#Give me more janaya content please
qpjat076 · 2 months
So I JUST finished TDP season 6. . .
spoilers under cut, unorganized long-ass essay because it do be 4am and i have many thoughts and no one awake to listen to them. brief content warning about abuse but no details, just mentioned:
ok season 5 was better but this wasn't terrible. I still have no idea how they pull the Y7 rating with all the blood. I'm both appalled and impressed. And also some of that other stuff too. . . with like the wash-down with Claudia and Terry. . . damn idk that seems a little over Y7 to me but go off I guess.
TERRY YOU DESERVE BETTER. That whole thing just gives me flashbacks to my buddy's abusive relationship (minus voodoo) and I just want to scream at him to GTFO before it's too late. is this gonna be some reverse joker thing? idk. bad vibes.
Why they brought Viren back just to kill him was dumb but damn it was fun to see Claudia go so unhinged in ep 1.
who tf wrote the Rayllum part of this season because HOLY FANFICTION BATMAN THERE WAS ONLY ONE BLANKET. ALSO WAS THAT ONE END CREDITS SKETCH AT THE END OF EP 9 AGED RAYLLUM WITH A KID?!?!??! WAS THAT REAL?!?!? DAMN. WOW. (Edit: while that shot in particular upon looking at it again is maybe Rayla and her parents because the dude has pointed ears. . . but then if that's the case. . . why doesn't he have horns? that shot is super weird i wonder if the art dept. made a mistake and if not I have a thousand questions.)
Regarding that, does that mean final season time skip? Uncertain. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I hope not. timeskip for JUST the final season when the problems are here and now makes no sense at all. (Edit: again, clearly no skip if that''s the parents but also WHERE ARE THE HORNS. HOW COULD YOU FORGET THE HORNS YOU HAD ONE JOB GUYS I'M PRETTY SURE THERE ARE NO HORNS ON THAT GUY).
regarding rayllum tho, this season, it felt too much like fan service honestly? especially that dumbass ship monologue it was so dumbbbbbbbbbbbbbb i hated that. I DID like that Callum finally confronted the whole dark magic thing with Rayla. Interesting to see where he goes from here. Aaravos doesn't need him as a vessel with claudia around but he might still try to mess with him now that he's free. I did like the resolution and where it eventually ended up but that part of the build up was just KILLER (derogatory)
Props to Rayla and her 3 dads I love it, I thought that resolution made sense. Her parents had each other but Runaan can't move on without Ethari and I respect being that down bad for a man. Regarding the rep. . . who else is seeing something with Soren and Corvis? I think they could be on to something there. or not. I wouldn't mind either way, we need more caring friendships shown between men in media. the show has plenty of rep without it, so to me I think it works either way. tho I will say that's my opinion as a straight person so maybe others feel differently?
Janaya wedding was lit, but I have thoughts on Amaya: namely, why have we stopped showing so much of her ASL? I think it's dope?!?! bring it back please I want to see the signs AND hear Gren, not just Gren. Amaya's face is very important to expressing her character, ESPECIALLY being a Deaf woman communicating in ASL!! I would like to see it when she is communicating, it's a part of the language!! So the rainbow rep was great, the Deaf rep needs a liiiiiiiittle more revising. Not that I'm Deaf. I've just worked in/with the community before. Maybe the Deaf have a different opinion.
Aaravos and the unicorn being his kid was a twist. they got me and I'm IMPRESSED. also the thing with the diamond, now THAT was a good fake-out. wow. impressed over here. i knew it wasn't gonna be so easy for Rayla but also I didn't anticipate it going in that direction. props to them for that, though they did NOT get me with the prison swap. that was so telegraphed it might as well have had a sign saying SUSPICIOUS plastered over it.
big star man. big. was not expecting so large. wow. that's it that's the thought.
some of the line delivery was kinda bad, specifically that aaravos laughing. bro. who approved that goofy-ass depression laugh bc it clearly wasn't the same person who green-lit Claudia being so deranged. also idk why the animation felt so bad but wow i hated it this time around most of the time. backgrounds and lighting were excellent though.
The whole Sol Regam thing kicked ass tho he whooped him GOOD. I cannot take it fully seriously tho bc Aaravos's vessel is named Pharos, which I conveniently forgot and had to PAUSE THE SHOW bc there's a print software I work with at my job also called Pharos and I was laughing my ass off. that's not the showrunners' fault tho.
Ezran is good. even his rebuff of viren was good and in character for who he is I think. he's not about to execute him, but he isn't about to give him mercy or forgive him. I think that makes sense for a man in support of peace and love. letting him live in prison IS mercy in a way, but viren was a piece of crap to Ezran. he didn't have to be kind about showing his mercy. I think that's the right thing for him to do. I respect it. Overall I'm impressed about how true he remains to his ideals. Ezran for president.
the family talk was awesome. I loved that in ep 5. its hard to deal with family members who have supposedly "changed" after they've abused you. I felt Soren's pain fr. I did like that Viren finally did become a servant to Katolis one last time. . . ok maybe if they didn't do the death fakeout last season I would have been fine with him this season.
so, things I liked. things I didn't. I am curious how it will all resolve next year. (none of my edits reflect my ranking but damn. i can't believe they forgot the horns. damn. wow. they're not there right?!?! am I blind?!?!)
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xynthia-x · 5 years
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solitae · 5 years
Not Nothing - Part 9 - Janaya Fic
x-posted on my AO3 account, link on my main page
Summary:   Amaya finds out who Ori is, and Janai begins to regret introducing them. Meanwhile, the coronation looms closer.
Notes: Oof, busy busy, but I finally managed to get the Ori chapter done! Hopefully the next one will be a bit quicker, but I'm feeling sad about actually trying to wrap this up. Don't worry though, I've got a ton more random Janaya and TDP stuff to write, and I'm feeling like there's going to be a Part 2 to this once I finish this school term.
A big thanks to Nightworldlove for developing Ori with me! (and a shout out to everyone over on the Janaya Nation discord server for all the brainstorming)
No content warnings this time (I don’t think)
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    
Part 5    Part 6    Part 7    Part 8
Janai leaped off the bed and out of Amaya’s arms before Amaya could figure out what was going on. She shot Gren a confused look. 
“Someone in the other room. O-r-i or A-u-r-i maybe?”   He explained with a shrug. 
A frown crossed Amaya’s face. By the time Janai opened the door, Amaya had slid off the bed and wandered over to Gren at the desk. Someone that Amaya couldn’t see flung themself through the doorway and pulled Janai into a full-body hug. 
“Sister! I have been so worried!” 
Amaya blinked when Gren interpreted. Janai had another sibling? The hug made sense then, and Amaya was pleased to see Janai hugging them back just as tightly. When the pair untangled, a shorter elf with a wild puff of orange hair came into view. 
“Ori, this is my - “ Janai coughed, and the other elf shot a curious look at her. “This is General Amaya and her interpreter, Commander Gren. They were part of the forces that fought with us at the Storm Spire.  Amaya, Gren, this is my brother Ori.” 
Undisguised surprise crossed Ori’s face when he looked at them. “Humans in your bedroom? What would Mother have said?”  Mischief glittered in his gold eyes, and he winked at Amaya.
Janai smacked his upper arm, and he laughed easily. There was a brightness about him like a sunny day, and Amaya liked him instantly. He was around Soren’s age, she guessed, maybe a few years older. Narrow cornrows over the crown of his head held back his orange hair, and a series of gold rings decorated his long ears, ending in gauges in his lobes. 
He crossed his wrists in front of his face and offered them a shallow bow. “A pleasure to meet you, General, Commander.” 
“Pleased to meet you too, Ori. Just call me Amaya.”  Amaya gave a quick bow from the waist. When she met Ori’s eyes again, she was happy to see no hesitation in his nod.
“A pleasure as well.” Gren offered with a bow of his own. “And Gren is fine.”
Ori surveyed them curiously, but Janai tugged on his arm. “Come sit with me. How did you get here so early? I did not expect you until tomorrow!” 
It took a moment for Janai to actually get Ori’s attention because he was studying Amaya with some amusement. He gave her a little shrug and let Janai pull him out of her bedroom and to the couch in the sitting room.
Amaya and Gren followed them out but as much as Amaya would push Janai, she didn’t want to intrude. “Shall we give you some privacy, Your Radiance?”
Janai shot both of them a glare at the formal question and rolled her eyes. “No, stay.” As Ori settled next to her on the couch, the door popped open and Kazi darted through it.
“Your Radiance! Ori is-” Kazi broke off with a blink as Ori laughed. “You beat me here!” 
With a grin, Ori bounced off the couch to scoop Kazi up in a hug. Amaya couldn’t help shooting Gren an amused look that he returned. Amaya couldn’t remember any of the Sunfire elves they had met bouncing other than Kazi when they got excited. And only if Janai wasn't in the room. 
“I did! I had to make sure Janai was doing okay.” His lips twitched. “Turns out she had company. In her bedroom.” Ori’s mock scandalized face made Amaya laugh, but Kazi blushed hard.
“Oh.” They ducked and suddenly found their shoes fascinating. 
Ori’s eyebrow rose, and he smirked. “So there is something going on that I could have walked in on, hmmm?” 
Janai cut in, saving Kazi who looked like they might pass out from blushing so hard. “You do not have to answer that, Kazi.” Janai shot Amaya an apologetic glance, but she just grinned.
Kazi sagged in relief and avoided Ori’s knowing look as he dragged them over to the couch. “I didn’t even realize you and Janai were working together!” He seemed excited by the prospect as he looked between his sister and Kazi.
Amaya settled herself in one of the armchairs, and Gren plunked down on a cushion on the floor near her. When Kazi flicked their eyes briefly toward him, he wiggled his fingers in a wave. Amaya’s lips twitched. She was glad they were getting along. 
“Oh, she summoned me to help interpret for General Amaya before Commander Gren was in the city,” Kazi explained as if that made Amaya’s presence clear.
“Oh!” Ori's good humor faded as realization crept over his face, and he looked at Amaya again. “You were the human general who was in the city when-”  
Janai reached over to squeeze his hand as she interrupted, “She was.” Amaya could tell her voice was quiet. “She kept me from harm and helped me rally our forces.”
Amaya nodded her agreement, her expression softening as she met Ori’s gaze. “I am so sorry for everything that happened.” 
The boy swallowed as Gren interpreted, and Ori let Janai pull him into a hug. Kazi rubbed his arm with a concerned look. Something about Ori told Amaya that he had not felt the full force of his grief yet. It was hard when there was no body to grieve, when it happened out of sight, but now he was back in Lux Aurea where he should have had two sisters and there was only one. 
Amaya caught Janai’s eye over Ori’s hair and jerked her head toward the door as she lifted her eyebrows in a question. If they needed privacy, Amaya wanted to give it. Janai shook her head and held Amaya’s gaze for a moment with almost a plea in her expression. Of course. She was barely handling her own grief, Amaya knew. Supporting her brother’s on her own might be beyond her right now. Amaya gave her a small nod and sunk into her chair.
Ori rested his head on Janai’s shoulder, and Amaya watched as Janai played gently with his bright curls. His fingers clutched Kazi’s hand, and Kazi leaned against his side, both of their hands clasping his. The way his bright eyes closed for a moment made Amaya want to hug him too, but he drew a deep breath and managed to steady himself.
He plucked at Janai’s dreadlocks and looked up at her. “I still don’t understand why you had a human general in the city, Sister. You explained everything else in your letter.”  
Janai bit her bottom lip and flicked her eyes over to Amaya. “General Amaya saved my life at the Breach.” Janai managed to keep her expression mostly steady, but Amaya knew her cheeks had warmed.
“Which she repaid by capturing me!” Amaya shot Janai an impish look. Perhaps she could pull the pair of them away from this direction that neither of them seemed ready to go in. “She thought I was too cute to leave behind. It turned out to be a good thing because then I was here to help.”
Kazi tried to stifle a giggle, and Janai threw a pillow at Amaya with a laugh. “Or something like that.”
Ori blinked at Amaya then turned to stare at Janai, astonishment shining in his eyes. With a shake of his head, he looked at Amaya again. “How did you - And she even threw a pillow at you? I could never get you to have pillow fights with meeeee!”  He laughed and poked Janai in the side. “Is this what my sister looks like in love?
Janai’s eyes went wide, and she smacked Ori’s hand. Even this far away, Amaya could tell that she’d blushed to the tips of her ears, and the little flick they gave confirmed it. When Janai didn’t answer, Ori rolled his eyes and slid off the couch, wandering over to sit on the arm of Amaya’s chair. She tilted her head to look up at him. 
“You’ll tell me more if she won’t, right?” He stuck his lower lip out.
Amaya laughed and patted his leg. “Of course! What do you want to know?”
Gren’s over-the-top interpretation of Janai’s yell made Amaya shoot her a cheeky grin. “What? 
Ori pouted at Janai and leaned against Amaya’s shoulder. “I just wanted to know how she managed to seduce you! Is that so bad?” Without waiting for Janai to respond, he turned so Amaya could see his lips again. “She hasn’t even dated or had lovers in years ! I’m impressed!”
“Just because I do not tell you about my love life does not mean nothing happens!” Janai’s eyes flashed as she glared at her little brother, and Amaya fought to keep from laughing.
“Oh please! You’ve been wound tighter than a -” 
It took all Kazi and Gren could do to keep up with the siblings for Amaya, both of them trying hard not to laugh. 
Amaya gave Ori a smug look. “I’m just that good.”
Janai groaned and buried her face in her hands as Ori clapped. “Oh! I like you! Tell me everything! ”
Janai jumped to her feet before Amaya could answer. “Ori, have you met Amaya’s nephews yet?” Amaya caught Janai’s quick pleading look and nodded as Janai continued, “The elder one is a mage. He is connected to the Sky Arcanum.”
The question broke Ori’s intense focus on Amaya, and his eyes widened as he turned to Janai. “A human? Connected to an arcanum? How?” 
Janai laughed. “I think you would have to ask him, and I am sure he would have questions for you.” She glanced at Amaya. “Ori is a mage. He was away studying.” 
“Oh! Callum would love to meet you!”  Amaya could hardly wait for Callum to learn about Ori now that she knew. He had been hoping to find a Sunfire mage or two to learn from, and Amaya could see the two of them hitting it off. “He has questions about how Sunfire purification works. Do you want me to introduce you?” 
Ori nodded. “Please!”
“And we should also present you to the Dragon Queen and Zym.” Janai broke in.
That made him shiver a little. “Oh, I had not planned on-”
The put-upon sisterly look Janai gave Ori nearly made Amaya laugh. “They are here for the coronation, Ori.” 
He sighed, and Amaya patted his arm. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.” 
It drew a soft laugh from him, and Kazi hopped up from the couch. “I think Callum and the others are actually up in the training ring. It’s about time for Soren’s cake, isn’t it?”
Amaya blinked. “Oops, lost track of time!”   Her wink made Janai blush and Ori chuckle. “Up to the training ring then? We should go before he catches us.” 
Ori gave Kazi and Amaya a perplexed look. “Who’s Soren?”
“He is one of King Ezran’s crownguards.” Kazi supplied as they tugged on Ori. “I’ll tell you about everyone.” The two of them headed out the door toward the stairs.
Before she and Gren could leave too, Janai caught Amaya’s arm. “Please do not give him more details. This is bad enough.” Worry creased Janai’s forehead. “He is relentless sometimes.” 
Amaya let Kazi and Ori get ahead of them while Gren hung back to interpret for her. With a soft smile, Amaya lifted the elf’s fingers to her lips before explaining. “I thought it would be easier for you if he focused on that instead of the heavier stuff. At least until the coronation is over.” Amaya let the concern she had been covering from Ori show in her eyes. “I can stop if you want.”
Janai stared at her, the mild irritation in her expression melting away. She ducked, and Amaya could feel the warmth on her cheeks. “Oh.” A smile crossed the elf’s lips, and she leaned into Amaya. “Thank you.” 
Amaya stole a quick kiss, and Janai took a moment to rest on her. They both took a deep low breath together as Amaya stroked her side before she pulled back to sign. “Are there any other siblings I should know about?”
Janai laughed and shook her head. “No, just Ori. I meant to tell you, but everything was so-” 
“I know. We’re still getting to know each other’s people.” Amaya couldn’t help chuckling. “At least you’re getting okay about kissing in front of Gren.”
“I am, but I still need to work on it it.” Janai’s eyes danced and darted toward Gren. He laughed, and Amaya lifted an eyebrow at Janai. After looking between them, Janai quickly bent forward and claimed a playful kiss from Amaya.
Amaya giggled against Janai’s mouth and slid her arm around the elf’s waist. She was more than happy to help Janai get used to kissing while Gren was around. The instant she started to stiffen though Amaya broke the kiss and looked up.
Ori was in the doorway with Kazi coming up behind him, trying to grab at his arm. Amaya missed whatever he had said, but Gren quickly supplied it. “Ohhh! So that’s what kept you!”
Through her hand on Janai’s waist, Amaya could feel the woman’s frustration building. Amaya twisted, turning her back to the door to shield her sign from Kazi. Gren would know better than to interpret. “Trust me?”
Confusion crossed Janai’s face, but she nodded. Before Ori could break in again, Amaya dipped Janai and gave her a sharp hungry look that she hoped the elf would understand. The only way to make a younger sibling like Ori back off was to neutralize his teasing. Even with uncertainty still in her eyes, Janai took the suggestion and grabbed Amaya’s hair, pulling her into a hard kiss. Amaya felt a growl vibrating from Janai, but it suddenly turned into a giggle against her lips.
With a laugh, Amaya broke the kiss and looked over her shoulder. Ori’s hand covered his eyes and he wore a pained grimace. Both Gren and Kazi were giggling uncontrollably.
Amaya shot Janai a triumphant grin as she pulled her up. Janai lifted an eyebrow at Ori. “What? I thought you wanted to catch me kissing Amaya.” 
“Not like that!” He protested with a glare that looked remarkably like Janai’s.
Amaya smirked as she looked between them. “Like what then? I’m happy to take requests.” 
Janai choked on a laugh and buried her face in Amaya’s hair as Amaya gave Ori a smug look. He wagged a finger at them, sputtered, then turned to leave, waving for them to follow him. Kazi’s lips twisted as they tried to tamp down their giggles.
Amaya lifted her chin and gave Janai a sharp grin. “Victory!”
Kazi covered their mouth and Gren snorted. Janai waved off their interpretations as she laughed. “I know that sign!” 
Ori shot them all another glare but was laughing by the time they all made their way up the stairs. Introductions and birthday cake and coronation preparations took up the rest of the day, and by bedtime, Amaya was exhausted and fell asleep curled around Janai in her bed.
A chill creeping over her chest woke Amaya a few hours later, and she blinked her eyes open. The room was dark. More importantly, Janai was not pressed up against her chest or even in the bed. Groggily, she lifted her eyes to search the room and found the elf staring out the window, framed by moonlight. 
The slump of her shoulders made Amaya frown. She untangled herself from the blankets and slid off the bed. When her fingers brushed Janai’s waist, the woman startled then glanced back at her. The moonlight caught a few tears on Janai’s cheeks, and the elf tried to flick them away as if that would stop Amaya from noticing them.
“I did not mean to wake you.” Even with the protest, Janai found Amaya’s hand and pulled her arm tight around her waist. 
Amaya shook her head and slid her other arm around Janai too. When she pressed her chest against Janai’s back, the elf sunk against her and folded her arms over Amaya’s, her fingers trailing over Amaya’s arms. They rested there for a few moments before Amaya nuzzled Janai’s neck. When Janai tipped her head to the side, Amaya couldn’t resist pressing a lingering kiss under her ear. 
Ori’s comment about Janai being in love still played in Amaya’s mind, even if it had been mostly to needle his sister. So far Janai had managed to hide her lips from view when she’d whispered those words, but at least a few times, her mouth had been against Amaya’s skin so Amaya knew that Ori was not wrong. The way Janai shivered against her and the way she relaxed into Amaya’s hold spoke as much as anything about Janai’s trust in her. 
It was not Janai’s feelings that Amaya found herself questioning though as she drew Janai back over to the bed. They climbed into the bed together, but before Amaya could ask her if she wanted to talk about her worries, Janai buried her face in Amaya’s chest. Amaya swallowed and wrapped her arms around Janai’s shoulders.
Janai’s fingers gripped the back of Amaya’s loose shirt, and Amaya felt another shudder of emotions roll through Janai’s body. She curled tighter around the woman. There was nothing she could do to lift the weight that was crashing down on Janai, no way she could shield her from the grief and responsibilities. 
All she could do was keep her breathing steady for Janai and try to knead away some of the tension in her back. And remind her she was not alone. Apparently it was something though because as Amaya worked her fingers down Janai’s spine, she felt Janai’s trembling start to ease. 
The fact that Janai let herself melt into Amaya stirred something in Amaya’s chest, and she curled tighter around the elf. Janai’s breathing slowly evened out, and with each stroke of Amaya’s hand down her back, Amaya could feel her going limp. It was such a strange thing, how easily Janai found comfort in her, and just how much Amaya wanted to give that comfort. 
Amaya let her head drop down on the pillow and shifted so Janai could rest more comfortably against her, but Amaya did not sleep. Instead, she glided her hands over Janai’s back to keep her body relaxed. Janai would not be alone if she woke again. Not tonight.
End note:
I actually did a little drabble for Soren's birthday, and then I ended up expanding on it for Janaya week, so if you want to read it, here it is.
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