#my favorite pre-snow-diving shot :>
lilyginnyblackv2 · 3 years
The 10th Kingdom - Rewatch and Commentary Series - Part 0 - Pre-Watch Thoughts + OP
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I've been wanting to do this for ages, basically, a big write up on the Hallmark miniseries "The 10th Kingdom," which came out in 2000. This mini series is very near and dear to me. Whenever they played it on TV, even super late at night when I was a kid, I faithfully watched it. Whenever we went to Blockbusters or Tommy K's, if it was there, then I rented it. I had the book that I read so much it feel apart and the DVD set is still somewhere in my house. I watched it SO much. But, as life got busier, and when I moved away and didn't have easy access to watching it anymore, I couldn't do my faithful rewatches where I quoted nearly the entire series. (When I was a kid, I didn’t know the term hyperfixation, but I’m pretty sure this was one for me. It’s also, definitely, a comfort series for me.)
Just recently though, I found out that the entire miniseries is free to watch on Youtube in HD with English subtitles and broken up into five parts. So, now that I am on vacation, I'm going to be watching each part and doing a little write up for that part only. This should work out well, since each section will likely have one or two Kingdoms that the characters visit, and usually those Kingdoms contain themes that are closely linked and connected to each other.
So, first up, we have the 'mythological' 10th Kingdom (aka New York City) and the 4th Kingdom (specifically Snow White Memorial Prison Arc, Beanstallk Town, and the Troll Kingdom).This first section is among my least favorite part of the miniseries, necessary, but not the best the series has to offer. Still, it explores some very interesting things in regards to social class, the prison system, general social hierarchy, parent and child bonds, and the beginnings of all of the character arcs for the main characters, of course. There are some other things that will likely pop up, many of the general type stuff (racism, sexism, ableism, general bigotry, and etc.) over the course of the miniseries as a whole (some parts have aged horribly, but there is still a lot of good discussion to be had). But first, before any of that, let's talk about the opening! 
(Video at the bottom of the post.)
The song and music choice is top notch and the visuals still, in my really uninformed opinion (lol), hold up quite well, especially for a made for TV mini-series from the early 2000s. The combination of the songs and the visuals really does a fantastic job of putting the viewers in the right mindset for the series. The music makes you feel like you are in a fantasy setting, while the visuals transform NYC to a magical landscape, making it feel like you are literally being transported to the 9 Kingdoms like Virginia and her dad are in series. The ending shot of the 9 Kingdoms with NYC being reflected in the water is also reflective of the plot point that the two worlds are connected through a mirror.
Okay, so now, before diving into the content of the first episode / video, I'll give a brief summary of the series for any of my followers who have never heard of this series before.
A young woman named Virginia is a waitress who lives with her dad in an apartment complex that is right near Central Park. The only reason they can afford to live there is because Tony, Virginia's dad is the custodian. One night on her way to work, Viriginia ends up running into a dog, and through a series of events, her and her father end up going through a magical mirror that brings them to the land of the 9 Kingdoms, the place where all the Grim Fairytales actually took place ages ago. The story is about them, the dog, and one other member trying to locate the mirror to get back home, while defeating an evil queen and saving the 9 Kingdoms in the process.
This post ended up longer than planned, so I think I'll make this the little prologue post to my Episode 1 / Part 1 Post, which I should have up some time tomorrow. For now, here is a video of the Opening. Feel free to add your own memories or thoughts about this miniseries to this post in reblogs or comments. Or, if you've never seen this series before, what are some of your predictions for the series based off of the opening and some of the things I've mentioned so far in this post? 
Tomorrow's post will have the Youtube link to the first episode along with my commentary and thoughts on it, that way my followers who have never seen the series before can kinda watch it along with me and add any thoughts to that post as well. I'll do the same for the other four posts.
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cenniedolls · 8 years
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Double IPA
Pitch Perfect Prompt Pile: Chapter 8
AO3 | FF.net
Ship: Bechloe (Beca/Chloe) Word Count: ~1800 Rating: T
This prompt, my friends, was based on a fun Brittany Snow dream. More AUs because we all bend the truth to fit shipping anyway!
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Beca came to her local dive bar at the same time every week. Friday nights after work, she’d walk through the single glass door to “Pickin’s” and promptly take a seat at the bar. She’d order food around 8 before some beers, then she’d evolve to buying multiple drinks as the night passed.
She easily became friends with all the other regulars as they’d sit on the dark wooden stools and complain about their office jobs. Beca had a mock secretarial role for a slimy music producer who never actually called her by her real name. Her friends spanned from salesmen to accountants to bellboys to c-list editors. Misery was company.
That Friday night, Beca had a particularly difficult night at work. Producer Slimeball listened to one of Beca’s demos, for once, but he actually hated it. Practically spat in her face, claimed she had no talent, and that even the most incompetent pleb with a laptop could replicate her work.
Beca wanted to just brush off his opinions out of a sense of both desperation and hurt. Obviously she wasn’t terrible, since she landed at the company in the first place, but her boss’s opinion actually had some significant weight to it since he had significant marks within her industry. But Beca couldn’t even call him out for being myopic – for not even seeing the musical genius it took to construct the heavily crafted and detailed foundations of lyrical editing. But he did have a point: none of her sources were original. Thus, Beca was drinking a little more heavily tonight.
Pickin’s bartender Silas could sense something was marginally off for his favorite petite regular, which prompted him to walk to her side of the bar and lean over the slightly wet countertop.
“What’s wrong, munchkin?” Silas laid out his affectionate pet name for Beca through a thick, southern drawl.
“The fucking usual, I guess.” Beca picked at the label around her beer bottle, using the condensation on the glass to peel at the paper.
“Work troubles again?”
“Captain Asshat proved that I have no talent and the only thing I can do right is fetch coffee. And sometimes I get even that wrong. There’s this one fucker who decides he wants THE most complicated fucking thing on the ‘off-menu’ that requires 8 special ingredients like why can’t you just get a regular coffee like everyone else?” Beca spat in a seething tone, trying to keep her voice from overriding the normal chatter around the bar.
Silas looked at Beca for a moment before deciding to answer.
“If one drink cost more than $4, it ain’t worth it. Unless its beer.” Silas decided, leaning against his hands on the counter.
Beca simmered down a little bit, realizing her bartender friend didn’t deserve her incessant complaining about work.
“You know, Silas, sometimes I wonder if that job is even worth it.”
“I think about that every time y’all get wiley or when something ugly brews out.” Silas clicked his tongue before adding: “But moments like this, they’re all worth it. We’re all one in the same – same problems, different day. Only thing separating us is this counter but I’m the same as you. Brings us on a human level. That’s connection.”
Beca reflected for a moment, fulling comprehending what Silas was referring to before seeing if it applied to her own life.
“Where’s your connection?” Silas challenged once more, stepping back towards the wall before grabbing a dirty glass from the counter.
Beca sighed, unable to find an answer.
“For tonight, just in a drink.” Beca stood up to look beyond the backlit wall of bottles for her temporary remedy.
"I’m telling you, Chlo, you need to just go for it.”
Chloe and her 5 friends decided to start their night at a random bar by her place before making their way to a nightclub closer to downtown. Even though it was still relatively early in the night, one of the girls insisted that the group pre-gamed before leaving Chloe’s apartment, so the lot was already relatively tipsy.
“Just sack up your lady balls and strut right up there.”
“Thanks, Fat Amy, I get the picture.” Chloe replied to her friend’s encouragement with a slight blush.
Fat Amy was referencing a noteworthy figure sporting a black leather jacket and dark blue jeans leaning against the bar. The girl was alone with her drink but seemed relatively friendly because she was chummy with the bartender.
Chloe had only recently came out as bisexual to her college buddies, and they were only more than positively acceptive of it. Almost too much, in fact, since they kept trying to push her onto random women they spotted in public. Encouraging, yes, but effective, no.
“She’s probably not even gay.” Chloe muttered to her friends, shyly speaking in a hushed tone across the table.
“With that jacket? Come on.” Another friend spoke, rolling her eyes and going to sip the last of her mixed drink through the straw before realizing her glass was empty. “We also need more driiiiinks.”
“Stacie, please…” Chloe whined. Her nervousness about approaching women still hadn’t changed.
“She’s right Spice Tot, we need some shots.” Fat Amy decided, with other girls nodding their heads in agreement.
“Ugh, fine. I hate you guys sometimes.” Chloe stood up, swiping crumbs off her skirt. “What am I getting?”
“TEQUILA!” Fat Amy shouted as Chloe started to walk towards the bar.
The volume was loud enough that the same figure at the counter heard it, and she ended up turning around to find the source of the noise before making eye contact with Chloe. The next 5 feet of distance was mildly awkward, but Chloe ended up strolling right next to the girl at the bar.
“Sorry.” Chloe mumbled to the girl beside her, apologizing for the rudeness of her friends.
“Bachelorette party?” The girl nudged her beer towards Chloe’s back table, eyeing the group of girls who were all laughing excruciatingly loudly.
“Oh, ha, no.” Chloe nervously laughed, moving to match the pose of the leather jacketed brunette. “Just a normal night out.”
“Ah. Yikes.” The girl muttered, sipping her drink with a cock of the eyebrow.
The girl wasn’t charming per se, but she exerted an odd sense of Big Dick Energy that Chloe had a hard time placing.
“Are you friends with the bartender?” Chloe tried to maintain conversation but using the venue as small talk wasn’t that successful. She was also trying to feel just how hard it would be to flag down the bartender to get her friends shots and flee back to her table.
“You could say that.” The girl finished the bottom of her drink before letting it rest back on the counter. “I come here a lot.”
She felt pity for the failed efforts of the lost ginger puppy next to her, so she flagged down Silas from the middle of the bar down to their end.
“Hey Silas, I’ll take a double IPA on draft and this little lady would like…” The girl cocked her head in Chloe’s direction, prompting her to reply.
“Um, 6 shots of Patrón?”
“6?” Silas asked for confirmation, holding up fingers on his hand to motion for six.
Chloe nodded with a smile before Silas left to get their drinks.
The girl scoffed in disbelief. “You can pound 6 shots?” She wanted to admit she was a little impressed, but she wouldn’t start the ovation until she witnessed it herself.
“For the Bachelorette party.” Chloe giggled, fiddling with her credit card in hand. She saw how the girl slyly grinned at her.
“I like the way you think.”
“Here’s yours, Beca, and I’ll be back with the shot orgy.” Silas dropped off Beca’s beer before turning back to grab clean shot glasses and the handle of Patrón.
Chloe felt a weird sense of internal satisfaction now that she heard the bar girl’s name, even if she couldn’t ask for it herself.
When Silas returned, he filled each of the glasses in front of the pair before topping off the rims with a lime wedge.
Chloe leaned in towards Beca, awfully close, and with a cupped hand pretended to whisper: “I could just down these all now and not share with my friends. Would sum up the amount of bad news I’ve gotten this week.”
Beca noticed the sudden intrusion of space, but she chose not to back down from the pretty redhead now orbiting her eyeline.
“Bad week too, huh?” Beca asked rhetorically. “Would you share one with me at least?”
Beca knew she was being forward, in a way that was still pretty coy. She had a hard time deciphering what the ginger’s deal was, but you didn’t exactly approach a loner at the bar to make friends. Plus Beca was at the Fuck It point in the week where it was almost if consequences didn’t apply to her anymore.
“Maybe I could spare…” Chloe whispered gently, hovering before Beca’s lips and glancing at them with soft eyes.
Beca broke the distance slowly, lazily kissing Chloe’s lips before dragging away in a downwards swipe as a tease. Chloe hungrily searched back, and their lips met again.
It wasn’t long before they started gingerly making out at the end of the bar. Beca’s hand was cupped firmly at the nape of Chloe’s neck, and they were rolling lips along one side of their faces. Beca even went so far as to open her eyes for an extended period of time, watching how Chloe’s eyelids were loosely closed and how her forehead would somehow furrow as their lips tumbled together.
Beca resumed her more concentrated effort, and the sight of the pair wasn’t hard to spot. Silas gave a short whistle as he was drying glasses with a rag, and even Chloe’s friends were starting to notice. Fat Amy’s eventual loud cheering caused Beca and Chloe’s makeout session to abruptly end – with Chloe pulling away with swollen lips and a noticeable blush.
Beca wiped the side of her own mouth with her thumb. “Well. You should probably deliver those.” She nudged at the collection of shots next to Chloe’s elbow.
Chloe gave them a quick glance before meeting Beca’s gaze one again.
“They don’t need them.” Chloe answered before grabbing Beca’s face and picking up right where they left off.
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hawkland · 7 years
Another submission from me for @svucharacterappreciation​ Fin week—this for the prompt “secretive”.
You can read this as either gen Munch & Fin, or pre-slash, as it fits into my Spaces in Between fic series on AO3. It is set in and around the season 3 episode “Counterfeit”.
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Fin was getting used to the sight of his partner hobbling around the bullpen on crutches. What had been ridiculous and giggle-inducing at first had since become part of the normal everyday workplace scenery—complete with Munch’s foot propped up on his desk and pointed directly in Fin’s face.
“Better be a clean sock,” Fin warned as John sat down—with not inconsiderable, awkward effort—and the foot resumed said position.
“Every morning. Though I can’t wait to take a normal shower again.”
“You and me both.”
As scary as it was to admit, Fin was starting to miss having John out in the field with him. And he still wished John would tell him what had happened, how he had managed to injure that foot in the first place.
His curiosity over Munch’s secretiveness about it was driving him crazy. Usually John would tell Fin everything that was going on in his life, whether Fin wanted to hear all the details or not. So the fact that he refused to reveal the truth over this one particular mishap was mystifying.
“How long you gotta stay in that cast?” Fin asked, for far from the first time. He kept hoping John would slip up in answering and give him some kind of clue to go on.
“Six more weeks.”
“Damn. You must’ve seriously done a number on that foot.”
“Mm,” John answered, noncommittal. He picked up a file from the leaning tower on his desk, and was almost convincing in feigning actual interest in his paperwork.
“Skiing,” Fin wagered.
John looked across at him, eyebrows slowly rising. “Excuse me?”
“You went off for a weekend skiing and that’s how you hurt it.” It was the middle of January and they’d had a fair amount of snow since the beginning of the year. It seemed a logical guess. Did Munch have a secret girlfriend he’d taken skiing on a romantic getaway? He had shown up with a new haircut, too, that first day he’d come in with cast and crutches.
For some reason Fin hoped that wasn’t the case. At least the part regarding the girlfriend. He wasn’t quite sure why. But he actually felt a bit relieved when John answered, “Nope. I haven’t been out on the slopes in years.”
Struck down once more. Fin shook his head. He had his own pile of DD-5s to complete, he should be doing his paperwork too, and yet… “Okay, I got it now. You were rearranging the bookshelves in your apartment. A heavy book fell on your foot.” He remembered John telling him recently how he’d gotten a new software program to organize his personal library—though he was anxious about using the online ISBN database in case the government was monitoring people’s choices in reading materials.
“Imaginative hypothesis, but wrong again.”
“Damn. C’mon, man, why won’t you just tell me what went down?” Fin was close to begging for the truth at this point. “It can’t be that embarrassing, not even if it happened during sex.” Fin hesitated, and remembered that this was Munch he was talking to. “It wasn’t during sex, was it?” he added. If it was, maybe that was something about which he didn’t want to hear.
“No. And trust me, if it was? It wouldn’t be the worst injury I’ve suffered in the boudoir.”
“Well you can save that story for some other time,” Fin replied, intrigued but not sure he wanted to go there in the middle of the workday.
“Perhaps. Though I’m thinking that my days of serious oversharing around this office are behind me. It’s not like my open-book nature has always been welcomed. Or returned in kind.” He added the last with another trademark Munch Expressive Eyebrow Gesture.
Fin sighed and rolled his eyes in response. “Are you still mad I didn’t tell you ’bout my son? Is that what this is all about?”
“I’m not mad, Fin. But I am a little…disappointed. I thought we were closer than that by now. That’s a pretty big secret to keep from your partner after all this time.”
Munch might not be “mad”, but he was definitely hurt. And doing a good job of making Fin feel guilty for it, what with that wounded puppy dog act. “Look, it’s just…me and my son, we’re not exactly on great terms these days.”
“Because of the divorce?”
“That, and a lot of other things. I…it’s…not somethin’ I like to talk about much, you know?” It was hard to admit to yourself you were a failure of a father, let alone admit it to someone else. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. Though, you know, you never asked if I had kids or not.”
John shrugged. “The fault of the childless, I suppose. We’re used to everyone who has children announcing it as soon as possible in any introductory conversation. I suppose I assumed you didn’t have any when you never brought it up on your own.”
“Hmph. Good point.”
“It’s just the one though, right? One kid?”
“Yeah, just one.” Fin paused, thinking of his son for a moment. He realized it was a little odd that he had a photo of his old dog on his desk, whom he still missed terribly after being gone for several years, but not one of his very own son. He played with the pen in his hand, clicking and unclicking the ink cartridge. “His name is Kwasi.”
“Kwasi Tutuola? Has a nice ring to it.”
“I thought so. He tends to prefer Americanizing it to Ken these days. And using his mother’s surname.” More ways to distance himself from me, Fin thought with regret, rejecting the name I chose for him and the name of his father’s family.
They both fell into silence for a while, as the rest of the squadroom buzzed with daytime activity around them. John eventually closed his file, dropped it on his desk, and sat staring at Fin until Fin realized he was under scrutiny. “I fell,” John said once he had Fin’s full attention again.
“I fell. On a patch of ice outside my apartment building. I was rushing to get inside with some take-out I’d grabbed on the way home from work. Lost my balance, and like an idiot I worried more about trying to save the food instead of my own ass—or foot, as the case turned out to be. Ended up with a fractured ankle and egg drop soup all over my favorite winter coat.”
Fin could just picture it, and the mental image made it hard to stop himself from laughing. “Not nearly as glamorous as a sky diving accident, huh?”
“Not by a long shot. Though the more you and everyone else tried to guess what elaborate scenario had led to my misfortune, the more I started to enjoy not sharing the true story. Fiction can be much more entertaining than the truth. I could at least live vicariously through your creative imaginations.”
“So how do I know you’re telling me the truth now?” Fin asked.
“Because lying about something so pathetic wouldn’t be worth it. Would it?”
“Probably not.”
John leaned forward—as best as he could with his foot on the desk—and said in a low voice, “You sure you don’t want to hear the sex injury story?”
“NO. Not now. Please.” Fin then added with a sly smile, “Maybe later. If you want I can drive you home, pick up some Chinese, and you can tell me after egg rolls and peanut noodles. If it’s not gonna make me lose my appetite.”
“Depends. You might want to skip the egg rolls. In case they get…bent during transit.”
It only took a second for Fin to put two and two together and then—“Aw man, ouch,” he cringed, instinctively shifting in his seat.
“Sorry, but you set yourself up for that one. But don’t worry, it was only a temporary setback. Everything was fully functional again in no time at all.”
“That’s nice. But why should the state of your dick be any of my concern?”
“I’m assuming this is a conversation I don’t need to be overhearing,” Elliot said, having picked a very inopportune moment to be passing by.
“Keep walking,” John said, grabbing another file.
Fin made a mental note to find a photo of Kwasi to bring in, and show to John tomorrow.
Author’s note: Munch’s sex-related injury is a tiny reference to the Homicide: Life on the Street episode "Red, Red Wine". If you picked it up, then I send a bent balloon salute to you!
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existentialburden · 6 years
Tagged by @coconut-cluster​ (pfff you seemed so concerned about not tagging me in the pre-edit post I just imagined you frantically opening your blog to edit after seeing my like. thank you I appreciate your haste to edit me into the tagged people it made me smile. and also laugh)
I am over 5′5″/ I wear glasses/contacts / I have blond hair / I wear sweatshirts a lot / I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing / I have one or more piercings/ I have at least one tattoo / I have blue eyes / I have dyed or highlighted my hair/ I have gotten plastic surgery / I have or had braces / I sunburn easily / I have freckles / I paint my nails / I typically wear makeup / I don’t often smile/ I am pleased with how I look / I prefer Nike to Adidas / I wear baseball hats backwards
hobbies & talents
I play a sport / I can play an instrument / I am artistic / I know more than one language / I have won a trophy in some sort of competition / I can cook or bake without a recipe / I know how to swim / I enjoy writing / I can do origami (but like. barely) / I prefer movies to TV shows / I can execute a perfect somersault / I enjoy singing / I could survive in the wild on my own / I have read a new book series this year / I enjoy spending time with friends / I travel during school or work breaks / I can do a handstand
I have had my first kiss / I have gotten drunk / I have told a crush I like them / I have traveled outside of the country / I have flown on an airplane / I have stayed awake for more than 48 hours / I have had a near-death experience / I have caught something on fire (purposefully shut up) / I have performed in a talent show / I have shot a gun / I have been on TV / I have gone scuba diving / I have broken a bone / I have slow-danced / I have gone on a shopping spree
I am in a relationship / I have been single for over a year / I have a crush (it’s my gf shh don’t tell her) / I have a best friend / I have known a friend for over ten years / My parents are together / I have a brother or sister / I have dated my best friend / I am adopted / My crush has confessed to me (I mean? we both did at the same time after prompting from an unfortunate watcher) / I have had a long-distance relationship / I am an only child / I give advice to my friends / I have made an online friend / I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell / I have watched the sunrise / I enjoy rainy days / I have slept under the stars / I meditate outside / the sound of chirping calms me / I enjoy the smell of the beach / I know what snow tastes like / I listen to music to fall asleep / I enjoy thunderstorms / I enjoy cloud watching / I have attended a bonfire / I pay close attention to colours / I find mystery in the ocean / I enjoy hiking on nature paths / Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle / I am the mom friend (kinda. I consider myself the mom friend) / I live by a certain quote / I like the smell of Sharpies / I am involved in extracurricular activities / I enjoy Mexican food / I can drive stick-shift / I have memorized an entire song in a day / I believe in true love / I dream up scenarios to fall asleep / I sing in the shower / I wish I lived in a video game (sometimes) / I have a canopy above my bed / I am multi-racial / I am a redhead / I own at least three dogs / I am LGBT+
Tagging literally anyone who feels like doing this. I feel weird tagging people in these sometimes because it feels like I’m putting pressure on them for some reason and today is one of those overly-self-aware days so. if y’all wanna. please do and say you were tagged by me I wanna see what’s up with y’all. I am tagging @arrogant-antagonist​ because it’s my blog, though. ...and @existential-burden​
0 notes
lucindatracey-blog · 7 years
Favored Comic Book Movie.
There was actually a factor whilst playing Homefront: The Transformation that I assumed this could in fact be acquiring really good. With Birmingham acquitting themselves effectively, looking small and also set up after merely three times collaborating with Redknapp and also Steve Cotterill on the training ground, in bare contrast to the chaos of Gianfranco Zola's reign, Agbonlahor removed off, all set to incorporate a little character and enthusiasm to a Villa assault that appeared infecund in the vacancy of the put on hold Jonathan Kodjia, scorer of 41% of their game targets this time. That is actually because, unlike the access prior to this, Individual Wickedness 7 is played making use of a first-person viewpoint. Covering an overall area of 7.69 million straight kilometres, landmass Australia is actually the globe's largest isle - but littlest continent. Because certainly not all the parts get carried out until the edge from the task, short sprints from problem opportunity are required to attack deadlines in video games. Final time our company saw Alfie Allen's killer transformed abuse victim switched just-about-palatable antihero Theon Greyjoy in Game of Thrones, he and his sister Yara (Gemma Whelan) were setting sail off along with monster Queen Daenerys. My son picks his pre-order today, our experts will certainly view if he among the fortunate ones, I decided way back I would wait on an activity like DA inquisition to come out, and also give Sony and MS a chance to deal with the flaws. If you lately played the brand-new Doom video game and are wondering where designer id Program received its begin, look no more in comparison to Wolfenstein 3D. Though this wasn't the first title to find off video game superstar duo John Carmack as well as John Romero, Wolfenstein 3D played a necessary function in greatly uplifting an entire style of computer game: particularly the obscenely prominent first-person shooter (FPS). This means gamers in one home may dive into their own activity from Zelda without wholesale shifting of accounts or even anxiety of erasing a housemate's data. Season 3 Explanation: The Strolling Dead: The Telltale Series - A New Frontier are going to function as both a clean slate for players innovative to the collection and not familiar with Clementine, and also a continuance for gamers that have experienced Seasons One as well as Two. Your blog site is fantastic, thanks for the creativity to sit down and take the time to prepare one thing! If you loved this article and you want to receive more info relating to just click the next site assure visit the web site. Education Gamings: Video games and exciting tasks for ages 4 via 11 that focus on property proficiency skills. Manufacturers used man-made snow in period one, but have depended on the wilds from Iceland since. Still, along with the nightmarishly long haul before Season 7, we have actually come to take whatever disputes of relevant information we can easily acquire. If this manual wasn't 5 superstars for me, at that point the EOBS (end from publication shit) would certainly possess slammed this as much as 5 superstars. Before the equipment deep-seated plunges began, Mike Ybarra, Corporate Vice-President of the Xbox and also Microsoft window Pc gaming System come by to summarize what he referred to as the '4 pillars' behind Scorpio: restoring the centers and thoughts from developers, supplying enough energy to palm in a fantastic 'true 4K' take in, giving comprehensive being compatible along with existing software and hardware (and running outdated video games much better) as well as - most importantly - seeing to it that Scorpio can easily 'illuminate' 1080p TVs. Teaching with computer game (game-based learning) is actually an emerging resource for motivational and interaction learning in rehab resources, in institutions, daycare, and in special education class. Podeswa, that has actually driven two episodes from Video game from Thrones and also is assumed to controls more in time 6, was communicating at an event in Fox Studios Australia. This's not other, that's only click lure as well as an individual at @t activities trying to piggy back Nintendo's smart idea. Rather than providing you a 360-degree series of activity, the video game is actually aimed towards a 180-degree viewpoint, enabling you to teleport in any kind of direction, during the course of which you should initially choose the instructions you intend to experience. I Am Level's brilliant is in merging the core elements of such video games (Spectrum-style graphics, single-screen puzzle-oriented problems, and an explorable chart) with modern mobile thinking. Our team attempt to keep this list as clean as achievable, thus if your favorite falls off the graph then it's not a negative activity ... there is actually only a lot more available to attempt. In this particular book, the video game proceeded in their own way yet I had enough from it. There was so much discuss it without it being actually substantial - at the very least certainly not to me due to the fact that they totally shed my interest every time activity discussion turned up. However this's in truth an Android jewel - a remarkably brilliant game that tampers time travel ... and also your head. I may see my duplicate of Forbidden Desert - a video game I have actually beaten all of the moment - from where I am actually keying this, as an example, and the best it could get out of me for the direct future is a questionable frown. Your Android has the energy to participate in nearly every primary computer game coming from the final 3 or 4 years. I stumbled upon your weblog about 2 full weeks ago and allow's simply state you've transformed my life! A new fan-shot video clip, taken in Spain on Oct 22 during the course of Video game of Thrones season seven recording, has revealed that both personalities will eventually intercross courses in season 7. Other than Finn really did not depend on an audacious, spitfire, tattooed, pin-up looking charm with dark hair and also environment-friendly eyes to throw him off his game. Minis games often drop somewhere between pen-and-paper RPGs and strategy-focused board games.
0 notes
womanseries · 8 years
Woman series episode 13 “Eyes wide open: sleep deprivation of woman”
y he aquí, mujer no recibió dormir and was really damn tired. Woman was falling asleep everywhere. In fact when woman was at the store store. Now this store was owned by a store named store and they sold stores. How do you sell a store? Well its pretty easy you just have to sell the deed or something I think thats how it works anyway…  woman was at the store store when she fell asleep, as she was falling asleep she felt like she was falling woman, having taken Psyc1010 in high school knew this was part of the pre sleep  stage which is also known as the Hypnagogia stage. Anyway thats enough psycology for this daytime. Woman fell asleep. Woman was asleep for about 10 years when suddenly he was awoken in this hellish appoclyps like universe. “what in shit?” woman said. Man said “you in the appocolyps land.” “oh no” said woman. Woman was so confused. Woman went to a door and said “what is the year?” “well if memory serves, than that would be weird because imagine being served food by a memory.”  “actually that would be weird.” woman said in question voice. Suddenly the floor said “Im sorry, but I couldn’t help but over hear you, and the year this day is the year of 3.” woman was mad. He was mad because when he fell asleep it was the year -7 so that would have to mean woman was asleep for a whole 10 years. Woman couldn't accept this. Woman let  out an almighty scream but to his surprise, no sound occurred. Woman started crying. Woman just noticed that he was Inside a church but not in the sexual way. Woman was really embarresed becasse not only was he crying I church but he also looked like he had just been In a fight and he was in very casual clothes  than out of nowhere a floor appeared and said “YOUR CLOTHES ARE COMPETITIVE NOT CASUAL BECASEU YOU COMPETING AGAINST OTHER CLOTHES BITCH” then the floor disappeared before woman could respond. Woman was on the stand. “I was asked to give a talk?” the bishup priest nodded. So woman said “dont use the diving bored” every stood up and started clapping and cheering and woman was too then he sat back down in his seat and said “man these baseball game tickets are amazing!” “right?! Crazy, Crazy stuff” said Jose vally “just like this weather” said yohon. It was snowing. There was a snowman saing janessica, we are animals. Janessica said “ok, im telling everyone you are my favorite animals” the snowman said “cool, my name is rainwoman by the by” janessica thought that was cool so thats what she said. Woman was handed a ball and was being stared and yelled at by like a thousand people woman shot and made it he was so proud of himself at this point. He loved everything. Jensen ackles was there and so was jared padeleckie exept jensen looked like a scrill and jared was an moose. So there was a moose and a scrill in the audience.  Then woman was pooring a class of cereal. There was milk and chocolate seriup involved it was the best class of ceareal eveas. Then there was a jar of honey. Honey was womans fav and it wasn’t problemattic at all because it was sweet and sticky womans favorite wuoality of a honey type substance. Woman was then in school and had just gotten a 1000 percent and thats when he noticed something wasn’t quite right. Then woman suddenly had to relive man dying over and over again because he had tasted some funny tasting talkos. Woman said “ what ig this is all dream?” but then woman was a mattress, he couldn't move so he was like “oh no” then he saw a vision of a tv show claled “youll never find out” in which everyone of the episodes ends in a plot twist. Ds was a fun system for woman in fact he was using one and plaing a game called story simulator. Now story simulator was a game in which the palyer has to write stories. These stories are generally V funny continue tomarrow because im tired and want to sleep and to morrow right another eipsode so continuing from where Ileft of because I needed sleep simularot which Ill didscuss after dtory simulator. So anyway… story simulator was a game you you have to make build a story and if it is funny you get points and when you have a muchload of points than you win the whole damn game. Now sleep simulator is a compicated ass game because you get points based on how many hours of sleep you get in the game and you have to exaust yourself so I guess its not that funny or complicated. Anyway… woman was starting to feel weird when it clicked… he was dreaming… woman said “what in shit this was dream whole time?” thats when a man came out of the closet and said “ not only was woman dreaming but woman was dreaming that he was a brige brige brige” thats when nosey the rosy naboir came and knocked onn the door with a spatula in her hand. But then woman took conrol of the dream which ment it was a lucid dream but also since his brain relized it was in a dream it started waking up.  The fact woman was in a dream also  explained why everything that happened made sense. Woman stated “in dreams, your frontal lobe shuts off and shit that wouldn’t make sense makes sense like all the scene changes that happened.” then woman woke up. Man said “ holy shit woman you were asleep for like 48 hours meaning two days.” woman said “shit really? Felt like longer, jesus.”  so woman and man got out of the store store and got in the year 9999 jose vallier, the fact the car was a year 9999 was weird because woman was in the year -7 but that’s fucking fine. Guess what? Woman had time travled to get that car because it was the best fucking car that woman had ever driven.  So woman and man went home and woman said “goddamn I had the weirdest dream”  man and woman did that thing that some movies and just started laughing then there was a freeze frame. And then they died sadly never before the beginning.
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