#Golden Cheese and Hollyberry are fleeing in the distance
darkfluffydragon · 6 months
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how do the other ancients react to somber warrior/dark cacao’s disappearance?
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Well . White Lily is definitely the first one to find out (since she was literally there when it happened lol) and she confides the news to PV first
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The news get to the other ancients after PV convocates them all together. White Lily, in denial, painfully gives them some hopes saying that D.Cacao is just missing, and that they should just send patrols from their own kingdoms to look for him. They all grieve him anyways, taking a moment to lift their morale and actually start looking for him. For White Lily, at least.
Speaking of, White Lily still has hopes of bringing him back, however that may work. She still suffers with guilt and starts slowly distancing herself from the others though, only appearing when it's important.
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White Lily was able to retrieve Dark Cacao's sword when fleeing the Banquet, being the only remnant of him from before he went missing. So, they hand it over to Dark Choco to keep. To begin using it or to hide it somewhere was up to him though, and that's how it ends up in the Tomb of Blades; a place only he and Dark Cacao knew.
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Well! To put it shortly, The Castle Is Fucking Gone! Somber Warrior's attack was far more destructive than in canon, leaving the Vanilla Kingdom in almost nothing but shambles and ruins. There's a lot of reasons for the near absolute destruction of the place of residence of PV and WL: Along with the stress of being rebaked and knowing what would've happened in the future, coming to terms with the fact that all the pain in the canon timeline was caused by White Lily of all people, having done everything to keep his friends from any harm or evil, but his only payback being dubbed as a "wrongdoing force causing chaos all over Earthbread with their army of monsters" when he's given everyone a new chance and defeated the Evils to Come, the overstimulation all leads to a blind rage.
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PV has even more amnesia than in canon, Hollyberry and Golden Cheese aren't that different compared to the OGs, and White Lily...
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... she's... still trying.
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