#Global Capability Center
truefirms2018 · 1 year
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nexdigm · 2 months
Global Shared Services & Capability Centers | Nexdigm Business Process Management
Optimize your operations with Nexdigm's Global Shared Services and Capability Centers. Our Business Process Management solutions enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and provide strategic value. Discover the benefits of partnering with a global capability center.
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thalaronglobal · 5 months
Thalaron Global: Global Capability Centers Advisory Firm
Thalaron Global stands out as a leading Global Capability Centers Advisory Company, dedicated to facilitating the expansion of global businesses into India. Our team comprises seasoned industry experts who specialize in establishing and managing highly efficient teams and cost-effective Capability Centers within the Indian market.
Drawing upon our profound knowledge of the local landscape, we offer global organizations a streamlined pathway to integrate their operations in India seamlessly. Our comprehensive suite of services encompasses GCC as a Service, GCC Operations, Virtual CEO Services, Finance & Accounts, Talent Management Services, Workspace Boarding, Legal Advisory, and more.
What sets us apart is our customized approach, underpinned by the FLEX Delivery methodology and a subscription-based Pay-as-you-Grow model. These frameworks empower organizations with the flexibility to adapt, swift turnaround times, and assurance of full regulatory compliance. We recognize the significance of extending your operational runway and provide avenues for Accelerated Growth with minimal capital expenditure.
At Thalaron Global, we adhere to the ethos of "FOCUS ON WHAT YOU DO BEST AND LET US MANAGE THE REST." Our commitment lies in handling the operational intricacies, enabling you to concentrate on honing your core competencies and steering towards business triumph.
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zcoordinate · 6 months
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Discover the advantages of partnering with an offshore software development company in India. Learn how companies like ZCoordinate excel in providing top-notch development services while leveraging India's expertise and resources. Explore our blog to uncover the benefits and opportunities of offshore software development in India.
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acumontsolutions · 9 months
Unlock the full potential of India's Global Capability Centers with strategic staff augmentation services, empowering efficiency, innovation, and global competitiveness.
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idctech · 8 months
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realtruefirms · 9 months
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triosource · 10 months
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ernstandyoung · 2 years
Last 30+ years have seen Global Capability Centers (GCCs) evolve, from single-function Shared Services to multi-functional digital-led Global Business Services (GBS) organizations. New-age GCCs are now delivering complex judgment and decision-based activities while continuing to centralize and automate the more transactional activities. They are leveraging technology to drive transformation and deploy a more agile operating model. More than just a cost-saving initiative, they are now seen as a truly strategic partner for the enterprise, and a source for sustained competitive advantage.
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reality-detective · 14 days
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ALERT! Bill Gates’s Secret Lab Experiments: Deadly Viruses Engineered for Mass Extinction – Devastating Bio-Weapons
The stark reality we face today delves into the darkest depths of human capability. At the center stands Bill Gates, a figure whose immense wealth is being used not for innovation, but to conduct experiments that push us to the brink of catastrophe. These Gates-funded labs at University of Wisconsin-Madison are not about pandemic prevention—they are about unleashing biological weapons capable of mass extinction.
Behind the guise of vaccine development, Gates’s billions fund genetic manipulation and viral enhancements, working with Yoshihiro Kawaoka, a name that should make your blood run cold. The real goal isn’t better vaccines—it’s to weaponize viruses like H5N1, a lethal pathogen, and make it transmissible between humans on a massive scale. Every experiment brings us closer to a man-made supervirus, impossible for natural immunity to fight, that could wipe out entire populations.
COVID-19 already showed us how pandemics can shift power, tighten control, and enforce compliance. Now imagine a deadlier virus, one deliberately unleashed to lock us into a future of surveillance, fear, and submission. This is the nightmare scenario that Gates and his cohorts are building, where control of a virus means control over humanity.
The media won’t talk about it—they’re too busy taking Gates’s money—but the truth is starting to leak. These labs, cloaked in secrecy, are building a future where bioengineered viruses can be blamed on “natural” outbreaks while being used to reshape global control. The strategy is clear: create fear, offer a solution, and tighten their grip on the world.
The rapid development of vaccines is part of the plan. While sold as protection, it shows how quickly the global elite can mobilize to protect themselves while manipulating us into compliance. This research is a double-edged sword—one side for a cure, the other for catastrophe.
We are on the edge of a future where biological weapons are not a distant threat, but a reality, manipulated by elites like Gates to wage wars without borders. This is no longer about safety—this is about control, domination, and the potential destruction of life as we know it.
We must wake up and resist before it’s too late. A storm is coming, and the global elite are at the helm, toying with the power to annihilate us all. The time to act is now.
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reasonsforhope · 1 month
"On a blustery day in early March, the who’s who of methane research gathered at Vandenberg Space Force Base in Santa Barbara, California. Dozens of people crammed into a NASA mission control center. Others watched from cars pulled alongside roads just outside the sprawling facility. Many more followed a livestream. They came from across the country to witness the launch of an oven-sized satellite capable of detecting the potent planet-warming gas from space. 
The amount of methane, the primary component in natural gas, in the atmosphere has been rising steadily over the last few decades, reaching nearly three times as much as preindustrial times. About a third of methane emissions in the United States occur during the extraction of fossil fuels as the gas seeps from wellheads, pipelines, and other equipment. The rest come from agricultural operations, landfills, coal mining, and other sources. Some of these leaks are large enough to be seen from orbit. Others are miniscule, yet contribute to a growing problem.
Identifying and repairing them is a relatively straightforward climate solution. Methane has a warming potential about 80 times higher than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period, so reducing its levels in the atmosphere can help curb global temperature rise. And unlike other industries where the technology to decarbonize is still relatively new, oil and gas companies have long had the tools and know-how to fix these leaks.
MethaneSAT, the gas-detecting device launched in March, is the latest in a growing armada of satellites designed to detect methane. Led by the nonprofit Environmental Defense Fund, or EDF, and more than six years in the making, the satellite has the ability to circle the globe 15 times a day and monitor regions where 80 percent of the world’s oil and gas is produced. Along with other satellites in orbit, it is expected to dramatically change how regulators and watchdogs police the oil and gas industry...
A couple hours after the rocket blasted off, Wofsy, Hamburg, and his colleagues watched on a television at a hotel about two miles away as their creation was ejected into orbit. It was a jubilant moment for members of the team, many of whom had traveled to Vandenberg with their partners, parents, and children. “Everybody spontaneously broke into a cheer,” Wofsy said. “You [would’ve] thought that your team scored a touchdown during overtime.”
The data the satellite generates in the coming months will be publicly accessible — available for environmental advocates, oil and gas companies, and regulators alike. Each has an interest in the information MethaneSAT will beam home. Climate advocates hope to use it to push for more stringent regulations governing methane emissions and to hold negligent operators accountable. Fossil fuel companies, many of which do their own monitoring, could use the information to pinpoint and repair leaks, avoiding penalties and recouping a resource they can sell. Regulators could use the data to identify hotspots, develop targeted policies, and catch polluters. For the first time, the Environmental Protection Agency is taking steps to be able to use third-party data to enforce its air quality regulations, developing guidelines for using the intelligence satellites like MethaneSAT will provide. The satellite is so important to the agency’s efforts that EPA Administrator Michael Regan was in Santa Barbara for the launch as was a congressional lawmaker. Activists hailed the satellite as a much-needed tool to address climate change. 
“This is going to radically change the amount of empirically observed data that we have and vastly increase our understanding of the amount of methane emissions that are currently happening and what needs to be done to reduce them,” said Dakota Raynes, a research and policy manager at the environmental nonprofit Earthworks. “I’m hopeful that gaining that understanding is going to help continue to shift the narrative towards [the] phase down of fossil fuels.”
With the satellite safely orbiting 370 miles above the Earth’s surface, the mission enters a critical second phase. In the coming months, EDF researchers will calibrate equipment and ensure the satellite works as planned. By next year [2025], it is expected to transmit reams of information from around the world."
-via Grist, April 7, 2024
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I think a lot of people don't realize the Pax Americana, the massive decline in the frequency and severity of interstate wars since the end of the Second World War, is not a coincidence or happenstance. It is not an act of G-d, an unalterable status quo, or an accident. It is the product of decades of careful, hard work by diplomats, world leaders, civil servants, and political figures. And the primary guarantor of this peace, the product of their hard work is:
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
And NATO is precisely what Vladimir Putin is waging a targeted hybrid war to destroy.
The binding principle of NATO, of course, is that an attack against one is an attack against all. An assault against Poland will get America, Britain, Canada, Germany, and all of the other 32 member states to respond. This creates a tangible disincentive to attack, obviously. To be in NATO is to be assured that when shit hits the fan, you have the most powerful military in the history of mankind on your side, that you are protected from any expansionist neighbors. All across the world are nations that would likely be subject to hostile takeovers if their larger neighbors felt free to invade—Taiwan, Poland, the Baltics, Israel, Finland, etc. Some of these nations are not in NATO, but they are all American allies, and the American military is the bedrock of global peace today. You ever wonder why the US spends so much on a massive military in peacetime? Because they're paying for the defense of themselves, and Western Europe, ANDcontributing to the self defense capabilities of their allies—many of whom do have competent militaries of their own, but mutually benefit from the American security umbrella.
Today, of course, we're dealing with the problem of an expansionist Russia guided by an irredentist ideology that views Russia as holding a unique, privileged position between the decadent, declining West (Europe) and the foolish, ungovernable Asia. Eurasianism holds that Russia is the center of both worlds, and is both destined and obligated to take the reins of Europe and Asia and guide it to Russian-approved greatness. The Russian government systematically denies the legitimacy of Eastern Europe's national aspirations and cultures, arguing that it is no different from Russian culture and therefore deserves Russian governance. And if they can't take over these nations by unequal treaties and puppet regimes and troll farms, they'll do it directly with force.
But, of course, there's a problem. NATO. NATO is the obstacle in Putin's plans. A war with NATO would be, well, World War III. Russia can't afford to go to war with NATO, and they know that.
But what if... they could make NATO politically irrelevant?
And this is what brings us to our good friends Donald Trump and the Republican Party. The links between the Republican Party and the Russian state apparatus are a bit lengthy for the scope of this post, but the point is, Donald Trump has displayed a consistent admiration for Vladimir Putin, and a derision for NATO unheard of for any American president since 1949. Trump has described NATO as "obsolete" and even stated he would allow Russia to "do whatever they wanted" to nations that don't pay enough into NATO.
This is bad. Real bad.
Trump is doing what is in Putin's interest and trying to turn back the clock to the pre-NATO days—where nations were invaded by stronger neighbors, and there was no massive military alliance to block it. Putin is working to undo the Long Peace and create the circumstances that would allow him to bring back the dead Soviet empire by force. Yes, NATO would intervene if Russian troops set foot in Poland, but that will mean a lot less if the main backbone of NATO, the United States, has announced to the world that it will abandon its allies.
This is what makes European leaders so invested in the 2024 presidential election, and why the invasion of Ukraine shocked them so much—Putin was demonstrating he seriously wants to wage war for territorial expansion, and is willing to kill to do so. If Trump wins in 2024, not only will he enact Project 2025 and cause all kinds of damage to the United States' democracy, he will also create a world where autocrats are free to invade their neighbors if they want. China can invade Taiwan. Russia can invade the Baltics. North Korea can invade South Korea. Venezuela can invade Guyana. Azerbaijan can invade Armenia. He won't bring about World War III, he'll bring about a bunch of smaller wars, all over the world.
If you want peace and democracy, vote for Harris. If you want war and authoritarianism, vote for Trump.
It's as simple as that.
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nasa · 2 years
Calling Long-Distance: 10 Stellar Moments in 2022 for Space Communications and Navigation
Just like your phone needs Wi-Fi or data services to text or call – NASA spacecraft need communication services.
Giant antennas on Earth and a fleet of satellites in space enable missions to send data and images back to our home planet and keep us in touch with our astronauts in space. Using this data, scientists and engineers can make discoveries about Earth, the solar system, and beyond. The antennas and satellites make up our space communications networks: the Near Space Network and Deep Space Network.
Check out the top ten moments from our space comm community: 
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1. Space communication networks helped the Artemis I mission on its historic journey to the Moon. From the launch pad to the Moon and back, the Near Space Network and Deep Space Network worked hand-in-hand to seamlessly support Artemis I. These networks let mission controllers send commands up to the spacecraft and receive important spacecraft health data, as well as incredible images of the Moon and Earth.
The Pathfinder Technology Demonstration 3 spacecraft with hosted TeraByte InfraRed Delivery (TBIRD) payload communicating with laser links down to Earth. Credit: NASA/Ames Research Center
2. Spacecraft can range in size – from the size of a bus to the size of a cereal box. In May 2022, we launched a record-breaking communication system the size of a tissue box. TBIRD showcases the benefits of a laser communications system, which uses infrared light waves rather than radio waves to communicate more data at once. Just like we have upgraded from 3G to 4G to 5G on our phones, we are upgrading its space communications capabilities by implementing laser comms!
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3. The Deep Space Network added a new 34-meter (111-foot) antenna to continue supporting science and exploration missions investigating our solar system and beyond. Deep Space Station 53 went online in February 2022 at our Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex. It is the fourth of six antennas being added to expand the network’s capacity.
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4. You’ve probably seen in the news that there are a lot of companies working on space capabilities. The Near Space Network is embracing the aerospace community’s innovative work and seeking out multiple partnerships. In 2022, we met with over 300 companies in hopes of beginning new collaborative efforts and increasing savings.
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5. Similar to TBIRD, we're developing laser comms for the International Space Station. The terminal will show the benefits of laser comms while using a new networking technique called High Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking that routes data four times faster than current systems. This year, engineers tested and proved the capability in a lab.
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6. In 2021, we launched the James Webb Space Telescope, a state-of-the-art observatory to take pictures of our universe. This year, the Deep Space Network received the revolutionary first images of our solar system from Webb. The telescope communicates with the network’s massive antennas at three global complexes in Canberra, Australia; Madrid, Spain; and Goldstone, California.
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7. Just like we use data services on our phone to communicate, we'll do the same with future rovers and astronauts exploring the Moon. In 2022, the Lunar LTE Studies project, or LunarLiTES, team conducted two weeks of testing in the harsh depths of the Arizona desert, where groundbreaking 4G LTE communications data was captured in an environment similar to the lunar South Pole. We're using this information to determine the best way to use 4G and 5G networking on the Moon.
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8. A new Near Space Network antenna site was unveiled in Matjiesfontein, South Africa. NASA and the South African Space Agency celebrated a ground-breaking at the site of a new comms antenna that will support future Artemis Moon missions. Three ground stations located strategically across the globe will provide direct-to-Earth communication and navigation capabilities for lunar missions.
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9. Quantum science aims to better understand the world around us through the study of extremely small particles. April 14, 2022, marked the first official World Quantum Day celebration, and we participated alongside other federal agencies and the National Quantum Coordination Office. From atomic clocks to optimizing laser communications, quantum science promises to greatly improve our advances in science, exploration, and technology.
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10. We intentionally crashed a spacecraft into an asteroid to test technology that could one day be used to defend Earth from asteroids. The Double Asteroid Redirection Test, or DART, mission successfully collided with the asteroid Dimorphos at a rate of 4 miles per second (6.1 kilometers per second), with real-time video enabled by the Deep Space Network. Alongside communications and navigation support, the global network also supports planetary defense by tracking near-Earth objects.
We look forward to many more special moments connecting Earth to space in the coming year.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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zcoordinate · 5 days
Setting up a BPO business in India offers significant advantages, including access to a vast talent pool, cost-effective operations, and world-class infrastructure. With the growing demand for outsourcing, India remains a prime destination for companies seeking efficient and scalable solutions. This guide provides insights into key aspects of launching a BPO, from regulatory compliance to hiring strategies. By leveraging India’s strong IT infrastructure and skilled workforce, businesses can maximize their operational efficiency while unlocking long-term growth opportunities in the global market.
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