#Gives foreshadowing: Makishima
haruminyuu · 4 months
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vickys-death-note · 2 years
Shin Sekai Yori (From the New World) [Part 2]
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[We have to change our way of thinking, if we really want to change the future]
Overall a very interesting and thought-provoking anime! I went back and read the summaries of all the episodes I skipped and it actually made somewhat sense!
First things first, in episode 15 there was some messed up takeover of power. In the colony, the queen was overthrown by Squealer. However, this new form of government is built on the premise that they have to overtake other places in order to expand. The name Robber Fly just puts emphasis that they have to go around robbing the freedom of others for their own personal growth and benefit.
In episode 21, it touches on the topic of identity and discrimination, which are two very prevalent topics in the real world. The child of Maria and Mamoru had been brought up as a queerat. To me, this brought up the idea that it is really easy to manipulate and take advantage of someone into whatever you need them to be. Given that it was such a young child, it easily followed Squeler's order as long as he provides them with biological necessities. This brings up the idea in this world about what defines whether or not you're human. Just because something looks different from us means they are below us? I see where Squealer is coming from, but the way they went about it was extreme, much like Makishima in Psycho-Pass.
In the end, Saki and Satoru get married and she has come to accept everything that has happened. Saki represents hope. Despite everything that she had gone through, she was able to push forward and hope for a better society in the future.
Overall, a lot of these twists were foreshadowed from the beginning which makes it even crazier. Hopefully, in the future, I can come back to this anime and give it a proper watch because I genuinely enjoyed the few episodes I had to watch.
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linvierno · 5 years
Psycho Pass 3 - Thoughts #1
Shoot! I wrote my draft on Tumblr and accidentally clicked backspaces and everything is gone.
Anyway, I decided to write my thought for every episode. So far, I enjoyed watching PP 3 and unconsciously reading too deep.
For ep 2, Mcs finally cleared their 1st mission. They’re quite stubborn and reckless. I pity Mika because she has those two as her subordinate. I also like the new enforcer—Todoroki and Irie. From the 1st and 2nd season, most of the enforcers are obedient to the inspector, so those two bring fresh air to the show. Sometimes I think they’re annoying but when I think about it again, their actions are rational. They’re latent criminals after all.
In this episode, we saw our old cast who’s now working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a special investigator. They’re Kogami, Ginoza, and Sugo. They work under Frederica and help Public Safety Bureau to catch the culprit who’s on plane. Because Public Safety Bureau can only work on local cases. That’s why Mika said to Kei and Arata to stop—but they both still pursue and met Kogami and Ginoza. It’s really good to see Kei confront Ginoza while Arata tried to read the circumstance—and Kogami gives Arata a hint about the fox and surprisingly Arata’s father has that name card too. And it’s the same card which is Kisaragi picked in ep 1.
That aside, I still don’t know how far they can do in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They’re having special treatment, like their crime coefficients being hidden. There must be a reason why Ginoza choose the Ministry of Foreign Affairs instead stays in Public Safety. And this is related to Akane’s goal.
Frederica tried to talk about Akane to Mika, but Mika chose not to talk about it. Event she’s like that, it’s contradicted what she says to Ginoza (she asked him if Ginoza has seen Akane or not) and she still in touch with Ginoza in 1st ep too. This makes me think that they’re having the same goal and hiding something.
About Akane … my question is answered in ep 2. In ep 1, Hinakawa didn’t talk too much about Akane. But from the 2nd season, I know that he’s close with Akane. So the truth is Hinakawa sends reports to Akane. I don’t know if they did it secretly or Sybil system watching them, but I bet Hinakawa has told Akane about Kisaragi’s fishy behavior—because, in ep 1, Hinakawa glanced at Kisaragi. We still don’t know what exactly happened with Akane, but she really is imprisoned and might be dead anytime—punished by Sybil System. But inside the luxurious cell, she’s freer than before. It’s like she’s playing chess with Sybil System and our new villains.
But again, I wonder what happened before. I bet it’s not because of her hue clouded. As far as I can guess is that she’s fed up with Sybil System and no longer cooperate with Sybil like before.
In the 2nd half on ep 2, Kei and Arata has a new case. My brain exploded because Macro Economic theory in the 1st half, and later they’re gonna explore more about politics because in this new case is related to politicians. The idol girl is really cute and scary. Actually, I don’t remember about this whole mentalist thing. They never talk about it in the previous season, right?
And we got to see Arata’s tracing skill in depth. His crime coefficient is increased while he does that and Kei watched him and stopped him if it’s near the limit. The trigger is rain and I wanna know more about it. Anyway, they both are chill with Irie watched Arata crime coefficient or listen to the recorder—but I wonder if that’s a raining sound or not.
Also, I still can’t grasp what’s they’re aiming for aside being bunch of capitalists who wanna messing up with Sybil system and become more in charge. But this new villain is way better from 2nd season who seems to become Makishima wanna be.
Every season in Psycho-Pass has different impressions for me. In the 1st season, it’s more philosophic because Maksihima has a unique ideology and a perfect villain for me. In 2nd season, I think they tried to make a villain like Makishima who can conquer Sybil System by having an abnormal crime coefficient but sadly, that doesn’t work well. 2nd season is not that bad but … ugh … they can do better rather than killing bunch of people—tho there’re some scenes that I love like Akane’s grandma or Hinakawa’s scene, but I really hate that mama boy/Akane’s stalker (Tohgane). And in this season, I think we gonna see how those important people in society to stay in power against Sybil System.
That’s for ep 1 and 2. I wonder where’s Yayoi. Also, I have an urge to watch 2nd season but I hate Tohgane. Ugh, what to do?! 
ETA: I rewatched psycho pass season 2 and got some clues about whats going on with Akane now. If you don’t like PP 2 because It has mass murder scene, just watch the two last episode and you’ll get the answer to what judgment Mika and Frederica talks about. 
But if you’re lazy ... I’m gonna tell you.
So, the main villain in PP 2, Kirito Kamui, is trying to judge the Sybil System using dominator. Akane realizes his motive, so she gave him a chance to meet face to face with Sybil System rather than letting him killed people in the subway. THE REAL SYBIL SYSTEM!!! If you already watch season 1, you know where it is. And the truth is ... some of the brains are corrupted and Sybil destroyed all of them, because they think it’s okay to accept Kamui’s suggestion to improve the system. But, Kamui ma best cutie artificial boi predicted that in the future there’ll be more corrupted brain inside Sybil instead with good hue. From this occurrence, Sybil offered Akane to be one of them, but Akane decline. She chose to watch Sybil from outside (not inside as in being the Sybil itself), and if what Kamui’s prediction come true, she too will accept the judgement. 
Maybe I'm getting balls deep, but PP series loves to teases the audience with foreshadowing just like how they start PP 1. 
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whatsyourcolor · 7 years
PP S2 Intro...
Since there’s no sign of a third season anytime soon, I spend whatever free time I have rewatching what we have. There were some things about the intro of S2 that I’ve wondered about and maybe someone knows what they mean. Was it perhaps supposed to be a longer season and they cut some of the stuff out?  Mystery. 
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Here both Mika and Akane are seen on opposite sides, both running towards...
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...what appears to be Kogami tied to a chair. Mika is pointing her dominator at him and when Akane appears, he vanishes. Is this some type of foreshadowing about the final insult that will confront Mika and Akane? I mean, we all saw what she did to Selim in the PP movie. Her methods can be completely inhumane. For Mika, what matters is the end, not the means. She has no qualms about torturing people as long as she sees them as inferior to her (so anyone who isn’t Mika and perhaps Yayoi). 
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Who is this person? At most it looks like Yayoi a little bit but I don’t think it’s her. Is it one of Kamui’s holos?  I don’t remember seeing her. What does the flower mean? Did someone lose their virginity and we didn’t notice? (bad joke, I know). 
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Who is the man in the rooms that change color? Where is he? Where are these nice apartments? Is it Kamui and do the apartments represent his holos? And finally... 
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Who the hell is this person? I’m thinking that because of the long nails, it might be Chief Kasei looking at her super amazing rubik’s cube. She’s shown as definitely evil, perhaps foretelling the things that Akane learns about Sybil at the end of the season. Is controlling the world a game for Sibyl fueled by undeterred power? They did try to “Paint” Akane black for no logical reason at all. Togane manipulated her to earn her trust and then did what he could to darken her hue. As far as I remember there’s never an explanation (not that there needs to be one, really) since Togane and his mom are pure unadulterated evil. A very different wickedness from Makishima’s, since at least he seemed to have some ideals. 
The openings in S1 did give clues as to the development of the story and Kogami and Akane’s relationship. I would think this one does too. 
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