar, not to mention another place. “W-we should probably take a break before we…” she felt herself leaning back in but stopped herself, “…we get carried away.”
“Mmmm,” he rumbled pleasantly, “I suppose ya right with that.” He was starting to feel stirrings from earlier again, and it wasn’t helping that they were sprawled on his bed. He took a  moment to close his eyes, and he lifted a hand to scrub it down his face briefly. When it lifted away, he was much more composed- at least up top. At least she was short- she wouldn’t feel what he had started in his pants.
“‘S pretty easy t’ get lost in kissin’ ya, sweetheart. Just as easy as it is t’ get lost in ya eyes, as a matter o’ fact.” He leaned up- not to kiss her- but to just nuzzle his nasal ridge to hers with a gentle, affectionate motion.
Lily didn’t want to get up just yet and she rested against his chest. She gave a small giggle as she watched Adam get his composure back. “O-oh my, you’re making me blush!” she replied with a bashful smile. She returned the nuzzle then kissed him on the nose ridge. “I never knew kissing could be so much fun to be honest.”
“Kissin’s a lot o’ fun when done with th’ right person.” He laughed gently, smiling at the kiss to his nasal ridge. He didn’t even mind her sprawling out on his chest- she wasn’t that heavy, so it was a nice, comfortable position for him to enjoy, and for her to as well no doubt. “N’ you’re real cute when ya blush, Lily.”
Lily let out a giggle. “Aww Adam, you’re so sweet to me. I think you’re cute when you blush too. It’s such a pretty shade of blue.” She poked his cheek playfully before adding, “You’re really comfy to lie on.” She gave his chest a soft pap. “I could probably take a nap like this.”
He stuck his tongue out at her playfully when she poked his cheek, and then leaned up to nuzzle her. “Why don’t ya take a nap? I don’ mind cuddlin’ ya for a while, n’ i wouldn’t mind takin’ one with ya. S’ real nice t’ jus’ hold ya n’ cuddle up with ya.”
Lily stuck her tongue back out at Adam and she let out a giggle when he nuzzled her. “Really, you wouldn’t mind?” She hummed in content as she nuzzled him back. “I think taking a nap with you would be really nice.” She placed her cheek against his chest right about where his soul would be. “Hmm you’re really warm.”
“I don’t mind at all, Lily.” He cuddled her close to him with a soft, pleased sound, another rumble crawling up his chest. It boomed in tune with his soul, though his soul’s beating was louder yet when the rumbling passed. “Heh- bein’ this big has it’s perks. M’ usually warm all th’ time.”
Lily let out a small shiver as she felt the rumble travel through her body and she gasped when she could hear the beat of his soul. She blushed as she nuzzled his chest and murmured, “Mmmn a nap does sound good right about now.” As she said this she could feel her eye sockets begin to droop. “Heheh so comfy.”
Adam’s sockets closed, and a content smile slid onto his face. He cuddled her close to his chest, soft pleased sounds leaving him. “Mhm. A nap sounds jus’ right~”
Lily let out a pleased hum before mumbling a soft, “G’night,” before her eye sockets shut all the way. Her breathing evened out as she fell asleep.
“G’night, sweetheart.” Adam was not far behind her.
the end
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