#Gotta love six seasons of WILL THEY WONT THEY just for the writers to be like you know what’s more interesting
incorrectquoteswwdits · 9 months
We are so Nandermover
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Voting for Chopped Choice: Horror is officially OPEN!
You know how voting works so we wont bore you with lots of details. Remember to rank fics based on the USE of the tropes and theme and to rank ALL fics in each question, so we can avoid any technical difficulties! Your #1 spot should be the best answer and your last spot the least likely answer for the question. Please try and read all the fics so you can vote fairly! Reminder, you must include a URL, and you may only vote once, we will NOT count multiple votes by the same person.
Voting will be open until October 30th at 11:59pm EST! You can vote here:
For this event, the writers had to create a story with the theme of their choice and include four tropes of their choice with at least one trope from the horror section! Thanks to all our AMAZING writers, these fics were so spooky and we are so glad you decided to share them with us!!
guess we’re alike that way (Rated T) [Murphy/Octavia]
Summary: Octavia died 25 years ago. The answer, by the way, is ghosts. Just ghosts. Yeah, it’s just as bad as it sounds. Especially Murphy. Why did the only living person who could see her have to be fucking Murphy?
The Haunting of Kane Manor (Rated M) [Bellamy/Clarke]
Summary: When Roan offers Clarke and Bellamy a hundred grand to stay at a fake haunted house for a night for his new reality TV show, they jump at the chance. But what happens when it turns out to actually be haunted?
cause i know in the morning you’ll be gone (how am i supposed to carry on?) (Rated T) [Echo/Wells]
Summary: Wells liked things to make sense.
Allying themselves with Azgeda when the opportunity came up made sense. Doing whatever it took to make that alliance stick made sense. Entering an arranged marriage with a woman he’d never met for the sake of his people made sense.
The butterflies in his gut whenever he locked eyes with the Azgedan ambassador who was decidedly not his fiancée made no sense at all.
Imitation (Rated M) [Murphy/Emori] *Major Character Death*
Summary: In a remote research station on the planet Nakara, Emori is just starting to get into a rhythm with her work when things take a turn for the worse. It starts off with a dog bite but it leads into a desperate race to survive, as the infection spreads and it turns out that her fellow teammates aren’t all who they appear to be. The race against time will involve keeping emotions and personal feelings in check while trying to stop the creatures from picking them all off one by one.
you can stand under my umbrella (Rated T) [Clarke/Murphy]
Summary: Abandoning the children was definitely a no-no on field trips. But does it really count when you’re just completely, genuinely lost in a corn maze?
After six years of working with him, Clarke still doesn’t know Murphy’s first name, and at this point its definitely too late to ask.
Mad Women (Rated T) [Gen Fic]
Summary: Four-hundred-and-twenty-three days in the never-ending darkness of the uncharted universe, and Murphy’s starting to wonder if space madness really is setting in. At least he’s not as far-gone as Raven, hidden away in her laboratory, fiddling with alien tech; or Clarke, who is steering them steadfastly into the deep unknown of ‘haunted space.’
Something isn’t right here, even if Bellamy and Octavia don’t want to see it.
When their little ship receives a distress call from an old friend, the tensions between captain and crew finally come to a head, and Murphy faces more than one unpleasant truth.
Bury a Friend (Rated M) [Murphy/Emori, Bellamy/Clarke, Raven/Shaw]
Summary: As part of their Halloween tradition of trying to scare themselves, Emori, Murphy, Bellamy, Clarke, Raven and Shaw decide to step it up this year by exploring an abandoned Asylum - only, it’s not as abandoned as they once thought.
it was only a dream? (Rated T) [Spacekru]
Summary: It’s just another ordinary day on the Ring until someone points out that it’s Halloween. That’s when things get weird.
the ghost in you, she don’t fade (Rated E) [Bellamy/Clarke]
Summary: The wooded area behind the Collins’ property stretches for about nine square miles with the highway into town bordering the far side and the Blake property guarding the southernmost corner. Nine square miles.
It might as well be a million.
Clarke takes another fortifying breath.
It does no good to think about Bellamy. He’s no longer part of the equation. He’s made that abundantly clear.
The Wanheda Tape (Rated T) [Gen Fic]
Summary: “It’s the Wanheda Tape. You gotta remember this. It happened like five or six years ago. Those dumbass college kids went into the woods out past the auto shop and got lost and never came back… Seriously, what were you two doing in the fourth grade, living under a rock?”
de omnibus dubitandum (Rated M) [Lexa/Echo/Josephine]
Summary: After vampires took over the world, the Hunter Association was the only thing that stood between the creatures of the night and the rest of humanity. Lexa, commander of the association, was determined to bring the world to a better place, no matter the cost.
And then she met Josephine Lightbourne.
slay your demons (Not Rated) [Jasper & Monty]
Summary: He doesn’t like this. He never has. There is a reason he self medicates with booze and drugs: It’s to stop seeing people like her - dead people.
Umbrella Academy AU but make it Monty and Jasper.
More Than I Do (Rated T) [Gen Fic]
Summary: Mysterious circumstances surround the sudden tragedies afflicting Clarke’s loved ones. Can she figure out why before she loses everyone she cares about? Maybe not, but she’s willing to die trying.
Honorable Mention of this submission to the Non-Anon Collection. It won’t be counted in the voting, but we’d love for you to read it!:
I’m Demon Proof, Baby (Rated T) [Murphy/Emori] by Anonymous
Summary: Arcadia Investigates is well into its fifth or sixth season, depending on how you count it, and Wilmington Hospital has been just begging for a visit.
Clarke thinks it’s very scary. Murphy thinks it’s very fake.
Bellamy and Emori are mostly just there to make sure someone gets some usable footage.
Please try to read as many fics as you can, take some note, leave some kudos/comments for the authors, and don’t forget to vote!
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