#Gill Lapis
pupsmailbox · 3 months
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NAMES ⌇ aqua. aqueous. bax. baxley. baxter. blue. chase. chiot. cookie. coral. cutter. dar. darcy. darlene. daryl. dogfish. dot. dottie. dotty. dwelline. dwellyne. epaulette. epy. fin. finn. finnley. frill. frillette. frillita. frye. hydro. kipper. lapis. mako. mari. marina. marine. miette. ocean. oceanesse. oceanette. oceanne. pam. pamela. pammie. pammy. perrita. perrito. porbeagle. pup. puplita. puppie. puppy. razor. reef. reefesse. reefette. reefie. reefle. reeflet. requin. ripple. ripply. scout. shark. sharkesse. sharkette. sharkie. sharklet. sharkpup. sharky. shiver. shore. silk. silkie. silky. spark. sparkie. sparky. spike. spikesse. spikette. spikey. spikie. splash. theo. theodora. theodore. theodosia. tiburón.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ aqua/aqua. bark/bark. beach/beache. bite/bite. blue/blue. bounce/bounce. bull/bull. chase/chase. chomp/chomp. claw/claw. clear/clear. cold/cold. coral/coral. cub/cub. drip/drop. epau/epaulette. fa/fang. fang/fang. fin/fin. fish/fish. gill/gill. hyd/hydro. jaw/jaw. jump/jump. mae/mae. mako/mako. marine/marine. meg/mega. nom/nom. ocean/ocean. paw/paw. pounce/pounce. pup/pup. reef/reef. ripple/ripple. sea/sea. sea/seadog. sea/seapup. seadog/seadog. seapup/seapup. sha/shark. shark/shark. shore/shore. silk/silkie. spin/spin. splash/splash. splish/splash. swim/swim. tide/tide. tooth/teeth. wae/waer. wag/wag. water/water. wave/wave. woof/woof. yap/yap. yip/yap. yip/yip. 🌊 . 🏝 . 💧 . 🗺 . 🦈/🦈 .
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siderealscribblings · 3 months
99 years, 11 months, 27 days The Palais Mermonia
“Good moooooooooooooooorning ladies!” 
Furina was usually in a chipper mood when she swanned out of her suite, but as her mistress left her Palais apartments, Eponine could have sworn she was beaming… and only partially because of the glowing blue jewel around her throat. 
Is that the jewel? Fantine mouthed behind Furina’s back, eyes widening as Eponine nodded furiously. It had been smaller when Eponine last laid eyes on it, but there was no mistaking the distinct shimmer and hue of the gem she had seen in Neuvillette’s hands. The one she had been asked to keep a secret from Furina. 
“Good morning, ma’am,” Sana said, blinking owlishly at the jewel as Furina’s guards trailed after her. “You’re in high spirits today.” 
“Well why shouldn’t I be?” Furina laughed. “It’s a holiday, my dear demoiselles; everyone is entitled to an extra slice of joy!” 
“I’m glad to see you more optimistic than you were yesterday, ma’am,” Sana chuckled. “Something must’ve lifted your spirits.” 
Or some one , Eponine thought, sharing a knowing look with her friend. Perhaps it was just the promotion to the Royal Guard that put her in closer contact with the Archon’s household, but Eponine could have sworn the Iudex and the Archon were becoming less and less secretive about their affections for one another. She had seen nothing concrete of course, but Eponine had seen Neuvillette carry a sleeping Archon to her chambers enough times to question whose bed she would be sleeping in. 
“Unfortunately, my birthday party can’t be all fun and games,” Furina sighed, snatching a danish from a melusine pushing a cart topped with food. “Has the Liyue delegation arrived yet?” 
“The Honorable Madam Cloud Retainer is awaiting Your Eminence in the western drawing room,” Sana said. 
“So early? My my, someone is eager to make my acquaintance, aren’t they?” Furina laughed, covering a thoughtful frown with a bite of food. It’s barely nine; did they take a speedboat from Liyue? 
“If I were invited to an Archon’s birthday party, I would be eager as well,” Sana said. “She has not been waiting long; her party arrived at Romaritime Harbor a few hours ago and made straight for the Court.” 
“No other adepti are with her?” Furina asked. 
“No recognizable figures were with Madam Cloud Retainer when she presented herself to the Palais staff,” Fantine reported. “She arrived with twenty or so bureaucrats and representatives of Liyuen merchant families; they’re currently settling into the Liffey Wing of the Palais as per your instructions.” 
“Good, good…w-were any of these dignitaries tall, golden-eyed young men with long brown hair?” Furina asked. “...by any chance?”
“Not that I could see,” Eponine said. “Someone we should be concerned about, ma’am?” 
“No no, just a…doctor of the adepti that aided M. Neuvillette some years ago,” Furina said, waving her hand dismissively. A doctor and the foremost god killer in Teyvat. 
Rex Lapis’ absence brought Furina no comfort; the last time the adepti visited Fontaine, they had come unexpectedly armed and had roughed her Iudex up. Granted, even Neuvillette admitted that he started it, but Furina still didn't like random demigods traipsing into her city unnoticed. Only one adeptus had been recorded entering the city, but all that told her was that there could be more that weren’t recorded. The Court of Fontaine was jammed to the gills with tourists and visitors from all over the world; if anyone wanted to enter the city undetected, today would have been the perfect day. 
“Has M. Neuvillette been informed of this?” Furina asked. 
“He is informed, but he’s dealing with the delegation from Inazuma at the moment,” Sana said. “They passed through Romaritime Harbor shortly after the delegation from Liyue; M. Neuvillette asked that they be received at the Opera before they were brought to the Palais.” 
I wonder if he wants to meet that Minamoto no Makoto character…or perhaps he just wants an opportunity to size up Miss Miko before she sinks her teeth into me, Furina thought. Little was known about Inazuma’s high priestess other than that she was crafty, well connected, and (distressingly) beautiful. Furina had no real rival for Neuvillette’s affections; the women who flirted with him all failed to pierce his somewhat stuffy facade like Furina had...but none of them had been beautiful spirits either. Miko had more power in her fingernail clippings than Furina had in her entire body and everyone knew dragons lusted for power. 
Oh stop it; you have too much on your plate to worry about boy troubles , Furina chided herself, shaking her head. Or rather man troubles...or rather dragon man troubles...
Chapter 1
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jellyfshing · 11 months
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C3彡 shark id pack !!
☆~{ for @ashlynsgarden }~☆
C3彡 names :
shark , sharkette , sharkesse , sharklet , ocean , oceanne , oceanette , oceanesse , sharky(ie) , epaulette , epy , blue , mako , silky , aqua , aqueous , ripple(y) , lapis , mari , marina , marine , reef , reefette , reefesse , reeflet , reefie , reefle , dwelline , dwellyne , fin(n) , silkie , dot , splash , hydro , coral , frye , shiver
C3彡 pronouns :
shark sharks , drip drops , clear clears , water waters , aqua aquas , ripple ripples , splash splashes , cold colds , ocean oceans , coral corals , fish fishes , blue blues , wave waves , beach beaches , shore shores , marine marines , reef reefs , tide tides , fin fins , jaw jaws , meg mega , gill gills , mae maes , mako makos , epau epaulette , bite bites , splish splash , sea seas , tooth teeth , swim swims , hyd hydros , bull bulls , silk silkies , chomp chomps , 🦈 🦈s , 🪸 🪸s , 🌊 🌊s , 💧 💧s , 🗺 🗺s , 🏝 🏝s
C3彡 titles :
the shark , the oceanic (one) , the predator , the marine predator , [prns] strong jaw , the (reef / sea / ocean / water) dweller , the gilled one , the sharp-toothed , the hunter of the sea , the seas feared , [prn] who is fear across oceans , the one with many teeth , [prn] who lurks in the depths , the carnivorous , [prn] who chomps , [prn] with the sharpest teeth , [prn] cold blooded body , the strong sensed , friend of the ocean , [prn] whos home is the coral , [prn] who sweeps the sand , the aquatic one
C3彡 genders :
angselamoric , sharkgender , blahajgender , sharkpuppy , sharkfrilled , sharkboygender / sharkgirlgender , sharkkittygender , autiwhalesharkic , oceangender , seagender , whimisiaquata , oceanstaric , deepseaesic , celeseagender , aecatoric , merpearlia , oceaenigmatic , caerocvitta
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C3彡 i hope these are okay, i would have added more genders but i reached char lim !!
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peppered-moths · 1 year
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
(When Scott first wakes up, he expects change. Of course he does- it's only natural on a server like this. Every time he's been yellow before, there has always been something new. This? This has to be punishment. A consequence. Something.)
He's hunched over, balancing on his toes, staring at the water, ignoring the way the sea spray stings his eyes. He reaches up, fingers moving carefully over the scales dappling his cheekbones-not green, yellow, or red, but instead a lapis lazuli blue. They feel right on his skin, somehow, like they've always been there. It makes him frown, because it definitely isn't right.
The changes had been gradual. The first scales had sprouted (he assumed) after his first death, speckling his shoulders and the top of his spine. He had realized only much later that they mirrored Cleo's axe blow, which made the ones on his face all the stranger.
His second death had resulted in sinuous patterns of scales snaking outwards from his heart, curling over the tops of his collarbone and down his arms. He hates that it's spreading like that- it looks like a disease. Maybe it is. Maybe the next time he dies, he'll grow gills, and be confined to the water forever. The thought scares him more than he'd like to admit.
He drops down onto the grass, letting his hand brush the warm water. The coral doesn't help either; it's not actually growing from him, he had simply thought it looked pretty. Scott has to admit, though, he looks significantly less human.
He picks up on footsteps through the omnipresent white noise of the waves, and glances over his shoulder, catching sight of Martyn's blond hair and new floppy seaweed headband immediately. He turns back, continuing to study his reflection. It's not the first time Martyn has caught him doing this in the past week.
It is the first time he sits next to Scott, feet splashing into the water and distorting Scott's face. He looks over at Martyn and raises a half-disapproving eyebrow.
"What was that for?"
"Sorry." He doesn't sound remotely sorry. Scott just hums, shifting slightly closer so that their shoulders bump together. The other man glances around. There's nobody in sight; T.I.E.S. are off doing who knows what, and nobody else has bothered to visit. Once he's certain there's an all clear, he shifts, allowing Scott to lean against him comfortably.
"Is something up?" Inadvertently, Scott's hand brushes against his own face again. He pulls it back down quickly, tucking it in his lap, but Martyn's eyes have caught the movement. He attempts to save face. By lying.
"Nope," he says cheerily. "Exciting session last week, wasn't it?" When you don't want to talk about something, deflect. He's very good at it.
"Yeah, I was there. Scott, what's wrong?" Damn it, Martyn's too good at this.
"I'm not sure," he finally decides. Martyn's brow furrows, and Scott shakes his head. "Sorry. Bad phrasing. I mean I'm literally not sure." He holds his hand out, palm down. It shakes, just slightly, from the memory of dying. It's... hard to forget. The scales shine in the light, little drops of ocean branded into his skin.
"What, you mean the fishiness? Isn't that just... yellow stuff?"
"It started when I was still green," Scott says quietly. "After Cleo killed me, they... just started appearing." He hopes Martyn gets the point- it feels a little weird to say I'm kind of afraid that I'm turning into a fish monster.
Luckily for him, Martyn connects the dots fairly easily. "So what happens when you die... ah. Hm."
They sit there in silence for a moment. Scott bites the inside of his cheek.
"I just- what happens after? What happens if I die a last time-" (Martyn interrupts with a mumbled "Not if I can help it." Scott swats his shoulder.) "-and I- I turn into a sea monster or whatever, and that's it? I'd be stuck." Alone, his brain helpfully reminds him, which does not make Scott tense.
"Why would that happen?" Martyn's using his defusing-the-situation voice, and it irritates him to no end. He jabs a light elbow into his side.
"Come on, Martyn, you know me. And you know Them. This is their idea of a cruel joke, like making me the first boogeyman." Alone alone alone keeps rattling in his head, reminding him of the last time he was truly alone on a death game server.
(Ren lay before him, a bloody mess of arrows. The game was over. The game was done. And he was still standing.)
"Well, I'd come find you anyways," Martyn says decidedly. "I'd convince Grian to let me back, or- or I'd just break in." That startles a laugh out of Scott, and he leans his head against Martyn's shoulder, careful of the coral in his hair.
"Yeah? You wouldn't be too busy?" He means it to sound teasing, but it comes out with a note of raw truth in it. Nobody else had come back for him.
"Nah. Never too busy for y- for finding a teammate!" Martyn stumbles over his words, causing Scott to raise his eyebrow again. He feels Martyn shrug sheepishly.
"The scales are still a little weird, though." Martyn picks up one of his hands, seemingly ignoring his words. Scott allows him to run a thumb over the dark blue pattern.
"I dunno, I think they're kind of pretty." Martyn freezes, continues talking with a deer-in-the-headlights look. "Well, there goes my brain-to-mouth filter." Scott sits up again, taking his head off Martyn's shoulder.
He's still stuttering; Scott just rolls his eyes, trying to pretend his cheeks aren't warm.
"You're an idiot, Martyn." He cups the other's face and pulls him in.
For a moment, he can forget about curses, about those who watch, about anything but the here and now. He quite likes it, actually.
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pyroraptordraws · 1 year
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You know what: *Scugs your character*
Aka. my excuse to draw a bunch of random characters as Scugs because they’re fairly simple to draw (at least for me and in this simplistic style)
Explanations who’s who under the cut:
From left to right, top to bottom:
Sebastian-Stardew Valley: Figured to make him just the edgiest Scug on this page, he does have some orange fur patches from his mom.
Ienzo-Kingdom Hearts: The grey one. He has a dark line around his neck from Chain of Memories.
Even-Kingdom Hearts: The marshmallow. An old eepy boi. He’s got some burn scars under his fur.
Sam-Stardew Valley: He looks like Demyx. That’s why he’s here, because I thought it was funny
Demyx-Kingdom Hearts: Looks a lot like Sam. The difference between the two as scugs is that Demyx has gills and turquise markings.
Xion and Roxas-Kingdom Hearts: The black and the brown one with two spears, do not seperate them.
Axel-Kingdom Hearts: Ketchup coloured boi
Isa-Kingdom Hearts: is done with Axel’s ketchupness. He’s the boi with the light blue fur and x scar
Zenos-FFXIV: The blonde one with the grey tail, he’s on here twice because my partner really wanted me to draw him with their WoL. Eternally stuck at karma 1
Artem-OC: He’s the one next to the smaller Zenos looking up at him, the black and white one. My partner has made them a proper scug design by now.
Alphys-Undertale: the yellow orange one. I care her.
Undyne-Undertale: Probably spent too much time on her design, but you cant have alphys without her and vice versa. Do not seperate
Sakura-OC: My friend @lesbianvenat WoL. They’re Viera so bunny scug.
Alphinaud and Alisaie-FFXIV: They’re the two fluffy white ones with the braid. Twins. Do not seperate.
Zuko and Iroh-ATLA: Once again, do not seperate. Zuko would totally get adopted by Artificer, hands down.
Fandaniel-FFXIV: The dark green Scug on the very left. 100% responsible for everyone being Scugs
Peridot-SU: Angry triangle, smol but will bite
Haurchefant, Emmanellain and Artoirel-FFXIV: The silver, brown and black one below Alphinaud and Alisaie. The heartshaped mark on their forehead is absolutely their family mark and Artoirel is mad his has a crack in it.
Toph-ATLA: Angry, rond slugpup. I gave her a cinderblock
Katara-ATLA: She’s the slugcat next to Aang. Her and her brother look a lot alike
Aang-ATLA: Looks more like a mouse than a scug
Pearl, Steven, Amethyst and Garnet-SU: your welcome for the aneurysm as i listed them in the uncanny order. Amy is eating a plastic bag. A bad example to the bean
Lapis Lazuli-SU: Joins the group of waterscugs on the right, sees Moon and wants to leave i guess
Sokka-ATLA: Waterscug with a white tail, he’s the one swimming downward.
Jasper-SU: Angry, an absolute unit, will bite you. Angry cheetoh
Pebbles-RW: If you don’t know this one, you’re prbly on the wrong tag by accident
Suns-RW: He’s very tall, fluffy and yellow/orange
NSH-RW: Very green, I gave him his scarf since taking that away from him is illegal.
Moon-RW: I gave her some yellow because I love adding overseer colours in some capacity on their respective iterator. It makes sense and yellow actually suits her quite well!
Sliver of Straw: Pale-green one in the bottom right, one of her ears is missing because i like drawing her with only one antennae.
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anthonihalibutshark3 · 5 months
FARLANDER LORE?!? (Headcanon)
A Farlander is a being that originates from the ‘far lands’ of the specified planet. Places that are dedicated ‘far lands’ are either places in extremely high or extremely low altitude, like mountains or very deep caves/underwater trenches.
Mountain Farlanders are categorized by:
•Being able to sort of float.
•Being very in-tune with magical changes in environments and peoples.
•Their bodies appearing to split apart at random, with parts of flesh floating away or orbiting near the person.
•Needing to be attached to some kind of magically-imbued item for survival outside of the Farlands.
•Usually being entirely carnivores.
•Glowing eyes of cool-toned colors, usually a form of white.
•Very large lung capacity.
Cave Farlanders are categorized by:
•Smaller bodies, usually not growing more than 5”5.
•Elongated, skinny arms.
•Bodies seeming far more dense than usual human skin.
•Large ears.
•Being entirely carnivorous. Physically cannot digest plant fiber.
•Being very in-tune with the magic of their surroundings.
•Lack of eyes entirely.
Trench Farlanders are categorized by:
•Literally being unable to leave their home sea depth.
•Very large eyes for better eyesight under water.
•Lack of outer ear. Just has the holes.
•Lack of nose. Replaced by gills in various areas.
•Body being very stiff, almost exoskeleton-like.
•STUPIDLY magically in-tune with their surroundings. Can detect changes for miles.
•Responsible for magical ‘flare’s that don’t do anything except temporarily amplify the abilities of those at the surface water.
•Various shapes & sizes, body types, colors. Usually darker in skintone.
•Eyes can glow at will. Usually some sort of white or warm-toned color.
•Passive chemosynthesis.
The different cultures of Farlanders don’t mix often (if at all) due to dramatic differences in living spaces, but politically, they really don’t give a shit about each other.
Mountain Farlanders’ culture is categorized by:
•Thick, warm clothing with wildly different colors.
•Loud percussion music.
•Salty food, seasoned by what came from the animal killed.
•Grand performances of theater depicting historical events.
•Sacred appreciation for animal life.
•Long hairstyles.
•Beautiful jewelry made of various materials. Mostly gold & lapis.
•Honesty-first mentality. Very taboo to lie about anything above a white lie.
•Communal raising. Children are often taken care of by many people at once.
•Strong sibling ties. The bond between siblings is the strongest.
•An importance on acrobatics.
•An importance on written record.
•Polygamy. Two or more partners is common. Rare to see a monogamous couple.
•Matriarchal society.
•Communal economy. Makes it difficult to assimilate into human cultures.
Cave Farlanders’ culture is categorized by:
•Electricity being important. Very industrial society.
•Clothes made of fish membrane, if any clothes at all.
•Texture-based writing, akin to braille.
•Wide-spanning art pieces consisting of various textures to feel.
•Music focusing on carved wind instruments, acoustics, and vocals.
•Vast variety of food with a wide taste spectrum. Foods often have contrasting textures and tastes to make the dishes feel alive.
•Anything that can be killed can be cooked. Or eaten raw, depending on the person.
•Honorable cannibalism, see above point.
•Glorious stories of great poetry with emphasis on imagery.
•Reading material or spoken poetry being speculative, focusing on the future.
•Mostly monogamous with single children.
•Elaborate underground cities that have buildings ‘built’ (carved) close together.
•Skin-to-skin contact is done almost constantly. Diverse secondary communication through touch.
•Neither patriarchal or matriarchal in family households. Lack of any comparison between the sexes, aside from innate biological difference.
•Most cities are direct-democracies.
•Largest sex-chromosome variance in hominids due to insanely high quality healthcare.
•Economy is capitalistic with some regulation.
Trench Farlanders’ culture is categorized by:
•Clothing made from various animal life, ornate jewelry made of the shells of creatures at the sea floor.
•Music is performed using string instruments and percussion, with an extreme emphasis on percussive vocals (clicks, trills, etc).
•Detailed tattoos that cover the entire body.
•Carvings into surrounding stone that are usually supposed to detail a story. VERY rarely will you see art pieces that are simple.
•Vocal speech being incredibly vast, mostly consisting of clicks, whistles, etc.
•Respectful religious activities surrounding whale falls & wood falls.
•’Exposed’ burials. Body is left out outside of cities to decay to give back to the planet.
•Actually, these guys are pretty religious. Hands are pressed to the temple of the head when ‘praying’. Not really praying, per se, more like releasing thoughts and feelings into the planet.
•Hunting parties used to be in great demand, with the head of a family (polygamous in nature) usually the one organizing it. Society was formerly dominated by people collecting what they needed & being nomadic, but recently, people have started to settle into city/village life with jobs dedicated to hunting & selling food.
•Economy is capitalism with socialist values.
•Representative democracy is popular in these cities. Cities consist of several hundred villages, akin to what we’d consider countries.
•Overpopulation is a serious, sensitive issue. It’s considered taboo to discuss it.
•Caring for a child is considered the most selfless task, with families usually keeping to themselves rather than requesting communal effort.
•Not having a child is not looked down upon in more modern villages/cities. By not having a child, you are seen as respecting the needs of children by not taking more food/clothing/etc.
•In more traditional areas, not having a child is seen as being unable to give back to the community you grew up in. This idea is very quickly being challenged by recent issues of overpopulation and discussions of bodily autonomy.
•Education is of the utmost importance. Higher education (college) is required for mandatory schooling. Most exit school and enter the workforce at the human-equivalent of 30 years old.
•Religious wear is seen frequently in tattoos that depict your faith or your personal story. This is the same for art.
•While carving is a popular form of self expression, dancing is also very common. It’s combined with the voluntary glowing of Trench Farlander’s eyes to create stunning visuals.
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illwilledomen · 8 months
What is Gillywig's earliest memory? How does it make her feel?
Fire, blood and a tall, dark-robed woman taking her hand. Her clothes were brown. She doesn’t remember why. Gill swears she was born in the mansion. The lapis insertion operation altered her mind severely and she’s never sure what actually happened before it. It’s either gone or twisted in some way. Lapis implants really screw people up, even when they go as intended like in Gill’s case. If they go wrong, the recipient can go completely brain-dead or otherwise severely brain damaged. (As would be expected, having a large magic rock shoved into your head by medieval cultist doctors is not good for your health.)
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acrylicscore · 11 months
So like, I felt like doing a little “My MCSM Choices and Headcanons” post, just as a like basis for my personal canon on MCSM while also additional letting people who read my blog know what to expect from me in terms of this silly block game.
I will place my choices in “read more” so those that don’t wanna don’t gotta.
Jesse Type:
Red-Suspender Jesse.
He’s just my favourite little guy. He just seems different. Like honestly, compared to Green-Suspender Jesse (who I’ve found people view as a gruff and bulky short-stack that has the most adorable puppy eyes, and I love it), I like to view Red-Suspender Jesse as this short skinny dainty looking thing that is somehow the scar-covered hero that saved the world. Anyone who is directly looking for him is like “Oh you’re the famous Jesse? I thought you’d be tougher looking”, and then they immediately meet their fate on the floor in the Family Guy dead pose. But of course, Green-Suspender Jesse is my second choice.
Jesse Personality:
Chaotic Neutral or True Neutral
Some days he’s a sweetheart, other days he’s a little shit. There is no telling what this man’s personality could be at any given moment. There is no pattern. But he’s naturally cheeky so who knows.
Also he’s one of those people that doesn’t process his emotions too well. So for my Jesse, he’s naturally sad at heart, which results in him finding it difficult to cope with extra sadness too well, but also having a constant longing feeling for happiness or moments of pure bliss. He finds that the best way to fill that void is helping people or being in the act of helping people. If left doing nothing for too long, he gets very unstable.
He also feeds off of other people’s happiness and joy, especially his friends. He’s his happiest around people he loves. If left totally alone, he can’t cope.
Prefered Armours:
Shield of Infinity
I adore Shield of Infinity! There’s just something about it that just makes my brain happy. It have this really regal/majestic vibe to it (which is also mentioned in game), and it looks to incorporate emeralds into its patterns. Not only that but spikes on the shoulders! Also its Lapis Blue in colour.
Tooth Chipper
I just really like how simple this one is. While the Underneath’s armours don’t get much love, I would just like to say I love this one. It doesn’t feel too cluttered compared to the other armours on offer.
Favourite New Order Member:
I just can’t describe it, but I LOVE Olivia. She’s just that vibey bestie that’s not afriad to tell you you’re an idiot in the most serious or sarcastic tone ever. She’s also like that friend that is more like a sister and will annoy the hell out of you if given the chance.
I will say though, Jesse is normally my favourite NOOTS member, but he can be shoved to the side for favouritism punishment.
Favourite Old Order Member:
Omg the redstoners are my favourites, what a surprise! But seriously though, for me Ellie is just really neat. She has that “I don’t like people” charm to her. Like, she’s very awkward in conversation and seems like she doesn’t realise what she’s saying until long after she’s spoken. She’s quirky, like me-
Ivor was also shunted to the side because of favouritism punishment. He can be a family in the corner with Jesse.
Favourite Side Character:
Why do I like Gill? Fuck you, that’s why. He’s just so goofy and huggable and “I don’t know wtf i’m doing” coded. He lives in my head rent free. He just wants to vibe but Aiden wouldn’t let him.
Also I project a lot of personality and ideas onto Gill, and I specialise in pairing him with Jesse in the most dumbass situations where Jesse progressively loses more braincells the more time he spends with Gill. I just love them <3
Favourite Villain:
Cassie Rose
I prefer Cassie overall. She’s mysterious, and she’s lashing out because of cruelty done to her in her shrouded past. You don’t know why she’s angry or why she resorted to murder, but you know enough to understand why she wouldn’t simply reach out for help. Also she’s a cat person, and I simply cat pass up a cat-person coded character.
Favourite S2 Character:
Personally I don’t like the Season 2 characters, with the majority of them just completely escaping from my memory until someone mentions their name. However, I do have my preferences in Jack, Nurm and Radar; the Beacon Town bois.
Jack was the one I got attached to the most, with Nurm followed very close behind. He radiates “cool uncle” energy that makes me smile every time, especially when he’s showing off or bragging. Even if people find his bragging habit annoying, I personally love it because it’s just a simple touch of world building and fun interaction. He’s just fun.
Leave or Stay:
Stayed in Beacon Town
This choice is basically “Be Gay or Do Crime” and I chose to be gay, just not gay for Lukas.
On a reasonable note, I honestly think the reason Jesse would have stayed in Beacon Town would be from a guilty conscience. He feels he’s to blame for the destruction and disruption of both Beacon Town and Champion City, and that everything that happened is all his fault because he was the one that first lured the Admin in, even if accidentally. He wants to fix his mistakes, not abandon them.
We are now entering more-so Headcanon territory
Jesse x Gill
It’s a stupid ship, but its my stupid ship. I will love them till the end of time.
Lukas x Olivia
They have such nice chemistry, and also they’re both nerds that just click for me.
Ivor x Harper
We all know why.
Jack x Nurm
They are husbands, your honour.
Jesse x Cassie
This isn’t a very prominent ship of mine, and often takes a more friendship-like approach anyway. This is honestly just here because of AU reasons, as for some reason if I have an AU where Jesse and Gill don’t interact (either at all or really late) then Cassie is automatically Jesse’s best friend. This is the case for Lapis Swap and Ender Child.
Despite this, this ship is either “They’re best friends” or “They are specifically romantically insterested”, which is why I’m listing it as a ship. There is only one of my AUs that’s somewhere in the middle, but other than that it’s between those two options. Although I will say, there are only a total of four AUs of mine that have Jesse and Cassie interact like this.
Other than that, I still think its funny if regular canon Jesse had an “Oh she’s cute” moment when first meeting Cassie. Basically Cassie was Jesse’s “Omg I’m not just gay” awakening but he won’t dare to admit it.
Jesse x Lukas
I don’t generally ship this one, but it’s the ship that I love reading about and viewing art for. I just love the fanfictions and art pieces I find, with pretty much everything being some of the best works I’ve encountered for any fandom. Its the ship that I just follow the fandom for, but I still have a great appreciation for.
Canon Event:
I’ve never watched Spiderverse so I’m just guessing if I’m using the term right.
In my canon of MCSM, the canon event is Jesse’s childhood home being destroyed when he was a child. Yes yes, I’m going for the “Jesse is an orphan” trope, but its fine. This event is what pushes forward a lot of my canon and also AU stories, and is altered accordingly when needed.
So info about this day; Jesse’s home is attacked by griefers when he was age 6, resulting in him fleeing from home (and dad’s death). However on this particular day there were multiple presences in the area; Sammy, Jack & Vos, who were coming to visit the family as Sammy was Jesse’s biological aunt; Ellegaard, who was heading back to Redstonia with a crew of miners who had come back from a mining expedition; and Ivor, who was travelling to collect materials to take back to his lab. Out of everyone to encounter, Jesse encounters Ivor, who then fended off any pursuing griefers to protect the child. He then takes him to the nearest town to ensure Jesse was a bit safer.
This event can be altered in many ways to suit my AU differences, like encountering Sammy’s group, or encountering Ellegaard, or simply Ivor taking care of Jesse himself. I have even changed the time that the event takes place, or removed it all together. Honestly, if I make an AU revolving around Jesse, this is the spot that I look at beforehand.
AUs (listed):
Lapis Swap AU
Ender Child AU (Son of Soren AU)
Engineer Jesse AU (Son of Ellegaard AU)
Alchemist Jesse AU (Son of Ivor AU)
Jack’s Nephew AU
Secret Elytrians AU
Origins AU
Early Daughter AU
“It Never Happened” AU
Permanent Champion AU
Admin Order AU
If there are any AUs that may intrigue you, feel free to ask. I’m always happy to chat about them and answer questions.
Little Side Idea I Wanna Share:
I’m giving Jesse a parrot.
Yes, I know Lluna exists, but she’s still technically Stella’s pet. And also yes, Jesse may not be able to fully get over Reuben, but sometimes getting another pet is the best way to move on.
Also the main reason I’m giving Jesse a parrot is due to my post-canon events. Long story short, the Order is severely injured but Jesse has it worse and is permanently out of commission. The rest of the Order healed to a reasonable health before Jesse could, so they could head back to their respective towns. Although, a couple of days before they do, Jack and Jesse find a young parrot fresh out of the nest without any feathers except one single lapis-blue tail feather. Jack recommends (forces) Jesse to take care of the bird while he was recovering, as Jack could definitely see that Jesse’s mental state wasn’t too good, but also the parrot’s lack of feathers was due to parrot depression too. While reluctant at first, after the first night he started connecting with the parrot almost immediately as the two found their similarities really quick, and helped each other into healing (physically & mentally).
Basically my whole purpose for the parrot is for the analogy and comparision for healing. Jesse is devasted that he can’t do what he loves anymore because of his injuries, so there would be every chance that he would spiral downwards, so give him the one thing he needs to prevent that from happening; company. The others, despite their efforts, are always going to have to leave, so Jesse needs someone who won’t leave. Not only that, but Jesse is someone who just feels the need to help people, to help others. So in my theory, you give him someone who won’t need his side but also someone who needs his help too. So I gave him a parrot friend.
Also the parrot’s name is Lazuli, because she has lapis blue feathers. She was named that because of the singular tail feather she had initially though before she healed.
She also acts as a messager around Beacon Town, because why the hell not.
Hope this opens up a but about my personal canon of Minecraft Story Mode. I’m quite happy with what information I’ve given about my brain, but if you have questions, don’t be afraid to ask.
Have a good day!
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wildfire317s-oc-box · 2 years
My nicknames for the demon slayer / kny characters (probably gonna be edited as time goes on):
Tanjiro: checkers, fox-cub, country bumpkin #1, cannon-ball, simba, glitched eevee
Nezuko: dynamite, foxlette, bunny-rabbit, local cleric
Zenitsu: bug-zapper, sparky, thunder, lightning bolt, zen-, simp lord, timone, pikachu
Inosuke: piggu, oinker, boar-boy, country bumpkin #2, mankey, pumba
Murata: squeaker, lucky clover, mister nine lives
Genya: fluff-ball, grumpy gills junior, half 'n' half, hyena-boy, beastie
Kanao: lucky-flip
Aoi: lapis, sky blue
Sabito: sabi-, fire fox, soggy/sabi-fox, fox-boy, the ginger, local red-head, short-stack, short-king, secret weasly
Makomo: momo-chan, sky-fox, quick-silver, shorty, daisy-chain
Giyuu: shadow, shadow-fox, fox-fox, espresso-depresso
Urokodaki: fox-dad, old man river
Kyojuro: Ren-, K(i)yo, Phoenix, fire-chicken, owl boy, (my apologies in advance) donut man
Shinjuro: mega butt-lord, maltov, head-butt practice, gunpowder fuse
Senjuro: owlet, Sen-, baby-phoenix, sweet bean
Kanae: monarch, lilac, sweet one
Shinobu: lavender, butterfly, grumpy one, chihuahua
Sanemi: feral-ass, gremlin man, feral pomeranian, cottonheaded ninimuggins, cotton poof, grumpy gills senior, shouty mc-lionmane the second (the original being nishiki from tokyo ghoul), deranged dandelion, dunkass
Uzui: loud-mouth, gaston knock-off, bastard ass, obnoxious mf, tryhard ninja, man-hoe, rich prick, pickpocket-bait, spoiled jackass, captain crack-head, testiclies high dumbass of testosterone
Muichiro: Mui-, -chiro, misty, cloudy-boy, spacer, space-cadet, pedo-buster, smol-bean
Mitsuri: love-bug, melon-stripes, best-girl (of the humans), cat-girl, sweet-girl
Iguro: snek, sneky-snek, snake-boy, snake-charmer, zebra-stripes, duo-chrome, dress boy (you all know the dress i mean if you look at his entire color-palette), icyhot, sneaky simp
Gyomei: gentle giant, beastie-tree, tibetin-mastiff, the tall one, prayer beads, mister budda beads
Kaigaku: Kai-, evil-sparky, local rogue, invert-color-zenitsu, black-lightning, gender-bent azula, tiger-cub
Kokushibo/mitchikatsu: koku-, mitchi-, -shibo, sixer, moony, Kaigaku's dad, ponytail
Douma: frosty, blondie, ink-splat, great-dane, daki & gyutaro's dad, rainbow-brain, lounge-lion, kaleidoscope eyes
Akaza/Hakuji: cat-boy, tabby-stripe, raging-bisexual, pinky, -kaza
Nakime: Naki, rapunzel, mademoiselle noir, Naki-nak's
Hantengu: -tengu, murder-hobo, bird-brain, lord of bullshitery, han-, mousey
Gyokko: shape of water, fish for brains, dollar-store axolotl, house-plant, shitty-wizard, pedo-fish, off brand anish kapoor
Daki: material-girl, alt-timeline barbie (if you know you know), miss wears pink on wednesdays
Gyutaro: pretty paint-splatter boy, cutie-spots, pretty pretty gyutaro, floofy-hair, sharky, snarky-shark, gyu-, taro-taro, hyena-shark, hyena-man, mantis, floof-floof-cotton-poof, paint/ink splatter cutie
Enmu: enmu the tank engine, train-boy, emu, goat-eyes, (^w^)/OwO face, crazy-train, (in reference to his disembodied hand alone) off brand thing, HMS (his majesty's simp), the OwO translator
Ubume: n/a
Rokuro: geode, lower moon dad 2, rock-uro
Hairo: grouchy wolf, grumpy guns, dollar store cowboy
Wakuraba: elf-ears, off-brand legolas
Mukago: fuzzball, whiskers, fluffy-horns
Rui: spidy, spider-boy, ru-ru, rui-ru, web-slinger, tiny bean, smol gremlin, precious pain in the ass, adorable lil shit, squishy, squishy-cheeks, raging ball of white fluff, spidy/spider-paws
Kamanue: baby-dragon, kama-kama, kama, nue
Kyogai: tiger-stripes, tiger, kyo-, looks like a dad (not even kidding he looks very similar to my actual dad just put a goatee on him), mister its a kilt, captain funky music, big drummer-boy, lower moon dad 1
Tamayo: tama-san, tama-tama, the science queen
Yushiro: bratty-cat, simp king
Susumaru: maru, susu, maru-chan
Yahaba: triple a, mister hand-eye coordination, off brand death the kid
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puzzled-pegasus · 11 months
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sinnedxkiwix · 1 year
Xiaoyun mer!Chongyun au part 1/??
When Alatus, no. When Xiao was assigned the role of yaksha, the problem with his karmic debt arise.
Rex Lapis shared a glance with the other yakshas present and nodded his head as he came to a decision.
Reaching into his sleeve, he pulled out what seemed to be a blue clam. Its appearance was ordinary, with tiny cracks and discoloration around the edges.
Spotting the object, the other yakshas all watched in anticipation, with some giggling and others standing closer to the lake on top of mount aozang.
Then Xiao felt a sudden vibration of geo in the air coming from Rex Lapis and into the clam, it shook with as much intensity as the amount of elemental energy surrounding it as it slowly levitates in the air. And with a light flick of his hand, the clam dipped into the water and it took a moment for Xiao to process what was happening before he caught onto another vibration in the wind.
Xiao turned around just in time to see a person appearing out of thin air with a puff of cold smoke, leaving behind tiny snowflakes in the morning wind.
The new arrival bowed with his hands in a fist-and-palm salute
"Ready to heed your command, Rex-" the words died in his throat as the stranger locked eyes with him.
Xiao found himself looking into a pair of icy blue eyes with his mouth agape.
He had pale skin with glistening light blue scales around his cheek and neck, complimenting his long fluffy blue hair that reaches his waist, making them almost unnoticeable if not for the fact that they were mere millimeters apart.
The amused voice of his lord shook both of them out of their trace.
The stranger lower his head in embarrassment "I apologize for letting you witness such a display, my lord."
Rex Lapis chuckled "Raise your head, you have done nothing to offend me."
Chongyun straighten his form but it was evident that the encounter prior still weight on this mind from the vibrant color from his cheek and pointy ears. And the sound of the other yakshas' amusement was not helping in keeping his composure. Xiao swore he saw his ear droop down a little.
"I digress," Rex Lapis gestured towards him "Chongyun, I would like you to meet your new confidant, Xiao. Xiao, this is Chongyun, he's responsible for taking care of your karmic debt from now on."
Xiao bowed "I'll be in your care."
Chongyun smiled and did the same "Likewise."
"Xiao," Rex Lapis reached into his sleeve and pulled out a familiar looking seashell that resembles the one he saw his lord used earlier and placed it on Xiao's hands. But after further inspection, this one looked almost brand new with hints of teal on its shell. "Use this to contact Chongyun, just infuse it with your anemo and he'll be at your aid."
Xiao carefully covered the shell with both of his hand "Thank you, I'll keep it safe."
Rex Lapis nodded approvingly before continuing "Ah, I need to inform you that you'll need to be near the ocean for it to make the summoning successful."
Chongyun cleared his throat awkwardly "Perhaps a demonstration is better than an explanation in this case?"
Rex lapis chuckled "Proceed."
Chongyun glanced at his hanfu sheepishly "As you've probably guessed, I'm not a human, nor can I hold onto a human form for a long period of time like the other adepti..."
Chongyun trail off as he step into the water with his bare-feet til' it reached his hips. "So..." with that, Chongyun let himself fall backwards into the water with his whole body submerged as Xiao could only looked on stupefied.
But not a moment later, a clawed hand found its way on the stone platform they were standing on, and along with a familiar mop of blue hair.
Chongyun's other clawed hand lightly pushed his wet hair back "So more often than not, you'll be seeing me in this form."
Xiao's breath got stuck in his throat as he laid eyes on a long blue tail connected to Chongyun's hips.
A mer?
Xiao could see gills at the side of his neck accompanied by larger patches of scales and sharp teeth in the corner of his mouth. His tail was shining under the morning sun with its pretty flowy ends. Chongyun's face was dusted a familiar red with how he's probably eating up the sight of him right now, his blue pupil dilated and his iris reflecting the water below him.
It makes it hard to look away.
It'd been a while since I wrote something like this so I'm rusty- (。﹏。)
At one point I kinda wanted to change his tail into a shark tail but I was too far in at that point and I wanted to keep his scales /_ \
Hope you guys enjoyed this little thing I wrote though ♪(´▽`)
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incognosis · 2 years
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@dvouring: he has the marks of one of zhongli's past lovers upon him, and it was difficult to tell which part of the ex archon was looking at him when he saw pieces of osial. sprawled upon the bed, a gentler rain outside a darkened sky, it's raindrops a soft cacophony upon the rooftop, the room is dark save for the bare skin of morax's arms, the bioluminescence of childe's inherited scales that seemed to pulse with his heartbeat. ' zhongli. ' rasped sigh left him on a quiet exhale, the sound of his voice enraptured by the sight before him. glowing hand would move the part the red folds of childe's shirt, the way his hand touched the harbinger's sternum making osial's gills at his ribs flutter, making childe's eyes dark with want. he knew this, and yet, it continued to rain. who are you looking at ? me, or the god who possesses my body ? a hand came up to rest at zhongli's nape, gentle in how he pulled apart the ties, rich brown hair falling from it's binds. in that moment, maybe it is the culmination of both their wants that he holds the silker umber strands in hand, kissing the hair at his fingertips like one would worship any part of a deity they could.
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he   stares   at   the   creation   below   him   with   eyes   of   divinity,   cor   lapis   gaze   splintered   with   all   the   rawness   of   a   god   lost   in   the   throes   of   the   situation   they'd   found   themselves   in.   in   everything   he   does   -   zhongli   is   so   assured,   morax   even   more   so,   so   confident   in   each   step   he   took   through   this   mortal   life.   but   even   for   him   -   this   was   uncharted   territory,   dark   and   abyssal   waters   that   he   could   navigate   only   based   on   feeling   alone.   and   for   a   man   who   had   spent   over   six   thousand   years   avoiding   such   emotions?   it   was   a   monumental   task,   one   that   he   would   laud   to   be   harder   than   anything   else   he's   ever   done   in   his   long,   long   lived   life.   but   childe...   the   knowledge   of   childe,   on   the   other   side   of   this,   that   makes   it   all   worth   it   in   the   end   he   supposes.   
gilded   scales   enshrouded   in   umber   pulsate   in   the   dim   room,   the   gold   tips   of   his   claws   so   gentle   in   their   caress.   countless   scars   from   the   harbingers   own   battles   mottle   the   skin   beneath   his   touch,   now   alongside   osial's   luminous   scales,   and   he   is   reverent   in   the   descent   of   his   fingertips   -   mapping   the   lines   of   sweet   flesh   with   studious   purpose,   all   while   the   hue   of   his   gaze   refuses   to   leave   childe's   own.   tender,   tender,   tender   -   it's   impossibly   soft   -   the   way   zhongli   looks   at   him,   the   way   his   stoney   features   have   melted   into   something   downright   devastated   -   just   by   the   sound   of   the   harbinger   muttering   his   name   alone.
a   rumble   of   thunder   in   the   distance,   the   patter   of   rain....   it   all   falls   to   the   wayside,   long   since   distracted   by   the   pull   of   zhongli's   draconic   intent.   the   hand   not   upon   childe's   chest   curls   tight   into   the   sheets   near   his   head,   as   the   younger's   coaxing   fingertips   find   solace   in   his   nape   and   he   watches   -   bewitched   -   when   a   reverent   kiss   is   placed   to   the   silk   of   his   dark   tresses.   
something   shifts   in   him   then,   a   piece   of   stone   reconnecting   to   a   jagged   edge   of   his   heart,   and   zhongli   finds   his   chest   full   -   so   full,   as   he   leans   downwards.   it   is   unsurprising   for   childe   to   wonder   who   zhongli   pines   for   in   these   moments   -   when   the   vestiges   of   his   prolific   age   old   lover   and   the   new   object   of   his   affections   have   become   one.   it   doesn't   stun   him   in   the   slightest   that   he   might   be   confused   or   hurt   by   where   zhongli's   gaze   or   touch   may   linger.   but...
the   answer   to   childe's   questions   come,   when   zhongli   lowers   his   head,   their   mouths   mere   centimeters   apart.
"   ajax.   "   he   murmurs   on   a   prayer,   and   seals   their   lips   together   in   a   desperate   press.
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envihellbender · 1 year
Characters: Adrian, King Leomaris (OCs)
Content: MDNI, 18+, extreme immobility, extreme fats, merpeople, cloaca, piss, cum, smothering, death by cloaca, royalty
Adrian knew he was fucked. He didn’t need the night in a cell, the beatings from the guards, or a heavy golden collar around his neck to tell him that. Now however, he was desperately swimming forward to keep up with the prison wardens, so that he wasn’t choked as he was being dragged to the throne room. He hadn’t expected for it to be this bad, he predicted he would get an amputation for stealing from the Palace’s food supply. He hadn’t taken much after all, but instead he was being taken to see the fucking King Leomaris.
The palace was carved with ivory and gold, making the gigantic building a terrifying presence, the ceiling was so high at first Adrian thought he was staring at the ocean ceiling. It was a soft blue with glistening lights covering it, and it was so impossibly high it dwarfed Adrian who’s small apartment’s roof was an inch above his head. His chest heaved as the guards pulled him along without allowing for a break, exhausting him but they didn’t take a single look back at him.
When they entered the vast hall, the guards stopped suddenly causing Adrian to crash into their backs. They threw him forwards and Adrian paled as he stared at the obscene image in front of him. Everyone knew the King was huge, but Adrian had never considered how gargantuan that was. In front of his eyes were two ginormous fins, or what were fins, now they were two shapeless mounds of blubber that rested uselessly on the floor in front of him. Above that was his tail which raised to way above Adrian’s head causing the King’s face, torso, and everything else to be completely out of view.
“A prisoner as requested, Your Majesty,” one of the guards grunted.
“Mm. Bring- bring it to… me,” King Leomaris wheezed, panting between each word. The guards swam upwards, pulling on Adrian’s chain to drag him behind them. He looked down to see the elephantine creature beneath him. Of course blue whale sharks were the biggest of the shark merpeople but this was gigantic even for this species. His pale blue blubber was like a palace of itself, slowly fading into the even lighter blue mass that was his torso, absurdly stretching gills that looked like grotesque gashes in his flesh. Surrounding his fins and fat rolls were chains and jewels - golden rings, sapphires, lapis lazuli, and opals all collected on his body. Finally at the top was a large neck roll that was like a ginormous tyre, which his grotesque head was sinking in to.
The guards shoved Adrian onto King Leomaris’s body, still holding onto his chain but causing him to fall into a large mound of blubber. It was impossibly soft and painfully hot, heating the water around him. Adrian could feel his chest tighten through the smothering hot, his own silver tail struggling to move within the mass of adipose and his almost white thin arms pushing against the fat to try and gain some composure.
“Which… which… one is this?” The King groaned. A loud, grunting, roaring noise filled the room. The fat beneath Adrian’s body rippled as the stomach beneath him desperately screamed for food. “Turn… on… the… tube.” Adrian jumped and looked up to see a large funnel begin churning and whirring. The King opened his mouth as a mixture that looked like thick lard fell into the King’s gaping maw. Adrian waited and watched in disgust as his stomach churned as he watched the King slurp disgustingly and the food gather around his mouth and drop onto his chest. His fat wobbled and rippled with every mouth full and movement. Eventually he let out a loud belch causing repulsive, foul smelling bubbles to float away from his jaw.
“As you asked before your meal, Your Highness, this is the thief. The scavenger who attempted to take some of your food supply, Your Worship,” a guard rambled nervously.
“Hmpf,” the King grunted boredly. “Death… sentence… to… death.”
“What- no I- I’m sorry- I’m sorry you can’t-” Adrian stammered struggling. He attempted to swim upwards to escape, but all the guards did was tug on his chain, pulling him into their grip.
“How, your worship?” The guard holding Adrian’s golden collar asked.
“Smother… in… cloaca,” the King wheezed. Adrian yelled and struggled as the guards forced him downwards. He kicked with his tail, and pushed, scratched and punched with his weak, shaking arms. Despite all this he felt his long black hair be pulled into a fist as he was shoved inside the warm, wet vertical slit at the top of the King’s tail. The hot, gigantic opening closed above him, smothering him completely and causing him to vomit onto the pink flesh. He desperately struggled as he found himself being completely covered by the disgusting blubber, being taken in by the fat. He attempted to kick the large balls that were the King’s testicles, he tried to grab and scratch and escape at them and the flesh around him. All he got was a mouth full of unwashed flesh, sweat, old stale semen, and what may have been piss at one point. It didn’t take long for Adrian to be covered in yet more of these repulsive, foul smelling substances. Resulting in the ‘floor’ of the cloaca was becoming yellow with his vomit. He tried to bury with his desperate fists beneath the King’s cock which was completely covered in fat. He stopped when his hand touch something warm and solid, he ripped it out of place, and found a skull staring back at him.
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perisdynasty · 1 year
I love it when SU fanartists give Lapis fish things like fins or gills
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zuuz-dot-chr-exe · 2 years
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Log date: 10/01/22
Gosh- I haven't posted my own art for 100 years... so sorry...
But since i bought this sketchbook I wanted to post that lapis page I did recently.
I wrote in Polish on there do here are translations:
Upper part:
"eyebrows almost invisible"
"these are not gills, just markings"
"super-flat nose"
"elf ears"
"lower jaw goes over upper jaw"
"traces of cracks still remain"
Left: "not too tall, but streamline"
Right: "bat wings, not [angels]"
Bottom left:
"freckles like fish scales"
"no hair beside head"
"another [gills]"
Also Lapis performing some waterbending.
Don't repost reblogs are appriciated.
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444namesplus · 1 month
@05litervalentino @1laba @1qone-2wtwo @7-dyslexic-7-draw @7dale @16tons40ft7000years @69bc @110-1001-gang @1000101-is-bq @4554551n5-53x-641 @aardwaaaaarrrk @aegalth @aeiou-eaoiu @aeric-binaryquark @aglahcitna @ahere-abe-adragons @alkyri @alyuminyevyye-ogurtsy @andjerrytomand @anjeh-the-fox @anomin @anothersmartfella @anzwer-znake @aragarn @asbadassadabsa @asbestos-armor @astarawars @averyfun @azuras-star-shimmer @baabae-baibao-baubay @bacedifoguhy @bagbegbigbogbug @bakeware-deposition-roof @balkaaaaaaaaaan @basica-advance @bbipprpripridpride @bedtiya-lyrovekem @berlock-bolmes @bezruk-beznog-igruwkalubvi @bibleoftheuuuh @biblionnaire @bilboard-begging @bister-belectric @blazing-anchor @blogofthornsandhoneyloops @bludsugar @bnmbmnnbmnmbmbnmnb @boctor-battson @boldtheandboldthebatman @boshla @boulevardian-neptune @bre-dou-tof-exi-ste-nce @broken-sword-nfs @bronyslav-ponyashkovich @buck-cupcake-divide @bulwark-kamen @bv-cv-gv-tv @carkliff @carport-clone-formula @chamberlaint @charlie-two-four @chrystophallograph @chzhanhmelung @cjacjenospwe @cold-videocassette @comfort-forest-grandfather @cumvomit @da1312dj @da-damne @daftiest-punkster @daftpunkfusion @damn-chat-fiend @damngoodkiiick @dan-the-wolfram @daraghon-kanhig @das-unjipk @daughter-of-numerals @daughter-saltpeter @ded-lung-gaming @demented-fruit @deston-city-south @dimmed-suns @doktor-rjontgen @dollarsignbutttattoo @dormammu-69 @doublelelea @down-the-c4-blvd @draco-penissimus @drg-darth-revans-gooch @earl-xegyas-maelstrom @ein-homosapiens @emitehtllaynrohosmai @enactment-left-ownership @explosive-saturday @fabeic-makee @fiddlestone @finrer @fishbones-for-teeth @flaccid-clown @flagoffashion @flagofgreenengland @fordveil-citycold @former-hordesio-rper @frau-not @friday-fryday-fryday-freeday @from-londonia @frootbatz @fruitdepositoryfragrance @fuckdamniloveburgers @fuckin-switnwah @full-galaxy @galadrieli @ghoullahan @ghuard @gills-on-ribs @ginger-whomst @global-glob @goblin-metal-enthusiast @gogh-van-damn @goghivan @good-honda @goprodme @green-neil-armstrong @gruntledgruntle @haelalao @haltondub @hands-solow @haoyangrde @happy-buzzerbee @hashbrownberryhashtagger @hateful-jester @haumea-ash @hawqeye @hear-the-words-i-cry-to-tell @heroxyz-kvatchxyz @hierarchy-novel-role @hillwilliam @hims-elf @hjaggard-duum @hjolographic @hokori-tataki-tora-wa-nya @holdmyhorses @hologram-voltvibez @holotape-dispenser @holotapesloot @hoomanese-expert @hosonnyseun-boi @house-but-xman @hyunsuke-stickmansky @i-am-baq @i-ofte-forge-fina-letter @ibragim-zlatanovich-lol @ifj8ibpp-cbqfpefpq @im-telligent @ingestigation @insightful-nyctomancer @intro-to-snow @intuition-laptop-maybe @invisiwatch-medic
@jazzyhandjob @jibblegonk-bay @jimmy-chunga @jimmytsu-balphaet @jiuniutaizo-em @jklmnopqr-wxyz @jnvjsjble-ioann @jojokukulala @joking-key @jon-sparrow @joshuawhhh-furzone @jotskes @jumanji-but-thats-my-name @jumpercell @karlbaronsmit-swag @keep-loading-peace @kemsitetinderdin-barin-blyat @kev-ins-eve-n00 @killionaire @kilobyte-virus @kilogram-left @kilomichaelofsauce @kjing @kjoka-kjolla @kjorn-sciruph @kronenbergonomics @kryztalkleer @lacroix-zucker @lalanteternene-hjejernene @lapis-radiance @last-2-digits-of-pi-69 @leftbracketcurve @legates-no-bark @legendofbbqtiddies @legobard @lemonade-danomel @leveleight @listed-thefatrat @liuec @liveforevertonight @livnakcalb @lobo-the-pogostick @loonerism-spiker @loveisfurry @magelatomic @maladaptive-quant @mamasterti-boprasti @mavark-javanais @mcsummerset @megakamehamehalodon @megamind-but-ninjago @memorial-point-reporter @meridia-s-meridian @miku-vult @mister-vorldvide @modem-g-j-b-b-g @mont-ver @moringave @morndas-fuckin @mr-or-mrs-acrasia @mrs-blvd @mtftyes @mueaw @mybonesgotglagoliticonem @mynaisje @myster-stendec @n00-eve-ins-kev @nce-ste-exi-tof-dou-bre @ncuti-epie @nemomarch @nesnad-tiurethca @nevermyth @niki-jean @nmwu-gg @no-honda-mimics @no-we-ea-so @northern-malachite @northern-rosewood @nowork @number-j @ohatsune @oldteen @omicron-volt @one-hop-this-thyme @oo-yuyu @ourworkis-neverover @oyster-shirtdress-trench @paebnaibsa @pagan-pigeon @partial-sinergy @pbsxvvbzhwdvixfn @pilates-assassin @pinkpanzer11 @pipiwawacocodee @pixel-skillxel @plushies-and-my-own-skull @porigon @posting-posts-for-posting @prancerpine @pyrosoldier @q-wery-eot-rerson @qalastar @qaleidosqope @qaren-the-qashier @qarina @qaz-wsx-edc-rfv @qentr-mira-moego @qevin-storm @qey-of-qolomon @qoldwar @quiet-workforce @quori-kalashtar-bitch @qwe-josephine-qwe @qwweeerrrrtttttyyyyyyuuuuuuu @qybernetix @ra-lady @ratssraw @remove-all-tittles @rhinoceros-supervisor-tactics @rhodes-continent @rimw0rld-prime @rjock-and-stjone @rocke-stonet @roiud @rotund-tower @rrresdrawkcabeht @saidthendone @saint-jiub-clan @salamanderwhale @salogel @saxophone-megaton-hale @scallopii @sclerah-irish-pupilh @scout-head @screwdriver-sleet-spork @second-pair-twice @sector-snorer-warden @sedimental-knowledge @sejcas-ili-nikogda @seoih @server-twine-zootsuit @sextimeloopfetish @sibilantina @sigma-ligma-enigma @sinful-druid @skillmet-dufresne @skillxel @skirmishoulder @sknallet @slayingafaik @solomon-gadget @spack-jarrow @sparkling-crystal-soul-of-gold @sqynchanger @stahl-stahl-stahl @standardabcsandmore @stdabc @storageunit-torage-uni @straightn-apostrophe-t @strangely-sad-littlegay-guy @styallyiyon-tyestyes @sunniptat @superman-but-autobot @swawsmaster @swedenvermont @swerwerfan @taddock-brew @taegofox @taeon @takua-but-grox @talasau @teh-siceromon @thaethe @that-sks-goblin @the-ampersandian @the-lever-puller @the-pogging-asterisk @the-qataqombs-qey @the-scht-4graph @themercifulglam @therapeutic-personel @thewdymgirl @this-is-some-bith-jizz @throfiaflam @tiefling-sksak47m16a4qbu @tittyrminator @trabulcxes @trapbagelwire @trevrep-o7 @tu-lover @tvflash @tyrel-hahah-jamaiqa @unclejane-7-1-25 @universe-edge @v-ve-ven-venator @vanguardphenotype @vere-wolf-orwa-mpir-e123 @verypluto-veryplutonium @vimcemt-vam-kleim @vivid-bloke @vorldvideveb @vowel-shift-vuwil-shoft @vtheverdict @vvaterslide @w4224p @waltzstandkartoffel @weareiam @welizabeth-lolson @werecraft-minewolf @werepencil @werewold-renamon @wethslith @whatbanana @whooperassbuckleson @wierd-9 @wiserable @wordlefel-tomorrowind @xazvelaki @xenophiliac-coconut @yagaton-ibatub @yaldabaoth-horse @yolomancer @your-bejohnjenkster @yuan-dynastypical @zero-xrays
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