#Grand View Watchtower
philotheoristic · 4 months
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Watchtower at Desert View... East end of Grand Canyon South Rim. It was very breezy with wind gusting to 50 mph this morning (March 2nd), so it was also a bit chilly - probably why there weren't a lot of people around.
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whitedarkmoonflower · 7 months
Hey! Just wanted to say love your Sihtric fics. They literally give me life. As a new Last Kingdom fan (just started watching the show, on season 2 now). I was hoping you could write a one shot of Sihtric x Fem reader. Where the fem is like a healer very similar to Iseult in season 1. But this time reader is patching up our boy Sihtric. The reader is extremally worried for Sihtric. Hope this ask is okay. Thank you again!
The Witch
Part 1
Pairing: Sihtric x reader (female)
Authors note: Dear Anon, I'm so sorry it took me so long to write this. I loved the request, but unfortunately there were so many things in between. And lately I really struggle with writing, so I can tell you I have rewritten it at least five times and if I don't post it now, I will probably start all over again tomorrow. Sorry, I didn't manage to put all in a one shot, so this is Part 1.
Warnings: a bit of fluff and as per usual angst, but in delicate doses
Word Count: 3,4K
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Tags: @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @hb8301 @zillahvathek @alexagirlie
If you want to be added to the tag list - write to me.
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Sihtric's gaze repeatedly drifted toward the upper end of the grand hall, where Sigefrid and his brother Erik were seated. He tried to force himself to look away, just to find himself staring again as if pulled by an irresistible force. It was not the commanding presence of the two brothers that captivated him. No, it was you. 
The first time Sihtric had seen you was on the very first day of his arrival in Beamfleot. Deliberately, he guided his horse into a slow walk as he passed through the city gates, determined not to appear hasty or restless. He was supposed to look just like one among the numerous Danish warriors lured in by the boastful promises of wealth and vast lands, spread by Erik and Sigefrid. 
He paused at the stables, casually tossing the reins to a stable boy, and began to unfasten his saddlebag, taking in his surroundings with vigilant eyes, all the while sensing an unfamiliar presence, as if someone's gaze bore into him.
Sihtric turned around, finding no one behind him. His gaze shifted upward, scanning the city's encircling walls, counting the watchtowers and the spears positioned within them. It was precisely at that moment when he caught sight of you. You stood upon the ramparts, your attention firmly fixed on him, making no effort to conceal it. 
The sun danced through your unbraided hair, fluttering in the wind and what was meant to be a fleeting glance began to feel like an eternity for Sihtric, as he found himself unable to tear his eyes away. He was ensnared by the boundless depths of your dark, scrutinising eyes, as if they possessed the ability to peer into the recesses of his soul, reading his very thoughts. 
"Hey, you, lunkhead," a mocking voice snapped Sihtric's attention back to the present. "Barely arrived, and already fallen under the witch's spell?" 
A small group of warriors approached him, and Sihtric felt a slight flush of embarrassment as he chuckled nervously.
"What's it to you?" he retorted, raising an eyebrow.
"You know, the woman up there on the ramparts. The seer and Sigefrid's personal healer," one of the warriors grinned knowingly.
Sihtric shrugged, trying to play it cool. "I was just taking in the view. No harm in that, right?"
The warrior smirked. "Oh, there's harm, my friend. They say she can see right through a man's soul. Best be cautious with those lingering looks."
"I'll keep that in mind," Sihtric chuckled, feigning nonchalance, but as the group of warriors continued to jest and banter, he couldn't resist stealing one last glance in your direction, only to find the ramparts empty, with a few mocking ravens cawing at him. 
Sihtric didn’t expect to see you soon again, but there you sat, positioned to Sigefrid's right. Your slender fingers, adorned with golden rings, idly played with the ale mug before you, while your large and expressive eyes swept across the scene of feasting, drunken, and brawling warriors in the hall. In another corner of the hall, a more serious argument appeared to be escalating. Your voice cut through the commotion, addressing one of the warriors by name, and your firm and assertive gaze landed on the group. Instantly, their voices lowered, and the quarrel that had been unfolding came to a halt. It was as if you held a power over the gathering, a power that made Sihtric’s heart race and his palms grow sweaty. 
Each time your eyes wandered in his direction, Sihtric felt a shiver run down his spine and he hurriedly turned away, clutching his mug and engaging in forced conversation with a nearby companion, all in an effort to avoid accidentally locking eyes with your watchful and discerning gaze, just to find himself stealing secret glances a moment later.
No matter how hard Sihtric tried to clear his mind, your presence lingered like an indelible mark. Even as he finally sank into the bed assigned to him within one of the large barracks nestled along the city walls and closed his eyes, he found no escape from your haunting image in his dreams. It was a frenzied vision of a wild sprint through a dense forest.
"Come on, catch me if you can," your voice, soft and melodic, teased him, urging him in the direction of its origin. There you stood, leaning against a tree, a playful smile gracing your lips as you extended an inviting hand. He ran towards you, his breath heavy, not so much from the wild chase as from the electric anticipation coursing through his veins. Sihtric loomed over your fragile and gentle frame, trapping you between his body and the tree. Your lips half parted, so red, full and inciting lured him in with a soft moan, your fingers trailing up and down his chest. His hand tenderly caressed your cheek as he leaned closer, his heart pounding in his ears and his eyes widening in surprise as you dissolved into thin air just a moment before his lips could meet yours.
"Catch me, I'm here, I'm waiting," echoed again from a different direction, and the wild chase began anew.
Upon waking in the morning, Sihtric discovered himself drenched in sweat, his breath laboured, and his heart pounding, as though he had just completed an actual race. He cursed silently at his own foolishness, swearing never to venture near the grand hall in the evening to evade encountering you again. 
And during the day he even managed to focus on his direct tasks, he inspected the barracks, visited the camps outside the city gates and casually walked nearby the docs to get an overview of the ships and the crews on them, however, each time as the evening descended, there he sat, nestled in his preferred corner at the far end of the hall, his back against the wall, surreptitiously stealing glances at the beautiful witch, drawn to your every movement and word. 
Sihtric seethed with frustration at his own weakness, resenting the magnetic pull you had over him. At times, he couldn't help but wonder if you had really somehow bewitched him, making his attraction to you feel all the more maddening and cursed himself for not being able to get over this hopeless infatuation.
You had long been aware of the handsome, young, and bashful warrior whose gaze seemed perpetually drawn to you. It didn't escape your notice how his cheeks would flush with a rosy hue every time your eyes met his, and how he attempted to steal glances at you, convinced he was being discreet.
Your heart couldn't help but warm to the endearing way he watched you, the earnestness in his big, expressive eyes mirroring a genuine curiosity and fascination. It was as though he were a moth to your flame, his shyness only adding to his charm. You were used to men looking at you with desire, but the sweet, innocent adoration that radiated from the young warrior made your heart fill with an unexpected sympathy.
You found yourself secretly delighted by his persistent glances, amused by his attempts to hide his interest. There was something about this young and undeniably handsome Dane that piqued your curiosity in return.
While the whispers and rumours surrounding you had labelled you as a witch, you knew well that your abilities were far from magical; they were rooted in your sharp wit, ability to observe and listen and your keen reasoning and you couldn't help but take notice that the young warrior always seemed to keep to himself. Unlike the boisterous and rowdy men in the hall, he never engaged in quarrels or brawls, and you had never once seen him completely drunk. 
You were intelligent enough to put things together and after inquiring discreetly and listening carefully to the tales and whispers circulating among the warriors and local folks, you were certain that the enigmatic young man was a spy. The question remained who had sent him. The idea that Alfred, the Saxon king, would employ a Dane for such a task seemed improbable.
Then, like a bolt of lightning, it struck you – Uhtred, the infamous Dane killer. This must be it. You had heard countless stories about him, a Saxon and a Dane, steadfast in his devotion to the old gods despite the repulsion it elicited from his King, renowned as a formidable warrior and a nobleman whose lands harboured both Danes and Saxons, living together in peace.
Your curiosity knew no bounds as you contemplated the implications of this discovery.
You had vehemently opposed this ill-conceived plan and had attempted to dissuade Erik and Sigefrid from their reckless pursuit. Impulsive and driven by their unquenchable thirst for conquest, they often lacked the foresight to plan for the long term. They were warriors, not settlers. Meanwhile, you found yourself tired —tired by the ceaseless cycle of men waging war and longing for someone with the courage to forge peace.
The weariness ran deep, as you were exhausted of mending wounds that you knew would barely have a chance to heal before the next battle, the next the final blow, erased the lives of the very fools you were striving to save. You had grown weary of gazing into the hollow, despairing eyes of the widows and children who had followed their men in pursuit of the elusive promises of wealth and fertile land. You were a healer, and you longed for an end to the relentless cycle of violence.
Even as both Danes and the Saxon town folks referred to you as a witch, with the former showing respect and the latter reacting with fear, crossing themselves and spitting in your direction, you knew who you were and had no need for anyone else's approval.
For you, healing was not just a trade—it was your heritage, your calling, a legacy coursing through your veins. You had absorbed the knowledge from your mother, who had received it from her own mother, continuing a long line of wise and strong women passing down their carefully gathered wisdom from one generation to the next. It was a blessing and a burden you carried with equal measures of pride and devotion. And as a healer, you held within your heart a sacred dream of peace and prosperity for your people. In a world already burdened with pain and suffering, there was no room for the needless and futile wars incited by foolish, power-hungry men.
Just a few days prior, you had experienced a heartwarming surprise when a young Saxon girl had come to you under the cover of night, secretly seeking your aid for her little son. She had knocked on your door, her trepidation clear, fearing the judgement of others but driven by her desperation for help. You had not hesitated to assist her.
Today, while crossing the bustling marketplace, your paths had crossed again. Your gazes had locked for a brief moment, and in that instant, you knew that the boy was well. Your heart swelled with warmth as you witnessed the unmistakable joy shining in the young mother's eyes. It was moments like these that constituted the greatest reward, the very purpose of your existence—to apply your knowledge where it was needed most, to offer help to those in dire circumstances.
"Damn," Sihtric muttered under his breath as he withdrew his knife from the lifeless body, observing as it slowly slumped to the ground.
Wincing at the unusual ache that prodded at his consciousness, Sihtric instinctively reached for his right side, as though attempting to locate the source of the unpleasant, slightly burning sensation that was steadily intensifying. Something sticky and warm trickled through his fingers, prompting Sihtric to extend his hand for a closer look, his vision blurring as the burning sensation in his side abruptly erupted into a sharp, overwhelming pain.
Blood. So much blood. It dripped from his fingers and streamed down his arm. With a forceful grunt, he pressed his hand against the area where the pain was most intense, as if attempting to quell it, and leaned heavily against the wall.
He had carefully avoided all the quarrels and brawls in the city, but this time there hadn't been any other option; the robust, black-haired warrior with a scar marrying his left cheek had recognized him and attacked in rage without a single word of warning. 
Gasping for breath, Sihtric tightened his grip around the hilt of his knife as the world around him began to blur slowly.
"No, no, no... come on... get a hold of yourself," Sihtric muttered under his breath, shaking his head in an attempt to clear his vision.
With a resounding groan, he straightened and forced himself to move forward. Each step sent waves of pain through his body, nearly causing him to double over. Gritting his teeth, he continued to stumble through the deserted, narrow streets of Beamfleot, using the wooden walls of houses to support himself.
Where to? He was alone here, without a clan, without friends or a leader. There was no one who would be willing to help him. It wasn't a conscious decision, but rather a pure instinct that guided him toward a small house standing apart from the others, nestled under an ancient oak tree with its imposing wooden arms stretched protectively overhead. Some distant memory in his pain-addled mind had led him to choose this small house as his last refuge.
Shivering, cold sweat covering his forehead, Sihtric pressed on, forcing his trembling limbs to take another step and then another until there was no wall left to lean on.
"Come on, just one more step... You can do it, you're almost there," a loud groan escaped Sihtric's lips as his knees and hands collided with the unforgivingly hard ground. He lay there for a moment, still, listening to his laboured breaths and feeling his heart racing in his chest. He was too close to give up now. He wriggled back to his feet, took a few steps, slipped and fell again, his hands and knees bruised and aching. The small house loomed just before him, just a few strides away. Stretching out his arm, he dug his fingers into the muddy earth, his nails breaking against some hidden stones in the trampled ground as he forced himself back on his feet again.
Sihtric had always imagined that death would come swiftly, like a clean cut from a sharp blade. But now, it felt more like falling asleep after a long, exhausting day, with everything around him dissolving into a soft mist.  He had fallen again and his strength was slowly waning, as with one last effort, he propped himself up on his elbows and crawled the final few steps to reach the door.
It was late, nearly midnight by the moon's position in the sky, and the fire in the hearth was on the verge of dying out. You added more wood to the fire and watched as the flames danced and licked at the fresh fuel, gradually regaining their strenght. Sleep was a luxury you couldn't afford at the moment. The ointment for treating wounds was running dangerously low, and it was just the right time to prepare the fever-reducing potion, it was a new moon - the perfect timing to achieve its best effect.
Your eyes roamed around the spacious room, taking in the herbs hanging on lines along the walls, then returned to the mugs, flasks, and pounders scattered across the table before you. This place had once belonged to a local healer who had fled as the Danes drew near. Being Sigefrid's personal seer had its advantages, as no one had dared to challenge your declaration of this house as your own. 
A peculiar sound at the door jolted you from your thoughts, instantly commanding your attention. It wasn't a customary knock, but rather a feeble scratching. Instinctively, your hand sought the dagger hanging from your waist. With a gentle but purposeful motion, you retrieved the small yet potent weapon, a faithful companion that had saved your life on more than one occasion. Cautiously, you approached the door and swung it open.
"What in the world..." you exclaimed, taken aback as your gaze fell upon the grimy, hunched figure of a young man—a Dane. He gasped for breath, his body trembling violently, his right hand pressed to his side, and blood seeping through his fingers. His face contorted with pain, his large, expressive eyes silently begging for help.
By the way his eyes periodically rolled back, it was evident that he was on the brink of losing consciousness.
"Hey, look at me." Kneeling down beside the young warrior, you firmly gripped his chin, locking your gaze with his. And then, in a sudden rush of recognition, you realised who he was—your sweet and bashful admirer, the young warrior, the very spy sent by Uhtred.
"You're going to be alright. You're in the right place. I will help you. Do you hear me? You are safe here," you assured him as he struggled to catch his breath. The Dane nodded, sucking for breath in short, shallow intervals.
"I need you to stay awake. Can you do it for me?" The young man's eyes began to roll back again. "No, no, no, stay with me, look at me," you hissed in frustration and pressed your finger onto the wound in his side. The Dane cried out, but his gaze cleared.
"What's your name?" you asked, not because you needed his name, but because you needed his focus.
"Sihtric," came a barely audible whisper from his lips.
"I'm sorry, Sihtric, but I need you to stay awake and make one last effort. I need you to summon all your strength and help me get you on your feet. Come on, I know you can do it. You are strong," you said, placing his left arm around your neck and wrapping yours around his waist. As you pulled, you didn't expect his lean body to be so heavy, but to your relief, he still had enough strength to follow your lead. With a loud groan, he managed to rise to his feet. 
"Good, you're doing very well. The hardest part is behind us now. Just a few more steps to that table over there. Can you see it? You can lean on me. I won't let you down, I promise. But you have to find the strength to move your legs. I can't carry you," you reassured him, tightening your grip on his waist as you both took a step towards the table. You could feel his body trembling from the effort, leaning heavily on you, his breaths growing even more uneven and sharp. However, he managed to stumble in the right direction.
"Good, just one more step, and we're there," you kept talking, trying to maintain his focus. And then, you reached the table, allowing him to slump down. You supported his head as it slowly descended onto the hard surface and quickly lifted his legs, placing them on the table.
"This is going to be a long night," you murmured to yourself, your hands already in motion as you hastily gathered your supplies and placed the kettle filled with water over the flames of the hearth.
Your experienced fingers deftly unfastened the belt, untied the laces, and carefully removed the armbands. Eventually, everything was loose enough to pull the thick and heavy armour from the young Dane's body. Cutting away the blood-soaked linen shirt that clung tightly to the wound, you gasped in astonishment as your gaze traced the well-built, muscular frame of the injured warrior, wincing in pain on your table.
His body was marked with scars. You recognized each one, having treated them countless times before, but it was rare to see so many of them in one place. There were the short, deep scars left by knives, the long, straight ones undoubtedly from a whip, some uneven burns, healed sword cuts, and a few from axes, identifiable by the deeper cuts in the centre that gradually faded at both ends. Each scar had a different colour, with some older ones slowly fading away and others more recent.
He was so young; you would wager he hadn't seen more than nineteen or maybe twenty summers. Yet, his body was like an open book to your skilled eyes, recounting a long tale of torment and pain. Too long for his young age.
"Drink this," you gently lifted his head and brought a small mug to his lips. "It will dull the pain."
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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alixennial · 9 months
Ishgard & The Coerthas Highlands (1/3)
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The Nail, Coerthas Central Highlands
As is described in the Enchiridion, to ensure the realm of man did not drift apart from the firmament, Halone struck the Nail through both, ever binding the two. And though assailed on all sides by great metal shards fallen from the lesser moon Dalamud's crust, the ancient peak remained standing, a testament to the land's life force.
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The Observatorium, Coerthas Central Highlands
Three hundred years ago, Ishgardian astrologian Adaunel the Younger convinced the Holy See that he could predict the comings and goings of the Dravanian Horde by studying the movements of the heavens, and thus secured funding for the construction of the First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena and its grand astroscope.
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The Frozen Fang, Coerthas Central Highlands
In years past, the hot alpine summers would have seen this fallen Dravanian outflyer blown with maggots and reduced to bones in a matter of days. Now, in the endless winter wrought by the Calamity, the carcass rests in the permafrost under a thin blanket of snow, perfectly preserved since the day he was pierced through the heart by a ballista.
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The Holy See of Ishgard, View from Coerthas Central Highlands
For the past thousand years, Ishgard has waged a bloody war with the dragons of Dravania. To fend off the enemy horde, a complex web of defenses, magical and corporeal, have been added piecemeal to the city proper's outer walls, transforming her into an impenetrable bastion, while at the same time, isolating her and her people from the outside world.
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Boulder Downs, Coerthas Central Highlands
Before the Calamity, Boulder Downs was a vast sloped lea littered with moraine deposited by realm-swallowing glaciers long receded. The rain of debris that accompanied the fall of Dalamud, however, transformed the landscape into a frozen wasteland pocked with gaping impact craters and peculiar dark matter formations.
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The Fury's Gaze, Coerthas Central Highlands
A place holy to all Ishgardians, it is believed that when a man stands within this hidden grotto, the Fury Herself will reach deep into the darkest recesses of his soul and lay out his sins before him, allowing the man to repent those failings. The Monument Tower nearby was built to protect this hallowed ground from the taint of dragons and heretics.
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Snowcloak, Coerthas Central Highlands
The bitter cold which swept over the Coerthas highlands following the Calamity did not only blanket the region in snow and ice, but transformed the water of Twinpools and the Swiftrun into a mountainous flow of ice—a flow which has slowly crept through western Coerthas highlands and now has completely engulfed Gargoyle Crossing, preventing passage.
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Camp Dragonhead, Coerthas Central Highlands
Its name taken from a rocky outcropping said to be the head of a Dravanian king turned to stone by the almighty hand of Halone, this outpost acts as the Coerthas central highlands' southernmost line of defense for the Holy See, tasked with fending off Ixali raids from Natalan, incursions by heretic factions, and the occasional yeti scare.
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The Steel Vigil, Coerthas Central Highlands
One of four citadel watchtowers built along the Sea of Clouds, the Steel Vigil warned the Holy See of aerial attacks for centuries before being razed and gutted by the Dravanian Horde and their vile commander, Svara. Now, only the outer walls remain, leaving a bitter reminder of the dragons' destructive power.
Indie's Sightseeing Log
Limsa Lominsa & La Noscea (1/3) Limsa Lominsa & La Noscea (2/3) Limsa Lominsa & La Noscea (3/3)
Gridania & The Black Shroud (1/3) Gridania & The Black Shroud (2/3) Gridania & The Black Shroud (3/3)
Ul'dah & Thanalan (1/3) Ul'dah & Thanalan (2/3) Ul'dah & Thanalan (3/3)
Mor Dhona (1/1)
Ishgard & The Coerthas Highlands (1/3) Ishgard & The Coerthas Highlands (2/3) Ishgard & The Coerthas Highlands (3/3)
Dravania (1/4) Dravania (2/4) Dravania (3/4) Dravania (4/4)
Abalathia's Spine (1/3) Abalathia's Spine (2/3) Abalathia's Spine (3/3)
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wispstalk · 2 years
Cloud Ruler Temple clings to the mountainside. At times it's as if the barren slopes are all that remains of the world, an island of cold rock drifting in some hazy void. All the rest, from the wind-battered highlands to the glittering Topal bay, seems burnt away— a dream forgotten with no one left to dream it.
Martin leans in a crenel, flanked by the two watchtowers. Up here the wind rides high and wild, plucking at the ends of his hair as it races by. First Seed can only charitably be considered a spring month this far north, but the brazier nearby fends off the chill, and Bruma Valley sleeps curled at the foot of the mountain. Tanis was right: this really is the best brooding spot in the whole temple.
A hand on his shoulder. Martin had been so absorbed in his thoughts he hadn’t heard anyone approach. Before he can rouse himself to turn, a slender grey hand comes to cover his eyes.
“Tanis, what—”
“What phase is Secunda in?” the Hero of Kvatch cuts in.
“I—” Martin lets out a soft huff of laughter. “I don’t know. I was… somewhere else.”
“I know you were.” Tanis lowers his hand and cups Martin’s jaw, tilting it upward.
Secunda full, Masser a waxing crescent. A cold, clear night, with high winds herding the clouds away. One seems to have strayed from the flock, however: Tanis nudges him with an elbow, proffering a steaming mug.
An alchemist never offers tea without some ulterior motive. With the coming of spring, Tanis has been plying the temple’s residents with “blood tonics,” whatever those are. But he has a mind for flavor: the bitter, earthy root is rounded out with fennel and cardamom, sweetened with honey. The warmth of it in his hand, the warmth of Tanis at his back, settles Martin back into himself. He breathes in the aromatic steam and looks out again with fresh eyes.
Up here the plants hang on for dear life. Tough, scrubby little things, huddled low in the hollows that pock the rough granite. Down the slopes their defenses thicken: evergreens bent into crooked sprays, their rugged branches bearing crowns of bright, tender green. The spruce buds are luminous in the moonlight. Evidence of another winter survived, another chance to jostle for a place in the sun.
“A prison with a view,” Tanis remarks, “but damned if it isn’t the best view in all Cyrodiil.”
“I've wondered what keeps you here,” Martin says wryly. "Moved up in the world from your dungeon cell, haven't you?"
Tanis slips an arm around Martin’s waist. “I like it here. More than I thought I would. I've seen every corner of this land of yours by now, priest, and it's a fine one.”
Martin breaks into a faint smile. “It really is.”
Far below them the forest spills down the mountain like dark velvet. Bruma’s watchfires are tiny embers in the coal-dark valley. He makes a note to come out in the daylight. Surely there is a stirring in the cradle of the Jeralls. Sun-starved residents baring their arms in defiance of the chill, farmers out to till the fallow fields. Here he is too high up to see the bustle, but he knows— despite all, the sun will draw them out.
He spent his childhood with his hands in the soil, his body tuned to the grand order of the seasons, his mind trained to look for the potential that lives in each tiny seed. Every stretch of land on which he’s walked has given him something to love. Tall reeds waving on the shores of Lake Rumare; dark-winged skimmers nesting in Anvil’s dunes; stubborn Kvatch in the hinterlands, perched proudly on its hill.
And yes, even here. The silent, remote immensity of stone, keeping vigil over the boundless horizon.
The mountain fastness seems less an island to him now. It settles, takes root; becomes part of a living, breathing whole. A land that goes on, and on.
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gpphotos · 2 years
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🌩 Desert View watchtower . . . . #grandcanyonnationalpark #grandcanyon #arizona #nationalpark #findyourpark #aroundarizona #visit_arizona #desertview #landscape #arizonasky #landscapephotography #arizonaphotography #nature #exploreaz #explorearizona #azphotographer #instagramaz #sky #skyporn #bestofthegrandcanyonstate #grandcanyonconservancy #ig_southwest #capturearizona #arizona_landscapes #clouds #lightning #arizona_sky #divine_deserts #sunset 🌩 (at Grand Canyon National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjQPHR3L0QU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sunbeat-coeurl · 2 years
Prompt #2: Bolt
Norah had been watching the comings and goings of those around the base of Baelsar's Wall for several weeks now. She'd even mentioned it rather pointedly to a highlander working for a company she'd employed recently. Something was going on, and whatever it was wasn't good. She knew no amount of attention focused on the wall was good. At best the wall's defenses might activate, at worst the Garleans may take notice and use this affront as an excuse to start another war.
Even knowing all this she couldn't keep herself away. She didn't involve herself in what was happening but with the use of a borrowed spyglass and an elevated vantage point she could sate her curiosity. Several carts had rumbled down the worn path of the Black Shroud towards one of the more prominent walls. As far as she could tell the Alliance had even taken notice and were keeping their own watch of the situation now. Though maybe it had been by their instruction the whole time? She couldn't get the bleak thought out of her mind.
Watching a pair of figures climb the nearby watchtower, Norah focused on them with the spyglass as they spoke with the Serpents--what must have been a commander.
The evening sky brightened along the edge of the viewing glass, drawing her gaze away from the mundane meeting. Even without using the scope, she could see an orange blaze beginning to climb and small dots that must have been men sprinting across the wall's battlements. She turned the spyglass back towards the walls, the attack must have happened so suddenly. It was as if it had been one large coordinated attack. The blue, red, and yellow clad soldiers of the Alliance Grand Companies dashed around and magitek lay burning and in pieces.
Norah's mouth fell agape, and her heart began to race. No amount of staring could convince her what she was seeing was real. Slowly she started to shake her head. Several repercussions flitted through her mind, each worse than the last. Already she'd wondered how the Garleans might retaliate if they had taken notice of the gathering along their borders but this… this was a blatant attack. An attack by the Grand Companies themselves no doubt. She couldn't fathom it.
She watched in shock as soldiers scurried, magitek crumpled, and men fell. Norah stood rooted to the ground, watching, the seconds turning to minutes as the fighting raged on. The sky lit up, the warm glow of the fires drowned out by a brilliant orb lighting up the sky; bright enough that it might be confused for the dawn. Norah was struck with a sense of wrongness. One she could not explain. It sparked a primal feeling in her, fight or flight.
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eyssant · 2 months
Into the Depths: A Journey Through Grand Canyon's Natural Splendor
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Grand Canyon National Park stands as a testament to the Earth's enduring beauty and geological marvels. With its awe-inspiring vistas, breathtaking hikes, and rich cultural history, it's a destination that captivates the hearts and minds of millions of visitors each year. Situated in the northwestern part of Arizona, the park offers not only the grandeur of the canyon itself but also an array of activities and sights to explore.
Places to Explore:
South Rim: The South Rim is the most accessible and popular area of the park, offering numerous viewpoints such as Mather Point and Yavapai Observation Station. Visitors can also explore the historic Grand Canyon Village, home to iconic structures like the El Tovar Hotel and the Hopi House.
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North Rim: The North Rim provides a more secluded experience with fewer crowds and a cooler climate due to its higher elevation. Here, visitors can enjoy stunning vistas from spots like Bright Angel Point and Cape Royal. The North Rim also offers various hiking trails, including the renowned North Kaibab Trail.
Havasu Falls: For those seeking adventure and natural beauty, a trip to Havasu Falls is a must. Located within the Havasupai Indian Reservation, this series of cascading turquoise waterfalls is accessed via a challenging hike, but the reward is well worth the effort.
Desert View: Desert View is not only a scenic overlook but also home to the historic Desert View Watchtower, offering panoramic views of the canyon and the Colorado River. It's an ideal spot for sunrise or sunset photography.
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Grand Canyon Skywalk: For a unique perspective, visitors can experience the Grand Canyon Skywalk, a glass bridge extending over the canyon's edge. This engineering marvel provides thrilling views and photo opportunities.
Tusayan, Closest town to the Grand Canyon:
The nearest town to Grand Canyon National Park is Tusayan, located just south of the South Rim entrance. Despite its small size, Tusayan offers a range of amenities, including lodging, restaurants, and souvenir shops, making it a convenient base for exploring the park. Tusayan experiences a diverse climate throughout the year. Summers bring warm temperatures, often reaching over 90°F (32°C), perfect for exploring the park's wonders. Fall and spring offer milder weather, ideal for outdoor activities and sightseeing. Winters can be chilly, with temperatures occasionally dropping below freezing, especially at night. Whether you're planning a summer hike or a winter retreat, Tusayan's climate adds to the allure of your Grand Canyon adventure.
The weather at Grand Canyon National Park varies significantly depending on the season and elevation. Summers are typically hot at the canyon bottom, with temperatures often exceeding 100°F (38°C), while the higher elevations of the North Rim experience milder temperatures. Winters can bring cold temperatures and occasional snowfall, particularly at higher elevations. Spring and fall offer pleasant weather, making them ideal times to visit, with mild temperatures and smaller crowds.
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Final Thoughts:
Grand Canyon National Park is a place of unparalleled natural beauty and wonder, where visitors can immerse themselves in the grandeur of one of the world's most iconic landscapes. Whether you're marveling at the vastness of the canyon from its rim, hiking into its depths, or exploring its cultural history, a visit to the Grand Canyon is sure to be an unforgettable experience. Plan your trip carefully, considering the best times to visit and the array of activities available, and prepare to be awestruck by the magnificence of this natural wonder.
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taruntravell · 9 months
How to See the Grand Canyon on a Day Trip
Seeing the Grand Canyon tour on a day trip is possible, but it will require careful planning and efficient use of your time. The Grand Canyon is a massive and awe-inspiring natural wonder, and while you won't be able to see everything in just one day, you can still have a memorable experience. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to see the Grand Canyon on a day trip:
Plan Your Visit:
Decide whether you want to visit the South Rim or the North Rim. The South Rim is the most popular and accessible option for day trips, as the North Rim is less visited and typically requires more time for travel.
Check the park's website or contact the visitor center for current information on park hours, entrance fees, and any road closures or construction updates.
Start Early:
To make the most of your day, plan to arrive at the Grand Canyon as early as possible, preferably at or before sunrise. This will give you more time to explore and take in the views.
Entrance Fee:
Pay the entrance fee at the park's entrance gate or visitor center. As of my last update in September 2021, the entrance fee for a private vehicle was $35 (subject to change). Be sure to check the most up-to-date fees.
Visit the South Rim Highlights:
The South Rim offers several viewpoints and attractions. Here are some must-see spots:
Mather Point
Yavapai Point and Geology Museum
Grand Canyon Village
Hopi Point
Desert View Watchtower
Take the Shuttle:
The South Rim offers a free shuttle service that stops at various viewpoints and key locations. It's an efficient way to get around and see the highlights without worrying about parking.
If you're physically fit and have the time, consider taking a short hike into the canyon. Popular options for day hikes include the Bright Angel Trail (which can be done in part), the South Kaibab Trail, and the Rim Trail.
Bring a picnic lunch or dine at one of the restaurants in Grand Canyon Village. Just be aware that dining options can be crowded, so plan accordingly.
Stay Hydrated:
The Grand Canyon is at a high elevation, and the desert climate can be very dry. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.
Capture the beauty of the Grand Canyon, but also take time to put the camera or smartphone down and simply enjoy the breathtaking views with your own eyes.
If you have the opportunity, stay until sunset. The Grand Canyon takes on a whole new level of beauty during this time. Find a good spot, and be prepared for the temperature drop after the sun goes down.
Safety First:
Follow all safety guidelines and stay on marked trails. The Grand Canyon can be dangerous, and accidents can happen if you're not careful.
Exit the Park:
Leave the park well before it gets dark, as driving can be challenging at night due to limited visibility and wildlife on the roads.
Remember that a day trip to the Grand Canyon will only allow you to scratch the surface of this incredible natural wonder. If possible, consider staying overnight or planning a longer visit to fully appreciate everything the Grand Canyon has to offer.
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rajholidays · 10 months
Journey through Time in the Venice of the East: A Jaipur Tour Package like No Other
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Discover the enchanting city of Jaipur with our exclusive Jaipur tour package! At Rajasthan Holidays, we offer an immersive travel experience that showcases the rich cultural heritage and royal grandeur of the Pink City. Explore magnificent historical landmarks like the iconic Amber Fort, Hawa Mahal, and City Palace, where you can witness the opulence of the Rajput era. Immerse yourself in the vibrant markets of Jaipur, renowned for their handicrafts, textiles, and gemstones. Our meticulously crafted tour package ensures a seamless journey, including comfortable accommodations, knowledgeable guides, and hassle-free transportation. Experience the mesmerizing beauty of Jaipur's palaces, temples, and gardens, and indulge in traditional Rajasthani cuisine. With our Jaipur tour package, embark on a remarkable journey through time and immerse yourself in the regal ambiance of this captivating city.
Journey through Time in the Venice of the East: A Jaipur Tour Package like No Other
You've been dreaming of an exotic family getaway, a chance to bond over new experiences in a vibrant destination brimming with culture, colours, and flavours. Look no further than the pink city of Jaipur, Rajasthan's capital, and a magical place that will transport you back in time. With its grand palaces, ancient forts, and bustling bazaars, Jaipur oozes historic charm and mystery. As soon as you land, the adventure begins. From exploring the hilltop Amber Fort on the elephant back to dining like royalty at a palace, this custom Jaipur trip package will create lifelong memories. Photography buffs and thrill-seeking kids will find delight around every corner.
By the end of your journey through time in the Venice of the East, you'll never want to leave. The perfect blend of activity and leisure, culture and cuisine, this is a family getaway you'll cherish for years to come. Prepare to be dazzled by the pink city. An unforgettable Jaipur awaits!
Exploring the Pink City: A Tailor-Made Jaipur Sightseeing Tour
Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, is called the "Pink City" for its rose-colored architecture. A Jaipur tour package is an excellent way to survey this magical place.
Once you arrive, your first stop will be the iconic Amber Fort, the former capital of the Kachwaha clan who ruled Jaipur. This sprawling palace complex with stone ramparts offers stunning views of the surrounding hills. You can tour the fort on an elephant for an unforgettable experience!
Next, visit the City Palace in the heart of Jaipur, a blend of Mughal and Rajasthani architecture. Inside are museums displaying royal costumes, carpets, and weaponry? Don't miss the Palace of Winds, a five-story façade with 953 windows built for royal women to observe street life.
Jantar Mantar Watchtower, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, features the world's largest stone sundial. The Hawa Mahal, or "Palace of Breeze," is another must-see, with latticed windows once used by royal women.
Shop for colourful textiles, gemstones, and handicrafts in the bustling bazaars. Take a sunset stroll through the picturesque gardens of Sisodia Rani Ka Bagh. As night falls, dine on authentic Rajasthani cuisine at a rooftop restaurant with magical views of the illuminated city.
A customised Jaipur tour package lets you experience all the wonders of the Pink City at your own pace. Rajasthan's vibrant culture comes alive here, giving you memories to cherish for years. This enchanting place will capture your heart!
A Taste of Royalty at the Amber Fort: The Highlight of Any Jaipur City Tour
A trip to Jaipur is only complete with exploring the magnificent Amber Fort, just 11 km from the city. This sprawling hilltop complex was the capital of the Kachwaha clan for 6 centuries, and it shows.
As you pass through the main gate into the first courtyard, the sheer scale of the fort hits you. But the natural wonder lies beyond, in the Mirror Palace. Covered in intricate mirror work and lacquer, its grand halls glitter and sparkle, transporting you to the glory days of the Rajput rulers.
Ascend to the topmost ramparts for sweeping views of the Aravali hills and Maota Lake. Spot the cannons and battlements that once protected the fort. Then wind your way down into the private quarters of the royalty.
The Sheesh Mahal, or Mirror Palace, is the most lavish chamber. Its walls and ceilings are covered in thousands of tiny mirrors, dazzling in the flickering candlelight. In the spacious Sukh Niwas, cool fountains offered respite from the heat. And in the zenana or harem, the queen's quarters give a glimpse into the opulent lifestyle of the royal ladies.
Amber Fort rightly deserves its reputation as the crowning jewel of Rajasthan. No Jaipur city tour is complete without experiencing its faded splendour. Lose yourself in the grandeur and intrigues of a bygone era, and create memories that will last long after you return home. This spectacular fort is a highlight of any memorable family getaway in Jaipur.
Shopping in Jaipur: Where to Find the Best Handicrafts and Souvenirs
Jaipur is a shopper's paradise, filled with bustling bazaars and colourful markets. Some of the best places to find handicrafts and souvenirs in the Pink City are:
Bapu Bazaar
This vibrant bazaar in the heart of Jaipur has been around for over a century. At affordable prices, you'll find various Rajasthani handicrafts, textiles, and knickknacks here. Look for embroidered leather shoes, vibrant materials like bandhani, leheriya, gota patti, lac bangles, blue pottery, and puppets. Bargain hard and you can get good deals on many items.
Johari Bazaar
One of the oldest and largest jewellery markets in India, Johari Bazaar is the place to buy precious gemstones, silver jewellery, gold ornaments, and Rajasthani tribal jewellery. Even if you're not in the market to buy, it's a fascinating place to wander and window shop. You'll find jewellery featuring uncut diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires at lower prices than retail stores.
Kishanpole Bazar
This colourful bazaar is known for textiles, incredibly vibrant Rajasthani tie-dye, and bandhani fabrics. It's a popular spot for buying materials to make patchwork quilts, wall hangings, cushion covers, and the deep skirts and blouses Rajasthani women wear. You can find fabrics like cotton, silk, and rayon in a rainbow of colours and patterns. The bazaar is bustling and packed on weekends, so go early.
Other options:
Check out the Tripolia Bazar for lac bangles, the Nehru Bazaar for juttis (traditional shoes), and the Chandpole Bazar for marble carvings and pottery. Rajasthali is a government emporium housing handicrafts from all over Rajasthan for a one-stop souvenir shop. No need to haggle here and credit cards are accepted.
With so many vibrant bazaars and a wealth of handicrafts, you'll have no trouble finding the perfect souvenirs to take a piece of the Pink City home. Happy shopping!
A Memorable Culinary Experience: The Best of Rajasthani Cuisine in Jaipur
Jaipur is a food lover's paradise, especially if you want to sample authentic Rajasthani cuisine. Some must-try dishes include:
Dal baati churma: Lentil curry served with baati, a round wheat bread, and churma, a sweet crumble of crushed baati mixed with ghee and sugar. This is a classic, hearty Rajasthani meal.
Laal maas is A spicy red meat curry with mutton and red chilies. The chili helps preserve the meat in the hot climate. Laal maas is usually quite oily but delicious.
Ghevar: Sweet fried dough soaked in syrup. Ghevar is especially popular during festivals and is a specialty of Jaipur.
Mirchi vada: Green chili peppers dipped in chickpea batter and deep fried. Mirchi vada packs heat but is irresistible.
Mohanthal: A decadent dessert of milk, nuts, and fried bread in sweet syrup. Mohanthal is dense, creamy, and not too sweet.
Some of the best places to sample Rajasthani cuisine in Jaipur include:
LMB Restaurant:
Open since 1955, LMB is an iconic restaurant known for high-quality thalis and regional specialties in an old-world setting. It's a bit pricey but worth it for the ambiance and food.
Rawat Kachori:
A no-frills street food spot is famous for kachoris, fried dough stuffed with lentils or onions and served with spicy chickpea curry. Rawat Kachori is open late into the night and ideal for a snack.
Four Seasons Restaurant:
An upscale restaurant in a historic haveli featuring live traditional music and dance performances. Four Seasons is among the best places to experience Rajasthani culture, along with a gourmet thali menu. Reservations recommended.
A memorable culinary adventure in Jaipur should include sampling dishes from street vendors and roadside stalls in addition to sit-down restaurants. Rajasthani cuisine reflects the hardy, bold spirit of the region, with flavors that linger long after your trip ends. Savor every bite of your delicious journey through time in the Venice of the East.
You have toured the bazaars, drenched in the colors of palaces and tasted delicious curries. After a memorable family stay in the Pink City, you now have a deeper appreciation for the rich history and vibrant culture of Rajasthan. While the grandeur of Amer Fort and City Palace has you awestruck, you will cherish the little moments – watching the sunset at Nahargarh Fort, feeding pigeons at Water Palace, buying bangles from a street vendor – above all. As you bid goodbye to the camels and auto rickshaws and return home, you do so with a heart full of new memories of your unforgettable trip to the Venice of the East. Until we meet again, Jaipur! You can make the best of your Jaipur tour with Rajasthan Holidays and Best Jaipur Tours Packages.
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notmuchtoconceal · 10 months
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Contact: from 16th to 20th of March
Candle: Indigo
Planet: Jupiter
Material: Iron
Element: Air
Polarity: Night/Yin
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As soon as we speak of this magnificent God, we immediately think at his sigil. Levels of consciousness, perfect alignment of the first and seventh chakras, points of concentration and the four watchtowers, both S at the right and the left or Ida and Pingala and above all, the Big impressive, powerful and revealing S: the Grand Sacred Serpent or Kundalini:
This sigil is the synthesis of secret teachings. It represents rigor, righteousness, I would even say, doggedness that is necessary to live the incredible epic that opens doors towards Magnum Opus.
Andromalius, like Andras ( I ) and Andrealphus, has the same root andro ; warrior, invincible, unalterable. Each one taking action in his own way for Truth and Freedom. Andromalius infiltrates. Example of courage and dedication, he sneaks into abysses of Evil to better impact it from inside.
"Divine Spy", Andromalius hates thieves, cheaters, swindlers, thugs, those who attack vulnerable people.
Andromalius reveals the hidden wickedness of people, their craftiness and duplicity because he asserts himself as a great god of justice, truth and dignity who avenges denied and forgotten victims. He reveals dirty plots, unhealthy secrets, but also the place where important documents are hidden, where belongings, money, jewels, are buried.
He reveals these [tidbits of] information to those who deserve them and plan to make good use of them.
Andro-malius. Yes, the second part of the word evokes evil, bad: the evil -- mal-malus. (Latin) We could wonder, for whom is he the bad, the evil? Because it is sure that for people fearing neither god nor man, he represents a danger, and thus, from their point of view, he is bad, evil. The twisted evolution of our language that is skillfully orchestrated since millenniums brings us to confuse everything and especially to forget our true origins, including the linguistic ones: the Sanskrit.
In truth, it is really difficult to find out the authentic reality of syllables, suffixes and prefixes, especially when these could help to do justice to our Goddesses and our Gods.
Nevertheless, without having to go back up very far in time, in antique Greece and even in ancient India, peoples with very similar names appear: the Malians-Malieis. (With no direct connection with the present country Mali.)
They were people of Andromalius, in other words, his Legions. We are told that these people gave their name to the Malian Gulf in Greece, circa one or two centuries BC. This gulf, the most fertile of the country, Auguste Felix (II) speaks about it in his book centuries later.
Almost all of our Gods lived in Greece, in present Turkey and in the whole Europe, especially the south. Great travelers, they settled almost everywhere. Moreover vestiges of their settlement spread throughout the Earth. I shall pass over the historic trips between tribes of that time to focus on the Mallians of India, nicknamed free people, the bravest people of India.
Andromalius and his legions infiltrated the tribes which lived on plunders and on robberies, which sowed terror, raped women and children, they made collapse their "brotherhood" from inside.
At that time, the proselyte and irascible leprosy of monotheism was already invading the Earth since a long time. So the old sacred places were plundered and destroyed while wars and religious rivalries were proliferating on our planet, deliberately giving good place to Evil.
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sanssarcasm · 11 months
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Desert View Watchtower , Grand Canyon / USA
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Desert View Watchtower , Grand Canyon / USA
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Exploring the Wonders of Grand Canyon National Park
Grand Canyon National Park is one of the most iconic natural wonders in the world. Here are some tips for exploring this breathtaking park:
Take in the view: The Grand Canyon is best viewed from the South Rim, which offers stunning panoramic views of the canyon. Take a stroll along the Rim Trail or visit the Desert View Watchtower for an even more breathtaking perspective.
Go hiking: Grand Canyon National Park has a wide variety of hiking trails, ranging from easy walks to challenging multi-day treks. Some popular trails include the Bright Angel Trail, South Kaibab Trail, and the North Kaibab Trail.
Take a guided tour: A guided tour is a great way to learn more about the history and geology of the Grand Canyon. There are a variety of tours available, including bus tours, jeep tours, and helicopter tours.
Go rafting: Rafting through the Grand Canyon is an unforgettable experience. You can take a multi-day guided tour or rent your own raft and explore the canyon at your own pace.
See the stars: Grand Canyon National Park is a designated International Dark Sky Park, making it a great place to stargaze. Attend a ranger-led stargazing program or simply lay out a blanket and gaze up at the dazzling night sky.
Grand Canyon National Park is a natural wonder that's full of adventure and awe-inspiring beauty. By following these tips, you can experience the best that this park has to offer.
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travelluxegroup · 1 year
The Great Wall of China - A captivating tour of one of the seven wonders of the world
A Journey Through Time and History The Great Wall of China is not just a structure of bricks, rocks, and stones; rather, it's a monument to China's rich culture, history, and heritage. The wall dates back over two millennia and represents centuries of defensive architecture and construction. The Great Wall was initially built by several Chinese states to protect themselves from the invasions, raids, and attacks of hostile forces and tribes to the north. The Construction and Development of the Great Wall The Great Wall construction began in the 7th century BC, during the Spring and Autumn period, when China was still in several small states. But it wasn't until the Qin Dynasty (221–207 BC) that the first complete wall was constructed. Over the centuries, the wall was restructured, rebuilt, and enlarged in some regions to enhance its defensive capabilities. During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), the wall's additional fortresses, watchtowers, and barracks were added. The Historical Significance of the Great Wall The Great Wall represents a symbol of China's unification and serves as a testament to Chinese architecture, engineering, and military strategy. It's also of exceptional historical significance because of the various significant events that took place around it. For instance, the wall played a crucial role during the Mongol invasions of China in the 13th century. It was also during this period that the "Great Wall" term was first used. The Great Wall and Cultural Heritage The Great Wall has become one of China's most famous landmarks, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It's a landmark in Chinese cultural heritage and attracts millions of tourists every year. The wall's cultural significance extends beyond China, with many people worldwide recognizing it as one of the world's iconic tourist destinations. This journey through time and history teaches us that the Great Wall is not just a grand defensive structure – it's much more than that. It's a remnant of China's rich cultural heritage, a symbol of its resilience and unification, and a testament to the power of human ingenuity. It's truly a magnificent wonder of the world that should be explored by everyone at least once in their lifetime. Luxury Travel and Accommodation When it comes to visiting the Great Wall of China, luxury travelers are spoilt for choice. From 5-star hotels to boutique accommodations, there are plenty of options to choose from. Here are some of the top luxury travel and accommodation options: The Brickyard Retreat at Mutianyu Great Wall The Brickyard Retreat is a beautifully restored boutique hotel that offers stunning views of the Mutianyu Great Wall. The hotel features 25 rooms and suites, each with their own unique style and decor. The hotel also offers a wide range of facilities, including a spa, outdoor pool, and restaurant. Aman at Summer Palace The Aman at Summer Palace is a luxurious resort located just steps from the Summer Palace, one of China's most iconic landmarks. The hotel features 51 rooms and suites, all of which are elegantly decorated and offer stunning views of the surrounding gardens. Guests can also enjoy a range of facilities, including a spa, fitness center, and restaurants. The Peninsula Beijing The Peninsula Beijing is a 5-star hotel located in the heart of the city, just a short drive from the Great Wall. The hotel features 230 elegantly appointed rooms and suites, all of which offer luxurious amenities such as marble bathrooms, plush bedding, and high-speed internet access. The hotel also boasts a range of facilities, including a spa, fitness center, and multiple restaurants. Whether you're looking for a luxurious retreat or a stylish boutique hotel, there are plenty of options to choose from when it comes to visiting the Great Wall of China. No matter where you choose to stay, you're sure to have a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The Great Wall's Most Captivating Views The Wall at Mutianyu One of the most picturesque parts of the Great Wall is at Mutianyu, which is about 70 km northeast of Beijing. This part of the wall winds through lush, rolling hills, and twists around some bewildering steep terrain. At Mutianyu, you can opt for a cable car ride up to the wall, which makes for some excellent photo opportunities. From here, you can see the wall snake off into the distance and wind its way over the hills – a truly mesmerizing sight. The Wall at Juyongguan One challenging segment of the wall is located at Juyongguan, which is a pass that runs through the mountains north of Beijing. The pass was of great strategic importance in ancient times as it was the main thoroughfare for trading between northern China and Beijing. Climbing through this section of the wall can be a bit arduous, but the panoramas are well worth the effort. The valley stretches out in every direction, and you can appreciate how this pass formed an integral part of China's history. The Wall at Simatai Perhaps the most remote and pristine part of the wall is located at Simatai. It's a treacherous climb up to the wall, but it's well worth it. Once you get there, you can drink in the awe-inspiring views of the wall meandering along the ridgeline of jagged peaks, which soar on either side. From here, you can appreciate quite clearly why China needed this great fortification to protect itself from marauding enemies. All in all, a visit to the Great Wall of China is an amazing experience, and one that will leave you in awe of China's past and present. With stunning views, both modern and ancient history, and an opportunity to immerse yourself in a different culture, it is an experience not to be missed. Capturing the Perfect Shot: Photography Tips When visiting a historical and breathtaking landmark like the Great Wall of China, it is crucial to capture the moment to treasure it forever. Here are a few photography tips to help you capture the perfect shot. 1. Plan for the Right Time The best time to capture the Great Wall is during the golden hour, which is the hour after sunrise or before sunset. The light at this time is soft and gives the wall a beautiful glow. Plan your visit accordingly to make the most out of your photography experience. 2. Use a Tripod With the Great Wall being a popular tourist attraction, it can be challenging to get a shot without a crowd in it. Using a tripod can help you capture the perfect shot without any blurry images. It will help stabilize your camera and keep the image sharp. 3. Experiment with Different Angles Explore different angles to capture the wall from unique perspectives. Get close to the wall, capture it from a distance, or shoot it from an overhead viewpoint. You can also experiment with different lenses to create a sense of depth or capture a panoramic view. 4. Focus on the Details The Great Wall of China is full of intricate details and textures, so focus on capturing them. Look for patterns, textures and details that can make your photo stand out. By capturing the details, you can tell a story through your photographs. 5. Incorporate People in Your Shots Including people in your photographs can add perspective and scale. You can use people as points of interest to draw the viewer's eye and show the vastness of the wall. Look for natural interactions or take posed photographs to tell a story. By using these tips, you can capture the perfect shot at the Great Wall of China. Remember to enjoy your experience and take a moment to appreciate the beauty of this wonder of the world. Cultural Experience: Traditions and Cuisine Traditions China is a country steeped in tradition, and visitors to the Great Wall of China can experience some of these customs firsthand. One tradition to look out for is the dragon dance, a performance that involves a team of dancers manipulating a long, colorful dragon puppet to the beat of drums and cymbals. Another tradition is the Chinese New Year, a two-week-long celebration that involves fireworks, lanterns, and family reunions. Visitors can also participate in tea ceremonies, calligraphy classes, and traditional paper cutting, all of which showcase China's rich cultural heritage. Cuisine China is famous for its culinary delights, and visitors to the Great Wall can savor a range of dishes influenced by various regions and ethnic groups. Some must-try dishes include Peking duck, dumplings, hot pot, and wontons. Vegetarians can savor dishes such as mapo tofu, dim sum, and eggplant in garlic sauce. For those with a sweet tooth, there's the popular mooncake, a pastry filled with sweet lotus seed paste. Visitors can also sip on tea from local teahouses and indulge in local spirits like baijiu, a potent Chinese liquor. Overall, the cuisine on offer at the Great Wall of China is a true reflection of the country's diverse culinary culture. Whether you're interested in traditions or cuisine, a visit to the Great Wall of China is a cultural experience like no other. From enchanting dragon dances to flavorsome delicacies, there's something for everyone to savor and enjoy. So, pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready to embark on an adventure of a lifetime! Exploring Nearby Attractions and Hidden Gems While the Great Wall of China is undoubtedly the main attraction in the region, there are a plethora of other sites to see and experiences to have in the surrounding area. Here are some hidden gems to explore: The Ming Tombs The Ming Tombs are located about 30 miles northwest of Beijing and are a complex of mausoleums built for the Chinese emperors of the Ming dynasty. This is a great place to learn about Chinese history and marvel at the intricate architecture of the tombs. Visitors can explore the underground chambers and even see the preserved bodies of some of the emperors. The Summer Palace The Summer Palace is a stunning imperial garden located about 9 miles northwest of Beijing. This is a great place to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery, architecture, and artwork. Visitors can explore the many pavilions, temples, and gardens throughout the palace grounds. The Temple of Heaven The Temple of Heaven is a complex of religious buildings located in southeastern Beijing. It was originally used by emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties for sacrificial ceremonies. Visitors can explore the stunning architecture and gardens throughout the complex. The Hutongs The Hutongs are a type of narrow street or alley commonly found in Beijing. These alleys are lined with traditional courtyard houses and are a great way to experience traditional Chinese culture. Visitors can take a rickshaw ride through the Hutongs and explore the many shops and restaurants throughout the area. The Beijing National Stadium The Beijing National Stadium, also known as the "Bird's Nest," was built for the 2008 Summer Olympics. Visitors can take a guided tour of the stadium and learn about its architecture and history. The stadium also hosts many concerts and events throughout the year. Exploring nearby attractions and hidden gems is a great way to get a deeper understanding of the region around the Great Wall of China. These sites offer a unique perspective on Chinese culture, history, and architecture. So, take a break from the main attraction and discover something new! Planning Your Great Wall Adventure The Great Wall of China is a must-see destination for anyone visiting China. Planning your adventure to the Great Wall can be overwhelming due to its sheer size and the many different sections to choose from. Here are some tips to help plan your Great Wall experience. Choose Your Section There are several different sections of the Great Wall to choose from, each with its own unique features. Some of the most popular sections include Badaling, Mutianyu, Jinshanling, and Jiankou. Badaling is the most touristy section and can get very crowded, while Mutianyu is known for its spectacular views and restored architecture. Jinshanling and Jiankou are less touristy and offer a more rugged and adventurous experience. Consider your fitness level, time availability, and personal preferences when choosing a section. Decide on Transportation Once you have chosen your section, decide on transportation options. If you are staying in Beijing, you can hire a private car or take a bus to the different sections. Another great option is to take the Great Wall Express Train, which departs daily from Beijing North Railway Station and takes you directly to Badaling or Mutianyu. Pack Appropriately It is important to pack appropriately for your Great Wall adventure. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing, as you will be doing a lot of walking and climbing. Don't forget to bring water and snacks, as there are limited options once you are on the Wall. Sunscreen and a hat are also essential to protect you from the sun. Hire a Guide Hiring a guide is a great option if you want to learn more about the history and culture of the Great Wall. A guide can also help you navigate the different sections and provide insider tips for the best photos. You can hire a guide through a tour company or find one on the day at the entrance of the Wall. Enjoy the Experience Finally, don't forget to enjoy the experience. The Great Wall is a breathtaking wonder of the world and is sure to leave a lasting impression on you. Take your time, soak in the views, and snap some amazing photos to remember your adventure. If you're looking to travel in luxury on a budget, check out this amazing guide on Luxury Travel on a Budget - How to Score Amazing Deals on 5-Star Hotels and Resorts. Read the full article
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tours4849 · 1 year
Title: Discovering the Allure of Oman Vacations
Title: Discovering the Allure of Oman Vacations
Oman, a captivating destination on the Arabian Peninsula, offers a blend of ancient charm and modern allure that entices travelers from around the world. With its diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality, Oman has become a sought-after vacation spot. This article will delve into the myriad attractions and experiences that make Oman vacations truly unforgettable, from its stunning natural wonders and historic landmarks to its vibrant markets and mouthwatering cuisine.
Natural Splendors:
Oman's natural beauty is awe-inspiring, encompassing a range of landscapes that cater to various interests. The Al Hajar Mountains dominate the country's northern region, providing breathtaking vistas, hiking trails, and opportunities for rock climbing and camping. Jebel Shams, known as the "Mountain of the Sun," stands tall as Oman's highest peak and offers mesmerizing views of the rugged canyon walls and deep ravines.
The coastal regions of Oman are adorned with pristine beaches and azure waters. The Bimmah Sinkhole, located near the coastal town of Sur, is a natural wonder that attracts visitors with its crystal-clear turquoise waters, surrounded by limestone cliffs. The Musandam Peninsula, often referred to as the "Norway of Arabia," presents a stunning fjord-like landscape, perfect for sailing, diving, and dolphin-watching.
Oman's vast deserts, such as the Wahiba Sands, beckon adventure enthusiasts. Visitors can partake in thrilling activities like dune bashing, sandboarding, and camel trekking. The stark beauty of the desert landscape, especially during sunrise and sunset, is an unforgettable sight that leaves travelers in awe.
Cultural Heritage:
Oman boasts a rich cultural heritage that is deeply rooted in its history and traditions. The capital city, Muscat, showcases a blend of ancient and modern architecture. The Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque stands as an architectural masterpiece, renowned for its grandeur and intricate details. Visitors can also explore the old neighborhoods of Muttrah and Al-Bustan, where traditional souks (markets), narrow alleyways, and historic buildings create a vibrant atmosphere.
The forts and castles of Oman tell tales of the country's strategic importance throughout history. Nizwa Fort, Jabrin Castle, and Bahla Fort are remarkable examples that provide insights into Oman's architectural legacy and offer panoramic views from their watchtowers. The ancient city of Nizwa, with its bustling souq, is a treasure trove of Omani crafts, silverware, and aromatic spices.
Oman's cultural calendar is adorned with festivals and celebrations that provide a glimpse into its traditions and folklore. The Muscat Festival showcases Omani arts, crafts, music, and dance, while the Salalah Tourism Festival highlights the region's unique monsoon season, transforming the landscape into lush greenery.
Warm Hospitality and Gastronomy:
Omani hospitality is legendary, with locals known for their warmth and friendliness towards visitors. Upon arrival, guests are often greeted with traditional Omani coffee and dates, symbolizing hospitality and welcome.
Omani cuisine is a tantalizing blend of flavors influenced by Arabian, Indian, Persian, and East African culinary traditions. Traditional dishes like shuwa (spiced and slow-cooked lamb), majboos (spiced rice with meat or fish), and harees (a savory wheat and meat porridge) delight taste buds with their aromatic spices and unique flavors. Seafood enthusiasts can savor the freshest catches along the coast, while food lovers can explore vibrant markets and street food stalls offering delicacies like Omani shawarma and shuwa sandwiches.
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unicornglobal · 1 year
Why is business the best place in the heart of the UAE?
Exploring the Heart of UAE
Dubai and Abu Dhabi are two of the most well-known cities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). While they are often associated with glamorous skyscrapers, luxurious hotels, and bustling shopping malls, there is much more to these cities than meets the eye. In fact, both Dubai Mainland and Abu Dhabi Mainland are home to a rich cultural heritage, diverse communities, and natural wonders that are worth exploring.
Dubai Mainland
Dubai is often referred to as the “City of Gold” due to its vibrant economy, world-class infrastructure, and iconic landmarks. While many visitors are drawn to its modern marvels, there is a lot to discover in its historical heart. One of the best places to start is the Dubai Creek, a natural inlet that divides the city into two parts: Deira and Bur Dubai.
Crossing the creek on a traditional abra (water taxi) is an experience in itself, as you can take in the sights and sounds of the busy port and the traditional dhows (wooden boats) that still ply their trade. On the Daria side, you can explore the colorful souks (markets) that sell everything from spices and perfumes to textiles and gold. Meanwhile, on the Bur Dubai side, you can visit the Dubai Museum, housed in the oldest building in the city, which offers a glimpse into Dubai’s history and culture.
Another must-see attraction in Dubai Mainland is the Jumeirah Mosque, one of the few mosques in the city that is open to non-Muslim visitors. This stunning white marble mosque is a beautiful example of Islamic architecture and offers guided tours that provide insights into the customs and beliefs of the UAE’s Muslim community.
Abu Dhabi Mainland
Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE, is often overshadowed by its glitzy neighbor Dubai, but it has its own charms and attractions. One of the most impressive landmarks in Abu Dhabi Mainland is the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, named after the founder of the UAE. This breathtaking mosque features 82 domes, four minarets, and the largest hand-knotted carpet in the world. Visitors can join guided tours or explore the mosque’s stunning architecture and design on their own.
Another must-see destination in Abu Dhabi Mainland is the Qasr Al Hosn, a historical palace that was once the residence of the ruling family and now houses a museum that showcases Abu Dhabi’s history and heritage. The palace’s fortifications and watchtowers provide a glimpse into Abu Dhabi’s past as a strategic coastal stronghold.
If you’re looking for a more leisurely experience, head to the Corniche, a scenic waterfront promenade that stretches along the Abu Dhabi coastline. Here, you can enjoy a stroll, a bike ride, or a picnic while taking in the views of the Arabian Gulf and the city skyline.
Dubai Mainland and Abu Dhabi Mainland offer a wealth of experiences and attractions that cater to all interests and budgets. Whether you’re a history buff, a culture vulture, or an adventure seeker, you’ll find plenty to discover in these vibrant and dynamic cities. So, the next time you’re in the UAE, make sure to venture beyond the skyscrapers and shopping malls and explore the heart of Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
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