#Give CF the full route length and let you last minute recruit Catherine if X requirements are met
inkperch ยท 8 months
I really, really wish you could recruit Seteth in a Crimson Flowers route-
Like. At the point where you spare him, when the writing on the wall is clear, he strikes a deal (assuming Flayn is still alive) that he'll fight by your side as long as you let Flayn get as far away as possible from the fighting. (Maybe even have 'sparing Claude' as a requirement, you call on his favour to send her to Almyra under the protection of their prince.)
Meanwhile Seteth has the ulterior motive of trying to negotiate a terms of surrender for Rhea... Only to slowly come to terms with the fact that, in Crimson Flowers, his sister has Absolutely Lost It(tm), and won't take any 'surrender' short of tearing out Byleth's heart, and El's head-
Give him some unique, CF only varients on his Supports, let someone who genuinely cares for Rhea side against her and challenge El's stances, let him call out Hubie on not standing up to El and just quietly cleaning up after her from the shadows (in a way that is definitely not him projecting as he watches his sister go insane to a degree that seals her own fate from him similarly not challenging her as much as he should've), give him an angsty ass unique interaction where he pleads with Rhea to see that she can't win against El and Byleth, but she can survive, but she doesn't even care about her own survival at this point she just wants those two dead-
I just think it would be neat.
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