cenniedolls · 5 years
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with the tree lights off... I’ll have to rearrange my other lights a little, but it looks pretty natural
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cenniedolls · 7 years
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Shalien and Glaciole off on some kind of adventure
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cenniedolls · 7 years
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Glaciole needs an identity beyond “probably froze to death a long time ago in a Bad Way,” but I don’t know what it is yet; I think I’ll kick him around with Shalien and maybe Fheonore when he arrives and see if anything sticks.
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cenniedolls · 6 years
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my @bjdchallenge pic for March~ Light blue is my main room color ^^ 
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cenniedolls · 7 years
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Glaciole just wants to be left alone, but Shalien hasn’t had anybody to talk to for centuries
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cenniedolls · 7 years
If you don't mind me asking, what are Shalien and Glaciole's characters supposed to be? They're really cool :)
I don’t mind at all!  Please feel free to ask me character-related questions; like most of us around here, I love talking about them *^^*
Shalien and Glaciole are a little complicated, so I hope this isn’t way more information than you were looking for.  Basically, in the fantasy world I set characters in, races fall out like this:
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~in the beginning~ you had the ones in black, three magical races and boring, non-magical humans.  Furies died out, Fates sequestered themselves, and the Fey essentially diffused out; they are pure magic and the essence of change, and had no particular interest in maintaining any sort of sameness.  So they fell in love with mortals, and landscapes, and let other people define them, and became other things - elemental spirits, etc etc.  Humans in any of the ~current day~ settings I use can use magic due to some amount of fey heritage in their genealogy.  The Fey spread magic out into the world, and disappeared.
All except Shalien!  He’s the last Fey, through more inattention than anything else; he simply never got attached to anything enough to let it change him.  A few hundred years before the present day of my Tolley et al doll group, he got involved with Queen Josephine and her civil war, and, long story short, her mages locked him in a lighthouse out of fear of his power falling into other hands.  Stuck there until Remington and company follow the rumors to find him, all he had to do for centuries was watch people (he liked Florian’s adventures).
So, once he’s out, he’s more than a little unbalanced and his attention span definitely hasn’t improved.  All the humans he knew are dead (although a few of them are ghosts he can still talk to) and he’s the last one of his kind to keep the integrity of what they once were.  He’s not fond of what most of the others became, but Glaciole changed less than the others, so Shalien will make do.
Glaciole was Fey until a few centuries earlier than Queen Josephine, but on the other side of the world.  He froze to death in the service of a different aspiring queen, Ceonsae, and became a sort of elemental spirit, although one with much more sense of self than most.
They’re both mostly world-building side characters, but I’ve found those are a fun sort to have as dolls, because I don’t have to worry too much about what is or isn’t canon for them.
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cenniedolls · 7 years
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Glaciole matches my new comforter almost perfectly
it’s pretty much identical to my old comforter but the quality is much better
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cenniedolls · 8 years
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Glaciole aesthetic~ Still not sure how he fits, exactly, but he’s a) Been dead a long time and b) Not in a good mood about it
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cenniedolls · 8 years
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Watch out for creatures in the snow
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cenniedolls · 8 years
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cenniedolls · 8 years
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After falling in the snow :>
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cenniedolls · 8 years
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I impulse-airbrused Elf Boy over the weekend, but he still needs a name.  I also need to practice airbrushing before trying anything like this again ^^;
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cenniedolls · 7 years
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What with it being end-of-the-year recap time and all, I thought I’d do a post of my personal top ten favorite BJD photos I took this year - and realized I should do this every six months at the longest, if I want to narrow it down to ten.  So here’s my 2017 top ten favorite pics of SD+ dolls, instead; MSD size later ^^;  It was hard to narrow down, but I tried to get “most recent/in-character looks” and no duplicates.
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cenniedolls · 6 years
a doll plan list, since I have no dolls preordered and none out for faceups or anything else:
who needs a faceup?
-Rhevain (Peakswoods Gio) (lots of cool pastel colors)
-Bory #6 (unicorn) (fancy fantasy something?)
-Bory #5 (dreaming) (replacement; something seer-ish)
-Borys #2 and 3 (Kacian and Theophile) (replacement; the warm colors on Theophile really bug me, so all of his photos are extra edited)
-Souji (replace for scuffing as close to same as possible)
who needs a body?
-Bory #6 (if anyone sees a KDF Poseidon body FS - the one w/hooves - lmk, haha)
-Floating Head #[?] (FL motion-line (NS) asap as soon as convenient) (is he a new Cedar Gate character? is he Mitsie 12? who knows)
who needs a meaningful style overhaul?
-Arcady (in progress) (note to self: match Valere)
-Bory #5 (faceup first?)
-Suna (Bory #4, lol, all the Borys need help except Aristide)
-Remington (props)
-Kacian and Theophile can’t live in those kigus forever
-I never finished those outfits for Nerai and Finael
-anyway I have vague outfit additions outlined for too many dolls
-either sell or redo my April Story Anthony (-> Heathering?)
who needs some serious photos?
-Remington, Harry, and Leander; Remington and Nightshade and/or Josephine
-Klaus & Baharoth (w/Khufu I guess)
-Suna +?
-Rifon - Devain - Erue
-Arcady & Zetherain + Valere
-Fheonore and Josephine, +/- Shalien and/or Glaciole
-will it ever be spring
new doll planning shortlist:
-Amiel (Rhevain’s +1) (a big Iplehouse guy??? one of the smile-y ones)
-Marlies (Shae’s +1) (I was thinking tan but there’s a v tempting NS doll on the MP ><)
-Zetherain’s “friend” group (he’d tell you he doesn’t have friends):
-> Kinselyn (+3 Lilineth Baranoc Elissavet) (she’ll be tan and slinky, idk)
-> Mitsiades the 12th (+cat) (miiight end up using Floating Head #[?])
-> BIG dragon (that Nebo I’m so tempted by)
-> not Perstiven b/c even though he’s plot-critical I hate him
(new doll planning long-list: the two KDF Yul variants I don’t have, Rifon’s cousins Zique and Amarain and/or Devain’s best friends Kylie and Juline and/or Erue’s sister Tirelle, a Volks Michele head to replace Shae, Nightshade’s ex Crimson, Fheonore’s foil Rikita, Harry’s cousin Edolie, a Smartdoll (if that mannequin one ever gets released! :o) and/or a DD Emilia)
will i do any of this? only time will tell
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cenniedolls · 7 years
I’m going up north to our family cabin this weekend!  Four days at the lake, yay :3  I have to decide which dolls to bring - one picnic basket full is the practical maximum, so I’m thinking Solenn, Noelle, and Aristide.  I want to bring Glaciole too but there’s no way he’ll fit :|  
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cenniedolls · 6 years
3, 8, and 25 for Glaciole please?
ahh Glaciole is still hard for me; he’s still such a vague flavor text/aesthetic/deep worldbuilding sort of character >
03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves?
Probably the frostbite - a permanent reminder of choosing to make a difference, in a bitter satisfaction sort of way
08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it?
Since he used to be fey like Shalien and as such is fundamentally changeable, it’s his selflessness.  Not in the sense of lack of personality, but in his willingness to martyr himself for a cause.  That’s how you get broken elemental spirits wandering the glacial wastes.  Glaciole was fully aware of what he was doing, but… desperate times.
25. Is there something traumatic from your character’s past that greatly affects them even to this day? 
one would assume that dying and becoming an avatar of the landscape that killed you would lead to some lasting trauma, but Glaciole got off easy.  He still remembers what he used to be, after all, and what he died for.  He got to see the queen he loved raise a country out of ice and snow, reigning in the wild magic tearing the land apart.  He gets to watch over the peace that queen and her compatriots brought, for centuries.  It’s seeing chaos come back for their legacy that really affects him, in the end.  segue into Shae’s adult storyline goes here
thanks for the ask! and making me nail down a little more detail lol
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