#Greece and EOKA
kyreniacommentator · 7 months
President Ersin Tatar meets 42 Swedish 1964 UNFICYP Veterans
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Events 4.1 (after 1950)
1954 – United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorizes the creation of the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1955 – The EOKA rebellion against the British Empire begins in Cyprus, with the goal of unifying with Greece. 1960 – The TIROS-1 satellite transmits the first television picture from space. 1964 – The British Admiralty, War Office and Air Ministry are replaced by a unified Defence Council of the United Kingdom. 1969 – The Hawker Siddeley Harrier, the first operational fighter aircraft with Vertical/Short Takeoff and Landing capabilities, enters service with the Royal Air Force. 1970 – President Richard Nixon signs the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act into law. 1970 – A Royal Air Maroc Sud Aviation Caravelle crashes near Berrechid, Morocco, killing 61. 1971 – Bangladesh Liberation War: The Pakistan Army massacre more than a thousand people in Keraniganj Upazila, Bangladesh. 1973 – Project Tiger, a tiger conservation project, is launched in the Jim Corbett National Park, India. 1974 – The Local Government Act 1972 of England and Wales comes into effect. 1976 – Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak found Apple Computer, Inc. 1979 – Iran becomes an Islamic republic by a 99% vote, officially overthrowing the Shah. 1984 – Singer Marvin Gaye is shot to death by his father in his home in Arlington Heights, Los Angeles, California. 1986 – Communist Party of Nepal (Mashal) cadres attack a number of police stations in Kathmandu, seeking to incite a popular rebellion. 1989 – Margaret Thatcher's new local government tax, the Community Charge (commonly known as the "poll tax"), is introduced in Scotland. 1993 – NASCAR racer Alan Kulwicki is killed in a plane crash near the Tri-Cities Regional Airport in Blountville, Tennessee. 1997 – Comet Hale–Bopp is seen passing at perihelion. 1999 – Nunavut is established as a Canadian territory carved out of the eastern part of the Northwest Territories. 2001 – An EP-3E United States Navy surveillance aircraft collides with a Chinese People's Liberation Army Shenyang J-8 fighter jet. The Chinese pilot ejected but is subsequently lost. The Navy crew makes an emergency landing in Hainan, China and is detained. 2001 – Former President of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milošević surrenders to police special forces, to be tried on war crimes charges. 2001 – Same-sex marriage becomes legal in the Netherlands, the first contemporary country to allow it. 2004 – Google launches its Email service Gmail. 2006 – Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) of the Government of the United Kingdom is enforced, but later merged into National Crime Agency on 7 October 2013. 2011 – After protests against the burning of the Quran turn violent, a mob attacks a United Nations compound in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan, resulting in the deaths of thirteen people, including eight foreign workers. 2016 – The 2016 Nagorno-Karabakh conflict begins along the Nagorno-Karabakh Line of Contact.
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salus-in-arduis · 1 year
As a strategic location in the Eastern Mediterranean, Cyprus has been contested and occupied by various powers since antiquity; it was successively ruled by the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Persians before Alexander the Great seized it in 333 BC.
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Cyprus subsequently formed part of the Ptolemaic Kingdom until it was annexed by Rome in 58 BC. It remained part of the Eastern Roman Empire for the next thousand years, albeit intermittingly coming under Arab control, sometimes jointly with the Romans. The French Lusignan dynasty took control of the island during the Third Crusade of the late 12th century, succeeded by the Venetians in the late 15th century, from whom Cyprus was subsequently conquered by the Ottomans in 1571.
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The Ottoman period saw major demographic, political, and cultural changes, including the emergence of Greek nationalism. The island was secretly placed under the British administration under the Cyprus Convention of 1878 after after the Russo-Turkish War.
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In 1915, Cyprus was formally annexed into the British Empire after the Ottomans had entered World War I on the side of the Central Powers against the British, and it was initially governed by a military administration until 1925, when it was proclaimed the Crown Colony of Cyprus.
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In the 1950s Greece recovered economically, and diplomatic and trade links were strengthened by King Paul’s state visits abroad. He became the first Greek Monarch to visit a Turkish Head of State. However, links with Britain became strained over Cyprus, where the majority Greek population favored union with Greece, which Britain, as the colonial power, would not endorse.
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In 1955 an insurgency by National Organisation of Cypriot Fighters (EOKA) led to the Governor General Sir John Harding declaring a state of emergency.
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lowkeynando · 1 year
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involving the Turkish occupation of Northern Cyprus. As the island of Cyprus was heading towards independence from the United Kingdom the Greek (82%) and Turkish (18%) communities became embroiled in bitter inter-communal fighting, partly sponsored by the two
"motherlands". EOKA-B and the Turkish Resistance Organization (TMT) were responsible for many atrocities which resulted in cementing tensions and led to total isolation of the communities with Turkish Cypriots withdrawn into enclaves.
In 1974, the US-backed Greek junta - in power since 1967 - partly in a move to draw attention away from internal turmoil and partly unsatisfied with Makarios' policy in Cyprus, on 15 July attempted a coup to replace him with Nikos Sampson and declare union with Greece. Seven days later, Turkey launched an invasion of Cyprus allegedly to reinstate the constitution but which resulted in blooded conflict, partition of the island and mass ethnic cleansing. The overwhelming Turkish land, naval and air superiority against island's weak defenses led to the bringing of 37% of the land under Turkish control.
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elladastinkardiamou · 3 years
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Grigoris Afxentiou is a national hero in Cyprus, as he was one of the most prominent fighters in the 1955-1959 EOKA struggle to liberate the island from British colonial rule and unite Cyprus with Greece.
EOKA began the fight for liberation from the British on April 1, 1955, a day that is still celebrated in Cyprus as a national holiday.
Afxentiou was one of the leaders of the revolutionary group, and his death served as a reminder of Cyprus‘ painful struggle for freedom.
It was March 3, 1957 when the iconic Cypriot hero was burned alive by British troops during the four-year war for the liberation of Cyprus from British rule.
His death, after holding out against surrounding British soldiers for 10 hours all by himself, in the Battle of Machairas, has become an illustrious and tragic page in Cypriot history.
The life of EOKA fighter Grigoris Afxentiou Afxentiou was born in the village of Lysi, in the district of Famagusta, which is now under Turkish occupation, on February 22, 1928. In 1948 he went to Greece to study literature at the University of Athens.
However, he could not afford the cost of living there, and he went to serve in the Army Reserves as a lieutenant on the Greek-Bulgarian border.
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baeddel · 3 years
dispatch on the unrest in belfast
in the late 1950s a group of British Army soldiers from Northern Ireland became notorious for butchering civilians in Cyprus. they were defending the British occupation from the EOKA, led by (no, really) General Grivas, who wanted reunification with Greece. despite Grivas attempts to prevent it the war quickly became a sectarian conflict between Christian Greek Cypriots and Muslim Turkish Cypriots. it was an extremely bloody conflict fought with civilian lives. for the first time in war the pipe bomb replaced the heavy artillery.
when the British surrendered in 1960 those soldiers returned home and, in order to combat the Catholic civil rights movement, became involved in civilian loyalist organisations like the Loyal Orange Lodge until in 1966 when they formed the paramilitary Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF). their innovation was to apply the experience in Cyprus to Northern Ireland to defend a partition which was not, at this stage, actually under attack. that year they carried out a string of random killings on the Catholic Falls Road. the civil rights movement developed into an armed struggle for national liberation, the British Army was deployed to combat it, and the UVF were transformed into anonymous soldiers for apartheid, armed by the South African regime, among others, and receiving clandestine support from the British.
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pictured: Gusty Spence, first prince of loyalist terror, flanked by his retainers
when Gusty Spence, the leader of the UVF, was caught and imprisoned, he gradually lost control of the organisation. by the end of the 70s it had turned from a politically motivated death squad into an organized crime syndicate and was competing with several other paramilitary rackets, especially the UDA who still control the drug trade in Protestant areas. when Gusty Spence got out of prison he and several other former UVF brigadeers would join the Progressive Unionist Party, which combined loyalism with socialism. they were instrumental in negotiating the ceasefire known as the Good Friday Agreement in the 90s.
the sectarian killings died down but never disappeared. the far-right DUP, led by arch-reactionary Ian Paisley and maintaining secretive associations with both the Loyal Orange Lodge and the UVF (alongside Paisley’s several failed attempts to create his own paramilitary organization known as Third Force), became the dominant unionist party and the dominant party in Stormount, while Sinn Feinn, the political wing of the Provisional IRA, had become the leading republican party throughout the 1980s. apart from a few weak gestures they both agreed on a bunch of austerity cuts and fought tooth and nail against abortion and so on, reiterating the “carnival of reaction north and south” in microcosm.
throughout the 2000s a lot changed. the sectarian Royal Ulster Constabulary was disbanded and replaced with the dysfunctional Police Service Northern Ireland. the loyalist paramilitaries generally decomissioned as requested. it seemed like things were changing. by 2011 the final report of the Independent Monitoring Comission was cautiously optimisitc, writing that “In our first year [2004], each week there were on average four victims of paramilitary violence, some in sectarian incidents. In the last six-monthly period on which we reported the number was about a third of that and none were sectarian” (IMC, pg. 14). but already in 2003 Peter R. Neumann, a researcher on terrorism and partisan conflict, predicted that “the current peace process may not be the ending of the conflict but the suppression of it into the politics of threat and coercion” (Neumann, Britain’s Long War, pg. 1). fifty years after Marcuse was worried about ‘repressive desublimation’ in America, we were finally enjoying the good old ‘disciplinary society’ in Northern Ireland.
the loyalist paramilitaries went through a profound involution, becoming ethnoreligious dictatorships with exclusive police authority over the communities they claim to represent, battling among each other for control over housing estates. they possessed exclusive control over the black market, forced all businesses to pay them protection, and controlled most commercial services (taxi cabs, window cleaners, and so on). they exiled troublemakers, wounded lawbreakers, and murdered their opponents. your neighbours are taken away in the middle of the night and no one asks what happened. you wake up to breaking glass and gunshots, but no screams. then the paramilitaries appropriate the house of their victim and lease it out themselves. the IMC make an uncharacteristically wry remark that this is just “one amongst many ways in which paramilitaries continued to do what they had always done, namely doing violence to their own communities.” (IMC, pg. 14)
The Comission writes that “when we started we observed a scene from which terrorism against the organs of the state had largely disappeared,” yet “as we close we see classic signs of insurgent terrorism” (IMC, pg. 15). the very next year, in December 2012, the UVF and UDA were able to mobilize a huge crowd of Protestants in a campaign of civil disobedience over the removal of the Union Jack from City Hall. this was the first time since the partition that loyalism had taken on the appearance of a genuinely popular movement, looking more like Catholic civil rights marchers of the 60s than Black & Tans. the transformation of loyalism into a form of militant political activism with its own demo circuit was one of a few significant changes of the last decade (we won’t have time for the others in this post). throughout the 2010s they carried out agitprop, pamphleteering, posting up placards and organizing protests against the traitors, touts and frauds at Stormount, even training their own professional activists like Jamie Bryson, all soliciting Protestants to help them protect their cultural identity, heritage and the usual hogwash.
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the sedition intensified when, on the 11th of July, 2018, in order to protest ... something, all over Co. Down and Belfast masked and armed volunteers hijacked busses and cars and burned them out, blockaded the roads with burning tires, and hid pipe bombs in the wreckage (BBC). but there was no pretension that this was an act of popular will. it all happened before 5am, and the UVF immediately contacted the police and the press to claim responsibility.
now on the seventh day of violent unrest in Belfast we find this tendency reaching its fullest expression. the events are widely reported on as ‘riots’, but the attacks are identical to the UVF sedition in 2018 and, anyway, require a level of organization which only a paramilitary possess. the difference is that in this instance, like in the Flag protests of 2012-2013, the paramilitaries were able to mobilize ordinary Protestants. but how mobilized are they?
“When the hostage espouses the cause of the terrorist ... then another justice is active than the justice of the law, other scales than the scales of justice.” (Baudrillard, Cool Memories V 2000-2004)
whenever an ordinary person is beaten, shot, exiled or killed by the UVF, our neighbours do not, as we do, hide under their beds and pray. instead, very often, they celebrate. they regard acts of terror as occasions for saturnalia; they come out into the street and cheer, they open buckfast or bacardi, they call their friends to let them know, and in their voices one hears earnest excitement. after the involution of terror we can no longer really blame this on the red mist of bigotry. it makes no difference to armoured Protestants whether the victim is enemy or friend. the order of the spectacle wins out over the mode of terror.
if one looks closely at the events in belfast, common people are present but they are spectators, not participants. elderly women and babies in prams along with their families line up along the sidewalk to watch and cheer while the professionals blow things up. if this is a riot, it’s a strange kind of riot. in some sense The Belfast Riots Did Not Take Place. the pipe bomb returns to Belfast as a simulation of the pipe bomb of the Troubles, already a simulation of the pipe bomb of the Cyprus Emergency, a retaliation to an attack that hasn’t happened yet. but pay close attention to the redirection that has taken place; the bomb is thrown, not into the window of a Republican bar, like the petrol bomb that killed Matilda Gould, but into a line of riot police, like the pipe bomb at the Haymarket riot.
so, what’s next?
some commentary has been made about the fact that the military has been deployed to settle the unrest. this seems like something new, perhaps the first time since the Good Friday Agreement. but, in fact, the military were already deployed in Northern Ireland from the beginning of COVID-19 to support the health services and supply logistics (BBC). it’s significant that they were not called in for the 2012-2013 Flag protests or the ‘Day of Disorder’ in 2018. the state of exception brought about by the pandemic has possibly adjusted the scales. furthermore, the military, previously arming and collaborating with the UVF, are now being deployed specifically to prevent them.
the IMC reported that very few of the killings, by 2011, were sectarian. the Flag protests were sectarian only indirectly, affirming the Protestant ‘siege mentality’, but the enemy was Stormont and not the specter of armed republican revolution. the 2018 disorder had no sectarian content at all. conversely, the incident which incited this week’s Belfast Riots was much more explicitly sectarian. it’s a lot of horseshit: they (prominently, the DUP) wanted Michelle O’Neill, Deputy First Minister and member of Sinn Feinn, arrested for violating COVID restrictions to go to a funeral. the riots began the day the PPS decided not to prosecute. the contention is that COVID restrictions are being unequally enforced between Protestants and Catholics. a paranoid inversion of the real inequality was typically a justifciation for sectarian violence during the Troubles. in one of the most violent moments of the riot the Lanark Way peace wall, separating the Falls and the Shankill, was set on fire and breached, Protestant rioters storming the Catholic street and attacking its residents (the Guardian).
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is this the last gasp of an old order of sectarian violence, quickly being replaced by a new kind of reactionary populism? or are these the early ripples of a new, increasingly violent sectarian resurgence? will the tensions between the UVF and the British Army continue to escalate, or will the civil war transform into an ethnic conflict, like in Cyprus? we cannot anticipate the outcome. but the last 6 days seem like significant ones to me. we should remain sensitive to the changes that are coming.
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gemsofgreece · 4 years
In a column for TR724, Professor Mehmet Efe Çaman has written an article that would surely shock most of his readers as he urges Turks to understand that the sovereignty of Greece’s Aegean islands are not under question. In it, the professor urges for a de-escalation of tensions between Greece and Turkey, arguing that Turkey is an expansionist power and that their cries on why Greece’s Aegean islands are militarised are not legitimate.
For  article to make complete sense, it is recommended to read another article on Greek City Times that can be found here.
“In previous articles I have analyzed Turkey’s approach to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea. Even though I received a lot of reactions, in my opinion it is important to write these. The foreign policy mentality they have, the Eurasian elements of the deep state that reached the government, can be understood from the current tough and aggressive positions of Turkey. As I have said, Turkey seems to be pursuing violations of the Lausanne Treaty. In a video leaked on social media today, Doğu Perinçek, speaking on a Ahmet Hakan show, said that issues in the Eastern Mediterranean could not be resolved through law and negotiation, but through military force and even war. Perinçek is not one of the idiots of the Islamist crew.
But, as is well known, the deeper sections of the regime, and especially the navy, have imposed on [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdoğan and his entourage the expansive position of the so-called “Blue Homeland”, which undermines the Treaty of Lausanne. If we pay attention to the sounds that come from deep, we perceive the rhythms of the drums of war. Erdoğan realizes that his electoral base, in such an environment of economic problems, financial difficulties and decline, will not think about these but will dive into the neo-Ottoman dreams. In fact, even the regime parties of the so-called opposition, strongly defend this expansionist rhetoric about the Blue Homeland As I mentioned, I wrote the truth in my writings, as according to the texts of international law – with the Treaty of Lausanne first – the rhetoric and positions of Turkey are a deviation from the status quo and are far from the line of logic. Those who tried to answer me through social media, most of them are people who try to protect Turkey and support its current expansionist trend. One of their common arguments is that Greece, in violation of the Treaty of Lausanne, equipped islands in the eastern Aegean. Although these issues are very technical, they need to be summarized to inform people. The deeper we go, the more information we need.
An approach from the axis of law and injustice of the type “But the Aegean is a big sea! Let’s divide it into two equal parts” is really cut off from reality! And from justice as well. The sovereign rights and borders of states are one of the most important issues in international relations and international law. The sovereign rights of Greece in the Aegean islands are unquestionable. What Turkey perceives as a problem is the proximity of some Greek islands to the coast of Anatolia. But that does not change the reality. Except for Imbros and Tenedos, the Princes’ Islands and all the islands and islets located at a distance of three miles from Anatolia, all the other islands and islets belong to Greece. Some cafe conversations might say “But this is too much!”
Land without owner, whether it is land or island, is no different, they do not belong to you. Perfect! The delivery of these islands to Greece was done with international conditions. Nor is it an incident that happened yesterday. The Treaty of Lausanne was signed in 1923 and the islands remained in Greece.
The Dodecanese belonged to Italy. When Italy lost the Second World War, in the Treaty of Paris, these islands passed to Greece. Turkey did not object to this, nor was there any legal ground for such a thing. That is why Turkey did not even feel the need to send a delegation to Paris.
Let us now note the following. The islands as well as the mainland have rights to the continental shelf, territorial waters and the Exclusive Economic Zone. Turkey does not accept this. Okay but that doesn’t matter. Because there is a rule in international law. This is stated in the Maritime Law Convention of 1983. Yes, Turkey did not sign it and that is why it does not bind it.
But this is also an oral rule of international law. Moreover, the non-recognition of this situation of the islands does not change anything. This is the status quo. Greece will never accept the change of the status quo. The situation is similar to that after 1945, when the Soviets were seeking bases in the Straits, while they were also seeking Kars and Ardahan. Why did Turkey not accept those requests? Because Turkey was right!
So even today Greece is right on the issue of the status quo and the rights of the Aegean islands.
Let us come to the issue of the equipment of the Aegean islands. When did Greece do this? After the establishment of the Aegean army by Turkey! What is the reason that Turkey, outside the framework of NATO, established the Aegean army?
This is an army that is directed against Greece. This is the first reason.
And the second reason why Greece equipped the Aegean islands, is that after the landing in Cyprus in 1974, suddenly as if it had fallen from the sky, Aegean issues began to be brought to the fore. And yet the so-called Aegean issues did not exist before 1950.
After 1950, the Democratic Party began to pursue a more active foreign policy. For this reason, Cyprus became one of the most basic playing fields. When after 1974 Turkey did not withdraw its military presence from Cyprus and did not restore what was imposed by the constitution of the Republic of Cyprus, Greece became concerned. And even more so when the [illegal and unrecognized] Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was set up by direction of the coup generals in the early 1980’s, Turkey has now become a full-fledged invader under international law.
Today we denounce the Russian invasion and integration of Crimea by Russia, right? But this is exactly Turkey’s position in Cyprus.
Turkey, which since 1974 has intervened in its capacity as a guarantor state under the London and Zurich treaties that granted it that status, has not done what it should. And yet the official purpose of the intervention was to neutralize the coup that Nikos Sampson had done together with the members of EOKA. That was the excuse. In other words, to restore the Constitution of Cyprus! To ensure constitutional order on the island! Because those conditions did not allow Turkey to occupy and divide Cyprus.
In these circumstances, Greece feared that Turkey would follow a similar behavior in the Aegean and Greece equipped the islands to ensure their minimal defense. What will Greece equip? The Greek army is there to protect its own islands. Looking at the current stance of the expansionist regime in Ankara, can you say that this move by Greece was unnecessary? Turkey today publicly declares that it does not recognize the sovereignty of its neighboring country. If under these circumstances Greece could not defend its islands, in your opinion would not this be a threat to its territorial integrity?
See international politics moving forward with actions and reactions. Turkey has taken action and now a reaction to it is inevitable. Turkey after 1974, not withdrawing its army from Cyprus, made a change in the status quo. This is the action. While Greece in response equipped its islands in the Aegean, Turkey has held 40% of another country’s territory militarily since 1974. Is there any inconvenience I say? I’m sorry but this is the truth.
In fact, with the Annan Plan (withdrawal of troops from the island and reunification of Cyprus), the current rulers in Ankara had tacitly accepted this.
Now Perinçek has clearly expressed the wishes of the team he represents. What does it mean? He declares that this story is solved by war! Do you agree with that? If your answer is yes, then I have bad news for you. This is not patriotism. This is called expansionism.
The foundation of the theme is the fine line between good and evil. Today, Turkey is strengthening the foundations of the order laid by Lausanne. If Greece did that, Ankara would have to defend the Lausanne Treaty with all its might. For what reason; Because it is Lausanne that invalidated the Treaty of Sevres!
If Lausanne does not exist then the Treaty of Sevres applies. Turkey seems to be crammed into the Lausanne text, but it is the guarantee of its existence. But he does not think at all what is the alternative to this text. Forgive me but this is a position not very smart. In addition, it is a legally and morally weak position. And most importantly, it is a dangerous place.
Why? For the territorial integrity that Turkey says it values ​​so much.
I hope that the rioters in Ankara and some adventurous second-class officers with profiles like Enver Pasha do not set the country on fire.”
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totally-kosher · 4 years
Saw some "mean comments" under one of my old posts about cyprus. since I'm partly turkish Cypriot, I'm gonna respond to them in this post.
"shut up Mongolian dog"
-turkic people originate from central Asia but they were never the same as Mongolians in the first place.
2. "what about the turkish invasion in 1974"
-My response to that is just: bloody Christmas 1963...
3. "yall started this"
-We indeed, settled there around 1574 after the ottomans conquered it but it was under British rule after (till 1960 when cyprus gained independence) Altough, the idea of "enosis" started the invasions et cetera.
For those who don't know:
Enosis is the political union of Cyprus and Greece, as an aim or ideal of certain Greeks and Cypriots.
Now THAT really started the fights and shootings. A lot of greek Cypriots wanted to unite with Greece (which makes sense) but saw the turkish population as a threat and barrier, so they started killing and terrorizing them. And ofc Turkey didn't condone that, there was a congress in Switzerland about it but the prime minister saw that they weren't doing anything for the turkish population, so they sent troops to protect their own people. (From EOKA)
... The invasions didn't stop on both sides and that led to turkish migration to countries like Turkey, Australia, the US and western Europe (especially bc of the Marshall plan)
There are more turkish Cypriots outside their homeland than in. Current turkish population in cyprus is around 315.000ppl compared to Greek Cypriots, which is above 1million.
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ancientidea34 · 3 years
EOKA Massacres, Bloody Christmas 58 Years Later
EOKA Massacres, Bloody Christmas 58 Years Later
EOKA Massacres, Bloody Christmas 58 Years Later The Republic of Cyprus was established as an independent state on 16 August 1960, with the constitution prepared in the negotiations between Greece, Turkey and the United Kingdom in Zurich, Switzerland. Nationalist elites in the two communities continued to maintain clandestine armed formations to fight their ultimate goals of enosis and…
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groupjelly7-blog · 4 years
How to Buy and Sell Property in Cyprus
How to Buy and Sell Property in Cyprus
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The top exports of Cyprus are Refined Petroleum ($625M), Packaged Medicaments ($342M), Cheese ($216M), Passenger and Cargo Ships ($138M) and Planes, Helicopters, and/or Spacecraft ($107M), using the 1992 revision of the HS (Harmonized System) classification.
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Cypriot–Russian relations refers to bilateral foreign relations between the Republic of Cyprus and the Russian Federation. The USSR established diplomatic relations with the newly independent Republic of Cyprus on 18 August 1960. Cyprus has an embassy in Moscow and Russia has an embassy in Nicosia.
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You will need sufficient proof of funds and a return plane ticket. You may enter the Republic of Cyprus for up to 90 days for tourism or business purposes without a visa. For stays longer than 90 days, you will need a temporary residency visa.
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It was launched on 20 July 1974, following the Cypriot coup d'état on 15 July 1974. The coup had been ordered by the military Junta in Greece and staged by the Cypriot National Guard in conjunction with EOKA-B. It deposed the Cypriot president Archbishop Makarios III and installed Nikos Sampson.
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Non-Cypriot people might open up both local and international money accounts. Property in Cyprus has a lot as settlements are simply made via your international bank account, making the upkeep of your Cyprus property quick and easy. Estate Duty, which is paid on possessions based in Cyprus, offers really charitable allowances, which, in effect, suggests that for the most part nothing or only a percentage is paid. You may likewise make out your will certainly as a Cypriot local, which will exclude you from country of current house estate tax. Responsibility free cars and also household goods are simply 2 instances of the items that those that relocate into their Cyprus property can gain from.
For over twenty years we have developed a network of the most effective professional agents in the most preferable places. We provide our customers a tailored individual service, at no extra cost.
All information offered is believed to be existing and also given at no cost. No obligation can be accepted for the reliability of the details and declarations made as this is gotten from 3rd celebrations. We always recommend you take lawful recommendations from a completely qualified Attorney or Notary before getting a property overseas. Paphos, the birthplace of Aphrodite and the resources of Cyprus throughout the Roman years, is situated on the southwest coast sheltered from the north by the Troodos hills as well as has the healthiest year-round environment in the Mediterranean. The banks, having several convenient branches are reliable, modern as well as well outfitted with the latest technology.
We see to it that buying your overseas property, from first watchings to last purchase, goes as efficiently as feasible. Developed by Designer proprietor to a High Requirements offering 480 square metres on a 6200 square metre story with lovely breathtaking views.
Purchasers will always contrast one property against another and the net makes this simple. Constantly invite individuals to make an enquiry so they can learn more concerning the property up for sale. Finally think about taking a video of the property to reveal possible customers so they can see fully the property.
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kyreniacommentator · 21 days
Greek Cypriot series “Famagusta” is said to be unrealistic
Greek Cypriot series “Famagusta” is said to be unrealistic Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus regarding the series “Famagusta” The trailer for the Greek Cypriot series “Famagusta”, which was announced to be released on a digital platform on 20 September 2024, contains blood-curdling scenes that portray the events that took place on the Island…
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 4.1
33 – According to one historian's account, Jesus Christ's Last Supper is held. 527 – Byzantine Emperor Justin I names his nephew Justinian I as co-ruler and successor to the throne. 1081 – Alexios I Komnenos overthrows the Byzantine emperor Nikephoros III Botaneiates,[4] and, after his troops spend three days extensively looting Constantinople, is formally crowned on April 4. 1572 – In the Eighty Years' War, the Watergeuzen capture Brielle from the Seventeen Provinces, gaining the first foothold on land for what would become the Dutch Republic. 1789 – In New York City, the United States House of Representatives achieves its first quorum and elects Frederick Muhlenberg of Pennsylvania as its first Speaker. 1833 – The Convention of 1833, a political gathering of settlers in Mexican Texas to help draft a series of petitions to the Mexican government, begins in San Felipe de Austin. 1865 – American Civil War: Union troops led by Philip Sheridan decisively defeat Confederate troops led by George Pickett, cutting the Army of Northern Virginia's last supply line. 1867 – Singapore becomes a British crown colony. 1873 – The White Star steamer SS Atlantic sinks off Nova Scotia, killing 547 in one of the worst marine disasters of the 19th century. 1900 – Prince George becomes absolute monarch of the Cretan State. 1908 – The Territorial Force (renamed Territorial Army in 1920) is formed as a volunteer reserve component of the British Army. 1918 – The Royal Air Force is created by the merger of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service. 1924 – Adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years imprisonment for his participation in the "Beer Hall Putsch" but spends only nine months in jail. 1924 – The Royal Canadian Air Force is formed. 1933 – The recently elected Nazis under Julius Streicher organize a one-day boycott of all Jewish-owned businesses in Germany, ushering in a series of anti-Semitic acts. 1935 – India's central banking institution, the Reserve Bank of India, is formed. 1937 – Aden becomes a British crown colony. 1937 – The Royal New Zealand Air Force is formed as an independent service. 1939 – Spanish Civil War: Generalísimo Francisco Franco of the Spanish State announces the end of the Spanish Civil War, when the last of the Republican forces surrender. 1941 – Fântâna Albă massacre: Between 200 and 2,000 Romanian civilians are killed by Soviet Border Troops. 1941 – A military coup in Iraq overthrows the regime of 'Abd al-Ilah and installs Rashid Ali al-Gaylani as Prime Minister. 1944 – World War II: Navigation errors lead to an accidental American bombing of the Swiss city of Schaffhausen. 1945 – World War II: The Tenth United States Army attacks the Thirty-Second Japanese Army on Okinawa. 1946 – The 8.6 Mw  Aleutian Islands earthquake shakes the Aleutian Islands with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VI (Strong). A destructive tsunami reaches the Hawaiian Islands resulting in dozens of deaths, mostly in Hilo, Hawaii. 1946 – The Malayan Union is established. Protests from locals led to the establishment of the Federation of Malaya two years later. 1947 – The only mutiny in the history of the Royal New Zealand Navy begins. 1948 – Cold War: Communist forces respond to the introduction of the Deutsche Mark by attempting to force the western powers to withdraw from Berlin. 1948 – Faroe Islands gain autonomy from Denmark. 1949 – Chinese Civil War: The Chinese Communist Party holds unsuccessful peace talks with the Nationalist Party in Beijing, after three years of fighting. 1949 – The Government of Canada repeals Japanese-Canadian internment after seven years. 1954 – United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorizes the creation of the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1955 – The EOKA rebellion against the British Empire begins in Cyprus, with the goal of unifying with Greece. 1960 – The TIROS-1 satellite transmits the first television picture from space. 1964 – The British Admiralty, War Office and Air Ministry are replaced by a unified Defence Council of the United Kingdom. 1969 – The Hawker Siddeley Harrier, the first operational fighter aircraft with Vertical/Short Takeoff and Landing capabilities, enters service with the Royal Air Force. 1970 – President Richard Nixon signs the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act into law. 1971 – Bangladesh Liberation War: The Pakistan Army massacre over 1,000 people in Keraniganj Upazila, Bangladesh. 1973 – Project Tiger, a tiger conservation project, is launched in the Jim Corbett National Park, India. 1974 – The Local Government Act 1972 of England and Wales comes into effect. 1976 – Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak found Apple Computer, Inc. 1979 – Iran becomes an Islamic republic by a 99% vote, officially overthrowing the Shah. 1984 – Singer Marvin Gaye is shot to death by his father in his home in Arlington Heights, Los Angeles, California. 1986 – Communist Party of Nepal (Mashal) cadres attack a number of police stations in Kathmandu, seeking to incite a popular rebellion. 1989 – Margaret Thatcher's new local government tax, the Community Charge (commonly known as the "poll tax"), is introduced in Scotland. 1997 – Comet Hale–Bopp is seen passing at perihelion. 1999 – Nunavut is established as a Canadian territory carved out of the eastern part of the Northwest Territories. 2001 – An EP-3E United States Navy surveillance aircraft collides with a Chinese People's Liberation Army Shenyang J-8 fighter jet. The Chinese pilot ejected but is subsequently lost. The Navy crew makes an emergency landing in Hainan, China and is detained. 2001 – Former President of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milošević surrenders to police special forces, to be tried on war crimes charges. 2001 – Same-sex marriage becomes legal in the Netherlands, the first contemporary country to allow it. 2004 – Google launches its Email service Gmail. 2006 – Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) of the Government of the United Kingdom is enforced, but later merged into National Crime Agency on 7 October 2013. 2011 – After protests against the burning of the Quran turn violent, a mob attacks a United Nations compound in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan, resulting in the deaths of thirteen people, including eight foreign workers. 2016 – The 2016 Nagorno-Karabakh conflict begins along the Nagorno-Karabakh Line of Contact.
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expertshelf2-blog · 4 years
Guide To Buying Property In Cyprus
Overview To Getting Property In Cyprus
#toc background: #f9f9f9;border: 1px solid #aaa;display: table;margin-bottom: 1em;padding: 1em;width: 350px; .toctitle font-weight: 700;text-align: center;
Search For Property In Cyprus
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Warm Features In Cyprus
Search For Property In Cyprus
However, particular groups of foreign buyers are qualified to bypass these rules as well as make a will to give the property as they wish. Purchasers must prepare a will certainly as quickly as property is bought in Cyprus.
Locate Apartments & Houses For Sale In Cyprus
Because of the distinction in incoming tourism to Cyprus in between summer to winter months, there is an absence of possibilities when it pertains to guide trip choices to practically any European nation except Greece and also UK. If you are a citizen in another member state of the European Union or the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, you are totally free to transfer to Cyprus. This consists of engaging in financial tasks such functioning and running business. Many resorts in Cyprus focus on travelers of specific nations yet not just; additionally Cyprus resorts most definitely offer far better top quality services than in Turkey or Egypt-- European solution. The members of the family of a European national have the right to work out an employment or self-employment task in the Republic of Cyprus.
Property In Cyprus
The land on which the property was developed wasn't possessed by the developer( despite the fact that it is just one of the largest in Cyprus). As a result I required a financing warranty which has cost me about  ₤ 80,000 in hidden prices, only completely found ten years after buying and when the Deeds ultimately became available for purchase. We bought with deposits in  ₤ CY two buildings in 2004 and also borrowed in CHF prior to euro but our attorney did not reveal to us that 'foreign nationals' were not permitted to purchase more than one property.
Property In Paphos
Can I retire to Cyprus?
Living in Paphos Paphos is chosen has been ranked as the best city to live in Cyprus for seven years in a row. It is a favorite destination for especially British immigrants and is home to the largest expat community.
It deposed the Cypriot head of state Archbishop Makarios III as well as set up Nikos Sampson. The goal of the stroke of genius was the union (enosis) of Cyprus with Greece, and the Hellenic Republic of Cyprus to be stated. 140,000-- 200,000 Greek Cypriots displaced from the north instead of 42,000-- 65,000 Turkish Cypriots southern.
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Property In Limassol
This permit needs to be evaluated after a duration of two years from the day of issue. EU People getting in the Republic of Cyprus to function and also that will certainly spend greater than three months on the island will need to sign up with the pertinent authorities in Cyprus. If needed, we will give you access to our network of designers and also realty representatives in Cyprus, in order to discover the property that finest suits your requirements. We might introduce you to Cypriot banks to open up a savings account and transfer the called for regular monthly earnings.
EOKA wanted to get rid of all barriers from their course to self-reliance, or union with Greece. The successful stroke had actually been purchased by the army Junta in Greece as well as staged by the Cypriot National Guard together with EOKA-B.
Property In Famagusta
Where is the best place to live in Cyprus?
The cost of living in Cyprus is fairly similar to other European countries. Nicosia is generally regarded to be the most expensive city on the island. The costs of accommodation, communications, education and healthcare are all fairly low and, for the most part, of good quality.
Completely concur with all the remarks of the continue problem that purchasers still face in a so call managed EU state which is a full shame. The complete property scenario in Cyprus is a mess with absolutely no conformity as no one is answerable. Way too many people earning money across the corrupt food chain so nothing in Cyprus will certainly alter for the best factors. Buying is simple in Cyprus, offering a property can take 5 years, and also price 5-10% of the value so evaluate the water initially. Whilst lots of deportees whine there are few who would certainly pack up sticks and also return to Blighty, I'm one that is for remaining.
There is even more excellent tax obligation news for Cyprus-- there is no inheritance or sequence tax obligation below.
Particular revenue, such as bank rate of interest and returns, is taxed in the form of 'support contributions'.
With a lot of rental properties, houses and also houses offer for sale, you can discover your desire holiday property in Cyprus on Rightmoveoverseas.co.uk due to the fact that Rightmoveoverseas.co.uk is the best place to discover the latest property in Cyprus.
Your properties can pass to your beneficiaries without them having to pay any type of regional tax.
With reasonably low earnings tax, limited funding gains tax and no inheritance tax, Cyprus can supply expatriates a valuable tax obligation environment for revenue, financial investments and UK pensions.
Stunning views, stunning beaches and old ruins - Cyprus is an island paradise in the Mediterranean Sea.
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What is living in Cyprus like?
Affordable living costs and good weather are just some of the reasons that make Cyprus a good place to retire. It is also a very safe country where English is widely spoken.
Warm Qualities In Cyprus
Is Cyprus good place to live?
You'll need a deposit of at least 30% and the loan is usually repayable over 15 years depending on your age. All mortgage applications will require a property valuation before the loan is approved. The higher your deposit, the better your rate will be but currently mortgage rates sit between 3% and 4%.
Foreign nationals who have gotten in Cyprus with the north (such as by means of Ercan flight terminal) are considered by the Federal government of the Republic of Cyprus to have gone into Cyprus with an unlawful port of entry. The Government of the Republic of Cyprus reserves the right to great EU (including Irish) people for prohibited entrance if they go across right into the south.
The major languages are Greek as well as Turkish (depending upon which fifty percent of Cyprus you're in), and also the minority languages include Armenian, Cypriot Arabic, and Kurbetcha. Any vegetables you eat must be cleaned in fresh water or peeled. Cypriots are passionate foodies, so they take cooking and produce-sourcing extremely seriously.
Is it easy to get job in Cyprus?
The people of Cyprus are nice and warm The people of Cyprus are known to be very friendly and accommodating to foreign nationals living on the island. Cypriots are very loyal and have a love for food, traditions and their cultural heritage. From my experience, Cypriots are well educated and often speak fluent English.
If captured, medication use as well as belongings can lead to massive fines or a prison sentence. It is much more stringent below than in the UK, so recreational drug-taking or bringing drugs into the nation is not encouraged at all. Whilst homosexuality is legal in the Republic of Cyprus and same sex civil collaborations were come on 2016, it's still not as widely accepted as various other parts of the world. Homosexuality was also decriminalised in Northern Cyprus in 2014, so you can check out the Turkish side without any difficulty. Nevertheless, with the modifications in legislation being so recent, discernment may be encouraged for the function of safety versus hate criminal activities.
On business tax, Cyprus has one of the lowest tax obligation rates in the European Union. Homeowner companies are taxed on their worldwide income at a company tax obligation price of 12.5%. If as an example you, an immigrant, walk on a Cypriot's foot in a grocery store, and also she or he claims something impolite, other Cypriots in the line up will birth down on him or her to defend you. The acquiring procedure can not be rushed, and also because of this, it is the most time-intensive of the general purchasing experience. Cyprus's territory known as Famagusta can bring in mixed reviews as a location for possible property purchase therefore its distance to the Turkish-controlled northern boundary.
How much is rent in Cyprus?
Jobs in Cyprus Finding work can be difficult for foreigners as you'll compete against locals for jobs. However there are log into Property in Cyprus of ways to boost your chances of employment. For example, while the main business language is English, the majority of employers demand some knowledge of Greek.
However, if you are moving to Cyprus to function it does put you in the vicinity of the prospering celebration town that is Ayia Napa (Agia Napa) and also property is very economical. Provided this new procedure and the savings of thousands of Euros as a result of the abolition of transfer charges, now is the most effective time to buy property in Cyprus. Send a letter from a Cypriot Bank validating they have deposited a quantity of minimum EUR30,000, to be transferred in the represent 3 successive years. Non-EU citizens who purchase property in Cyprus can take advantage of a new and also increased treatment for acquiring a Long-term House Authorization. The legal representatives I originally utilized didn't divulge a series of realities that would certainly have brought about me taking out of the purchase.
When getting property in Cyprus, a dependable legal representative who is skilled in the purchaser's language and also independent of the other celebrations included in the purchase is the most essential consideration. Simply put, property is a significant financial investment and also must not be carried out without engaging a specialized property legal representative.
I have a standard of living below that I could not wish to match in Britain. When purchasing property in Cyprus might be stayed clear of if the above risks are taken into consideration, most of the prospective troubles run into. Most importantly, it is critical to obtain independent lawful recommendations from a qualified lawyer. A good legal representative ought to guarantee that purchasers are shielded from all various other challenges on this checklist. The Cyprus Regulation regulates all unmovable property located in Cyprus, which includes an aspect of forced heirship.
The Greek Cypriot neighborhood sticks to the Autocephalous Greek Orthodox Church of Cyprus and also the Turkish Cypriot neighborhood complies with Islam. The spiritual groups of Armenians, Maronites and also Latins (regarding 9,000 people in overall) decided, in accordance with the 1960 constitution, to belong to the Greek Cypriot area. The overall population of Cyprus as of completion of 2006 is a little over 1 million, making up 789,300 in the area regulated by the federal government of the Republic of Cyprus and 294,406 in Northern Cyprus. The populace of Northern Cyprus includes some 150,000-- 160,000 Turkish immigrants who are considered as prohibited inhabitants by the Republic of Cyprus government and are not consisted of in the populace stats of the Republic of Cyprus Statistical Service. Road check in the Republic of Cyprus are generally composed in both Greek and also English.
We recommend you to get a European Medical insurance Card (EHIC) before you take a trip to Cyprus. This card replaces the E111 form and qualifies you to emergency medical treatment on the same terms as Cypriot nationals. The north part of the island is not under the reliable control of the Federal government of the Republic of Cyprus.
How much money do you need to retire in Cyprus?
Those who are renting long-term can expect to pay around 450 euros and up for the same type of apartment or house, and around 550 euros for a two bedroom place. This is the rate for Limassol. Renting a place in Paphos, Larnaca and Nicosia will cost you a lot less.
English speakers are very easy to locate in most locations, yet grab a couple of standard phrases to assist you along. Emergency situation expressions for finding a drug store or medical facility are essential, especially if you plan on venturing away from your primary hotel area.
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lowkeynando · 1 year
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involving the Turkish occupation of Northern Cyprus. As the island of Cyprus was heading towards independence from the United Kingdom the Greek (82%) and Turkish (18%) communities became embroiled in bitter inter-communal fighting, partly sponsored by the two
"motherlands". EOKA-B and the Turkish Resistance Organization (TMT) were responsible for many atrocities which resulted in cementing tensions and led to total isolation of the communities with Turkish Cypriots withdrawn into enclaves.
In 1974, the US-backed Greek junta - in power since 1967 - partly in a move to draw attention away from internal turmoil and partly unsatisfied with Makarios' policy in Cyprus, on 15 July attempted a coup to replace him with Nikos Sampson and declare union with Greece. Seven days later, Turkey launched an invasion of Cyprus allegedly to reinstate the constitution but which resulted in blooded conflict, partition of the island and mass ethnic cleansing. The overwhelming Turkish land, naval and air superiority against island's weak defenses led to the bringing of 37% of the land under Turkish control.
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elladastinkardiamou · 4 years
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Member of the National Federation of the Physically Handicapped (EOKA), Korina Theodorakaki, has strongly strongly criticized the Culture Ministry to create concrete paths for people with disabilities in the archaeological site of the Acropolis.
“We, as the National Federation of the Physically Handicapped, have been asking for a chain of accessibility to be created throughout the route from the pedestrian street of Dionysiou Areopagitou up to the site of the monument,” Theodorakaki posted on Facebook, after a general outrage over the cementification of the Acropolis.
Recalling a meeting the Federaiton had with the Secretary General at the Culture Ministry, she wrote that the Federation proposed wooden or glass or any modern material that would not be “ugly and inappropriate.”
She added that they submitted their proposals also in written form.
“Unfortunately, we were speaking to deaf ears,” she stressed.
“I am against the cement paving as I see it in the photos that are circulating. I think it does not fit in the area,” she noted.
Commenting on the Ministry thin justification that “cement paths already existed in the Acropolis for the last decades,” Theodoriaki said:
“the fact that the cement already existed does not mean anything. This is not an excuse. We will not fall off the cliff, because the previous ones fell.”
“In my opinion, the existing cement had to be removed and paths and corridors be made from other material,” Theodorakaki stressed among other things.
So far, the Greek Culture Ministry has ignored all criticism and it is “proudly” proceeding with the cement-disaster of the archaeological site.
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etherialrock · 4 years
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