#Goddess Queen have mercy on my poor fragile demisexual heart as it’s been through a lot
acacia-luna-royal · 2 years
Right! Okay! Had an epiphany just as I was about to go to sleep about Porsche’s magnificent, badass, hot as FUCK, sexy, show-stopping, heart-rate elevating, brilliant, strategic, breathtaking, jaw dropping, amazing- I could go on and on- Entrance in the Main Family take down scene:
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The way time slowed, the way everyone was shocked to see Porsche join the fight. Everybody being shocked for different reasons. It was epic as FUCK and oh damn... did I forget to breathe during this bit? Hella YES. Did it feel like my heart would jump out my ribcage, walk across my bedroom floor and then yeet itself out of my bedroom window when Porsche stepped in looking like this? Hella YES! But that isn’t what I wanted to talk about. (I mean, I always want to talk about Porsche looking like this and I could go on and on for hours about Porsche in this scene alone but, that would be procrastinating, so let’s move on.)
What I wanted to talk about is how this man, THIS MAN RIGHT HERE:
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How this beautiful gorgeous man (Damn Kinn you’re so damn fucking lucky!) Sneaked, literally sneaked into the Main Family compound, in the midst of a full on war, so he could harness up to get weapons galore! He wasn’t there when the fight started, and no one freaking knew he was there! Tankhun and Arm would have only seen him on the cameras when he joined the fight! Porsche snuck in like the Ghost of Mafia Present, just so that he could join the fight and protect his man!
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And no offence to the other bodyguards, but Porsche here was literally: “You want a job done right, you’ve got to do it yourself. *Grabs a knife. Loads up a machine gun. Packs a smoke grenade*” Porsche showing everyone the Phoenix that he really is; rising from the ashes which is the chaos, to then come into the middle of the fight, Full Fucking Throttle.
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