axirokko · 4 days
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I'm in love with their laugh
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sakuraswordly · 5 days
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cananmelia-blog · 2 months
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Disappointed Hakunon, In the first gameplay CCC Liz kicking his butt and getting one shot lol...
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number1mongrel · 2 years
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fate/extra CCC
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shirayuucchi · 8 months
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Edo Night Stroll
Waka Danna and his lady taking a pleasant stroll through the streets of Edo.
Do not reupload anywhere or Use my works for AI
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pryotra · 10 months
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ttrhdrl · 2 years
Just read GilHaku fanfics, and cannot resist the urge to draw these two /sobs
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neonanyx · 8 months
Hakuno was back in the student council room, replying to the exact same info she had told Gilgamesh from her dream about the possibility of a dark version of the labyrinth and even more enemies hiding in the Shadow.   Then there was this whole thing with the Beast, the mini psycho Sakura had mentioned. 
Hakuno had no idea what this Beast was, but by the look on Gilgamesh’s face, He was trying to hide it. But something in his eyes told her he knew what this Beast was. He came across it before… or at least one of its kind. 
When Hakuno tried to press him about it, he refused to answer. Enkidu was either sleeping or pretending to sleep through their conversation because they didn’t make a peep or offer any other details.
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sakuraswordly · 1 month
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cananmelia-blog · 11 days
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When you reunite with your favorite person....DANCE WITH THEM!
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shirayuucchi · 6 months
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pryotra · 9 months
you are hands down the definitive gilhaku writer and you have the best understanding and characterization of gil I've ever read. I love your writing! Anyway, I've been playing through ccc English patch and started wondering what would happen if hakuno somehow became a heroic spirit in some nebulous future and she and gil were summoned on opposite sides. How do you think they'd react? What class/skills do you think hakuno would have?
Thank you so much! I will admit to having watched the fan translation of CCC so many times it wasn't even funny in my attempt to understand Gil's character. Now that there's the engilsh patch, I'm playing it again!
So, while the concept of Servant Hakuno always seems particularly tragic to me since it means that at some point in her journey with Gil, she was killed, and Gil failed, again, to save someone who was special to him. I think that Hakuno would probably be either a Ruler or a Moon Cancer. Her NP would likely be something something to the 'Bond of Dreams' that I created in First, with skills connected to her abilities as a Wizard on the Moon Cell. Like, 'hack' 'nullfiy' and possibly 'gandr'. I don't see her as someone who could be summoned easily by anyone who wanted to 'win' the Grail War.
As far as how she and Gil would respond...er...Gil would probably abandon whatever mage summoned him in a heartbeat. He doesn't have the most loyalty to mages in the first place. And if whoever summoned Hakuno didn't like that, he'd probably steal her command seals one way or the other. It's not like he doesn't have Rule Breaker or it's prototype. Hakuno would be the one to talk him into sparing her Master's life, or helping if they had similar goals.
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otaku-tactician · 1 year
i love gilhaku as much as the next person but i enjoy it because its fictional. like i adore how by endgame and later on he repays their endless effort, grit and spirit by serving them with all of his heart and even using most of his treasures to save them, and growing into a wiser and more likeable asshat who really makes clear how much he treasures them.
but the whole shenanigans that hakuno goes through to even reach that lol, he had them jumping through huge ass hoops and massive laser beam encrypted zones. i only enjoy it cuz its fictional, i do get a lil worried when its idealised though personally. like homie pls dont jump thru so many hoops for love, it only works because of how well done the plot was in extra/ccc and seeing hakuno go through their massive trials for the sake of deepening bond with gilgamesh is interesting to learn about, but damn it's as if they had to do the 12 labours of heracles just to peek into his heart
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neonanyx · 1 year
Hakuno looked at the sign in confusion, Babiloni-ya? What kind of name was that? It was an odd place indeed, and it looked slightly out of business due to how colorful it was compared to the plain buildings around it. Not to mention that it stuck out with its size and design. Part of her just wanted to get closer to the strange stall, but she needed to talk to the owner. She needed to ask for work.
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Gilgamesh for ask meme!
Hi!!! Thank you for messaging me ☺ I really appreciate it! It's been a long time since I did askmeme on gilgablog so thank you for requesting him (i keep most fate thoughts private)! Sorry I will probably write a whole massive paragraph about him XD
My Gilgamesh opinions are very subjective here so they may not all be accurate, which is why I enjoy this ask a lot ^^
Sexuality Headcanon: I headcanon him as bi/pan, like yeah there's no denying he is also attracted to women, but his devotional relationship with Enkidu and kinky pleasure yuetsu time with Kirei is every bit as canon in my opinion!!!
Even his creepy obsession with Saber really hints to me personally that Gilgamesh may not discern his initial sense of attraction primarily by gender- I believe he may be attracted to people based off intangible traits that link to his personal sense of values as well; which cannot be as simply measured as gender.
Gender Headcanon: Though he is masc, man he/him I also feel as if Gilgamesh's gender is also just 'GILGAMESH'. Sometimes I wonder if Gilgamesh would see himself as beyond the convention of gender.
Also I heard from someone that gender can be very diverse in Ancient Mesopotamia so it would be really cool to see where Gilgamesh would slot his gender identity there... also can his pronouns be king of heroes/ king as well! I feel like he really defines himself by his role more than gender per se, and in one fate hanafuda game he says gender doesn't matter ☺👍
An OTP: ohh I love Gilgamesh ships so much 😊😊 Gilkidu is just so amazing in many ways I cannot even describe, Kotogil is incredible in their twisted dynamic .. and GilHaku is just so beautiful! And I love Gilgamesh x Merlin for the shenanigans... to be honest most Gilgamesh ships are my otp. I even really like Gilgamesh x reader/ oc fics and Ritsuka/ Guda ones depending on what the ocs are like! Oh I also like Gilgamesh x Cu as they can clash head on and go wild, as well as Gilgamesh x Ozymandias!
And a mutual introduced me to Achilles x Gilgamesh. I think it is a beautiful pairing as they have so much grief, love, power and arrogance in common.
A NOTP: I'm sorry Gilgamesh x Saber fans. I respect those who ship it but Gilgamesh is such a creep to Saber in my opinion, I like it when she doms him to smithereens and stomps on his pride though ☺🥳🥳🥳
BROTP: This is a hard one as I feel like his otps can be good otps, but seeing him hang out with Iskandar is always hilarious. Love how he actually listens to Taiga in the spin off games as well, so they could maybe enjoy a few drinks together. And Gilgamesh/Solomon/Merlin makes for great chaos.
Gilgamesh/Siduri/Enkidu is a powerful alliance and err what else... I feel like as long as they can entertain one another then Gilgamesh has the potential for many BROTPS.
Random Headcanon: He has golden nipple tassels that he unleashes whenever he has an urge to go full sexy, also I feel like though yes he does love pleasure and decadent desires the way he so tightly constrains and punishes himself sometimes makes me wonder if some of his hedonism is also used as a way to appear as an overwhelming figure to others.
I feel like Gilgamesh is definitely tyrannical and extremely powerful and charismatic... yet also has a side to him that is insecure as hell, his larger than life and genuine powerful and wise sides overcompensating for a side of him that is plagued with all sorts of self loathing and grief.
General opinion: I love this asshole!!!!!!!! Endless joy can be created from researching his character and reading, watching his materials, he is entertaining in such a wide variety of ways, and every side of him is a marvel to witness (though i wanna punch him sometimes too cuz holy crap is he horrendous at times).
He's a very complex and nuanced character that can be interpreted in a wide variety of ways so I am really irritated by how some people try to gatekeep Gilgamesh's character and throw him into a box, when Gilgamesh is such a versatile character! I hope that there will continue to be a space where people can enjoy Gilgamesh in as many different ways as possible, without there having to be some sort of 'fandom consensus' on which Gilgamesh opinions are most valid.
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Spoilers below!
So how we feeling about BB Dubai/Kdrop?
Me? I'm altogether very happy but mixed.
Not too big of a fan of new characters getting summer alts, especially before actually showing up.
Love kdrop tho, loved her since starting foxtail. I made a deal a while ago with Rex ( @hasquetzorkukudoneanythingwrong ) that I would 120 kdrop when I get her.
She is also the first character I really want this jp year. So that's so funny.
My brain did have a thought about summer kdrop before sleeping last night too, so it's extra funny.
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